Showing posts with label meritocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meritocracy. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2021

America: A Nation Living With Lies

 Yusef, commenting on an earlier post, pointed out that if reported US Covid-19 deaths relative to population were similar to the numbers reported for the rest of the world: 

"we would have 4% of the covid-related deaths. Instead we have 20%, or 5X what we "should" have"

But I see no reason to believe the US stats. 

The US has clearly superseded the Soviet Union as the world's biggest liar. 

The US doesn't merely lie about important things such as the reasons for "bombing the shit out of" this or that country (to use President Trump's idiom), but about almost everything. 

Like the dying Soviet Union, the US teaches lies in its schools and universities.

Indeed, lies are the only essential part of the US educational curriculum, hence America's continuing decline in the ratio of educational attainment per dollar expended, which must be about the lowest in the world. 

Americans, like the citizens of Russia in the days of the Soviet Union are living with lies. 

Lies about almost everything. From Black lives matter, meaning all white people are racists who deny that black lives matter, to a seemingly endless list of mind-numbing bullshit from micro-aggressions to triggering, pussy hats, cultural appropriation, and the demand for less whiteness, aka European cultural and racial genocide. 

Which means that Americans get more lies and sheer nonsense for their educational dollar than anyone else. As the inevitable result, Americans have the lowest rate of academic achievement per dollar invested than any other country in the world, although the Brits are right up there along with the people of Canada where, to quote a national newspaper headline, Universities have become cesspools of political correctness.

What to do?

Well obviously when you are in the throws of a Communist takeover your chances of doing anything to counter the menace other than hurt yourself are slight. But here's how to make a start in transforming "education" from a process of Communist indoctrination to a process of productive learning.

Enact legislation that:

Embodies in education the old English principle that "Sticks and stone may break my bones but words can never hurt me;"
Makes academic achievement the driving principle of education at all levels;

 Pays teachers according to student achievement, and pays the best teachers more than the top educational bureaucrats. 

 But nothing of the kind, obviously, will be done. 

We are all doomed.  Doomed to live under the increasingly tyrannical rule of fools and scoundrels.  


Philip Giraldi: The Decline of the West: American Education Surrenders to ‘Equity’

Reuters: White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers