Showing posts with label self-genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-genocide. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dutch MP: ‘Population Replacement In the Netherlands is a Fact’ Also in Canada Britain and Across the West

"Without decisive action," to stem the flood of immigrants, claims Netherlands Parliamentarian, Gideon van Meijeren, "we will witness the erasure of our heritage and the dissolution of our communities."

During the Asylum and Migration Budget Debate for 2025, van Meijeren delivered a searing critique of the Netherlands’ immigration policy, exposing its devastating societal and cultural impacts. Central to his speech was his use of the term “population replacement,” a phrase that has sparked intense debate and controversy in the parliament, with prior motions even attempting to ban its use*.

[*The attempted censorship confirms that the genocide of the Dutch people by mass immigration and suppression of the fertility of the indigenous population is deliberate, treasonous policy.]

Meijeren, while acknowledging the humanitarian responsibility to aid those fleeing violence, pointed to the obvious fact that uncontrolled immigration over decades had led to disastrous consequences. Citing data assembled by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), he highlighted a stark demographic shift: “Since 2000, the population of the Netherlands has grown by more than 2 million people, of whom about 95 percent are either migrants or the children of migrants. During the same period, the population of Dutch ethnic origins has decreased, with deaths exceeding births.”

Same in all the globalist-led nations, including Trudeau's Canada, Starmer's UK, Oaf Sholz's Germany, etc.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Canada: A Nation of Lemmings, Rushing to the Cliff Edge

An organization called The World Happiness Report has determined that, overall, Canada is a relatively happy place, ranking No. 15 out of 140 nations. 

How exactly do they know?

Easy. They asked people the "Cantril ladder life-evaluation question." 


Specifically, they asked a representative sample of around 1000 people in each country in each of three years the following question:
"Think of a ladder, with the best possible life for you being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. Now rate your own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale." 
On that basis, Canada ranked Nunber 15 out of 140 countries -- not bad  for a cold and mostly uninhabitable land headed by Justin Trudeau. 

Not so good is that, contrary to what one might expect, Canadian youth is a lot less happy that elderly Canadians. 

Based on the "happiness" of those over the age of 60, Canada ranked No. 8 among nations, but among those under 30, Canada's ranking fell 50 spots to No. 58 -- behind not only obviously nice places like Denmark, New Zealand (despite that woman), Switzerland, and war-torn Israel, but even behind such places as Nicaragua, Honduras, Bosnia, and Bulgaria. 

As a member of the "every morning when I wake up I know I'm a winner" class, I say with the authority of experience, that old age is no picnic.

So what, then, ails our Canadian youth? 

Easy to see. 

They are right royally screwed by Canada's criminally incompetant, or merely criminal economic and population policies. 

The results of said mismanagement?

Sky high real estate prices, an interest rate rocketing from 0.25% in 2022 to 4.5% now, and possibly headed higher as the bank of Canada seeks to throttle the Trudeau-massive-debt-based-spending-binge-induced inflation. 

Why do those economic stats matter to Canadians under 30?

Because those under 30's are the folks -- and the're not kids, seeking to form a household and raise a family. And here's how ordure-smeared the prospect is compared with the experience of these youngsters' happy elders. 

Today, the average Canadian home price is around $792,200, while median family income  is under $100,000, so the ratio of house price to young family income must be at least eight to one, and must, in fact, be much higher since incomes mostly rise with age. 

How does that compare with the conditions faced by today's happy oldsters at the time that most of them  bought a home? 

Well I won't lay out a lot of boring stats, but here in Victoria, BC, perhaps the nicest place to live anywhere in Canada, and in the suburb of Oak Bay, undoubtedly the most upscale neighborhood in Victoria, we purchased a modest home on a double-sized lot for $68,000 (lot value around $8,000). That was in 1974 when our joint, not-much-above-average, family income was $40,000: so a house price to family income of just 1.7. Today, 50 years later, that house is valued at just under two million with a ot value of about $1.6 million, or about 200 times what we paid for it. 

