Showing posts with label Dalai Llama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dalai Llama. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2019

Dalai Lama Says What It's Criminal for a White Person to Say: The Europeans are Being Suicided by Mass Replacement Immigration

"The whole of Europe will eventually become a Muslim African country" — unless refugees are sent back.

Phew, saying that would get you labelled a hate speaker, a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi — if you're white, that is.

The fact that what the Dalai Lama said is true is, of course, beside the point. Indeed, it is because what the Dalai Lama said is true that such speech must be suppressed.

Specifically, what must be suppressed is an awareness of the simple arithmetical consequences of importing masses of philoprogenitive people of alien race, religion and culture to nations afflicted by a reproductive dysfunction.

All of the European-majority nations have a below replacement fertility rate, in many cases a fertility rate barely half the replacement rate. Mass immigration to those nations intensifies the reproductive failure of the native populations and speeds the genocidal replacement of the indigenous nation.

Only an  awareness of the fate picked out for them by the globalist Treason Party can save the European peoples. Hence the ruthless suppression of anti-immigrationist speech.

The Europeans are the lobsters in the slowly warming pot: the agents of globalization, Merkel, Micron, May, and their predecessors.

Well said Dalai Lama: Free Tibet!