Thursday, January 30, 2020

How I Misjudged Tesla: An Idiot's Confession

As an investor I am an imbecile. I have this stupid idea that a company is worth only as much as is justified by the profits it makes, or might make. Tesla's flight into the clear blue empyrean reveals my idiocy, as the following analysis by Wolf Richter proves:

How much should Tesla be worth, if it ever makes a big profit?

In terms of earnings per share, Tesla’s annual net loss translates into EPS of -$4.92. So if Tesla is ever able to make an annual net income of $862 million – a swing of $1.7 billion – it would have EPS of about +$4.92. Now, this assumes that Tesla doesn’t sell any shares or hand out any shares to executives in their compensation packages, which would dilute EPS. So let’s assume the share-count stays the same for once.

In that glorious future year where Tesla makes $4.92 a share, instead of losing $4.92 a share, what would it be worth, as an automaker in a stagnant saturated industry? At a PE ratio of 20 (giving Tesla the benefit of all doubts), its shares on that glorious day in the future when it finally has an annual EPS of $4.92, the stock would still be richly priced at 20 x $4.92, giving it a share price of $98.40.

Just to point out how crazy this has gotten: This evening – upon the announcement of 2% revenue growth and a 25% plunge in quarterly net income despite $133 million in regulatory credits, and of an annual loss of $862 million – Tesla’s shares spiked nearly 12% to $648.
And to think that, after doubling my money, I sold Tesla at $70. Indeed, I am such a money moron that even now I cannot see how I was wrong. Maybe, I suffer the consequence of having run my own business for too long: the experience inculcates this mad idea that the whole point of a business is to make a profit, whereas in fact, a flashly loss is, well, more profitable. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Boeing Got the Monkey Management Virus from Jack Welch's GE

Jim McNerney was President, CEO, and Chairman of Boeing from 2005 through 2015. He was Chairman in 2016. During a quarterly earnings conference call on 24 July 2014 with Boeing’s senior management he had this exchange with a reporter:

Bloomberg News: Jim, you have a birthday coming up next month. …Will you be at your desk, and has the Board approved you staying on past age 65?

Jim McInerney, CEO: Yes, the heart will still be beating. The employees will still be cowering {laughing}. I’ll be working hard; there’s no end in sight.

As Fabius Maximus comments:
[McInerny] learned that workers are cattle while working from 1982 – 2001 as an executive at GE under an architect of modern corporate America – Jack Welch. 

Under his leadership, Boeing decayed to a shell of the once-great aerospace giant. For this he was lavishly paid. He earned $80 million in 2013-2015 and retired with a $4 million for 15 years pension – plus uncountable other perks.
So now those giants of America's corporate leadership have shown the way, every ambitious American executive will be intently focused on looting the company at the expense of workers, shareholders and the mass of unfortunate victims who depend on the company's product or service.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Death of the West: Autism and Atheism

Vox Popoli postulates a correlation between autism and atheism.

I first postulated my hypothesis concerning a link between the autism spectrum and atheism back in 2007 in response to a post by PZ Myers at Pharyngula in which he and other atheists were bragging about their relatively high Asperger's Quotient scores. I wrote: "Obviously, more comprehensive and scientific tests would be advised before any definite conclusion can be reached, but these initial observations do appear to indicate a possibility that atheism could be nothing more than a minor mental disorder."

 In that connection it may be noted that alleles for autism are reported to overlap broadly with alleles for high intelligence.

This correlation supports the notion that atheism is a consequence of rational thought. Certainly, there's little rational basis for theism, other than the fact that a society without a religion is doomed to self-destruction as is evident in the West today.

Unfortunately, it requires more than a couple of extra IQ points to recognize the necessity of irrational faith. It takes a civilization and an proper education system, both of which the Western nations have now jettisoned. 

Headlines of the Day, No. 79

Daily Mail: Prince Charles flew 16,000 miles in just 11 days using three private jets and one helicopter before proudly posing with Greta Thunberg in Davos 

(after that he flew to Israel)

When the American novelists F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked that “The rich are different from you and me” Ernest Hemingway is said to have replied: “Yes, they have more money." Today, one might say: “Yes, they produce more toxic gases."

Zero Hedge: Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It? 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Mass Immigration Is Bad for Britain (and Every Other Nation of European People)

This guy is suave, but he won't say that when you have a below replacement fertility rate and you allow millions of immigrants to compete with your own people for jobs and housing, you are engaged in genocide and population replacement.

Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term genocide, said of the term that it may refer simply to:
a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight.
Such is precisely the fate of the English in their own capital city, of London, where in many boroughs the English are not even the largest minority.
Savile Town, England where only 48 of 4,033 residents are white, 
native British. Source.
Likewise in England`s second city, Birmingham, and my father's home town of Leicester and many other towns and urban centers throughout Britain.

The 'Great Replacement' In Switzerland

A recent study by the Federal Office of Statistics showed the over-representation of certain nationalities among welfare recipients. Thus at the end 2017, 83% of Somalians and 54% of Eritreans and Congolese living in Switzerland are on welfare. More generally, of the 350,000 beneficiaries of social assistance, 57% are foreigners.

A study by the Zurich university of sciences came to the conclusion that 21% of young Muslims living in Switzerland consider that sharia law is superior to Swiss law.

... a Swiss central Islamic committee has been established with some 3,500 members. The organization has been accused of encouraging its members to engage in polygamy and female genital mutilation. Its members are also being sued for supporting Al Qaeda.

.... According the Pew Research Center, around 6% of the population is Muslim, around 400,000 people. According to Pew’s forecasts, the Muslim population could in 2050 make up between 8% and 12% of the Swiss population.

... the vote against mass immigration did not lead to new rules for the movement of people between Switzerland and the European Union, because of the gridlock of the EU institutions.


French Intellectual Sentenced To 2 Months Jail After Calling Mass Immigration An "Invasion"

The corner of Yorkshire colonized by Muslim settlers

Sweden Terrorized By Immigrant Bombers and Rapists

Understanding the Fabian Window

George Orwell: Wells, Hitler And The World State

Monday, January 13, 2020

Harry and Meghan, the Super-Sensitive Royals

Harry and Meghan claim to have been driven from Harry's native Britain by British racism, the Daily Mail reporting that:
... In November 2016, Harry lashed out at the 'wave of abuse and harassment' the US actress had faced from the media – citing the 'racial undertones of comment pieces' among his concerns.
Oh dear, what a sad state of affairs we have reached when even members of the Royal Family claim victim status.

The mail further reports that:
...The couple are said to see their long-term future in the US – but not, while President Donald Trump is President with friends claiming while the couple plan to live in Canada at first their ultimate aim is to have a home and business in Los Angeles.
So Canada is not exactly where they want to be, just a kind of holding zone until the US of A has a president they find more acceptable than the one elected by the American people.
Meantime, the Mail reports, poor Liz II is under the gun:
... to find a way forward because the Sussexes could give a tell-all interview to their friend Oprah Winfrey... if they do not get their way...
Which sounds like, you know, blackmail. 
And just to give the threat greater credibility, Harry's close friend, broadcaster Tom Bradby, warned that in an interview with Oprah Winfrey they could:
... 'sound off' about the royal family's 'racism and sexism'
And blackmail with a big prize at stake:
... The Duke of Sussex wants his 93-year-old grandmother, father and brother to let him and his wife keep their royal titles while living abroad and grabbing 'financial independence' to earn their own money using the Sussex brand, which experts say could be worth £400million.
And there you have it. All that lubbly jubbly to be grabbed selling the SussexRoyal insignia while telling those stuffy Royal Brits to go stuff themselves. 
Unfortunately, for the SussexRoyal pair, they may find Canadian "racism" as appalling as British Racism, if comments in the Vancouver Sun are anything to go by. Thus one Jannick Slavik writes:

... So Trudeau has approved an initial 1,000,000 RCMP security expense for these leaches?

What a joke

And airhead Megan says she wants to stay in Canada until After Trump is gone?

It’s going to be another 5 years of expense for these losers
And that comment raises another question. In their declared intention to live outside the United States as long as Donald Trump remains President, Harry and wife are taking a political stance that is  clearly incompatible with the political impartiality of Britain's constitutional monarchy.

The implication is clear: Prince Harry should give up his Royal title. Then, he and Mrs Harry Mountbatten Windsor* can live wherever they want for whatever reason they want, whether their reasons, however political, are privately held or publicly declared.

This necessary transition from public figures to private individuals will free Harry and Meg to get as rich as croesus without causing Britain's constitutional monarchy any taint of either  commercialization or politicization.

* The original family name was Battenberg, which might suit Harry, reduced to the status of a regular Canadian, better than Mountbatten Windsor, the cumbersome made-up name that he currently goes by.

Daily Mail: Harry regrets

Daily Mail: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle STILL call themselves 'Their Royal Highnesses' in statement released on website minutes after the Palace announces they are quitting royal life , dropping HRH titles and won't receive any more taxpayers' cash

Globe and Mail: 
Harry and Meghan, and why members of the Royal Family can’t live in Canada

Globe and Mail:
The Canadian Crown meets residual royalty: The awkward truth about Harry and Meghan in Canada

Globe and Mail:‘Meghan and Harry: If you are reading these comments, please take them to heart and stay in Britain!’ Readers debate: Can the royal couple live in Canada?

Angus Reid Institute: 
Royal Tab: Vast majority of Canadians don’t want to pay costs associated with the Sussexes’ move to Canada

Globe and Mail: 
The Canadian Crown meets residual royalty: The awkward truth about Harry and Meghan in Canada

Globe and Mail:
Meghan and Harry move to Canada: The plan so far, and the questions it raises

Globe and Mail:
Meghan Markle’s father to testify in legal row with tabloid

The Crackbrained Sussexes: Dictating Terms to the Queen

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Greta Thunberg: A Victim of Power Hungry Parents

When I wrote earlier about autistic teenager Greta Thunberg, I argued that it was entirely reasonable for her to condemn adults for the climate-change catastrophe she believes they have set in motion, since it has been the adult world that has terrorized youth with the fear of human-caused climate change.

But now, we learn, that Greta is not a precocious teenager with a rational case against older generations, but merely a puppet exploited by those in the adult world seeking to terrorized children with the specter of catastrophic climate change.

Thus, as Zero Hedge reports:

A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired.

The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts made by her father, Svante Thunberg, and a climate activist in India who serves as a delegate at the UN's Climate Change organization, Adarsh Prathap.

So there we have it. Greta's actions are not the rational response of a child to the terror induced by her parents generation, but the gyrations of a puppet used by her parents to terrorize children.

CanSpeccy: The New Tyranny, Mind Control, Education and Islam

Friday, January 10, 2020

Boeing: Building Planes Designed by Clowns Supervised By Monkeys

Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. At Boeing Corp. madness has grown from the top down beginning years ago when the management decided in its wisdom to locate the headquarters staff in Chicago, several thousand miles from the main manufacturing plant in Seattle, WA. 

Without a bunch of engineers, machinists, and electricians to bug them with the everyday problems of a manufacturing operation, the management was free to focus on financial engineering and other  matters of real importance to the success of the company.

Having so little need of engineering expertise, the Board largely dispensed with engineers, until there was only one who remained, namely Dennis Muilenberg, CEO, President and Chairman of the Board.

But as of January 13, Boeing will have no aeronautical expertise whatever on the Board of Directors. Replacing Muelenberg as CEO, will be Dave Calhoun, a graduate in accounting and a published author. Calhoun's published works include:
How Companies Win, and
 Profiting from Demand-Driven Business Models No Matter What (Even when the planes you produce aren't safe? -- just asking)
And he's a musician too, having issued, among other albums, a CD entitled:
Day drinkin'.
So it's not so surprising to find that, in a batch of internal memos, Boeing was obliged to make public what an employee wrote of the Boeing 737MAX, namely,  that it was:

"designed by clowns, who are in turn supervised by monkeys..."
or that in another internal communication, a Boeing test pilot remarked:

"Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn’t." 
In reference to such remarks, the plane-maker described certain internal communications as "completely unacceptable," which confirms that Boeing truly is run by monkeys who think that engineering know how is irrelevant to the management of an aircraft manufacturing company. All you need, apparently, is to know how to  profit "from Demand-Driven Business Models No Matter What", as Boeing's new CM (Chief Monkey) wrote.

