SICK: New York Senate Passes Law to DETAIN “Contagious” People
By Mike Whitney
The Unz Review, March 2, 2021: Why is Vladimir Putin standing up to the richest and most powerful men in the world? Why is he bad-mouthing their “pet project” Globalization and trash-talking their “Great Reset”? Does he really think these corporate mandarins and “silver spoon” elites are going to listen to what he has to say or does he realize that they’re just going to hate him more than ever? Why is he doing this?
Here’s what’s going on: At the end of January, Putin was given the opportunity to address the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland (online). The WEF is a prestigious assembly of political leaders, corporatists and billionaire elites many of who are directly involved in the massive global restructuring project that is currently underway behind the smokescreen of the Covid-19 pandemic. Powerful members of the WEF decided that the Coronavirus presented the perfect opportunity to implement their dystopian strategy which includes a hasty transition to green energy, A.I., robotics, transhumanism, universal vaccination and a comprehensive surveillance matrix that detects the location and activities of every human being on the planet. The proponents of this universal police state breezily refer to it as “The Great Reset” which is the latest make-over of the more familiar, “New World Order”. There’s not a hairsbreadth difference between the Reset and one-world government which has preoccupied billionaire activists for more than a century. This is the group to which Putin made the following remarks:
“I would like to speak in more detail about the main challenges ..the international community is facing…. The first one is socioeconomic….. Starting from 1980, global per capita GDP has doubled in terms of real purchasing power parity. This is definitely a positive indicator. Globalisation and domestic growth have led to strong growth in developing countries and lifted over a billion people out of poverty….Still, the main question… is what was the nature of this global growth and who benefitted from it most…..
… developing countries benefitted a lot from the growing demand for their traditional and even new products. However, this integration into the global economy has resulted in more than just new jobs or greater export earnings. It also had its social costs, including a significant gap in individual incomes…. According to the World Bank, 3.6 million people subsisted on incomes of under $5.50 per day in the United States in 2000, but in 2016 this number grew to 5.6 million people....
Meanwhile, globalisation led to a significant increase in the revenue of large multinational, primarily US and European, companies…In terms of corporate profits, who got hold of the revenue? The answer is clear: one percent of the population.
And what has happened in the lives of other people? In the past 30 years, in a number of developed countries, the real incomes of over half of the citizens have been stagnating, not growing. Meanwhile, the cost of education and healthcare services has gone up. Do you know by how much? Three times…
In other words, millions of people even in wealthy countries have stopped hoping for an increase of their incomes. In the meantime, they are faced with the problem of how to keep themselves and their parents healthy and how to provide their children with a decent education….
These imbalances in global socioeconomic development are a direct result of the policy pursued in the 1980s, which was often vulgar or dogmatic. This policy rested on the so-called Washington Consensus with its unwritten rules, when the priority was given to the economic growth based on a private debt in conditions of deregulation and low taxes on the wealthy and the corporations….
As I have already mentioned, the coronavirus pandemic has only exacerbated these problems. In the last year, the global economy sustained its biggest decline since WWII. By July, the labour market had lost almost 500 million jobs…. In the first nine months of the past year alone, the losses of earnings amounted to $3.5 trillion. This figure is going up and, hence, social tension is on the rise.” (“Session of Davos Agenda 2021Online Forum, Putin Addresses World Economic Forum, Jan 27, 2021)
National File: HOW TRUMP CAN WIN: SCOTUS, State Supreme Courts, Legislatures, And The 12th Amendment
National File: Sidney Powell Confirms She’s Filed Two Cases Tonight, Is Filing Two More Tomorrow
National Post: Conrad Black: The Trump haters cackle too soon
Serological tests on 21,387 residents of Delhi by the Indian Centre for Disease Control suggest that 23.5 per pent of the city’s population have antibodies to Sars-Cov-2, the virus which causes Covid-19. Remarkably, this is a higher proportion than has been measured in New York, where 22.7 per cent were found to have been infected with the virus. The tests in Delhi were carried out between 27 June and 10 July. Since then, the epidemic seems to have peaked and receded. The infection rate comes as a surprise given Delhi’s relatively low numbers of deaths. As the population of Delhi’s National Capital Territory is 16 million, the antibody figures suggest that 3.76 million people in the city have been infected. Up until Saturday, the Indian government had recorded 3,571 deaths in Delhi. That would give an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of just 0.094 per cent. |
A report from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has reviewed the evidence on whether individuals in the community who don’t have Covid-19 symptoms should wear face masks to reduce the spread of the virus. It says randomised trials show a small protective effect from wearing medical face masks, but a nationwide training programme would be needed as incorrect use limits their effectiveness. On the use of non-medical face masks, it says there is ‘no reliable evidence’. The review concludes that, with infection rates low in Norway, ‘assuming that 20% of people infectious with Sars-CoV-2 do not have symptoms, and assuming a risk reduction of 40% for wearing face mask, 200,000 people would need to wear facemasks to prevent one new infection per week in the current epidemiological situation’. So, ‘wearing face masks... is not recommended for individuals in the community without respiratory symptoms’. |
The Strange Case Of Chrystia Freeland And The Failure Of The “Super Elite” By Matthew Ehret, 08/07/2019: Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Now, two years into the Trump presidency, and five years into the growth of a new system shaped by the Russia-China alliance, the world has become a very different place from the one which Freeland and her controllers wish it to be. Having been set up as a counterpart to the steely Hillary Clinton who was supposed to win the 2016 election, Freeland and her ilk have demonstrated their outdated thinking in everything they have set out to achieve since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Certainly before that, everything seemed to be going smoothly enough for End of History disciples promoting a script that was supposed to culminate in a long-sought for “New World Order”. The Script up until Now Things were going especially well since the collapse of the Soviet system in the early 1990s. The collapse ushered in a unipolar world order with the European Union and NAFTA, followed soon thereafter by the World Trade Organization and the 1999 destruction of Glass-Steagall (1). The trans-Atlantic at last was converted into a cage of “post-sovereign nations” that no longer had actual control of their own powers of credit generation. Under NATO, even national militaries were subject to technocratic control. This cage was perfect for the governing elite “scientifically managing” from above while the little people bickered over their diminishing employment and standards of living from below. Read more |
You have an IQ less than those set in authority over you, which means that your judgement is invariable inferior to that of those who dictate the conditions of your existence. Hence, cease your clamor, do as you are told, and be content with whatever rights and freedoms we, your rulers, in our wisdom, are prepared to grant you.Here for instance is Jordan Peterson with expert-level hand-waving, brainwashing and bullying a University of Toronto undergraduate psychology class:
One of the things I have to tell you about IQ research is that if you don't buy IQ research, you might as well throw away all the rest of psychology, and the reason for that (blah, blah, blah (watch it here) Or in other words: Question what I have to say about IQ and you will be judged mentally unfit for education as a psychologist, and you might as well quit the course now. |
Boeing is great/ dumb Third World pilots. |
“IQ” is a stale test meant to measure mental capacity but in fact mostly measures extreme unintelligence (learning difficulties), as well as, to a lesser extent (with a lot of noise), a form of intelligence, stripped of 2nd order effects — how good someone is at taking some type of exams designed by unsophisticated nerds. It is via negativa not via positiva. Designed for learning disabilities, and given that it is not too needed there (see argument further down), it ends up selecting for exam-takers, paper shufflers, obedient IYIs (intellectuals yet idiots), ill adapted for “real life”. The concept is poorly thought out mathematically by the field (commits a severe flaw in correlation under fat tails; fails to properly deal with dimensionality; treats the mind as an instrument not a complex system), and seems to be promoted by: — racists/eugenists, people bent on showing that some populations have inferior mental abilities based on IQ test=intelligence; those have been upset with me for suddenly robbing them of a “scientific” tool, as evidenced by the bitter reactions to the initial post on twitter/smear campaigns by such mountebanks as Charles Murray. (Something observed by the great Karl Popper, psychologists have a tendency to pathologize people who bust them by tagging them with some type of disorder, or personality flaw such as “childish” , “narcissist”, “egomaniac”, or something similar). — psychometrics peddlers looking for suckers (military, large corporations) buying the “this is the best measure in psychology” argument when it is not even technically a measure — it explains at best between 2 and 13% of the performance in some tasks (those tasks that are similar to the test itself)[see interpretation of .5 correlation further down], minus the data massaging and statistical cherrypicking by psychologists; it doesn’t satisfy the monotonicity and transitivity required to have a measure (at best it is a concave measure). No measure that fails 80–95% of the time should be part of “science” (nor should psychology — owing to its sinister track record — be part of science (rather scientism), but that’s another discussion). — It is at the bottom an immoral measure that, while not working, can put people (and, worse, groups) in boxes for the rest of their lives. — There is no significant correlation (or any robust statistical association) between IQ and hard measures such as wealth. Most “achievements” linked to IQ are measured in circular stuff s.a. bureaucratic or academic success, things for test takers and salary earners in structured jobs that resemble the tests. Wealth may not mean success but it is the only “hard” number, not some discrete score of achievements. You can buy food with a $30, not with other “successes” s.a. rank, social prominence, or having had a selfie with the Queen. Read more |
Have you have also read my replies to Taleb? |
I've had a look. But as I'm sure you will agree, to review your response to Taleb adquately would demand a lengthy paper, which I will not attempt to compose here. I will, though, address the first point that you make in your January 3, article.Taleb criticizes the poor statistics used by intelligence researchers... I have assumed he means that more than half of intelligence research findings are wrong, and for malicious reasons. If this is his point, he is factually wrong.Your assumption is surely incorrect. Taleb neither said nor implied that more than half of intelligence research findings are wrong, for malicious reasons. Rather, he was presumably drawing an inference about the invalidity of most intelligence research findings from the well known "replication crisis in psychology" and other fields of research, and the well known fact that across the board, the majority of research papers are so poorly designed and analysed that most research claims must be false. So no, Taleb is not accusing you or those who labor in the IQ field of malicious fraud. You attempt to bury Taleb beneath a mountain of technical details and journal references that few here will ever read, but you do not confront Taleb's key point, which is that, yes, IQ tests measure something, and yes whatever they measures correlates in some degree with behavior, success, income, whatever, but so what? The key questions Taleb raises to which you offer no answer are: does IQ usefully quantify intelligence as that term is generally understood and as it is defined by the dictionary? and, more fundamentally, is it even theoretically possible to quantify intelligence, as that term is generally understood, by a single number? Taleb answers both questions in the negative. I agree. Furthermore, I believe that if you stopped calling whatever it is that you measure with you tests intelligence, then no one would question your work. Indeed, they might pay it no attention at all, which does raise a question of whether some psychologists, by mislabeling their product, are deliberately selling a bill of goods. |
Irony: Replicability crisis in psych DOESN'T apply to IQ.S. Pinker |
It is a profound historical irony of the behavioural sciences that the Nobel Prize was awarded for studies of cognitive characteristics (rational thinking skills) that are entirely missing from the most well-known mental assessment device in the behavioral sciences – the intelligence test. Intelligence tests measure important things, but not these – they do not assess the extent of rational thought. This might not be such an omission if it were the case that intelligence was an exceptionally strong predictor of rational thinking. However, research has found that it is a moderate predictor at best and that some rational thinking skills can be quite dissociated from intelligence.Perhaps others will join in the amusing quest for quotes sending up S. Pinker.
As most are surely aware, the last year or two has seen a growing crackdown on free speech and free thought across the Internet, with our constitutionally-protected First Amendment rights being circumvented through the agency of monopolistic private sector corporations such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Although as yet our government has not gained the power to ban discordant views nor punish their advocates, anonymous tech company censors regularly take these steps, seemingly based upon entirely opaque and arbitrary standards which lack any power of appeal. No one really knows why some individuals are banned or “de-platformed” and others are not, and surely this looming uncertainty has imposed self-censorship upon hundreds of individuals for every publicized victim who receives an exemplary punishment.. |
The ADL ranks as one of our most formidable Jewish activist organizations, and according to media accounts it has been playing a central role in efforts to censor “hate speech” on leading Internet platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s YouTube. So it seems very likely to have also been behind Amazon’s recent purge, especially once we discover the nature of some of the more significant books now banned. |
The following was written in December 2016, immediately after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, when it seemed possible to believe that Trump ("wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with the Russians")represented an alternative to the globalist scheme for world empire. Events have proved that on the contrary, Trump is simply a more militaristic replacement for the former frontmen for world empire, the Rapist-in-Chief, the Bush, the Shrubs and the wannabe Hillary. or as H.L. Mencken said of FDR, Trump, is simply "a fraud from snout to tail." That, however, does not invalidate the thrust of the following commentary, which deals with the plan for the take-down and dismemberment of Russia as a preliminary to a shoot-out with China. |
To everyone’s surprise... «the Donald» did not have anything to say about his position on various subjects, aimed at satisfying one lobby or another, but instead delivered an analysis of US policy and describing its total overhaul.America's ruling class, clearly does not appreciate anyone intent on shaking them up.
According to Trump, it was a fundamental error to have attempted to export by force the Western democratic model to people who had no interest in it. He delivered a criticism of a neo-conservative ideology ...
After having denounced the gigantic human and economic waste of the Neo-conservative policy, for the countries concerned as well as for the United States themselves, he continued with an indirect attack on the «military-industrial complex», blaming the general excess of weapons in the world. There was no mistake – for the first time since the assassination of John Kennedy, a presidential candidate was denouncing the omnipotence of the arms manufacturers, who have eaten up almost all of US industry.
With a certain sense of provocation, Donald Trump placed his project for a new foreign policy under the slogan «America First», by reference to the association of the same name which existed before the Second World War. This group remains in peoples’ memories as a Nazi lobby which attempted to prevent the «Land of Freedom» from going to the help of the British, who were under attack by the perpetrators of the anti-Jewish genocide. In reality, «America First», which was indeed diverted from its mission by the US extreme right, was originally a huge association created by the Quakers [who] denounced the World War as a confrontation between imperialist powers, and consequently refused to take part.
And so the adversaries of Donald Trump are presenting him in a false light. He is absolutely not an isolationist like Ron Paul, but a genuine realist.
Donald Trump was not a politician until now, but a real estate promoter, a businessman and a television presenter. This absence of a political past allows him to envisage the future from an entirely new angle, without being bound by any previous engagement. He is a dealmaker, the sort that Europe met in Bernard Tapie in France and Silvio Berlusconi in Italy. Two men not without fault, but who renovated the exercise of power in their own countries by shaking up the ruling classes.
Since the racial differentiation of humanity is obvious for all to see, and its denial is as idiotic as the denial of the naked emperor's nakedness by the sycophantic courtiers, the issue of race is a cause of embarrassment to every liberal. This is evident over at the Unz Review where the Saker tells us:Liberals and other agents of the New World Order, like hard-line Communists, are revolutionaries who seek to establish a system of global governance. The difference between the two is that the globalization aimed at by liberals will subordinate all humanity to the moneyed elite, the bankers, the billionaires and the chiefs of the giant corporations, whereas Communist revolution aims to serve the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, which is to say the Nomenclatura* for whom tyranny means thousands of comfy bureaucratic jobs with lots of power and privilege.
First nation Canadian. Image source
To both classes of revolutionary, the great obstacle to their dream is the nation state that declares the right of the people in any geographic area with the means to defend themselves to rule themselves as they see fit, which means maintaining control of the borders to prevent occupation of the territory by invaders or an uncontrolled flow of immigrants, and the preservation of the religious and cultural tradition of the people.
Innuit girl and pup. Image source.
To the revolutionaries, there is a simple solution to the problem of the nation state and the desire of the vast majority of the people of the world to live among their own kind in accordance with their traditional manners, morals and forms of governance. It is to insist that there is no such thing as the nation, that all humanity is one race, and that it is simply bunk to claim that the English, say, have a privileged status in England,
or that the Amerindians of Canada have legal and moral rights to control over their traditional lands and the freedom to live on those lands according to their own beliefs and traditions.
Chinese. Image source
I don’t even believe that the concept of “race” has been properly defined and, hence, that it has any objective meaning. I therefore don’t differentiate between human beings on the basis of an undefined criterion.
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Mbuti forest dwellers of the Congo. Image source |
One of the weirder contradictions of contemporary dogma is the belief that race does not exist combined with the government’s obsession with counting everybody by self-identified race. If race doesn’t exist, you’d think that, say, the Obama Administration would be under a lot of pressure from its supporters to dump the racial/ethnic classification system. Strangely enough, it never seems to occur to all the True Believers to ask their friends running the federal government to change the system.
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San boy and girl. Image source |
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Indigenous Australian. Image source |
... mass immigration of philoprogenitive non-Europeans to European countries with indigenous populations with a far-below replacement fertility would have to be acknowledged for what it is: genocide.
And there is nothing surprising about liberals denying the reality of race while decrying those who oppose the genocide of the European peoples as racist, since nonsensical hate speech is the basic coin of liberal debate.
Europeans who oppose the destruction of their own race and culture need to realize that today’s liberal is either a self-hating European or a settler immigrant. In either case, they are, morally, the Nazis of the present era.
English. Image source
They intend to create one integrated planet under a top-down, locked-down political and economic management system, backed up by coercion.Donald Trump's campaign for the US Presidency threatens the more than one-hundred-year career of the Treason Party's drive for "global governance," which is to say, a Money Power regime, fronted by pseudodemocratic puppets such as David Cameron, Angela Merkel and Barack Obama, and backed by the corporate-owned media, purveyors of pornography, and Hollywood fake history and the global corporations that export Western jobs along with the capital and technology accumulated by the sweat of generations, to the lowest wage, lowest tax, Third-World jurisdictions with minimal workplace health and safety standards, and environmental protection.
In order to achieve this goal ... the notion of separate nations must be eradicated.
The primary goal of the provoked chaos in the Middle East and parts of Africa is: redraw that whole territory and push waves of immigrants into the West, primarily Europe. [thereby drowning] traditional cultures and ethnic identities [to create] a nationless Europe, broken from its past.
Does my hon. Friend not agree that the fact that it is Martin Luther King day today makes it even more bizarre that this hate figure is preaching these ridiculous things that we should reject?Note, no evidence of hate speech by Mr. Trump is offered by the Hon. member, perhaps because she does not know of any. Or perhaps when she describes Mr. Trump as a hate figure she means that he is a figure who all politically correct members of the Treason Party must hate.
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Paul Flynn (New Labor) |
He [Trump] described the people of Mexico as rapists and drug abusers.But this is a total fabrication, a lie.
I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.Flynn also stated:
Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.
More recently he [Trump] suggested that Muslims not be allowed into his country, which is an extraordinary and extremely dangerous thing to say.Which is untrue. Trump did not "suggest," he asserted that there should be a total "shut down" in Muslim immigration to the United States pending determination of the cause of the intense anti-Western hatred among some Muslims, i.e., radical Islamic extremists, such as those who perpetrated the recent Paris massacre of 130 innocent civilians, the Muslim couple, one newly immigrating, who last month murdered 14 American workmates in San Bernadino, California, and the hundreds or thousands of Muslim "refugees" responsible for a wave of sex crimes against European women in Germany and Sweden and elsewhere.
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Tulip Siddiqi, MP for Kilburn and Hamstead (majority foreign born): A pretty face, and a contempt for Britain's tradition of free speech. |
I draw the line on freedom of speech when it leads to violent ideology being imported, which is what I feel is happening.As clear an indication as one needs of the settler mentality of Britain's immigrant community, which is characterized by a contempt for Britain's tradition of free speech, and which justifies that contempt by what they "feel" is happening. No facts required folks. If we, the settler immigrants, "feel" hurt, then everyone whoever we say had better shut the fuck up and stay the fuck outta the country.
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Quantum uncertainty? Image source. |
If water falls over a dam, it splashes. If we stand nearby, every now and then a drop will land on our nose. This appears to be completely random … The tiniest irregularities are magnified in falling, so that we get complete randomness.Feynman's insight has since been formalized in chaos theory, which reveals that many complex systems, the weather for example, or the economy, operate chaotically, which means for all practical purposes, indeterminately.
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Transitions in the evolution of a complex system under the influence of a strange attractor. Image source. |
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Cain killing Abel. (Rubens) |
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The objective world simply is, it does not happen. Only to the gaze of my consciousness, crawling upward along the world-line of my body, does a section of the world come to life as a fleeting image in space which continuously changes in time.On this view, we are like flies in amber, incapable of doing right or wrong. Our entire potential, intellectual, physical and moral, has already been realized and is open to view by any time traveler, in which case, the notion of free will is entirely redundant.