Showing posts with label British race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British race. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Emma West, an Angry Woman With Much to be Angry About

By CanSpeccy
Emma West. Image source

Who is Emma West, asks "This Is My England" in a blog post about "the viral YouTube hit of ten days ago ...of a woman on a south London tram unleashing a foul-mouthed tirade directed at immigrants and ethnic minorities, thereby upsetting a number of her fellow passengers."

The 34-year-old woman, Emma West of the London Borough of Croydon, is now in jail having been charged with a racially aggravated public order offense. The mother of two young children has been remanded in custody until January 3rd. Bail was denied, by Magistrate Ian McNeal for West's own protection (It's the only way the British state can protect its own citizens, apparently. Bang 'em up in gaol with a bunch of thieves and drug pedlars). West has received numerous death threats and her address has been circulated on Facebook and Twitter.

Commenting on the case, "This Is My England" remarks:
A five-country European survey run by the Guardian in March suggests that further immigration to the UK is not broadly welcomed. Just 31% of the Britons polled agreed with the statement "I approve of people moving from one EU country to another so they can work and live." In the case of moving to the EU from the wider world, just 20% of UK respondents agreed with the corresponding statement.
But, says "This Is My England"
...even those who express similar views to Ms. West's in a more restrained manner are directing their fears and anger at the wrong targets.

...Recent immigrants to this country are here because it has suited the business community to import cheap, willing labour. Should the immigrants face opprobrium for answering that call?
In that, I would say, This Is My England is only half right and largely missing the point.