Now do you see why old folks are cheerful and the young are, um, well I don't use vulgar language here, but you see what I'm getting at. We bought a house, for what was, by today's standards, even after accounting for inflation, peanuts and for which we paid in cash from the savings from our modest earnings. But when we're dead, that house will likely go for millions to some hyper-mortgaged young couple. 

So, yeah, we oldsters are laughing and you youngsters are either weeping or just mad as Hell. 

Oh, and to toughen the struggle, the Trudeau genius administration has opened the floodgates to immigration, which is to reach a record 484,000 this year, rising to half a million next year. Thats 142,097 more than the number of Canadian births in 2023. And it's an influx of mostly young adults who will compete with Canada's young families not only for homes, but for jobs too. 

No wonder the Canadian fertility rate is in free-fall, reaching 1.1 in 2023, when the mere replacement rate would be 2.1. For most young Canadian adults, no family home means no family. Thus, under the present administration, Canada is a country bent on self-genocide. We are replacing ourselves with people from elsewhere. For the most part good people, no doubt. BUT THEY'RE NOT CANADIANS.

Not Canadians yet, that is. But they soon will be, and not only Canadians but the  majority and ultimately the replacement for the historic Canadian nation. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Incurable Foolishness of Justin Trudeau and the Existential Threat He Poses for Canada

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has provoked outrage by asserting that Adolf Hitler had “Jewish origins.” The statement was made in an interview on Italian television when Lavrov was asked how  Ukraine could have a pro-Nazi government when the Ukrainian President, Zelensky, is a Jew.

Lavrov's statement prompted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to denounce the Russian Foreign Minister’s comments. They are, he told reporters during a media availability in Windsor, Ontario “ridiculous and unacceptable.”

In fact, Lavrov acknowledged that concerning his claim about Hitler's ancestry, "I may be wrong." 

But his point remains: Being a Jew is no bar to being a Nazi. There were thousands of Nazi Jews in Hitler's Germany. Furthermore, there were thousands of German Jews who served in Hitler's armed forces

But the most obvious validation of Lavrov's point, namely that being a Jew is no bar to being a Nazi, is the Jewish state of Israel. Israel proclaims itself to be "The Jewish State." It is an avowedly racist state which has consistently treated the non-Jewish indigenous inhabitants of Palestine brutally. 

As Moshe Dayan, head of the Israeli Defense Forces stated in 1970:
"We have no solution… You [Palestinians] shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where this process leads."

Israelis are the ultimate Nazi's, although they differ from Hitler's Nazis in being, thus far, rather more successful in occupying the land of others and adopting a policy of ethnic cleansing.  

So, no Justin, you are a simple-minded twit. There's no conflict between Judaism and Nazism. They are essentially the same thing, although different groups may pursue the policy of national supremacism with greater or lesser success. 

In fact, until the Western nations adopted fools and traitors to lead them, all were nationalist and proud of it. And indeed any other policy constitutes a policy of national suicide. 

The process of state imposed national suicide is evident in the transformation of Britain under the traitor Edward Health and every one of his successors, from the homeland of the British People to a nation where the capital city,  London, and other great urban centers have majority ethnic populations. 

The same process of national suicide is the Trudeau family policy. 

Pierre Trudeau effectively legalized abortion while facilitating divorce, causing by the end of his reign, the national fertility rate to fall below the replacement rate for the first time in Canada's more than 400-year history. Under Justin Trudeau the decline in Canada's fertility continues to fall and stands now at barely two-thirds of the replacement rate.

File:Canada's fertility rate from 1929 to 2019.png

But not to worry. Justin Trudeau is aiming for 450,000 immigrants this year, almost 100,000 more than the number of live births.

True, that means Canada is destroying its own posterity, but who cares? 

Yeah, Long Live Canada. The Replacement Nation, that is, not your old stock, white, racist, misogynistic, Trucker-Loving Europeans. 

But Canadians old-stock or new, should watch out for payback for Justin Trudeau's contemptuous treatment of Russia. The Russians, it seems, don't like countries that help Ukrainians kill Russians. 

True, we've only supplied some old field guns, dating from World War 1 perhaps and presumably deemed surplus to requirement. Still, to the Russians it's an ugly gesture. And the Russians are especially touchy right now. 

