Let the White go to the White and the Black to the Black.
Rudyard Kipling (Beyond the Pale, in Plain Tales From the Hills)
Racism is defined as the belief that a particular race is superior to another. Thus, a person who believes that it is better that Germany, say, is populated mainly by Germans, rather than by, say, Syrians or Chinese is a racist since they are saying that a German is better than a Syrian or a Chinese, at least in Germany.
The Chinese and the Syrians, of course, think Chinese or Syrians, as the case may be, are better in China or Syria. In fact, that's how the great majority of people in any country think. Only bigots like Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, and Angela Merkel apply the perjorative term "racist" to people who believe in the preservation of their own kind, their own legal and religious traditions, and their own culture.
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Birmingham New St. School: These are lovely children, but nearly all are immigrants or the children of immigrants, the indigenous population of England having been slated by a treasonous elite for minority status, along with English culture and eventually perhaps even the English common law. Today, in Birmingham, England's second city, English elementary school children are not even the largest minority ethnic group. Click to enlarge (Image source) |
The racism of those who seek to preserve their own cultural and racial identities is in stark opposition to the globalist project to make the European peoples minorities in their own homes through a combination of policies that suppress the reproduction of the indigenous people while bringing about mass replacement immigration. In Britain, this project has already achieved its objective in London, Luton, Leicester, as in many other urban areas in Britain, the European mainland, and the United States too.
Thus, racism, as the term is most often used today, applies to those who oppose the destruction — the genocide in fact — of their own group. This kind of racism, I assert, is both legitimate and just.
And it is in this sense of the word, that Donald Trump and his supporters are being called racists by old Commies like John Bilger, Angela Merkel, the Clintons, Obama, David Camoron, Tony Bliar, and all the rest of the sold-out-to-the-globalist-elite liberals and lefties.
In fact, though, Trump’s nationalism/racism is not white nationalism/racism but American nationalism that embraces the founding groups (i.e., founders of the settler nation), namely blacks and whites, plus all the legal immigrants, including millions of Hispanics.
Such nationalism or American Firstism, or whatever you want to call it corresponds pretty well 100% with democracy as democracy would be defined by virtually all the people if they had the wit to understand what is in their own interest. Unfortunately, the youth of the West is now almost totally brainwashed by a politically correct educational establishment, the corporate-owned news media, and the entertainments industry.
In sum, the West is doomed. Doomed by the ignorance and stupidity of the masses, and by the corruption of the education establishment, the journalists, and the entertainers whose incomes and pension prospects depend on their loyalty to a treasonous elite for whom they labor to make the people stupid.
Richard Rich betrayed Sir Thomas Moore to be rewarded with the post of Attorney General for Wales, but today's journalist, entertainer, academic dean, or school principal will betray the nation for no more than a modest pension.
Scott Adams: Poll shows that some substantial percentage of the public agrees with the notion that Clinton is a bigot against white American men. (Adams actually means "prejudiced against" not "bigoted against", the word "bigotted" meaning having an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own belief, something that cannot meaningfully be said to be "against" anyone or anything.
In order to develop a biblical perspective on ethnicity Christians should recognize that:
ReplyDeleteAll people are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-28). This is what gives all humans dignity and value. God’s creation of humanity in his image means that there is one and only one human race, and that all people of all ethnicities have the same inherent dignity as God’s image-bearers.
All people are sinful, having fallen in Adam (Rom. 5:12-21). This means that all people by nature are subject to the judgment of God (Eph. 2:1-3). It also means that racism has its ultimate roots not in circumstance or social conditioning, but in our sinful nature.
Salvation in Christ is offered freely to all who believe, regardless of ethnicity (Acts 17:30; Rom. 3:22b-23).
In Christ, Christians have a spiritual and covenantal unity that transcends ethnic differences (Gal. 3:28). The unity Christians have as members of the body of Christ is also a unity that genuine brings together people who have nothing in common outside of Christ, creating a glorious picture of God’s radical grace.
Local churches should be characterized by unity-in-diversity (1 Cor. 12:12-26). Ethnic diversity brings glory to God (Rev. 7:9-10). This means that ethnic differences are not merely boundaries to be overcome. Rather, we should celebrate them as expressions of God’s multifaceted glory. This means that we shouldn’t seek cultural uniformity in our churches, but unity-in-diversity.
One day, God will perfectly gather to himself a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation (Rev. 7:9-10). In the end, ethnic differences will no longer divide God’s people, but will rather enhance our grasp of the wisdom and glory of God in creating and redeeming multitudes of wondrously different people.
However, since we live on the near side of that great day, we should expect that ethnic differences will not be fully transcended in this life, which provides an opportunity for sensitivity and love among God’s people. Despite our best efforts, ethnic differences will continue in some measure to separate and divide people from one another, even the people of God. Therefore, the people of God have the opportunity to show deliberate care across ethnic lines, recognizing it as an opportunity show honor to the parts of the body that have lacked it (1 Cor. 12:24-26).
The Roman Christians were no doubt mumbling such fatuous leftist platitudes in 410, as the Huns sacked Rome.