Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Shareholders in US-based global corporations such as Apple, IBM, GM, etc., have done well out of globalization, replacing high-wage workers at home with either sweatshop labor abroad, or immigrants who undercut American workers.

For the capitalist class, therefore, globalization is good and they want more of it.

And why, you may ask, should a company not take advantage of lower cost immigrant labor or cheap labor abroad: after all, those foreign workers need work just as much as over-paid native-born workers in the West, and we all benefit from the lower costs of goods and services provided by cheap foreign labor.

Well here's a reason.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

NY Times: CIA Report Lacks Concrete Evidence of Russian Hacking

CIA Motto: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.”

According to the New York Times, the report of America's top US intelligence agencies claiming  a Russian “influence campaign” ordered by President Vladimir V. Putin with intent to "skew the the outcome of the 2016 presidential race,"  lacked "any concrete evidence" of Kremlin election meddling. 

The report, the Times states,
provides no new evidence to support assertions that Moscow meddled covertly through hacking and other actions to boost the electoral chances of Donald J. Trump and undermine his rival, Hillary Clinton, but rests instead on what it describes as Moscow’s long record of trying to influence America’s political system.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1983: The Late Congressman Larry MacDonald on Republican Cucks For the New World Order

Definition of the Day: No. 79

Higher Education:

[A] political racket whereby Democrats fork endless cash to tuition extortionists, and lousy scholars impart insane ideas to debt-strapped students who are made dysfunctional citizens in the process.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Post That Disappeared: The Rot At the Head of the University

Reading the latest from the Marquette Warrior, aka Marquette University Professor John McAdams, on the efforts of Marquette's President, Michael Lovell, to impose on Marquette University, a supposedly Catholic institution, the rule of PC, I was prompted to review my own post of almost a year ago entitled: The Rot at the Head of the University, which however, I was unable to find either by way of this blog's search function or using Google to search the Web. That seemed odd since the post comes up at the head of the list in a Bing.com search, and it is in fact, still online as originally posted.

So, in the perhaps naive hope that Google won't exclude it from any future search of the Web, here's that post again.
In The Intellectual Costs of Diversity, Robert Weissberg explains the devastating harm to academic excellence done by the promotion of diversity  in the American University — a cost that guarantees America's demise as the world's leading intellectual, scientific and technological power.

In discussing this transformation of academia, the author considers the motivation of the Interim Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Champaigne-Urbana, Barbara Wilson, who has announced diversity, i.e., rigged hiring to insure blacks and women are favored over better qualified white or Asian males, to be central to the university’s mission. His conclusion is this:

... abandoning intellectual excellence is best explained by physical intimidation and what is most remarkable is the inconsequentiality of this threat. What interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson and others face is at most some fleeting verbal abuse …

This, sadly, is complete rubbish, for if it were not, it would be a simple matter to find university leaders with the balls to insist that the university is about scholarship, not the replacement of Christian morality with that of Political Correctness.

The State of US:Russia Relations

Source: CBC


RT: Russia demands Washington explain after reports say US military hacked into Russian networks

Zero Hedge: "Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

Craig Murray: Exit Obama in a Cloud of Disillusion, Delusion and Deceit
Anybody who believes the latest report issued by Obama as “proof” [of Russian hacking] provides anything of the sort is very easily impressed by some entirely meaningless diagrams. William Binney, who was Technical Director at the NSA and actually designed their surveillance capabilities, has advised me by email. It is plain from the report itself that the Russian groups discussed have been under targeted NSA surveillance for a period longer than the timeframe for the DNC and Podesta leaks. It is therefore inconceivable that the NSA would not have detected and traced those particular data flows and they would be saved. In other words, the NSA would have the actual hack on record, would be able to recognise the emails themselves and tell you exactly the second the transmission or transmissions took place and how they were routed. They would be able to give you date, time and IP addresses. In fact, not only do they produce no evidence of this kind, they do not even claim to have this kind of definite evidence ...
Independent: US government hackers ‘penetrate’ Russian electric grid and communication lines to be ‘ready’ in case of election day interference

SCF: A Loser’s Malice: What’s Behind Obama’s Attacks on Putin

Friday, December 30, 2016

Crap Canadian Journal Inadvertently Publishes Exposé of Its Own Corrupt Operation

A website accused of publishing fake science has posted an editorial saying that it, and others like it, are “predators” that treat legitimate scientists as suckers.

It’s an editorial that was written and submitted by the [Ottawa] Citizen, as part of our own little experiment.

Scientists should “park any ethics at the door” before publishing in the Journal of Applied Molecular Cell Biology, the journal’s own editorial adds.

We suspect the journal may have published the piece online without actually reading it — which would explain why it allowed its own editorial to accuse it of cheating, of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing that preys on scientists, of self-aggrandizement and of smelling bad.

The publisher is Consortium Publication of Saskatoon, which publishes using the logo and links of the Indian company OMICS International. OMICS publishes about 700 low-quality online journals and has recently been acquiring Canadian journals that were formerly independent.

Read more

Thursday, December 29, 2016


1. The Need for Heretics

In the modern world, science and society often interact in a perverse way. We live in a technological society, and technology causes political problems. The politicians and the public expect science to provide answers to the problems. Scientific experts are paid and encouraged to provide answers. The public does not have much use for a scientist who says, “Sorry, but we don’t know”. The public prefers to listen to scientists who give confident answers to questions and make confident predictions of what will happen as a result of human activities. So it happens that the experts who talk publicly about politically contentious questions tend to speak more clearly than they think. They make confident predictions about the future, and end up believing their own predictions. Their predictions become dogmas which they do not question. The public is led to believe that the fashionable scientific dogmas are true, and it may sometimes happen that they are wrong. That is why heretics who question the dogmas are needed.

Canadian University Teachers Put U. Lethbridge's PC Commissar, aka, President, Under the Gun For Illegal Discriminatory Action Against a Faculty Member

American Herald Tribune, Dec. 12, 2016: The witch-hunt against University of Lethbridge professor Anthony Hall may have just ended not with a bang but with a whimper. And it is the Israel lobby group B’nai Brith Canada, and its flunkies at the University of Lethbridge, who are whimpering.

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) just issued a stinging reprimand for University of Lethbridge president Mike Mahon, a glorified gym teacher who unilaterally suspended Professor Hall without pay because he disagrees with Hall’s political views.

Read more
Note to President Mahon: Engaging in an unwarranted attack on the freedom of speech of a member of your own faculty who happens to be the Editor in Chief of a newspaper is the kind of thing that will get you a well-deserved come-uppance, much to the enjoyment of all and sundry.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Even the best things come to an end. After enjoying a quarter of a century of writing this column for Creators Syndicate, I have decided to stop. Age 86 is well past the usual retirement age, so the question is not why I am quitting, but why I kept at it so long.

It was very fulfilling to be able to share my thoughts on the events unfolding around us, and to receive feedback from readers across the country – even if it was impossible to answer them all.

Read more

Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sahara Snowfall, 1979

Anthem for the Alt- New World Order:

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Misrepresenting the Danger of Mass Migration

The other day, the Daily Mail ran a story under the following headline:

How many MORE atrocities before our leaders stop lying to us and admit that, thanks to their immigration policies, being mowed down while doing your Christmas shopping is simply the new normal?

The risk of being mown down while doing your Christmas shopping is, actually, not high. In fact, it is infinitesimally small.

The real danger to the European people of the immigration policies pursued by the Western elites is that unless those policies are ended now, the European peoples will cease to exist as a distinct racial and cultural group within a generation. Current Western immigration policies are, in other words, a program for the genocide of the European people.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Democracy, Shamocracy and the Death of the West

Is there a ceiling to the nationalist vote, asks John Derbyshire in another handwringing piece about the ongoing destruction of the European peoples. To which the correct answer is: who cares?

Democracy and the death of the West are synonymous. The European people never wanted mass immigration of Africans, Asians, Muslim middle-easterners, or anyone else. But they've nevertheless had it good and hard, whoever they voted for.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Brilliant Billionaires, No. 79: Mark Zuckerberg Cracks the Hard Philosophical Problem — What Is Truth?

We all know that young Mark Zuckerberg is a very smart man: a man of vision as well as a business tycoon. But who would have imagined that young Mark would answer what has been recognized throughout the ages as the greatest of all philosophical questions, namely: what is truth?

Yet young Mark has slashed the Gordian knot. He has discovered the test. He has found the touchstone of ultimate Truth, and it is to be put to immediate use, purifying the thoughts of mankind and advancing humanity in one giant leap to a state of perfect enlightenment. Henceforth, young Mark's fakebook will transmit nothing but the purest truth.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Will President Obama be charged with treason over a fabricated birth certificate?

The report states: 
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo along with forensic experts on two continents have concluded that President Obama’s birth certificate is not authentic and are seeking to take the matter up with the federal government.

Dubya Bush On Trial For War Crimes

As Sputnik International reports, the United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit heard oral argument, December 12, in Saleh v. Bush, a class action lawsuit filed against key members of the George W. Bush administration for war crimes.

This report includes a 20 minute video of the court proceedings which suggests that the prime concern of the court is not whether war crimes were committed by the Bush II Administration but whether, if war crimes were committed, Bush and members of his cabinet are subject to prosecution under US law.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Why US Oligarchs and the Democratic Party Are Attempting a Coup d'Etat Against Trump

The following was written in December 2016, immediately after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, when it seemed possible to believe that Trump ("wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with the Russians")represented an alternative to the globalist scheme for world empire. Events have proved that on the contrary, Trump is simply a more militaristic replacement for the former frontmen for world empire, the Rapist-in-Chief, the Bush, the Shrubs and the wannabe Hillary. or as H.L. Mencken said of FDR, Trump, is simply "a fraud from snout to tail." That, however, does not invalidate the thrust of the following commentary, which deals with the plan for the take-down and dismemberment of Russia as a preliminary to a shoot-out with China.

In 1971, when the Soviet Union was at the height of its power, the fear in the West was of Soviet tanks rolling Westward to the Atlantic, leaving the United States with the choice of resolving the issue either by means of an all out nuclear war, or accepting Russian global hegemony.

To counter the threat, the US gave diplomatic recognition to Red China, the implication being: if Russia moved West, China, with US support, would move West also, to regain vast swaths of territory and the underlying energy and mineral resources lost to Russia under the, so-called, unequal treaties of the 19th Century.

Today Russia is weak, but China is strong and rapidly growing stronger. To the plutocratic class, both in America and China, Russia's weakness creates a golden opportunity: an opportunity to strip Putin's circle of crony capitalists of the vast resource wealth of Russia. Or as Canadian wannabe oligarch, Conrad Black wrote in the National Post:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

UK Ambassador Trashes Claim Russia Hacked US Election

Hillary Clinton, in October, was the first to accuse Russia of meddling in the US Presidential election in order to prevent her winning, and to impose Donald Trump on the American people.

Now US "intelligence officials" are informing trusty mainstream media (i.e., globalist propaganda) outlets such as mostly-billionaire-Thomson-owned Reuters that:
U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that as the 2016 presidential campaign progressed, Russian government officials devoted increasing attention to assisting Trump's effort to win the election.
Specifically, Reuters claims, based on statements from unnamed "U.S. officials briefed on the matter," and as reported in the Washington [Com]Post, on Friday that:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part II

Some time ago I wrote a two-part critique of Frans de Waal's book, The Atheist and the Bonobo, arguing that de Waal not only fails to understand the evolutionary significance of religion in the success of human groups, but advocates a return to the moral world of the apes, a proposition that seems guaranteed to insure continuation of the social disintegration now to be witnessed in the Western world.

Part 1 of that critique delivers, I believe, points worth making. Part 2, however, enters I now see, a realm of incoherence, notwithstanding the validity of the objective that I was driving at.

Normally, coming across a flawed post from the past, I either shrug or hit the delete button. The critique of de Waal, however, seems worth getting right, especially as, according to my blog stats, people are still reading it. Here, then, is the revision. which I have temporarily pinned to the top of the page. 

First Posted December 8, 2016. revised November 23, 2019: Frans de Waal, whose accounts of animal behavior have won him numerous awards and honors, believes that empathy, which is innate to both mankind and many other species, is the only effective basis for socially constructive behavior and that religion as a guide to human conduct is, therefore, both unnecessary and undesirable.

However, as I discussed in an earlier post, de Waal fails to acknowledge the limits to the power of empathy, which is most clearly expressed among family members, friends and neighbors, but which is less evident or entirely absent in interactions among strangers, especially among strangers differing in tribe, culture, race or nation.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Trouble With Climate Science

The trouble with what is called "climate science" is that it is all about predicting the future, and as someone said, predictions are difficult, especially about the future.

Sometimes, it's true, science predicts the future reliably enough. For example, if you'd said on any day during the last four and a half billion years that "tomorrow the sun will rise in the East," you'd have been proved correct. Moreover, much else about astronomy is highly predictable. But that's because everything in the vast emptiness of space happens, well, in space. In other words, astronomical events are highly predictable because the objects about which predictions are made, planets, satellites, stars, and galaxies, are affected by their environment in very few and very predictable ways. These bodies exist in gravitational and electromagnetic fields the properties of which are well understood and which, on astronomical scales, change in strength and conformation incredibly slowly.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part I

Ethology is the study of animal behavior. Franz de Waal is a distinguished ethologist and author of several best-selling accounts of primate behavior. As de Waal reports at length in the Atheist and the Bonobo, and other works, a key feature of the behavior of apes and to a greater or lesser degree other social animals, is sharing, helping, commiserating, comforting and demanding fairness. 

From this reality of animal social existence, de Waal concludes that morality is neither unique to humans nor dependent on religion, but is inherent in mammalian biology. Furthermore, he contends, that religion is, though difficult and perhaps impossible to eradicate, superfluous to the good society.

Thus, de Waal writes:
This brings me back to my bottom-up view of morality. The moral law is not imposed from above or derived from well-reasoned principles; rather it arises from ingrained values that have been there from the beginning of time.
In this, however, de Waal is sadly confused. The constructive, cooperative, fairness-demanding and mutually beneficial behavior of social animals is not evidence of morality, natural or otherwise. It is merely the rational, self-serving behavior of the small business owner who refrains from swindling his customers in the hope that they will return for more. It is the principle of you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. By helping one another, social animals achieve a level of well-being beyond that attainable were they to live independent, uncooperative lives.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

About Shit

In the late sixties, when I worked briefly at Vancouver's mountain-top Simon Fraser University, I encountered a Communist agitator who made much of the fact that "even the Queen shits." I never discussed this proposition with him, but I suppose the idea was to associate with Canada's monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, one's deeply ingrained aversion to the sight, smell, or thought of shit. In particular, it must have been supposed that once identified as a shitter, Her Majesty would, together with the entire Canadian political establishment, lose all credibility and thus be thrust aside by a disgusted proletariat to make way for the revolution. The same approach was adopted with a view to discrediting the Pope and thus the Catholic faith.

