Monday, December 23, 2019

Way to Go: Foundering Boeing Corp. Replaces Aeronautical Engineer With An Accountant as CEO

Last June, writing of Boeing Corporations penny pinching stupidity, we  noted that:

... Boeing corporation has only one aeronautical engineer on its board of directors, Dennis Muilenburg, who serves as President, Chairman, and Chief Operating Officer. With the exception of a couple of book-keepers, other board members appears to be of little more than decorative value, vanity board members, including such engineering notables as Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK, and just-appointed Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the UN. ...

But apparently Boeing's directors judged that one aeronautical engineer on the Board was one too many, so today they fired Muilenburg and announced that they will replace him with David Calhoun, currently the global head of private equity portfolio operations at Blackstone.

In January, Boeing will appoint Lawrence Kellner, a real estate developer, as Board Chairman.

Boeing Corp, RIP.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Why Boris Won, Why Comissar Corbyn Lost

It was about Brexit.

And Brexit was about immigration.

And immigration, to quote Steve Bannon:

... is to flood the zone with cheap labour, and the reason is because the elites don’t give a fuck about African Americans and the Hispanic working class. They don’t care about the white working class either. You’re just a commodity.

So they have unlimited labour and they’re paying you nine bucks an hour. ‘Let more guys in and, by the way, it’s bigger markets.’ It destroys the working class. That’s what we’ve got to protect. Once we show working-class people of every ethnicity and race that you being a citizen you get a special deal, you get that realignment."
But why didn't Labour, understand that?

Because the Labour Party, or left, in Britain, like America's Democrats, comprises two groups. There's what the Brits call the working class, what in America is the blue-collar class, and what the Commies call the proletariat. These are the people with the least education, the roughest jobs and the lowest wages.

Then there's the revolutionary thinkers, the intellectuals and the organizers of the revolution, which is to say the Labour Party's Corbynite faction, widely backed by public sector workers, the bureaucrats, teachers, nurses, doctors, university professors, all folks with powerful unions, good salaries, job security, index-linked pensions. These are the "educated" folks with a Clintonite contempt for the deplorables, which is to say the common people who oppose the destruction of their communities by an mass influx of immigrants of alien race, religion and culture.

The Labour Party under Corbyn thus represents not what is understood by the term workers, but mainly a privileged caste of what in the Soviet Union were known as the Nomenclatura. These are a people who benefit from cheap immigrant labor and the off-shoring of jobs, because it slows the rise in the cost of living.

It is also the class that, in the Soviet Union, led to an economic implosion and which, wherever such a class exists, strives mightily to increase its own importance and power by burdening the common people with ever increasing taxes to fund ever more badly managed public interventions in every sphere of life.

Folks in Britain's declining industrial cities realizing what Corbyn and his followers were about, voted accordingly.

CanSpeccy: How Britain's Working Class Ditched Corbyn's Labour Party
VOE: Norwegian gov't awards Islamists 100,000 euros to convert Christian church to a mosque
VOE: Belgium: Migrant population in Ghent doubles in 4 years

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Time to Bring F-Words and Urinating on the BBC

The BBC brings F-words and urinating on graves to Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in the first major adaptation of the festive classic to be considered unsuitable for children. 
The people at the BBC are so depraved they are unable to understand why decent people see them as depraved, disgusting, and dishonest.

Which means it is time for the Johnson Government to bring "F-words and urinating" on the BBC. 

Time, in fact, to abolish the television license fee on which the BBC feeds and let the pervs at Broadcasting House live on voluntary payments -- in the improbable event that they can get voluntary payments.

And happily, the Progs who live by the BBC ideology are the least likely to volunteer their own funds in support of what in their phantasmagoric vision they take to be the public interest. No, Progs expect to receive by extortion, not give, while using what they receive to insult those from whom the funds have been extorted. 

Jeffrey Epstein's Business: Treason

Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation:
MintPress spoke with Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy who worked closely with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, as part of their work with Israeli military intelligence and had frequent encounters with Jeffrey Epstein.

By Whitney Webb

MONTREAL — In recent weeks, renewed attention has been brought to the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking and sexual blackmail operation was run on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. Those claims revolve around statements made by a former Israeli military intelligence official turned public relations consultant Ari Ben-Menashe, whose allegations regarding the Epstein scandal were reported by MintPress this past October.

... Ben-Menashe claimed to have seen Jeffrey Epstein in the office of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, several times in the 1980s.

At the time, Ben-Menashe was in close contact with Robert Maxwell regarding their work mutual work with Israeli military intelligence. Maxwell, in addition to heading a media empire and being a one-time member of U.K. parliament, was a longtime operative for Israeli intelligence, so much so that his 1991 funeral was attended by no less than six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence as well as several high-ranking Israeli politicians and prime ministers.

Maxwell is alleged to have recruited Jeffrey Epstein for Israeli intelligence ...

In addition, Ben-Menashe revealed his understanding of why Epstein was eventually shepherded into acting as a professional sexual blackmailer on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. Per Ben-Menashe, there were concerns among Israeli intelligence figures that, following the Reagan Era, a new president would push for Israel to make peace with the Palestinians, something those officials sought to avoid by any means necessary. ...

Thus, Ben-Menashe argues, when Bill Clinton’s candidacy in the 1992 U.S. Presidential election became clear, efforts were made to target him via sexual blackmail and Jeffrey Epstein was chosen for that purpose. Bill Clinton was eventually blackmailed by the state of Israel and his administration was also targeted by Israeli espionage as part of the “Mega” spy scandal. Epstein’s involvement in the Clinton administration and his visits to the White House date back to Clinton’s first year in office.

And since Jews regard themselves as members of a nation to which their first loyalty is owed, all diaspora Jews are, like Jeffrey Epstein, potential traitors.

To avert attention from that fact, Jews treat any reference to the dual loyalty of the diaspora as anti-Semitism. What that shows is that anti-Semitism will only end when all Jews to return to Israel.

A return of diaspora Jews to Israel would add to the hardships of the Palestinians, for which reason the Western nations, who created the state of Israel precisely for the purpose of repatriating Jews to the Middle East, should compensate Palestinians with both territory and development funding.

CanSpeccy: Jews, Traitors and the Self-Destruction of the European Nations

Friday, December 13, 2019

How Britain's Working Class Ditched Corbyn's Labour Party

The British working class has rejected Comissar Corbyn in preference for the one-nation, British sovereigntist, Boris Johnson, thereby reasserting their traditional conservative and nationalist loyalties.

To justify the trust the people of Britian's industrial towns have place in him, Boris Johnson must deliver three things: first, a real clamp on mass immigration; second, a real clamp on the freedom of banks to load the population with debt (debt based on money the banks have been given the freedom to print from thin air); and third, massive investment in: (a) infrastructure from broadband Internet to schools, hospitals and rail transport; and (b) the redevelopment of Victorian-era slum housing and derelict industrial land to create healthy, fully serviced communities with associated industrial and commercial parks.

Boris Johnson victory Speech

Londonistan riots over British people's choice of government

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A Message to Maxime Bernier

The following is the text of a message I just sent Maxime Bernier. M. Bernier founded and now leads the Peoples Party of Canada. Previously, he served in the cabinet of Prime Minister Stephen Harper as Minister of Industry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of State for Small Business and Tourism. He was narrowly defeated by Andrew Scheer in the contest for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Following today's announcement of Andrew Scheer's resignation as leader of the Conservative Party, I emailed M. Bernier as follows:

Now Scheer's out, time to rejoin the Tories and make another run for the leadership.

