Showing posts with label Christendom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christendom. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Intolerant Liberals

Those calling themselves liberals, used to say: "the answer to intolerance is intolerance."

 Today, those claiming to be liberals are, for the most part, not liberals at all, but crackpot PC totalitarians with no tolerance for anyone but their own intolerant kind. Toward such so-called liberals, the only reasonable attitude is intolerance.

But it should be understood that, for the most part, today's PC totalitarian liberals are merely the dupes of the globalist elite, their role to serve as cannon fodder in the cultural war to destroy the Western nations and the culture of Christendom.

It is thus for the globalist elite and their front men and women, the likes of Zucks, Bryn and Page, Hillary Clinton, together with Prince Harry and the rest of the offset-buying, jet-set crowd, that the greatest intolerance is due.

For the gullible masses, in particular the brainwashed products of the Western "educational" system, intolerance must be tempered with compassion together with aid in overcoming the grotesque political programming that is now a central feature of state-directed education, especially at the post-secondary level.

Piers Morgan on the intolerance of today's so-called liberals:

Monday, March 11, 2019

Amazon, Book Burning, Jews, a Treasonous Western Elite, and the New World Order

Ron Unz, has a piece today, documenting evidence of corporate book burning: specifically, Amazon's engagement in the general corporate war on free speech. The piece starts well enough:
As most are surely aware, the last year or two has seen a growing crackdown on free speech and free thought across the Internet, with our constitutionally-protected First Amendment rights being circumvented through the agency of monopolistic private sector corporations such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Although as yet our government has not gained the power to ban discordant views nor punish their advocates, anonymous tech company censors regularly take these steps, seemingly based upon entirely opaque and arbitrary standards which lack any power of appeal. No one really knows why some individuals are banned or “de-platformed” and others are not, and surely this looming uncertainty has imposed self-censorship upon hundreds of individuals for every publicized victim who receives an exemplary punishment..
Unz then goes on to document several recent cases in which Amazon has burnt books, shoved them down the memory hole or otherwise made them unavailable to the significant portion of humanity that has come to rely on as the world's largest book distributor.

But Unz soon goes off on a theme he has often raised before; namely the evil influence of Jewry on American society.
The ADL ranks as one of our most formidable Jewish activist organizations, and according to media accounts it has been playing a central role in efforts to censor “hate speech” on leading Internet platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s YouTube. So it seems very likely to have also been behind Amazon’s recent purge, especially once we discover the nature of some of the more significant books now banned.
I am not sure what to make of this. When Unz warms to the theme of Jewish malfeasance, his allegations are so inflammatory as to make one wonder about his intention. Is it to incite the kind of anti-Semitism that promotes Jewish community adhesion, or is it, rather, the honest view of a sensitive person of Jewish descent appalled by the history of Jews exploiting those among whom they live.

My own assumption is that it is the latter, although, I think it is a counterproductive and therefore unwise. There are plenty of Jewish sons-of-bitches, some of them in America very powerful. Moreover, there can be no doubt that are Jewish religious fanatics who are racial supremacists who encourage the kind of brutal extremism that motivates the relentless drive to expel Palestinians from their own homeland. But the broad implication that most Jews throughout dispersed among the Western nations are fundamentally disloyal to those among whom they dwell is seems to me not only unfounded, but must inevitably undermine the loyalty of Jews to the communities in which they live.

In fact, the death of the Christian West as a unique and powerful civilization is due, I maintain, not to Jewish manipulation, however, massive the Jewish role in the death of Christendom has been, but to the treason of the Western elites, overwhelmingly, people of non-Jewish extraction. Book-burner -in-Chief, Jeff Bezos of, for example is no Jew. Western non-Jewish elites have themselves trashed Christianity, and now believe in nothing much beyond money, sex and power, which means getting along by going along with whatever the Money Power demands, even if that means genociding your own people and trashing your own nation.

Indeed, the future of the Western nations would have been assured had Western elites adopted the ethnocentrism of Jews, however brutal that impulse has proved to be in Palestine today*.

* As I have argued elsewhere, since the Jews have successfully stolen Palestine, the plight of the Palestinians would best be relieved by finding them a new homeland, perhaps in Sinai, a land without a people that could readily accommodate the a people without a land, the transfer of population to be financed by the Western nations that supported the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine.

Voice of Europe: Amazon’s modern day ‘book burning’ campaign against conservative authors
Russia Today: The West's Rejection of God Will End in Misery and Terror - Solzhenitsyn's Prophetic 1983 Warning
Russia Today: The Growing Effeminacy of the West Will Lead to a More Authoritarian State

Friday, September 9, 2016

An Exclusive Interview With Jesus Christ

We all know what Jesus thought about major social issues of his own days on Earth, matters such as the stoning of adulteresses, the payment of taxes to Rome, how to respond when smitten on the cheek, and so forth. But there are many moral questions that we have to decide today on which Jesus's position is not immediately obvious.

Fortunately, Jesus, as everyone who has read the gospel accounts of his life knows, taught his followers to regard God as a personal god to whom they could speak as they would speak to a loving father. It was in this spirit, therefore, that we invited Jesus to join us on this blog for an exclusive interview via Skype*, a request that Jesus, now a member of the Holy Trinity, and thus the voice of God, very graciously agreed to.

Without further ado, then, here is our conversation.