Showing posts with label Mass immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mass immigration. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dutch MP: ‘Population Replacement In the Netherlands is a Fact’ Also in Canada Britain and Across the West

"Without decisive action," to stem the flood of immigrants, claims Netherlands Parliamentarian, Gideon van Meijeren, "we will witness the erasure of our heritage and the dissolution of our communities."

During the Asylum and Migration Budget Debate for 2025, van Meijeren delivered a searing critique of the Netherlands’ immigration policy, exposing its devastating societal and cultural impacts. Central to his speech was his use of the term “population replacement,” a phrase that has sparked intense debate and controversy in the parliament, with prior motions even attempting to ban its use*.

[*The attempted censorship confirms that the genocide of the Dutch people by mass immigration and suppression of the fertility of the indigenous population is deliberate, treasonous policy.]

Meijeren, while acknowledging the humanitarian responsibility to aid those fleeing violence, pointed to the obvious fact that uncontrolled immigration over decades had led to disastrous consequences. Citing data assembled by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), he highlighted a stark demographic shift: “Since 2000, the population of the Netherlands has grown by more than 2 million people, of whom about 95 percent are either migrants or the children of migrants. During the same period, the population of Dutch ethnic origins has decreased, with deaths exceeding births.”

Same in all the globalist-led nations, including Trudeau's Canada, Starmer's UK, Oaf Sholz's Germany, etc.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Farage Spurns Musk's Suggestion of Gold for Subservience

Elon Musk, a techie of vast wealth and apparent genius, has embarked on a course of political action demonstrating crass ineptitude to an astonishing degree. His idea, it seems, is to dictate the course of nations by purchasing the allegiance of its politicians, with talk of, here a hundred million dollars, there a hundred million dollars. But in the case of Britain's Nigel Farage, Musk has stubbed his toe. 

Farage is intent, evidently, on accomplishing what his millions of British supporters want; namely, to see an end to the flood of migrants to Britain's crowded shore; a flood currently flowing at the rate of more than a million a year, which is about 50% higher than the birth rate. Hence Farage's refusal of Musk's demand that he campaign for the release from prison of Tommy Robinson, otherwise known by his classier birth name, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. Robinson, who has protested mass migration to Britain, has also earned a string of criminal convictions and is currently serving an 18-month jail term after admitting to contempt of court in a long-running libel case involving a Syrian refugee.

So what Musk demanded of Farage, a demand that Farage declined, was to abandon his own campaign against mass immigration, a campaign that has brought the Reform Party, of which Farage is the leader, to a near dead heat opinion poll ranking with the opposition Conservative Party, in order to support a campaign for the release of a convict of dubious character who can only bring Farage and his Reform Party into disrepute. 

Adding to the foolishness, if not malice, Musk then swanned over to Germany to give a thumbs up to the Alternative für Deutschland, a polical party widely held to be tainted by Hitlerism. Farage's response to Musk's stupid comments has been remarkably mild, demonstrating thereby that whereas Musk can be an idiot and an intellectual thug, Farage is a seasoned, astute, and rather forgiving politician. 

Taki's Mag: Reap On, Elon

The Spectator: Elon Musk is not a friend worth having

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Canada: A Dying Nation



Any nation with a birth rate below replacement will eventually cease to exist

Unless, like Canada, that nation's immigration rate exceeds its birth rate. Then "the nation" continues to exist, but in name only, and with a different people.

And just to be clear, Canada's birth rate is little more than half the replacement rate, but its immigration rate now exceeds the birth rate. Thus, between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, there were an estimated 357,903 babies born in Canada, whereas immigration in 2023 was 445,000, a rate expected to reach half a million by 2025 and beyond.

Canada's national policies as they relate to support for family formation and immigration thus constitute a program of national self-genocide. So, goodbye historic Canadian nation. Welcome all you replacement people -- I, it should be acknowledged, being among them.


Tucker Carlson: There Is Systemic Racism in the U.S. – Against Whites As in Trudeau's Canada

Monday, January 20, 2020

Mass Immigration Is Bad for Britain (and Every Other Nation of European People)

This guy is suave, but he won't say that when you have a below replacement fertility rate and you allow millions of immigrants to compete with your own people for jobs and housing, you are engaged in genocide and population replacement.

Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term genocide, said of the term that it may refer simply to:
a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight.
Such is precisely the fate of the English in their own capital city, of London, where in many boroughs the English are not even the largest minority.
Savile Town, England where only 48 of 4,033 residents are white, 
native British. Source.
Likewise in England`s second city, Birmingham, and my father's home town of Leicester and many other towns and urban centers throughout Britain.

The 'Great Replacement' In Switzerland

A recent study by the Federal Office of Statistics showed the over-representation of certain nationalities among welfare recipients. Thus at the end 2017, 83% of Somalians and 54% of Eritreans and Congolese living in Switzerland are on welfare. More generally, of the 350,000 beneficiaries of social assistance, 57% are foreigners.

A study by the Zurich university of sciences came to the conclusion that 21% of young Muslims living in Switzerland consider that sharia law is superior to Swiss law.

... a Swiss central Islamic committee has been established with some 3,500 members. The organization has been accused of encouraging its members to engage in polygamy and female genital mutilation. Its members are also being sued for supporting Al Qaeda.

.... According the Pew Research Center, around 6% of the population is Muslim, around 400,000 people. According to Pew’s forecasts, the Muslim population could in 2050 make up between 8% and 12% of the Swiss population.

... the vote against mass immigration did not lead to new rules for the movement of people between Switzerland and the European Union, because of the gridlock of the EU institutions.


French Intellectual Sentenced To 2 Months Jail After Calling Mass Immigration An "Invasion"

The corner of Yorkshire colonized by Muslim settlers

Sweden Terrorized By Immigrant Bombers and Rapists

Understanding the Fabian Window

George Orwell: Wells, Hitler And The World State

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Self-Destruction of Western Civilization, No 79: Inviting the Alien In

Anti-Christian hostility is sweeping across Western Europe, where, during 2019, Christian churches and symbols were deliberately attacked day after day.
Gatestone Institute reviewed thousands of newspaper reports, police blotters, parliamentary inquiries, social media posts and specialized blogs from Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The research shows (see appendices below) that roughly 3,000 Christian churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments were vandalized, looted or defaced in Europe during 2019 — which is on track to becoming a record year for anti-Christian sacrilege on the continent.
Violence against Christian sites is most widespread in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments are being vandalized, desecrated and burned at an average rate of three per day, according to government statistics. In Germany, attacks against Christian churches are occurring at an average rate of two per day, according to police blotters.
Attacks on Christian churches and symbols are also commonplace in Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The attacks overwhelmingly involve Roman Catholic sites and symbols, although in Germany, Protestant churches are also being targeted.
The perpetrators of anti-Christian attacks — which include acts of arson, defecation, desecration, looting, mockery, profanation, Satanism, theft, urination and vandalism — are rarely caught. When they are, police and media often censor information about their identities and ethnic backgrounds. Many suspects are said to have mental disorders; as a result, many anti-Christian attacks are not categorized as hate crimes.
In France and Germany, the spike in anti-Christian attacks dovetails with the recent mass immigration from the Muslim world. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Face of Modern Britain, or What Happens to the Indigenous People When You Open the Gates

These are all good people.

Well maybe.

But they're not indigenous Brits. They're not even of European origin, but they, with others like them, now make up a large portion of Britain's ruling elite.

Where did I get these links? They were four consecutive videos posted at Guido Fawkes (ending with this, i.e., that and the three posts preceding it.)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Expansion of Higher Education Drives Declining IQs of the Western Nations

As I have previously argued, the near universal access to higher education in Western countries has resulted in an epidemic of nation-destroying stupidity. Proof of that contention is now available in research showing that the mean IQ of the Brits and other Western nations is declining at the rate of three to four points per decade, which will reduce their acuity of mind to that of the sub-Saharan African nations within a generation.

