Showing posts with label political correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political correctness. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Britain's Woke, PC Government of DEI Fanatics

Far Left UK Government Proposes Banning "Controversial" Conversations


Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words shall never hurt me
An old English saying

I learnt those words at my mother's knee around seventy-five years ago. My mother, born in 1911, was raised on a farm. Folks were evidently harder-headed in those days, country folk, anyhow. Perhaps because, for most, life was harder then than it is today. My mother left school at 13 to earn a living. She took a job, arranged by a rich aunt, to work as a cashier at William Whiteley's department store in London's West End. 

William Whiteley's Bayswater store. Built in 1911,
    it was claimed to be the largest store in the world.   
The building was destroyed by German bombing
during the the Blitz of World War II.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Western World Viewed From the East

By Vladimir Putin

We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.

The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.

What else but the loss of the ability to self-reproduce could act as the greatest testimony of the moral crisis facing a human society? Today almost all developed nations are no longer able to reproduce themselves, even with the help of migration. Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.

At the same time we see attempts to somehow revive a standardised model of a unipolar world and to blur the institutions of international law and national sovereignty. Such a unipolar, standardised world does not require sovereign states; it requires vassals. In a historical sense this amounts to a rejection of one’s own identity, of the God-given diversity of the world.



The West as seen by China:

The Last G7: A cartoon parody of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper featured in an article by the Communist Party mouthpiece, The Global Times, depicts the US, UK, Italy, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, India and Australia as various animals. Source

Friday, March 12, 2021

Who Gives a Damn If Someone Asked About the Color of Archie's Skin?

The British tabloids are in uproar because Meghan ReMarkable claimed a member of the Royal Family questioned the color of her child's skin.

Why does that matter?

Why does anyone care who questioned the color of Archie’s skin?

Why shouldn’t someone question the color of Archie’s skin?

What if they’d questioned whether he’d have red hair?

Would that have been a racist crime against white people, or what?

That large numbers of people appear to care what, for a reported payment of seven million dollars, Meghan and Harry are moaning about indicates the imbecility of the Western world.

It’s time to remember the old English saying that “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

It’s time to restore the right of free speech and tell Meghan and Harry and every other victim-status-seeking  politically-correct idiot to go piss up a rope.

And, yeah, what is the color of Archie's skin — and does he have red hair?


Motherhood abolished in British Wokestan 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

America: A Nation Living With Lies

 Yusef, commenting on an earlier post, pointed out that if reported US Covid-19 deaths relative to population were similar to the numbers reported for the rest of the world: 

"we would have 4% of the covid-related deaths. Instead we have 20%, or 5X what we "should" have"

But I see no reason to believe the US stats. 

The US has clearly superseded the Soviet Union as the world's biggest liar. 

The US doesn't merely lie about important things such as the reasons for "bombing the shit out of" this or that country (to use President Trump's idiom), but about almost everything. 

Like the dying Soviet Union, the US teaches lies in its schools and universities.

Indeed, lies are the only essential part of the US educational curriculum, hence America's continuing decline in the ratio of educational attainment per dollar expended, which must be about the lowest in the world. 

Americans, like the citizens of Russia in the days of the Soviet Union are living with lies. 

Lies about almost everything. From Black lives matter, meaning all white people are racists who deny that black lives matter, to a seemingly endless list of mind-numbing bullshit from micro-aggressions to triggering, pussy hats, cultural appropriation, and the demand for less whiteness, aka European cultural and racial genocide. 

Which means that Americans get more lies and sheer nonsense for their educational dollar than anyone else. As the inevitable result, Americans have the lowest rate of academic achievement per dollar invested than any other country in the world, although the Brits are right up there along with the people of Canada where, to quote a national newspaper headline, Universities have become cesspools of political correctness.

What to do?

Well obviously when you are in the throws of a Communist takeover your chances of doing anything to counter the menace other than hurt yourself are slight. But here's how to make a start in transforming "education" from a process of Communist indoctrination to a process of productive learning.

Enact legislation that:

Embodies in education the old English principle that "Sticks and stone may break my bones but words can never hurt me;"
Makes academic achievement the driving principle of education at all levels;

 Pays teachers according to student achievement, and pays the best teachers more than the top educational bureaucrats. 

 But nothing of the kind, obviously, will be done. 

We are all doomed.  Doomed to live under the increasingly tyrannical rule of fools and scoundrels.  


