Sunday, April 9, 2017

Swedish Doctors Association Report on Fake Medical Aid Provided Victims of Alleged Gas Attack at Idlib, Syria

White Helmets Movie: Updated Evidence From Swedish Doctors Confirm Fake ‘Lifesaving’ and Malpractices on Children

By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, Chairman, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR.

March 2017:

Summary. This article reports updated findings I obtained in a further examination of videos published by the White Helmets, and which aimed to represent consequences of an alleged gas attack in Sarmine in March 2015 [See my first report of March 6, 2017]. [1] The videos depict a medical rescuing scenario focused on ‘lifesaving’ procedures on children.

The new findings, which have also been confirmed in second-opinions issued by MD specialists and members of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) on March 12, 2017, a) demonstrate that the main highlighted ‘life-saving‘ procedure on the infant shown in the second video of the sequence was faked. Namely, no substance (e.g. adrenaline) was injected into the child while the ‘medic’ or doctor introduced the syringe-needle in a simulated intracardiac-injection manoeuvre [See video below with the findings’ synopsis]; b) may bring support to the hypothesis mentioned by doctors in the previous report, referring that the child in question, “if not already dead, might have died because the injection procedure”.

The three children subjected to ‘life-saving’ procedures in the second video were eventually dead, and the cause of death –that according to the White helmets video would be attributed to chlorine gas– has been disputed by other medical opinions independently of the assessments by the Swedish doctors mentioned in the SWEDHR reports. For instance, in the opinion of a UK doctor, the health-status in reference to the above mentioned child could be instead attributed to drug overdose, likely opiates.

The findings in these reports raise serious questions about the ethical integrity of the organization White Helmets, on the anti-medical procedures they advertise in its videos, and the war-criminal behaviour represented by the misuse of dead children with propaganda aims.

Read more

Related: Canadian journalist speaks on the dishonesty and incompetence of the corporate media

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Trump Joins the List of American Presidents Who Went to War on a Lie: Launches Attack on Syria

Image Source
Bill Clinton: Waged war on Serbia over non-existent Kosovo mass graves
George W. Bush: Waged war on Iraq over non-existent WMD's
Barack Obama: Turned Africa's wealthiest country, Libya, into a terrorist-dominated failed state over Libyan Government's determination to eliminate US-backed terrorists in Benghazi
Donald Trump: Begins "bombing the shit out of" Syrian government forces over Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons. (For some reason killing someone in as little as ten seconds with Sarin gas is judged by all American politicians to be far worse than killing people the American way, by burning them to death with white phosphorus and napalm, while poisoning the next generation with fallout from the use of depleted uranium projectiles.)
We Are Change Luke Rudkowski walks us through all President Trump’s lies to unlawfully attack Syria. Trump’s choice is to join War Criminals rather than ‘drain the swamp.’ ‘We the People’s’ choice is to demand .01% arrests rather than serve Orwellian rogue state empire
We Are Change Luke Rudkowski walks us through all President Trump’s lies to unlawfully attack Syria. Trump’s choice is to join War Criminals rather than ‘drain the swamp.’ ‘We the People’s’ choice is to demand .01% arrests rather than serve Orwellian rogue state empire

Scott Adams: Assad Gas Attack is Bunk

According to the mainstream media – that has been wrong about almost everything for a solid 18 months in a row – the Syrian government allegedly bombed its own people with a nerve agent.

The reason the Assad government would bomb its own people with a nerve agent right now is obvious. Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.

From Former Canadian Finance Minister, Paul Hellyer, to Current Canadian Finance Minister, Bill Morneau: You're a Liar

Hon. Paul T. Hellyer

March 14, 2017

The Hon. William F. Morneau
Minister of Finance
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Dear Minister:

I am writing in respect to your official response to petition 421-00858 sponsored by Elizabeth May, member of parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands, BC, calling upon the Government of Canada to restore the use of the Bank of Canada (BoC) to make interestfree loans to governments for “human capital” expenditures. In your reply dated November 12, 2016, you said to do that “would require the Bank of Canada to either borrow the funds it loaned to the Government, or create new Canadian currency.”

The first alternative is a non-starter and can be dismissed out of hand. The second suggestion of creating new Canadian currency makes perfect sense, but you dismissed it unconditionally on the basis that it would result in “excessive inflation,” and without any evidence to support your statement. That, minister, is not correct, and I have been looking for an easy way to avoid saying that it is a lie, but my conscience finally dictated that there was no escape. You lied to the House of Commons, and you must know that under British parliamentary precedents you are expected to resign your portfolio forthwith.

Read more:

Why the West is Going Down the Tubes, No. 39: Anti-White Racism Opens the Way to Admission at Elite American University

Ziad Ahmed, the son of a Wall St. hedge fund manager, is an American-Muslim Bangladeshi, who attends an expensive privates school in Princeton New Jersey, has just been offered a place at Stanford University.

In his application to Stanford, Ziad Ahmed responded to the question “What matters to you, and why?” by writing the hashtag "#BlackLivesMatter" 100 times. Apparently Stanford liked that, and sent Ahmed a letter of acceptance last Friday.

Why the West is Going Down the Tubes, No. 79: Pepsi for White Genocide

Monday, April 3, 2017

Why the West Is Going Down the Tubes, No. 78: Morons in Academia

When I was a university student in Britain more than 50 years ago, a university generally conceded to be near, if not at, the bottom of the academic pile, was the University of Hull. To judge by the latest news from Hull, the University there remains at or near the bottom of what appears now to be an academic manure pile. Specifically, the University of Hull has taken another step on the route to becoming a fully fledged loony bin.

The evidence?

Students at the University have been told:
Essays will be marked down unless they use ‘gender-sensitive language’.
Why? Because, according to a document sent to students:
Language is important and highly symbolic
Well, yes, language is undeniably important, I mean, our whole civilization depends upon the human gift of speech, but what has that to do with the use of "gender-sensitive language," whatever "gender-sensitive language" may be?

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Great Achievements of Western Civilization, No. 37: Two Billion Africans by 2050, and Moving West to Make-up for the European Reproductive Deficit

When Dutch settlers migrated to Southern Africa more than 400 years ago, the place was devoid of people other than the Kung! Bushmen, a fine-looking hunter gatherer people numbering no more than a few thousand, who scarcely impacted, or were impacted by, the immigrants.

