Showing posts with label white genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white genocide. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
White Self Genocide: If You're White, Your Government Has Painted a Target on Your Back
Paul Craig Roberts, former US Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, explains how the US is ruled and how the Western nations are intent on racial and cultural self-destruction:
cultural genocide,
death of the West,
Money Power,
white genocide
Thursday, October 29, 2020
When the Migrant Gets His Feet under the Table He Complains of Too Many Natives, and, In Scotland, If Voting for this Migrant Albinophobe Is an Indication, the Natives Agree
Thing is, the Scottish people, who still make up 95% of Scotland's population, are white, so without a genocide of the Scottish people, Scotland will go on being populated by white people. But then genocide of the Scottish people is apparently what some migrants want.
Once You Let the Alien In, He'll Seek to Take ControlFriday, June 28, 2019
Dalai Lama Says What It's Criminal for a White Person to Say: The Europeans are Being Suicided by Mass Replacement Immigration
"The whole of Europe will eventually become a Muslim African country" — unless refugees are sent back.
Phew, saying that would get you labelled a hate speaker, a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi — if you're white, that is.
The fact that what the Dalai Lama said is true is, of course, beside the point. Indeed, it is because what the Dalai Lama said is true that such speech must be suppressed.
Specifically, what must be suppressed is an awareness of the simple arithmetical consequences of importing masses of philoprogenitive people of alien race, religion and culture to nations afflicted by a reproductive dysfunction.
All of the European-majority nations have a below replacement fertility rate, in many cases a fertility rate barely half the replacement rate. Mass immigration to those nations intensifies the reproductive failure of the native populations and speeds the genocidal replacement of the indigenous nation.
Only an awareness of the fate picked out for them by the globalist Treason Party can save the European peoples. Hence the ruthless suppression of anti-immigrationist speech.
The Europeans are the lobsters in the slowly warming pot: the agents of globalization, Merkel, Micron, May, and their predecessors.
Well said Dalai Lama: Free Tibet!
Phew, saying that would get you labelled a hate speaker, a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi — if you're white, that is.
The fact that what the Dalai Lama said is true is, of course, beside the point. Indeed, it is because what the Dalai Lama said is true that such speech must be suppressed.
Specifically, what must be suppressed is an awareness of the simple arithmetical consequences of importing masses of philoprogenitive people of alien race, religion and culture to nations afflicted by a reproductive dysfunction.
All of the European-majority nations have a below replacement fertility rate, in many cases a fertility rate barely half the replacement rate. Mass immigration to those nations intensifies the reproductive failure of the native populations and speeds the genocidal replacement of the indigenous nation.
Only an awareness of the fate picked out for them by the globalist Treason Party can save the European peoples. Hence the ruthless suppression of anti-immigrationist speech.
The Europeans are the lobsters in the slowly warming pot: the agents of globalization, Merkel, Micron, May, and their predecessors.
Well said Dalai Lama: Free Tibet!
Dalai Llama,
immigrant return,
white genocide
Thursday, January 10, 2019
The Suicide of the West, No. 93.
Daily Mail: Fertility rate for white women plummets BELOW the limit needed to maintain the population in every single US state Fertility rates for white women were down in every US state in 2017 - below the rate needed for the population to replace itself, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals. However, among black and Hispanic women, fertility rates were up in 12 and 29 states, respectively. When researchers looked at fertility rates for women of all age groups and races, they found that the nationwide rate was 16 percent lower than what is considered the level for a population to replace itself. Experts say this is likely due to the fact that the large proportion of native-born women are having fewer children than before, while the much smaller proportion of immigrant-born women are having more children. |
The story is the same for Europe but worse. Worse for the European race, that is. The Germans, the Italians, the Hungarians and sundry other Europeans fuck to hardly any productive effect, poor brainwashed, politically correct, self-genociding dupes.
But, hey, we gotta have more girls' education, more girls in our front line fighting forces, more girl fire fighters, more girls running the big corporations and sitting on executive boards, more rights for queers, more transgenders, this last to be achieved, as necessary, by surgical and chemical means. The fact is, unless guys start having babies it's game over the Euros 'cos girls are just too busy doing the big jobs that white guys no longer have any right to hold.