Best regards,

Don't be hard on Greta, she's only reacting to what her teachers, the science establishment, the media and the Government of every Western Nation have endlessly told her, namely, that carbon dioxide is destroying the earth and that she, as a member of the youngest generation, will suffer the greatest consequences. So she may know nothing about climate science, but she is responding entirely reasonably to what almost all supposedly responsible people are telling her.

the carbon tax is the most economically efficient way to control carbon emissions, but it's insane for Canada to adopt a carbon tax on a purely national basis as that puts us hugely at a disadvantage with trade partners without a carbon tax. We should opt for a carbon tax only in conjunction with our major trade partners, especially the US, and provided that there is a countervailing duty on goods from countries without a carbon tax.

Why not a real tax reform proposal including: (1) 100% tax exemption on income below the median earned income; (2) an increase in the GST to 20%, with rebates to those with below median incomes (this would make the GST a consumption tax that would encourage savings and investment); (3) a zero rate corporation tax on distributed earnings (which will then be taxed as personal income in the hands of recipients); (4) a flat tax of 20% on all income in excess of the median (i.e., including capital gains assessed annually on all financial assets whether disposed of or not); (5) if there is a need for additional revenue, a capital tax, not to exceed 1%, with a personal exemption of $2 million.

If you agree, why not write M. Bernier ( too.

In response to those urging Maxime Bernier to run for the Conservative Party leadership, the People's Party of Canada issued a statement reading, in part:

Following the resignation of the Andrew Scheer yesterday, our leader Maxime Bernier was asked by some journalists if he intended to run again in a CPC leadership race. His answer was clear: There is zero chance of it happening.

That party is morally and intellectually corrupt. Scheer was a weak leader who pushed it to the centre. Their next leader will do the same. This is why our party exists: To offer a principled conservative alternative to Canadians. We’re here to stay!
That is the only reasonable reaction, though it does not mean that M. Bernier would not, under the right circumstances, run for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada: it just means that the Conservative Party of Canada would have to send a top level delegates to entreat M. Bernier to run for the leadership. They'd also need to make a public apology for Scheer's people hiring a shyster PR outfit, i.e., Warren Kinsella, to mendaciously smear Bernier as a racist.

This, however, the Conservative Party of Canada will not do for the obvious reason that the Conservative Party of Canada is not a conservative party. It is just another liberal party that operates in accordance with two fundamental forces:

First, the fear of being found politically incorrect.

Second, the bipartisan lust for after office payoffs, which means subservience to the money power and in particular the freedom of the banks to print the money with which they have inflated one of the World's greatest property bubbles, in the process making Canadians among the world's most indebted people. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Feminism and the Destruction of the Western Nations

An article at the Unz Review, entitled Women In Universities (IU’s Provost Lauren Robel, Dean Idie Kesner) Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing argues that women are destroying academia through "female-typical behavior", a notion upon which he expands by quoting some person saying: 
... females become upset more easily, making it more difficult to engage in unemotional academic disputations, because their logic is more likely to be overwhelmed. Females are also more conformist than men, which militates against challenging received knowledge and thus discovering new things.
This is bunk. Yes, women are different from men, thank God. But that does not make them unfit for academia. What is destroying academia is a whole lot of things, including the fraudulence, dim-wittedness, and bureaucratic mentality of most of today's so-called academics. And, yes, feminism is a powerful corrosive of academic excellence, and indeed, of academic sanity. 

Let me explain.

In 1951 Charlotte Whitten became mayor of the city of Ottawa, the first women in Canada to hold the mayoralty of a major city. Today, she is remembered chiefly for her remark that:
For a woman to succeed in a man's world she needs to be twice as good as a man.
 At the time Mayor Whitten spoke, her words were largely true throughout the Western world. Then, for most women, the main career opportunity was motherhood, and to distinguish herself in that role, a woman needed to raise distinguished sons.

As an incentive to faithfully performing that essential service to the race and to civilization, women were provided with a considerable measure of economic security by virtue of marriage and divorce laws. Moreover, the absence of legal abortion services gave women a powerful incentive to seek marriage rather than casual sex.

But there were always women who pursued careers and demonstrated that, if not twice as good as a man, some could certainly match the achievements of men. In those days, therefore, it was the case that for a woman to become an academic was, in itself, evidence of real ability.

Today, the situation is totally different. Virtually all the protections provided to women who commit to the raising of children have been removed, while casual, safe and sterile sex has been facilitated and promoted by almost every public institution from parliaments to parish churches, and from the media to the medical profession.

The result? A feminist revolt manifest not in the Lysistratan refusal to provide husbands and lovers with sexual gratification, but in the truly wicked refusal to perpetuate the race, pursuing instead the financial security of a career and, in the case of the most able, power.

Western society is now well on the way to extinction, with fertility rates far below replacement and without the slightest prospect of recovery, the population deficit being made up by immigrants of mainly alien race, religion and culture. Feminists in academia, are among the principle agents of this disaster, relentlessly justifying and propagating their self-genocidal ideology. Meantime, of the native reproduction, this now depends heavily on the welfare class, as more intelligent women, propelled by the feminist ethic, pursue sterile self gratification through career success. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

An Exclusive Interview with Satan

In view of the interest evoked by my interview with Jesus of Nazareth, I decided to further enhance understanding of the supernatural forces at play in this world by seeking an interview with the Devil in Hell. I anticipated some difficulty reaching out to the Lord of Darkness, but my emailed request for an interview received a prompt and positive response.

Thus it was that I found myself seated the other day at a table outside a neighborhood StarBucks in conversation with a pleasant-mannered individual dressed in a well-cut two-piece suit in a good quality, charcoal gray worsted, and with a plain white shirt and a black and white polka-dot tie. His manner was charming, his features pleasant, and his complexion not, as I'd expected--dark as the event horizon of a black hole--but somewhere between olive and white.

The weather was cool, and I was glad to have worn a full-length overcoat together with a hat and scarf and to have a mega-sized mug of Starbucks' regular grind around which to warm my hands. Satan, however, seemed oblivious to the cold and indeed radiated a perceptible warmth of which I was only too glad.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Greta Thunberg, the Media and White Self-Genocide

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old who is, therefore, too young to have much knowledge about the very complex issue of the effect of human activity on the world's climate. Still, she makes a valid point. The media, all Western governments, and every school and university insists that anthropogenic carbon emissions, i.e., the burning of fossil fuels, is leading to what will be a catastrophic change in global climate.

What Greta Thunberg is saying, namely, that it will be her generation and its successors that will suffer the most severe consequences of this approaching disaster, a disaster brought by the actions of older generations is, therefore, entirely logical and as valid as all the fear-mongering about climate change.

Moreover, not only is Greta Thunberg's message entirely reasonable, it is highly effective for the simple reason that, when not contorted by anger or fear, Greta has a pretty face: a pretty face that should remind us of another ongoing disaster imposed upon our youngest generations by the fecklessness and criminality of older generations.

That other ongoing disaster is the destruction of the sovereign democratic nation states of Europe and their diaspora, the result of genocidal policies on abortion and immigration resulting in a collapse in the fertility of the European peoples and their replacement by people of alien race, religion and culture.

How does Greta Thunberg remind us of this other ongoing disaster, which will see Greta's generation of Swedes outnumbered in their own homeland by immigrants and their descendants?

Strangely, indeed, she reminds us of this genocidal catastrophe by virtue of the recent publication of a photograph from the 1890's showing a group of children working a placer mine in the Yukon territory.

Here's Greta:

Here's Greta's lookalike, a child gold miner gold in 1898:

And here's Greta and her lookalike side by side:

Now here's the horrifying reality underlying this story. The black and white photograph showing Greta's lookalike and entitled “Three children operating rocker at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, circa. 1898,” belongs to the archives at the University of Washington. The photo, so CTV News reports, is part of a large collection of pictures taken by Swedish photographer Eric Hegg, who documented the Alaska-Yukon gold rush. But, the report continues, and this is the grotesque and horrific part, “the ...nationality of the children remain a mystery because the photographer didn’t list their names.

Now is that stupid, or just criminal misdirection?