The Brits and the French, the Portuguese and the Germans all arriving later were able to carve out large colonies in the rest of Africa, with little push-back from the sparse native population, which in 1900 totaled only just over 100 million souls spread over an area more than twice the size of China.

Micro-Aggressions and American Self-Induced Micro-Cephaly

While sticks and stones will break my bones,
Words can never hurt me. 

According to James Thompson, writing over at the Unz Review, psychologists are actively pursuing research into the phenomenon of microaggression. This is hardly suprising, although the fact that scholars consider the phenomenon of microaggression worthy of study is proof, if any further proof were needed, of the ongoing collapse of Western civilization and rationality.

Coinciding with this development in academic psychology and not unrelated to it, America has become the world’s bully nation: Americans ruthlessly kill and displace millions abroad for the sake of American global hegemony, engage in virulent hate speech directed at anyone with whom they disagree, while whining pathetically in the face of counter criticism, ridicule or hateful comment.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Trudeau's Liberals Screwing Young Canadians Big Time

Some people, I've heard, find that young Canadian workers have a poor attitude. They show up for work late, it's said — that is if they show up at all. What's more, they dress inappropriately, and they just generally don't seem to care.

Taxing Old People in Australia the Same as Young
people Could Raise $1 Billion a Year: Source
That's presumably just a small minority. Still, young people are being so thoroughly screwed by Trudeau’s Liberals that one wonders why they show up for work at all. This month's Federal budget, for example, massively increased public debt, debt that will certainly not be paid by the older generation, while massively increasing benefits to those over 64. Meantime, annual expenditure for the benefit of those under 45 has increased by about 38 cents.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Scott Adams: I Declare Mobile Phone Carriers to Be Enemies of the State

An important post by Scott Adams:

Here’s the basic problem.

Kids as young as eleven have smartphones. That situation won’t change.

A kid with a smartphone has access to any illegal drug in the world, as well as all the peer pressure in the world.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Virtues of of a Liberal

The Irish Savant has an excellent piece explaining how modern liberal-leftie-Democrats project themselves as brave anti-establishmentarians when they are, in fact, the upholders of a rigid and authoritarian establishment.

There's nothing brave these days, the Savant points out, in coming out as gay or in savaging the Church's mangy carcass. Fifty years ago it would have been. But back then the outspoken liberal of today would have been the head altar-boy ratting out the kids he saw smoking behind the shed.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Comey and Clinton Cover-up and Criminality

Oops! Google already flushed that one down the memory hole. Guess that's why they called it You (U) tube. But now Google's gone into the fact checking business, they'll probably change the name to True-Tube.

See also:

CanSpeccy: Brilliant Billionaires, No. 79: Mark Zuckerberg Cracks the Hard Philosophical Problem — What Is Truth?

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The University: An Institution for the Corruption of Youth. No 37: Pandering to Fatties

 In today's enlightened times, it is no longer acceptable to refer to someone as fat: rather, they are to be recognized as the victim of an eating disorder, i.e, the disorder of eating too much. Moreover, as we learn in a report from Ottawa's Carlton University, the sight of a weight scale can be "very triggering" for fatties.

But not to worry. In the nation's capital, sensitivity prevails, and Carlton U.'s recreation and athletics department have removed the weight scale from the university's gymnasium.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Those Dirty, Rotten, Racist, Russians Want More Babies: Why Can't They Just Die Off Quietly and Replace Themselves With People From Elsewhere Like those PC Pussies in Europe and North America?

The first 45 countries, in terms of highest birth rates (out of a recognised 223) are located on the African continent. These are closely followed by Middle Eastern and Asian countries, with Europe, dwindling far behind (Monaco is in last place.) Some may say that slowing birth rates are beneficial for an over-populated world, however this is simply a picture of averages.

Generally speaking, countries with actual overpopulation are not seeing a slow down, and birthrates in European countries in particular are being propped up by migrant births. This has obvious repercussions on the future cultural make up and stability of former European nation-states.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Unbrainwashing the Brainwashed

The Irish Savant has a piece about the logical obtuseness of those indoctrinated in the Islamic faith, the story of the Jewish Holocaust, or the need for greater toleration of mass Third-World immigration to Europe and North America.

The Savant's conclusion is that brainwashing must change the chemistry of the brain in such a way as to make its victims resistant to all logical argument. That is undoubtedly correct. It is also easily understood.

US Congressman, Steve King, On How the West Is Committing Suicide

 'We Can't Restore Our Civilization With Somebody Else's Babies'

Republican Congressman Steve King triggered a firestorm Sunday on Twitter after expressing support for leading Dutch candidate Geert Wilders, a fierce critic of the Islamization of the West. 

"Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny," King said. "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies" (Source).

Monday, March 6, 2017

How Trump Stumped the Bush-Clinton Treason Party and Set the Stage for the Second US Civil War

The US Civil War was fought over two things: cheap labor (slavery); and the import of cheap manufactured goods from England (free trade). The Yankees won, slavery was abolished, and a tariff was imposed to protect the North's infant manufacturing industries. Thus was launched the American economic miracle that made the United States the richest and most powerful nation on Earth.

But the Free Trade Agreement, signed by Bush I, the Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, and the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade, all signed by Clinton I,  went far toward eliminating the tariff. The Obama-sponsored TPP and the TTIP were supposed to finish the job, creating a global system of free trade that would bring American workers into direct competition with Third-World workers, many of them earning mere pennies an hour.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Pope Francis Urges Genocide of the White Race and the End of Christianity

In a report that has since been denied, Pope Francis is reported to have urged at the Vatican-run Biological Extinction Conference*:
"Christians to adopt China’s one child policy in order to “make the world more sustainable“, according to a panelist at the Vatican-run Biological Extinction Conference held earlier this week.