And more children? Oh God no! Humans are a plague on the planet, at least white humans, you know, the privileged race. No, Whitey is slated for extermination. What do you think sex "ed." is all about other than to exterminate the white nations of the world. Meantime, no African nation is so stupid as to indulge in such self-destructive bollocks, they just go on multiplying, doubling their population every 30 years.
Not for white genocide? But that's what the media you absorb every day have been telling you for years. You know, the trusted names, Time Magazine, the Economist (LOL), the BBC, Macleans, the Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, the Gruniard.
And it's what the school your kid goes to, assuming you have a kid, teaches: whitey is a disease on the face of the planet and must be eliminated by mass immigration, racial mixing and lethal propaganda. Diversity is good, except the white part of it, obviously. For whitey metissage is an obligation.
Same for Western civilization: it's gotta go. Christianity is the root of all evil, together with every other manifestation of Western culture: Shakespeare to be removed from the Eng. Lit. curriculum, Kipling a despicable racist never to be mentioned in polite society, Jane Austin to be removed from public libraries.
Either the Western nations get rid of the Treason class: the Mays, the Merkels, the Microns, the Clintons, the Obamas, and Justin, Canada-is-not-a -nation, Trudeau, or they die.
Vive les gilets jaunes.
But, hey, we gotta have more girls' education, more girls in our front line fighting forces, more girl fire fighters, more girls running the big corporations and sitting on executive boards, more rights for queers, more transgenders, this last to be achieved, as necessary, by surgical and chemical means. The fact is, unless guys start having babies it's game over the Euros 'cos girls are just too busy doing the big jobs that white guys no longer have any right to hold.
And more children? Oh God no! Humans are a plague on the planet, at least white humans, you know, the privileged race. No, Whitey is slated for extermination. What do you think sex "ed." is all about other than to exterminate the white nations of the world. Meantime, no African nation is so stupid as to indulge in such self-destructive bollocks, they just go on multiplying, doubling their population every 30 years.
Not for white genocide? But that's what the media you absorb every day have been telling you for years. You know, the trusted names, Time Magazine, the Economist (LOL), the BBC, Macleans, the Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, the Globe and Mail, the Gruniard.
And it's what the school your kid goes to, assuming you have a kid, teaches: whitey is a disease on the face of the planet and must be eliminated by mass immigration, racial mixing and lethal propaganda. Diversity is good, except the white part of it, obviously. For whitey metissage is an obligation.
Same for Western civilization: it's gotta go. Christianity is the root of all evil, together with every other manifestation of Western culture: Shakespeare to be removed from the Eng. Lit. curriculum, Kipling a despicable racist never to be mentioned in polite society, Jane Austin to be removed from public libraries.
Either the Western nations get rid of the Treason class: the Mays, the Merkels, the Microns, the Clintons, the Obamas, and Justin, Canada-is-not-a -nation, Trudeau, or they die.
Vive les gilets jaunes.
fertility rate,
white genocide,
white privilege
Friday, January 4, 2019
Darwinism in the Service of White Genocide
Vox Day has an excellent post showing the humbug of the globalist shills for open borders. He writes:
But I fear, indeed I have no doubt, that far from failing to understand the implications of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the globalist cucks have instigated the migrant invasion of the European homelands to achieve white genocide.
It's strange that scientists expect people to be concerned about the threat invasive species pose to the native squirrel population, but not the native human population. |
But I fear, indeed I have no doubt, that far from failing to understand the implications of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the globalist cucks have instigated the migrant invasion of the European homelands to achieve white genocide.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
The Shockingly Regressive Social Attitudes of British Muslims Threaten to Tear the Country Apart
As any English person in Londonistan knows, speaking the truth about the population and immigration policies of Britain's treasonous governing elite, the Blair's, the Cameron's, the May's and their media enablers and defenders is, yes you got it, RAAAACIIIIST.
Thing is, as we pointed out the other day, not being RAAAACIIIST means being complicit in the genocide of your own people. So what are you? A politically correct twit complacently driven by the powers that be to support the destruction of your own people and culture — the Western civilization that created the modern world, or a RAAAACIIIIIST?
Thing is, as we pointed out the other day, not being RAAAACIIIST means being complicit in the genocide of your own people. So what are you? A politically correct twit complacently driven by the powers that be to support the destruction of your own people and culture — the Western civilization that created the modern world, or a RAAAACIIIIIST?
Friday, August 26, 2016
Virtuous Racism
A man should, whatever happens, keep to his own caste, race and breed.
Let the White go to the White and the Black to the Black.
Rudyard Kipling (Beyond the Pale, in Plain Tales From the Hills)
Racism is defined as the belief that a particular race is superior to another. Thus, a person who believes that it is better that Germany, say, is populated mainly by Germans, rather than by, say, Syrians or Chinese is a racist since they are saying that a German is better than a Syrian or a Chinese, at least in Germany.
The Chinese and the Syrians, of course, think Chinese or Syrians, as the case may be, are better in China or Syria. In fact, that's how the great majority of people in any country think. Only bigots like Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and Angela Merkel apply the perjorative term "racist" to people who believe in the preservation of their own kind, their own legal and religious traditions, and their own culture.
The racism of those who seek to preserve their own cultural and racial identities is in stark opposition to the globalist project to make the European peoples minorities in their own homes through a combination of policies that suppress the reproduction of the indigenous people while bringing about mass replacement immigration. In Britain, this project has already achieved its objective in London, Luton, Leicester, as in many other urban areas in Britain, the European mainland, and the United States too.
Let the White go to the White and the Black to the Black.
Rudyard Kipling (Beyond the Pale, in Plain Tales From the Hills)
Racism is defined as the belief that a particular race is superior to another. Thus, a person who believes that it is better that Germany, say, is populated mainly by Germans, rather than by, say, Syrians or Chinese is a racist since they are saying that a German is better than a Syrian or a Chinese, at least in Germany.
The Chinese and the Syrians, of course, think Chinese or Syrians, as the case may be, are better in China or Syria. In fact, that's how the great majority of people in any country think. Only bigots like Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and Angela Merkel apply the perjorative term "racist" to people who believe in the preservation of their own kind, their own legal and religious traditions, and their own culture.
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Birmingham New St. School: These are lovely children, but nearly all are immigrants or the children of immigrants, the indigenous population of England having been slated by a treasonous elite for minority status, along with English culture and eventually perhaps even the English common law. Today, in Birmingham, England's second city, English elementary school children are not even the largest minority ethnic group. Click to enlarge (Image source) |
The racism of those who seek to preserve their own cultural and racial identities is in stark opposition to the globalist project to make the European peoples minorities in their own homes through a combination of policies that suppress the reproduction of the indigenous people while bringing about mass replacement immigration. In Britain, this project has already achieved its objective in London, Luton, Leicester, as in many other urban areas in Britain, the European mainland, and the United States too.
European genocide,
Rudyard Kipling,
virtuous racism,
white genocide
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Cucks and Interlopers for the Cultural and Racial Genocide of Europe
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‘Star Wars’ Posters Are All About the One-Eye Sign: Mark of the Elite Agenda, According to Vigilant Citizen |
There is, in fact, nothing new about this kind of gender-bending racial stereotyping designed to undermine the self-confidence and ultimate survival of the European people. The cucks at the British Broadcorping Castration have, as James Delingpole reports in the Telegraph, done to the ancient radio soap, The Archers — the story of rural life in central England, what J.J. Abrams has now been done to Star Wars.
In merry olde Ambridge, so England Calling's Robert Henderson relates, all the white lads are now thieves, queers or dope dealers, and all the white girls are dying to get knocked up by the Pakistani captain of the village cricket team.
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Unbelievably fucking white Star Wars Director, J.J. Abrams |
I guess folks accept it because, well, hey, it's true to life. They see it happening around them: the racial and cultural destruction of their nation.
Clever, innit, how you get an entire, once great, nation to acquiesce in its own genocide.
And, blimey, this is interesting: just searched Google for "Star Wars" +"anti-white" and got seventy-three million hits! Even "Star Wars" +"white genocide" produces 53,000 hits, but Google'll probably soon fix that (Yeah, both numbers down by 10% within 24 hours). Soon they'll probably show anyone looking for "Star Wars" +"white genocide" is a racist. And, yes, here we are over at
Racists threaten to boycott “Star Wars VII” because it promotes “white genocide,” apparently
It's racist to oppose the genocide of your own people, apparently. LOL: The standard liberal-leftie argument: reductio ad odium sermonis (reduction to hate speech).
The extraordinary hypocrisy of the politically correct cucks is nicely confirmed by a story from the University of Ottawa where a free class on Yoga was cancelled because it represented an exercise in cultural appropriation, whereas depicting citizens of Third World extraction as pioneers of space exploration is just fine, apparently, with the likes of the so fucking unbelievably white and sour-faced J.J. Abrams.
The extraordinary hypocrisy of the politically correct cucks is nicely confirmed by a story from the University of Ottawa where a free class on Yoga was cancelled because it represented an exercise in cultural appropriation, whereas depicting citizens of Third World extraction as pioneers of space exploration is just fine, apparently, with the likes of the so fucking unbelievably white and sour-faced J.J. Abrams.
Related: Kasich State Co-Chair Says You Have to Take Trump Out “With a Head Shot”
Breitbart: Britain's Prime Cuck, David Camoron, says Britain, as a Christian country, should commit self-genocide by mass immigration
U-Tube: Andrea Tantaros: Trump Defends White Male Masculinity
Variety: Vatican Newspaper Pans Latest Iteration of Star Wars
Deep Resource: “White Americans Are Losing Their Country” Paul Krugman applauds
CounterCurrents Trevor Lynch: Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens
The new Star Wars movie is exactly what I deduced it would be from the trailers and the fact that it was directed by J. J. Abrams, a filmmaker so vulgar and artless that he makes Jerry Bruckheimer seem like Ingmar Bergman. ...Deep Resource: Girls Should be Mothers, Not Jedi Knights
DiversityMachtFrei: Switzerland: Pupils sent home for wearing "racist" traditional Swiss Edelweiss shirts
Friday, November 30, 2012
Population: Explosion and Implosion
Trikipedia says the World is overpopulated. They quote Steve Jones, head of the biology department at University College London, as saying, "Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be".
Let's see, ten billion divided by ten thousand, that's one million. A total world population one quarter that of Elizabethan England. LOL. See what passes for scholarship nowadays -- pure genocidal propaganda.
Actually, nearly everything said about population seems to be propaganda. Yet the real issues are simple enough. Thomas Malthus got it right: population increases until limited by food supply, unless people limit their fertility by indulgence in "vice."
The green revolution vastly increased the World's food supply, hence a doubling in Africa's population in the last 40 years with massive increases elsewhere too.
Meantime, the West embarked on the wholesale indulgence in "vice", thus driving the fertility rate of the European nations well below the replacement rate.
So in fact there are several big stories concerning population. One is the population explosion in Africa and the Islamic World. Another is the collapse in the population of the European peoples (preceded by aging of the population and a collapse in the fertile proportion of the population) and their replacement by immigrants of mainly reproductive age and high fertility.
Most Europeans are too brainwashed to see that their anxiety about the population explosion drives their own extinction, an anxiety deliberately fostered by the political lackeys and dupes of a plutocratic elite that seeks the annihilation of the most powerful nation states through a program of genocide against the indigenous people of those nations.
But the mainstream political parties and the corporate media outlets respond to this analysis with charges of racism, and xenophobia, while state-funded organs of political correctness deploy anti-free speech laws to muzzle critics of genocidal population policies.
None of which alters the fact that the nations of Western Europe are being inundated by people of non-European extraction and of alien culture, who are in many cases possessed of an aggressive settler mentality.
Many London boroughs now have a majority ethnic population, my father's home town, the City of Leicester is majority ethnic, in Birmingham, England's second city, English Children in primary school are not even the largest minority. Overall, 25 percent of births in Britain are to foreign-born mothers, and many more to foreign-born fathers of English mothers and grand-daughters of foreign born fathers or mothers. Thus the English will be an ethnic minority in their own home within a generation.
The idea that there are just too many people on earth is a value judgement not a matter of scientific fact. The carrying capacity of the globe has been estimated at about 1 person to every 27 square meters. My own calculation, based on the solar energy available for crop production and industrial and domestic use, suggests 80 square meters is more reasonable, i.e., a global population of one trillion -- but I'm not advocating it.
So we are nowhere near a physical population limit. But rapid population growth inevitably means a declining quality of life for everyone. Doubling the population every thirty or forty years means doubling the infrastructure every thirty or forty years or experiencing a decline in quality of life. Yet it can take generations to create great institutions. And there's no means to double the number of Yellowstone or Serengeti national parks. Or recover millions of acres of green belt built over to accommodate a population explosion fueled entirely by mass immigration.
And you cannot turn out extra copies of Oxford University or Trinity College Cambridge at will. Nor can you simply enlarge the institutions you've got without changing them and quite likely destroying their effectiveness in the process, as has happened to most Western Universities that, in recent decades, have become giant bureaucracies repugnant to any free-thinking scholar.
The Western World should leave the Third World to care for itself. At present Africans and Muslims vehemently oppose adoption of the Western way of "vice." That is their choice. Let them deal with the consequences. In the meantime, the nations of a dying Christendom should pay head to their tradition, for the wages of sin are death.
CanSpeccy: The New European Genocide
Aangirfan: The Population Problem
Let's see, ten billion divided by ten thousand, that's one million. A total world population one quarter that of Elizabethan England. LOL. See what passes for scholarship nowadays -- pure genocidal propaganda.
Actually, nearly everything said about population seems to be propaganda. Yet the real issues are simple enough. Thomas Malthus got it right: population increases until limited by food supply, unless people limit their fertility by indulgence in "vice."
The green revolution vastly increased the World's food supply, hence a doubling in Africa's population in the last 40 years with massive increases elsewhere too.
Meantime, the West embarked on the wholesale indulgence in "vice", thus driving the fertility rate of the European nations well below the replacement rate.
So in fact there are several big stories concerning population. One is the population explosion in Africa and the Islamic World. Another is the collapse in the population of the European peoples (preceded by aging of the population and a collapse in the fertile proportion of the population) and their replacement by immigrants of mainly reproductive age and high fertility.
Most Europeans are too brainwashed to see that their anxiety about the population explosion drives their own extinction, an anxiety deliberately fostered by the political lackeys and dupes of a plutocratic elite that seeks the annihilation of the most powerful nation states through a program of genocide against the indigenous people of those nations.
But the mainstream political parties and the corporate media outlets respond to this analysis with charges of racism, and xenophobia, while state-funded organs of political correctness deploy anti-free speech laws to muzzle critics of genocidal population policies.
None of which alters the fact that the nations of Western Europe are being inundated by people of non-European extraction and of alien culture, who are in many cases possessed of an aggressive settler mentality.
Many London boroughs now have a majority ethnic population, my father's home town, the City of Leicester is majority ethnic, in Birmingham, England's second city, English Children in primary school are not even the largest minority. Overall, 25 percent of births in Britain are to foreign-born mothers, and many more to foreign-born fathers of English mothers and grand-daughters of foreign born fathers or mothers. Thus the English will be an ethnic minority in their own home within a generation.
The idea that there are just too many people on earth is a value judgement not a matter of scientific fact. The carrying capacity of the globe has been estimated at about 1 person to every 27 square meters. My own calculation, based on the solar energy available for crop production and industrial and domestic use, suggests 80 square meters is more reasonable, i.e., a global population of one trillion -- but I'm not advocating it.
So we are nowhere near a physical population limit. But rapid population growth inevitably means a declining quality of life for everyone. Doubling the population every thirty or forty years means doubling the infrastructure every thirty or forty years or experiencing a decline in quality of life. Yet it can take generations to create great institutions. And there's no means to double the number of Yellowstone or Serengeti national parks. Or recover millions of acres of green belt built over to accommodate a population explosion fueled entirely by mass immigration.
And you cannot turn out extra copies of Oxford University or Trinity College Cambridge at will. Nor can you simply enlarge the institutions you've got without changing them and quite likely destroying their effectiveness in the process, as has happened to most Western Universities that, in recent decades, have become giant bureaucracies repugnant to any free-thinking scholar.
The Western World should leave the Third World to care for itself. At present Africans and Muslims vehemently oppose adoption of the Western way of "vice." That is their choice. Let them deal with the consequences. In the meantime, the nations of a dying Christendom should pay head to their tradition, for the wages of sin are death.
CanSpeccy: The New European Genocide
Aangirfan: The Population Problem
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