As the
Iris Savant reports, the latest iteration of Star Wars, whatever that may be, features in the lead role, a heroic, intelligent, and honorable black guy; women — would-be leaders all — who are fearless and capable warriors, and who are solitary and totally independent of any man. People of mixed race and/or untraditional sexual proclivity predominate among the good guys, while the villains are straight, white, Germanic-looking, and brandishing Christian-like symbols.
There is, in fact, nothing new about this kind of gender-bending racial stereotyping designed to undermine the self-confidence and ultimate survival of the European people. The cucks at the British Broadcorping Castration have,
as James Delingpole reports in the Telegraph, done to the ancient radio soap, The Archers — the story of rural life in central England, what J.J. Abrams has now been done to Star Wars.
In merry olde Ambridge, so
England Calling's Robert Henderson relates, all the white lads are now thieves, queers or dope dealers, and all the white girls are dying to get knocked up by the Pakistani captain of the village cricket team.
Unbelievably fucking white Star Wars Director, J.J. Abrams |
Oh, and the squire's daughter, naturally, has married an
I guess folks accept it because, well, hey, it's true to life. They see it happening around them: the racial and cultural destruction of their nation.
Clever, innit, how you get an entire, once great, nation to acquiesce in its own genocide.
And, blimey, this is interesting: just searched Google for
"Star Wars" +"anti-white" and got seventy-three million hits! Even
"Star Wars" +"white genocide" produces 53,000 hits, but Google'll probably soon fix that (Yeah, both numbers down by 10% within 24 hours). Soon they'll probably show anyone looking for "Star Wars" +"white genocide" is a racist. And, yes,
here we are over at
Racists threaten to boycott “Star Wars VII” because it promotes “white genocide,” apparently
It's racist to oppose the genocide of your own people,
apparently. LOL: The standard liberal-leftie argument:
reductio ad odium sermonis (reduction to hate speech).
The extraordinary hypocrisy of the politically correct cucks is nicely confirmed by a story from the University of Ottawa where a free class on Yoga was cancelled
because it represented an exercise in cultural appropriation, whereas depicting citizens of Third World extraction as pioneers of space exploration is just fine,
apparently, with the likes of the so fucking unbelievably white and sour-faced J.J. Abrams.
Related: Kasich State Co-Chair Says You Have to Take Trump Out “With a Head Shot”
Breitbart: Britain's Prime Cuck, David Camoron, says Britain, as a Christian country, should commit self-genocide by mass immigration
U-Tube: Andrea Tantaros: Trump Defends White Male Masculinity
Variety: Vatican Newspaper Pans Latest Iteration of Star Wars
Deep Resource: “White Americans Are Losing Their Country” Paul Krugman applauds
CounterCurrents Trevor Lynch
: Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens
The new Star Wars movie is exactly what I deduced it would be from the trailers and the fact that it was directed by J. J. Abrams, a filmmaker so vulgar and artless that he makes Jerry Bruckheimer seem like Ingmar Bergman. ...
Deep Resource: Girls Should be Mothers, Not Jedi Knights
DiversityMachtFrei: Switzerland: Pupils sent home for wearing "racist" traditional Swiss Edelweiss shirts