Just this week Russia threatened to annihilate the British Isles with a robot sub armed with a nuke warhead capable of generating a 500-foot tsunami somewhere inside British territorial waters:

So should Canada care about possible Russian push back?

Why not? Russia, after all, is Canada's nearest neighbor after the United States, and we have 162,000 km of undefended Arctic coastline confronting Russia's highly militarized Arctic Coast of similar extent.

So might Russia not make a lighting incursion into the Canadian North, perhaps to let off some giant firecracker to elicit greater respect from the fount of  imbecility in Ottawa, or even, perhaps, to declare the Sovereign Democratic Republic of Greater Inuvik a Russian protectorate.  

Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Saving the British Nation from Elite-driven Genocide

Over at the Unz Review, the current headline story is about the firing of a UK Government special adviser named Sabitsky who advocated the forced sterilization (by means of a long-lasting contraceptive treatment) of those of low IQ, particularly African immigrants.

The Unzites are, true to form, in uproar against this appalling stifling of the hideous reality of low black IQ and the urgent need for measures of racial hygiene. In fact, however, Sabitsky is a young and obnoxious fool to have advocated compulsory contraception, i.e., sterilization. That's not what can happen in a free country.

His proposal however, does address a real problem: namely, Britain's catastrophically dysgenic reproductive policies, which yield, contrary to the pattern of all past ages, higher fertility among the poor and stupid than among the rich and intelligent.

And as one commenter over at, notes: Correcting the disastrous demographic trend in Britain requires four things:
First, barring immigration except to those of British extraction prior to 1950, when the waves of mass immigration began.

Second, bringing back teenage pregnancy. The idiots and self-hating morons who devised sex "education" have destroyed an essential part of the mechanism for population self-replacement. In 1950's Britain there was essentially no sex "education", no pill, and abortion was rare, dangerous and criminal. Hence smart lads and cute, unwed, teenage girls subject to irresistible impulse accounted for one third of all conceptions. The result? Sharp good-looking kids. In about one third of all cases the parents of these children married in haste. The majority of the remaining kids were adopted and well brought up.

Third, make welfare for indigent mothers dependent on identification by DNA test of the father(s) of their children, while compelling father's thus identified to make child support payments or go to debtors' gaol. (That way, no need for compulsory contraception. Only the most imbecile of the fathers of welfare children will fail to use a condom, and those who do fail will end up in gaol.)

Fourth, give intelligent women who bear and raise children vastly greater economic security in this age of no-fault divorce by instituting a child allowance paid to the mother for the rest of her life in the form of a large (at least 25%) tax refund, based on the earnings of both parents whether married, unmarried or divorced.
Zero Hedge: Marine Le Pen Calls For Referendum To Stop "Submersion" Of France Via Mass Immigration

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Feminism and the Destruction of the Western Nations

An article at the Unz Review, entitled Women In Universities (IU’s Provost Lauren Robel, Dean Idie Kesner) Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing argues that women are destroying academia through "female-typical behavior", a notion upon which he expands by quoting some person saying: 
... females become upset more easily, making it more difficult to engage in unemotional academic disputations, because their logic is more likely to be overwhelmed. Females are also more conformist than men, which militates against challenging received knowledge and thus discovering new things.
This is bunk. Yes, women are different from men, thank God. But that does not make them unfit for academia. What is destroying academia is a whole lot of things, including the fraudulence, dim-wittedness, and bureaucratic mentality of most of today's so-called academics. And, yes, feminism is a powerful corrosive of academic excellence, and indeed, of academic sanity. 

Let me explain.

In 1951 Charlotte Whitten became mayor of the city of Ottawa, the first women in Canada to hold the mayoralty of a major city. Today, she is remembered chiefly for her remark that:
For a woman to succeed in a man's world she needs to be twice as good as a man.
 At the time Mayor Whitten spoke, her words were largely true throughout the Western world. Then, for most women, the main career opportunity was motherhood, and to distinguish herself in that role, a woman needed to raise distinguished sons.

As an incentive to faithfully performing that essential service to the race and to civilization, women were provided with a considerable measure of economic security by virtue of marriage and divorce laws. Moreover, the absence of legal abortion services gave women a powerful incentive to seek marriage rather than casual sex.

But there were always women who pursued careers and demonstrated that, if not twice as good as a man, some could certainly match the achievements of men. In those days, therefore, it was the case that for a woman to become an academic was, in itself, evidence of real ability.

Today, the situation is totally different. Virtually all the protections provided to women who commit to the raising of children have been removed, while casual, safe and sterile sex has been facilitated and promoted by almost every public institution from parliaments to parish churches, and from the media to the medical profession.

The result? A feminist revolt manifest not in the Lysistratan refusal to provide husbands and lovers with sexual gratification, but in the truly wicked refusal to perpetuate the race, pursuing instead the financial security of a career and, in the case of the most able, power.

Western society is now well on the way to extinction, with fertility rates far below replacement and without the slightest prospect of recovery, the population deficit being made up by immigrants of mainly alien race, religion and culture. Feminists in academia, are among the principle agents of this disaster, relentlessly justifying and propagating their self-genocidal ideology. Meantime, of the native reproduction, this now depends heavily on the welfare class, as more intelligent women, propelled by the feminist ethic, pursue sterile self gratification through career success. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Suicide of the West, No. 93.

Daily Mail: Fertility rate for white women plummets BELOW the limit needed to maintain the population in every single US state
Fertility rates for white women were down in every US state in 2017 - below the rate needed for the population to replace itself, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals.

However, among black and Hispanic women, fertility rates were up in 12 and 29 states, respectively.

When researchers looked at fertility rates for women of all age groups and races, they found that the nationwide rate was 16 percent lower than what is considered the level for a population to replace itself.

Experts say this is likely due to the fact that the large proportion of native-born women are having fewer children than before, while the much smaller proportion of immigrant-born women are having more children.

The story is the same for Europe but worse. Worse for the European race, that is. The Germans, the Italians, the Hungarians and sundry other Europeans fuck to hardly any productive effect, poor brainwashed, politically correct, self-genociding dupes. 

But, hey, we gotta have more girls' education, more girls in our front line fighting forces, more girl fire fighters, more girls running the big corporations and sitting on executive boards, more rights for queers, more transgenders, this last to be achieved, as necessary, by surgical and chemical means. The fact is, unless guys start having babies it's game over the Euros 'cos girls are just too busy doing the big jobs that white guys no longer have any right to hold.

And more children? Oh God no! Humans are a plague on the planet, at least white humans, you know, the privileged race. No, Whitey is slated for extermination. What do you think sex "ed." is all about other than to exterminate the white nations of the world. Meantime, no African nation is so stupid as to indulge in such self-destructive bollocks, they just go on multiplying, doubling their population every 30 years. 

Not for white genocide? But that's what the media you absorb every day have been telling you for years. You know, the trusted names, Time Magazine, the Economist (LOL), the BBCMacleans, the Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, the Gruniard.

And it's what the school your kid goes to, assuming you have a kid, teaches: whitey is a disease on the face of the planet and must be eliminated by mass immigration, racial mixing and lethal propaganda. Diversity is good, except the white part of it, obviously. For whitey metissage is an obligation.

Same for Western civilization: it's gotta go. Christianity is the root of all evil, together with every other manifestation of Western culture: Shakespeare to be removed from the Eng. Lit. curriculum, Kipling a despicable racist never to be mentioned in polite society, Jane Austin to be removed from public libraries.

Either the Western nations get rid of the Treason class: the Mays, the Merkels, the Microns, the Clintons, the Obamas, and Justin, Canada-is-not-a -nation, Trudeau, or they die.

Vive les gilets jaunes.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Racist White Scum Intent on the Destruction of Their Own People

Former UK Ambassador Craig Murray rattles on about the war crimes of Tony Blair, yet he is complicit with Blair in Blair's greatest crime: the crime of genocide against his own people. The Destruction of the British people through mass replacement immigration. Murray calls racist, any who oppose race-replacement mass immigration to low fertility Europe.

Thus, on his blog, I wrote:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Swedish Feminists To Syrian Refugees: When Does the Raping Begin?

Betty Friedan. Image source
I've sometimes wondered if feminists, the female variety, that is, are not in most cases just women resentful at not being, for whatever reason, the target of at least occasional male sexual harassment.

If that were the case, the mass influx of strong, young, sex-starved, single, Islamic males intent on rape and pillage across Europe would naturally appeal to at least a certain segment of the feminist establishment. And so it appears to be the case. Or at least so it has been reported from Sweden where feminists  have launched a campaign against men that want to protect them from being raped by "Syrian" "refugees."

This, in turn, seems to confirm the genocidal intention of the US-orchestrated mass influx of young, strong, single, sex-starved Muslim males from Syria (aka, draft dodgers and economic opportunists) and elsewhere into Europe. As we noted before:
Germany has less than five million female citizens between the ages of 20 and 30, so by opening the door to one million young, Islamic males, with millions more to come, the Merkel government has cuckolded (a large part of) the male youth of Germany.

German demographics

 Presumably the intention is to follow this with ever more energetic promotion of homosexuality as an outlet for the cucked, while welcoming Islam, a faith that sanctions the brutal execution of homosexuals, as a religion of peace and love eminently compatible with European civilization.
To better understand the psychology underlying this project for the ethnic destruction of Europe, consider what would be the reaction of European males to mass influx of young, healthy unaccompanied, sex-starved females from Asia and the Middle-East.

Exactly: wild enthusiasm.


Sweden: Death By Immigration

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Racist Joke That Serves a Good Moral Purpose

Question: What do you call a black woman who has had at least three abortions?
Answer: A crimefighter.

So what is the moral of the joke? That is revealed by another joke:

Question: What do you call a white woman who has had at least three abortions?
Answer: An anti-racism activist.

If you found the second joke funny, you are either an immigrant to Europe with a settler mentality or a European driven by media lies, advertising manipulation, Hollywood brainwashing, and twelve years of mandatory state propaganda in the guise of education to believe that opposing the racial and cultural destruction of your own people is racism.

If, however, you found the first joke funny, then you are among the minority of the European people with at least some small chance of success in the Darwinian struggle to perpetuate your own genes* among future generations of those residing in the land of your birth.

And here are some statistics (source):
In Europe, around 30 per cent of pregnancies end in abortion.

In Western Europe there were 12 abortions per 1,000 women in 2008, while in Eastern Europe at the same time there were 43.

However, Northern Europe (which includes the UK and Scandinavia) fared worse than the western region with 17 abortions per 1,000 women, which is on par with North America.
Thus it is abortion that makes the difference between a self-perpetuating society and a society engaged in self-genocide. The fertility of European women is currently 1.55 and falling, whereas the replacement rate is 2.1. If the 30% of pregnancies terminated by non-therapeutic abortion went to term, the European fertility rate would be 2.2, which would achieve near perfect population stability. As it is, the European population is growing rapidly due to mass immigration from Asia, the Middle East and Africa, most of the immigrants being  either of reproductive age or children and hence soon to be of reproductive age. These immigrants will thus contribute disproportionately to the next generation in Europe even if their fertility was no greater than that of Europeans. However, all immigrant groups have a higher fertility that indigenous European women, and in some cases their fertility is several times higher. For example, in Britain, women from Libya, a country deliberately turned into a failed state and thus a source of immigrants to Europe by NATO bombing, have a fertility rate more than three times the European rate. These numbers make it clear, Europe is engaged in self-genocide driven by puppets of the globalist money power, such as Blair and Cameron, Sarkozy and Hollande, and above all, Frau Merkel. The objective is a mongrel Europe of  easily manipulated deracinated serfs among whom will be found the subservient technicians to run the global machinery of commerce, and solve the servant problem, as George H. W. Bush said many years ago with reference to illegal Mexican immigrants to the US.
* The Darwinian struggle, as is now understood, is about the propagation of genes, and thus cannot be directly measured by they number of an individual's own descendants. That means the struggle for the survival of the European people's is a matter for everyone, including the childless.