Philip Giraldi: The Decline of the West: American Education Surrenders to ‘Equity’

Reuters: White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers

Friday, December 11, 2020

The DysToopeian Intolerance of the Tolerant at Cambridge University

By Douglas Murray

On Wednesday, there seemed to be some good news in the free speech wars, when the governing body of Cambridge University rejected a new set of speech codes. The rules, proposed by the Canadian lawyer turned University Vice-Chancellor, Stephen Toope, and others, would have mandated that academics and students at the university should be “respectful” of the views of others.

Of course there was an air of flagrant hypocrisy about such a speech code, since Mr Toope and his colleagues were hardly respectful to the views of Noah Carl and Jordan Peterson. So one doesn’t have to be a huge cynic or pessimist to fear that a “respect” clause might, therefore, be used in a highly political or one-sided manner by the Toope-ians. “Respect” is easily-demanded but begrudgingly given, especially by those who feel they are occupying the moral high ground; and as one of the academics who objected to the proposals, Arif Ahmed, explained to UnHerd, “respect” is also a very weak basis on which to build free speech.

Must a scientist, or anyone else at Cambridge for that matter, “respect” a flat-earther?

Dr. Arif Ahmed: "Don't force me to respect your views"

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mass Colored Immigration to England Ends in Violent Anti-White Racism

By M.A. Richardson

via: the Duran

Twenty-two police officers injured as Brixton party ends in violence

The US and Britain are at their most perilous point in one hundred years. Once stable democratic nation states made great through struggle and suffering to gain comparative freedom at huge sacrifice to their own population are throwing it all away. The speed and ferocity of the attack is frightening, but this has been building for years, spreading from the 60s onwards through the university teaching systems, unquestioned. It emerged into the public arena as political correctness as each generation of students became more radical. Then came the final push to silence opposition with wokism, virtue-signalling, identity politics, and now racial division, an aberration of democracy and freedom of speech.

The Trump presidency has been under a continual coup, even before taking office. Involvement from the top down of Obama and his administration and security services is an inconvenience for the Democrats, and many Republicans feel the same. What it does show, is that at this moment in the history of the United States, the deep state are above the law. We are waiting for Attorney General Barr to prove otherwise, but since he has already stated it is unlikely that Obama or Biden will be called to testify, he has issued a free pass, move along, nothing to see. All is swept aside on a media tide of attacks on democracy and the rule of law by the radical left, as BLM take control and politicians scamper down rabbit holes trying to avoid the buckshot. Those who control the media control the narrative, never more true than it is today, as truth becomes fiction and fiction fact.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

UC Berkeley History Department Confirms It Is Staffed by Anti-White Bigots

Recently, an anonymous letter purporting to be from a colored member of the University of California, Berkeley History faculty began:

I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely, and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field.

In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.

In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.

Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders. Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.

The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should be vigorously challenged by historians. Instead, it is being treated as an axiomatic and actionable truth without serious consideration of its profound flaws, or its worrying implication of total black impotence. This hypothesis is transforming our institution and our culture, without any space for dissent outside of a tightly policed, narrow discourse.

A counternarrative exists...

Read more

Absurdly, the University of California, Birkerley History Faculty confirmed the letter writer's thesis by issuing the following statement:

An anonymous letter has been circulating, purportedly written by a @UCBHistory professor. We have no evidence that this letter was written by a History faculty member. We condemn this letter: it goes against our values as a department and our commitment to equity and inclusion.

The implication is that to be an American University professor now requires slavish adherence to the PC narrative and hence a complete rejection of the ideals that underlie scholarship. America's academics are, evidently, no more than either dim-witted dupes of PC propaganda, or gutless conformists clinging to the easy life of a professor whatever the intellectual degradation, moral abandonment, and public ridicule such a position entails.

Time for smart young people to abandon the pursuit of so-called Higher Education, which has become mind-warping process of indoctrination in poisonous lies of political correctness.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Europe is Dying But Who Cares? No one, Apparently

The dying of the Western nations has been evident for years.

The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen. It is a depiction of what is happening now. First World nations are dying. They face a mortal crisis, not because of something happening in the Third World, but because of what is not happening at home and in the homes of the First World. Western fertility rates have been falling for decades. Outside of Muslim Albania, no European nation is producing enough babies to replace its population. … In a score of countries the old are already dying off faster than the young are being born. … There is no sign of a turnaround. Now the absolute numbers of Europeans have begun to fall.

Patrick Buchanan, The Death of the West

But who Cares? Merkel, Macron, Trudeau or Trump?

No one, apparently.

Not in government, anyhow.

Still the Politically Correct states of the Western World promote girls' education, and careers for women who are far too intelligent, apparently, to spend their time raising babies. Unless they're on welfare, of course. Then maternity is all expenses paid with the taxes derived from those hard working intelligent female professionals.

Could that be why mean IQ test scores are falling in the West? Intelligent women carrying on the role of men, while the dumbest or laziest women are carrying on the race.

No, much better than perpetuating the race, so the German, Canadian, Australian and other Western governments have decided, is to open wide the gates to Muslims, Hindus, and Africans and every other alien of whatever race, religion or culture.

And so those people have come and keep coming, to replace the Western nations as they die ever faster than they breed.

The tribes of Europe, the peoples of almost every country of the Old Continent, are visibly aging, shrinking and dying. The population crisis of Europe is “existential,” says Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.

Patrick Buchanan, Our Real Existential Crisis - Extinction

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Free Speech in the Age of Political Correctness

Kevin MacDonald is a retired California State University Professor of Psychology and the the editor of the Occidental Observer, a publication concerned with "white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West".

According to that well-known source of objective information, Trikipedia, MacDonald is "best known for writings that propagate a conspiracy theory which characterize Jewish behavior as a group evolutionary strategy."

Other sources readily accessed by Google take a similar line, describing MacDonald as an anti-Semite, white supremacist, conspiracy theorist, or to summarize, a mentally deranged and nasty piece of slime.

However, based on his scholarly treatise, The Culture of Critique, it would seem reasonable to suppose that MacDonald is not some racist nut, but a rational scholar examining the way in which diaspora Jews often interact with the people of their host nation.

Whether MacDonald's analysis is generally sound it is not my purpose here to consider, although having dipped into his major treatise, I can say that it proceeds in accordance with the normal methods of rational academic discourse and confirms much of what is apparent to the casual observer concerning Jewish beliefs, traditions, and modes of behavior.

It is naturally painful, therefore, for a person such as MacDonald to find themselves generally ostracized for their sincerely held and carefully weighed opinions on a subject to which they have devoted lengthy study.

Reflecting the painful social consequences of his academic pursuits, MacDonald recently published an article entitled: Ideas on maintaining relationships with the less committed in a dark age, wherein he states:

... Many of us are forced to deal with personal issues because of our political-cultural beliefs. A typical situation might be a wife or girlfriend—the great majority of activists on the dissident right are male—who is terrified of it becoming known that she is associated with someone who is shunned and socially ostracized. But of course, it may also be other family members or friends—a particularly painful experience. ...

Discussion of the article at the Unz Review raised the issue of American's constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech prompting the remark:

... This is comedy gold.

First, that people believe that we still have freedom of speech. ...

In fact, Americans do still have the constitutional right of free speech. However, freedom of speech is a legal freedom, whereas freedom of action, whether in the form of speech or otherwise, is subject to both legal and social limitations.

Political correctness diminishes or eradicates the value of the legal right of free speech by imposing social control over speech, i.e., informal sanctions imposed by friends and family, or economic sanctions imposed by employers, state bureaucracies, political parties, etc.

The pervasive and uniformly PC impact of media, the propaganda dispensed by state-managed educational institutions, and the Google-style economic punishment of the expression of non-PC beliefs, ensures that the exercise of Freedom of Speech is a rare and often painful experience.

The result is a massive build up of resentment among the socially oppressed until something gives. In the UK, the working class, comprehensively betrayed by Phony Bliar's PC "New Labour" party --which deliberately flooded the working class areas of declining industrial towns with immigrants of an alien race, religion and culture, has defected in large numbers to a supposedly populist Johnson Tory Party.

The consequence of this reaction remains to be seen. But if the Johnson Government fails to deliver for Britain's working class the consequences may be be ugly in the extreme.

Meantime, the liberal left are turning up the invective against the working man. Hence the headline in that most disgusting of all self-hating white liberal newspapers, The Independent:

The antisemitic monster rising from the slime is not Corbynism – it is white nationalism

There you have the resort to hate speech direct in the cause of British national genocide through suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration.

The outcome? Civil War, anyone? Most Americans think it likely. Why should it not be likely in Britain too, where another civil war seems overdue.

