Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Going to Mars: Why People Will, When They Can

With a mean surface temperature of minus 65C, you'll need more than a woolly took and gloves to stay warm outdoors on the Red Planet. What's more, the air pressure is so low that, outside, you'll need a pressurized suit to prevent your blood boiling despite the cold. Oh and don't forget about the cosmic radiation and the energetic solar particles that will fry your DNA if you spend too long outside without something better than sunscreen for protection. 

So why is it a near certainty that we will see people by the dozens, hundreds and almost certainly thousands taking a six-month journey in a cramped and barely furnished steel tube to reach Mars. Some will surely go at government expense, as scientists, diplomats, and spies. Others, rich and bored, will go as tourists for the thrill and the kudos. But most will go for the reason both men and women joined the Klondike gold rush: They will go hoping to get rich quick. 

As President Trump's uncle opened a hotel in Northern BC to provide accomodation to both the men in search of gold and the women who entertained them, so a Trump of the next generation could well provide the same service on Mars, opening there the first Trump Interplanetary Hotel, Starbase Mars. But beside the accomodation and related services, there will be all kinds of other business opportunities from machine rental and construction, to the provision of guided tours, medical treatment, facilities for banking and communication, and the local production of food in greenhouses -- anyone for radishes at a hundred dollars a piece? Mars Starbase will make the goldrush Yukon look cheap. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Trump says officials are lying about the true death toll in Ukraine

So much for that, then. Evidently Poop Murdoch and Fix News don't want folks to see that Trump is back on form and funnier than before. What's more, Trump did say that the US administration is lying about the true death toll in Ukraine which is much higher than being reported. He also explained rather well how he'd end the war overnight. 

Meantime, here's an update on the war:

Monday, November 23, 2020

Has Trump Already Conceded -- To the CIA?

At a recent press conference with Trump's lawyer, Rudi Giuliani, lawyer Sidney Powell claimed large-scale Trump-to-Biden vote flipping in the Presidential election by voting machines using software developed by Communists in Venezuela.

Sidney Powell is no longer Trump's lawyer and the reason is not hard to see. If the US Presidential election was fixed by vote rigging voting machines running software developed by Communists in Venezuela, then there was either a failure by the CIA to detect an attempted overthrow of the United States Government by agents of a foreign government, or complicity. Either way, failure or treason, the President would have no no option but to seek the abolition of the CIA.

But Trump knows what happened to the last US President who talked of breaking the CIA into a thousand pieces: he died by a bullet to the head shortly thereafter. So in what looks like a concession to the CIA, Trump let Sidney Powell go. Trump's only hope of victory now is by the less hazardous and seemingly less certain route of the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives.

Jim Willie: Trump's Wildcard Is The US Military (Warning: crazy stuff — might be true)

And don't miss this: Who Will Win the 2020 Presidential Cup:

Friday, November 13, 2020

DR. STEVE TURLEY: Liberals ADMIT Trump Can WIN as Leftists ACCUSE Him of Staging a COUP D’ÉTAT!!!


Steve Bannon: Hammer was the single most important, and the single most sophisticated system that came up after 9/11 for intelligence or counter-intelligence about radical Islamic jihad and the ability to monitor that...

Lieutenant Thomas McInerny: "It was then adapted to the voting business. It was to be used, and it was used, in foreign countries. ... it was then moved over into the CIA and they started looking at US citizens. That is illegal. The CIA can not look at US citizens .. only the FBI with the proper FISA warrants, etc. This (vote hacking system) was taken out of CIA when the Obama Administration left, they used some Kabuki to get it out, they still have it up and running, we know where it is located... they are looking around, and they are trying to set up, this voting thing that happens on Tuesday night. It's going to look good for President Trump, but they're going to change, and that's the danger that America and everyone must realize.  
Trump’s Re-Election is Certain. Constitutional video lesson from both the LEFT and RIGHT demonstrates HOW and WHY…

Colorado Professor Compares Questioning Voting Results To Holocaust Denial
Is there a special dumbness test that university professors have to pass now-a-days?

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Race Hatred, Immigration and Democracy in America Today

America is increasingly torn by racial strife, with the white majority now openly targeted by colored racists and their white Communist and liberal (is there a difference?) advocates, who see mass illegal immigration of colored people as a means to put paid to white domination. This wave of colored racism now dominates the American political landscape and the current Presidential election contest. 

The reaction of most white Americans, particularly among the working class, is naturally, tit-for-tat anti-colored racism. This, however, is to fall into a trap laid by their anti-white racist antagonists, who then have proof that all whites are contemptible racists.

What low-fertility white Americans, concerned about their race being swamped out by colored immigrants, need to focus on, is not the racial conflict, which is contrary to the spirit of a nation founded on the principal that "all men are created equal," but rather on the nation's right, as recognized in Chapter 1 of the United Nations Charter, to self-determination.

Under the American doctrine of the equality of men, any person becoming an American citizen, becomes a member of the American nation— the nation being a race in the process of creation through the free association and intermarriage of its citizens. 

But under the UN doctrine of the "principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples" Americans, whatever the color of their skin, have every right to oppose the immigration of people from elsewhere. 

For most Americans, whatever the color of their skin, immigration is not in their interest unless they are adherents of a racist ideology that seeks to change the racial balance of the population. 

Immigration is bad for most Americans because immigrants compete with the existing American citizenry for jobs and housing, thereby driving down wages and raising the cost of living. Immigrants also increase the need for infrastructure paid for not by immigrants but by taxes on all Americans. Not least important, immigrants when concentrated in large numbers as in California, for example, resist integration, acting rather as settlers intent on preserving their own religious, racial and cultural identity in their country of adoption. 

Beside those seeking non-white racial and cultural hegemony in America, the chief beneficiary of mass immigration to America is the corporate interest that seeks to reduce the cost of American labor to the Third World level. These are the people who hypocritically advocated ridiculously high minimum wage rates that make low-skilled American workers unemployable, while driving mass illegal immigration of people who will work in the black economy at below minimum wages. 

At the same time that business interests seek to impoverish the American working class through mass illegal immigration, technology-based companies seek to expand the H1b visa program to suck in cheap brain-power to undercut American-trained programmers and engineers. As a result, bright Americans who made the effort to master hard subjects find the return on their effort diminished as they are sidelined by immigrant competition. (And remember the best and the brightest in India and China and Korea, and Hong Kong and Taiwan, can all get brilliant jobs with high status in their own countries. It is, for the most part, the second raters from abroad that companies like Boeing have employed with, as we now see, sometimes disastrous results). 

And as mastery of technology rewards American citizens less and less well, the schools that train scientists and engineers inevitably suffer a decline in the quality of teaching staff and the ability of students, smart kids turning to other areas of endeavor. H1b visa immigration, in other words, spells American technological decline. 

All Americans, therefore, should think very carefully about immigration, whether it serves their interest as citizens of a nation with the UN-endorsed right of self-determination, including the right to have borders, to police those borders and to decide who may cross those borders. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Face Masks: The Latest Phase in The Culture War

Foundation for Economic Education, August 6, 2020: Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.

This prompted Berlingske, the country’s oldest newspaper, to complain that Danes had positioned themselves “to the right of Trump.”

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Covid19: India — Herd Immunity Achieved: Not Many Dead, and Other Remarkable Facts About the Novel Corona Virus

The Spectator reports:

Serological tests on 21,387 residents of Delhi by the Indian Centre for Disease Control suggest that 23.5 per pent of the city’s population have antibodies to Sars-Cov-2, the virus which causes Covid-19. Remarkably, this is a higher proportion than has been measured in New York, where 22.7 per cent were found to have been infected with the virus. The tests in Delhi were carried out between 27 June and 10 July. Since then, the epidemic seems to have peaked and receded.

The infection rate comes as a surprise given Delhi’s relatively low numbers of deaths. As the population of Delhi’s National Capital Territory is 16 million, the antibody figures suggest that 3.76 million people in the city have been infected. Up until Saturday, the Indian government had recorded 3,571 deaths in Delhi. That would give an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of just 0.094 per cent.
The Spectator also reports on the "absence of evidence" concerning the value of wearing a face mask:

A report from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has reviewed the evidence on whether individuals in the community who don’t have Covid-19 symptoms should wear face masks to reduce the spread of the virus. It says randomised trials show a small protective effect from wearing medical face masks, but a nationwide training programme would be needed as incorrect use limits their effectiveness. On the use of non-medical face masks, it says there is ‘no reliable evidence’. The review concludes that, with infection rates low in Norway, ‘assuming that 20% of people infectious with Sars-CoV-2 do not have symptoms, and assuming a risk reduction of 40% for wearing face mask, 200,000 people would need to wear facemasks to prevent one new infection per week in the current epidemiological situation’. So, ‘wearing face masks... is not recommended for individuals in the community without respiratory symptoms’.
Then there's the fake study authored by Harvard Med School Prof. in the famous medical journal, the Lancet, claiming, falsely, on behalf of big pharma that the cheap, old, and safe drug hydroxyquinoline is ineffective in the treatment of Covid19.

All of which raises two questions: 

(1) why are we led by such apparently useless people as Trump, Trudeau, Johnson, for example, with the only alternative available to the public being people of similar calibre — Joe Biden, for example.

(2) are these buffoonish characters the only ones available or are they post turtles providing cover for those engaged in a transformation of the world: a transformation from a world in which freedom of the individual was among the highest values to a world dominated by a globalist elite where the common man will be seen as nothing more than, for now, a necessary evil, and a form of life to be eliminated as soon as artificially intelligent machinery is available to take his place.

Detroit Free Press: How a piece of cloth has America going mad
John Ward: Stop forcing people to wear useless masks
YDN: Nearly Twice as Many US Children and Young Adults Died from Flu than Covid19 in Past Year

Friday, July 3, 2020

Trump's Treason?

What is treason?

Technically, it is:

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
So, in a democracy, treason consists in an attempt to destroy the sovereign people, or overthrow the government elected by the people.

How does that relate to Donald Trump?

Well here, before addressing that question directly, is a comment by Yusef, one of our few but highly intelligent readers:

One of the things bugging me is I believe suffering in the USA will be more intense than elsewhere in the West is the USA pretty much dissolved, or drastically reduced, its social safety net, most dramatically starting in the 1980's. I'm not even sure if enough of the remaining administrative infrastructure is sufficiently strong to be revved up in this soon-to-be emergency situation.

As you mentioned above, the politics of both parties, and their policies, have been in the interests of one class, and that's not been the working class. The working class had been sold out by its representatives and "leaders" and the consequences of this were becoming all too apparent even before Covid-19 delivered its coup de grace.

I still think there's a lot to be said for the speculation both Covid-19 and the BLM riots and violence, are ways of deflecting blame and rage away from those sell-out politicians and those for whom they sold out.

Especially the BLM riots.
In response to which we would say that, for ordinary folks, the best welfare program is a job creation program. However, in the US today, the labor of many Americans at the legislated minimum wage is not cost-competitive in a globalized labor market.

 In reaction to that fact there are two common views. There is the NeoCon view as expressed in 2016 by Kevin Williamson writing in the National Review about the white American underclass, i.e., the inhabitants of towns that lost their reason for existence as manufacturing jobs were off-shored to the sweatshops of Asia:

The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul."
That last bit about "they need U-Haul" being added to soften the essential message which is: "Let the useless scum die, and the sooner they kill themselves with opiates or whatever, the better."

The alternative to the "let the scum die," position, is the view that it is the government's job  to create conditions insuring the availability of work at a living wage. 

The latter was precisely the position that Donald Trump adopted during the 2016 Presidential election. And where are we now? Eleven percent unemployed versus 4% when Donald Trump took office in 2017, or about 31% according to John Williams' Shadow Stats report

So is Trump a traitor to the sovereign people of the United States, relying on the Covid pandemic and the BLM rioters and Abraham-Lincoln-statue tossers to provide cover, as Yusef suspects? Or is there nothing the US government could do to alleviate widespread unemployment and poverty?

The answer is clear. US unemployment is an unnecessary evil that can be largely eliminated. 


(1) Restore the tariff wall behind which America rose  to be the world's dominant manufacturing power, a protectionist measure in place from 1816 until the adoption of free trade in 1945. 

(2) Enforce immigration law and restrict immigration, legal and otherwise, whenever unemployment rises above the frictional rate. 

Trump has waffled and fiddled to suggest adherence to a belief in tariffs and immigration control while achieving essentially nothing. Trump is thus, either a useless blatherskite of a traitor. As a long-time employer of thousands of low-wage immigrant hotel chamber maids and desk clerks, you might be able to guess which. 

But whichever is the case, Trump's fiddling while much of America's working class suffer the seering emotional and physical consequences of poverty serves Trump's own class—that is to say the very rich—extremely well, for as the famous British economist David Ricardo noted, 

Wages plus profits, together, are always the same.
meaning the simplest way to raise profits is to lower wages. 

And in America today corporations lower wages by: 

(1) offshoring jobs to more or less unregulated Asian sweat shops with collapsible factories and nets to stop workers killing themselves by jumping off the building; and

(2) sucking in illegal immigrants to work in the black, tax-free, economy where third-world wages prevail.

And it should be remembered that a policy of screwing the workers serves the great bureaucracies of the Western world very well too. Public sector wages are paid by the long-suffering tax payer, and are not therefore subject to the same stringent Ricardian control as those of workers in the goods and useful service producing, private sector. Thus, those in the public sector benefit from the low cost of living to which low wages give rise, while skimming high wages at the expense of rich and poor alike. 

So what do readers think? Is Trump an incompetent fool, or a traitor?

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump Organizing 2020 Landslide

U.S. signs peace deal with Taliban agreeing to full withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan

New York Times

U.S. Strikes Deal With Taliban to Withdraw Troops From Afghanistan

And this:

Trump ready to meet with leaders of Russia, China, Britain, France to discuss arms control
And if he were to add reform of the banking system, Trump would truly set the US on course to renewed greatness.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Trump's Vicious Method of Trade Negotiation

The complete (translated) words of Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi’s speech to parliament:

...I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction [instead of the US*]. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.

Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me.

I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese.

After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”.

Read more

That's Trump's "great trade deals" pitch:

"Buy our overpriced stuff, give us half your oil, or I'll send in our Maidan snipers, create a riot and overthrow your government."

And why is Abdul-Mahdi blowing the whistle on Trump? Perhaps he thinks that by exposing Trump's Hitlerian tactics, the God-Emperor may be deterred from incinerating this troublesome satrap with a Reaper drone strike.

* According to Abdul-Mahdi, the price Trump demanded for completion of infrastructure and electricity grid projects, i.e., repair of the war damage inflicted by the US,  was 50% of Iraq's oil revenues.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

When No More Stupid Wars Means No More Stupid Wars

By Patrick Buchanan:

President Donald Trump could have been more deft and diplomatic in how he engineered that immediate pullout from northeastern Syria.

Yet that withdrawal was as inevitable as were its consequences. A thousand U.S. troops and their Kurdish allies were not going to dominate indefinitely the entire northeast quadrant of a country the size of Syria against the will of the Damascus regime and army.

Had the U.S. refused to vacate Syrian lands on Turkey’s demand, a fight would be inevitable ...

Read more

Brandon Smith: The Syrian Debacle Is Actually Well Planned Chaos
Vox Popoli: The neoclown narrative
Press-TV: Syrian govt., not US, must protect Kurds against Turkey: Trump

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

More About the British Inspired Deep State: Chrystia Freeland a Canadian Operative of the Cecil Rhodes Secret Society for Global Governance

Further to yesterday`s post on Cecil Rhodes' century-old plan for plutocratic global governance, Here`s more on the subject from Matthew Ehret focusing on the NWO operative Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Oxford-trained agent of the NWO.

The Strange Case Of Chrystia Freeland And The Failure Of The “Super Elite”

By Matthew Ehret, 08/07/2019: Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Now, two years into the Trump presidency, and five years into the growth of a new system shaped by the Russia-China alliance, the world has become a very different place from the one which Freeland and her controllers wish it to be.

Having been set up as a counterpart to the steely Hillary Clinton who was supposed to win the 2016 election, Freeland and her ilk have demonstrated their outdated thinking in everything they have set out to achieve since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Certainly before that, everything seemed to be going smoothly enough for End of History disciples promoting a script that was supposed to culminate in a long-sought for “New World Order”.
The Script up until Now

Things were going especially well since the collapse of the Soviet system in the early 1990s. The collapse ushered in a unipolar world order with the European Union and NAFTA, followed soon thereafter by the World Trade Organization and the 1999 destruction of Glass-Steagall (1). The trans-Atlantic at last was converted into a cage of “post-sovereign nations” that no longer had actual control of their own powers of credit generation. Under NATO, even national militaries were subject to technocratic control. This cage was perfect for the governing elite “scientifically managing” from above while the little people bickered over their diminishing employment and standards of living from below.

Read more

Friday, July 5, 2019

As Media Predicted: Tiny Crowd Attend Trump's Independence Day Speech

Trump Speech, Independence Day 2019: Tiny crowd as 
predicted CNN etc.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Google's War on Trump: The Treason of a Globalist Corporation

Corporate interests have long taken care to ensure that the people of the democratic Western nations express their democratic will as the corporate interests require. Hence the corporate control of the media — initially, the most influential, big-city newspapers, then radio, then TV, and in recent years, most of the book publishing industry, and now the Internet.

What's new with the corporate control of the internet is that companies such as Google and Facebook can read your mail, watch your web clicks and links and apply artificial intelligence to tailor what you see of the world in ways that best regulate your thinking and moral judgement, and hence your voting, buying, and breeding behavior to best serve the New World Order, aka, the globalist Money Power.

Uhuh! Didn't take Google long to take down the Project Veritas video revealing Google's approach to election interference. But it's still up on the Project Veritas Web site here. If CanSpeccy goes blank you will likely be able to guess why. As it is, the  number of hits we have had from today is well down on the usual number by around half. Coincidence?

Meantime, as Zero Hedge reportsGoogle's "transparency and ethics" group are:

calling prominent Jewish conservatives Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager "Nazis," along with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who is not Jewish.

But as as Justin Trudeau could truthfully say, that's what we liberals always do, we call our opponents racists, white supremacists and Nazis. 
Gateway Pundit: GOOGLE EXECS PANIC! Go Into Hiding – Delete Social Media Accounts After James O’Keefe’s Latest Exposé
ZeroHedge: Google Ethics Team Busted Calling Prominent Conservative Jews "Nazis": Veritas
RT: Google pulls videos accusing it of election manipulation from YouTube... which it owns
Project Veritas: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
Zero Hedge: Google Using AI To Meddle In 2020 Election, Prevent 'Next Trump Situation': Veritas
Zero Hedge: Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has Become Spy Software"
Activist Post: “Surveillance Capitalism”: Toronto Urged to Abandon Google’s Smart City

Government Slaves, June 25, 2019: A new document leaked Tuesday appears to show a Google engineer suggesting in an internal email that classifying prominent conservatives as “Nazis” could help the company wipe out far-right content.

“Today it is often 1 or 2 steps to Nazis, if we understand that Prager U, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are Nazis using the dog whistles you mention in step 1,” Liam Hopkins, a machine learning recruiter at Google, said in the email, which was obtained by Project Veritas (PV).

Here in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't bother with intervening steps. He just outright calls the leader of the opposition, Andrew Scheer, a Nazi, which is to be expected now that hate speech is among the chief weapons in the liberal armory.

Government Slaves: Reddit suspends Project Veritas after the release of Google whistleblower report
Government Slaves: Google Execs Suddenly Go Into Hiding After Project Veritas Exposes Trump Destruction Plans

VoxDay: The Silence of the Losers — Or how the media won't talk about Google being busted for interfering illegally in the US presidential election

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Trump's Tariffs: Why Such a Half-Baked Policy?

The problem with Trump is an incapacity to act to any effect. He hasn't even built the goddam wall, or stopped the flood of illegal immigrants by other means.

Now Trump is imposing tariffs on China to punish China for stealing American industrial and military secrets, which obviously, won't stop China stealing American industrial and military secrets.

Why not?

Because the US is in an informational, technological and economic war with China for global supremacy. China ain't gonna give up just because Trump bans Huiwei phone gear, or sticks a tariff on imports of Chinese-made Christmas tree lights.

The only consequence of Trump's anti-China tariffs, if they stay, is to force global corporations in search of cheap labor, to move off-shore production from China to Bangladesh, Vietnam or a dozen other places. Meantime, the Chinese will have more Christmas tree lights for their own consumption. So who cares? What difference does it make?

If Trump actually wanted to rebuild America's industrial base, he should impose a tariff wall against every one, with the exception of Canada, Mexico, and the rest of Latin America: the condition being, of course, that those countries free to export to America tariff-free enter the same tariff ring-fence as America.

That way, US labor would be competing not with billions of low wage workers, but a manageable 400 million Latin Americans. Moreover, those Latin American competitors would have an incentive to purchase high-tech gear tariff-free from the US, rather than China or elsewhere beyond the tariff ring fence. A further benefit would be to raise the prosperity of Latin America, thereby reducing the inclination of millions of Latin Americans to migrate to North America.

Two other requirements for a sound US industrial policy are:

1. Anti-monopoly legislation that creates fierce competition within the protected Western Hemisphere market;

2. Negotiation with other high wage countries, including Japan, S. Korea, Australia, and the European nations, to bring them within the tariff protected trade zone.

None of this will get done, obviously. Instead, it looks as though we may be about to see the Mother-of-all wars for global hegemony against Iran.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them

BePo, the Bezos Post, aka the Washington Post, reported on Monday that:

National Economic Council Director Lawrence Kudlow acknowledged Sunday that American consumers end up paying for the administration's tariffs on Chinese imports, contradicting President Trump's repeated inaccurate claim that the Chinese foot the bill.
Which is a truth stated with intent to deceive.

Yes, tariffs raise the price of imported goods, which is bad. But tariffs boost domestic production of import substitutes, thus raising the demand for labor, hence raising wages, thus enabling Americans to pay higher prices for locally produced goods. 

Moreover, the substitution of domestic products for many of the half-trillion-dollars-worth of goods the US currently imports from China will greatly increase domestic demand for the materials and machines necessary to expand American manufacturing. This, in turn, will stimulate investment in all kinds of R and D and in technical education. 

Who loses from tariffs?

The globalist elite, who seek relentlessly to maximize profits by manufacturing where wages are lowest and environmental and workplace health and safety regulations are weakest, while selling where prices are highest, and taking profits where taxes are lowest or non-existent. 

That's why MAGA is such an incendiary idea. Globalists don't want to make American industry great again or Americans prosperous again. They want to make Americans poor — dirt poor, like the teeming masses of Third Worlders with whom they are striving mightily to flood both the United States and Europe, thereby to drive down wages.

And that's why the globalist elite deploy leftist puppets to accuse of racism, those who oppose their own impoverishment through invasion of their homeland by people of alien race, religion and culture.

CNS: Patrick Buchanan, Tariffs -- The Taxes That Made America Great

Friday, May 10, 2019

Craig Murray on Muellergate

One of the most remarkable Internet freelancers is Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador, fired by the Government of Tony Blair for opposing the receipt of intelligence obtained by means of grotesque torture in an Uzbek jail. Where Murray will come from on any particular issue is, in my experience, extremely difficult to guess. But whatever he has to say, it is always clear, concise, well informed, and relentlessly logical. Murray's latest piece entitled The Real Muellergate Scandal is no exception.

Robert Mueller is either a fool, or deeply corrupt. I do not think he is a fool.

I did not comment instantly on the Mueller Report as I was so shocked by it, I have been waiting to see if any other facts come to light in justification. Nothing has. I limit myself here to that area of which I have personal knowledge – the leak of DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks. On the wider question of the corrupt Russian 1% having business dealings with the corrupt Western 1%, all I have to say is that if you believe that is limited in the USA by party political boundaries, you are a fool.

On the DNC leak, Mueller started with the prejudice that it was “the Russians” and he deliberately and systematically excluded from evidence anything that contradicted that view.

Mueller, as a matter of determined policy, omitted key steps which any honest investigator would undertake. He did not commission any forensic examination of the DNC servers. He did not interview Bill Binney. He did not interview Julian Assange. His failure to do any of those obvious things renders his report worthless.

There has never been, by any US law enforcement or security service body, a forensic examination of the DNC servers, despite the fact that the claim those servers were hacked is the very heart of the entire investigation. Instead, the security services simply accepted the “evidence” provided by the DNC’s own IT security consultants, Crowdstrike, a company which is politically aligned to the Clintons.

That is precisely the equivalent of the police receiving a phone call saying:

“Hello? My husband has just been murdered. He had a knife in his back with the initials of the Russian man who lives next door engraved on it in Cyrillic script. I have employed a private detective who will send you photos of the body and the knife. No, you don’t need to see either of them.”

There is no honest policeman in the world who would agree to that proposition, and neither would Mueller were he remotely an honest man.

Two facts compound this failure.

The first is the absolutely key word of Bill Binney, former Technical Director of the NSA, the USA’s $14 billion a year surveillance organisation. Bill Binney is an acknowledged world leader in cyber surveillance, and is infinitely more qualified than Crowdstrike. Bill states that the download rates for the “hack” given by Crowdstrike are at a speed – 41 Megabytes per second – that could not even nearly be attained remotely at the location: thus the information must have been downloaded to a local device, eg a memory stick. Binney has further evidence regarding formatting which supports this.

Read more