A pair of researchers with the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Norway has found that IQ test scores have been slowly dropping over the past several decades (full text available here)

Prior studies have shown that people grew smarter over the first part of last century, as measured by the intelligence quotient—a trend that was dubbed the Flynn effect. Various theories have been proposed to explain this apparent brightening of the human mind, such as better nutrition, health care, education, etc, all factors that might help people grow into smarter adults than they would have otherwise. But, now, according to the researchers in Norway, that trend has ended. Instead of getting smarter, humans have started getting dumber.

The study by the team consisted of analyzing IQ test results from young men entering Norway's national service (compulsory military duty) during the years 1970 to 2009. In all, 730,000 test results were accounted for. In studying the data, the researchers found that scores declined by an average of seven points per generation, a clear reversal of test results going back approximately 70 years.

But it was not all bad news. The researchers also found some differences between family groups, suggesting that some of the decline might be due to environmental factors. But they also suggest that lifestyle changes could account for some of the decline, as well, such as changes in the education system and children reading less and playing video games more.

And it's not just a Norwegian problem. As the Telegraph reports:

Tests carried out in 1980 and again in 2008 show that the IQ score of an average 14-year-old dropped by more than two points over the period.

Among those in the upper half of the intelligence scale, a group that is typically dominated by children from middle class families, performance was even worse, with an average IQ score six points below what it was 28 years ago.

Some people will no doubt say that the decline in Europe's population mean IQ is due to the mass immigration to Europe of people from sub-Saharan Africa, Syria, and other low IQ lands. But obviously the causality runs the other way. It is liberal-elite-directed higher education with its mandatory component of PC indoctrination that is destroying the intelligence of the people thus making them vulnerable to mass replacement immigration. Specifically, the elite-directed destruction of the Western nations in the name of the liberal religion of anti-racism and diversity, the outcome being the genocide of the European peoples through compelled homogenization with immigrants of alien race and culture.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brexit and Europe's Very Stupid Leaders

"We are led," said Donald Trump, speaking of Americans, "by very stupid people."

As recent events prove, the Europeans likewise.

Addressing the European Parliament following the yes vote for Brexit, a triumphant Nigel Farage, told his fellow Euro parliamentarians:
When I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me – well I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?
And this:
Most of you have never done a proper job ...
No Churchillian magnanimity in victory there.

Is that very stupid, or what?

As for Angela Merkel, she pushes on with the Coudenhove-kalergi plan to make Europe a unitary mixed-race state* with a total contempt for the expressed wishes of the British public and, if the truth were told, all Europeans.

Monday, June 13, 2016


In 2001, someone (nobody, including members of the 9/11 Commission, knows for sure who), knocked down New York's World Trade Center Towers One and Two with airliners. Later the same day, World Trade Center Tower Seven collapsed into its own footprint though not struck by an airliner — the only steel-frame high-rise (other than WTC 1 and 2) ever to do so except as the result of a controlled demolition. Very strange. But nobody to think about it: OK? Just blame it on the Muzzies.

Then the West embarked on a multi-trillion-dollar campaign (very profitable to some, e.g., the Bush-connected Carlyle Group: "we provide the gear to bomb places to Hell, then we get the contract to rebuild") to poke sticks into Muslim bees' nest in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. At the same time the gates of Vienna, Paris, London, Berlin, and Miami were flung open to a flood of Muslims, many of whom are intent on the conquest of the West. This they say, is to be achieved by the womb not the sword, which shows the gentleness of Islam, which is so much admired by the Western Cuckservative who never tire of assuring us that Islam is "a religion of love." Still, as the Miami night club massacre among other recent events shows, a bit of sword-, or in this case gun-play, to clear some space in the decadent West is apparently* considered a good thing by some members of the Islamic settler advance party.

These developments raise the question, why is the Western elite conniving at the West's racial and cultural destruction? The answer, has two parts.

First, there are the liberal-lefties in government, including thousands upon thousands of them within the great bureaucracies, plus the Commies in academia who want to destroy Western capitalist civilization and impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Under this hoped for Wesstern incarnation of the Soviet system, they see themselves as members of the privileged nomenclatura. They are the ones, they imagine, who will decide who goes to the gulag, and who is to be shot on the spot, Lenin's remedy for any opposition.

Lord  Kinnock of Bedwellty and wife. Unelected
former ruler of the European Union. Source.
Second, there is the Money Power, which through control of the media, Hollywood, FaceBook, etc., supports the lib-left effort to make political correctness the religion of the West. They do so in the knowledge that the loony PC multiculti agenda will destroy the sovereign, democratic nation state, and make way for global governance, i.e., government by:

(1) Trade deals negotiated by the largest capitalist entities (about 150 firms control most international business). These are the deals that Treason Party leaders including Obama, Cameron, Merkel, etc., are seeking to adopt right now, deals that transfer large powers from the nation state to international corporations; and

(2) International organizations such as the EU, WTO and the UN, which are easily manipulated by the money power by the usual mundane forms of bribery and corruption  (for example, wasn't UN Sec. Gen Kofi Annan on the take in the Iraq oil for food deal?).

* I say apparently, because there never seems to be a competent investigation following any incident of so-called Islamic terrorism, whether it be 9/11, the London Tube bombings, or the recent Paris nightclub shootings. So whether it's Muslims taking the initiative, or a revived Gladio, or similar organization, that should take the credit, is unclear.


Edward Teague: Bush's Gang of Mad Bee Keepers

Monday, May 2, 2016

A Glasgow Primary School Without a Single Scottish Pupil: Proof That Mass Immigration Means Genocide

Daily Mail: May 2, 2016: A Glasgow primary with 222 pupils has no native Scots in the school, it was revealed today.

Annette Street School is pleading for cash to help teach its Roma, Eastern European and Asian children, who don't speak English as a first language. Overall, 181 of the school's 222 pupils are from Romania or Slovakia.

Read More

Image Source
Meantime, in Open Entry America, Mexican kids show their respect for the host nation with obscene shouts and gestures

And in Germany, the Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens.


Irish Savant: Luvvies fight for the spoils

'Multicultural society' is an oxymoron. If it's a society it cannot be multicultural and vice versa. Because under multiculturalism each race/culture (excluding of course Whites of Christian stock) fights for its own, having little or no concern for the welfare of broader 'society'. Take the current contest for Mayor of London. It's between a Muslim and a Jew, who growl and snarl at one another as they feast on the mangy carcass of what had once been the world's greatest city and the embodiment of the British people. A people who can now but look on helplessly as the spoils of office wait to be dished out by one of the tribalists representing two very different forms of parasite - the brown/black welfare parasites (Sadiq Khan) and the financial parasites of the City (Zac Goldsmith). Read more

Friday, January 22, 2016

Trump, Not Keynes, Holds the Key to Economic Recovery in the West

Tony Blair: laughing all the way to the bank 
since leaving office.*
This article, by Mike Whitney in the Unz Review, explains how US (and by extension European) monetary and fiscal policies* saved criminally reckless Western financial institutions from bankruptcy. The method was to provide the bankers with virtually limitless amounts of cash at negative real interest rates, which enabled them to blow a huge stock market bubble that financed their return to solvency. At the same time, Whitney argues, governments were careful to limit the magnitude of monetary stimulus so as to insure no substantial growth in aggregate demand or, therefore, in employment or wages.

On the latter point, Whitney offers the correct Keynesian analysis. But Keynes addressed the problems of a different age, when the US economy was largely self-contained, with external trade amounting to less than 5% of GDP.

Globalization with input factor mobility, i.e., free movement of labor from the Third World to the First World, free movement of capital and technology from the First World to the Third World, and free movement of the products of sweatshop labor from the Third World to the First World means lower wages and higher unemployment in the First World, which in turn shrink aggregate demand resulting in even lower wages and higher unemployment.

The Keynesian solution to shrinking demand and rising unemployment was deficit spending to raise aggregate demand and hence employment and wages. But today, in an era of globalization to the max, the effect of deficit spending is primarily to suck in more cheap Chinese shoes and shirts, computers and car parts, all of which Americans and others in the First World used to make for one another. Add in the effects of computerization, automation, robotization and insane student debt and the outlook for employment and wages for ordinary folks becomes, as is now apparent, bleak indeed.

There are two measures to improve the welfare of the proletariat. One is massive infrastructure spending, since this generates work that cannot be off-shored and is still largely beyond the scope of automation and robotization. The other is a return to free trade without input factor mobility, which as David Ricardo explained in his 1817 classic, “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” yields the benefit of “Comparative Cost”, or “Comparative Advantage” as it is now known, i.e., the benefit of increased total output and lower costs than if each nation tried to produce in isolation.

These,  as I explained here, in a post that was rejected for publication in the Unz Review, are the economic policies espoused by Donald Trump, i.e., restoration of the border to limit influx of labor from the Third World, and the imposition of tariffs to restrict influx of products of foreign sweatshops financed with First World capital and technology, thereby achieving the benefits of comparative advantage through international trade, and last but not least a massive infrastructure renewal project.

* Said policies are administered by governments largely owned by said criminally reckless financial institutions, for example, the great American banking firm of J.P. Morgan, which took former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on as an "adviser" for a fee of two million pounds per year. This is in accordance with the Western tradition of political bribery, which as explained by Thomas Macaulay (The History of England (1848)), involves payments made after the bribed individual leaves office, an arrangement that is entirely legal, and one that no politician would ever think of changing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Europe: The Perils of Complacency

Source: The modern typewriter

The UK urgently needs to wean itself off international finance and get back to what it did well 150 years ago, making and selling quality things and services. That will mean an attitudinal revolution in the UK ...
That's a quote from a discussion at the Slog, which prompted some reflection.

One thing the above-quoted remark brought to mind was a cartoon, in the style of the 19th Century Punch Magazine, which seemed to exemplify the thinking of many Europeans during the present moment of financial shock. It portrayed a fat man watching a cricket match on the village green and wearing a look of astonishment at the moment of being struck in the stomach by the ball.

Sadly, I was unable to find the image on the Internet, which raises the interesting though irrelevant question of whether I retain in memory more images than Google has stored on its servers. But Google did provide a link to the image of the sinking Titanic and a note by the Modern Typewriter:
On April 14th, 1912, the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg at 11:40 pm. ... the Captain ordered the lifeboats to start leaving the ship. The passengers were frightened. They thought that leaving such a safe ship into a[n] “unsafe” lifeboat wouldn’t be smart. So they refused to enter the boat[s].
The insistence of some in Europe on clinging to the past, and on assuming that what Europeans did better than the rest of the World 150 years ago they can do better than the rest of the World today with little more than an adjustment in attitude, is reminiscent of the belief of those on the Titanic who apparently thought that if they kept a stiff upper lip and refrained from panic they could stay aboard the warm, comfortable sinking ship indefinitely, without need to brave the cold ocean in a tiny lifeboat.

The question these people need to ask is how can Britons get back to making things, quality or otherwise, when competing with those in Asia and elsewhere who are earning a tenth or less of what UK workers earn?

150 years ago, Britain was the workshop of the world because she had the world’s most advanced industrial technology powered by the World's largest coal industry.

Today, energy is available everywhere and the most advanced technology is moved to wherever labor is cheapest -- and that includes not only factory labor, but much white collar labor including design, software engineering, all kinds of R & D and back office work in financial services, publishing, marketing, etc.

There appear to be only three ways Britain (or any Western nation) can revive its manufacturing sector, these being to: (1) construct a massive tariff wall that excludes cheap products from low wage economies, (2) print massive amounts of money, while keeping a tight lid on nominal wages, thereby driving real wages to the Asian level, or (3) subsidize wages to create a work force that can be employed at internationally competitive rates, i.e., by wealth transfers from the 1% to the 99%.

It seems that the inflationary route (plus mass immigration of third world labor to help drive market wages down) is the route that, without public acknowledgment, has been chosen. To be effective, it will take many years, possibly a decade or two, and it will cause much social conflict in a period during which multinational corporations that can take advantage of opportunities for wage arbitrage continue to reap huge profits by off-shoring production and services.

In the meantime, something like one quarter of the Western world's workforce continue to be treated as so much useless baggage to be kept alive in a demoralized and degraded condition on food stamps or other forms of welfare including residential programmes in prisons and mental hospitals.