Related: Joe Digenova: American coup d'etat:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Intolerant Liberals

Those calling themselves liberals, used to say: "the answer to intolerance is intolerance."

 Today, those claiming to be liberals are, for the most part, not liberals at all, but crackpot PC totalitarians with no tolerance for anyone but their own intolerant kind. Toward such so-called liberals, the only reasonable attitude is intolerance.

But it should be understood that, for the most part, today's PC totalitarian liberals are merely the dupes of the globalist elite, their role to serve as cannon fodder in the cultural war to destroy the Western nations and the culture of Christendom.

It is thus for the globalist elite and their front men and women, the likes of Zucks, Bryn and Page, Hillary Clinton, together with Prince Harry and the rest of the offset-buying, jet-set crowd, that the greatest intolerance is due.

For the gullible masses, in particular the brainwashed products of the Western "educational" system, intolerance must be tempered with compassion together with aid in overcoming the grotesque political programming that is now a central feature of state-directed education, especially at the post-secondary level.

Piers Morgan on the intolerance of today's so-called liberals:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bigots of Silicon Valley, No. 79: FaceBook's Hatred of Christian Speech

FaceBook apparently regards quotation of the Christian saints as "hate speech," hence a notice from FaceBook to Dominic Bettinelli informing him that his posting of the following words of Saint Augustine, went against Facebook’s “Community Standards on hate speech:”

Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others. St. Augustine

FaceBook's Kuckerberg and associates are clearly "hopeless creatures" who paying little if any attention to their own sins have become obsessively "interested in the sins of others.... Unable to excuse themselves, [they] accuse others."

Hate this Zucks:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Justin Trudeau Out? Thereason May On the Skids?

In the matter of current events, what seems self evident to a person of modest wit and experience seems to be a matter of extraordinary surprise to the mainstream media. The ongoing disintegration of the premiership of Justin Trudeau is a case in point. Of young Justin, we wrote more than a year ago:

If he lacked ideas or brains he seemed to be taking advice, and there were still some wise heads in the Liberal Party, including that of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, willing to provide the advice. Meantime the Tories were tired, out of ideas, facing mounting economic problems, and tarnished by the Senate expenses scandal. The result was highly predictable. Trudeau led the Liberals to a splendid victory.

But, as we also wrote,

since, then, the trend has not been young Justin's friend.

A limited intellect, a lack of significant real-world experience, and a surfeit of praise will tend to propel any youthful hero on a course for disaster. Justin Trudeau's case has proved to be no exception.

Yet the media never seemed to notice the impending fiasco, until now, when, according to the latest opinion survey, the poor slob Justin has a lower public approval rating than Donald Trump.

Personally mired in LavScam, ridiculed for a combination of inappropriate conduct abroad, absurd political correctness (we say peoplekind, not mankind) crude insensitivity (thank you for your donation, in response to a question about mercury poisoning of the first nations people of Grassy Narrows, Ontario), it appears suddenly to the media that Justin's hold on power may not to be prolonged.

And as our Justin seems headed for the discard pile of dud Canadian Liberal Party leaders, Theresa May, who we long ago dubbed Thereason May, seems headed for the exit from the parliamentary whorehouse too, her betrayal of the people to whom she gave the assurance: "Brexit means Brexit," being  suddenly evident to all, as declared in a column in the Daily Mail:

Too little, too late. If Theresa May had possessed a shred of decency, she should have resigned long ago. Her authority was shot to pieces after her disastrous, self-inflicted general election humiliation, which cost the Tories their majority and ensured that the enemies of Brexit would prevail.

She had a second chance to do the decent thing last July when it became apparent that her dismal, defeatist Chequers withdrawal agreement was a shoddy betrayal of her oft-parroted mantra: ‘Brexit means Brexit.’

Instead of respecting the views of those who spoke for the 17.4 million people who voted to leave the EU, she even threatened to confiscate the ministerial cars of Cabinet dissenters and make them walk home.

This wasn’t the action of a strong, confident Prime Minister. It was a petty, vindictive attempt at intimidation...

If Theresa didn’t get her way, she was going to scream and scream and scream until she was sick.

This was the real Mrs May: aloof, stubborn, convinced of her own self-righteousness, and contemptuous of others who begged to differ.

Thus, is it once again confirmed, you can fool most of the for long enough to do a lot of damage.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jordan Peterson: The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech

In warning us of the tyrannical intentions of those who seek to control free speech, Jordan Peterson has contributed to public understanding of the dangerous course on which the likes of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/PC community seek to drive us.