The child in the picture looks like Greta Thunberg who we all know is Swedish. In fact, the lookalike is a dead ringer for Greta Thunberg. Therefore, the lookalike, photographed (not surprisingly by a Swedish photographer), must be of the same race as Greta, which is to say Swedish, or some sub-race of the Swedish people.

But no. Such an acknowledgement that there is such a thing as the Swedish nation, a biological entity designated for destruction through repressed fertility and mass replacement immigration, cannot under the rule of political correctness, which is to say enforced lies, be acknowledged.

So, Greta, you have a valid point about climate change. Your generation will indeed suffer the consequences of any ill effects of climate change more severely than your predecessors. But have a thought for your posterity.

Are there to be no more pretty Swedish girls, no more Greta lookalikes, but only mongrel Swedes, as likely black as white? Surely you think not. So fight on. Fight for an end to fossil fuel combustion, certainly, but fight also for the survival of your own posterity.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Frans de Waal: An Ethologist's Confusion About Ethics — Part II

Some time ago I wrote a two-part critique of Frans de Waal's book, The Atheist and the Bonobo, arguing that de Waal had failed to grasp the evolutionary significance of religion in the success of human groups, while advocating a return to the moral world of the apes for the betterment of society. Specifically, he advocates a world regulated by the rules of conduct set forth by Nicolo Machiavelli, in the Prince, a manual of conduct for an absolute ruler unaffected in the pursuit and retention of power by either empathy or morals.

Part 1 of that critique delivers, I believe, points worth making. Part 2, however, entered I now see, a realm of incoherence, notwithstanding the seeming validity of the objective that I was driving at.

Normally, coming across a flawed post from the past, I either shrug or hit the delete button. The critique of de Waal, however, seems worth getting right, especially as, according to my blog stats, people are still reading it. Here, then, is the revision, which I have temporarily pinned to the top of the page. 

First Posted December 1, 2016, revised November 23, 2019, with a concluding addendum November 30, 2019: Frans de Waal, whose accounts of animal behavior have won him numerous awards and honors, believes that empathy, which is innate to both mankind and many other species, is the only effective basis for socially constructive behavior and that religion as a guide to human conduct is, therefore, both unnecessary and undesirable.

However, as I discussed in an earlier post, de Waal fails to acknowledge the limits to the power of empathy, which is most clearly expressed among family members, friends and neighbors, but which is less evident or entirely absent in interactions among strangers, especially among strangers differing in tribe, culture, race or nation.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is an IQ-ist?

Having Followed a debate about the massive reported differences in mean IQ among nations over at Ron Unz's singular blog, I conclude that an IQ-ist true believer is a person who knows that:
(1) If you are smart enough to come up with the theory of relativity, then you are smart enough to have (a) written Hamlet; (b) composed Fuer Elise, Einer Kleine Nachtmusic, and the Blue Danube Waltz; (c) Painted the Mona Lisa; and (d) fried an egg while balancing on a wire over Niagara Falls.

(2) That a kid raised on the streets of what IQ-ists seem invariably to call a “shithole country” (e.g., USA, or at least parts thereof) is generally less adept in the manipulation of words and numbers than a graduate of Exeter and Harvard or Eton and Oxford solely because of an inferior genetic potential.

(3) The best way to deal with critics of the IQ-ist thesis is by: (a) unsubstantiated assertion; (b) unsubstantiated negation; or (c) argumentum ad vericundiam, ignoratium, nauseam, or hominem.
Such beliefs and modes of debate are characteristic of the unscientific mind. The mind of the individual unaware of the logic of scientific discovery, and in particular, the dependence of scientific advance on testable hypotheses and the rejection of hypotheses inconsistent with empirical evidence.

They are, in fact, the modes of thought of what may be a majority of psychologists, adherents of a “discipline” that brought to the world the deeply strange construct of Freudian psychiatry, the equally bizarre behaviorist’s denial of the existence of mind, and, today, IQ-ism, so dear to the hearts of race supremacists and those committed to a fascistic social order under which each person will bear a definitive mark of intellectual rank, thereby establishing a rigid hierarchy of status and authority.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ford's New Mustang for the Baby Boomers

Theodore Beale, over at Vox Popoli, writes of Ford Motors' latest incarnation of the Mustang:

American automotive buffs are not happy with Ford permitting its new electric vehicle to wear the Mustang brand as a skinsuit. ... Although I'm not an American muscle car guy, I can sympathize. I wasn't happy when Ford acquired and trashed the Jaguar brand either. But seriously, diversity or not, how hard is it to grasp that a Mustang is a sports car, not A 4-DOOR UTILITY VEHICLE?
On this rare occasion, Vox is missing the point. Being older than Vox, older even than a baby boomer, I recall that, when the Mustang was introduced, Ford ran an ad with the words:

                               We Heard That the Kids Were Coming
So now is the time for the latest iteration of the Mustang, offered with the implied slogan:

                               We Heard That the Kids Were Going
Which is to say, they are offering the same "kids" a Mustang providing a final fun ride with the grand-kids in back.

 As for today's kids, Ford couldn't care less. Loaded with student debt, there's no way they'll be able to buy a car for years, if ever.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ever Wondered Who Edits Trikipedia? Ambassador Craig Murray Discusses the Role of One Philip Cross and His Media and Neocon Connections

The always intelligent, always well informed Craig Murray exposes the amazing connections between Triki-Wikipedia, the invention of  ex-pornographer, Jimmy Wales, the late James Le Mesurier, a founder of the White Helmets, those angels of Middle-Eastern mercy bearing false tales about poison gas attacks in Syria, the folks who write the newspaper columns designed to shape your opinion on world affairs, and a hyper-active Trikipedia editor by the name of Philip Cross:, November 14, 2019: Perhaps the only fact on James Le Mesurier about which I would agree with the MSM war cheerleaders is that he was a very busy man. It is remarkable therefore that he found the time and inclination to follow “Philip Cross” on twitter. Given that “Philip Cross” has virtually never posted an original tweet, and his timeline consists almost entirely of retweets of Nick Cohen, David Aaronovitch and openly pro-Israel propaganda accounts, why would Le Mesurier bother to follow him?

“Philip Cross” has never posted any news other than to retweet columnists. He has never given an insight into a story. In addition to James Le Mesurier, why then were all these MSM journailsts following “Philip Cross” from before “he” gained notoriety for his Wikipedia exploits?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The New Nazis: Poles Resisting National Self-Genocide

Europe's has a population policy based on the following principles:

(1) Promote girls' education and encourage intelligent women to chose careers over family.

(2) Make up the population deficit and more through immigration of people of alien race, religion, and culture.

(3) Heavily tax the most able members of the population, including the women the state has indoctrinated to prefer money over motherhood, and use the funds so appropriated to support the reproduction of the welfare class, both indigenous and immigrant.

(4) Compel acceptance of (1) – (3) by means of K to post-graduate education heavily loaded with political correctness, with emphasis on white self-hatred, promotion of every form of perverted — that is, non-reproductive — sex, and contempt for Christianity, the ancient faith of the European peoples.

Objective: the death of the European peoples as racial and cultural entities and the Islamification of Europe.

Now those rotten stinking white, racist, Christian Poles are up in arms against their own genocide:

A thirty-eight million nation in the heart of Europe (i.e., with a population approximately the size of Spain's) has been revolting against the EU establishment and its view of European unity based on cultural and religious indifference and anti-nationalism.

Polish President Andrzej Duda asked citizens to unite under "one common homeland, beyond all divisions," but acknowledged that "different ideologies and beliefs" are permitted in Poland.

While millions of radical Muslim refugees have poured into France, Germany, Sweden, UK, Italy, and Spain, creating social-economic chaos on the streets of those countries, Poles are attempting to revive their nation through patriotism and traditional Catholic values. Source
So what to do?

The best idea, surely soon to be implemented by the EU's unelected leaders, is to follow the advice of Professor Christine Fair of Georgetown University in Washington, DC, who, referring to the white male defenders of Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh when he faced unsubstantiated allegations of  sexual assault during his high school days said:

“[they] deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.” Source 
In response, Georgetown University, a nominally Christian and nominally Catholic institution, indeed the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institution of higher education in the US, stated that it:

“respect[s] Fair’s right to freedom of speech.”  Source 

Catholic Christianity: RIP. Indeed, US of A RIP.

CanSpeccy: My Plan To Destroy America

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Deep State Trump Resistance: The Second American Civil War


Monty Pelerin's World: The status quo is always difficult to alter. Resistance is a normal reaction to change. The current theatrics in Washington, DC are especially revealing.

Donald Trump is many things to many people. His supporters believe him to be a savior of the American system and way of life. His opponents see him as a threat, Both views are correct. From the beginning, I viewed Mr. Trump as a wrecking ball:

… there has never been an inauguration speech like this one. Contrary to Pogo, Trump defined the enemy and it was not us. This wrecking ball clearly differentiated between the average man and the parasites who inhabit Washington.

The speech was populist all the way. It was anti-establishment all the way. Clear demarcation lines were drawn. I sense that war was declared on Washington, DC today. There will be no compromise. Either Trump will be destroyed or he will dismantle much of the Washington establishment.
This assessment has been validated by subsequent events. The winner of this existential battle is still in doubt. That itself is rather remarkable. What appeared to be a quixotic crusade now takes on heroic aspects, at least for many outside Washington. What once seemed impossible no longer does.

Don Quixote Trump still may not be favored in his battle against Goliath but the odds have shifted. The American people have been awakened to how the elites have exploited them. Whether Trump wins this battle or not, the Deep State has lost the war. They have been exposed as ruthless, lying exploiters. Don Quixote has suddenly become Goliath.

David Stockman on How the Deep State Really Works

International Man: Last year, President Trump took the unusual step of bypassing his advisors to announce his intention to withdraw all US troops from Syria quickly. The decision rattled Washington and the mainstream media. It caused former Defense Secretary Mattis to resign. Almost a year later, the US has withdrawn only a token number of soldiers. It still has thousands of troops occupying the part of the country where oil fields are located. What is going on here?

David Stockman:
Well, that’s the Deep State at work.

Donald Trump is all by his lonesome. He’s home alone in the Oval Office. Now, half of it, he can blame himself. If he hires someone, a known idiot like John Bolton, what does he expect is going to happen except that everything he wanted to do is going to be undermined.

Nevertheless, he can’t seem to find anybody who can articulate on a day-to-day basis a pathway to the more restrained America First posture that he had in mind.

He’s surrounded by people who constantly countermand his orders. You have James Jeffery, the US Ambassador and special envoy to Syria saying, “Well, Trump didn’t mean that when he said he wanted the troops out of Syria.”

We have the same thing with North Korea. Trump finally said, here we are, 66 years after the armistice and we still don’t have a peace treaty, and we’re still occupying the Korean peninsula, which is of no interest to our national security one way or the other.

You have to do what I would call “contrafactual history.” In other words, if you understand what could have happened the other way, then maybe you’re not going to be so impressed with all this threat inflation.

I go back to why the Korean War happened, because I think it’s important to this whole thing going on now, with Trump trying to make a deal with Kim Jong-un.

In the late ’40s, Washington officials said that Korea is outside our sphere of influence, the line between North and South hastily drawn at the Potsdam war conference in July 1945. Dean Acheson, the US secretary of state in the late 1940s, said it was a mere surveyor’s line; it’s of no strategic influence. What if common sense had prevailed, instead of the hot-headed advice that President Truman got?

What if Truman had said, “Okay, we’re vacating this damn peninsula”? Well, it would have become a quasi-province of China, just like all the rest of them.

They’d probably be making all kinds of stuff, sending it to Walmart today, and nobody would know the difference.

Instead, we had a war. If I remember right, 54,000 servicemen were killed. The whole peninsula was pummeled, carpet bombed, and literally destroyed. It was like a wasteland in the north. There are reasons why the Kim family has survived all these years, because they hate us for what happened. People remember. It was really scorched earth. I mean, it was in some sense genocide, even then.

So, all of that happened, and Eisenhower comes in and is astute enough to say that we don’t really have national security on the line. He negotiated an armistice, and yet the War Party kept tension on the DMZ for all those years because it had to be in the playbook of threats.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

ABC's Cover-Up of Epstein's Criminal Enterprise: A Cover-up of a Cover-up With a Spiel About a Cover Up?

Is this what it seems?

Speaking of Jeffrey Epstein, she says:

So do I think he was killed? A hundred percent yes I do.
Certainly, Ms. Robach is good. 

She'd convince most guys that Jeffrey Epstein is no more.

And on the basis of what?

Nothing, actually, except her opinion, which is no better informed than yours since you have been told as much about Jeffrey Epstein and his associates as she claims to have been told three years ago.

So is this just one more cover-up?

Cover-up, perhaps, of the fact that blackmailing pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, may have been taken care of — though not necessarily in the way you may have thought — by one or other of the proliferating intelligence agencies, American or foreign.

Is Jeff, in fact, even now enjoying the balmy early autumn sunshine of Jerusalem (25 C at the time of writing) or perhaps the early spring sunshine in Asuncion, Paraguay  (currently 26 C).

But this is Project Veritas production, and Veritas is Latin for truth. Yeah, that'd be a handy name for any government propaganda mouthpiece, wouldn't it.

So what do you really know?

Nothing actually.

All you have are some patterns of pixels on a video screen and a pretty woman's spiel. That's not a sound basis for believing anything in the political sphere, is it?

Or do you just believe whatever you last saw on the tel or read on the Internets?

Whatever your belief, the fact is you don't know anything about public events for sure, unless you happen to have been a participant. As for what you believe based on a U-Tube video, it has virtually no credibility at all.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Place of My Birth Has Gone Insane

Posted on the campus of  East Tennessee
University Campus. Source
I was born in the North Devonshire town of Bideford, which is located on the North coast of that English peninsula jutting South-Westerly from the mouth of the River Severn where it merges with salt water at the city of Bristol. So far as I am aware, at the time of my birth, Bideford was a sane and civilized place, although as we moved elsewhere shortly thereafter, I remember little about my time there other than the occasion of being held in the arms of a red-faced gentleman shouting over the banister to someone downstairs: "It's a boy."

But in recent times, so Breitbart reports, under the all pervasive pressure of politically correct propaganda,  the town of Bideford seems to have suffered something of a collective neurotic break.Trouble arose over the fact that, 160 years ago, the Victorian author Charles Kingsley, in his historical novel Westward Ho!, dubbed Bideford “The Little White Town,” because of the many white buildings which give the town its character. 

In reference to this literary designation, mention of "The Little White town" appear on signs at entrances to, and within, the town, a fact that has now caused panic. Thus:

town councillor and former town mayor Dermot McGeough complained that “The wording ‘Little White Town’ can be perceived as ...racist and not politically correct”. 
Specifically, Mayor McGeough said that:

“The wording ‘Little White Town’ can be perceived as a racist slur...” At a council meeting, he therefore put forward a motion that “the words ‘Little White Town’ be removed from all signs within the town and at the town entrances.”
Happily, it can be reported that a survey of town residents revealed opposition to this piece of imbecility by a margin of more than two to one. but Council was insistent, although, in the end, it opted for a compromise, ordering signs to bear the words: “Charles Kingsley’s ‘Little White Town’ (1855),” suggesting to any politically correct twit that it was just Charles Kingsley who was a white supremacist, not the present-day inhabitants of the town. 

But Bideford's PC cretinism may not yet have run its course, since Councillor Peter Lawrence raised the question of whether ‘Bideford Black,’ a unique earth pigment mined in the area, should be renamed.