Showing posts with label replacement immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label replacement immigration. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Careerist Women and Environmentalists Drive the Suicide of the British Nation

There are lies, damned lies, and official British Government Statistical Reports

Births in Britain last year were down 3.2% on the previous year, off 10% since 2012. Just another step in the path to extinction of the British nation.

Meantime, some 28.2% of the children born in England and Wales were born to immigrant women.

The Brits will soon be a minority in their own homeland. But not to worry. Lots from India, Poland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, and China, plus a bunch even from such places as Mongolia and Tuvalu coming in to take their places.

Britain's Office for National Statistics said "falling fertility rates were mainly responsible for the fall" in Britain's birth rate — silly buggers, what do they think a fall in birth rate is if not a decline in fertility rate. To which imbecile statement they added:
difficulties conceiving among older couples who chose to delay family formation to focus on their careers or other objectives was one reason for the drop.
Yeah, well, if you delay having kids until you are too old to have kids, a decline in birth rate is a certainty, ain't it. 

And having the nit-wit prince Harry and his fatuous foreign bride announce as though its a great virtue that they will have no more than two children does nothing for the survival of the British race.

So folks, we just need one more push for girls' education and female equality and we'll be rid of the Brits and the rest of the stinking Europeans for good.

Zero Hedge: Have Environmentalists Killed More Europeans Than Islamic Terrorists Did?
The Maverick Philosopher on Erzatz Motherhood
Having renounced natural maternity, many women today seek an outlet in the political: they seek to become the nannies of the nanny state.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jews for the Genocide of America's White Working Class

In case you were in any doubt as to the intentions of the globalist shysters who call Trump supporters racists, Fascists, and anti-Semites, here's Jewish NeoCon, Bill Kristol, who never saw a war of American aggression he didn't like, spelling it out: We intend to replace useless white people with illegal immigrants willing to work in the untaxed black economy at below mininum wage.