'I decapitate you' Women workers threatened and forced to DRESS DOWN at refugee centre

Stabbing death of 15yo schoolboy by ‘Arab migrant’ classmate in Sweden

To Fight Racism, Oregon College Devotes an Entire Month to ‘Whiteness’-Shaming

"Pope of Islam": Hijab is a display of Muslim supremacy, not just modesty

McCallum: 90% of Muslim migrants to New Brunswick can't speak English or French -- and "that's a good thing"

US Federal 'Common Core' Education Curriculum has anti-American agenda

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Political Correctness Has Replaced Christianity As the Religion of the West

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Communist religion of political correctness has replaced Christianity as the principal religion of the United States and its vassals and tributaries. To understand what this transition means, one needs to understand what constitutes a religion. A religion is not, essentially, a belief in God, or gods, the spirits of ancestors, or other supernatural entities; neither is it an organization, whether state-backed, for example the Russian Orthodox Church, or supranational, for example the Roman Catholic Church; nor is it a matter of ritual, prayer, worship, sacrifice, or fasting. Rather, the essential feature of any religion is a code of conduct applicable to every member of society.

The existence of a shared set of ethical beliefs is essential to any society, for without it there is no basis upon which to engage with strangers in social, business or other relations. But not all ethical codes are equivalent in their consequences. Far from it, as the impact of Political Correctness in the West clearly shows.

The precepts of political correctness are the antithesis of those of Christianity. In the matter of sexual morality, for example, Christianity condemns masturbation, fornication, adultery, contraception, abortion and no-fault divorce, all of which are accepted or positively encouraged under the code of Political Correctness. Contrary to the impact of Political Correctness, the Christian code, which derives directly from that of the Jews, strengthens family ties, promotes population growth, and thus encourage people to "go forth and multiply and rule over the nations of the Earth." This the European peoples once did with enthusiasm, establishing populous colonies in the Americas and elsewhere.

But then the Europeans began to backslide. God, they discovered, does not exist. The story about Jesus they realized was only a myth, so why not enjoy sex without the costs of child birth and child-rearing. And if there is no God in Heaven to punish selfishness, why not ditch the wife at 45 and take on a twenty-something cutie? Or if you cannot afford the alimony, at least have something on the side.

The result? A collapse in Western birthrates to little more than half the replacement rate in much of Europe. But no prob., lots of poor folk from the Third World are ready to take the place of the missing children of the West. Thing is though, many of these immigrants are God-fearing fundamentalist Christians from Africa or Moslems from Africa, the Middle-East and Asia, from which fact it requires little intelligence to anticipate how this will end. It will end with the destruction of both the people and the culture of Europe and their replacement by people from elsewhere who have a more viable religious code.

But to object to the PC-induced self-genocide of the West is Vorboten because, according to the PC code, the Judeo-Christian belief in perpetuating one's own people is — yeah — racist.

Still, folks are bound to wonder, what's driving this program of racial and cultural self-genocide and why?

An important factor is that the PC code appeals strongly to individual selfishness. It allows and even encourages every one of the seven deadly sins: not only lust, but gluttony (Noticed how many fat people there are in America and Europe? Though the PC code says we mustn't call them fat. It's not that they regularly pig-out on grease-filled hamburgers, fudge sundaes, Coke and Snickers bars, but that they are unfortunate sufferers of the disease of obesity; or simply that they are circumferentially challenged.); avarice (Ain't everyone just obsessed about money); anger (Haven't you noticed how the politically correct love to hate, especially white people, aka, racists, religious people, whether Christians or Muslims, and in particular, religious people who attempt to uphold the Christian or Muslim teachings on homosexuality, abortion, marriage, etc., etc.); envy and pride (Without which the advertising-driven Western economies would come to a virtual standstill.); and last but not least, sloth (Why should people work? "Each according to his need" as the Commies demanded, or "Share de wealf" as the rioters from London to Baltimore declare, with general support from President Obama and every other liberal).

But it is not just the innate selfishness of humanity that drives adoption of the PC religion: the push comes from the top, from the political class, the media, Hollywood, the publishing industry, the bureaucracy and the judiciary. Suggest that mixing men and women in the laboratory can be a distraction from the research in progress and the President of the Royal Society itself will trash your reputation as will the Provost of University College London and the President of the European Research Council.

So who's directing the people at the top: the university presidents, the school principals the police chiefs and bureau heads? The answer, as in all other matters that affect its interests, is the Money Power. It is the plutocratic elite, the people who control the mega-banks and giant international corporations that control both the media and the "elected", i.e, bought and paid-for, politicians.

So what's their purpose? To destroy the people, obviously, for reasons that are not difficult to understand. In the 19th century and early twentieth century the proletariat was, for the elite, a necessary evil: they worked the industrial machine and they provided the cannon fodder in wars of mass mobilization. But today they are needed for neither purpose in anything like their present numbers. Jobs in manufacturing, commerce, transportation and communication are being automated out of existence, leaving the need only for a small number of engineers and technicians to build and maintain the robotic systems. War, likewise, has become a high-tech business to be managed by a diminishing number of highly trained, full-time professional soldiers.

Political Correctness is thus a means to get rid of most of the people. Then the resources so uselessly consumed by the masses — land for cheap ugly houses, investments in highways for pointless shopping trips and recreational travel, hideous shopping malls for the vending of mostly useless junk, airports to take the swarming masses to the beaches the rich intend to privatize — will revert to the control of the elite at minimal cost. Then the surviving few will enjoy a much less crowded world, where a deracinated, mongrelized proletariat of a few hundred million people lacking any sense of national identity and without any stupid Western tradition of individual liberty will serve the elite with appropriate deference and in appropriate obscurity.

The takeover is to occur as in the demoralized and decadent post-Soviet states under the rule of corrupt agents of the Money Power such as Yeltsin in Russia, or Yanukovytch and Poroshenko in Ukraine, or in the West such as the Blairs, Clintons and Bushes.

But, hey, those damnable Russians have got their Orthodox Church back, and the Russian Orthodox church seeks to ban abortion. Already the bastards have stopped the collapse in Russia's population, and now that dastardly Putin runt is bestowing honors upon parents of large families. And the teaming masses of China are finding Jesus too. So who knows, the rule of PC in the West may have to be reconsidered.


Canspeccy: Atheists for Christ

TV.RU: Russians Think the EU Is a Moral Sewer. Child Molesters on the Evening News

David Hodges: The People vs. the Commie Barack Hussein Obama

Sam Rohrer, American Pastors Network: America and the West: Leaders of Moral Depravity

Michael Snyder: 11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet

Alexander Dugin: End of the 20th Century – The End of the Epoch of Modernity

Brandon Smith:The Future Costs Of Politically Correct Cultism
Marxism (collectivism) uses many vehicles or Trojan horses to gain access to political and cultural spaces. Once present, it gestates like cancer, erasing previous models of heritage and history in order to destroy any competing models of society. If you want to understand what is happening in America today, I suggest you research the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960's. We are experiencing the same Marxist program of historical and social destruction, only slightly slower and more strategic.
Younger generations are highly susceptible to social trends and are often easily manipulated by popular culture and academic authority, which is why we are seeing PC cultism explode with the millennials and post-millennials. In my brief participation on the left side of the false paradigm, political correctness was only beginning to take hold. A decade later, the speed of the propaganda has far accelerated, and we now have a bewildering manure storm on our hands. The result is a vast division within American society that cannot be mended. Those of us on the side of liberty are so different in our philosophies and solutions to social Marxists that there can be no compromise. The whole carnival can end only one way: a fight. And perhaps this is exactly what the elites want: left against right, black against white, gay against religious and straight, etc. As long as the PC movement continues to unwittingly do the bidding of power brokers in their efforts toward the destruction of individual liberty, I see no other alternative but utter conflict.

News Forge: More than 200,000 Germans formally left the Catholic Church in 2014, accelerating the downward trend in the Catholic proportion of the country’s population

Mish: Former US Democrat Presidential Candidate Calls for Internment Camps for "Disloyal" Americans

The Saker: How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire