Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Feminism and the Destruction of the Western Nations

An article at the Unz Review, entitled Women In Universities (IU’s Provost Lauren Robel, Dean Idie Kesner) Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing argues that women are destroying academia through "female-typical behavior", a notion upon which he expands by quoting some person saying: 
... females become upset more easily, making it more difficult to engage in unemotional academic disputations, because their logic is more likely to be overwhelmed. Females are also more conformist than men, which militates against challenging received knowledge and thus discovering new things.
This is bunk. Yes, women are different from men, thank God. But that does not make them unfit for academia. What is destroying academia is a whole lot of things, including the fraudulence, dim-wittedness, and bureaucratic mentality of most of today's so-called academics. And, yes, feminism is a powerful corrosive of academic excellence, and indeed, of academic sanity. 

Let me explain.

In 1951 Charlotte Whitten became mayor of the city of Ottawa, the first women in Canada to hold the mayoralty of a major city. Today, she is remembered chiefly for her remark that:
For a woman to succeed in a man's world she needs to be twice as good as a man.
 At the time Mayor Whitten spoke, her words were largely true throughout the Western world. Then, for most women, the main career opportunity was motherhood, and to distinguish herself in that role, a woman needed to raise distinguished sons.

As an incentive to faithfully performing that essential service to the race and to civilization, women were provided with a considerable measure of economic security by virtue of marriage and divorce laws. Moreover, the absence of legal abortion services gave women a powerful incentive to seek marriage rather than casual sex.

But there were always women who pursued careers and demonstrated that, if not twice as good as a man, some could certainly match the achievements of men. In those days, therefore, it was the case that for a woman to become an academic was, in itself, evidence of real ability.

Today, the situation is totally different. Virtually all the protections provided to women who commit to the raising of children have been removed, while casual, safe and sterile sex has been facilitated and promoted by almost every public institution from parliaments to parish churches, and from the media to the medical profession.

The result? A feminist revolt manifest not in the Lysistratan refusal to provide husbands and lovers with sexual gratification, but in the truly wicked refusal to perpetuate the race, pursuing instead the financial security of a career and, in the case of the most able, power.

Western society is now well on the way to extinction, with fertility rates far below replacement and without the slightest prospect of recovery, the population deficit being made up by immigrants of mainly alien race, religion and culture. Feminists in academia, are among the principle agents of this disaster, relentlessly justifying and propagating their self-genocidal ideology. Meantime, of the native reproduction, this now depends heavily on the welfare class, as more intelligent women, propelled by the feminist ethic, pursue sterile self gratification through career success. 

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