Moon of Alabama: A Year After The Second MAX Crashed Boeing Is Faced With Ruin
Zero Hedge: Congress Rips Boeing's "Culture Of Concealment" & FAA's 'Jeopardizing' Public In Scathing 737 MAX Report
CanSpeccy: Boeing Got the Monkey Management Virus from Jack Welch's GE
Zero Hedge: Internal Boeing Emails Claim 777X Shares MAX Problem
Zero Hedge: Boeing Mocked Lion Air "Idiots" For Requesting Extra Training For 737 MAX
"Now friggin Lion Air might need a sim to fly the MAX, ... because of their own stupidity." one Boeing employee wrote in June 2017 
Zero Hedge: 30 Year Boeing Manager Says "Fly Something Else", Won't Fly on 787 Dreamliner
Canspeccy: What's Wrong With Boeing's 737MAX Airliner?

The Crackbrained Sussexes: Dictating Terms to the Queen

Here's the website of Prince Harry and Meghan. Future arrangements between themselves and the British Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II, is a matter, they seem to believe, that they can dictate to her Majesty the Queen without discussion or negotiation. Thus, after explaining their rights as they see them, and their entitlement to funding from the British state, they proclaim their fealty to Her Majesty the Queen thus :

... The Duke and Duchess proudly carry out official overseas visits in support of Her Majesty The Queen
Very good of them, I'm sure.

But do they not understand that the Queen is not some old lady in need of "support," but is, rather, the embodiment, and head, of the British State and, therefore, as British subjects, it is not for Harry and Meghan to graciously extend their support to the Queen, but rather for them to support Her Majesty the Queen to any degree and in any way that Her Majesty may request or require.

Sadly, therefore, the presumption of the Sussexes in attempting to dictate their relationship with the Monarchy is completely nutty and potentially very dangerous to their own future well-being.

The British State will not be dictated to by anyone, and certainly not by crackpots, even crackpot members of the Royal family.

Sadly, Harry seems to be following in the footsteps of his mother, Princess Diana, who in her own crazy way did her best to destroy the British Monarchy and ended up dead.

The Daily Mail Reports:

The couple secretly registered their new Sussex Royal website as early as last March without telling the Royal Family;

Harry ignored a personal request by the Queen to keep negotiations about his wish to break free private and not make a public statement;

The couple also chose to disregard pleas from their closest aides on Monday night that they should hold off from releasing a statement out of respect for his grandmother;

Sources said Harry had even suggested his mental health would be at risk if he didn't facilitate a change in his position;

The Royal Family are not planning to strip Harry and Meghan of their titles as courtiers fear it would look vengeful and reminiscent of the treatment meted out to Harry's mother, Princess Diana;

Scotland Yard will carry out a full review of the couple's security as the costs of their taxpayer-funded police protection looked set to spiral into the millions.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Trump's Vicious Method of Trade Negotiation

The complete (translated) words of Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi’s speech to parliament:

...I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction [instead of the US*]. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.

Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me.

I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese.

After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”.

Read more

That's Trump's "great trade deals" pitch:

"Buy our overpriced stuff, give us half your oil, or I'll send in our Maidan snipers, create a riot and overthrow your government."

And why is Abdul-Mahdi blowing the whistle on Trump? Perhaps he thinks that by exposing Trump's Hitlerian tactics, the God-Emperor may be deterred from incinerating this troublesome satrap with a Reaper drone strike.

* According to Abdul-Mahdi, the price Trump demanded for completion of infrastructure and electricity grid projects, i.e., repair of the war damage inflicted by the US,  was 50% of Iraq's oil revenues.

Monday, January 6, 2020

A Word to the Beautiful and the Rich

Ricky Gervais, at the Golden Globes Award Ceremony

So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a political platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything, you know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and fuck off. OK?

....Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. Well, you say you're woke but the companies you work for in China — unbelievable. Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service you'd call your agent, wouldn't you?

Poll: Celebrities should stay out of Politics

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Europe is Dying But Who Cares? No one, Apparently

The dying of the Western nations has been evident for years.

The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen. It is a depiction of what is happening now. First World nations are dying. They face a mortal crisis, not because of something happening in the Third World, but because of what is not happening at home and in the homes of the First World. Western fertility rates have been falling for decades. Outside of Muslim Albania, no European nation is producing enough babies to replace its population. … In a score of countries the old are already dying off faster than the young are being born. … There is no sign of a turnaround. Now the absolute numbers of Europeans have begun to fall.

Patrick Buchanan, The Death of the West

But who Cares? Merkel, Macron, Trudeau or Trump?

No one, apparently.

Not in government, anyhow.

Still the Politically Correct states of the Western World promote girls' education, and careers for women who are far too intelligent, apparently, to spend their time raising babies. Unless they're on welfare, of course. Then maternity is all expenses paid with the taxes derived from those hard working intelligent female professionals.

Could that be why mean IQ test scores are falling in the West? Intelligent women carrying on the role of men, while the dumbest or laziest women are carrying on the race.

No, much better than perpetuating the race, so the German, Canadian, Australian and other Western governments have decided, is to open wide the gates to Muslims, Hindus, and Africans and every other alien of whatever race, religion or culture.

And so those people have come and keep coming, to replace the Western nations as they die ever faster than they breed.

The tribes of Europe, the peoples of almost every country of the Old Continent, are visibly aging, shrinking and dying. The population crisis of Europe is “existential,” says Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.

Patrick Buchanan, Our Real Existential Crisis - Extinction

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Self-Destruction of Western Civilization, No 79: Inviting the Alien In

Anti-Christian hostility is sweeping across Western Europe, where, during 2019, Christian churches and symbols were deliberately attacked day after day.
Gatestone Institute reviewed thousands of newspaper reports, police blotters, parliamentary inquiries, social media posts and specialized blogs from Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The research shows (see appendices below) that roughly 3,000 Christian churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments were vandalized, looted or defaced in Europe during 2019 — which is on track to becoming a record year for anti-Christian sacrilege on the continent.
Violence against Christian sites is most widespread in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments are being vandalized, desecrated and burned at an average rate of three per day, according to government statistics. In Germany, attacks against Christian churches are occurring at an average rate of two per day, according to police blotters.
Attacks on Christian churches and symbols are also commonplace in Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Italy and Spain. The attacks overwhelmingly involve Roman Catholic sites and symbols, although in Germany, Protestant churches are also being targeted.
The perpetrators of anti-Christian attacks — which include acts of arson, defecation, desecration, looting, mockery, profanation, Satanism, theft, urination and vandalism — are rarely caught. When they are, police and media often censor information about their identities and ethnic backgrounds. Many suspects are said to have mental disorders; as a result, many anti-Christian attacks are not categorized as hate crimes.
In France and Germany, the spike in anti-Christian attacks dovetails with the recent mass immigration from the Muslim world. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Free Speech in the Age of Political Correctness

Kevin MacDonald is a retired California State University Professor of Psychology and the the editor of the Occidental Observer, a publication concerned with "white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West".

According to that well-known source of objective information, Trikipedia, MacDonald is "best known for writings that propagate a conspiracy theory which characterize Jewish behavior as a group evolutionary strategy."

Other sources readily accessed by Google take a similar line, describing MacDonald as an anti-Semite, white supremacist, conspiracy theorist, or to summarize, a mentally deranged and nasty piece of slime.

However, based on his scholarly treatise, The Culture of Critique, it would seem reasonable to suppose that MacDonald is not some racist nut, but a rational scholar examining the way in which diaspora Jews often interact with the people of their host nation.

Whether MacDonald's analysis is generally sound it is not my purpose here to consider, although having dipped into his major treatise, I can say that it proceeds in accordance with the normal methods of rational academic discourse and confirms much of what is apparent to the casual observer concerning Jewish beliefs, traditions, and modes of behavior.

It is naturally painful, therefore, for a person such as MacDonald to find themselves generally ostracized for their sincerely held and carefully weighed opinions on a subject to which they have devoted lengthy study.

Reflecting the painful social consequences of his academic pursuits, MacDonald recently published an article entitled: Ideas on maintaining relationships with the less committed in a dark age, wherein he states:

... Many of us are forced to deal with personal issues because of our political-cultural beliefs. A typical situation might be a wife or girlfriend—the great majority of activists on the dissident right are male—who is terrified of it becoming known that she is associated with someone who is shunned and socially ostracized. But of course, it may also be other family members or friends—a particularly painful experience. ...

Discussion of the article at the Unz Review raised the issue of American's constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech prompting the remark:

... This is comedy gold.

First, that people believe that we still have freedom of speech. ...

In fact, Americans do still have the constitutional right of free speech. However, freedom of speech is a legal freedom, whereas freedom of action, whether in the form of speech or otherwise, is subject to both legal and social limitations.

Political correctness diminishes or eradicates the value of the legal right of free speech by imposing social control over speech, i.e., informal sanctions imposed by friends and family, or economic sanctions imposed by employers, state bureaucracies, political parties, etc.

The pervasive and uniformly PC impact of media, the propaganda dispensed by state-managed educational institutions, and the Google-style economic punishment of the expression of non-PC beliefs, ensures that the exercise of Freedom of Speech is a rare and often painful experience.

The result is a massive build up of resentment among the socially oppressed until something gives. In the UK, the working class, comprehensively betrayed by Phony Bliar's PC "New Labour" party --which deliberately flooded the working class areas of declining industrial towns with immigrants of an alien race, religion and culture, has defected in large numbers to a supposedly populist Johnson Tory Party.

The consequence of this reaction remains to be seen. But if the Johnson Government fails to deliver for Britain's working class the consequences may be be ugly in the extreme.

Meantime, the liberal left are turning up the invective against the working man. Hence the headline in that most disgusting of all self-hating white liberal newspapers, The Independent:

The antisemitic monster rising from the slime is not Corbynism – it is white nationalism

There you have the resort to hate speech direct in the cause of British national genocide through suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration.

The outcome? Civil War, anyone? Most Americans think it likely. Why should it not be likely in Britain too, where another civil war seems overdue.

Related: Joe Digenova: American coup d'etat:

Monday, December 30, 2019

Bjorn Lomberg: On Dispensing With Fossil Fuels

Empty Gestures On Climate Change

Zero Hedge, January 30, 2019: Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs, wash your clothes in cold water, eat less meat, recycle more, and buy an electric car: we are being bombarded with instructions from climate campaigners, environmentalists, and the media about the everyday steps we all must take to tackle climate change. Unfortunately, these appeals trivialize the challenge of global warming, and divert our attention from the huge technological and policy changes that are needed to combat it.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

George Soros, the Nazi Jew, Working profitably With the UkroNazis

F. William Engdahl

New Eastern Outlook, December 6, 2015: Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime. They also reveal his machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets. All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers.

What the three hacked documents reveal is a degree of behind-the-scene manipulation of the most minute details of the Kiev regime by the New York billionaire.

In the longest memo, dated March 15, 2015 and marked “Confidential” Soros outlines a detailed map of actions for the Ukraine regime. Titled, “A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine,” the memo from Soros calls for steps to “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.” To do the restoring, Soros blithely notes that “General Wesley Clark, Polish General Skrzypczak and a few specialists under the auspices of the Atlantic Council [emphasis added—f.w.e.] will advise President Poroshenko how to restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”
Read more

VOE: George Soros listed as 2nd most influential figure in Ukraine

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jussi Björling: O Holy Night

O Holy Night, written by the French composer Adolphe Adam, was set to the words of the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens" (Midnight, Christians) by Placide Cappeau (1808–1877).

Minuit, chrétiens, c'est l'heure solennelle,
Où l'Homme Dieu descendit jusqu'à nous
Pour effacer la tache originelle
Et de Son Père arrêter le courroux.
Le monde entier tressaille d'espérance
En cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur.