Friday, January 10, 2020

Boeing: Building Planes Designed by Clowns Supervised By Monkeys

Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad. At Boeing Corp. madness has grown from the top down beginning years ago when the management decided in its wisdom to locate the headquarters staff in Chicago, several thousand miles from the main manufacturing plant in Seattle, WA. 

Without a bunch of engineers, machinists, and electricians to bug them with the everyday problems of a manufacturing operation, the management was free to focus on financial engineering and other  matters of real importance to the success of the company.

Having so little need of engineering expertise, the Board largely dispensed with engineers, until there was only one who remained, namely Dennis Muilenberg, CEO, President and Chairman of the Board.

But as of January 13, Boeing will have no aeronautical expertise whatever on the Board of Directors. Replacing Muelenberg as CEO, will be Dave Calhoun, a graduate in accounting and a published author. Calhoun's published works include:
How Companies Win, and
 Profiting from Demand-Driven Business Models No Matter What (Even when the planes you produce aren't safe? -- just asking)
And he's a musician too, having issued, among other albums, a CD entitled:
Day drinkin'.
So it's not so surprising to find that, in a batch of internal memos, Boeing was obliged to make public what an employee wrote of the Boeing 737MAX, namely,  that it was:

"designed by clowns, who are in turn supervised by monkeys..."
or that in another internal communication, a Boeing test pilot remarked:

"Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn’t." 
In reference to such remarks, the plane-maker described certain internal communications as "completely unacceptable," which confirms that Boeing truly is run by monkeys who think that engineering know how is irrelevant to the management of an aircraft manufacturing company. All you need, apparently, is to know how to  profit "from Demand-Driven Business Models No Matter What", as Boeing's new CM (Chief Monkey) wrote.

Moon of Alabama: A Year After The Second MAX Crashed Boeing Is Faced With Ruin
Zero Hedge: Congress Rips Boeing's "Culture Of Concealment" & FAA's 'Jeopardizing' Public In Scathing 737 MAX Report
CanSpeccy: Boeing Got the Monkey Management Virus from Jack Welch's GE
Zero Hedge: Internal Boeing Emails Claim 777X Shares MAX Problem
Zero Hedge: Boeing Mocked Lion Air "Idiots" For Requesting Extra Training For 737 MAX
"Now friggin Lion Air might need a sim to fly the MAX, ... because of their own stupidity." one Boeing employee wrote in June 2017 
Zero Hedge: 30 Year Boeing Manager Says "Fly Something Else", Won't Fly on 787 Dreamliner
Canspeccy: What's Wrong With Boeing's 737MAX Airliner?


  1. The entire Board of Directors of Boeing should but put on trial for treason, and when found guilty, punished appropriately. And considering that we are still at war in Afghanistan, that special punishment for treason is on the table.

    1. Maybe the directors could be put in stocks at the next shareholders meeting, the shareholders to be supplied with rotten tomatoes, dead cats, and buckets of owl shit.

    2. That would be a find prelude to their arrests.
