Showing posts with label Greta Thunberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greta Thunberg. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Greta Thunberg: A Victim of Power Hungry Parents

When I wrote earlier about autistic teenager Greta Thunberg, I argued that it was entirely reasonable for her to condemn adults for the climate-change catastrophe she believes they have set in motion, since it has been the adult world that has terrorized youth with the fear of human-caused climate change.

But now, we learn, that Greta is not a precocious teenager with a rational case against older generations, but merely a puppet exploited by those in the adult world seeking to terrorized children with the specter of catastrophic climate change.

Thus, as Zero Hedge reports:

A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired.

The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts made by her father, Svante Thunberg, and a climate activist in India who serves as a delegate at the UN's Climate Change organization, Adarsh Prathap.

So there we have it. Greta's actions are not the rational response of a child to the terror induced by her parents generation, but the gyrations of a puppet used by her parents to terrorize children.

CanSpeccy: The New Tyranny, Mind Control, Education and Islam

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Message to Maxime Bernier

The following is the text of a message I just sent Maxime Bernier. M. Bernier founded and now leads the Peoples Party of Canada. Previously, he served in the cabinet of Prime Minister Stephen Harper as Minister of Industry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism. He was narrowly defeated by Andrew Scheer in the contest for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Following today's announcement of Andrew Scheer's resignation as leader of the Conservative Party, I emailed M. Bernier as follows:

Now Scheer's out, time to rejoin the Tories and make another run for the leadership.

Best regards,

Don't be hard on Greta, she's only reacting to what her teachers, the science establishment, the media and the Government of every Western Nation have endlessly told her, namely, that carbon dioxide is destroying the earth and that she, as a member of the youngest generation, will suffer the greatest consequences. So she may know nothing about climate science, but she is responding entirely reasonably to what almost all supposedly responsible people are telling her.

the carbon tax is the most economically efficient way to control carbon emissions, but it's insane for Canada to adopt a carbon tax on a purely national basis as that puts us hugely at a disadvantage with trade partners without a carbon tax. We should opt for a carbon tax only in conjunction with our major trade partners, especially the US, and provided that there is a countervailing duty on goods from countries without a carbon tax.

Why not a real tax reform proposal including: (1) 100% tax exemption on income below the median earned income; (2) an increase in the GST to 20%, with rebates to those with below median incomes (this would make the GST a consumption tax that would encourage savings and investment); (3) a zero rate corporation tax on distributed earnings (which will then be taxed as personal income in the hands of recipients); (4) a flat tax of 20% on all income in excess of the median (i.e., including capital gains assessed annually on all financial assets whether disposed of or not); (5) if there is a need for additional revenue, a capital tax, not to exceed 1%, with a personal exemption of $2 million.

If you agree, why not write M. Bernier ( too.

In response to those urging Maxime Bernier to run for the Conservative Party leadership, the People's Party of Canada issued a statement reading, in part:

Following the resignation of the Andrew Scheer yesterday, our leader Maxime Bernier was asked by some journalists if he intended to run again in a CPC leadership race. His answer was clear: There is zero chance of it happening.

That party is morally and intellectually corrupt. Scheer was a weak leader who pushed it to the centre. Their next leader will do the same. This is why our party exists: To offer a principled conservative alternative to Canadians. We’re here to stay!
That is the only reasonable reaction, though it does not mean that M. Bernier would not, under the right circumstances, run for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada: it just means that the Conservative Party of Canada would have to send a top level delegates to entreat M. Bernier to run for the leadership. They'd also need to make a public apology for Scheer's people hiring a shyster PR outfit, i.e., Warren Kinsella, to mendaciously smear Bernier as a racist.

This, however, the Conservative Party of Canada will not do for the obvious reason that the Conservative Party of Canada is not a conservative party. It is just another liberal party that operates in accordance with two fundamental forces:

First, the fear of being found politically incorrect.