The pope believes that the solution to securing the world’s sustainability lies in depopulation, and the Western world must stop producing so many babies if the world is to survive beyond “the next period of darkness.”"
Fertility rates throughout the West are already below the replacement rate of 2.1, and mostly they are far below the replacement rate. Moreover, they are rapidly declining.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Civil War in America: Trump's Economic Nationalism Versus the Deep State and the Globalist Imperialist Republicrat Duopoly

WikiLeaks: CIA Uses ‘Stolen’ Malware to ‘Attribute’ Cyberattacks to Nations Like Russia
NSA Whistleblower: everything Trump did electronically, was being monitored
Mark Levin on Trump Wiretapping Claims: ‘The Evidence Is Overwhelming’
Former Bush attorney general: Trump right that there was surveillance
NY Times holds Trump responsible for cemetery desecrations
The The Clinton system to discredit Donald Trump
The globalist Republicrat duopolists have made it clear: they will never concede the election
Time Magazine Declares Trump Administration Illegitemate and Tyrannical
Donald Trump: "Sick" Obama Tapped My Phone During Election
Towergate: Trump Accuses Obama of Tapping Trump Tower
Obama Accused of Plotting Silent Coup
Obama Slams "False" Trump Accusation, Says "Never Ordered" WiretappingObama Advisor 
Rhodes Is Wrong: The President Can Order A Wiretap, And Why Trump May Have The Last Laugh

Meantime, in Berkeley. Image source
The NSA Wiretaps Every Future President. Obama served the Deep State. Trump exposed it
Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump

Trump wiretap is the REAL scandal of the US election, bogus Russia story is the real cover-up
The Clintons Were In the Pay of the Russians
Russian Ambassador Met with Obama Officials in White House SIX Times During Hillary Clinton Uranium Sale to Russia

Lt Col Tony Shaffer: “We are talking about the potential of indictments of a former sitting president and his staff”:

Krauthammer: No Question Obama Left Behind ‘Landmines’ For Trump, ‘Revenge of the Losers’

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Le Pen Rips Merkel: Betrayer of the European Peoples, Advocate of National Submersion by Immigration, Promoter of Austerity in the Interests of German Hegemony in Europe, US Puppet

Yesterday, the Guardian had an article raising the spectre of genocidal class war precipitated by the replacement of humans with robots. But the Guardian is, to put it charitably, behind the times. There is already a genocidal class war in progress in Europe and North America, as the money power seeks to destroy the indigenous working class by a combination of job offshoring to low-wage jurisdictions and local labor replacement by mass immigration of Third Worlders willing to work for less without complaining about workplace health and safety issues.

This is the war between economic nationalists and globalists, and so far the globalists are winning hands down. Hence, in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, the English are now a minority in their own homeland. Ditto, within a decade, Birmingham, England's second city. And already in other towns and urban centers throughout Europe, the indigenous Europeans are being overwhelmed by a flood of immigrants of an alien, race, religion and culture.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Globalization and the Death of Democracy

A debate on a local (Canadian) housing blog has arisen over the question of whether it is reasonable to protect a local real estate market from price inflation due to foreign investors.

Some repudiate the idea of regulation on the grounds that "we live in a global economy." Others have objected on the ground that not all markets are regulated to maximize the welfare of Canadians, e.g., the textile industry which has been largely off-shored, and therefore it is naive to propose regulation of the real estate market.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why Most Canadians Distrust Justin Trudeau

I'd assumed it was just me. But apparently not. Most Canadians disapprove of Justin Trudeau and the Canadian liberal party.

In fact, at 48%, Trudeau's approval rating is lower than that of the man every liberal loves to hate, Donald Trump, whose approval rating is currently better than 50%.

Why is this?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Death of the West: Who's Driving It, And Why

Both in America and Europe traditional beliefs, institutions, and customs are disintegrating or being transformed out of all recognition at an accelerating and for many, a terrifying rate. The upending of traditional patterns of life, the undermining of economic security for a majority of the people, and the growing fear of world war have driven deep political fissures through the Western nations.

Yet Lib or Con, Prog or Fascist, very few, it seems, understands what the political game is about.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Mis-Measure of Human Rationality

The following is supposed to be a test of human rationality.
Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations. Which is most probable, that Linda is:
1. a bank teller;
2. a bank teller and a feminist.
Unless you state, unequivocally, that 1. is most probable, you are, so the scientists of the human mind insist, irrational.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Cognitive Dissonance and Canada's Real Estate Boom

Yesterday, on Victoria's housing blog, House Hunt Victoria, a real estate agent said:
Wrote 4 unconditional offers over the weekend ranging from 30k to 110k over asking and none accepted. It is brutal out there ...
Phew — as the last patches of snow from last week's storm melt away, the real estate market is so crazy in the capital of British Columbia that an agent not only needs offers above asking, they need offers much, much above asking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Prototype of Theresa May's New UK Nuclear Plant Blows Up

ENENews reports that a "massive blast" ripped through the Flamanville nuclear plant currently under construction in France, and that “Smoke billowed from the building as an explosion led to massive fire.” The incident, an expert is quoted as saying, is“very serious” and that “a number of people have been left feeling unwell.” However,  according to Olivier Marmion, director of the prefect's office, the incident "does not constitute a nuclear accident."

One of thousands of barrels of nuclear waste strewn 
across the floor of  the English Channel. Image source.
The Flamanville plant is located on France's Cotentin Peninsula, which projects into the already quite radioactive  English Channel, just three miles from the island of Alderney, the nearest of the British Channel Islands.

Fishing is a popular sport on Alderney, though it's difficult to understand why, unless it's strictly catch and release.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Why Government Should Get Out of the Conduct, Funding and Administration of Science

This cartoon by Josh neatly explains how the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) misled delegates to the 2015 Paris Climate conference at which international agreement was reached to invest trillions on measures to resist climate warming. Specifically, NOAA used unverified and untrustworthy data to claim that the widely reported pause in climate warming since the Year 2000 did not, in fact, occur.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Nation-Destroying Stupidity In the Age of Universal Higher Education

English novelist, wartime spy, journalist, editor, humorist, novelist, and TV personality, the late Malcolm Muggeridge, once remarked that when everyone has a university degree, no one will know anything at all.

