Showing posts with label nativism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nativism. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2016

Plutonomy: Lexical Camouflage for the Crimes of the Rich

Plutonomy is a neologism coined by a Citigroup global strategy group in 2005 to describe a country characterized by massive income and wealth inequality. According to these people, the U.S. is a plutonomy, along with the U.K., Canada and Australia.

But this is an absurd mis-coinage. Plutonomy has two Greek roots: Plutos, wealth, and nomos, rule, so the only logical meaning of the term plutonomy is rule by the rich, analogous to autonomy, meaning self-rule or independence.

But we already have the word plutocracy to describe rule by the rich. So what are these Citigroup bozos up to? If they’d wanted a word that honestly referred to the increasingly gross income inequality of the Western world they would have come up with a Greekified term describing an industrialized nation on track for economic convergence with the Third-World.

Instead they come up with a bogus word and then define it in terms that makes them look like benevolent improvers of the human condition.

Thus, according to Citigroup’s word-bending geniuses, plutonomy arises through technology-driven productivity gains, creative financial innovation, the rule of law, particularly patent law, globalization and mass immigration.

All good stuff, obviously, with an ever-increasing share of national income justly accumulating in the hands of the virtuous innovators and creators.

But here’s another way of describing what Citigroup’s global strategy group inanely refer to as a plutonomy:

Plutonomy, n.

A bum neologism denoting a plutocracy in which the means by which the plutocrats have enriched themselves at the expense of the vast majority are acknowledged only selectively. Most importantly, reference to plutonomy must exclude mention of global wage arbitrage involving the export of jobs and the import of cheap labor, the saving in wages thus achieved accruing to the owners of capital, i.e., the plutocracy.

Factory collapses are a recurring problem in
Bangladesh, the latest claiming 1,127 lives. 
Image source
Today, the plutonomocrats at Citigroup, the WSJ, the boring old Globe and Mail, Rupert the pornographerMurdoch’s, London Timesey, etc. have such sway that the deliberate impoverishment of your own compatriots by exporting their jobs to a collapsible garment factory in Bangladesh or an electronics assembly plant with nets to catch suicidal workers seems a completely natural and inevitable process that only a Luddite or a moron would question.

Yet it was only a generation ago that the states designated by the plutonomocrats as the prototypical plutonomies; namely, the US, Britain, Canada and Australia, were quite self-consciously democratic, and in such democratic states, the fact that something enriches the owners of capital is no justification for trashing the income or welfare of 99.99% of the population.
Foxconn factory with nets to catch suicidal workers.Image source.

Astonishingly, to anyone with the slightest historical perspective, trashing the nation to enrich the 0.01% is seen today not only as entirely natural, but even virtuous. And the proof of its virtue is the fact that it makes the rich richer. Oh, and supposedly it’s brings prosperity to the Third World, as if the people of the US, Britain, Canada and Australia elect governments to serve the interests of (a) the hyper-rich and (b) foreigners. (That is, in fact, what they do, but inadvertently.)

So in the transition to plutonomy, the Western states are experiencing not only a profound shift in the conditions of life of the vast majority of the people, but a shift in morality. Christianity is the work of the Devil. The new code is plutonomianism, the basic tenet of which is that whatever adds to the wealth and power of the already rich and powerful is good, whereas democracy, like Christianity, is the work of the Devil, driven by the greed of working people, their anti-immigrant racism, and their vile religious prejudice manifest by adherence to the faith of their fathers

First posted on December 27, 2013. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Swedish Feminists To Syrian Refugees: When Does the Raping Begin?

Betty Friedan. Image source
I've sometimes wondered if feminists, the female variety, that is, are not in most cases just women resentful at not being, for whatever reason, the target of at least occasional male sexual harassment.

If that were the case, the mass influx of strong, young, sex-starved, single, Islamic males intent on rape and pillage across Europe would naturally appeal to at least a certain segment of the feminist establishment. And so it appears to be the case. Or at least so it has been reported from Sweden where feminists  have launched a campaign against men that want to protect them from being raped by "Syrian" "refugees."

This, in turn, seems to confirm the genocidal intention of the US-orchestrated mass influx of young, strong, single, sex-starved Muslim males from Syria (aka, draft dodgers and economic opportunists) and elsewhere into Europe. As we noted before:
Germany has less than five million female citizens between the ages of 20 and 30, so by opening the door to one million young, Islamic males, with millions more to come, the Merkel government has cuckolded (a large part of) the male youth of Germany.

German demographics

 Presumably the intention is to follow this with ever more energetic promotion of homosexuality as an outlet for the cucked, while welcoming Islam, a faith that sanctions the brutal execution of homosexuals, as a religion of peace and love eminently compatible with European civilization.
To better understand the psychology underlying this project for the ethnic destruction of Europe, consider what would be the reaction of European males to mass influx of young, healthy unaccompanied, sex-starved females from Asia and the Middle-East.

Exactly: wild enthusiasm.


Sweden: Death By Immigration

Monday, January 25, 2016

BBC Goes Full Genocidal

A recent example of the BBC's large-type Web journalism entitled Donald Trump and the politics of paranoia, written by a member of the Chosen, one Michael Goldfarb, asserts:
One startling feature of the latest race to become the next president of the US - which begins in earnest with next week's Iowa caucuses - is the runaway success in the opinion polls of the outspoken billionaire, Donald Trump.
What's "startling" to the BBC about Donald Trump's popularity is that he's not just another presidential puppet of the New World Order project for the destruction of the democratic nation state, including not only Britain, but also the United States of America. 

Yeah, that is startling. The project for a global empire, ruled by a plutocratic elite, and served by a mongrel population brainwashed in the religion of Political Correctness that appeared to be going so well, seems now to be going edge ways. The Brits, and the Frogs have accepted their own demise as distinct racial and cultural entities. The Germans are being brought to the bidding of Angela, Treason, Merkel as they are compelled to commit national suicide by accepting an influx of millions of  strong, young Asian and Middle-Eastern males described euphemistically as "refugees," but for some reason Americans are kicking up a real fuss about open borders, Third Worldization and the eclipse of the Euro-American majority. Why?

The reason, as Mr. Goldfarb of the BBC explains, is that egomaniac Trump, telling people that a real country has borders. Well damn that: America is not a real country and it's time for those "bitter" white people who "cling to guns or religion," as America's Euro-American majority have been described by their African-American President with an Islamic-Indonesian upbringing, to give up on the stupid idea of refusing to go "gentle into the good night." 

Yep, it's time for Americans to bite the bullet, accept destruction of the Euro-American majority that built the greatest nation on Earth, and open the floodgates to the Third-World. That is what the globalized corporate giants demand: cheap immigrant labor, unrestricted import of goods from the sweatshops of the World, and the Hell with this silly idea of democracy, individual liberty, and free speech — in future the BBC and the other temples of political correctness will tell Americans what to think. 

And if Americans don't like that then, as the BBC clearly believes, they are stinking nativists: or in Guardian-speak, they are far-right wing, extremist, Nazified, racist xenophobes with the contemptible desire to be succeeded in their own country by their own posterity, not by people from elsewhere. What's more the BBC screams in large type, they are PARANOID

Which goes to show what good sense most Americans have, for as Andy Groves, former head of Intel Corporation remarked: "Only the paranoid survive." Let's hope the Germans and the Brits and the French and all the other European nations oppressed by a genocidal conspiracy to erase their identities from the face of the Earth get real paranoid real soon. The Brits could make a start by giving the bums rush to David Cameron, that war-criminal shill for the New World Order, to be replaced by someone who will shutter the BBC, an propaganda agency with an undue tolerance for rapists and paederasts.


Since when is limiting immigration a crime?

Patrich Buchanan: Is the Spectre of Trump Haunting Davos?

Davos Insider Vows Trump Defeat: “It Doesn’t Matter Who the GOP Puts Up, Hillary Will Win”

A Politically Correct Civilization Cannot Stand

A (once) proud Scot apologizes to Donald Trump

Full Extent of Germany Migrant Sex Attacks Revealed – Incidents in 75 Per Cent Of The Country