Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Suicide of the West, No. 93.

Daily Mail: Fertility rate for white women plummets BELOW the limit needed to maintain the population in every single US state
Fertility rates for white women were down in every US state in 2017 - below the rate needed for the population to replace itself, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals.

However, among black and Hispanic women, fertility rates were up in 12 and 29 states, respectively.

When researchers looked at fertility rates for women of all age groups and races, they found that the nationwide rate was 16 percent lower than what is considered the level for a population to replace itself.

Experts say this is likely due to the fact that the large proportion of native-born women are having fewer children than before, while the much smaller proportion of immigrant-born women are having more children.

The story is the same for Europe but worse. Worse for the European race, that is. The Germans, the Italians, the Hungarians and sundry other Europeans fuck to hardly any productive effect, poor brainwashed, politically correct, self-genociding dupes. 

But, hey, we gotta have more girls' education, more girls in our front line fighting forces, more girl fire fighters, more girls running the big corporations and sitting on executive boards, more rights for queers, more transgenders, this last to be achieved, as necessary, by surgical and chemical means. The fact is, unless guys start having babies it's game over the Euros 'cos girls are just too busy doing the big jobs that white guys no longer have any right to hold.

And more children? Oh God no! Humans are a plague on the planet, at least white humans, you know, the privileged race. No, Whitey is slated for extermination. What do you think sex "ed." is all about other than to exterminate the white nations of the world. Meantime, no African nation is so stupid as to indulge in such self-destructive bollocks, they just go on multiplying, doubling their population every 30 years. 

Not for white genocide? But that's what the media you absorb every day have been telling you for years. You know, the trusted names, Time Magazine, the Economist (LOL), the BBCMacleans, the Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, the Gruniard.

And it's what the school your kid goes to, assuming you have a kid, teaches: whitey is a disease on the face of the planet and must be eliminated by mass immigration, racial mixing and lethal propaganda. Diversity is good, except the white part of it, obviously. For whitey metissage is an obligation.

Same for Western civilization: it's gotta go. Christianity is the root of all evil, together with every other manifestation of Western culture: Shakespeare to be removed from the Eng. Lit. curriculum, Kipling a despicable racist never to be mentioned in polite society, Jane Austin to be removed from public libraries.

Either the Western nations get rid of the Treason class: the Mays, the Merkels, the Microns, the Clintons, the Obamas, and Justin, Canada-is-not-a -nation, Trudeau, or they die.

Vive les gilets jaunes.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Genocide of the European Nations By Mass Immigration

Warning of the treasonous intent of European elites,  Brendan O'Neill writes:

It is becoming increasingly clear why immigration is so important to the EU elites: because they see the mass movement of people essentially as a weapon against national sovereignty. Their mass-migration project of recent years hasn’t been a humane endeavour to improve the lives of foreign peoples; it has been about further erasing borders, using migrant flows effectively as a tool to push the EU oligarchy’s post-nation agenda."

Um, yes, that's been obvious for years, as years ago we pointed out. If you destroy the fertility of a nation with a compulsory sex-ed program that teaches that the only sexual vice is reproduction, and then you bring in a lot of folks from elsewhere, you will inevitably destroy the sovereign democratic nation state. because you will have destroyed the people who made up the nation.

Until Trump, national genocide was the policy of just about every European-majority "nation," with the exception of Russia, which continues a desperate struggle to prevent a national population implosion.

Who is driving the destruction of the Western nations?

The Money Power, obviously, which is to say the global corporations that off-shored as many jobs as they could from the Western nations to the sweatshops and plantations of Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle-East, while at the same time promoting mass immigration to the West, thereby driving down wages and hence the cost of providing the goods and services that could not be off-shored.

The result?

A massive increase in wealth disparity between rich and poor throughout the West.

Who is fighting with such ruthless determination to destroy Trump?

The globalist money power, obviously: the people who reap the massive windfall profits that have been won by exporting vast chunks of Western economies to tyrannies such as those of China, Vietnam, while importing scab immigrant labor to destroy the living standards of the working people of the West.

Who allowed this genocidal crime?

The political puppets of the West, such as the trust-fund kid, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, who rules what he calls the World's first post-national state.

How is the war on the Western nations and against Trump being waged?

As all genocides are waged: with racist hate speech.

In London, England, now a non-English majority city (like Birmingham, Britain's second city) a Muslim mayor of Pakistani origin approves a public insult to the visiting US President in the form of a Trump-like blimp clad in a diaper flying from London's Parliament Square.

Meantime the Guardian, which with the BBC is Britain's leading advocate of white genocide, smears those opposed to national self-destruction as far-right-wing racist, extremists.

How is it that the Western governments have been taken over by self-hating destroyers of their own people, leaders such as the former Communist Angela Merkel, the former Trotskyite, Tony Blair, the advocate of French "metissage," President Sarkozy, or England's silliest Prime Minister, Theresa May, who as Home Secretary advocated for Shariah courts in Britain?

Simple. Bribery.

Note to J.K. Rowling and the others for a diversity enriched Europe
Elected officials do not rule the Western democracies. The Money Power, the global corporations, the megabanks, a handful of plutocrats rule through the politicians they fund and to whom they provide after-office rewards (multi-million-dollar royalty payments for crap books no sane person would buy, corporate directorship, whatever, really, the scumbag politicians want)*.

Such payoffs are made with absolute reliability, not because the plutocratic elite are trustworthy or honorable, but to reassure the puppets in power now that they will get theirs: provided that they follow the script.

That's the reason for the particular hatred of Trump. He's always had whatever he wanted, women, planes, palaces, and he's still got a billion or two in hand, so the globalists have no handle on him.

* It's the same method that big Pharma uses to payoff corrupt scientists who approve their dodgy drugs.

Patrick Buchanan: The Never Trumpers Are Never Coming Back
CanSpeccy: Europe's New Genocide
CanSpeccy: Are you a far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Death of the West

Steven Pinker's "(ir)Rationality" in Defence of the Official Narrative

Careerist Women Drive the Suicide of the British Nation

Cucks and Interlopers for the Cultural and Racial Genocide of Europe

The Truth a Treasonous Elite Will Not Allow to be Stated

Stupid Lies About White Genocide from Paul Craig Roberts Brought to You by Ron Unz

Race: Why Liberal Globalists and Communist Revolutionaries Agree There Is No Such Thing

Goddam Hungarians: Why Won't they Commit Suicide By Mass Immigration Like Other Europeans?

Are you a far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide?

Conformity Bias, Media Cucks and Self-Hating White People

National Conservatism: Against Genocidal Globalism

The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

Genocide of the European Nations By Mass Immigration

Why Western Elites Are Destroying Their Own 

People By Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism

Why white people go to the gas chambers in a quiet and orderly fashion

If You Really Loved Humanity You'd Off Yourself As the Swedes Have Done

The Anglo-American Project for Global Empire Has Failed: Time to Restore National Borders and Send Home the Immigrants That Have Flooded Europe

Anti-Racism: The Nation-Destroying Poison of Self-Hating Cucks, Traitors, and Settler Immigrants

Jews, Traitors and the Self-Destruction of the European Nations

Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Anglo-American Project for Global Empire Has Failed: Time to Restore National Borders and Send Home the Immigrants That Have Flooded Europe

To enjoy a system of global governance under which they manufacture where labor is cheapest, and where workplace health and safety standards are lowest, sell where wages are highest, take profits where taxes are minimal to non-existent, and use labor migration to drive wages in the West to the sweatshop level of the Rest, the Money Power, comprising the global banking, manufacturing and trading corporations and their paid political stooges, have engaged in a deliberate program to destroy what for the last several hundred years have been the most powerful nation states; namely the nation states of Europe and their colonial extensions in North America and elsewhere.

The objective of this criminal conspiracy against the European peoples has been to transform Europe into a polyethnic multicultural mess where each minority, white, black, brown or yellow, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Hindu or Jew will find protection of its rights not from a democratically elected national government, but from the global authorities under the thumb of the Money Power.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Did Thereason May's Tory Government Try to Swing the US Election for the Sake of the New World Order?

George H. W. Bush announced the birth a "New World Order" following the 1991 fall of the Soviety Union, but the plan for an Anglo dominated New World order goes back to a time 100 years earlier, when the British empire builder, gold- and diamond-miner and one-time South African premier, Cecil Rhodes, conspired with Lord Rothschild to create a secret society that would use Rhodes' great wealth to promote global governance in accordance with the British legal and cultural tradition, while securing global domination for London-based capital.

By the end of World War 1, however, it was clear that Britain was in no position to pursue Rhodes' globalist project single-handedly, so it was handed off to the Americans through the creation of the New-York-based Council on Foreign Relations, the world's most influential think tank, to which most 20th Century American presidents have belonged, John F. Kennedy being a notable exception.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Why US Oligarchs and the Democratic Party Are Attempting a Coup d'Etat Against Trump

The following was written in December 2016, immediately after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, when it seemed possible to believe that Trump ("wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with the Russians")represented an alternative to the globalist scheme for world empire. Events have proved that on the contrary, Trump is simply a more militaristic replacement for the former frontmen for world empire, the Rapist-in-Chief, the Bush, the Shrubs and the wannabe Hillary. or as H.L. Mencken said of FDR, Trump, is simply "a fraud from snout to tail." That, however, does not invalidate the thrust of the following commentary, which deals with the plan for the take-down and dismemberment of Russia as a preliminary to a shoot-out with China.

In 1971, when the Soviet Union was at the height of its power, the fear in the West was of Soviet tanks rolling Westward to the Atlantic, leaving the United States with the choice of resolving the issue either by means of an all out nuclear war, or accepting Russian global hegemony.

To counter the threat, the US gave diplomatic recognition to Red China, the implication being: if Russia moved West, China, with US support, would move West also, to regain vast swaths of territory and the underlying energy and mineral resources lost to Russia under the, so-called, unequal treaties of the 19th Century.

Today Russia is weak, but China is strong and rapidly growing stronger. To the plutocratic class, both in America and China, Russia's weakness creates a golden opportunity: an opportunity to strip Putin's circle of crony capitalists of the vast resource wealth of Russia. Or as Canadian wannabe oligarch, Conrad Black wrote in the National Post:

Thursday, September 22, 2016

How the West destroys its own

Gin Lane, London by William Hogarth.

Originally posted March 12, 2012: Great cities have always consumed population. In times past, infectious diseases spread by rats and polluted water, respiratory diseases due to air pollution, and the absence of space to grow food to avert starvation during times of unemployment, all reduced the life expectancy and fertility of urban populations relative to that of country dwellers.

Today, cities are healthier places to live, but they still impose a severe restraint on human reproductive success due to the high cost of urban living, particularly the costs of housing and transportation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What Will Happen to People When Robots Take Their Jobs?

Fred Reed has an excellent article at, which sets out with unflinching realism how nearly everyone will be made permanently redundant by the processes of automation, computerization, and robotization.

By implication, the article makes clear why the New York Times employs Paul Krugman: to ensure that no one understands how rapidly we are approaching economic Armageddon.

But Fred makes the mistake, which no good journalist should, of answering the question he raises; namely, how’s it all gonna end?

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Truth a Treasonous Elite Will Not Allow to be Stated

Here is what the Irish Savant correctly describes as "a brilliant exposition of the West’s predicament that appears as a comment by reader Dan O’Connor in The Spectator. Or at least it did. It’s since been consigned to the ether."
If you occupied what was considered the ideological / moral centre ground in 1965, and went to sleep for 50 years and woke up in 2015 you’d find yourself occupying the ideological /moral ‘far right’. You didn’t have to budge one inch ideologically to find yourself there. The whizzing sound you heard was the ideological / cultural centre ground zooming over to the Cultural Marxist hard left.

Everything that was considered mainstream, obvious, common sense, logical and moral in 1965 is now considered by our political, academic and media elite to be bigoted, ignorant, hateful, xenophobic, racist, extremist and some form of moral abnormality.

In other words, within the space of 50 years, morality, right, wrong, evil, good, normal, obvious, extreme, sanity, truth, beneficial, dangerous and the instinct for group preservation, has been inverted and stood upside down on its head.

Never before in the entire course of human history has an entire culture, race and civilisation decided to hand over its lands, social capital, heritage and identities to competing and intruding alien cultures without a fight, and even worse, to evolve an ideology that morally justifies and glorifies it as proof of their moral supremacy.

European man is in a civilisational death dance.’
I pasted Dan O'Connors comment as a comment on Craig Murray's very liberal blog where, somewhat to my surprise, it was not only not deleted, but evoked several entirely civil responses, among them, a question from Herbie:
Doesn’t say anything about how all this came to be or why.

I mean, is it a purposeful thing or just like natural entropy that just happens kinda thing...?
The answer to which, I believe, is this:

The liberals would like you to believe that it is the result of a gradual process of public enlightenment. But given that the process ends in death of the West and the occupation of Europe by adherents of a mediaeval theocracy, it looks like either: (1) proof that liberalism is a contagious mental disease, which if allowed to spread unimpeded will destroy any civilization it infects, or (2) that the spread of liberal ideas and the destruction of the Western nations is a calculated policy of national genocide imposed by Western elites.

Here's how the corporate interest humiliates Europeans who opposed to their
 own genocide. It's how Hitler demoralized the Jews.  It works with anyone. 
Heap enough contempt upon them, and most people begin to hate themselves. 
Then they will docilely enter the cattle cars or invite the alien in to rape their

The caption, roughly translated: Those who oppose their own genocide are Nazi shit.

It is the voice of Mutti Merkel calling for the extinction of her own people. Her
father was a traitor who defected to Commie East Germany. Like father like daughter.
But if the latter assumption is correct, what is the underlying reason for such a policy?

The answer is the drive to globalize. The Money Power has always wanted total freedom to move:
  • goods to where prices are highest;
  • labor where supply is tightest;
  • production facilities where wages, working conditions and environmental regulation are lowest;
  • capital where it can be invested most profitably; and
  • profits where taxes are the lowest or non-existent.
All of these objectives are foiled by a genuinely democratic sovereign nation state that makes serving the interests of its own citizens its prime function.

Hence the need of the Money Power to destroy the nation state, the process to begin with the most powerful states. Hence the psychological warfare to undermine the self-confidence and morality of the people of the West by the substitution of political correctness for Christianity.

The results are now in evidence. The European people are being genocided by their own governments, their fertility deliberately repressed by state funded abortion, no-fault divorce, and above-all, kindergarten through university sex "education" (i.e., inculcaton of the belief that the only sexual vice is reproduction).

Europeans are to be replaced by people without troublesome ideas about the rights of man, free speech, the rule of law and all such obstructive crap. In future, the inhabitants of Europe will exist to serve the corporate interest or they will cease to exist altogether.


Muhammad Ali Explaining the True Love of Racial Diversity to a Long-haired BBC Twit:

Political correctness is the biggest issue facing America today

BBC Employment Opportunity: Whites People Need Not Apply

Seeds of Disorder: High School Courses Now Dedicated to Teaching American Guilt

'Rent-a-mob' zealot caught red-handed at Trump riot

UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

Yale Students Object to Eng. Lit Course — Too English
Indicates the irrelevance of university. Students are already in full, self-hating, anti-white brainwashed mode before the arrive at the Ivy Leagues.

Monday, May 2, 2016

A Glasgow Primary School Without a Single Scottish Pupil: Proof That Mass Immigration Means Genocide

Daily Mail: May 2, 2016: A Glasgow primary with 222 pupils has no native Scots in the school, it was revealed today.

Annette Street School is pleading for cash to help teach its Roma, Eastern European and Asian children, who don't speak English as a first language. Overall, 181 of the school's 222 pupils are from Romania or Slovakia.

Read More

Image Source
Meantime, in Open Entry America, Mexican kids show their respect for the host nation with obscene shouts and gestures

And in Germany, the Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens.


Irish Savant: Luvvies fight for the spoils

'Multicultural society' is an oxymoron. If it's a society it cannot be multicultural and vice versa. Because under multiculturalism each race/culture (excluding of course Whites of Christian stock) fights for its own, having little or no concern for the welfare of broader 'society'. Take the current contest for Mayor of London. It's between a Muslim and a Jew, who growl and snarl at one another as they feast on the mangy carcass of what had once been the world's greatest city and the embodiment of the British people. A people who can now but look on helplessly as the spoils of office wait to be dished out by one of the tribalists representing two very different forms of parasite - the brown/black welfare parasites (Sadiq Khan) and the financial parasites of the City (Zac Goldsmith). Read more

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hungary's Orban: The EU, In the Service of the Globalist Money Power, Abets the Genocide of the European Nations Through Mass Immigration of Settlers Intent on Transforming Europe In Accordance With Their Own Religion amd Culture

Perhaps other members of Europe's ruling elite will see opposing treason as a route to self-advancement. However, most, we suspect, will continue to serve the genocidal Money Power, which has, well, the money and which makes treason eminently well rewarded. (cf. Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, etc.). More likely, therefore, we will see the untimely end of both ingrates such as Orban, and traitors to the plutocracy such as Trump.

Still, one should not despair.

Demoralization is the goal. A demoralized people is easily destroyed. In fact, given time, a demoralized people will simply die out, like the people of Tasmania and many others that suffered the deadly impact of Western "civilization." Now it is the turn of the West itself to die, and the die-off is proceeding apace. No Western country has a reproduction rate close to the replacement rate. Western nations are being replaced by an unregulated flood of Third-World immigrants — people of a different race and with totally different cultural and religious traditions to the indigenous populations.

Middle-aged white Americans are dying of despair, while scum-bag NeoCons at National Review heap contempt upon those thus destroyed, and the genocidal world governance crowd deploy a vicious regime of political correctness, backed by fascistic mobs such as Black Lives Matter to destroy their opponents.

Problem is, Americans, no more than Brits., the French, the Germans, the Hungarians, are ready to die. The votes are on the side of Orban in Hungary, of the Boris Johnson for Brexit in the UK, and for Trump in the US.

So die, NeoCon Scum, die. Meantime, Vive la Russie, a regime that is putting in place:
a "conservative revolution." By encouraging birth, patriotism, defense of religious tradition, historic tradition, the pride of independence, the efforts to equip itself with a modern army...The danger for the western socio-liberal alignments is that these principles that they denounce as populist might just take hold in Europe. (Source).

CanSpeccy: The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

CanSpeccy: Universal Genocide and the New World Order

CanSpeccy: European Genocide: Explained by a Diagram

CanSpeccy: The Facist New World Order

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Liberal Humbug On Human Racial Differentiation

Previously, I explained the liberal position on the question of race, thus:
First nation Canadian. Image source 
Liberals and other agents of the New World Order, like hard-line Communists, are revolutionaries who seek to establish a system of global governance. The difference between the two is that the globalization aimed at by liberals will subordinate all humanity to the moneyed elite, the bankers, the billionaires and the chiefs of the giant corporations, whereas Communist revolution aims to serve the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, which is to say the Nomenclatura* for whom tyranny means thousands of comfy bureaucratic jobs with lots of power and privilege.

Innuit girl and pup. Image source.
To both classes of revolutionary, the great obstacle to their dream is the nation state that declares the right of the people in any geographic area with the means to defend themselves to rule themselves as they see fit, which means maintaining control of the borders to prevent occupation of the territory by invaders or an uncontrolled flow of immigrants, and the preservation of the religious and cultural tradition of the people.

To the revolutionaries, there is a simple solution to the problem of the nation state and the desire of the vast majority of the people of the world to live among their own kind in accordance with their traditional manners, morals and forms of governance. It is to insist that there is no such thing as the nation, that all humanity is one race, and that it is simply bunk to claim that the English, say, have a privileged status in England,
Chinese. Image source
or that the Amerindians of Canada have legal and moral rights to control over their traditional lands and the freedom to live on those lands according to their own beliefs and traditions.
Since the racial differentiation of humanity is obvious for all to see, and its denial is as idiotic as the denial of the naked emperor's nakedness by the sycophantic courtiers, the issue of race is a cause of embarrassment to every liberal. This is evident over at the Unz Review where the Saker tells us:
I don’t even believe that the concept of “race” has been properly defined and, hence, that it has any objective meaning. I therefore don’t differentiate between human beings on the basis of an undefined criterion.
Mbuti forest dwellers of the Congo. Image source
Suuuure. And the Saker cannot tell the difference between a Chinese and a Australian aboriginal, or between an Eskimo and a Sephardic Jew, or between a San bushman and a pigmy.

But then Steve Sailer, who also appears over at the Unz Review, opened a recent post thus:
One of the weirder contradictions of contemporary dogma is the belief that race does not exist combined with the government’s obsession with counting everybody by self-identified race. If race doesn’t exist, you’d think that, say, the Obama Administration would be under a lot of pressure from its supporters to dump the racial/ethnic classification system. Strangely enough, it never seems to occur to all the True Believers to ask their friends running the federal government to change the system.
San boy and girl. Image source
The reason for the weirdness Sailer does not explicitly address, although his article provides conclusive government-supplied genetic evidence, if that were needed, to confirm the reality of human racial diversity.

What is obvious, however, is that the US Government uses information on the racial composition of the population in ways that serve to destroy the dominant position of the European population of America. This it does by means of affirmative action, forced integration, political correctness, Roe versus Wade, immigration law enforcement, or rather non-enforcement, criminalization of acts of conscence in accordance with Christian belief, white shaming, black history, and other measures to disadvantage certain races, particularly the Europeans, relative to others. 

Thus, we have the answer to the conundrum Sailer raised. The US and its European subordinate states need information on the racial diversity of their populations in order to destroy it. The goal is full racial mongrelization. Or as former French President and future Presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy has already instructed the fast dying European population of France. "Métissage: it is an obligation," 

Indigenous Australian. Image source
So that's why liberals continue to deny the reality of race, for otherwise, as I stated in an apparently censored comment on Sailer's Unz Review post:
... mass immigration of philoprogenitive non-Europeans to European countries with indigenous populations with a far-below replacement fertility would have to be acknowledged for what it is: genocide.

And there is nothing surprising about liberals denying the reality of race while decrying those who oppose the genocide of the European peoples as racist, since nonsensical hate speech is the basic coin of liberal debate.

English. Image source
Europeans who oppose the destruction of their own race and culture need to realize that today’s liberal is either a self-hating European or a settler immigrant. In either case, they are, morally, the Nazis of the present era.
* The Nomenclatura of the Soviet Union was a class of bureaucrats that could be hired or fired only at the will of Communist Party. Positions held by members of the Nomenclatura were thus political appointments requiring not competence or integrity, but only grovelling subservience to the political elite. The Nomenclatura is thus an appropriate label for the top tier of Western bureaucrats such as university presidents (e.g., Michael Arthur, Provost of University College London), school principals, healthcare system managers, etc.


Pope angered Merkel by calling Europe ‘barren’

Thursday, February 11, 2016

European Genocide: The Final Phase

The Iris Savant wonders whether the flood of millions of Middle-Eastern and Asian Muslim refugees now pouring into Europe has not been instigated as a pretext for a radical reorganization of the European Union, involving creation of a unified military command and a European treasury to dictate a continent-wide monetary and fiscal policy.

This could well be true, but the refugee invasion serves not only to provide a pretext for radical political reorganization in Europe, but also to undermine the indigenous populations as the dominant groups within the Union, thereby creating a voting majority against a return to a Europe of nation states. Already the EU-wide immigrant population outnumbers the indigenous population of any single European nation, thereby giving a democratic edge to those of alien origin, race and religion.

Furthermore, a rapid upsurge in immigration seems a necessity if the program for the destruction of the European people's is to be assured of success. Already Britain verges on departure from the EU, an impetus driven by opposition to the EU's open borders policy. Evidently Europe's oppressed, indigenous lumpen proletariat is beginning to geddit.  They may not know the exact meaning of the word genocide, but they know they've being targeted for oppression and ultimate elimination.

So with the natives restless, what to do?

No prob. Bomb the shit out of whoever, to use the language of America's leading candidate to succeed President O'Bomber, and bring in the Muslim refugees. Then all that needs be done is plug the alien invaders into the welfare state and just watch as they multiply like maggots on a festering corpse.

Game over.

Democracy triumphs over whatever the "racist", "xenophobic," "far-right-wing extremist," Guardian-despised rump "nativist" population may think, say, or do.

The European peoples are soon be the oppressed minority, while Parliaments come to be dominated by representatives of the new European Islamic State. Perhaps those disaffected Brits, Krauts and Frogs who dislike this prospect should join forces with America's Red Indians and Australia's aborigines: a confederation of moribund, and a memorial to lost human diversity.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

Latvians had it pretty bad during the 20th Century, ruled first by the Tsar, then the Commies, followed by the Nazis. And now they're ruled by multiculti Merkel of the EU, which means it's going to be even worse for them in the present century.

Actually, the 21st Century will mark the end of Latvia, once and for all.

Under the EU policy of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration, reproductively dysfunctional Latvians, with a fertility rate of 1.44 (replacement rate = 2.1),  will be eliminated by philoprogenitive Muslims. The ancient nation state of Latvia will then be incorporated into a European Caliphate.

Mass immigration means genocide of the European peoples and Islamization of the Continent.

Islam is not some tolerant religion compatible with Christian Science, Quakerism and the Church of England: it's a head-chopping, hand-chopping, foot-chopping, system of rule by brutal oppression that kills homosexuals by bulldozing stone walls over them or hanging them from construction cranes, stones adulterers, flogs mercilessly, hideously and sometimes to death those who deviate minutely from the rule of the Mullahs, destroys Buddist and pre-Islamic temples and shrines, mutilates the genitals of girls, tolerates slavery, rape and prostitution, and sanctions polygamy.

And Islam is not, as stupid liberals and self-hating white people contend, a religion of peace and love. It is a brutal, ignorant, totalitarian, mediaeval theocracy, and it seeks through mass migration to settle Europe and swamp the European people out of existence.

Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said::
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said:
Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority.
Image source
Meantime, the Christian turned Commie, Frau Merkel has just invited another million and a half Muslims to Germany.

See who these newcomers are?Take a close look at that picture. At the front a couple with two small kids — and behind: a stream of young strong men. Men who might have stayed home to fight for the independence of their country against the liver-eating cannibals of the Islamic State, but decided that making an Islamic settler state out of Germany was a better bet.

As Donald Trump has said:
We are ruled by really, really stupid people.
And here's the voice of the settler Islamic state in Britain, from non-other than Blair-appointed former UK "Justice" Minister, Shalid Malik:

In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP
In 2001 we had two Muslim MPs
In 2005 we had four Muslim MPs
In 2009/10 we'll have 8 Muslim MPs
In 2014 we'll have 14 Muslim MPs

At this rate the whole Parliament will be Muslim. ....

And I'm confident ... that in the next 30 years we'll see a Prime Minister who happens to share my faith.

Our future in this country is very bright.
Conversely, the future of the British people in "this country," which is to say the land of Shakespeare, Milton, Newton and Darwin — the one and only homeland the British people have, is not bright at all because Islam is a culture of conquest and control as the Brits, under the current treasonous leadership, are beginning to discover.

* The good news for Brits is that Shahid Malik was booted from Parliament in the 2010 general election. In 2006, Mr. Malik claimed £185,421 in parliamentary expenses, the highest amount claimed by any MP.



Renegade Tribune: Estonians protest EU-sponsored invasion

RT: LOL, Migrants sue Berlin’s main refugee center for delays to welfare handouts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

IQism, Racism and the Decay of the Great American University

To many psychologists, genius is simply a number that falls a certain number of standard deviations to the right of the mean on a bell curve. One of the longest running experiments on intelligence, however, suggests that true giftedness may depend as much on other factors like creativity and motivation. Since 1921, psychologists have studied a group of approximately 1500 children with an average IQ score of about 150 that were originally selected by Lewis Terman. The members of this group, known as the Termites, all grew up to be highly successful and productive, but not one of them achieved genius-level contributions. Genius seems to elude the best efforts of psychologists to capture its essence in a standardized test.
A Case Study of Genius, Ryan McPherson
The joy of racism is the sense it provides of innate superiority and, like being born into the aristocracy or inheriting a fortune, it provides an elevated status requiring no effort to maintain.

But being white no longer provides that advantage. If you're black or Jewish, OK, enjoy the psychic benefits of racism if you wish, but today white is rubbish and targeted for elimination as the dominant group within a generation, not only in America as proclaimed to applause by US President Bill Clinton during his 1998 commencement address at Portland State University, but across Europe.

So what is the alternative for those of idle disposition in need of a prop to their self-esteem? The answer, today, is IQism. By definition, half of us can beat an average score, and with a bit of test sophistication almost anyone can be above average. And if test preparation is not enough, a spoonful of glutamate before the test may give you an extra five to 25 points.

The American school system has done much to promote IQism. If SAT scores are all that really matters, a teacher's life is greatly simplified: preparing a class of restive adolescents for an IQ test is easier than inspiring them to high attainment in Greek or analytical algebra. What's more, the tests are scored by machine, which sure beats reading a stack of hand-written essays.

With the rise of IQism in America, top universities now select applicants for admission chiefly not on what they know, or on how effectively they apply what they know, but on a machine-scored test of facility in certain mental operations that measures neither judgment, nor passion, nor imagination.

But who cares if students, all of them fully adult, entering America's elite institutions of higher learning know virtually nothing: they're all really, really bright. No wonder so many students at Harvard cheat. Why bother with the books? If you're too poor to follow Ted Kennedy's example and pay someone else to sit the exam, by all means cheat in any other way you can. As a person of high IQ, your superiority is assured: the sweat of hard work, intellectual or otherwise, is for the lower grades of mankind.

Bizarrely, the SAT test was promoted by James Bryant Conant, president of Harvard University, to reduce the number of rich kids privileged by attendance at expensive private prep schools from being privileged by attendance at Harvard, an expensive private school. But as Charles Murray relates here the SAT test fails to predict academic performance of university entrants from poor schools any better than traditional subject-based entrance tests and thus is an expensive waste of time.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Population: Explosion and Implosion

Trikipedia says the World is overpopulated. They quote Steve Jones, head of the biology department at University College London, as saying, "Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be".

Let's see, ten billion divided by ten thousand, that's one million. A total world population one quarter that of Elizabethan England. LOL. See what passes for scholarship nowadays -- pure genocidal propaganda.

Actually, nearly everything said about population seems to be propaganda. Yet the real issues are simple enough. Thomas Malthus got it right: population increases until limited by food supply, unless people limit their fertility by indulgence in "vice."

The green revolution vastly increased the World's food supply, hence a doubling in Africa's population in the last 40 years with massive increases elsewhere too.

Meantime, the West embarked on the wholesale indulgence in "vice", thus driving the fertility rate of the European nations well below the replacement rate.

So in fact there are several big stories concerning population. One is the population explosion in Africa and the Islamic World. Another is the collapse in the population of the European peoples (preceded by aging of the population and a collapse in the fertile proportion of the population) and their replacement by immigrants of mainly reproductive age and high fertility.

Most Europeans are too brainwashed to see that their anxiety about the population explosion drives their own extinction, an anxiety deliberately fostered by the political lackeys and dupes of a plutocratic elite that seeks the annihilation of the most powerful nation states through a program of genocide against the indigenous people of those nations.

But the mainstream political parties and the corporate media outlets respond to this analysis with charges of racism, and xenophobia, while state-funded organs of political correctness deploy anti-free speech laws to muzzle critics of genocidal population policies.

None of which alters the fact that the nations of Western Europe are being inundated by people of non-European extraction and of alien culture, who are in many cases possessed of an aggressive settler mentality.

Many London boroughs now have a majority ethnic population, my father's home town, the City of Leicester is majority ethnic, in Birmingham, England's second city, English Children in primary school are not even the largest minority. Overall, 25 percent of births in Britain are to foreign-born mothers, and many more to foreign-born fathers of English mothers and grand-daughters of foreign born fathers or mothers. Thus the English will be an ethnic minority in their own home within a generation.

The idea that there are just too many people on earth is a value judgement not a matter of scientific fact. The carrying capacity of the globe has been estimated at about 1 person to every 27 square meters. My own calculation, based on the solar energy available for crop production and industrial and domestic use, suggests 80 square meters is more reasonable, i.e., a global population of one trillion -- but I'm not advocating it.

So we are nowhere near a physical population limit. But rapid population growth inevitably means a declining quality of life for everyone. Doubling the population every thirty or forty years means doubling the infrastructure every thirty or forty years or experiencing a decline in quality of life. Yet it can take generations to create great institutions. And there's no means to double the number of Yellowstone or Serengeti national parks. Or recover millions of acres of green belt built over to accommodate a population explosion fueled entirely by mass immigration.

And you cannot turn out extra copies of Oxford University or Trinity College Cambridge at will. Nor can you simply enlarge the institutions you've got without changing them and quite likely destroying their effectiveness in the process, as has happened to most Western Universities that, in recent decades, have become giant bureaucracies repugnant to any free-thinking scholar.

The Western World should leave the Third World to care for itself. At present Africans and Muslims vehemently oppose adoption of the Western way of "vice." That is their choice. Let them deal with the consequences. In the meantime, the nations of a dying Christendom should pay head to their tradition, for the wages of sin are death.


CanSpeccy: The New European Genocide

Aangirfan: The Population Problem

Monday, December 12, 2011

Emma West, an Angry Woman With Much to be Angry About

By CanSpeccy
Emma West. Image source

Who is Emma West, asks "This Is My England" in a blog post about "the viral YouTube hit of ten days ago ...of a woman on a south London tram unleashing a foul-mouthed tirade directed at immigrants and ethnic minorities, thereby upsetting a number of her fellow passengers."

The 34-year-old woman, Emma West of the London Borough of Croydon, is now in jail having been charged with a racially aggravated public order offense. The mother of two young children has been remanded in custody until January 3rd. Bail was denied, by Magistrate Ian McNeal for West's own protection (It's the only way the British state can protect its own citizens, apparently. Bang 'em up in gaol with a bunch of thieves and drug pedlars). West has received numerous death threats and her address has been circulated on Facebook and Twitter.

Commenting on the case, "This Is My England" remarks:
A five-country European survey run by the Guardian in March suggests that further immigration to the UK is not broadly welcomed. Just 31% of the Britons polled agreed with the statement "I approve of people moving from one EU country to another so they can work and live." In the case of moving to the EU from the wider world, just 20% of UK respondents agreed with the corresponding statement.
But, says "This Is My England"
...even those who express similar views to Ms. West's in a more restrained manner are directing their fears and anger at the wrong targets.

...Recent immigrants to this country are here because it has suited the business community to import cheap, willing labour. Should the immigrants face opprobrium for answering that call?
In that, I would say, This Is My England is only half right and largely missing the point.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Are you a far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide of your own race and nation?

"The far right is on the rise across Europe as a new generation of young, web-based supporters embrace hardline nationalist and anti-immigrant groups."

So says the Guardian in an article headed by a photograph of the psychopathic mass murderer Anders Breivic. In support of its contention the Guardian cites:
Research by the British thinktank Demos for the first time examines attitudes among supporters of the far right online. ... they persuaded more than 10,000 followers of 14 parties and street organisations in 11 countries to fill in detailed questionnaires. ... [the survey] reveals a continent-wide spread of hardline nationalist sentiment among the young, mainly men.
See how the Guardian employs intellectual sleight of hand to link the beliefs of a broad section of the population, namely "the young, mainly men," about which the Guardian author offers no information at all, with attitudes expressed only by members of unspecified "parties and street organisations."

As the "parties and street organizations" are unidentified, we really have no idea who the Guardian is talking about.

Are they goose-stepping neo-Nazi groups, skinheads, BNP guys with raised fists, blokes wearing swastika armbands or with "fuck-off" tattooed on their foreheads, with whom the Guardian wishes us to identify all young European males? Or are they just ordinary young people, the sort of folks who might vote for the UK Independence Party?

And what, exactly was this "hardline nationalist sentiment" that was expressed by members of unspecified organizations in unspecified countries?

Well, for one thing, the Guardian tells us, they are "Deeply cynical about their own governments and the EU."

Wow, how dreadful. They're probably climate warming skeptics, which as everyone who reads the Guardian knows means they are actually climate denialists, aka holocaust deniers and rabid genocidal anti-Semites. Yeah, we definitely don't want to believe anything they do.

And then there's:
their generalised fear about the future [which] is focused on cultural identity, with immigration – particularly a perceived spread of Islamic influence – a concern.
Sheesh. What dreadful people. And "fearful of the future." How irrational. We only face WWIII, enslavement by a plutocratic elite that owns all the politicians that count and plans to cull the World population down to 5% of the current number.

As for folks who care about their cultural identity -- "hardline nationalism" in Guardian-speak, obviously they must be a bunch of racially motivated cultural supremacists. I mean, why else would they object to a Muslim politician in Britain, a member of the last government, in fact, calling for the takeover of Parliament by Muslims?

Can you think of anything worse than seeking to preserve your own culture?

If you're a Guardian reader, evidently not.

Then the knock-out punch:
We're at a crossroads in European history
the Guardian quotes Emine Bozkurt, a Dutch MEP
In five years' time we will either see an increase in the forces of hatred and division in society, including ultra-nationalism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and antisemitism, or we will be able to fight this horrific tendency.
Here we have a central tenet of the Guardian, lib-left, political-correctness-police mentality. If you are not for the destruction of your own race, culture and religious tradition, you're an ultra-nationalist, xenophobe, (xenophobia is illegal in Europe, by the way) Islamophobe and anti-Semite. (But on what evidence is the assertion of anti-Semitism based? None, actually.)

Oh, but here's another zinger in case your struggling to rise from the canvas after that below-the-belt charge of anti-Semitism:
The report comes just over three months after Anders Breivik, a supporter of hard right groups, shot dead 69 people at youth camp near Oslo.
There you are: condemned through association by contemporaneity. (But at least you're clear of the anti-Semitism charge: Breivic is a Zionist.)

Or are we to suppose that most Europeans, over two-thirds of the population, that is, are Zionist nutters and psychopathic killers like Anders Breivik just because they happen to share Breivik's opposition to mass immigration?

Then, taking another shot at linking opposition to the genocide of the European peoples with anti-Semitism -- in case you were'nt suckered by the first shot -- the Guardian quotes Thomas Klau from the European Council on Foreign Relations:
As antisemitism was a unifying factor for far-right parties in the 1910s, 20s and 30s, Islamophobia has become the unifying factor in the early decades of the 21st century.
So there: the Guardian has you labelled.

If you oppose genocide by mass immigration and top-down forced multi-culturalism, you must be an Islamophobe, which is just like being an anti-Semite, which means you're no better than a neo-Nazi, goose-stepping, moron, skinhead punk with multiple body piercings.
Put shortly, the Guardian is a purveyor of lying bollocks, which is to say, BBC-style state-inspired propaganda, which is not surprising since the Guardian is owned by the Scott Trust which is headed by Liz Forgan, a former Managing Director of BBC Radio.

Clever innit. The state now runs the "radical" press.

Or put another way, the Guardian equates democracy with racism, facism, Nazism, anti-Semitism and hatred of the religion of Islam about which most native Europeans know nothing and care nothing, other than that it not dictate the law of their country or result in the extinction of their own race and culture.

Again conflating democratic opposition to genocide by mass immigration with Islamophobia, the Guardian then states:
... parties touting anti-immigrant and Islamophobic ideas have spread beyond established strongholds in France, Italy and Austria to the traditionally liberal Netherlands and Scandinavia ...
Bloody lying fools.

There ARE too many immigrants in the UK', say seven in 10 Britons (Daily Mail headline August 10, 2011).

Nothing there about Islamophobia. The Brits just don't like being replaced by people from elsewhere as the majority have already been replaced in the City of Leicester, in many London Boroughs and in other large urban communities.

In Birmingham, Britain's second largest city, English children in primary school are not only outnumbered by children of immigrants, they are not even the largest single ethnic group.

That's genocide.

To be quite clear, here's Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term "genocide":
... often [genocide] refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The end may be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and social institutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their national feelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basis of personal security, liberty, health and dignity. When these means fail the machine gun can always be utilized as a last resort. Genocide is directed against a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is only secondary...
And the process of displacement will continue unabated even if immigration were to cease now, because the immigrants are more fertile than the aging British and other European populations.

Appreciative immigrants to the UK (Source)
What's more, Europe's immigrant communities are not free of those with a settler mentality. Some are in no doubt about the possibility of racial, political and religious conquest.

Allowing mass immigration to Europe amounts to a policy of genocide. And according to the Guardian, the liberal left, and the political-correctness-enforcement agencies, opposition to genocide by mass immigration is racism, haulocaust denial and extreme-far-right-wingism. Or as the picture with which the Guardian headed its article is intended to convey, if you are opposed to genocide of your own people, you are a psychopathic nutter like Anders Breivic.

But then the Guardian's seems always to have been soft on genocide, whether perpetrated by the ex-Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the new Union of European Socialist Republics.

During the 1930's, Malcolm Muggeridge, the Guardian's correspondent in Russia, submitted eye-witness reports from the Ukraine of state-imposed mass starvation, the Holodermor, which killed six to ten million white Christians, but  as Wikipedia relates, these articles were published only in an expurgated form, without identification of the author.