Monday, May 25, 2020

Why the Lockdowns?

Why would you shutter much of your economy, create Great Depression unemployment rates, and drive government budget deficits sky high, merely to combat Covid19?

If you've been listening to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or just about any other major media outlet in the Western world, you must know the reason: Covid19 is an existential threat on the scale of the Black Death that killed something like half the population of Eurasia during the Fourteenth Century. 

Except that it isn't. 

Covid19 kills almost no one. Well, almost no one compared with most other causes of death. In Canada, for example, about six and a half thousand deaths have been attributed, reliably or otherwise, to Covid 19. However, most of those deaths, 82% as of early May, have been of sick and elderly inmates of so-called care homes. So other than knocking over a few people within days, weeks, or at most, months of death due to other causes, Covid19 has thus far killed about 1200 Canadians, most of whom were old, or suffered other predisposing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory disease. 

“It’s All Bullshit”

Three Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative.

In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water.

Kit Knightly:

Off Guardian May 31, 2020: The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:
Most people won’t get the virus.
Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.
Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.
And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.
This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.

There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic.

Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked.

Read more

We mourn for the 1200, and indeed for all of the six and a half thousand who's death was hastened, whether only slightly or substantially, by Covid19. But we strive also to keep things in perspective. While 1200 non-care home residents in Canada have been felled by Covid19, in 2018, the most recent year for which Stats Canada provides data, almost four times that many people killed themselves. Alzheimer's disease and diabetes each ended the lives of about five times as many, while the big three, cancer, heart disease and stroke between them carried off about 120 times as many. 

If combating the novel corona virus demands such heroic efforts to suppress it, should we not be devoting most of the national GDP to eliminating cancer?

Or are there sinister forces at work that guide the government of our Castro-loving, Communist dictatorship-admiring, black-face wearing, Mr. Dress-up Trudeau?

The question came to mind in response to a reader's comment:
"We still do not have mass testing or any truly statistically valid handle on the virus."
This fact is quite bizarre. 

Why would a government not monitor the spread of a disease by repeated serological surveys or other means, if it were seriously attempting to stop disease spread?

Image source: South China Morning Post
The challenge of such testing is not insuperable. China just completed 1.4 million tests in Wuhan in a single day, with the objective of testing the entire city -- population 11 million -- within ten days. 

Now Americans, Brits, Canadians, etc. are obviously not as smart, diligent or technically competent as the Chinese.

Still we could surely do a random survey -- you know, like an opinion poll. You select a few hundred people at random and, for a fee or some other inducement, you get them to submit to testing.

You do that every couple of days and then you know what you're dealing with.

However, if the goal is not to end the epidemic but to scare people, real information about the prevalence and lethality of the disease, even if it has been obtained, will naturally be withheld.

But why would governments want to scare people (and there is clear evidence of intent, e.g., here)? 

In order to maintain the lockdown.

And why would governments want to maintain the lockdown?

That, surely, is the essential question. 

What is the answer, I am unsure, but here are what seem the most obvious possibilities:

(1) To kill most of the small business sector, to the benefit of the big boys - Starbucks, MacDonald's, Amazon, etc. The objective, in other words, being to complete the transition in government from any semblance of democracy to a purely plutocratic system organized on a global basis. 

(2) To drive up unemployment and thus depress wages, also to the benefit of the big boys.

(3) To drive down GDP and hence consumption spending leading to reductions in all kinds of pollution, carbon dioxide, plebs at the better beaches and tourist spots, traffic congestion, etc.

(4) To drive down fertility rates and hence population worldwide (despite the fact that fertility rates in Europe, North America, Japan, etc. are already well below replacement).

But perhaps others have better suggestions. Comments welcome. 

Meantime, doctors warn that lockdowns cause more deaths than Covid19. 

ZH: Again, What Were The Benefits Of Locking Down?
ZH: 60% Of People Naturally Resistant To SARS-COV2, New Study Reveals
WaPo: Lots of us are infected by the coronavirus — and don’t know it. Here’s what that means
OG: REPORT: Over 95% of UK “Covid19” deaths had “pre-existing condition”
ZH: COVID-19 Has Properties That Have Never Been Found In Nature Before
ZH: Satellite Data, Internet Searches Suggest COVID-19 Hit China 'Long Before' Previously Known: Harvard
OG: Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?
CB: American Euthanasia: US States Offer Care Homes Double Pay to Accept Covid19 Patients

ZH: Covid-19 Reported to be Losing Virulence
Prof. Karl Friston: Prof. Karl Friston: "80% Of Brits Not Even Susceptible To COVID-19"
Prof. William Haseltine: Human COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Unnecessary, Uninformative, and Unethical
 ZH: Former MI6 Boss/Trickster Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab
Tathasta: Architect of lockdown policy admits Sweden achieved similar outcomes without lockdown
ZH: Two Doctors Explain Why COVID-19 Was Likely Lab Experiment
ZH: Enraged Italians Abandon Masks, Denounce Pandemic As Scam
DW: Belgium's coronavirus (over)counting controversy
CNBC: Remember the ‘yellow vests’? Now, Italy is seeing an ‘Orange Vests’ movement that says coronavirus pandemic doesn’t exist
Global Research: Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
ZH: COVID-19 Exposed The Truth: Humans Were Born Free
ZH: China Finds 300 'Asymptomatic' Infections After Testing Entire Population Of Wuhan; Cases Jump In Hong Kong, Tokyo
CNBC: Global experts go head-to-head over claims the coronavirus 'no longer exists clinically'
AIER: Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt on the Lockdowns: “I think it is a huge mistake”
Reuters: New coronavirus losing potency, top Italian doctor says
ZH: German Official Leaks Report Denouncing COVID-19 As "A Global False Alarm"
ZH: Two 'Unusual' COVID-19 Features Convincing Scientists It Was Man-Made
Times of Israel: Scientist posits ‘wild’ hypothesis that cross immunity could slow pandemic
Tathasta: Man Dead with 0.55 Blood Alcohol Level, Was Reportedly Listed as a COVID Fatality
Global Research:Were Conditions for High Death Rates at Care Homes Created on Purpose?
DM: The apocalyptic virus that would make corona seem irrelevant: Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world's population
Mises Institute: Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives
New England J. Medicine: We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection
ZH: South Korea Closes Schools Just Days After Reopening As New Cases Spike, Africa Confirms Another 5.5k Cases: Live Updates

DW: South Korea recorded its biggest daily increase in infections in 53 days
DM: Study claims 7% - 3.7million people - in England may have had Covid19
VGIF: The rewriting of lockdown history
Christopher Snow: The lockdown’s founding myth
MH: 1 Out Of Every 3 Americans Suffering Anxiety Or Depression During Lockdowns
WA Examiner: Top Norwegian official: We could have controlled coronavirus without a lockdown
AP: Spike in South Korea virus cases
SFGate: A third of Americans with clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau
OG: Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?
CBC: One of Canada's largest long-term care operators is owned by a federal Crown corporation
ZH: Coronavirus Uses Same Strategy As HIV To Evade, Cripple Immune System: Chinese Study
ZH: Psychiatrists Wrote 86% More Prescriptions For Psychotropic Drugs During Lockdown
Yahoo: Military reports 'shocking' conditions in Ontario nursing homes
OG: Coronavirus Fact-Check #5: Infection-Fatality Ratio Update
ZH: French Intelligence Warned Of 'Catastrophic Leak' From Wuhan Lab

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How Most Canadians Used to Handle a Cold

About a fifty years ago, "How Most Canadians Handle a Cold," was the caption to an add for Beyer aspirin. But, wow, how the country has changed. Today, frightened by models devised by mathematicians entirely divorced from reality -- people who would approximate a donkey by a sphere, a triangle or whatever made the mathematics work -- Canada's leaders have trashed the economy to minimize the risk of what appears to be not much more than a cold.
What’s amazing is that neither the modelers nor the politicians nor their medical advisors have yet been dunked in a pond.
What we have done is shutter something like one third of the economy because of a virus that has, supposedly (i.e., based on extremely dodgy statistics), killed about six thousand Canadians of whom, all but 1200 were elderly care-home residents who received a death sentence from the medical establishment that decreed that sick old people with Covid19 should be moved out of hospital into a care home. The result? Patients with Covid19 transferred to care homes infected, and thus cause the death of, multiple other care-home residents.
The twelve hundred Canadian deaths of non-care home residents attributed thus far to Covid19 is less than a third of Canada’s yearly death toll from suicide, one sixth of the annual rate of death due to diabetes (i.e., excess sugar consumption in a diet of which almost one-third of calories come from sugar), and one tenth of the rate of death due to accidents.
But apparently, to suppress a virus that has thus far killed fewer than the seasonal flu, we in Canada opted to wreck the economy, and gave our Communist dictatorship-admiring, Castro-loving, jet-setting environmentalist, Prime Minister Dress Up freedom to piss away about a third of the GDP paying people not to work.

Britain's Disastrous Covid19 Response Will have Devastating Consequences:

"Like It Was Designed To Infect Humans": COVID-19 'Cell Culture' Theory Gains Steam

1 in 5 in Stockholm have virus antibodies: Sweden

JP Morgan study: Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide

The coronavirus 'does not spread easily' from touching surfaces or objects, CDC says

600 Doctors Warn: Lockdown May Be More Deadly Than Coronavirus!

Despite CV-19 NO INCREASE in Overall U.S. Deaths in 2020

European air traffic: 2019 Versus 2020 (Image)

The Star: 82% of Canada’s COVID-19 deaths have been in long-term care, new data reveals

The Lancet: England and Wales see 20 000 excess deaths in care homes 

Care Home Professional: European survey reveals England has lowest rate of COVID-19 care home deaths 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Coronavirus Not As Deadly As Flu? Oops Did We Wrecked the Economy By Mistake?

Ross Clark

The Spectator, May 20, 2020: One of the great unknowns of the Covid-19 crisis is just how deadly the disease is. Much of the panic dates from the moment, in early March, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a mortality rate of 3.2 per cent – which turned out to be a crude ‘case fatality rate’ dividing the number of deaths by the number of recorded cases, ignoring the large number of cases which are asymptomatic or otherwise go unrecorded.

The Imperial College modelling, which has been so influential on the government, assumed an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.9 per cent. This was used to compute the infamous prediction that 250,000 Britons would die unless the government abandoned its mitigation strategy and adopted instead a policy of suppressing the virus through lockdown. Imperial later revised its estimate of the IFR down to 0.66 per cent – although the 16 March paper which predicted 250,000 deaths was not updated.

Epidemiology versus reality: Uppsala University model —predictions of Covid deaths in Sweden under various management scenarios including doing nothing (Lowermost line). Source
In the past few weeks, a slew of serological studies estimating the prevalence of infection in the general population has become available. This has allowed professor John Ioannidis of Stanford university to work out the IFR in 12 different locations.

They range between 0.02 per cent and 0.5 per cent – although Ioannidis has corrected those raw figures to take account of demographic balance and come up with estimates between 0.02 per cent and 0.4 per cent. The lowest estimates came from Kobe, Japan, found to have an IFR of 0.02 per cent and Oise in northern France, with an IFR of 0.04 per cent. The highest were in Geneva (a raw figure of 0.5 per cent) and Gangelt in Germany (0.28 per cent).

The usual caveats apply: most studies to detect the prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the general population remain unpublished, and have not yet been peer-reviewed. Some are likely to be unrepresentative of the general population. The Oise study, in particular, was based on pupils, teachers and parents in a single high school which was known to be a hotspot on Covid-19 infection. At the other end of the table, Geneva has a relatively high age profile, which is likely to skew its death rate upwards.

But it is noticeable how all these estimates for IFR are markedly lower than the figures thrown about a couple of months ago, when it was widely asserted that Covid-19 was a whole magnitude worse than flu. Seasonal influenza is often quoted as having an IFR of 0.1 to 0.2 per cent. The Stanford study suggests that Covid-19 might not, after all, be more deadly than flu – although, as Ioannidis notes, the profile is very different: seasonal flu has a higher IFR in developing countries, where vaccination is rare, while Covid-19 has a higher death rate in the developed world, thanks in part of more elderly populations.

The Stanford study, however, does not include the largest antibody study to date: that involving a randomised sample of 70,000 Spanish residents, whose preliminary results were published by the Carlos III Institute of Health two weeks ago. That suggested that five per cent of the Spanish population had been infected with the virus. With 27,000 deaths in the country, that would convert to an IFR of 1.1 per cent.

DM: Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims
Brandon Smith: The Economic "Reopening" Is A Fake Out
Israel Shamir: Corona conspiracies
Gilad Atzmon: Is this controlled demolition all over again
ZH: San Francisco area suicide rate exceeds Covid death toll
Trauma surgeon, Dr. deBoisblanc:
"We've never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time," he said. "I mean we've seen a year's worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks."
ZH: "Grandma Killer" Cuomo Sent 4,300 To Nursing Homes Despite Positive COVID-19 Tests
Dr.  Andrew Bostom: Covid19 Lethality: Unhysterical Data Are Emerging
Rutherford Inst: The Slippery Slope to Despotism: Paved with Lockdowns, Raids and Forced Vaccinations
Washington Times: 500 doctors tell Trump to end the coronavirus shutdown, say it will cause more deaths

Friday, May 15, 2020

Why IQ Tests Don't Measure Intelligence

Consider a surgeon, a composer, an artist, and a physicist. Each is the world's best. Each therefore is highly intelligent as the Oxford English Dictionary defines intelligence:
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills,
And as they are all highly intelligent, then, according to the psychologist's understanding of the term intelligence, they must all have really high IQ's. But do they? And even were it so, what would that mean?

The surgeon for all his astonishing deftness with a scalpel, and his knowledge of human anatomy, may be dumb as a brick at math, and not especially articulate either. The composer probably can't draw, and the artist may be unable to carry a tune. And the physicist,  may, like the great Paul Dirac,  be linguistically monosyllabic. So to say that these highly intelligent people are equally intelligent, even in the unlikely case that they scored equally on an IQ test, would be meaningless. They are not equally intelligent at all. They are each vastly more intelligent, than all the rest in their own particular way.

What's hard to understand about that? Everyone knows that that is how it is. Intelligence is not one thing, one faculty, one gift: it is an array of abilities, each person having intellectual strengths and weaknesses. How then did psychologists come to adopt the seemingly nonsensical idea that one number, the so-called Intelligence Quotient, could measure a persons intellectual worth?

The answer to that question is two-fold. First, IQ testing is like the busted science of phrenology — the reading of cranial bumps: it allows the practitioner to claim to know a person's intellectual standing in the world, and hence their future potential. It is this claimed ability to judge the worth of a man that places the psychologist in a position of authority.

The second reason that psychologists proclaim the power of IQ tests to measure mental horse-power is a piece of mathematical data manipulation invented by a Victorian eugenicist and statistician, Karl Pearson. The math in question is called factor analysis, and what factor analysis does is to examine the relationships among various characteristics of some class of things, for example, towns, countries, planets, acorns, or apples, thereby to discover whether there is a common factor or factors underlying these relationships.

An underlying factor, is exactly what the psychometricians — as the quantifiers of mental capacity call themselves — found when they examined variation from individual to individual in mental abilities. Those who score high on mathematical logic, tend to do relatively well on other tests such as verbal reasoning, or the interpretation of geometric puzzles. This factor, quantified by Pearson's factor analysis, they named "G" for "General Intelligence."

Having gone thus far, it was a small step to the conclusion that a person's mean score on the various components of a test of cognitive abilities was a valid way to estimate General Intelligence, hence the results of tests of multiple cognitive tasks was called an "Intelligence Quotient" or IQ, and the test itself, an IQ test.

This view led to a general belief that intelligence is just one thing, underlain by some as yet unidentified common factor, which determines a person's overall intellectual capacity.

But the correlations among cognitive capacities are low. In fact, mostly very low. See here, for example, where correlation coefficients (r values) among a large number of tests averaged less than 0.3. That means that, on average, less than 10% (r squared values) of the variation in any one ability is explained by variation in any other ability.

So yes, mental capacities share at least one common underlying factor, but its effect is weak, meaning that an individual's relative ability at one kind of mental activity will rarely be an accurate guide to their ability at another type of mental task.

It is the weakness of G, and the dependence upon it of their conception of IQ as a measure of intelligence, that psychologists have been loathe to admit. Thus has emerged a widely held idea that G as estimated from an IQ test score measures the essence of intelligence, just as chip speed measures the power of a computer central processing unit. What this is widely understood to imply is that intelligent mental activity depends on either a common mechanism, or a common feature of nerve cells that dictates the scope and power mental activity. However, the slightest awareness of brain anatomy and physiology would disabuse one of the notion that the brain has anything equivalent to a CPU, or even a uniform functional cellular capacity. On the contrary, different mental activities depend on different neural lobes, networks and ganglia, or on hierarchies of lobes, networks and ganglia.

Moreover, these components of the brain are far from identical in physiology and structure. There are many types of nerve cells or neurons and their supporting glial cells, as there are many different signalling methods within the brain, these involving at least eighty neurotransmitters. Despite the subjective unity of mind, the brain is thus a collection of many neurological machines, each with its own genetic determinants and its own history of past experience.

Thus, G or general intelligence, far from representing a fundamental component of intelligence, reflects only the dependence of the functioning of the entire brain on either other organs or some weakly influential characteristic of all brain tissue.

For example, brains without oxygen die within seconds, which means that brain function depends on lungs, heart and the vascular system. Moreover, without a continuous supply of glucose brains cannot function, which means a dependence on the liver and on the endocrine system that controls blood sugar. And without means to dispose of waste products, the brain is rapidly poisoned, meaning dependence on the kidneys. As to general properties of brain tissue, effective function depends on  many general features such as mitochondria, ribosomes, microtubules, and much else, all of which must function properly or the brain will function poorly or not at all.

Thus the mystery of G is revealed. It is a reflection, simply, of the brain's dependence on the rest of the body and on the cellular machinery common to all nerve cells. If all supporting systems and sub-cellular components are in the highest working condition, then the multiple components of the brain can all function at the peak capacity. But all defects or limitations in the performance of supporting systems and cellular organelles limit mental performance. Thus, beside variation in relative power of the various components of the brain there will be variation from brain to brain due the functionality of the brains support systems and components.