The Intolerance of a Liberal: Trudeau Meets a Quebec Nationalist:


Katie Hopkins: Do not let this great country of America, becom like the United Kingdom

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Trump Enigma: Imperialist or Nationalist

One of the basic lessons that can be gleaned from a study of multiple imperialisms over the past five centuries, is that imperialist warfare is always class warfare. Imperialism is always class warfare at home, and usually it is class warfare abroad as well. Both at home and abroad, it is the so-called “lower” classes, the workers and peasants, who are dispossessed by imperialist extraction. Workers and peasants—sometimes even slaves—make up the bulk of the military forces conscripted by imperialist powers. Workers and peasants at home are the ones whose labour was exploited to fuel imperial dominance. Abroad, the products of the labour of workers and peasants, and any productive assets they might have controlled, are usually what is targeted by imperialism. Any attempt to distract Americans from these basic, long-term, and inescapable empirical realities of class dominance and class divisions, any submersion of class beneath the weight of minoritarian identity issues, is by default if not by design an ideological program in the service of imperialism. The converse is also true: the rise of class consciousness in the US, or at least greater awareness of the plight of the working class, will erode the political support base for the increasing costs of maintaining empire abroad.
Maximilian Forte
The above quote from an essay by Concordia University anthropology professor, Maximilian Forte, draws attention to a fundamental enigma: is US President Donald Trump an American nationalist or a globalist imperialist. Trump's election campaign was clearly nationalist: it was for protection against both unfair foreign competition and jobs off-shoring by American corporations; it was for tax cuts to remove tens of millions of the lowest paid workers from the tax rolls while providing incentives for job-creating corporate investment in America; and it was for better relations with America's post-war rival for global dominance, Russia.

Yet as president, the Trump administration has pursued sanctions against Russia for its "aggression" in the Ukraine and its "threat" to the Baltic trivialities, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia; attempted in defiance of international law to establish a permanent US military presence in Syria; and threatened further economic warfare against Iran.

So what is Trump: nationalist, imperialist, muddle-head, or devious operator either seeking to appease the increasingly exploited and aggrieved American masses while pursuing the US agenda for global empire, or alternatively, attempting to fool the globalist faction of the US elite with meaningless imperialistic gestures, while creating in the US a democratic nation state?

Who knows? Certainly not us. However, as one in favor of the survival and renovation of Western civilization, I take comfort in the frenzied Trump hatred of the NeoCon scum, and the"liberal" fascists for a politically correct society. That Trump seems better liked by rival states, Russia and China, than by globalist allies such as Germany, anti-Brexit Britain, and Islamified France seems to provide further ground for hope.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Nation-Destroying Stupidity In the Age of Universal Higher Education

English novelist, wartime spy, journalist, editor, humorist, novelist, and TV personality, the late Malcolm Muggeridge, once remarked that when everyone has a university degree, no one will know anything at all.

We are now approaching the time when the truth of that prediction can be tested. Two-thirds of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 64 now have a post-secondary education. Since the proportion of those benefiting from higher ed continues to rise, it follows that the vast majority of younger Canadian adults have, or will obtain, a university degree or some other kind of post-secondary diploma.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part I

Ethology is the study of animal behavior. Franz de Waal is a distinguished ethologist and author of several best-selling accounts of primate behavior. As de Waal reports at length in the Atheist and the Bonobo, and other works, a key feature of the behavior of apes and to a greater or lesser degree other social animals, is sharing, helping, commiserating, comforting and demanding fairness. 

From this reality of animal social existence, de Waal concludes that morality is neither unique to humans nor dependent on religion, but is inherent in mammalian biology. Furthermore, he contends, that religion is, though difficult and perhaps impossible to eradicate, superfluous to the good society.

Thus, de Waal writes:
This brings me back to my bottom-up view of morality. The moral law is not imposed from above or derived from well-reasoned principles; rather it arises from ingrained values that have been there from the beginning of time.
In this, however, de Waal is sadly confused. The constructive, cooperative, fairness-demanding and mutually beneficial behavior of social animals is not evidence of morality, natural or otherwise. It is merely the rational, self-serving behavior of the small business owner who refrains from swindling his customers in the hope that they will return for more. It is the principle of you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. By helping one another, social animals achieve a level of well-being beyond that attainable were they to live independent, uncooperative lives.