To enjoy a system of global governance under which they manufacture where labor is cheapest, and where workplace health and safety standards are lowest, sell where wages are highest, take profits where taxes are minimal to non-existent, and use labor migration to drive wages in the West to the sweatshop level of the Rest, the Money Power, comprising the global banking, manufacturing and trading corporations and their paid political stooges, have engaged in a deliberate program to destroy what for the last several hundred years have been the most powerful nation states; namely the nation states of Europe and their colonial extensions in North America and elsewhere.
The objective of this criminal conspiracy against the European peoples has been to transform Europe into a polyethnic multicultural mess where each minority, white, black, brown or yellow, Christian, atheist, Muslim, Hindu or Jew will find protection of its rights not from a democratically elected national government, but from the global authorities under the thumb of the Money Power.