Thus just as a large town will tend to have more crime, traffic congestion and air pollution than a small town, so those with the best overall health and the best cellular machinery, will tend to have higher IQ's than those whose mental function dependent on defective support systems or cellular machinery. But still, among individuals, the big differences in intellect, are on specific tasks not on overall performance, or G, as assessed by a so-called IQ test.

So, yes, IQ-ism is largely bunk and the sooner we're rid of it the sooner will psychologists be able to study intelligence more intelligently.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Covid-19 in Britain: Herd Immunity Achieved

A team of researchers from The University of Manchester, Salford Royal and Res Consortium, have shown that a significant proportion of people in the UK—over 25%—is likely to have been infected already by the COVID-19 virus.

The study—published this week in the International Journal of Clinical Practice—is the first to use the published local authority data to assess the cumulative impact of infection since the COVID-19 outbreak began.

This has enabled them to calculate the R-value—the number of people infected by one person with COVID-19—within each local authority area.

The published case data from the 144 Local Authorities analyzed by the team now gives an R value of well below 1.

So,  with a reported UK Covid19 death toll, so far, of 33,614, a 25% infection rate, and a population of 67 million, the infection-specific Covid19 mortality rate is just under one in 2000, or 0.05%, about the same as the seasonal flu.

If, as in Canada, Italy, the US, and many other countries, most Covid 19 deaths in the UK are among elderly residents of care-homes, those numbers imply a Covid19 death toll among the non-care-home-residents of between 0.01 and 0.25%, or one per 40,000.

Ample justification for wrecking the economy, and driving people nuts due to weeks of pointless incarceration, no doubt, but time now to end the insanely obsessive caution and allow people to get on with their lives.

Attempt to eradicate covid could bury us
Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdownChinese Firm Shows Neutralizing Antibodies Stop Corona Virus
 Delingpole: Killing the Elderly In Care Homes to Save the NHS. Nice Work, Boris!Cambridge U. Cancels "Face-to-Face" Lectures Until September 2021
Almost 5% of Los Angeles Residents Positive for Covid Antibodies
10 Steps To Turn A Pandemic Into The Brave New Normal
The COVID-19 "Dark Winter" PsyOp: Question Everything...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: CATASTROPHE: 20% Of Human Test Subjects Severely Injured From Gates-Fauci Coronavirus Vaccine By Moderna
Catte Black: 10 Steps to Turn a Pandemic into the Brave New Normal

Opposed to Vaccination?: Bill Gates Has a Message for You

UK: Former Supreme Court Justice: Why the Lockdown Should End Now

10 Numbers That Show The U.S. Has Fallen Into A Horrifying Economic Depression
Ron Paul: istening to the Coronavirus 'Experts' Has Led to Death and Despair
The Unspoken Reason for Lockdowns
Lockdown Zealots Are Behaving Like Cult Members; Psychotherapist Warns
UK Govt. Totalitarian Plan to Use Media by Terrify the Population into Submission
BMJ: “Staggering number” of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity… Are you willing to take the risk?

Enzyme that will make Bill Gates’ vaccine microchip implant work known as LUCIFERASE
Why The COVID-19 Model That Inspired UK's Lockdown May Be "The Most Devastating Software Mistake Of All Time"
Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
Why American life went on as normal during the killer pandemic of 1969
PETER HITCHENS: We’re destroying the nation’s wealth – and the health of millions
French Coronavirus Strand Not From China, Hit In November
Coronavirus and Dodgy Death Numbers

If you stop the virus dead with a lockdown, how do you end
the lockdown without a resumption of the epidemic:

London's coronavirus R rate was already falling BEFORE lockdown was introduced on March 23 because of social distancing measures and policy to work from home, analysis shows

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Covid-19: Why the Panic?

Referring to the panic reaction to Covid 19, a commenter at the Unz Review remarked:

This is looking more and more like an epidemic of mental illness.
But although what is being done to the mass of ordinary folk may cause an epidemic of insanity, the politicians and their media enablers, mainstream or "alt", who are using the Covid pandemic as  a pretext for destroying the livelihood of tens of millions, are surely not insane.

The question, then, is what's the objective? And the answer to that question must be something that can be inferred from the consequences.

So what are the consequences?

(1) The sharpest rate of job losses every recorded, leading to Great Depression levels of unemployment.

(2) Consequent upon (1), massive loss of income for the salaried workforce, business owners, and beneficiaries of pension funds etc., (the last having sustained large and soon to be larger investment losses).

(3) Consequent upon (2), massive reductions in consumption spending.

(4) Consequent upon (3), big cuts in imports to the West of products of cheap Third World labor.

(1) Means real wages will fall, thereby raising potential economic competitiveness of manufacturing in the US and other Western nations, i.e., reindustrialization of the West as will be essential in an emerging East-West cold war.

(2) Means many small businesses will fold, opening the way for expansion by the big boys: Starbucks,  Dominoes Pizza, Amazon, etc.

(3) Means fewer goddam plebs cluttering the best beaches, ski resorts, tourist meccas.

(4) Means a slowing of China's economic growth and reduced Chinese access to dollars with which to buy American and European technology and businesses, from GE Appliances to Motorola Mobility, and from the Chicago Stock Exchange to the Waldorf Astoria.

As for those few the virus kills, they're just old geezers, useless eaters, wasn't that what Adolf called them?

So, nothing crazy about this fake plague: what's not to like about it?

And to put things into context, the situation is much like that during the Great War that led to the still ongoing destruction of Europe. Then, British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George remarked:

If the people knew what is happening, this war would end tomorrow. But of course the people cannot know what is happening
Likewise, they cannot know now, thanks to the MSM and its "alt" auxiliaries.

Nic Lewis: Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Covid-19: An American Bioweapon? A Proposition Only Those of Exceptionally High IQ Can Believe

For some time now, Ron Unz, an anti-Semitic Jewwho has claimed an IQ of 214 (which would place him in the one-in-a-trillion category), has deployed in his web "zine," the Unz Review, articles and reader comments promoting the idea that Covid-19 is a bioweapon unleashed on China by the United States government or Zionist Jew elements therein.

 That the idea may be self-evident to those of exceptionally high IQ, is suggested by its endorsement by comics publisher Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day or Vox Popoli, who's high self-assessed IQ is implied by his frequent disparagement as "gammas" those whose views he derides. Thus, Beale quotes approvingly an Unz response to a comment at the Unz Review:

Well, ignorant retards like you can believe whatever ridiculous nonsense you get from FoxNews or similar sources. But the actual evidence is pretty strong that the Coronavirus outbreak was an American biowarfare attack on China (and Iran), presumably arranged by the Deep State Neocons in the Trump Administration.

Otherwise, how could our Defense Intelligence Agency have distributed a November report to all our top government officials and European allies describing a “cataclysmic” disease epidemic taking place in Wuhan OVER A MONTH before any Chinese officials had become aware of it:

Four separate government sources described the report to ABC News and its existence was independently confirmed by Israeli TV:

Now go back to watching Mike Pompeo’s silly accusations on FoxNews…
Well, LOL, where to begin.

First, "Well." 

Not the pithiest way to begin an argument.

Second, " ignorant retards like you."  

Well, LOL again. Nothing like a bit of abuse to begin a high IQ argument.

Third, "you can believe whatever ridiculous nonsense you get from FoxNews or similar sources." 

Here there is some ambiguity. Is this the granting of permission to believe "ridiculous nonsense," or a statement about his protagonists gullilbility? Most likely the latter, i.e., a reiteration of the "ignorant retard" label.

Fourth, "But the actual evidence is pretty strong that the Coronavirus outbreak was an American biowarfare attack on China (and Iran), presumably arranged by the Deep State Neocons in the Trump Administration."

Here we come to the heart of the argument: "[T]he actual evidence," none of which (actual or otherwise) is to be sourced, is "pretty strong". So, boy, you'd better believe it.

Fifth, and here's what's supposed to be the clincher: "Otherwise, how could our Defense Intelligence Agency have distributed a November report to all our top government officials and European allies describing a “cataclysmic” disease epidemic taking place in Wuhan OVER A MONTH before any Chinese officials had become aware of it."

Well I dunno how they could, but could we please have a link to the text of that "Defense Intelligence Agency report distributed in November," or other evidence of its existence and contents.

Maybe here really is a killer argument. But we're supposed to take it on trust from someone who'd call us an "ignorant retard" if we refused to swallow without demur his unsupported account of the contents Defense Intelligence Agency report? Surely only a gamma, or probably a sub-gamma, would buy that.

And even if the high IQ Mr. Unz has seen, or been given convincing evidence of, the contents of a report such as he describes, what is so conclusive about it? The novel corona virus, Covid-19, is reported to have been circulating in Wuhan in November of last year. Why then should the US Government not have been aware of it? The US has a world-spanning network of virology labs designed, at least in part, one assumes, for precisely such detection -- a network that, for some reason, both China and Russia demand be shut down. Moreover, as Cambridge University virologists have reported in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences, Covid-19 was circulating in China earlier than November, not in Wuhan, but far to the south of that city. So the US  probably had at least several months to detect the circulation of Covid19 in China prior to the end of November. 

Sixth, more proof without any actual evidence:  "Four separate government sources described the report to ABC News and its existence was independently confirmed by Israeli TV".  Now you're really screwed. Proof positive of what you deny based on "four separate government sources" to none of which a reference is provided, merely a reference to one of America's mass media "News," sources, which Unz has already derided as totally useless. And, plus, Israeli TV, which you no doubt watch every day. 

Seventh, another sneer: "Now go back to watching Mike Pompeo’s silly accusations on FoxNews."

Then, Beale continues, in case you are beginning to feel uncertain what to believe, "remember to apply Vox's [i.e., Beale's] First Law of Media": 
the Official Story put forth by the mainstream media is always false. 
Which is an odd way of endorsing Unz, since the mainstream media, i.e., ABC News and Israeli TV are the only information sources Unz explicitly mentions in support of his claim that Covid19 was a bioweapon deployed against China by the United States or rogue Zionist elements therein.

Furthermore, as an aside, it should be noted that Vox's (i.e., Beale's) claimed First Law, dates back at least to the Middle Ages, and probably, to Nineveh and Tyre, if not since the dawn of civilization. Moreover, it is an apothegm that is usually stated, probably since the days of Gobekli Tepi, more pithily thus:
Believe nothing until it has been officially denied.
Beale then lays on more oleaginous approbation of Unz's huge brainpower applied to the mentality of the gamma, stating:
Unz further lays out his logic:
There are multiple, independent sources in both the US government and Israel that agree that our Defense Intelligence Agency distributed a report in November warning of the “cataclysmic” disease outbreak that was taking place in Wuhan. Those facts seem almost incontrovertible.

As it happens, that was indeed right around the time that the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan had actually begun, but at such an early stage that no Chinese officials were yet aware of it, just like the virus later began circulating in various parts of America several weeks before people noticed it.

So unless you believe that our DIA has developed “precognitive technology”, how can they have possibly been aware of the outbreak before anyone in China unless elements of our national security establishment had themselves released the virus in Wuhan as a biowarfare attack against China?
Taking that apart, we see that the first paragraph is merely a reiteration of what the US and, apparently, the Israeli Governments are supposed to have known in November 2019 about a disease outbreak in Wuhan, all public knowledge of which Chinese authorities were, at the time, vigorously attempting to suppress. But, again, there are no actual references, leaving the reader without evidence of the validity or plausibility of these alleged sources, assuming such sources exist. 

The second paragraph spells out the claim that the US was well informed about the emergence of a virulent corona virus infection in China, whereas the Government of China knew nothing about it. But there is abundant evidence that the Government of China was well aware of the outbreak, but was attempting to suppress public knowledge of it. 

So is Unz's claim bullshit, or what? 

And finally : "So unless you believe that our DIA has developed “precognitive technology”, how can they have possibly been aware of the outbreak before anyone in China unless elements of our national security establishment had themselves released the virus in Wuhan as a biowarfare attack against China?"

Hows that for a high IQ line of reasoning? 

First the sneer, "unless (your are such a total moron) as to believe that our DIA has developed “precognitive technology.” Then the question claimed to be unanswerable except by acknowledgement of an act of war by the United States against China: "how can they have possibly been aware of the outbreak before anyone in China unless elements of our national security establishment had themselves released the virus in Wuhan as a biowarfare attack against China?"