Happily, despite exposure to such treasonous and heretical propaganda, I remain a loyal subject of Her Majesty the Queen and no enemy to the Catholic church. Still, the line of attack did make some sense, and reveals why shit remains one of the world's outstanding problems, for shit is something people just don't like to think about. But with seven billion, going on ten billion, humans on the face of the planet, we do need to confront the reality of around ten million tons of shit a day. That's about 350 kilograms per hectare per year, worldwide. So mind where you step: especially in poorer parts of the World, where people mostly just shit behind a bush and leave disposal to natural processes, or people walking away with it adhering to the soles of their shoes — if they have shoes.


There are times when being Prime Minister of Canada merely because your father was Prime Minister of Canada proves unrewarding. For Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, the occasion of the death of his father's friend, the Cuban Communist dictator, Fidel Castro, has proved to be one such time. Remaining loyal to his father's friend, and indeed his own friend, Justin Trudeau said, among other things:
It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest-serving president... [a] larger than life [personality]... a legendary revolutionary and orator... I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother, President Raúl Castro, during my recent visit to Cuba. On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader....

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kennedy versus the CIA: the Power Struggle That Preceded the Murder

On November 23rd, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, we argued, based on consideration of means and motives, that the CIA most likely killed Kennedy with a nod from Vice President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was not only a beneficiary of the killing, but the man in a position to impose a cover up. The CIA, of course, got to kick-start the war it wanted in Vietnam.

Then, we wrote:
A peculiarity of the American Constitution is that, on the death of the President, the Vice President is automatically sworn in as the new president. What a temptation that must present to a sociopathic Vice President.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

PC Children's Tales and the Modernization of Censorship

Jack, who wanted to be known as Jill, and Jill, who wanted
to be known as Jack, went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Source: @Spectator pic.twitter.com/tDjGbGFi7T
By Denise Chipani

In their original incarnations, the wildly popular Nancy Drew series of mystery books, first written by a two-woman team (under the pen name Carolyn Keene) in the 1930s, were rife with racism and anti-Semitism. Villains were often shifty-eyed, hook-nosed, or swarthy. A “Negro caretaker” is “lazy.” In response to pressure from their publisher, the authors re-edited the books in the late 1950s. That means that the Nancy Drew stories you or I remember were already minus the obviously offensive passages and plots, scrubbed clean and made PC (well, PC by midcentury standards, anyway).

But some would argue that the excisions also left the stories less meaty overall (certainly the original authors felt that way). Did we miss out? Not just on interesting subplots and adventurous twists, but on the chance to, say, discuss with parents and teachers how times had changed, or why people once felt a certain way about people different from them — or why some still harbor those prejudices?

Friday, November 18, 2016

Global Warming Is Not a Hoax, It`s An Unproved, and Likely Unprovable, Hypothesis

Donald Trump is reported to have said that global warming is a hoax. In fact, the claim that the climate is being warmed due to human activity is not a hoax, but a hypothesis, and quite an old one.

Svante Ahrrenius, in 1896, was the first to quantify the contribution of carbon dioxide to Earth's temperature and to speculate on whether variations in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide have contributed to long-term variations in climate. In later publications he suggested that the combustion of coal would affect global temperature.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How Trump Will Confound His Critics By Creating Good Jobs for Americans... Perhaps

"Stemming the rot in American manufacturing may defeat even Trump" runs the title of a piece published today over at the Unz Review.


Trump’s great advantage over his opponents is his mastery of Grade 4 English, by means of which he is readily understood by his blue-collar base, while being unintelligible to his more highly educated, which is to say brainwashed, opponents.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Treason Party President Obama Goes Abroad to Attack the President Elect

Daily Mail: ‘Trump tapped into troubling strain of rhetoric to win U.S. election’: Barack Obama attacks the President-elect on the first day of his final foreign tour where he was met by SCOWLING Greek guards.

But what was it that Hillary, the Democrats-for-the-dismantling-of-America, and the departing president found so troubling about the Trump campaign?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump Gone NeoCon Warmonger Already?

In common with many Trump supporters on the alt-right I've long harboured a horrible doubt that - just maybe - he was a huckster using his marketing genius to tap into the zeitgeist, leveraging it to close the ultimate sale. Did he really plan to get on with Russia, de-fund NATO, pull American troops out of the Middle East (i.e. stop fighting wars for Israel) and instead focus attention and resources on domestic issues? If that represented his true beliefs then he literally could not have made a worse choice for National Security Adviser.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

American Graffiti: Die Whitey, Die

Hillary's Supporters Express Their Dissatisfaction 
With the Election Result in Nazi Fashion.
Breitbart, Novermber 10, 2016:

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – What started as a protest against President-Elect Donald Trump soon turned to violent riots where one of New Orleans’ most famous monuments was covered in graffiti and glass windows were shattered out of a nearby bank.

Hundreds showed up to denounce the election of Trump–but despite media reports of a peaceful gathering, the crowd grew increasingly hostile and violent, according to Breitbart Texas sources on the ground.

Why Justin Trudeau Is Ready to Renegotiate NAFTA

"If the Americans want to talk about NAFTA, I’m more than happy to talk about it." So said Canada' Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, thus proving that Canada's current Prime Minister is a very sensible pragmatist. 

Canada, like the US, has lost a large number of jobs in both manufacturing and services to Third World jurisdictions such as Mexico, where people are happy to take the job of a Canadian for the payment of mere pennies an hour. 

Why Trump Won

While the beautiful people of Hollywood whimper of their devastation at the election of Donald Trump, and while Canadians contemplate a wall to keep Hillary's fanatical followers from flooding across the border, here is why Donald Trump won.

He won because he spoke to the interests of white Americans and all of blue-collar America, black, white or brown, which is to say, he spoke to the American majority.

He spoke to the people that Hollywood and the liberal-left establishment hold in contempt.

These are the people who lost their jobs, or whose parents lost their jobs or whose children lost their jobs  to Mexicans, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Bangladeshis for the greater profitability of Amazon.com, Walmart, and Clinton Inc.

These people and their communities have been devastated in the cause of globalization, which has meant subjecting American labor to competition from people in the Third World earning pennies an hour. These are the people Hillary called "deplorables," and "irredeemable" and of whom she said, "they’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic".

To Hillary's backers, from Wall Street to Hollywood, the only question about white America is when will those rust-belt losers and rural hicks shut the fuck up and die.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The stupidity of IQ Testing

We all know that people differ mentally in a great many ways: some are reflective, others impulsive; some are sympathetic, others are sociopathic; some are creative, others seem never to have a witty or imaginative thought; some are sensible, others are flighty, fanatical, or prone to panic; and some are smart, whereas others cannot do a simple arithmetical calculation in their head or solve an elementary logical puzzle.

So how do we measure the human intellect? Among educators and psychologists, the most common procedure is to conduct a test of reasoning ability that yields a result called an intelligence quotient, or IQ.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's Closest Aide, A Saudi Spy?

ETF News: SHOCK CLAIM – Is Huma Abedin a SPY?

Clinton Foundation Investigation: Huma Abedin
... The Abedin family business, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), is related to the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) is an organization founded in Saudi Arabia by al Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Huma served as an assistant editor at this journal for 12 years – while she simultaneously worked at the White House. She also worked at a journal that promotes Islamic-supremacist ideology, founded by one top al-Qaeda financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef. Naseef ran the Rabita Trust, which is considered a foreign terrorist organization under American law...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

America: A Failing State

The headlines indicate that the US Empire is coming apart.

The reasons are multiple, but the rot is from the head, the result of an elite mental illness giving rise to the delusion that the heaven-born ones, the Ivy-League-trained scions of the one percent of the one percent, can create their own reality simply by ordering that it be made so.

Like George Soros, they believe themselves to have become gods, free to treat ordinary, deplorable Americans with unlimited condescension, ridicule, and contempt.

The process whereby this once great nation is in the process of self destruction resulting from ruling class madness is spelled out in an essay After the Republic  by Angelo M. Codevilla, from which the following is ane excerpt.

Under our ruling class, “truth” has morphed from the reflection of objective reality to whatever has “normative pull”—i.e., to what furthers the ruling class’s agenda, whatever that might be at any given time. That is the meaning of the term “political correctness,” as opposed to factual correctness.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

9/11 Hallucinations

Scott Adams recently contends that, to deal with cognitive dissonance, people hallucinate in a way that resolves the conflict.

Thus he wrote:
Cognitive dissonance happens when you are confronted with a truth that conflicts with your self-image. To reconcile the conflict, your brain automatically triggers an hallucination to rationalize-away the discrepancy.
Adams illustrated the effect by reference to a tweet he had made to the effect that the terrorist group ISIS wants Hillary Clinton to win the forthcoming U.S. Presidential election.

Monday, October 24, 2016

America's Failed Democracy

American democracy has failed on many levels.

(1) The aggregation of the media, print, radio, film, television and most of the Internet, by little more than a handful of giant corporations including Time Warner (now about to be swallowed by AT and T), Comcast, Walt Disney, Google, 21st Century Fox, marks the transition of a free press, an essential component of a meaningful democracy, into a Money Power mouthpiece.

Friday, October 21, 2016

University of Toronto Prof. Rubbishes Politically Correct University Administration

Almost exactly 30 years ago, I was appointed to a tenure track position as Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. After employment as a scientist and consultant with three governments, I had had enough of bureaucracy, and its stifling stupidity.

To be appointed to a position at Canada's greatest university, where I expected to succeed or fail solely according to my own effort and creativity was a great joy. Moreover, there were people at the University of Toronto for whom I had the greatest respect and with whom I hoped to have at least occasional contact.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump Leads Clinton By 1 Point Going Into Debate — IBD/TIPP Poll*

Investors' Business Daily, October 19, 2016: After more than a week of blistering attacks from Democrats, celebrities and the press, Donald Trump has managed to pull ahead of Hillary Clinton by a 1.3 percentage point margin — 41.3% to 40% — in a four-way matchup, according to the new IBD/TIPP poll* released on October 19, 2016.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Madonna: A ScumBag For Hillary

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

When Anti-Semitism Is Both Patriotic and Just

The United States is, and always has been, a plutocracy. Legislators and the Executive are elected, but they take election campaign funds and, in most cases, personal benefits (the use of corporate-owned executive jets, fishing lodges, plus after-office directorships, consultancies, book deals, etc.) from the moneyed interests. These payoffs are absolutely guaranteed, not because the paymasters are honest or inherently trustworthy, but because they have to convince the next lot of office-holders that they will get theirs. Moreover, the same interests fund both parties. Thus, when a Money-Power-controlled Republican or Democrat gets the boot from the House, the Senate, or the Oval Office, they are replaced in the House, the Senate, or the Oval Office by a Money-Power-controlled representatives of the other party.

This system of government is not necessarily all bad. It insures that the ship of state does not veer crazily from one direction to another with every turn in the electoral fortunes of the ruling political parties. Moreover, the legislators and the President are elected and thus do no doubt endeavor to do good to their constituents, or at least to appear to do good to their constituents, so far as that is consistent with loyalty to their financial backers.


By Patrick Buchanan

WASHINGTON – “Remember, it’s a rigged system. It’s a rigged election,” said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday.

The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, “Il n’y a que la verite qui blesse.” It is only the truth that hurts.

The Cheap Moralizing of Never Trump

Trump voters get that the elite contempt for their man is a proxy contempt for them.

By William McGurn

Wall St. Journal, October 17, 2016: Three weeks out from Election Day, the Never Trump argument has been neatly summed up by Bill Maher. Not only is Donald Trump coarse and boorish, anyone who supports the man is as revolting as he is.

On his show last month, Mr. Maher put it this way to Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway: “You are enabling pure evil.” The HBO comedian went on to amuse himself by adding that “Hillary was right when she called a lot of his supporters deplorable.”

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trump: The Clintons Are Criminals

The following are his complete remarks::
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

First They Came For the Straight White Men

The Irish Savant, October 12, 2016: The London Independent tells us that:
... a BBC presenter has condemned the broadcaster’s diversity strategy and claimed he was dismissed from his role for being a “white man”. Jon Holmes, a Bafta-winning writer and comedian who has appeared on Radio 4’s The Now Show for 18 years, claimed bosses let him go after informing him the show was being recast with “more women and diversity”.
In the finest traditions of a Stalinist Show Trial, Holmes prefaced his complaint with the following disclaimer: "I totally understand and agree with ....harder quotas and diversity targets. Diversity is important. Of course it is. We know it is. That's beyond argument. But maybe it's time to open up the debate — and, in all honesty, not just because I'm on the receiving end.” 

Oh ho ho ho Jonny boy. Being on the receiving end is the one and only reason you're belatedly calling for a debate. Whereas I'm not familiar with your work my assumption is that during your current affairs comedy career at the HebeBC you never once called for such a debate. Because had you done so you'd have been out on your ear pronto.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Trump, An American Revolutionary, Has Raised a Rebellion Against the Bi-Partisan Treason Party

As we explained yesterday, the United States is, as those who drafted the US constitution intended, a plutocracy with the trappings of democracy to keep the plebs in thrall.

There are two parties, but the elected legislators of both parties sell their votes to the same moneyed interests, i.e., the banks, the mega corporations, and the dynamic elements among the billionaire class.

Why Are Sweden's Proud Nordic People Committing Suicide By Mass Immigration of Muslim Rapists?

rape and assault rape statistics from Sweden from 1985-89
and 1997-2001. Rape committed by Swedish born rapists
(blue) were 22.4%. Foreign rapists represent 77.6% of all 

figures divided into ‘normal’ representation (pink) at 665; over
representation (red) at 3,752 rape cases; unregistered
migrants (orange) at 653 rape cases. Source
Here's Why.

Sweden's news media and government are, apparently, almost entirely owned by a single family of Jews who evidently don't like Swedes.


Swedish rape crisis boils over as media stay silent

Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West. Japan Didn’t

Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The American Republic: There's a Lot of Life in the Old Whore Yet

Over at Unz.com there's a ridiculous spiel about the epidemic of political correctness in academia that results in such lunacies, among a million others, as a Nobel Prize winner having his reputation destroyed by a liar and then booted from his academic position for some feeble self-deprecatory joke, this undeserved trashing fully backed by both the jackass Provost of University College London and the morally defective President of the Royal Society (and here, and here), a man who had shared the Nobel Prize with this victim of Royal Society persecution.

What the article at Unz.com attempts to show is that political correctness on campus is the product of leftist infiltration and a failure of conservative push-back.

This notion is complete bollocks. The left rules in academia because it serves the treasonous purpose of the globalist Money Power, or what passes for the conservative right in America. Object to the globalist policy of open borders and the left deflects criticism of the corporate interest by calling you a racist. Object to women taking men’s jobs (thereby driving down wages) in preference to staying home and propagating the race, and the left calls you a male chauvinist and a misogynist.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Platform Trump Should Have Adopted: Screw Making America Great Again, The Existing Racket Will See Our Time Out

Screw making America great again.

If Trump had simply told Americans what they want to hear, he'd be on his way to a landslide victory.

Here's what he should have said.

To black, Hispanic, and poor white American citizens: Forget jobs. There are millions of Mexicans, Africans, Asians, and terrorist desperate to get to America to take your job —if you have one, that is.

Well we'll just let 'em come!

Why work when someone else is dying, quite literally in many cases, to do the job for you?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why Trump Will Lose In a Landslide

There are more Americans, around 110 million of them, receiving means-tested Federal welfare benefits that are in full-time employment (about 105 million). For the welfare recipients, Donald Trump might free-up a few jobs that would otherwise have gone to illegal immigrants, but frankly, "Right to Work" has no great appeal to the majority of those habituated to free government money.

Of the 105 million in full-time work, more than one fifth, almost 22 million, work for government, Federal, state or local. They know Trump isn't for more bureaucracy or higher government wages, so none of them will vote for the Republican.

Why America's Boobocracy Will Vote For Hillary and Its Own Extinction

Americans appear set to vote Hillary for President and thus for the dismantling of their sovereign, democratic, nation state and the white race in North America.

America's EuroAmerican majority is now such a stupid, decadent, porn-soaked, ignorant, pathetic, feminist, anti-family, Christ-hating, Twittering, pervert-friendly, politically correct, brainwashed (aka, educated) boobocracy that they embrace the prospect of their own eclipse and eventual extinction as inevitable and indeed desirable, like the academic morons at Portland State University who applauded Bill Clinton’s 1998 upbeat announcement of the end to America's white majority:

Monday, October 10, 2016

On the Current Path

Jim's blog, October 10, 2016: If you teach your elite to hate western civilization, whites, and modern technology, you are not going to have any of them for very much longer.

It looks rather as if 99% of western peoples are going to perish from this earth. The survivors will be oddball types, subscribers to reactionary and rather silly religions in barren edge regions like Alaska.

Recent events in Syria suggest that the Russian capability for air warfare is substantially more technologically advanced than that of the US – Russians are acting as if they think it is, and Americans are also acting as if they think it is, though no one will know for sure unless war ensues. Maybe Russians are bluffing, but when civilizations decline, it is normal for the center to decline first, while the periphery keeps going for a little bit longer. That American spacecraft rely on Russian plutonium, and that for a while America relied on Russian transport to the space station suggests that technological decline has hit America harder than Russia, is consistent with Russian air superiority over Syria.

Chinese GDP now substantially exceeds that of America.

Read more

Friday, October 7, 2016

Leaked Monmouth U. polling memo: Hillary seen as a ‘lying harpy’ (Americans Smarter Than Elite Wish. Polls More Rigged Than Public Know)

On September 16, 2016, someone (name redacted) sent a “secure email” to Patrick Murray, the director of Monmouth University Polling Institute (MUPI).*
It is imperative to create a morale boosting narrative in the liberal demographics. Our last published polling note gave liberals a “week before panic.” We must deliver on a turn-around in polls or risk collapse of enthusiasm. The data from our call / email sieve as well as legitimate polling indicates a level of despondency equivalent, roughly, to the Michael Dukakis candidacy. This is due to (a) Trump’s successful presidential-narrative surge and (b) a massive lack of enthusiasm on the part of minority and millennial voters who are beginning to view Obama as a failed president and Hillary Clinton as a ‘lying harpy.’ (word association testing focus groups).

B'nai Brith Canada Achieves Expulsion of Professor from U. Lethbridge for Speaking About Human Rights Abuse in Israel

Professor Hall has apparently been booted from U. Lethbridge for "allegedly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories," see CBC report linked below.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Globalist Economics No. 37: Raising the Minimum Wage, or How to Make Water Flow Uphill

Western liberals hate it when it's pointed out that their globalist policies create poverty in the developed nations by putting the Western workforce in direct competition with the billions of poverty-stricken workers of the Third World: from Bangladeshi garment-industry workers employed in collapsible factories for pennies and hour, to Chinese electronics assemblers employed in factories with anti-suicide nets, and Indian IT technicians earning in a year what a similarly qualified American or European might earn in a month.

So what to do?

Raise Western wages by fiat. Legislate a higher minimum wage.* Easy, hey! And sure to win the hearts and minds of every economically illiterate voter, which is to say most people.

What, after all, could go wrong in ordering greedy, fat-cat employers like Donald Trump to pay their workers more?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Misunderstanding Evolution, Or Evolutionary Theorists May Be Wrong, But Fred Reed Is Wronger

Fred Reed has a gift for a witty turn of phrase that has earned him a respected place among Internet essayists. Verbal facility and comprehension whereof one speaks are not, however, necessarily related as Fred has amply demonstrates in a recent contribution to the Unz Review entitled Darwin Unhinged:The Bugs in Evolution.

Let me count some of the ways in which Fred misunderstands the theory of organic evolution.

(1) Fred begins his attack on the theory of evolution by citing a dead Polish expert on typhus who held that scientists in any field inevitably develop a “thought collective.” In other words, Fred suggests, evolutionists are dopes incapable of thinking for themselves.

Trikileaks: Assange The Serial Disappointer, Disappoints Again

Assange: I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th.

Didn't happen did it.

Then there was: 

"October Surprise" Is Back - Wikileaks' Assange Confirms Tuesday Video Appearance

But Tuesday came and no surprise. 

No surprise.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

9/11 Myths Exposed By Firefighters, Architects & Engineers

Nine-Eleven, the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and the attack on the Pentagon, which occurred on September 11, 2001, changed the course of world history.

It gave rise directly to US-led wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, which together, resulted in 370,000 battlefield deaths, 6,800 of the victims being US soldiers. Including all disability claims, US forces suffered almost one million casualties.

The war on Iraq led directly to the emergence of ISIS that, with its war-spawned jihadi predecessors, has killed or expelled virtually the whole of Iraq's 1.5 million Christians.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

PC Language Control and the Rise of the Third Reich

Acknowledgments to What Really Happened.

Hitler's Brown Shirt enforcers of Nazi ideology, were, so this commentator argues, the counterpart of today's enforcers of political correctness, directing hate and violence at those who fail to conform to the state orthodoxy.

The Brown Shirts were financed with aid from the Union Bank Corporation of the United States. Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of Presidents George H. W. and George W. Bush, respectively, was a director of the Union Bank Corp. The bank was shut down during the war under the US Trading With the Enemy Act.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

TTT: TED Talk Twaddle

Ted Talks aim, it seems, to provide some incredibly deep novel insight about the world in a presentation of scintillating wit and crystalline clarity, that can be assimilated by anyone with even the most modest intellectual aspirations and only ten or fifteen minutes to spare.

In fact, incredibly deep and novel insights, or novel insights of any kind at all, tend to be rather few and far between. Moreover, the most important novel insights are often the product of highly specialized research in arcane fields such as quantum mechanics, neurophysiology or hominid paleontology in Northwest China, topics that are not immediately accessible to the casual Web browser. Thus, TED Talks tend to fall short of expectation. Indeed, some amount to nothing more than hifalutin bunk, while others make claims that go far beyond, or which contradict, the evidence.

Readers Rave over Hillary's Latest Book

WND Reviews the reviews of Hillary's latest book co-ghosted with Tim Kaine, Stronger Together. Here's one of the gentler ones:
I was going to read this book … I really was. But just as I got started, I found myself under sniper fire, passed out, and fell and hit my head. After that I got double vision and had to wear glasses that were so damn thick I couldn’t even see to read. As if that wasn’t enough, I then had an allergic reaction to something and started coughing so hard I spit out what looked like a couple of lizard’s eyeballs, my limbs locked up, and I passed out and fell down again, waking up only to find out I had been diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days earlier. Somehow I managed to power through it all, but it’s a good thing I was able to make a small fortune on this random small trade in the commodities market (cattle futures or some such thing) and then, miracle of all miracles, a few banks offered me a few million to just talk to their employees for a few minutes – and all that really helped out because I swear I was dead broke and couldn’t figure out how I was gonna come up with the 6 bucks to pay for this book, let alone pay the $1,500 for my health insurance this month. I still want to read it, but, honestly, what difference at this point does it make? I hear it sucks anyway.
And a couple of the shorter reviews:

on September 24, 2016
Just reading a couple pages cured my constipation.

on September 16, 2016
My only disappointment with this book is that it ended before Batman showed up to haul her to jail.
on September 23, 2016
I was going to give this book an unfavorable review but I fear for my life.
on September 25, 2016

Very sophisticated social political work! I now understand what led to the creation of the 
Third Reich and it's...... OOPS!!! Sorry. I thought I was giving a review on Mein Kampf. Awkward!

Hundreds more great reviews over at Amazon.com, though they're disappearing fast. As one reviewer notes: "Our lovely new President knows to delete Amazon reviews as well."


Zero Hedge: Amazon "Tweaks" Its Hillary Book Stats: Doubles '5-Star' Reviews Overnight

James Corbett: The Real Cost of the War on Terror

Feminists Against Italians Having Babies

According to feminists, asking Italian women to have babies with Italian men to reverse their nation's low birthrate is "racist" and "sexist."

Read more

How Is It, Again, That Hillary Differs From Trump on Illegal Immigration?