Monday, December 2, 2019

Greta Thunberg, the Media and White Self-Genocide

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old who is, therefore, too young to have much knowledge about the very complex issue of the effect of human activity on the world's climate. Still, she makes a valid point. The media, all Western governments, and every school and university insists that anthropogenic carbon emissions, i.e., the burning of fossil fuels, is leading to what will be a catastrophic change in global climate.

What Greta Thunberg is saying, namely, that it will be her generation and its successors that will suffer the most severe consequences of this approaching disaster, a disaster brought by the actions of older generations is, therefore, entirely logical and as valid as all the fear-mongering about climate change.

Moreover, not only is Greta Thunberg's message entirely reasonable, it is highly effective for the simple reason that, when not contorted by anger or fear, Greta has a pretty face: a pretty face that should remind us of another ongoing disaster imposed upon our youngest generations by the fecklessness and criminality of older generations.

That other ongoing disaster is the destruction of the sovereign democratic nation states of Europe and their diaspora, the result of genocidal policies on abortion and immigration resulting in a collapse in the fertility of the European peoples and their replacement by people of alien race, religion and culture.

How does Greta Thunberg remind us of this other ongoing disaster, which will see Greta's generation of Swedes outnumbered in their own homeland by immigrants and their descendants?

Strangely, indeed, she reminds us of this genocidal catastrophe by virtue of the recent publication of a photograph from the 1890's showing a group of children working a placer mine in the Yukon territory.

Here's Greta:

Here's Greta's lookalike, a child gold miner gold in 1898:

And here's Greta and her lookalike side by side:

Now here's the horrifying reality underlying this story. The black and white photograph showing Greta's lookalike and entitled “Three children operating rocker at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, circa. 1898,” belongs to the archives at the University of Washington. The photo, so CTV News reports, is part of a large collection of pictures taken by Swedish photographer Eric Hegg, who documented the Alaska-Yukon gold rush. But, the report continues, and this is the grotesque and horrific part, “the ...nationality of the children remain a mystery because the photographer didn’t list their names.

Now is that stupid, or just criminal misdirection?

The child in the picture looks like Greta Thunberg who we all know is Swedish. In fact, the lookalike is a dead ringer for Greta Thunberg. Therefore, the lookalike, photographed (not surprisingly by a Swedish photographer), must be of the same race as Greta, which is to say Swedish, or some sub-race of the Swedish people.

But no. Such an acknowledgement that there is such a thing as the Swedish nation, a biological entity designated for destruction through repressed fertility and mass replacement immigration, cannot under the rule of political correctness, which is to say enforced lies, be acknowledged.

So, Greta, you have a valid point about climate change. Your generation will indeed suffer the consequences of any ill effects of climate change more severely than your predecessors. But have a thought for your posterity.

Are there to be no more pretty Swedish girls, no more Greta lookalikes, but only mongrel Swedes, as likely black as white? Surely you think not. So fight on. Fight for an end to fossil fuel combustion, certainly, but fight also for the survival of your own posterity.

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