Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Canada: A Dying Nation



Any nation with a birth rate below replacement will eventually cease to exist

Unless, like Canada, that nation's immigration rate exceeds its birth rate. Then "the nation" continues to exist, but in name only, and with a different people.

And just to be clear, Canada's birth rate is little more than half the replacement rate, but its immigration rate now exceeds the birth rate. Thus, between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, there were an estimated 357,903 babies born in Canada, whereas immigration in 2023 was 445,000, a rate expected to reach half a million by 2025 and beyond.

Canada's national policies as they relate to support for family formation and immigration thus constitute a program of national self-genocide. So, goodbye historic Canadian nation. Welcome all you replacement people -- I, it should be acknowledged, being among them.


Tucker Carlson: There Is Systemic Racism in the U.S. – Against Whites As in Trudeau's Canada

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

In Virginia, Where Infanticide is Called Abortion, the Murder of Western Civilization Continues Apace

Breitbart: Gov. Ralph Northam: Aborted ‘Infant’ Saved if ‘Mother and Family Desired’

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said Wednesday that a bill introduced in the House of Delegates that would allow “abortion” even during childbirth itself would permit an “infant” to be “delivered” and “resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired,” until the physicians and mother discuss what to do.
So if the mother and the family do not desire that the child be "resuscitated," then the infant will be "aborted" by the denial of life-giving care — if not by more direct means, such as slicing its spinal cord.

But why, is the denial of care called "abortion"?

For the simple reason that under American law abortion is not a criminal offense, whereas killing a baby is murder.

And why does the Governor emphasize the wishes of the mother? Because, under the law, killing a newborn child by the mother is considered a lesser crime than murder. Of course the killing is not by the mother, but by making it dependent on maternal consent has the intended effect of suggesting that the killing a necessary clinical procedure, for the good of the mother you understand, not a capital crime.

Or as we wrote before:

The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? is the title of an article in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics by Alberto Giubilini, of the Universities of Milan and Melbourne, and Francesca Minerva, of the Universities of Melbourne and Oxford.

The paper is summarized thus:

By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

The feeble-mindedness and moral nullity of this argument is established by the use of the term "after-birth abortion," a contradiction in terms introduced to establish the moral equivalence of abortion, which is now legal throughout the "liberal" Western world, and infanticide, which is still deemed to be murder.

Read more


CanSpeccy: The [Very Lethal] Values of a Liberal Society

National Sentinel: Now it makes sense: ‘Infanticide’ Va. Gov. Northam accepted nearly $2 million from Planned Parenthood

Gateway Pundit: Democrats’ Latest Abortion Plan to Kill Baby During Birth Comes Straight from Soviet Playbook

The New American: Republicans Defeat Effort to Allow Full-term Abortion Defeated in Virginia

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jordan Peterson: The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech

In warning us of the tyrannical intentions of those who seek to control free speech, Jordan Peterson has contributed to public understanding of the dangerous course on which the likes of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/PC community seek to drive us.

The Intolerance of a Liberal: Trudeau Meets a Quebec Nationalist:


Katie Hopkins: Do not let this great country of America, becom like the United Kingdom

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Racist Joke That Serves a Good Moral Purpose

Question: What do you call a black woman who has had at least three abortions?
Answer: A crimefighter.

So what is the moral of the joke? That is revealed by another joke:

Question: What do you call a white woman who has had at least three abortions?
Answer: An anti-racism activist.

If you found the second joke funny, you are either an immigrant to Europe with a settler mentality or a European driven by media lies, advertising manipulation, Hollywood brainwashing, and twelve years of mandatory state propaganda in the guise of education to believe that opposing the racial and cultural destruction of your own people is racism.

If, however, you found the first joke funny, then you are among the minority of the European people with at least some small chance of success in the Darwinian struggle to perpetuate your own genes* among future generations of those residing in the land of your birth.

And here are some statistics (source):
In Europe, around 30 per cent of pregnancies end in abortion.

In Western Europe there were 12 abortions per 1,000 women in 2008, while in Eastern Europe at the same time there were 43.

However, Northern Europe (which includes the UK and Scandinavia) fared worse than the western region with 17 abortions per 1,000 women, which is on par with North America.
Thus it is abortion that makes the difference between a self-perpetuating society and a society engaged in self-genocide. The fertility of European women is currently 1.55 and falling, whereas the replacement rate is 2.1. If the 30% of pregnancies terminated by non-therapeutic abortion went to term, the European fertility rate would be 2.2, which would achieve near perfect population stability. As it is, the European population is growing rapidly due to mass immigration from Asia, the Middle East and Africa, most of the immigrants being  either of reproductive age or children and hence soon to be of reproductive age. These immigrants will thus contribute disproportionately to the next generation in Europe even if their fertility was no greater than that of Europeans. However, all immigrant groups have a higher fertility that indigenous European women, and in some cases their fertility is several times higher. For example, in Britain, women from Libya, a country deliberately turned into a failed state and thus a source of immigrants to Europe by NATO bombing, have a fertility rate more than three times the European rate. These numbers make it clear, Europe is engaged in self-genocide driven by puppets of the globalist money power, such as Blair and Cameron, Sarkozy and Hollande, and above all, Frau Merkel. The objective is a mongrel Europe of  easily manipulated deracinated serfs among whom will be found the subservient technicians to run the global machinery of commerce, and solve the servant problem, as George H. W. Bush said many years ago with reference to illegal Mexican immigrants to the US.
* The Darwinian struggle, as is now understood, is about the propagation of genes, and thus cannot be directly measured by they number of an individual's own descendants. That means the struggle for the survival of the European people's is a matter for everyone, including the childless.


'I decapitate you' Women workers threatened and forced to DRESS DOWN at refugee centre

Stabbing death of 15yo schoolboy by ‘Arab migrant’ classmate in Sweden

To Fight Racism, Oregon College Devotes an Entire Month to ‘Whiteness’-Shaming

"Pope of Islam": Hijab is a display of Muslim supremacy, not just modesty

McCallum: 90% of Muslim migrants to New Brunswick can't speak English or French -- and "that's a good thing"

US Federal 'Common Core' Education Curriculum has anti-American agenda

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Political Correctness Has Replaced Christianity As the Religion of the West

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Communist religion of political correctness has replaced Christianity as the principal religion of the United States and its vassals and tributaries. To understand what this transition means, one needs to understand what constitutes a religion. A religion is not, essentially, a belief in God, or gods, the spirits of ancestors, or other supernatural entities; neither is it an organization, whether state-backed, for example the Russian Orthodox Church, or supranational, for example the Roman Catholic Church; nor is it a matter of ritual, prayer, worship, sacrifice, or fasting. Rather, the essential feature of any religion is a code of conduct applicable to every member of society.

The existence of a shared set of ethical beliefs is essential to any society, for without it there is no basis upon which to engage with strangers in social, business or other relations. But not all ethical codes are equivalent in their consequences. Far from it, as the impact of Political Correctness in the West clearly shows.

The precepts of political correctness are the antithesis of those of Christianity. In the matter of sexual morality, for example, Christianity condemns masturbation, fornication, adultery, contraception, abortion and no-fault divorce, all of which are accepted or positively encouraged under the code of Political Correctness. Contrary to the impact of Political Correctness, the Christian code, which derives directly from that of the Jews, strengthens family ties, promotes population growth, and thus encourage people to "go forth and multiply and rule over the nations of the Earth." This the European peoples once did with enthusiasm, establishing populous colonies in the Americas and elsewhere.

But then the Europeans began to backslide. God, they discovered, does not exist. The story about Jesus they realized was only a myth, so why not enjoy sex without the costs of child birth and child-rearing. And if there is no God in Heaven to punish selfishness, why not ditch the wife at 45 and take on a twenty-something cutie? Or if you cannot afford the alimony, at least have something on the side.

The result? A collapse in Western birthrates to little more than half the replacement rate in much of Europe. But no prob., lots of poor folk from the Third World are ready to take the place of the missing children of the West. Thing is though, many of these immigrants are God-fearing fundamentalist Christians from Africa or Moslems from Africa, the Middle-East and Asia, from which fact it requires little intelligence to anticipate how this will end. It will end with the destruction of both the people and the culture of Europe and their replacement by people from elsewhere who have a more viable religious code.

But to object to the PC-induced self-genocide of the West is Vorboten because, according to the PC code, the Judeo-Christian belief in perpetuating one's own people is — yeah — racist.

Still, folks are bound to wonder, what's driving this program of racial and cultural self-genocide and why?

An important factor is that the PC code appeals strongly to individual selfishness. It allows and even encourages every one of the seven deadly sins: not only lust, but gluttony (Noticed how many fat people there are in America and Europe? Though the PC code says we mustn't call them fat. It's not that they regularly pig-out on grease-filled hamburgers, fudge sundaes, Coke and Snickers bars, but that they are unfortunate sufferers of the disease of obesity; or simply that they are circumferentially challenged.); avarice (Ain't everyone just obsessed about money); anger (Haven't you noticed how the politically correct love to hate, especially white people, aka, racists, religious people, whether Christians or Muslims, and in particular, religious people who attempt to uphold the Christian or Muslim teachings on homosexuality, abortion, marriage, etc., etc.); envy and pride (Without which the advertising-driven Western economies would come to a virtual standstill.); and last but not least, sloth (Why should people work? "Each according to his need" as the Commies demanded, or "Share de wealf" as the rioters from London to Baltimore declare, with general support from President Obama and every other liberal).

But it is not just the innate selfishness of humanity that drives adoption of the PC religion: the push comes from the top, from the political class, the media, Hollywood, the publishing industry, the bureaucracy and the judiciary. Suggest that mixing men and women in the laboratory can be a distraction from the research in progress and the President of the Royal Society itself will trash your reputation as will the Provost of University College London and the President of the European Research Council.

So who's directing the people at the top: the university presidents, the school principals the police chiefs and bureau heads? The answer, as in all other matters that affect its interests, is the Money Power. It is the plutocratic elite, the people who control the mega-banks and giant international corporations that control both the media and the "elected", i.e, bought and paid-for, politicians.

So what's their purpose? To destroy the people, obviously, for reasons that are not difficult to understand. In the 19th century and early twentieth century the proletariat was, for the elite, a necessary evil: they worked the industrial machine and they provided the cannon fodder in wars of mass mobilization. But today they are needed for neither purpose in anything like their present numbers. Jobs in manufacturing, commerce, transportation and communication are being automated out of existence, leaving the need only for a small number of engineers and technicians to build and maintain the robotic systems. War, likewise, has become a high-tech business to be managed by a diminishing number of highly trained, full-time professional soldiers.

Political Correctness is thus a means to get rid of most of the people. Then the resources so uselessly consumed by the masses — land for cheap ugly houses, investments in highways for pointless shopping trips and recreational travel, hideous shopping malls for the vending of mostly useless junk, airports to take the swarming masses to the beaches the rich intend to privatize — will revert to the control of the elite at minimal cost. Then the surviving few will enjoy a much less crowded world, where a deracinated, mongrelized proletariat of a few hundred million people lacking any sense of national identity and without any stupid Western tradition of individual liberty will serve the elite with appropriate deference and in appropriate obscurity.

The takeover is to occur as in the demoralized and decadent post-Soviet states under the rule of corrupt agents of the Money Power such as Yeltsin in Russia, or Yanukovytch and Poroshenko in Ukraine, or in the West such as the Blairs, Clintons and Bushes.

But, hey, those damnable Russians have got their Orthodox Church back, and the Russian Orthodox church seeks to ban abortion. Already the bastards have stopped the collapse in Russia's population, and now that dastardly Putin runt is bestowing honors upon parents of large families. And the teaming masses of China are finding Jesus too. So who knows, the rule of PC in the West may have to be reconsidered.


Canspeccy: Atheists for Christ

TV.RU: Russians Think the EU Is a Moral Sewer. Child Molesters on the Evening News

David Hodges: The People vs. the Commie Barack Hussein Obama

Sam Rohrer, American Pastors Network: America and the West: Leaders of Moral Depravity

Michael Snyder: 11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet

Alexander Dugin: End of the 20th Century – The End of the Epoch of Modernity

Brandon Smith:The Future Costs Of Politically Correct Cultism
Marxism (collectivism) uses many vehicles or Trojan horses to gain access to political and cultural spaces. Once present, it gestates like cancer, erasing previous models of heritage and history in order to destroy any competing models of society. If you want to understand what is happening in America today, I suggest you research the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960's. We are experiencing the same Marxist program of historical and social destruction, only slightly slower and more strategic.
Younger generations are highly susceptible to social trends and are often easily manipulated by popular culture and academic authority, which is why we are seeing PC cultism explode with the millennials and post-millennials. In my brief participation on the left side of the false paradigm, political correctness was only beginning to take hold. A decade later, the speed of the propaganda has far accelerated, and we now have a bewildering manure storm on our hands. The result is a vast division within American society that cannot be mended. Those of us on the side of liberty are so different in our philosophies and solutions to social Marxists that there can be no compromise. The whole carnival can end only one way: a fight. And perhaps this is exactly what the elites want: left against right, black against white, gay against religious and straight, etc. As long as the PC movement continues to unwittingly do the bidding of power brokers in their efforts toward the destruction of individual liberty, I see no other alternative but utter conflict.

News Forge: More than 200,000 Germans formally left the Catholic Church in 2014, accelerating the downward trend in the Catholic proportion of the country’s population

Mish: Former US Democrat Presidential Candidate Calls for Internment Camps for "Disloyal" Americans

The Saker: How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire