If you've been listening to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation or just about any other major media outlet in the Western world, you must know the reason: Covid19 is an existential threat on the scale of the Black Death that killed something like half the population of Eurasia during the Fourteenth Century.
Except that it isn't.
Covid19 kills almost no one. Well, almost no one compared with most other causes of death. In Canada, for example, about six and a half thousand deaths have been attributed, reliably or otherwise, to Covid 19. However, most of those deaths, 82% as of early May, have been of sick and elderly inmates of so-called care homes. So other than knocking over a few people within days, weeks, or at most, months of death due to other causes, Covid19 has thus far killed about 1200 Canadians, most of whom were old, or suffered other predisposing conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory disease.
“It’s All Bullshit” Three Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative. In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water. Kit Knightly: Off Guardian May 31, 2020: The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted: Most people won’t get the virus.This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu. There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic. Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked. Read more |
We mourn for the 1200, and indeed for all of the six and a half thousand who's death was hastened, whether only slightly or substantially, by Covid19. But we strive also to keep things in perspective. While 1200 non-care home residents in Canada have been felled by Covid19, in 2018, the most recent year for which Stats Canada provides data, almost four times that many people killed themselves. Alzheimer's disease and diabetes each ended the lives of about five times as many, while the big three, cancer, heart disease and stroke between them carried off about 120 times as many.
If combating the novel corona virus demands such heroic efforts to suppress it, should we not be devoting most of the national GDP to eliminating cancer?
Or are there sinister forces at work that guide the government of our Castro-loving, Communist dictatorship-admiring, black-face wearing, Mr. Dress-up Trudeau?
The question came to mind in response to a reader's comment:
"We still do not have mass testing or any truly statistically valid handle on the virus."This fact is quite bizarre.
Why would a government not monitor the spread of a disease by repeated serological surveys or other means, if it were seriously attempting to stop disease spread?
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Image source: South China Morning Post |
Now Americans, Brits, Canadians, etc. are obviously not as smart, diligent or technically competent as the Chinese.
Still we could surely do a random survey -- you know, like an opinion poll. You select a few hundred people at random and, for a fee or some other inducement, you get them to submit to testing.
You do that every couple of days and then you know what you're dealing with.
However, if the goal is not to end the epidemic but to scare people, real information about the prevalence and lethality of the disease, even if it has been obtained, will naturally be withheld.
But why would governments want to scare people (and there is clear evidence of intent, e.g., here)?
In order to maintain the lockdown.
And why would governments want to maintain the lockdown?
That, surely, is the essential question.
What is the answer, I am unsure, but here are what seem the most obvious possibilities:
(1) To kill most of the small business sector, to the benefit of the big boys - Starbucks, MacDonald's, Amazon, etc. The objective, in other words, being to complete the transition in government from any semblance of democracy to a purely plutocratic system organized on a global basis.
(2) To drive up unemployment and thus depress wages, also to the benefit of the big boys.
(3) To drive down GDP and hence consumption spending leading to reductions in all kinds of pollution, carbon dioxide, plebs at the better beaches and tourist spots, traffic congestion, etc.
(4) To drive down fertility rates and hence population worldwide (despite the fact that fertility rates in Europe, North America, Japan, etc. are already well below replacement).
But perhaps others have better suggestions. Comments welcome.
Meantime, doctors warn that lockdowns cause more deaths than Covid19.
ZH: Again, What Were The Benefits Of Locking Down?
ZH: 60% Of People Naturally Resistant To SARS-COV2, New Study Reveals
WaPo: Lots of us are infected by the coronavirus — and don’t know it. Here’s what that means
OG: REPORT: Over 95% of UK “Covid19” deaths had “pre-existing condition”
ZH: COVID-19 Has Properties That Have Never Been Found In Nature Before
ZH: Satellite Data, Internet Searches Suggest COVID-19 Hit China 'Long Before' Previously Known: Harvard
OG: Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?
CB: American Euthanasia: US States Offer Care Homes Double Pay to Accept Covid19 Patients
OG: Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?
CB: American Euthanasia: US States Offer Care Homes Double Pay to Accept Covid19 Patients
ZH: Covid-19 Reported to be Losing Virulence
Prof. Karl Friston: Prof. Karl Friston: "80% Of Brits Not Even Susceptible To COVID-19"
Prof. William Haseltine: Human COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Unnecessary, Uninformative, and Unethical
ZH: Former MI6 Boss/Trickster Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab
Tathasta: Architect of lockdown policy admits Sweden achieved similar outcomes without lockdown
ZH: Two Doctors Explain Why COVID-19 Was Likely Lab Experiment
ZH: Enraged Italians Abandon Masks, Denounce Pandemic As Scam
DW: Belgium's coronavirus (over)counting controversy
CNBC: Remember the ‘yellow vests’? Now, Italy is seeing an ‘Orange Vests’ movement that says coronavirus pandemic doesn’t exist
Global Research: Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
ZH: COVID-19 Exposed The Truth: Humans Were Born Free
ZH: China Finds 300 'Asymptomatic' Infections After Testing Entire Population Of Wuhan; Cases Jump In Hong Kong, Tokyo
CNBC: Global experts go head-to-head over claims the coronavirus 'no longer exists clinically'
AIER: Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt on the Lockdowns: “I think it is a huge mistake”
Reuters: New coronavirus losing potency, top Italian doctor says
ZH: German Official Leaks Report Denouncing COVID-19 As "A Global False Alarm"
ZH: Two 'Unusual' COVID-19 Features Convincing Scientists It Was Man-Made
Times of Israel: Scientist posits ‘wild’ hypothesis that cross immunity could slow pandemic
Tathasta: Man Dead with 0.55 Blood Alcohol Level, Was Reportedly Listed as a COVID Fatality
Global Research:Were Conditions for High Death Rates at Care Homes Created on Purpose?
DM: The apocalyptic virus that would make corona seem irrelevant: Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world's population
Mises Institute: Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives
New England J. Medicine: We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection
ZH: South Korea Closes Schools Just Days After Reopening As New Cases Spike, Africa Confirms Another 5.5k Cases: Live Updates
DW: South Korea recorded its biggest daily increase in infections in 53 days
DM: Study claims 7% - 3.7million people - in England may have had Covid19
VGIF: The rewriting of lockdown history
Christopher Snow: The lockdown’s founding myth
MH: 1 Out Of Every 3 Americans Suffering Anxiety Or Depression During Lockdowns
WA Examiner: Top Norwegian official: We could have controlled coronavirus without a lockdown
AP: Spike in South Korea virus cases
SFGate: A third of Americans with clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau
OG: Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?
CBC: One of Canada's largest long-term care operators is owned by a federal Crown corporation
ZH: Coronavirus Uses Same Strategy As HIV To Evade, Cripple Immune System: Chinese Study
ZH: Psychiatrists Wrote 86% More Prescriptions For Psychotropic Drugs During Lockdown
Yahoo: Military reports 'shocking' conditions in Ontario nursing homes
OG: Coronavirus Fact-Check #5: Infection-Fatality Ratio Update
ZH: French Intelligence Warned Of 'Catastrophic Leak' From Wuhan Lab
Prof. Karl Friston: Prof. Karl Friston: "80% Of Brits Not Even Susceptible To COVID-19"
Prof. William Haseltine: Human COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Unnecessary, Uninformative, and Unethical
ZH: Former MI6 Boss/Trickster Says COVID-19 Manmade, Escaped From Chinese Lab
Tathasta: Architect of lockdown policy admits Sweden achieved similar outcomes without lockdown
ZH: Two Doctors Explain Why COVID-19 Was Likely Lab Experiment
ZH: Enraged Italians Abandon Masks, Denounce Pandemic As Scam
DW: Belgium's coronavirus (over)counting controversy
CNBC: Remember the ‘yellow vests’? Now, Italy is seeing an ‘Orange Vests’ movement that says coronavirus pandemic doesn’t exist
Global Research: Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda
ZH: COVID-19 Exposed The Truth: Humans Were Born Free
ZH: China Finds 300 'Asymptomatic' Infections After Testing Entire Population Of Wuhan; Cases Jump In Hong Kong, Tokyo
CNBC: Global experts go head-to-head over claims the coronavirus 'no longer exists clinically'
AIER: Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt on the Lockdowns: “I think it is a huge mistake”
Reuters: New coronavirus losing potency, top Italian doctor says
ZH: German Official Leaks Report Denouncing COVID-19 As "A Global False Alarm"
ZH: Two 'Unusual' COVID-19 Features Convincing Scientists It Was Man-Made
Times of Israel: Scientist posits ‘wild’ hypothesis that cross immunity could slow pandemic
Tathasta: Man Dead with 0.55 Blood Alcohol Level, Was Reportedly Listed as a COVID Fatality
Global Research:Were Conditions for High Death Rates at Care Homes Created on Purpose?
DM: The apocalyptic virus that would make corona seem irrelevant: Leading scientist warns of the danger of a pandemic triggered by chicken farms that could kill half the world's population
Mises Institute: Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives
New England J. Medicine: We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection
ZH: South Korea Closes Schools Just Days After Reopening As New Cases Spike, Africa Confirms Another 5.5k Cases: Live Updates
DW: South Korea recorded its biggest daily increase in infections in 53 days
DM: Study claims 7% - 3.7million people - in England may have had Covid19
VGIF: The rewriting of lockdown history
Christopher Snow: The lockdown’s founding myth
MH: 1 Out Of Every 3 Americans Suffering Anxiety Or Depression During Lockdowns
WA Examiner: Top Norwegian official: We could have controlled coronavirus without a lockdown
AP: Spike in South Korea virus cases
SFGate: A third of Americans with clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau
OG: Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?
CBC: One of Canada's largest long-term care operators is owned by a federal Crown corporation
ZH: Coronavirus Uses Same Strategy As HIV To Evade, Cripple Immune System: Chinese Study
ZH: Psychiatrists Wrote 86% More Prescriptions For Psychotropic Drugs During Lockdown
Yahoo: Military reports 'shocking' conditions in Ontario nursing homes
OG: Coronavirus Fact-Check #5: Infection-Fatality Ratio Update
ZH: French Intelligence Warned Of 'Catastrophic Leak' From Wuhan Lab