Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hungary. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2022

How Zelensky Could End the War in Ukraine Now

Ukrainian Premier Zelensky is threatening World War III if his non-negotiable conditions for a settlement in Ukraine's ongoing war with Russia are not met.

So what are his conditions?

That Kyiv should rule over a culturally unified Ukraine. 

That means the suppression of the Russian language and culture of Eastern Ukraine, whatever the people there want. 

Specifically, it means enforcement of existing legislation denying Russian-language Government services, including education, throughout Russian-speaking Ukraine. 

That's a policy that Canada calls Cultural Genocide. It's what Zelensky's besty, Justin Trudeau, tearfully apologized for when addressing Canada's residential school system, a system designed to take the Indian out of the Indian and adapt him to Euro-Canadian life. 

But if Zelensky's Western Ukraine-dominated government is denied the right to take the Russian out of the Russians in Ukraine -- the people former Ukrainian Premier Julia Tymoshenko wanted to exterminate -- then Zelensky intends to bring down the entire world.

Thanks Zel, but no thanks. Here's a better idea: an oblast by oblast referendum on how Ukrainians wish to be governed. Here are the options:

A government of: 

A bilingual (Ukrainian/Russian) Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Ukraine;

A Ukrainian-speaking Western Ukraine;

A Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine;

A neighboring state -- Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, or Romania.

Whatever the outcome, such a referendum would end Ukraine's borderland status. The whole would either be ruled by a single government to which the majority of Ukrainians, in all regions, whatever their cultural heritage, bore allegiance, or the country would be divided between two or more states, each having the allegiance of the majority of its citizens. 

This, the most humane and reasonable solution, clearly would not suit the megalomaniacal Zelensky. But there is no reason why the world should back the head of the genocidal regime currently holding power in Kyiv. 


Zelenskyy Suspends All 11 Opposition Parties Becoming Head Of A One-Party State They were suspended for being pro-Russian. That is, they represented those six million East Ukrainian Russians that the Jewish former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Julia Tymoshenko wanted to genocide just as do the Ukie Nazis of the Azov Battalion who are using civilians (that is Russian Ukrainians)as hostages in the battle for MariupolSuch facts are, for obvious reasons, never mentioned in the MSM love-fest for Justin Trudeau's friend and admirer, Zelensky, who threatens World War III if his will in Ukraine does not prevail.

UK Covid death figures all bunk But the vaxxed believed them just as they believe St Walensky's account of the origins of the Ukraine war.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Racist Hungarians Think Their Country Is For Hungarians

Zero Hedge, reports:

Faced with a declining birth rate and an unwilling to fill population shortfalls with immigrants like some of its European neighbors, Hungary has rolled out a seven-point "Family Protection Action Plan" which showers boatloads of cash, loan assistance and tax breaks to couples who agree to crank out lots of Hungarian children.

Read more

But there's no risk any such ideas catching on here in Canada.

So long as the liberal duo of Trudeau and Scheer are firmly in control, anyone mentioning that reproductively challenged* Canadians are replacing themselves with people from elsewhere will be relentlessly castigated as a racist, fascist, Nazi, anti-Semite to be despised by all and sundry as a no-good hateful person.

No, Canadians are firm in their commitment to the idea that men and women are essentially indistinguishable and that a woman's purpose in life is to do a man's job and show that she can do it better than a man, which it must be admitted is often not difficult, and if any man thinks having babies and raising children is important they can damn well impregnate themselves and raise babies without female intervention.

* In 1984, Canada's fertility rate fell below the replacement rate of 2.12 children per woman for the first time ever, thanks to the Trudeau Government's non-enforcement of anti-abortion laws, its legislation of no-fault divorce and the liberal climate of the times.

Since 1984 Canada's fertility rate has continued to decline, and is now 25% below the replacement rate. Canada's population continues to grow through immigration, which Trudeau the younger intends to accelerate to a yearly rate of almost one percent of the existing population. Canada, is thus, like all Western nations, with the exception of Hungary, in the process of replacing its population with people from elsewhere: mainly people of an alien race, religion and culture. Combined with a commitment to multiculturalism, this is a policy of European racial and cultural self-genocide.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Goddam Hungarians: Why Won't they Commit Suicide By Mass Immigration Like Other Europeans?


French fire-fighters join the yellow vests and foam the police:
LOL. The police played their part well. Standing to attention as they were buried in foam. Looks like it was staged and that, in their hearts, the police are with the YellowVests too.

10 Reasons The Gilets-Jeunes Are The Real Deal

A Quarter of French Believe ‘Elites’ Using Mass Migration to ‘Replace’ Native Europeans
Look out! The people are waking up. Quick: supply more porn, more crap TV, more rubbish entertainment of every kind, more sex "ed.", more junk food, more welfare, legalized drugs, whatever they want, free money even, anything at all to keep them moving quietly along the path toward the gas chambers, or racial extinction, anyhow, by a combination of suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration.