Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

So the Roof of Notre Dame Cathedral Burned: Who Cares?

I like cathedrals, and any other stone-built churches. To enter such a building off a busy city street is to experience a hush that can induce a truly blissful sense of calm. So, yes, if I lived in central Paris, I would be deeply saddened by the burning of this great church.

But otherwise, who cares?

The Maverick Philosopher asks pretty much the same question:
A Fox News commentator this morning opined that the world watched in horror [the burning of Notre Dame]. Really? The Islamic world? The leftist world?
So why should the world mourn the destruction of a church while remaining indifferent as the ruling elites systematically dismantles both the faith that that church was built to celebrate and the civilization constructed on the foundation of that faith?

Today, apparently, we are to view with horror the burning of an empty religious shell, while applauding the very rich familes that have come forward to repair the damage.
Better it would have been had those rich people offered their money to alleviate the hardships of the poor, or to repatriate the millions of aliens who the elites have invited in to replace the common people of France. Better both for the people of France and for the souls of those rich people*.

And to those who think that the burning of a Christian cathedral really matters, remember these words of the founder of it all:
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18: 20.
* That the chief donors, Bettencourt-Meyers and Arnault, are Jewish only confirms an absence of Christian faith and hence the unimportance of the church to the people of France.

Voice of Europe: 
Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France – and architects suggest a glass roof, steel spire and minaret
Gateway Pundit: 875 Catholic Churches in France Were Vandalized in 2018 by Radical Secularists and Muslims

Monday, February 11, 2019

Goddam Hungarians: Why Won't they Commit Suicide By Mass Immigration Like Other Europeans?


French fire-fighters join the yellow vests and foam the police:
LOL. The police played their part well. Standing to attention as they were buried in foam. Looks like it was staged and that, in their hearts, the police are with the YellowVests too.

10 Reasons The Gilets-Jeunes Are The Real Deal

A Quarter of French Believe ‘Elites’ Using Mass Migration to ‘Replace’ Native Europeans
Look out! The people are waking up. Quick: supply more porn, more crap TV, more rubbish entertainment of every kind, more sex "ed.", more junk food, more welfare, legalized drugs, whatever they want, free money even, anything at all to keep them moving quietly along the path toward the gas chambers, or racial extinction, anyhow, by a combination of suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration.

Friday, September 9, 2016

An Exclusive Interview With Jesus Christ

We all know what Jesus thought about major social issues of his own days on Earth, matters such as the stoning of adulteresses, the payment of taxes to Rome, how to respond when smitten on the cheek, and so forth. But there are many moral questions that we have to decide today on which Jesus's position is not immediately obvious.

Fortunately, Jesus, as everyone who has read the gospel accounts of his life knows, taught his followers to regard God as a personal god to whom they could speak as they would speak to a loving father. It was in this spirit, therefore, that we invited Jesus to join us on this blog for an exclusive interview via Skype*, a request that Jesus, now a member of the Holy Trinity, and thus the voice of God, very graciously agreed to.

Without further ado, then, here is our conversation.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The New Tyranny, Mind Control, Education and Islam

The Irish Savant reports on a longstanding project to dumb down the American masses by subverting public education.

The evidence is that for years now, education in America has increasingly focused not on instilling useful skills, a capacity for critical thought, or the love of knowledge, but on indoctrination in political correctness. Thus, reports the Savant:
Using techniques developed by Pavlov to program dogs America's children are getting the full globalist/NWO/One-World Government treatment. The kids learn how race and gender are mere social constructs, their brains absorb the wonders of diversity and the borderless world while traditional ideas on morality, art, religion and the family are systematically undermined and belittled. And sorry, it's not just in America. Similar projects have been underway in just about every White country.
One small example of just how far this craziness has gone is that one US university, Wayne State, has eliminated a required course in mathematics to make way for course in "Diversity." Duh.

The objective of this seeming madness, the Savant concludes, was revealed by Lord Bertrand Russell, an English mathematician, philosopher, Nobel Prize winner, and grandson of Prime Lord John Russell. Of education, Russell concluded in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society:
“It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.

Fichte* laid it down that, education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished...”
But though we may have come a long way toward the dystopian future of which Bertrand Russell warned, the brainwashing of the masses for submission to the NWO seems far from fully effective.

Look, for example, at all those damned ordinary Americans, blacks and Hispanics included, turning out for Donald Trump.

Trump with black pastors at his office in New York. Source

What, then, if we may speak for the elite, is the solution?

Why not Islam?

Islam is centuries ahead of the NWO when it comes to shaping the human mind, which suggests the reason for the current push to Islamify the West.

Muslim protesters, London, 3 February 2006. Source

No need to reinvent the wheel. As the Muslims say, "Europe is the cancer Islam is the answer." Just be sure that MI5 and the like control the Imams and Mullahs, then leave the rest to Allah and human gullibility.

* Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762 – 1814). German philosopher who was among the most significant ideological influences on the Nazis.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

European Genocide: The Final Phase

The Iris Savant wonders whether the flood of millions of Middle-Eastern and Asian Muslim refugees now pouring into Europe has not been instigated as a pretext for a radical reorganization of the European Union, involving creation of a unified military command and a European treasury to dictate a continent-wide monetary and fiscal policy.

This could well be true, but the refugee invasion serves not only to provide a pretext for radical political reorganization in Europe, but also to undermine the indigenous populations as the dominant groups within the Union, thereby creating a voting majority against a return to a Europe of nation states. Already the EU-wide immigrant population outnumbers the indigenous population of any single European nation, thereby giving a democratic edge to those of alien origin, race and religion.

Furthermore, a rapid upsurge in immigration seems a necessity if the program for the destruction of the European people's is to be assured of success. Already Britain verges on departure from the EU, an impetus driven by opposition to the EU's open borders policy. Evidently Europe's oppressed, indigenous lumpen proletariat is beginning to geddit.  They may not know the exact meaning of the word genocide, but they know they've being targeted for oppression and ultimate elimination.

So with the natives restless, what to do?

No prob. Bomb the shit out of whoever, to use the language of America's leading candidate to succeed President O'Bomber, and bring in the Muslim refugees. Then all that needs be done is plug the alien invaders into the welfare state and just watch as they multiply like maggots on a festering corpse.

Game over.

Democracy triumphs over whatever the "racist", "xenophobic," "far-right-wing extremist," Guardian-despised rump "nativist" population may think, say, or do.

The European peoples are soon be the oppressed minority, while Parliaments come to be dominated by representatives of the new European Islamic State. Perhaps those disaffected Brits, Krauts and Frogs who dislike this prospect should join forces with America's Red Indians and Australia's aborigines: a confederation of moribund, and a memorial to lost human diversity.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

Latvians had it pretty bad during the 20th Century, ruled first by the Tsar, then the Commies, followed by the Nazis. And now they're ruled by multiculti Merkel of the EU, which means it's going to be even worse for them in the present century.

Actually, the 21st Century will mark the end of Latvia, once and for all.

Under the EU policy of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration, reproductively dysfunctional Latvians, with a fertility rate of 1.44 (replacement rate = 2.1),  will be eliminated by philoprogenitive Muslims. The ancient nation state of Latvia will then be incorporated into a European Caliphate.

Mass immigration means genocide of the European peoples and Islamization of the Continent.

Islam is not some tolerant religion compatible with Christian Science, Quakerism and the Church of England: it's a head-chopping, hand-chopping, foot-chopping, system of rule by brutal oppression that kills homosexuals by bulldozing stone walls over them or hanging them from construction cranes, stones adulterers, flogs mercilessly, hideously and sometimes to death those who deviate minutely from the rule of the Mullahs, destroys Buddist and pre-Islamic temples and shrines, mutilates the genitals of girls, tolerates slavery, rape and prostitution, and sanctions polygamy.

And Islam is not, as stupid liberals and self-hating white people contend, a religion of peace and love. It is a brutal, ignorant, totalitarian, mediaeval theocracy, and it seeks through mass migration to settle Europe and swamp the European people out of existence.

Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said::
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said:
Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority.
Image source
Meantime, the Christian turned Commie, Frau Merkel has just invited another million and a half Muslims to Germany.

See who these newcomers are?Take a close look at that picture. At the front a couple with two small kids — and behind: a stream of young strong men. Men who might have stayed home to fight for the independence of their country against the liver-eating cannibals of the Islamic State, but decided that making an Islamic settler state out of Germany was a better bet.

As Donald Trump has said:
We are ruled by really, really stupid people.
And here's the voice of the settler Islamic state in Britain, from non-other than Blair-appointed former UK "Justice" Minister, Shalid Malik:

In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP
In 2001 we had two Muslim MPs
In 2005 we had four Muslim MPs
In 2009/10 we'll have 8 Muslim MPs
In 2014 we'll have 14 Muslim MPs

At this rate the whole Parliament will be Muslim. ....

And I'm confident ... that in the next 30 years we'll see a Prime Minister who happens to share my faith.

Our future in this country is very bright.
Conversely, the future of the British people in "this country," which is to say the land of Shakespeare, Milton, Newton and Darwin — the one and only homeland the British people have, is not bright at all because Islam is a culture of conquest and control as the Brits, under the current treasonous leadership, are beginning to discover.

* The good news for Brits is that Shahid Malik was booted from Parliament in the 2010 general election. In 2006, Mr. Malik claimed £185,421 in parliamentary expenses, the highest amount claimed by any MP.



Renegade Tribune: Estonians protest EU-sponsored invasion

RT: LOL, Migrants sue Berlin’s main refugee center for delays to welfare handouts