Fall for that and I would be inclined to think that your IQ can be stated with a single digit.

As noted, the US has a global network of microbiology labs a function of which must be to detect and follow the emergence and spread of viral and other disease agents. Why, then, would the US not have picked up early on, perhaps even sooner than the Government of China, that a novel corona virus was spreading in China? No reason.

And here's one more reason to consider Unz's claim that Covid19 is US bioweapon deliberately loosed on China, evidence of a loose screw:

As that graph shows, if it were true that the US did attack China with Covid19, it would indicate a degree of incompetence comparable to that of having accidentally dropped the first atom bomb on Chicago, rather than Hiroshima -- but with more US casualties from the virus than would have resulted from the nuke.

Amazingly, the source of that graph? The Unz Review.

 And here are two more interesting graphs (source), which indicated the existence of two strains of the Covid-19 that differ markedly in virulence. China, it is claimed was afflicted only by the milder, orange strain (see image below), whereas countries that have suffered the highest mortality from Covid-19 have been afflicted mainly by the blue strain. Are these claims true? I have no idea. Anyone with relevant details, please comment.

Dennis Prager: The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History
Rand Paul demolishes Fauci on the need for continued lock-down:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Lock-Downs Were a Mistake: The Swedish view

Johan Giesecke, Swedish State Epidemiologists, on Sweden's Covid19 response.

Former Supreme Court Judge, Lord Sumption: Locking up the elderly until coronavirus is defeated is a cruel mockery of basic human values

18 Million People Entered The UK As The COVID-19 Pandemic Was Raging

How Many Lives Will Politicians Sacrifice In The Name Of Fighting COVID-19?

Computer Model That Locked Down The World Turns Out To Be Sh*tcode
America’s Design Causes It to Fail the COVID-19 Challenge

The Economy: Why It's Different This Time

Excerpt from This Isn't Just Another Crash, by Charles Hugh Smith

1. Households have never been so dependent on debt as a substitute for stagnating wages.

2. Real earnings (adjusted for inflation) have never been so stagnant for the bottom 90% for so long.

3. Corporations have never been so dependent on debt (selling bonds or taking on loans) to fund money-losing operations (see Netflix) or stock buybacks designed to saddle the company with debt service expenses to enrich insiders.

4. The stock market has never been so dependent on what amounts to fraud — stock buybacks — to push valuations higher.

5. The economy has never been so dependent on absurdly overvalued stock valuations to prop up pension funds and the spending of the top 10% who own 85% of all stocks, i.e. “the wealth effect.”

6. The economy and the stock market have never been so dependent on central bank free money for financiers and corporations, money creation for the few at the expense of the many, what amounts to an embezzlement scheme.

7. Federal statistics have never been so gamed, rigged or distorted to support a neo-feudal agenda of claiming a level of wide-spread prosperity that is entirely fictitious.

8. Major sectors of the economy have never been such rackets, i.e. cartels and quasi-monopolies that use obscure pricing and manipulation of government mandates to maximize profits while the quality and quantity of the goods and services they produce declines.

9. The economy has never been in such thrall to sociopaths who have mastered the exploitation of the letter of the law while completely overturning the spirit of the law.

10. Households and companies have never been so dependent on “free money” gained from asset appreciation based on speculation, not an actual increase in productivity or value.

11. The ascendancy of self-interest as the one organizing directive in politics and finance has never been so complete, and the resulting moral rot never more pervasive.

12. The dependence on fictitious capital masquerading as “wealth” has never been greater.

13. The dependence on simulacra, simulations and false fronts to hide the decay of trust, credibility, transparency and accountability has never been so pervasive and complete.

14. The corrupt linkage of political power, media ownership, “national security” agencies and corporate power has never been so widely accepted as “normal” and “unavoidable.”

15. Primary institutions such as higher education, healthcare and national defense have never been so dysfunctional, ineffective, sclerotic, resistant to reform or costly.

16. The economy has never been so dependent on constant central bank manipulation of the stock and housing markets.

17. The economy has never been so fragile or brittle, and so dependent on convenient fictions to stave off a crash in asset valuations.

18. Never before in U.S. history have the most valuable corporations all been engaged in selling goods and services that actively reduce productivity and human happiness.

ZH: "Unprecedented" - Companies Slashed Over 20 Million Jobs In April, ADP

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Comparing Covid-19 With the Flu

According to the Covid19 Dashboard maintained by folks at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the world-wide Covid-19 death toll to date is 252,000.

How does that compare with the seasonal flu?

According to a paper entitled Global mortality associated with seasonal influenza epidemics, authored by an international group headed by John Paget of the Netherlands Institute for Health Services, it compares rather modestly, although obviously the final total will be higher.

 According to that paper, which was published last December, during the period 2002-2011:
an average of 389 000 (uncertainty range 294 000-518 000) respiratory deaths were associated with influenza globally each year during the study period, corresponding to ~ 2% of all annual respiratory deaths. Of these, 67% were among people 65 years and older.
So the mortality due to the seasonal flu has averaged 0.05% of the world's population, versus Covid-19's toll thus far of just 0.03%. If the final toll for Covid-19 is twice the toll thus far, then, at 0.06% it will slightly exceed the estimated death toll from flu in the worst year during the period 2002-2011, but it will likely come far short of the worst flu seasons in living memory.

Among the most deadly flu seasons was the year of the Asian flu (1957/58) that killed 70,000 out of 149 million Americans for a death rate of 0.05%, and 1968, the year of the Hong Kong flu (H3N2 virus), which also killed about one out of every two thousand Americans. A final American death toll from Covid-19 of 0.05% would be 280,000, or almost four times the current total. To match the lethality of the Spanish flu of 1918, the death toll would have to be in excess of a million and a half.

Off Guardian: Britain's meaningless Covid-19 death stats
ZH: Unemployment Kills: The Longer Lockdowns Last, The Worse It Will Get
CNN: More than 370 workers at a pork plant in Missouri tested positive for coronavirus. All were asymptomatic
Forbes: Apple Data Shows Shelter-In-Place Is Ending, Whether Governments Want It To Or Not

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Covid-19: Some Links and Quotes Scientists say a now-dominant strain of the coronavirus appears to be more contagious than original
Washington Times: Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history

Matt Taibi: The Inevitable Coronavirus Censorship Crisis Is Here

The Spectator: Covid-19 update: Sweden tames its ‘R number’ without lockdowne above chart shows Imperial's assumptions: that Sweden's actions (the distancing, etc) would have a tiny effect. Only lockdown would do. Its modelling envisaged Sweden paying a heavy price for its rejection of lockdown, with 40,000 Covid deaths by 1 May and almost 100,000 by June.
The above chart (not shown) shows Imperial's assumptions: that Sweden's actions (the distancing, etc) would have a tiny effect. Only lockdown would do. Its modelling envisaged Sweden paying a heavy price for its rejection of lockdown, with 40,000 Covid deaths by 1 May and almost 100,000 by June.

The latest figure for Sweden is 2,680 deaths, with daily deaths peaking a fortnight ago. So Imperial College’s modelling – the same modelling used to inform the UK response – was wrong, by an order of magnitude. Sweden has now published its own graph, saying its R was never near the 4 that Imperial imagined. More importantly, its all-important R level (all-important to the UK anyway – it has never much featured in the Swedish discussion) has in fact been below the safe level of 1 for the last few weeks.

Coronavirus Defeated By Experimental Antibody That Targets Spike Protein

Coronavirus updates: COVID-19 was present in Europe in December, doctor claims
Virus was present in Europe in late December, doctor claims

The novel coronavirus may have reached Europe much earlier than originally thought.

Dr. Yves Cohen, an intensive care chief in Paris, told French news channel BFMTV during a live interview Sunday that they had retrospectively identified a positive case at Jean-Verdier Hospital in the northeastern Paris suburb of Bondy on Dec. 27. Doctors reanalyzed samples from molecular diagnostic tests of 24 patients in December and January who were suffering from pneumonia-like illness but had tested negative, Cohen said. Tests for COVID-19 were not being offered at that time.

One of the patient's samples tested positive for COVID-19. Doctors even tested the sample twice to be sure, Cohen said.

Saudi Officials Say Whopping 70% Of Mecca's Population Likely Infected With COVID-19

(But no indication that they're not all dead, so getting to herd immunity can't be such a bad thing.)

Massachusetts Walmart Ravaged By COVID, 21% Of Employees Infected, Store Closed

(Twenty-one percent. Wow! That's less that the rate for the entire 1.4 million residents of the Bronx. Yep, 27% of the population of the Bronx have antibodies for Covid-19, as do 21% of the whole of NY City. So it's most likely that the Massachusetts Walmart is no more "Ravaged by COVID" that the rest of Massachusetts. (But headline writers gotta keep you wound up and reading the bilge they've got to sell.

Why Sweden Has Already Won The Debate On COVID-19 "Lockdown" Policy
As Europe and North America continue suffering their steady economic and social decline as a direct result of imposing "lockdown" on their populations, other countries have taken a different approach to dealing with the coronavirus threat. You wouldn’t know it by listening to western politicians or mainstream media stenographers, there are also non-lockdown countries. They are led by Sweden, Iceland, Belarus, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Surprisingly to some, their results have been as good or better than the lockdown countries, but without having to endure the socio-economic chaos we are now witnessing across the world. For this reason alone, Sweden and others like them, have already won the policy debate, as well as the scientific one too.
The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) website for the coronavirus lists the total deaths from COVID-19 – the disease caused by the virus – as 37,308 in the United States. That’s a much lower number than what has been reported in the media or by other coronavirus trackers. For example, the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker, lists the number of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. at 65,645.

Even more confusing, a separate CDC website – dedicated exclusively to the novel coronavirus – lists the total COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. as 64,283. The NCHS website was updated on May 1, while the CDC’s coronavirus-specific website says it was updated on May 2.

Pennsylvania has removed hundreds of COVID-19 deaths from the official death count after coroners pointed out the state’s health department numbers did not match their own.

Millionaire college administrators worry coronavirus might expose their scam

450 free Ivy League university courses you can take online

(While waiting for house arrest to end, why not get a zero-cost PhD in virology, public health administration, or epidemiology -- you won't do any worse at it than the morons calling the shots on the US/Canada/UK/etc. Covid-19 response.)

Nolte: They Told Us Lockdowns Were About Flattening the Curve. They Lied

In order to flatten the curve of the coronavirus, the politicians told us we must lockdown and be quarantined while our economy collapsed. They told us we had to flatten the curve to ensure our health care system was not overwhelmed by the sick and dying. They told us that if the health care system was overwhelmed, people would die who could otherwise be saved. They told us losing people who can be saved is intolerable, and America agreed…

And now we know we were suckers…

Now we know the politicians lied to us.

This was never about saving the healthcare system from crashing, because we have saved the system from crashing, and most of us are still in these goddamned lockdowns.

They lied.

Not all the politicians lied. But most of the politicians lied, most especially Democrat governors….

My Democrat governor, Roy Cooper, just canceled school for the rest of the year and extended our ludicrous, pointless, statewide, one-size-fits-all lockdown to May 8.


There’s no good answer.

Among others, all of California, Michigan, Hawaii, and Wisconsin are locked down through the end of May. Oregon is locked down until July 6!
There’s no good answer.
There is no threat the healthcare system’s going to crash in any of those states. You might be able to convince me there’s a small risk in some urban areas — in Detroit or Los Angeles or Milwaukee, but 95 percent of those states are completely out of the woods. But these Democrat governors refuse to open any part of their state.

My North Carolina county is completely out of the woods…
We had nine cases here and no deaths.
Nine cases.

Zero deaths.

We’re still locked down, even though there’s a full-blown medical center in my county.

In my five county area we’ve had fewer than 100 cases and one death. Each of those counties has a hospital. There is no chance these health systems will crash. None. So why are we still locked down?

Even in our most densely populated area, Charlotte, there have been only 1651 cases and 49 deaths.

The curve here in North Carolina, and the curve in 95 percent of the country is not just bent, it’s crushed, decimated, destroyed — and let’s now take this opportunity to go ahead and say the following out loud: in much of the country there was never any real danger of overwhelming the health care system.

