Friday, May 1, 2020

Here's a Weird Thing About the Unz Review and Google Search

Here's the title of a post I made yesterday here on Google's Blogger:

Covid-19, and the Weird World of Ron Unz

Now you might think, if only because Google is the publisher of that post, that Google's search engine would have been able to locate the post right away in response to a search on the exact title.

But if you were inclined to think that, you'd be wrong.

Here's the search query:

Covid-19, and the Weird World of Ron Unz

And wadderyer get?

Two and a half pages of contents of Ron Unz's Unz Review.

The only slightly relevant link is on the third page of results:

The curious case of Ron Unz

The former publisher of The American Conservative is a case study in contrarianism gone haywire

That's an interesting result, but it's not the the post I published on Google's blogger with the exact title as the search string.

And you cannot read the American Conservative article unless you're a subscriber to the American Conservative magazine (though they may allow you a month's access for free. Try it and see. Essentially, the article on Unz paints him, not as a devious propagandist for some unacceptable cause but merely a nutter. I'm not so sure. What the Am. Con. article does make clear is that although Unz is so vehemently anti-Semitic (though himself of Jewish origin), he firmly supports the Jewish plan for the European majority nations: extinction of the European peoples of traditional Christian faith and their replacement by people from elsewhere. That's pretty much Google's plan too.)

Odd though, innit -- the difficulty of finding content hosted by Google in a Google search. Maybe even worth thinking about.


  1. It is frightening, no doubt about it. There's little doubt Google is sinister.

    I am often annoyed by the way Google recommends certain content based on my browsing history. Though this is offered for my “convenience” I generally do not find it helpful. I like to go out there and scout around on my own. That’s the way to discover the new and the different. It is also the way to avoid having my attention directed by someone who may not have my best interests at heart. Someone who may be motivated to distract me from what I otherwise may have discovered on my own as more relevant, important, and reliable.

    If evidence is tampered, it is no longer valid evidence. We don't have to know the precise nature of the tampering or what motivated it. All we have to do is see the traces of the tampering and then know we can no longer trust its evidentiary value.

    Google and the others can be manipulating us, and seemingly subtly, and yet succeeding in utterly and completely controlling our thoughts. We don't know what we don't know. We have to make guesses, and even the best guesses and guessers can be terribly off the mark. They must remain guesses, too, without the hope of the confirmation or disconformation through which the guessing game becomes more than a game.

    There are enough nut ball screw jobs, and a large variety of them, too, making it into I've tended to find it hard to believe the place can be functioning as propaganda. Unz himself has "outed" himself as a conspiracy theorist. Of course his conspiracy theories involve historical events of decades or centuries past. There could only be minor and likely negligible consequences to the perpetrators if there is truth to these theories. (There probably is truth to them.) Then his sudden about face and disparagement towards skeptics of the official pandemic story, taking place in the here and now. If the truth of the skeptics were to hit their marks and reveal who is doing what and why, the perpetrators, our contemporaries, might face the most severe consequences and punishments the public can administer.

    A number of comments to Ron compliment him for being the bravest man alive, as from their point of view, he is attacking the Zionist neo-con establishment which runs the world and is retaliatory in the extreme. He might not be so brave, though, if they ultimately have his back.

    You've got to be careful what you believe. I think one of the crucially important aspects of this crisis is the failure of the "experts" on whom we must rely, to be trustworthy, credible. BTW, that's another funny thing about Unz. His site is called American Pravda but during the pandemic he has quoted the NYT as if it is the word of God. If the NYT isn't the full embodiment of "American Pravda" I don't know what is.

    1. One hypothesis to explain why Unz hypes the Covid threat is that, as a techie who made his millions writing software for people selling dodgy mortgages, he has an affinity for the techno-tyranny that the likes of Bill Gates and the PC bullies at Google -- the folks who cannot bear to hear James Damore or anyone else question their anti-white racism and mysandry -- seek to establish.

      To these folks, Covid19 provides a golden opportunity to trash the Constitution and habituate people to continual bullying by officials, speaking drones, and social media corporations, and continual surveillance by ever broadening range of systems and devices monitoring both public spaces and personal communications.

      In addition, Unz, despite his avowed anti-Semitism (for which, be it noted, he receives, as a Jew, a pass from the ADL), nevertheless takes the Jewish position that the indigenous majority of the country where he, as a member of a nation apart, lives should be trashed and replaced by a mish-mash of migrants from elsewhere.

      Hence Unz's advocacy for:

      (1) More H1b visa migrants, which serves both the techo-tyrannists desire for cheap labor, and the Jewish desire for destruction of the host nation -- genocide, in fact, though subtly undertaken.

      (2) A massive increase in the minimum wage, which creates unemployment among Americans the economic value of whose labor is less than the minimum wage, while creating massive opportunity in America's booming black economy for illegal immigrants who work for much less than minimum wage and pay no taxes. Thus is born the replacement for the indigenous people, long degraded and humiliated by the techno-tyrannists and their bought political agents.
