Showing posts with label racial conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racial conflict. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Race Hatred, Immigration and Democracy in America Today

America is increasingly torn by racial strife, with the white majority now openly targeted by colored racists and their white Communist and liberal (is there a difference?) advocates, who see mass illegal immigration of colored people as a means to put paid to white domination. This wave of colored racism now dominates the American political landscape and the current Presidential election contest. 

The reaction of most white Americans, particularly among the working class, is naturally, tit-for-tat anti-colored racism. This, however, is to fall into a trap laid by their anti-white racist antagonists, who then have proof that all whites are contemptible racists.

What low-fertility white Americans, concerned about their race being swamped out by colored immigrants, need to focus on, is not the racial conflict, which is contrary to the spirit of a nation founded on the principal that "all men are created equal," but rather on the nation's right, as recognized in Chapter 1 of the United Nations Charter, to self-determination.

Under the American doctrine of the equality of men, any person becoming an American citizen, becomes a member of the American nation— the nation being a race in the process of creation through the free association and intermarriage of its citizens. 

But under the UN doctrine of the "principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples" Americans, whatever the color of their skin, have every right to oppose the immigration of people from elsewhere. 

For most Americans, whatever the color of their skin, immigration is not in their interest unless they are adherents of a racist ideology that seeks to change the racial balance of the population. 

Immigration is bad for most Americans because immigrants compete with the existing American citizenry for jobs and housing, thereby driving down wages and raising the cost of living. Immigrants also increase the need for infrastructure paid for not by immigrants but by taxes on all Americans. Not least important, immigrants when concentrated in large numbers as in California, for example, resist integration, acting rather as settlers intent on preserving their own religious, racial and cultural identity in their country of adoption. 

Beside those seeking non-white racial and cultural hegemony in America, the chief beneficiary of mass immigration to America is the corporate interest that seeks to reduce the cost of American labor to the Third World level. These are the people who hypocritically advocated ridiculously high minimum wage rates that make low-skilled American workers unemployable, while driving mass illegal immigration of people who will work in the black economy at below minimum wages. 

At the same time that business interests seek to impoverish the American working class through mass illegal immigration, technology-based companies seek to expand the H1b visa program to suck in cheap brain-power to undercut American-trained programmers and engineers. As a result, bright Americans who made the effort to master hard subjects find the return on their effort diminished as they are sidelined by immigrant competition. (And remember the best and the brightest in India and China and Korea, and Hong Kong and Taiwan, can all get brilliant jobs with high status in their own countries. It is, for the most part, the second raters from abroad that companies like Boeing have employed with, as we now see, sometimes disastrous results). 

And as mastery of technology rewards American citizens less and less well, the schools that train scientists and engineers inevitably suffer a decline in the quality of teaching staff and the ability of students, smart kids turning to other areas of endeavor. H1b visa immigration, in other words, spells American technological decline. 

All Americans, therefore, should think very carefully about immigration, whether it serves their interest as citizens of a nation with the UN-endorsed right of self-determination, including the right to have borders, to police those borders and to decide who may cross those borders.