The experts were wrong.
(We're supposed to believe that politicians lied without reason? Just out of dumbness? Come on, they're not that dumb.)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

New York City: The Bronx Tests 27% Positive for Covid-19, And That's Good News, Not Bad

Breaking down the New York City report, Cuomo noted that the Bronx had the highest infection rate of the five boroughs, with a staggering 27.1% of respondents having COVID-19 antibodies. ...

 “That number remains obnoxiously and terrifyingly high,” Cuomo said. “It’s not where we want it to be.”

There is a pernicious idea that the media, politicians and public health officials in the US, Canada and elsewhere seek to encourage, namely, that the spread of Covid19 is a bad thing. Actually, it's a good thing: here's why.

Epidemics don't end with everyone in quarantine, because life cannot be sustained by a population in perpetual quarantine. Eventually, a quarantined population must get back to work. then people will have to come face to face once again, and the disease will resume it's spread.

So how do epidemics end? They end when the number of people with immunity to the disease rises to the point that the number of people each infected person infects falls below one. At that point, disease spread slows and dies.*

And what determines who has immunity? There are two key factors. One is the acquisition of immunity among those who have been infected and survived the disease. The other is the process of natural selection. Those who lack the necessary immune system genes to fend off the disease die, so that a higher proportion of the residual population has the genes that provide either immunity to infection, or the capacity for recovery from infection.

The seasonal flu is an example of a non-lethal disease that induces immunity in those infected. The plague, or black death, is a an example of a more or less lethal disease that kills many but not all that it infects, leaving a more resistant population more or less immune to the disease.

And, in the worst case, are diseases against which an entire population is vulnerable, and in that case the entire population dies, as was the fate of many Amerindian communities afflicted by diseases brought by explorers and colonists from Europe to the New World.

Covid-19, fortunately, is a relatively mild disease for most who are infected by it, leaving them with protective antibodies that reduce susceptibility to future infection. The Covid epidemics working theirs way through the nations of the world seem to be killing no more than 30 to 40 people per thousand of those infected (at least in the developed world), these being mainly the elderly with existing heart or respiratory diseases**.

The end to the Covid-19 pandemic will thus occur when the virus has gone through every population causing an increased level of immunity that halts the disease's spread.

What proportion of the population must have immunity before the rate of recovery from the disease exceeds the rate of infection is not something that can be exactly predicted, since it depends on the way people in each community interact. In a nation of hermits, the disease would never spread and there could be no epidemic. Otherwise, the particular features of specific communities, in particular the way in which people interact with one another, but also many other factors such as age distribution, air quality, nutrition, etc., determine the infection rate that must be attained before an epidemic dies.

What that means is that although lock-downs, quarantines, social distancing and face masks can slow the spread of disease, they have no effect on the incidence of the disease at which disease spread slows and ultimately stops.

So well done The Bronx. With 27% of the population reported to have antibodies for Covid19, they  may not be there quite yet, but they are well on the way to the condition of so-called herd immunity, when immunity to the pathogen is sufficiently widespread to cause its spread to slow and die even after a return to normal life.

Despite what crackpots such as Ron Unz of the Unz Review, New York State Governor Cuomo and the political class generally, plus most public health officials tell you, the spread of Covid19 and hence of immunity to Covid19 is good news that heralds the return to normality. But don't expect to hear that from the gerontological medical experts, the politicians and the vendors of patent medicines and vaccines now in the limelight and positioned to profit by the present panic.

* In New York City, the hardest hit place in North America if not the world, the number of new infections reported daily is down to about one third of the peak rate, indicating that, under present conditions of restricted social mobility, herd immunity has been achieved and the epidemic is dying. An end to the lock-downs in NY City may increase the infection rate if the percentage of the population with immunity is insufficiently high for herd immunity under the changed social dynamics. Certainly, an end to the lock-downs will cause a temporary increase in the infection rate, but a new downward trend leading to extinction of the virus will resume within a reasonably short time.

What percentage of the population must have immunity to achieve herd immunity is impossible to model accurately since people do not interact randomly, but in many distinctive ways according to factors such as age, profession, the need to commute, etc. Certainly, the percentage of infected people needed for herd immunity will be less than the theoretical 67% (assuming an R nought of 3.0), and quite possibly less than half that number.

** In the Bronx, with 27% having Covid-19 antibodies, the number infected is around 382,000 people, of whom 1,700 have died for an infection-specific mortality rate of 0.44%. Of those who have died, 545 were resident of nursing homes or adult care facilities, and most had other serious medical conditions. For the remainder of the population the infection-specific mortality rate has been 0.3%. (Source: Riverdale Press).

Off Guardian: How the UK’s testing policy makes their Covid19 numbers meaningless
Off Guardian: LOKIN-20: The Lockdown Regime Causes Increasing Health Concerns
The Irish Savant: How can they possibly explain this away?
Tucker Carlson: How Some Elderly Power-Drunk Epidemiologist Wiped Away the US Constitution:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Here's a Weird Thing About the Unz Review and Google Search

Here's the title of a post I made yesterday here on Google's Blogger:

Covid-19, and the Weird World of Ron Unz

Now you might think, if only because Google is the publisher of that post, that Google's search engine would have been able to locate the post right away in response to a search on the exact title.

But if you were inclined to think that, you'd be wrong.

Here's the search query:

Covid-19, and the Weird World of Ron Unz

And wadderyer get?

Two and a half pages of contents of Ron Unz's Unz Review.

The only slightly relevant link is on the third page of results:

The curious case of Ron Unz

The former publisher of The American Conservative is a case study in contrarianism gone haywire

That's an interesting result, but it's not the the post I published on Google's blogger with the exact title as the search string.

And you cannot read the American Conservative article unless you're a subscriber to the American Conservative magazine (though they may allow you a month's access for free. Try it and see. Essentially, the article on Unz paints him, not as a devious propagandist for some unacceptable cause but merely a nutter. I'm not so sure. What the Am. Con. article does make clear is that although Unz is so vehemently anti-Semitic (though himself of Jewish origin), he firmly supports the Jewish plan for the European majority nations: extinction of the European peoples of traditional Christian faith and their replacement by people from elsewhere. That's pretty much Google's plan too.)

Odd though, innit -- the difficulty of finding content hosted by Google in a Google search. Maybe even worth thinking about.