Showing posts with label population policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label population policy. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Suicide of the Europeans

Paul Joseph Watson reports:

During a speech at Budapest’s 3rd Demographic Summit, Orbán warned that the biggest problem Europe faced was demographic suicide:
Why is this the case? It’s most certainly not because of some sickness of Christian civilization – after all, the number of Christians are rising all around the world. This is a sickness of Europe in general.
The Prime Minister said that the solution was not to import vast numbers of migrants, asserting:
We must never accept population exchange. 
According to Orbán, the remedy should be to ensure that families were financially rewarded for having children, not punished:
We win only if we can build a system where those who bear children live significantly better than if they hadn’t started a family.
Orbán emphasized that the west was doomed if the current model of atomization and demographic decline isn’t halted.
Without families and children, the national community will disappear, and if a nation disappears, something irreplaceable will disappear from the world.
As we previously highlighted, as part an effort to boost the country’s population without having to rely on mass migration, Hungary will hand out €30,600 to married couples who have three or more children.

A married couple receives the €30,600 as a loan from the government upon getting married. The loan then has to be repaid until the couple has three children. At this point, the debt is completely forgiven.
None of this applies to Canada or Canadians, of course, where our glorious leader, Justin Trudeau, has already declared Canada to be a "post-national" state with "no core identity" and no "mainstream". 

So yes, here in Canada, we citizens? nationals? ah yes, residents, are simply replaceable units of economic production with no fundamental right to our own posterity but liable to replacement by an endless stream of people from elsewhere. 

Likewise, all the Euro nations, other than Hungary, apparently. 

Indeed, here in Canada folks are so enamored of their lack of "core identity" that advocacy of a population policy recognizing the eternal right of existence to the Indian nations, the Innuit, the Québécois, and the largely European English Canada, all subsumed within the greater Canadian nation, means certain death to the aspiring political leader.

When it comes to survival, however, white bears, certainly matter more to Canadians than white people: No way should we endanger their posterity.

CanSpeccy: Justin Trudeau: The Worst Canadian Prime Minister Since Pierrre Elliot Trudeau?

Saturday, March 30, 2019

European Genocide for Globalist Hegemony

On one of the interminable wrangles about IQ over at the Unz Review, someone said:

Wizard of Oz: Greg Clark’s A Farewell to Alms: a Brief Economic History of the World provided convincing evidence that the poor in Britain for several hundred years were outbred by the literate, numerate children of the successful commercial and professional classes and, though not inheriting enough to stop them being, initially, downwardly mobile, they produced the industrial revolution.
To which I responded with a brief exposé of the treasonous conspiracy for Global Governance via genocide of the European nations:

Yes. That's more or less what Adam Smith said.

Unfortunately, the descendants of those who created the industrial revolution are too dumb, ignorant or corrupt to rectify today's clearly dysgenic breeding policy, which encourages welfare-based reproduction while providing every economic impediment to intelligent people achieving even a replacement fertility rate.

The Treason Class rules, which is to say that the object of population policy in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand is to displace Europeans as the majority by suppressing their fertility and at the same time promoting mass immigration of people of alien race, religion and culture. Without racially and culturally defined nations, the sovereign, democratic nation state is no more. In its place will emerge administrative units — each a post-national state as the globalist puppet Justin Trudeau describes Canada, which are subordinate to institutions of global governance under the hidden hand of the Money Power.

The same plan operates in America, cf. : My Plan To Destroy America
So if you're a Euro, your kind are headed for the psychological equivalent of the Auschwitz gas chambers. Your fertility is under repression by every means from taxation to state propaganda in the name of sex "education," while the place of your posterity, the continuation of your national group and gene pool, is to be taken by the descendants of others. Your nation is headed the way of the Tasmanians, and if you object, you are as we pointed out before: A far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide of your own race and nation

Friday, November 30, 2012

Population: Explosion and Implosion

Trikipedia says the World is overpopulated. They quote Steve Jones, head of the biology department at University College London, as saying, "Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be".

Let's see, ten billion divided by ten thousand, that's one million. A total world population one quarter that of Elizabethan England. LOL. See what passes for scholarship nowadays -- pure genocidal propaganda.

Actually, nearly everything said about population seems to be propaganda. Yet the real issues are simple enough. Thomas Malthus got it right: population increases until limited by food supply, unless people limit their fertility by indulgence in "vice."

The green revolution vastly increased the World's food supply, hence a doubling in Africa's population in the last 40 years with massive increases elsewhere too.

Meantime, the West embarked on the wholesale indulgence in "vice", thus driving the fertility rate of the European nations well below the replacement rate.

So in fact there are several big stories concerning population. One is the population explosion in Africa and the Islamic World. Another is the collapse in the population of the European peoples (preceded by aging of the population and a collapse in the fertile proportion of the population) and their replacement by immigrants of mainly reproductive age and high fertility.

Most Europeans are too brainwashed to see that their anxiety about the population explosion drives their own extinction, an anxiety deliberately fostered by the political lackeys and dupes of a plutocratic elite that seeks the annihilation of the most powerful nation states through a program of genocide against the indigenous people of those nations.

But the mainstream political parties and the corporate media outlets respond to this analysis with charges of racism, and xenophobia, while state-funded organs of political correctness deploy anti-free speech laws to muzzle critics of genocidal population policies.

None of which alters the fact that the nations of Western Europe are being inundated by people of non-European extraction and of alien culture, who are in many cases possessed of an aggressive settler mentality.

Many London boroughs now have a majority ethnic population, my father's home town, the City of Leicester is majority ethnic, in Birmingham, England's second city, English Children in primary school are not even the largest minority. Overall, 25 percent of births in Britain are to foreign-born mothers, and many more to foreign-born fathers of English mothers and grand-daughters of foreign born fathers or mothers. Thus the English will be an ethnic minority in their own home within a generation.

The idea that there are just too many people on earth is a value judgement not a matter of scientific fact. The carrying capacity of the globe has been estimated at about 1 person to every 27 square meters. My own calculation, based on the solar energy available for crop production and industrial and domestic use, suggests 80 square meters is more reasonable, i.e., a global population of one trillion -- but I'm not advocating it.

So we are nowhere near a physical population limit. But rapid population growth inevitably means a declining quality of life for everyone. Doubling the population every thirty or forty years means doubling the infrastructure every thirty or forty years or experiencing a decline in quality of life. Yet it can take generations to create great institutions. And there's no means to double the number of Yellowstone or Serengeti national parks. Or recover millions of acres of green belt built over to accommodate a population explosion fueled entirely by mass immigration.

And you cannot turn out extra copies of Oxford University or Trinity College Cambridge at will. Nor can you simply enlarge the institutions you've got without changing them and quite likely destroying their effectiveness in the process, as has happened to most Western Universities that, in recent decades, have become giant bureaucracies repugnant to any free-thinking scholar.

The Western World should leave the Third World to care for itself. At present Africans and Muslims vehemently oppose adoption of the Western way of "vice." That is their choice. Let them deal with the consequences. In the meantime, the nations of a dying Christendom should pay head to their tradition, for the wages of sin are death.


CanSpeccy: The New European Genocide

Aangirfan: The Population Problem