We are now approaching the time when the truth of that prediction can be tested. Two-thirds of Canadians between the ages of 25 and 64 now have a post-secondary education. Since the proportion of those benefiting from higher ed continues to rise, it follows that the vast majority of younger Canadian adults have, or will obtain, a university degree or some other kind of post-secondary diploma.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jews for the Genocide of America's White Working Class

In case you were in any doubt as to the intentions of the globalist shysters who call Trump supporters racists, Fascists, and anti-Semites, here's Jewish NeoCon, Bill Kristol, who never saw a war of American aggression he didn't like, spelling it out: We intend to replace useless white people with illegal immigrants willing to work in the untaxed black economy at below mininum wage.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Sierra Club Endorses American Genocide Through Mass Abortion and Mass Replacement Immigration

If you hate Americans, the Sierra Club is definitely the club to join.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Anti-Trump Rebellion to Perpetuate the Globalist/Imperialist Coup of 9/11

9/11 Was an inside job, the pretext for a series of wars to achieve global empire under the domination of the Money Power. So argues French author, Thierry Meyssan. Trump promises to reverse the drive for world empire. Thus is explained the unprecedented efforts now underway to raise the masses in revolt against President Trump. The objective is to make way for a further coup that reverses  the unanticipated and totally unacceptable result of the 2016 Presidential election.

The effort to prevent Trump from terminating the 9/11 project is being vigorously pursued by members of the the US elite in Government. These include both Democrats and Republicans, leaders of America's global corporations, including Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Starbucks, the fake-news spewing corporate media, and the counterparts of these entities in Canada and America's European vassal states.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Self-Genocidal Delusions of the Prog/Dem Alliance

By James Howard Kunstler, January 31, 2017: The most dishonest and damaging trope of recent years is the widely-accepted idea on the Left that illegal immigrants are merely “undocumented” — as if they were the hapless victims of some clerical error made by the government and therefore deserving of a pass. Language matters. The acceptance and repetition of this lie has in effect given permission to the left to lie whenever it suits their purposes about all kinds of things, for instance the delusion that Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton. And it is certainly true that they are assisted by legacy media giants such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and NPR. The Times, especially is keen to provoke a national crisis that might unseat Trump, by simply declaring it so in a three-column headline.

The furor seemed rather out of proportion to the people inconvenienced by Trump’s administrative blundering: about 300 green card holders out of 300,000 travelers admitted over the weekend — even after the White House walked back its green card miscue on Sunday. And it gives the impression even to someone who is allergic to conspiracy theory (yours truly) that some organizing principle is behind it. That principle may be the deep neurosis of the Dem/Prog Left reduced to virtue-signaling in their out-of-power echo chamber. Having no coherent ideas about the immigration issue besides resistance to it, they offer only sentimental narratives: tears on the statue of liberty, “dreamers,” sanctuary cities, nation-of-open-arms, we’re-all-children-of-immigrants, and anyway North America was stolen from the Indians. The hysteria is impressive, as if the Left has come down with ergot poisoning, seeing witches (racists, homophobes, misogynists, white privilege villains, and Russians) behind every juniper shrub in the land.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Paul Craig Robers: Progressive Left Opposition to Trump Rrepresents the Triumph of Hatred Over Common Sense


The Western media have become the political opposition.

On the media reaction to Trump:
Why would you be against a person who says he's going to end dangerous political tensions with Russia and thereby save us from the risk of thermonuclear war?

Why would you be against a person who says he's going to see that the working class have some kind of economic prospect that leaves them with a stake in the system?

Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Apple Would Not Exist Without Immigration," Says Tim Cook: Or Put That Another way, American Workers Just Don't Cut It

In my conversations with officials here in Washington this week, I've made it clear that Apple believes deeply in the importance of immigration -- both to our company and to our nation's future. Apple would not exist without immigration, let alone thrive and innovate the way we do," stated the Apple CEO. 
So the nation that was the first to achieve powered flight, the nation that invented the transistor and developed the first commercial digital computer, the nation that put men on the Moon, is now so feeble that it cannot make a cell phone without a bunch of cheap immigrant Asian brains.

Pink Is the New Brown

Source: Bill Marcy


Scott Adams: Be Careful What You Wish For (especially if it is Hitler)

Scott Adams: The Canadian Option

Friday, January 27, 2017

Psychopaths for Killing White Men and Blowing Up the White House United Against Donald Trump

The Women's March of January 21st, 2017, the largest one-day protest in U.S. history, proclaimed support for women's rights while targeting newly inaugurated US President, Donald Trump, for allegedly misogynistic views.

Among speakers were Madonna Louise Ciccone, a foul-mouthed singer and porn artist, who is presently under investigation by the US Secret Service following her statement at the Women's March that she had long considered blowing up the White House. Another remarkable Women's March speaker was Donna Hylton who, with others, kidnapped a man and tortured him to death crushing his testicles with pliers and sodomizing him with a three foot steel pole.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Russian Propaganda Outlets Trash Britain's Anti-British Propaganda Outlet, the BBC

If you support those who promote a corporate-owned New World Order — folks like Hillary Clinton, George Soros, "Fuck-Trump" Madonna, and their media enablers and promoters such as CNN, ABC, the Guardian, the Washington Post, etc. — then you naturally agree with the New York Times, the BBC, Justin Trudeau and Angelina Joli of the Cecil Rhodes-inspired Council on Foreign Relations (for global empire) that Russia represents the greatest threat to all that is good and noble as it seeks world domination through puppets such as Donald Trump, who it is alleged, are controlled by the devious Vladimir, the-New-Hitler Putin, by a combination of bribery and blackmail.

The government of Russia, naturally, disputes this consensus among Western liberal elites and deploys its own propaganda agencies to spread awareness of the fact that the globalist agenda aims at the creation of a tyrannical system of corporate control that will destroy the world's racial and cultural diversity in the interests of corporate profits and the supremacy of a tiny billionaire elite. We, and particularly Europeans, are, so Russian propaganda warns, targeted for elimination, once-proud and independent nations being literally exterminated by a combination of anti-reproductive policies and a flood of replacement population of alien race and culture from throughout the Third World: this genocide taking place as Western Civilization and Christianity are flushed down the memory hole to be replaced by a culture amounting to nothing more than a byproduct of the commercial system.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Putin on People Who Keep Saying Goodbye But Don’t Leave

The Duran, January18, 2017: What are we seeing in the United States? We are seeing the continuation of an acute internal political struggle despite the fact that the presidential election is over and it ended in Mr Trump’s convincing victory. Nevertheless, in my opinion, several goals are being set in this struggle. Maybe there are more, but some of them are perfectly obvious.
The first is to undermine the legitimacy of the US president-elect. By the way, in this regard, I would like to point out that whether deliberately or not, these people are causing enormous damage to US interests. Simply enormous. The impression is that, after a practice run in Kiev, they are now ready to organise a Maidan in Washington to prevent Trump from taking office.
The second goal is ...


Lavrov: UK, Germany And France "Grossly" Interfered In The US Election
Jon Rappoport: Russian agent: who gave US uranium to Putin, Trump or Hillary?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Justin Trudeau: The Worst Canadian Prime Minister Since Pierrre Elliot Trudeau?

Stepping down as Prime Minister in December 2003, Jean Chrétien said he would, like British Prime Minister William Gladstone, come back at the age of 84 — which would be in 2018.

Although, presumably said in jest, Chétien's promise has gained plausibility with the passage of time.

Since Chrétien made way for his long-time Finance Minister, Paul Martin, Canada`s liberals have been beset by failure.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Inside Fukushima's Time Bomb: Fukushima Exposed

Via the blockchain media site:

Why nuclear power is a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

How James Clapper, John McCain and Other Members of the Treason Party Tried to Ditch Trump Before the Inauguration

By Daniel Lazare

Consortium News, January 14, 2017: Is a military coup in the works? Or are U.S. intelligence agencies laying the political groundwork for forcing Donald Trump from the presidency because they can’t abide his rejection of a new cold war with Russia? Not long ago, even asking such questions would have marked one as the sort of paranoid nut who believes that lizard people run the government. But no longer.

Thanks to the now-notorious 35-page dossier concerning Donald Trump’s alleged sexual improprieties in a Moscow luxury hotel, it’s clear that strange maneuverings are underway in Washington and that no one is quite sure how they will end.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, Is STILL a Fraudster

As we pointed out in:

Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, Is a Fraudster,

the conspiracy theory blog, Aangirfan-aka-Aanirfan, has used pictures of Donald Trump with his own children to imply that Trump is a child abuser.

 Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, is thus, in the current terminology, a creator of fake news.

The Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, post referred to in our earlier report, which described Donald Trump as a Nazi Zionist, has now been deleted. However, in a post published today entitled:


Aangirfan, aka Aanirfan, employs the same fraudulent technique to smear Trump as a paedophile.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Trump Travesty: John McCain Takes Fake News to the Next Level of Stupid

The claim put into circulation by warmonger, John McCain, that Donald Trump hired a bunch of whores to piss on a bed in a Moscow hotel because that's where Barak Obama slept four years before is so stupid that only really, really stupid people would believe it.

And what makes the story particularly stupid is the fact that Donald Trump was, until he turned to politics, one of the world's largest hotel operators, which means he knows the kinds of crazy things people do in hotels, and how vulnerable people who do crazy things with a bunch of whores in a hotel are to exposure or blackmail.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Shareholders in US-based global corporations such as Apple, IBM, GM, etc., have done well out of globalization, replacing high-wage workers at home with either sweatshop labor abroad, or immigrants who undercut American workers.

For the capitalist class, therefore, globalization is good and they want more of it.

And why, you may ask, should a company not take advantage of lower cost immigrant labor or cheap labor abroad: after all, those foreign workers need work just as much as over-paid native-born workers in the West, and we all benefit from the lower costs of goods and services provided by cheap foreign labor.

Well here's a reason.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

NY Times: CIA Report Lacks Concrete Evidence of Russian Hacking

CIA Motto: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.”

According to the New York Times, the report of America's top US intelligence agencies claiming  a Russian “influence campaign” ordered by President Vladimir V. Putin with intent to "skew the the outcome of the 2016 presidential race,"  lacked "any concrete evidence" of Kremlin election meddling. 

The report, the Times states,
provides no new evidence to support assertions that Moscow meddled covertly through hacking and other actions to boost the electoral chances of Donald J. Trump and undermine his rival, Hillary Clinton, but rests instead on what it describes as Moscow’s long record of trying to influence America’s political system.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1983: The Late Congressman Larry MacDonald on Republican Cucks For the New World Order

Definition of the Day: No. 79

Higher Education:

[A] political racket whereby Democrats fork endless cash to tuition extortionists, and lousy scholars impart insane ideas to debt-strapped students who are made dysfunctional citizens in the process.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Post That Disappeared: The Rot At the Head of the University

Reading the latest from the Marquette Warrior, aka Marquette University Professor John McAdams, on the efforts of Marquette's President, Michael Lovell, to impose on Marquette University, a supposedly Catholic institution, the rule of PC, I was prompted to review my own post of almost a year ago entitled: The Rot at the Head of the University, which however, I was unable to find either by way of this blog's search function or using Google to search the Web. That seemed odd since the post comes up at the head of the list in a search, and it is in fact, still online as originally posted.

So, in the perhaps naive hope that Google won't exclude it from any future search of the Web, here's that post again.
In The Intellectual Costs of Diversity, Robert Weissberg explains the devastating harm to academic excellence done by the promotion of diversity  in the American University — a cost that guarantees America's demise as the world's leading intellectual, scientific and technological power.

In discussing this transformation of academia, the author considers the motivation of the Interim Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Champaigne-Urbana, Barbara Wilson, who has announced diversity, i.e., rigged hiring to insure blacks and women are favored over better qualified white or Asian males, to be central to the university’s mission. His conclusion is this:

... abandoning intellectual excellence is best explained by physical intimidation and what is most remarkable is the inconsequentiality of this threat. What interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson and others face is at most some fleeting verbal abuse …

This, sadly, is complete rubbish, for if it were not, it would be a simple matter to find university leaders with the balls to insist that the university is about scholarship, not the replacement of Christian morality with that of Political Correctness.

The State of US:Russia Relations

Source: CBC


RT: Russia demands Washington explain after reports say US military hacked into Russian networks

Zero Hedge: "Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

Craig Murray: Exit Obama in a Cloud of Disillusion, Delusion and Deceit
Anybody who believes the latest report issued by Obama as “proof” [of Russian hacking] provides anything of the sort is very easily impressed by some entirely meaningless diagrams. William Binney, who was Technical Director at the NSA and actually designed their surveillance capabilities, has advised me by email. It is plain from the report itself that the Russian groups discussed have been under targeted NSA surveillance for a period longer than the timeframe for the DNC and Podesta leaks. It is therefore inconceivable that the NSA would not have detected and traced those particular data flows and they would be saved. In other words, the NSA would have the actual hack on record, would be able to recognise the emails themselves and tell you exactly the second the transmission or transmissions took place and how they were routed. They would be able to give you date, time and IP addresses. In fact, not only do they produce no evidence of this kind, they do not even claim to have this kind of definite evidence ...
Independent: US government hackers ‘penetrate’ Russian electric grid and communication lines to be ‘ready’ in case of election day interference

SCF: A Loser’s Malice: What’s Behind Obama’s Attacks on Putin

Friday, December 30, 2016

Crap Canadian Journal Inadvertently Publishes Exposé of Its Own Corrupt Operation

A website accused of publishing fake science has posted an editorial saying that it, and others like it, are “predators” that treat legitimate scientists as suckers.

It’s an editorial that was written and submitted by the [Ottawa] Citizen, as part of our own little experiment.

Scientists should “park any ethics at the door” before publishing in the Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology, the journal’s own editorial adds.

We suspect the journal may have published the piece online without actually reading it — which would explain why it allowed its own editorial to accuse it of cheating, of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing that preys on scientists, of self-aggrandizement and of smelling bad.

The publisher is Consortium Publication of Saskatoon, which publishes using the logo and links of the Indian company OMICS International. OMICS publishes about 700 low-quality online journals and has recently been acquiring Canadian journals that were formerly independent.

Read more

Thursday, December 29, 2016


1. The Need for Heretics

In the modern world, science and society often interact in a perverse way. We live in a technological society, and technology causes political problems. The politicians and the public expect science to provide answers to the problems. Scientific experts are paid and encouraged to provide answers. The public does not have much use for a scientist who says, “Sorry, but we don’t know”. The public prefers to listen to scientists who give confident answers to questions and make confident predictions of what will happen as a result of human activities. So it happens that the experts who talk publicly about politically contentious questions tend to speak more clearly than they think. They make confident predictions about the future, and end up believing their own predictions. Their predictions become dogmas which they do not question. The public is led to believe that the fashionable scientific dogmas are true, and it may sometimes happen that they are wrong. That is why heretics who question the dogmas are needed.

Canadian University Teachers Put U. Lethbridge's PC Commissar, aka, President, Under the Gun For Illegal Discriminatory Action Against a Faculty Member

American Herald Tribune, Dec. 12, 2016: The witch-hunt against University of Lethbridge professor Anthony Hall may have just ended not with a bang but with a whimper. And it is the Israel lobby group B’nai Brith Canada, and its flunkies at the University of Lethbridge, who are whimpering.

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) just issued a stinging reprimand for University of Lethbridge president Mike Mahon, a glorified gym teacher who unilaterally suspended Professor Hall without pay because he disagrees with Hall’s political views.

Read more
Note to President Mahon: Engaging in an unwarranted attack on the freedom of speech of a member of your own faculty who happens to be the Editor in Chief of a newspaper is the kind of thing that will get you a well-deserved come-uppance, much to the enjoyment of all and sundry.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Even the best things come to an end. After enjoying a quarter of a century of writing this column for Creators Syndicate, I have decided to stop. Age 86 is well past the usual retirement age, so the question is not why I am quitting, but why I kept at it so long.

It was very fulfilling to be able to share my thoughts on the events unfolding around us, and to receive feedback from readers across the country – even if it was impossible to answer them all.

Read more

Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sahara Snowfall, 1979

Anthem for the Alt- New World Order:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Misrepresenting the Danger of Mass Migration

The other day, the Daily Mail ran a story under the following headline:

How many MORE atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?

The risk of being mown down while doing your Christmas shopping is, actually, not high. In fact, it is infinitesimally small.

The real danger to the European people of the immigration policies pursued by the Western elites is that unless those policies are ended now, the European peoples will cease to exist as a distinct racial and cultural group within a generation. Current Western immigration policies are, in other words, a program for the genocide of the European people.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Democracy, Shamocracy and the Death of the West

Is there a ceiling to the nationalist vote, asks John Derbyshire in another handwringing piece about the ongoing destruction of the European peoples. To which the correct answer is: who cares?

Democracy and the death of the West are synonymous. The European people never wanted mass immigration of Africans, Asians, Muslim middle-easterners, or anyone else. But they've nevertheless had it good and hard, whoever they voted for.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Brilliant Billionaires, No. 79: Mark Zuckerberg Cracks the Hard Philosophical Problem — What Is Truth?

We all know that young Mark Zuckerberg is a very smart man: a man of vision as well as a business tycoon. But who would have imagined that young Mark would answer what has been recognized throughout the ages as the greatest of all philosophical questions, namely: what is truth?

Yet young Mark has slashed the Gordian knot. He has discovered the test. He has found the touchstone of ultimate Truth, and it is to be put to immediate use, purifying the thoughts of mankind and advancing humanity in one giant leap to a state of perfect enlightenment. Henceforth, young Mark's fakebook will transmit nothing but the purest truth.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Will President Obama be charged with treason over a fabricated birth certificate?

The report states: 
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo along with forensic experts on two continents have concluded that President Obama’s birth certificate is not authentic and are seeking to take the matter up with the federal government.

Dubya Bush On Trial For War Crimes

As Sputnik International reports, the United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit heard oral argument, December 12, in Saleh v. Bush, a class action lawsuit filed against key members of the George W. Bush administration for war crimes.

This report includes a 20 minute video of the court proceedings which suggests that the prime concern of the court is not whether war crimes were committed by the Bush II Administration but whether, if war crimes were committed, Bush and members of his cabinet are subject to prosecution under US law.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Why US Oligarchs and the Democratic Party Are Attempting a Coup d'Etat Against Trump

The following was written in December 2016, immediately after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, when it seemed possible to believe that Trump ("wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with the Russians")represented an alternative to the globalist scheme for world empire. Events have proved that on the contrary, Trump is simply a more militaristic replacement for the former frontmen for world empire, the Rapist-in-Chief, the Bush, the Shrubs and the wannabe Hillary. or as H.L. Mencken said of FDR, Trump, is simply "a fraud from snout to tail." That, however, does not invalidate the thrust of the following commentary, which deals with the plan for the take-down and dismemberment of Russia as a preliminary to a shoot-out with China.

In 1971, when the Soviet Union was at the height of its power, the fear in the West was of Soviet tanks rolling Westward to the Atlantic, leaving the United States with the choice of resolving the issue either by means of an all out nuclear war, or accepting Russian global hegemony.

To counter the threat, the US gave diplomatic recognition to Red China, the implication being: if Russia moved West, China, with US support, would move West also, to regain vast swaths of territory and the underlying energy and mineral resources lost to Russia under the, so-called, unequal treaties of the 19th Century.

Today Russia is weak, but China is strong and rapidly growing stronger. To the plutocratic class, both in America and China, Russia's weakness creates a golden opportunity: an opportunity to strip Putin's circle of crony capitalists of the vast resource wealth of Russia. Or as Canadian wannabe oligarch, Conrad Black wrote in the National Post:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

UK Ambassador Trashes Claim Russia Hacked US Election

Hillary Clinton, in October, was the first to accuse Russia of meddling in the US Presidential election in order to prevent her winning, and to impose Donald Trump on the American people.

Now US "intelligence officials" are informing trusty mainstream media (i.e., globalist propaganda) outlets such as mostly-billionaire-Thomson-owned Reuters that:
U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that as the 2016 presidential campaign progressed, Russian government officials devoted increasing attention to assisting Trump's effort to win the election.
Specifically, Reuters claims, based on statements from unnamed "U.S. officials briefed on the matter," and as reported in the Washington [Com]Post, on Friday that:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part II

Some time ago I wrote a two-part critique of Frans de Waal's book, The Atheist and the Bonobo, arguing that de Waal not only fails to understand the evolutionary significance of religion in the success of human groups, but advocates a return to the moral world of the apes, a proposition that seems guaranteed to insure continuation of the social disintegration now to be witnessed in the Western world.

Part 1 of that critique delivers, I believe, points worth making. Part 2, however, enters I now see, a realm of incoherence, notwithstanding the validity of the objective that I was driving at.

Normally, coming across a flawed post from the past, I either shrug or hit the delete button. The critique of de Waal, however, seems worth getting right, especially as, according to my blog stats, people are still reading it. Here, then, is the revision. which I have temporarily pinned to the top of the page. 

First Posted December 8, 2016. revised November 23, 2019: Frans de Waal, whose accounts of animal behavior have won him numerous awards and honors, believes that empathy, which is innate to both mankind and many other species, is the only effective basis for socially constructive behavior and that religion as a guide to human conduct is, therefore, both unnecessary and undesirable.

However, as I discussed in an earlier post, de Waal fails to acknowledge the limits to the power of empathy, which is most clearly expressed among family members, friends and neighbors, but which is less evident or entirely absent in interactions among strangers, especially among strangers differing in tribe, culture, race or nation.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Trouble With Climate Science

The trouble with what is called "climate science" is that it is all about predicting the future, and as someone said, predictions are difficult, especially about the future.

Sometimes, it's true, science predicts the future reliably enough. For example, if you'd said on any day during the last four and a half billion years that "tomorrow the sun will rise in the East," you'd have been proved correct. Moreover, much else about astronomy is highly predictable. But that's because everything in the vast emptiness of space happens, well, in space. In other words, astronomical events are highly predictable because the objects about which predictions are made, planets, satellites, stars, and galaxies, are affected by their environment in very few and very predictable ways. These bodies exist in gravitational and electromagnetic fields the properties of which are well understood and which, on astronomical scales, change in strength and conformation incredibly slowly.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part I

Ethology is the study of animal behavior. Franz de Waal is a distinguished ethologist and author of several best-selling accounts of primate behavior. As de Waal reports at length in the Atheist and the Bonobo, and other works, a key feature of the behavior of apes and to a greater or lesser degree other social animals, is sharing, helping, commiserating, comforting and demanding fairness. 

From this reality of animal social existence, de Waal concludes that morality is neither unique to humans nor dependent on religion, but is inherent in mammalian biology. Furthermore, he contends, that religion is, though difficult and perhaps impossible to eradicate, superfluous to the good society.

Thus, de Waal writes:
This brings me back to my bottom-up view of morality. The moral law is not imposed from above or derived from well-reasoned principles; rather it arises from ingrained values that have been there from the beginning of time.
In this, however, de Waal is sadly confused. The constructive, cooperative, fairness-demanding and mutually beneficial behavior of social animals is not evidence of morality, natural or otherwise. It is merely the rational, self-serving behavior of the small business owner who refrains from swindling his customers in the hope that they will return for more. It is the principle of you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. By helping one another, social animals achieve a level of well-being beyond that attainable were they to live independent, uncooperative lives.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

About Shit

In the late sixties, when I worked briefly at Vancouver's mountain-top Simon Fraser University, I encountered a Communist agitator who made much of the fact that "even the Queen shits." I never discussed this proposition with him, but I suppose the idea was to associate with Canada's monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, one's deeply ingrained aversion to the sight, smell, or thought of shit. In particular, it must have been supposed that once identified as a shitter, Her Majesty would, together with the entire Canadian political establishment, lose all credibility and thus be thrust aside by a disgusted proletariat to make way for the revolution. The same approach was adopted with a view to discrediting the Pope and thus the Catholic faith.

Happily, despite exposure to such treasonous and heretical propaganda, I remain a loyal subject of Her Majesty the Queen and no enemy to the Catholic church. Still, the line of attack did make some sense, and reveals why shit remains one of the world's outstanding problems, for shit is something people just don't like to think about. But with seven billion, going on ten billion, humans on the face of the planet, we do need to confront the reality of around ten million tons of shit a day. That's about 350 kilograms per hectare per year, worldwide. So mind where you step: especially in poorer parts of the World, where people mostly just shit behind a bush and leave disposal to natural processes, or people walking away with it adhering to the soles of their shoes — if they have shoes.


There are times when being Prime Minister of Canada merely because your father was Prime Minister of Canada proves unrewarding. For Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the occasion of the death of his father's friend, the Cuban Communist dictator, Fidel Castro, has proved to be one such time. Remaining loyal to his father's friend, and indeed his own friend, Justin Trudeau said, among other things:
It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest-serving president... [a] larger than life [personality]... a legendary revolutionary and orator... I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother, President Raúl Castro, during my recent visit to Cuba. On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader....

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kennedy versus the CIA: the Power Struggle That Preceded the Murder

On November 23rd, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, we argued, based on consideration of means and motives, that the CIA most likely killed Kennedy with a nod from Vice President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was not only a beneficiary of the killing, but the man in a position to impose a cover up. The CIA, of course, got to kick-start the war it wanted in Vietnam.

Then, we wrote:
A peculiarity of the American Constitution is that, on the death of the President, the Vice President is automatically sworn in as the new president. What a temptation that must present to a sociopathic Vice President.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

PC Children's Tales and the Modernization of Censorship

Jack, who wanted to be known as Jill, and Jill, who wanted
to be known as Jack, went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Source: @Spectator
By Denise Chipani

In their original incarnations, the wildly popular Nancy Drew series of mystery books, first written by a two-woman team (under the pen name Carolyn Keene) in the 1930s, were rife with racism and anti-Semitism. Villains were often shifty-eyed, hook-nosed, or swarthy. A “Negro caretaker” is “lazy.” In response to pressure from their publisher, the authors re-edited the books in the late 1950s. That means that the Nancy Drew stories you or I remember were already minus the obviously offensive passages and plots, scrubbed clean and made PC (well, PC by midcentury standards, anyway).

But some would argue that the excisions also left the stories less meaty overall (certainly the original authors felt that way). Did we miss out? Not just on interesting subplots and adventurous twists, but on the chance to, say, discuss with parents and teachers how times had changed, or why people once felt a certain way about people different from them — or why some still harbor those prejudices?

Friday, November 18, 2016

Global Warming Is Not a Hoax, It`s An Unproved, and Likely Unprovable, Hypothesis

Donald Trump is reported to have said that global warming is a hoax. In fact, the claim that the climate is being warmed due to human activity is not a hoax, but a hypothesis, and quite an old one.

Svante Ahrrenius, in 1896, was the first to quantify the contribution of carbon dioxide to Earth's temperature and to speculate on whether variations in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide have contributed to long-term variations in climate. In later publications he suggested that the combustion of coal would affect global temperature.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How Trump Will Confound His Critics By Creating Good Jobs for Americans... Perhaps

"Stemming the rot in American manufacturing may defeat even Trump" runs the title of a piece published today over at the Unz Review.


Trump’s great advantage over his opponents is his mastery of Grade 4 English, by means of which he is readily understood by his blue-collar base, while being unintelligible to his more highly educated, which is to say brainwashed, opponents.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Treason Party President Obama Goes Abroad to Attack the President Elect

Daily Mail: ‘Trump tapped into troubling strain of rhetoric to win U.S. election’: Barack Obama attacks the President-elect on the first day of his final foreign tour where he was met by SCOWLING Greek guards.

But what was it that Hillary, the Democrats-for-the-dismantling-of-America, and the departing president found so troubling about the Trump campaign?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Gone NeoCon Warmonger Already?

In common with many Trump supporters on the alt-right I've long harboured a horrible doubt that - just maybe - he was a huckster using his marketing genius to tap into the zeitgeist, leveraging it to close the ultimate sale. Did he really plan to get on with Russia, de-fund NATO, pull American troops out of the Middle East (i.e. stop fighting wars for Israel) and instead focus attention and resources on domestic issues? If that represented his true beliefs then he literally could not have made a worse choice for National Security Adviser.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

American Graffiti: Die Whitey, Die

Hillary's Supporters Express Their Dissatisfaction 
With the Election Result in Nazi Fashion.
Breitbart, Novermber 10, 2016:

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – What started as a protest against President-Elect Donald Trump soon turned to violent riots where one of New Orleans’ most famous monuments was covered in graffiti and glass windows were shattered out of a nearby bank.

Hundreds showed up to denounce the election of Trump–but despite media reports of a peaceful gathering, the crowd grew increasingly hostile and violent, according to Breitbart Texas sources on the ground.

Why Justin Trudeau Is Ready to Renegotiate NAFTA

"If the Americans want to talk about NAFTA, I’m more than happy to talk about it." So said Canada' Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, thus proving that Canada's current Prime Minister is a very sensible pragmatist. 

Canada, like the US, has lost a large number of jobs in both manufacturing and services to Third World jurisdictions such as Mexico, where people are happy to take the job of a Canadian for the payment of mere pennies an hour. 

Why Trump Won

While the beautiful people of Hollywood whimper of their devastation at the election of Donald Trump, and while Canadians contemplate a wall to keep Hillary's fanatical followers from flooding across the border, here is why Donald Trump won.

He won because he spoke to the interests of white Americans and all of blue-collar America, black, white or brown, which is to say, he spoke to the American majority.

He spoke to the people that Hollywood and the liberal-left establishment hold in contempt.

These are the people who lost their jobs, or whose parents lost their jobs or whose children lost their jobs  to Mexicans, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Bangladeshis for the greater profitability of, Walmart, and Clinton Inc.

These people and their communities have been devastated in the cause of globalization, which has meant subjecting American labor to competition from people in the Third World earning pennies an hour. These are the people Hillary called "deplorables," and "irredeemable" and of whom she said, "they’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic".

To Hillary's backers, from Wall Street to Hollywood, the only question about white America is when will those rust-belt losers and rural hicks shut the fuck up and die.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The stupidity of IQ Testing

We all know that people differ mentally in a great many ways: some are reflective, others impulsive; some are sympathetic, others are sociopathic; some are creative, others seem never to have a witty or imaginative thought; some are sensible, others are flighty, fanatical, or prone to panic; and some are smart, whereas others cannot do a simple arithmetical calculation in their head or solve an elementary logical puzzle.

So how do we measure the human intellect? Among educators and psychologists, the most common procedure is to conduct a test of reasoning ability that yields a result called an intelligence quotient, or IQ.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's Closest Aide, A Saudi Spy?

ETF News: SHOCK CLAIM – Is Huma Abedin a SPY?

Clinton Foundation Investigation: Huma Abedin
... The Abedin family business, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), is related to the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) is an organization founded in Saudi Arabia by al Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Huma served as an assistant editor at this journal for 12 years – while she simultaneously worked at the White House. She also worked at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology, founded by one top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, which is considered a foreign terrorist organization under American law...