Showing posts with label Treason Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Treason Party. Show all posts
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Friday, August 17, 2018
Destruction of the West: A Guide For Immigrants
Man is a territorial animal. So just because you live in what President Trump might call a shit-house country it does not mean that people in more fortunate places want you to come and join them. On the contrary, they' know you're a high risk for fleas, lice, drugs and crime, that you likely have a minimal education, a low IQ and if admitted to their midst will soon be a burden on the taxpayer as a recipient of welfare, healthcare, and free schooling for your kids.
How then to proceed? There are basically three ways to invade another country for the purpose of settlement:
First, is the imperial approach as employed by those with the means from the time of Babylon and Ur, to that of the British conquests of Mashonaland and Matabeleland, better known today as Zimbabwe. In concept, the approach is straight forward: just smash your way in with swords drawn or Maxim guns blazing and set up a government. As for the locals, they may be put to death in the Israelite manner:
How then to proceed? There are basically three ways to invade another country for the purpose of settlement:
First, is the imperial approach as employed by those with the means from the time of Babylon and Ur, to that of the British conquests of Mashonaland and Matabeleland, better known today as Zimbabwe. In concept, the approach is straight forward: just smash your way in with swords drawn or Maxim guns blazing and set up a government. As for the locals, they may be put to death in the Israelite manner:
Joshua Chapter 11: 10: And Joshua turned back at that time, and took Hazor, and smote its king with the sword; for Hazor formerly was the head of all those kingdoms. 11: And they put to the sword all who were in it, utterly destroying them; there was none left that breathed, and he burned Hazor with fire. 12: And all the cities of those kings, and all their kings, Joshua took, and smote them with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them, as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded. 13: But none of the cities that stood on mounds did Israel burn, except Hazor only; that Joshua burned. 14: And all the spoil of these cities and the cattle, the people of Israel took for their booty; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, and they did not leave any that breathed. |
Or the natives of the occupied land may be be sold into slavery or otherwise reduced to servitude, as in England following the invasions of, first, the Romans, then the Anglo-Saxons, and last, until the post World War II era, the Normans under the rule of King William I.
Second, is to form an alliance with the Treason Party of the targeted nation: as did, for example, the Vikings who allied with English barons seeking to wrest power from Alfred the Great (868–899), who at one point was driven to take refuge in the swamps of Someset until able to organize a resistance that restored his authority. Alfred then created the English Navy the first task of which was to intercept Viking long ships before they made landfall.
Today the treason party is the globalist Money Power. The Money Power seeks the destruction of the democratic nation state, which is the chief obstacle to its goal of global governance. To this end, the Money Power works with the poor and down-trodden of the world in the name of socialism to smash down the borders of the Western states. Hence the cry of the fascistic Antifa crowd funded by the Jewish war-time Nazi collaborator, George Soros:
Second, is to form an alliance with the Treason Party of the targeted nation: as did, for example, the Vikings who allied with English barons seeking to wrest power from Alfred the Great (868–899), who at one point was driven to take refuge in the swamps of Someset until able to organize a resistance that restored his authority. Alfred then created the English Navy the first task of which was to intercept Viking long ships before they made landfall.
Today the treason party is the globalist Money Power. The Money Power seeks the destruction of the democratic nation state, which is the chief obstacle to its goal of global governance. To this end, the Money Power works with the poor and down-trodden of the world in the name of socialism to smash down the borders of the Western states. Hence the cry of the fascistic Antifa crowd funded by the Jewish war-time Nazi collaborator, George Soros:
"No border, no wall, no USA at all!"
Third: is to proceed the legal way, in accordance with the laws of the nation to which you wish to be joined. This, of course takes time, perhaps many years to go through the legal process, and the effort is by no means guaranteed of success. You may be found unsuitable for lack of in-demand professional or technical qualifications, linguistic skills, or perhaps racial requirements, for example, descent from an ex-patriot of the country to which you seek entry.
Should you succeed in achieving legal admission to the country of your choice, and should you then learn the language of the country and respect the customs of the people, you will in time be accepted as a fellow citizen and you, or at least your posterity, will become one with the nation.
But if your attempt at legal migration fails, you could always work to defeat the Treason Party of your own country. In so doing you may hope to make life better there not only for yourself, but for all those of your kith and kin. The Soros Funded left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted 'death to America' during another violent protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday. In shocking video captured by Breitbart journalist Ian Mason, Antifa members along with open borders activists can be seen marching down the streets demanding an end to the United States. “No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted as they marched in Washington D.C. |
Should you succeed in achieving legal admission to the country of your choice, and should you then learn the language of the country and respect the customs of the people, you will in time be accepted as a fellow citizen and you, or at least your posterity, will become one with the nation.
But if your attempt at legal migration fails, you could always work to defeat the Treason Party of your own country. In so doing you may hope to make life better there not only for yourself, but for all those of your kith and kin.
Immigration by the third route is, obviously, the only way that sane people in any country will tolerate immigration, which on an large scale has the potential to destroy the welfare of the native group through mass competition for jobs and housing, and by the destruction of the indigenous gene pool and cultural traditions. Indeed, wherever such damage to native groups is evident, as it is currently throughout the Western world, one can be sure that the Treason Party is successfully at work.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Trump Trashes UN Globalist Plan for the Destruction of the Western Nations
CNN, December 3, 2017: The United States notified the United Nations that it will no longer take part in the global compact on migration, saying it undermines the nation's sovereignty.
... The UN General Assembly president expressed regret at the US decision.
...The US participation in the process started last year "following the Obama Administration's decision to join the UN's New York Declaration on Migration" ....
Naturally, the UN General Assembly President regrets any nation having any sovereignty, especially sovereignty expressing the democratic wishes of the people — the United Nations is the ultimate globalist tool. So, also naturally, President Obama shared the United Nations General Assembly President's desire to replace the American electorate with people, such as himself, from the Third World. And so, also naturally, all liberals and democrats of the Treason Party call Trump racist for defending the interests of ordinary Americans whose country is being taken from them by mass replacement immigration. So, also naturally, the Mayor of London, the Muslim settler, Sadiq Kahn, seeks to override the authority of the Prime Minister and prevent the British Government's from inviting the American President to visit Britain. The inevitable, and apparently intended, outcome of the UN/Treason Party policy on immigration is that the nations that breed with the most irresponsible abandon, for example those African nations with a fertility rate three times the replacement rate, will simply overrun the world, wiping out every other race and nation in the process. Calling those who oppose such vile and indeed insane policies racist, equates racism with opposition to the genocide of one's own people. Sadly, that simple mathematical fact is beyond the grasp of the self-hate-filled minds of the idiot white liberals in the mind-bending clutches of the Western media-educational-entertainments complex. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Treason Party President Obama Goes Abroad to Attack the President Elect
Daily Mail: ‘Trump tapped into troubling strain of rhetoric to win U.S. election’: Barack Obama attacks the President-elect on the first day of his final foreign tour where he was met by SCOWLING Greek guards.
But what was it that Hillary, the Democrats-for-the-dismantling-of-America, and the departing president found so troubling about the Trump campaign?
But what was it that Hillary, the Democrats-for-the-dismantling-of-America, and the departing president found so troubling about the Trump campaign?
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Tereson May
The parliaments and people mean very little now in Europe – as little as in Russia. The British people voted for Brexit. Fine! So did it happen? Not at all. The new unelected government of Theresa May just pushed the decision far away into the heap of not-very-urgent business correspondence next to requesting assignment of a budget to a Zoo. Maybe she will deliver it to Brussels in a year or two. Or people will forget about that vote.To understand the title of this piece, you have to know that in Britain, the second vowel in the name Teresa is pronounced as the 'ea' in treason.
Israel Shamir: Democracy's Last Chance
As we pointed out a few weeks ago, Britain's notable female rulers from Boadicea to Good Queen Bess, and Margaret Thatcher have been pretty much like the majority of their male counterparts — but with balls.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Brexit Means Exit, Not Bullshit
In this June's United Kingdom European Union Membership Referendum, Brits voted by an absolute majority to leave the European Union. Following the vote, Prime Minister Cameron, who campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU, resigned the premiership, attributing defeat of the remain campaign to public anger over the EU-mandated immigrant flood that has made the English a minority in their own capital city of London and in many other urban centers including the cities of Leicester, Luton and Slough, and soon England's second city, Birmingham.
Quite bizarrely, the Conservative Party opted to replace Cameron as Prime Minister with former Home Secretary, Teresa May, who not only campaigned with David Cameron against Britain's departure from the EU (aka Brexit), but is on record as favoring Shariah courts in Britain, one of the issues of greatest contention among those opposed to the wholesale replacement of the English people and their culture, including the English common law, by people and cultures from elsewhere.
Since assuming the Premiership, Ms. May has done little to dispel the impression that she is totally unqualified to handle the Brexit decision. "Brexit" she declared "means Brexit," whereas in reality Brexit means exit, a fact that Ms. May seems anxious to obscure.
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The new face of Britain. In Luton, a jobless couple with eight
children demands public housing with at least six double bedrooms.
They evidently plan on having a couple more kids.
It's what's known as indigenous population replacement immigration, aka the genocide of the English. Meantime the folks slated for extinction are evidently paying to clothe, feed and educate those who are about to replace them. (Source). |
Since assuming the Premiership, Ms. May has done little to dispel the impression that she is totally unqualified to handle the Brexit decision. "Brexit" she declared "means Brexit," whereas in reality Brexit means exit, a fact that Ms. May seems anxious to obscure.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Getting the Relationshiop Between Economic Theory and Economic Performance Arse-Backwards
Over at the Unz Review, Eamonn Fingleton argues that Donald Trump will beat the Heck outa Hillary because he understands the economy, whereas she has been closely connected with the ruling elite that, for 25 years, has failed to understand, or therefore prevent, the disaster of American deindustrialization and off-shoring of jobs, a failure Fingleton attributes to faulty economic assumptions. In particular, he says:
Anglophone textbooks have traditionally identified just three key factors of production – capital, labor, and land. Now a further factor has emerged that plays a decisive role in the relative competitiveness of modern nations, blah, blah blah.
And until now, nobody knew this? As if.
No, the idea that America’s economic decline can be attributed to bad economics has things arse-backwards.
As Harvard economist J.K. Galbraith made clear decades ago, the function of economics is not to steer the economy but to rationalize for the public whatever direction the elite has decided the economy must go.
Today, globalization, i.e., destruction of the democratic, sovereign nation state, accompanied by the concentration of power in the hands of bankers and oligarchs operating via global institutions such as the UN, the WTO, etc., etc., is the objective to be concealed. Economists, liberally rewarded with newspaper columns, Nobel prizes, extremely lucrative textbook contracts (at the expense of students required to purchase their outrageously expensive and essentially worthless books) and Ivy League university chairs, merely provide the cover up.
So Western elites are not wrong about the economy, they just don’t care about the economy as a source of income to the masses. What they care about is the continued concentration of wealth under their own control or the control of those who pull their strings.
That their policies undermine Western prosperity and power means nothing to them. The end game is global governance mediated by local governments subject to corporate control via trade agreements, and global institutions.
Hence Obama’s notice to the British: “sovereignty is obsolete,” which is to say: "I declare your independence as a democratic nation state finished." And the same goes for American sovereignty. National governments must no longer serve the people, they must serve the Treason Party representing the plutocratic global elite.
The key question about Trump is whether he is a true American patriot or a covert Treason Party alternative to the discredited Bush-Clinton duopoly. The answer to that question will likely determine not only the fate of the European people as a racial and cultural group, but whether we are to have peace or war with Russia and China.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Britain's Treason Party for Globalization Attacks Donald Trump
Of the proponents of globalization, Jon Rappoport writes:
They intend to create one integrated planet under a top-down, locked-down political and economic management system, backed up by coercion.Donald Trump's campaign for the US Presidency threatens the more than one-hundred-year career of the Treason Party's drive for "global governance," which is to say, a Money Power regime, fronted by pseudodemocratic puppets such as David Cameron, Angela Merkel and Barack Obama, and backed by the corporate-owned media, purveyors of pornography, and Hollywood fake history and the global corporations that export Western jobs along with the capital and technology accumulated by the sweat of generations, to the lowest wage, lowest tax, Third-World jurisdictions with minimal workplace health and safety standards, and environmental protection.
In order to achieve this goal ... the notion of separate nations must be eradicated.
The primary goal of the provoked chaos in the Middle East and parts of Africa is: redraw that whole territory and push waves of immigrants into the West, primarily Europe. [thereby drowning] traditional cultures and ethnic identities [to create] a nationless Europe, broken from its past.
Mr. Trump wants to restore America's borders and make America a real country again, with immigration only in accordance with the interest of the United States and subject to law. Moreover, he advocates a national economic policy designed to promote the welfare of Americans, not the profits of global corporations. In this Mr. Trump is almost certainly sincere, since his own business consists very largely in selling real estate and resort services to Americans and thus depends for its success on the prosperity of Americans, not the shareholders of global corporations.
Hence the outpouring of hate speech directed at Mr. Trump by members of the British Parliament during yesterday's debate to consider a petition demanding that Mr. Trump be banned from entry to the UK.
This question, for example, from Dr. Rupa Huq (New Labor, at right) to Paul Flynn (New Labor):
Does my hon. Friend not agree that the fact that it is Martin Luther King day today makes it even more bizarre that this hate figure is preaching these ridiculous things that we should reject?Note, no evidence of hate speech by Mr. Trump is offered by the Hon. member, perhaps because she does not know of any. Or perhaps when she describes Mr. Trump as a hate figure she means that he is a figure who all politically correct members of the Treason Party must hate.
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Paul Flynn (New Labor) |
He [Trump] described the people of Mexico as rapists and drug abusers.But this is a total fabrication, a lie.
Here is what Trump has consistently stated about the people of Mexico:
I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.Flynn also stated:
Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally. I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it.
More recently he [Trump] suggested that Muslims not be allowed into his country, which is an extraordinary and extremely dangerous thing to say.Which is untrue. Trump did not "suggest," he asserted that there should be a total "shut down" in Muslim immigration to the United States pending determination of the cause of the intense anti-Western hatred among some Muslims, i.e., radical Islamic extremists, such as those who perpetrated the recent Paris massacre of 130 innocent civilians, the Muslim couple, one newly immigrating, who last month murdered 14 American workmates in San Bernadino, California, and the hundreds or thousands of Muslim "refugees" responsible for a wave of sex crimes against European women in Germany and Sweden and elsewhere.
But is would be fascinating to know why Mr. Flynn says advocating a cessation, albeit temporary, to the flow of Muslim immigrants to the US would be "extremely dangerous." Is he suggesting it would lead to more radical Islamic terrorism against the West? Or is his concern that it would end the current wave of racial and cultural destruction being wrought by mass Islamic immigration to the West? It is regrettable, though not surprising, that the Hon. Mr. Flynn did say.
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Tulip Siddiqi, MP for Kilburn and Hamstead (majority foreign born): A pretty face, and a contempt for Britain's tradition of free speech. |
I draw the line on freedom of speech when it leads to violent ideology being imported, which is what I feel is happening.As clear an indication as one needs of the settler mentality of Britain's immigrant community, which is characterized by a contempt for Britain's tradition of free speech, and which justifies that contempt by what they "feel" is happening. No facts required folks. If we, the settler immigrants, "feel" hurt, then everyone whoever we say had better shut the fuck up and stay the fuck outta the country.
And so the debate went on, with much hate speech directed at Mr. Trump, particularly by New Labor party members and members of the immigrant and Muslim community, although there were some occasionally sensible comments also. What the debate confirms is that the Treason Party, the party that privileges immigrants and would-be immigrants over the interests of the native population of the European nations, is dominant in Britain, as in Germany, France and currently the United States, and that these people will resort to unending lies in there determination to destroy the European nation states, including the predominantly European United States of America.
Stefan Molyneux a Review of the Reaction to Donald Trump's Presidential Candidacy:
Excellent research.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
My Dad's Home Town
My father's family came from the Leicestershire village of Sibbertoft -- at least eleven generations of them, which is as far back as church records go; although they were of Norman extraction, so the line likely extended at the same spot all the way back to the time of the Conquest.
For nine generations they worked as farm laborers, although my Great Grandpa must have been literate, as he held the post of village clerk. My grandpa moved to the city of Leicester (pronounced Lester), the largest town in the East Midlands, to work in the hosiery trade upon which the 19th and early 20th century prosperity of the city was built.
For thirty years Grandpa managed the Wolsey Limited factory that stood near the centre of the city. Founded in 1755, Wolsey Limited was believed to be the oldest textile firm in England. It was named after Cardinal Wolsey who, in 1530, stopped at Leicester Abbey while on a journey from York to London to face charges of treason. Wolsey alarmed the monks by announcing that he would leave his bones among them, as he did, dying that very evening. The image of Cardinal Wolsey appears as a relief on the fifth floor facade of the Wolsey Limited factory.
My Dad's parents lived just out of town in the village of Fleckney. Dad attended the grammar school in the adjacent small town of Kibworth Beauchamp (pronounced Beecham), where he became head of school and captain of football (soccer). The year he turned 16, he passed the Senior Oxford (i.e., university entrance) exams with honours, and left school with a testimonial from the Head Master stating that "his record as a pupil at this school is better than that of any other during the last eleven years."
But in those days it was considered unnecessary for a boy of that class to enter the university. As the Head Master, an Oxford MA, further stated "a little experience will give him confidence in the abilities he undoubtedly possesses, and he will then be a very valuable worker."
So it was as a worker that Dad went into the hosiery trade, where he lived up to his promise, becoming a factory manager at 18, a managing director at 25 and sales director of a manufacturing group at 30: a promising career that was brought short by a stint in the RAF during WW2.
In 1961, when I went to Leicester as a university student, not a whole lot had changed. The Wolsey Limited factory was still humming. The city still prospered, and was said to have more Rolls Royce motor cars per capita than any other town in England. But despite the flash cars and the fine Victorian and Edwardian mansions in the suburb of Oadby, is was mainly an English working class town, a place of red brick terrace houses of various types from the two down and two up with a front door opening directly onto the sidewalk, to the better sort of lower middle class housing with a yard or two of grass in front and separated from the street by a fence of iron railings.
Today, Leicester is rather different. Wolsey Limited has gone.
The name lives on, but only as a marketing device: a good English name to stick on foreign goods. The factory's gone too, replaced by low-cost housing, although the facade with the image of the Cardinal has been retained.
Oddly, the BBC announcer reporting the reconstruction of the building did not know how to pronounce the name Wolsey. She said it with a short "o", which is daft: they knitted socks with wool, not wol, and pronounced Wolsey with a "wool".
But the misunderstanding's to be expected. The BBC encourages the use of regional accents in regional programming and, today, the voice of Leicester is the voice of ethnic Britain. From 212 thousand in 1901, the indigenous English population of Leicester has fallen by a third, while the ethnic population, chiefly, Hindu, Muslim and Sihk, has gone from nothing to more than 51% of the population in 2011 and is still growing fast.
The English are now past the tipping point in a town that has been their home for more than 2000 years and which played a critical role in their history. They are the minority. They have been ethnically cleansed, not by a conquering army, but as a matter of deliberate policy by their own government.
Dad was a man of pacific temperament. During the 30's he was a peace activist. Yet he understood the place of violence in history, and when it came to the crunch, volunteered for service in the struggle against Nazi tyranny. He believed the independence and liberty of England was worth fighting for.
Dad was no racist. He did business with all kinds and conditions of men and formed friendships with many, including immigrants from the Indian subcontinent. But he was patriot who would have considered the likes of Blair and Cameron, Clegg and Milliband traitors for what they have done to his home town: men worth fighting to expose, depose, and punish.
For nine generations they worked as farm laborers, although my Great Grandpa must have been literate, as he held the post of village clerk. My grandpa moved to the city of Leicester (pronounced Lester), the largest town in the East Midlands, to work in the hosiery trade upon which the 19th and early 20th century prosperity of the city was built.
For thirty years Grandpa managed the Wolsey Limited factory that stood near the centre of the city. Founded in 1755, Wolsey Limited was believed to be the oldest textile firm in England. It was named after Cardinal Wolsey who, in 1530, stopped at Leicester Abbey while on a journey from York to London to face charges of treason. Wolsey alarmed the monks by announcing that he would leave his bones among them, as he did, dying that very evening. The image of Cardinal Wolsey appears as a relief on the fifth floor facade of the Wolsey Limited factory.
My Dad's parents lived just out of town in the village of Fleckney. Dad attended the grammar school in the adjacent small town of Kibworth Beauchamp (pronounced Beecham), where he became head of school and captain of football (soccer). The year he turned 16, he passed the Senior Oxford (i.e., university entrance) exams with honours, and left school with a testimonial from the Head Master stating that "his record as a pupil at this school is better than that of any other during the last eleven years."
But in those days it was considered unnecessary for a boy of that class to enter the university. As the Head Master, an Oxford MA, further stated "a little experience will give him confidence in the abilities he undoubtedly possesses, and he will then be a very valuable worker."
So it was as a worker that Dad went into the hosiery trade, where he lived up to his promise, becoming a factory manager at 18, a managing director at 25 and sales director of a manufacturing group at 30: a promising career that was brought short by a stint in the RAF during WW2.
In 1961, when I went to Leicester as a university student, not a whole lot had changed. The Wolsey Limited factory was still humming. The city still prospered, and was said to have more Rolls Royce motor cars per capita than any other town in England. But despite the flash cars and the fine Victorian and Edwardian mansions in the suburb of Oadby, is was mainly an English working class town, a place of red brick terrace houses of various types from the two down and two up with a front door opening directly onto the sidewalk, to the better sort of lower middle class housing with a yard or two of grass in front and separated from the street by a fence of iron railings.
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The relief of Cadinal Wolsey on the facade of what used to be the Wolsey Limited factory. Image source. |
Oddly, the BBC announcer reporting the reconstruction of the building did not know how to pronounce the name Wolsey. She said it with a short "o", which is daft: they knitted socks with wool, not wol, and pronounced Wolsey with a "wool".
But the misunderstanding's to be expected. The BBC encourages the use of regional accents in regional programming and, today, the voice of Leicester is the voice of ethnic Britain. From 212 thousand in 1901, the indigenous English population of Leicester has fallen by a third, while the ethnic population, chiefly, Hindu, Muslim and Sihk, has gone from nothing to more than 51% of the population in 2011 and is still growing fast.
The English are now past the tipping point in a town that has been their home for more than 2000 years and which played a critical role in their history. They are the minority. They have been ethnically cleansed, not by a conquering army, but as a matter of deliberate policy by their own government.
Dad was a man of pacific temperament. During the 30's he was a peace activist. Yet he understood the place of violence in history, and when it came to the crunch, volunteered for service in the struggle against Nazi tyranny. He believed the independence and liberty of England was worth fighting for.
Dad was no racist. He did business with all kinds and conditions of men and formed friendships with many, including immigrants from the Indian subcontinent. But he was patriot who would have considered the likes of Blair and Cameron, Clegg and Milliband traitors for what they have done to his home town: men worth fighting to expose, depose, and punish.
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