Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Covid Conspiracies

Covid 19 may be among the latest in a long line of viruses that have jumped the species barrier from animal to man, in this case from a bat, either directly, or via an intermediate host. There are grounds, however, to suggest that the transition was by way of a virology lab engaged in so-called gain-of-function research, which is to say research aimed at increasing the infectivity or virulence or both of the virus.

If it is the case that Covid19 crossed the species barrier by way of a virology lab, a question that arises is whether the virus was loosed on the world accidentally, as is perfectly possible, or deliberately.

On the assumption that it was released deliberately, a multitude of possibilities arise as to motive. Covid19 is highly infectious, and it kills, yet it lacks the killing power to significantly depopulate either a targeted state or the entire world. What it does effectively, however, when combined with media and political hype, is scare people. Logically, therefore, if the virus was intentionally released from the laboratory, scaring people must have been the reason for its release.

But if the virus was released to scare people, to what end was this done? Several answers have been discussed, including various political and economic theories: for example, to impoverish the workers, by compelling acceptance of an economic shutdown and the resultant sky high unemployment, thereby driving incomes down, while justifying the funneling of trillions of dollars to banksters, speculators and corporate fat cats.
Via Zero  Hedge:
EU Car Sales Crash 57% In May
Another idea is that the Covid Recession is aimed at permanently reducing consumption, in particular energy consumption, thereby moderating human-caused climate change.

Another theory is that the largely innocuous Covid19 was released to better prepare the world to deal with far deadlier viral pathogens to come, the latter arising either spontaneously or lab-created and deployed as warfare agents. To that end, much is being made of the importance of so-called "track and trace" operations to identify and contain outbreaks. Currently, such work depends chiefly on interviews with infected individuals about their past contacts. The future of such operations, however, will be entirely automated and proactive. Tracking software is already available from Apple and Google, and the Government of Canada is offering its own product.

Currently, the use tracking software is voluntary, but one would be naive to assume that it will remain voluntary when there is a virus on the loose with the ability to kill a substantial proportion of those infected. Current voluntary use of the tracking apps will allow their further development. Combined with software capable of handling gigantic quantities of data, the apps will make possible 24/7 monitoring of a person's location and hence their contacts with other persons being tracked. The software will then be able to issue notifications, warnings, and instructions, (e.g., to go into isolation) as the result of contact with those found to be infected. The system would also, presumably, issue notices of penalties for breach of lock-down or quarantine.

In a new and even more frightening epidemic, the use of tracking apps will seem desirable and even necessary to most people. Their use will then be made mandatory. Those without a cell phone will be required to have an implanted tracking chip. Meantime, there will be increased reliance on online payment systems, thus allowing general application of the Chinese method of social control by denial of banking services -- i.e., the means to engage in any financial transaction including the purchase of food, to be imposed for any legal infraction including breaches of lock-down or quarantine.

In due course, the system will be broadened. Contact with, say, known drug dealers, or handlers of stolen goods, or advocates or, depending on which way the political wind is blowing, opponents of Black Lives Matter, will be noted and appropriate police action taken.

Covid19 thus looks like a Trojan horse. Not too dangerous. Something we can experiment with. Until, the real significance of the thing becomes apparent and Western man's brief age of freedom is over.

Monday, January 6, 2020

A Word to the Beautiful and the Rich

Ricky Gervais, at the Golden Globes Award Ceremony

So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a political platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything, you know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So, if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God and fuck off. OK?

....Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. Well, you say you're woke but the companies you work for in China — unbelievable. Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service you'd call your agent, wouldn't you?

Poll: Celebrities should stay out of Politics

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why Did It Take the Geniuses of Tech Until Now to Discover That Alex Jones of Infowars Is Full of Crap

Here's what we wrote seven years ago:

If you thought Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley was a historian, think again.

In this video, Tarpley and Alex Jones compete to spout the most rubbish about the British Parliamentary system of government.

That was two years ago. Since then, they have learned nothing as this discussion arising out of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton demonstrates.

According to these geniuses, Britain and 15 other countries nominally headed by Britain's constitutional monarch are, in reality as well as in name, largely ruled by the octogenarian great grandmother, Elizabeth Windsor, who Tarpley decribes as a degenerate, psychopathic, genocidal Nazi maniac.

Astounding. They cannot really be that stupid can they? But if not, what propaganda interest do they serve?

For the record (from Wikipedia):
In Britain, the Glorious Revolution of 1688 led to a constitutional monarchy restricted by laws such as the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1701, although limits on the power of the monarch ('A Limited Monarchy') are much older than that (see Magna Carta). Today the monarchy in Britain is politically neutral and by convention the role is largely ceremonial.[1] No person may accept significant public office without swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen.
The claim agreed upon by these wackos that the Queen dissolves Parliament at will, chooses the Prime Minister, sets the Government's agenda by the "Queen's speech," declares war or made the decision to evict the residents of the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia to make way for an American air base is a farrago of nonsense or simply a collection of preposterous lies.
Read More

Source: CanSpeccy, Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley: Propagating Looney Lies About the British Monarch

Also in 2011 we pointed out another load of garbage from Jones in a piece entitled:

Cecil Rhodes' secret society for Anglo-Saxon global empire and Alex Jones--Master of Misdirection

That the tech media companies, Apple, Facebook, Youtube and Spotify took until now to figure out that Alex Jones is fake news, suggests that the geniuses of tech are not quite as as bright as they seem to think their fabulous wealth implies. That they acted against the lying loose wheel Jones only in concert, suggests that they don't have much in the way of guts either.