Second, the bipartisan lust for after office payoffs, which means subservience to the money power and in particular the freedom of the banks to print the money with which they have inflated one of the World's greatest property bubbles, in the process making Canadians among the world's most indebted people. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Greta Thunberg, the Media and White Self-Genocide

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old who is, therefore, too young to have much knowledge about the very complex issue of the effect of human activity on the world's climate. Still, she makes a valid point. The media, all Western governments, and every school and university insists that anthropogenic carbon emissions, i.e., the burning of fossil fuels, is leading to what will be a catastrophic change in global climate.

What Greta Thunberg is saying, namely, that it will be her generation and its successors that will suffer the most severe consequences of this approaching disaster, a disaster brought by the actions of older generations is, therefore, entirely logical and as valid as all the fear-mongering about climate change.

Moreover, not only is Greta Thunberg's message entirely reasonable, it is highly effective for the simple reason that, when not contorted by anger or fear, Greta has a pretty face: a pretty face that should remind us of another ongoing disaster imposed upon our youngest generations by the fecklessness and criminality of older generations.

That other ongoing disaster is the destruction of the sovereign democratic nation states of Europe and their diaspora, the result of genocidal policies on abortion and immigration resulting in a collapse in the fertility of the European peoples and their replacement by people of alien race, religion and culture.

How does Greta Thunberg remind us of this other ongoing disaster, which will see Greta's generation of Swedes outnumbered in their own homeland by immigrants and their descendants?

Strangely, indeed, she reminds us of this genocidal catastrophe by virtue of the recent publication of a photograph from the 1890's showing a group of children working a placer mine in the Yukon territory.

Here's Greta:

Here's Greta's lookalike, a child gold miner gold in 1898:

And here's Greta and her lookalike side by side:

Now here's the horrifying reality underlying this story. The black and white photograph showing Greta's lookalike and entitled “Three children operating rocker at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, circa. 1898,” belongs to the archives at the University of Washington. The photo, so CTV News reports, is part of a large collection of pictures taken by Swedish photographer Eric Hegg, who documented the Alaska-Yukon gold rush. But, the report continues, and this is the grotesque and horrific part, “the ...nationality of the children remain a mystery because the photographer didn’t list their names.

Now is that stupid, or just criminal misdirection?

The child in the picture looks like Greta Thunberg who we all know is Swedish. In fact, the lookalike is a dead ringer for Greta Thunberg. Therefore, the lookalike, photographed (not surprisingly by a Swedish photographer), must be of the same race as Greta, which is to say Swedish, or some sub-race of the Swedish people.

But no. Such an acknowledgement that there is such a thing as the Swedish nation, a biological entity designated for destruction through repressed fertility and mass replacement immigration, cannot under the rule of political correctness, which is to say enforced lies, be acknowledged.

So, Greta, you have a valid point about climate change. Your generation will indeed suffer the consequences of any ill effects of climate change more severely than your predecessors. But have a thought for your posterity.

Are there to be no more pretty Swedish girls, no more Greta lookalikes, but only mongrel Swedes, as likely black as white? Surely you think not. So fight on. Fight for an end to fossil fuel combustion, certainly, but fight also for the survival of your own posterity.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Time For Another Children's Crusade?

Vancouver's School Board supports students who skip school for a climate strike.

Apparently, kids now believe that the world will end in 12 years.

Those of us a bit older that 12 years, have heard warnings about the imminent end of the world  due to frost or fire, for decades now. But we have grown used to them, having found that life just goes on, decade after decade.


In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.

SOURCE: UN International Panel on Climate Change, Third Report, Chapter 14, Section, (2001)

But evidently the climate "scientists" with their bent, or should I say hockey-stick, graphs have got our kids to turn on their parents.

Here's one of them addressing the UN in full condemnation mode:

So perhaps it's time to hand over the whole business of world government to the kids.

Indeed perhaps it is time for a new children's crusade: not to conquer the Holy Places of Jerusalem but oil fields of Arabia.

But meantime, kids, those of you not entirely convinced that all will be lost without immediate abandonment of school and career planning, here are some thoughts from one of the monsters of your parents' generation: Scott Adams — A Message for Children About Climate Change.

Strategic Culture Foundation: Russia Has Greta Thunberg’s Solution
CanSpeccyRising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas