Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Some Reasons Why Americans Should Vote for Trump

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro’s are against Trump

Plus: Stephen Miller:

So Bill Clinton Claims That Hillary Is A Leader & Trump Is A Liar... 
Watch & Then You Be The Judge:

Krauthammer: Trump’s Russia Comment ‘Set A Trap That 
The Clinton Campaign Fell Right Into’:

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Plotting the War Against the Democratic, Sovereign, Nation State? Dubya, Bubba and Bliar Meet in an Arkansas School Basement

A school basement in Arkansas, the outhouse of America as H.L. Menchen dubbed that state, seems an unlikely place for a meeting of the three most eminent Western war criminals. But difficult times compel desperate measures, and with Democrats as well as Republicans chanting "Lock Her Up" before the next in line as globalist Conspirator-in-Chief has been placed, by whatever means necessary, in the White House, times are indeed desperate for the Globalist traitors.

I'm with HER: Hillary for Elite Rule
The unlikely purpose of this improbable summit meeting, or rather subterranean, huddle, was supposedly to be attendance at a graduation ceremony for the Presidential Leadership Scholars Program. Yeah, sure. And next week the Queen of England, the King of Siam and Anastasia, the long lost heir to the Russian throne will meet in Piddletrenthide, Dorset, England to attend the Women's Institute jumble sale.

These are, indeed, interesting times.


The Dark and Rotten Election

Saturday, July 23, 2016

How Trump Stumped the Chumps at WaPo, NaPo, the Gruniard and the Rest of the Globalist Media from Liberal Left to Liberal right

By Conrad Black

The National Post, July 23, 2016:

What the world has witnessed, but has not recognized it yet, has been a campaign of genius. No one in history has come from an apolitical background to take over complete control of one of the great American political parties. World-historic generals, Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower, were recruited by party grandees. Newspaper publisher Horace Greeley for the Democrats (1872), and utilities executive and lawyer Wendell Willkie for the Republicans (1940), were nominated, but they won narrowly, did not take over the party organization or put the party elders to flight, and had no chance of winning (against Grant and Franklin D. Roosevelt). The Trump candidacy was greeted with howls of derision — the cognoscenti conducted a Bataan Death March retreat. Trump couldn’t get more than 20, 30, 40 per cent, would be trashed at the convention, would splinter the party, would be waxed by Mrs. Clinton (who has had problems enough coming in ahead of a campy Vermont socialist and avoiding an indictment).

Read more

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Nationalists Versus Globalists

Nationalists believe that the occupants of a territory have all the rights of ownership to that territory including the right to govern themselves as they see fit, such governing rights including:

(1) the right to limit or entirely prohibit the settlement on its territory of people from elsewhere, such limitation being either general or specific as to the origins, religious beliefs, political affiliations, age, sex, health, financial resources, education, linguistic or professional qualifications or other characteristics of prospective immigrants;

(2) the right to regulate trade, financial transactions, and information exchange with foreign entities for the purpose of promoting national prosperity and security;

(3) the right to defend national interests by force of arms.

Globalists deny the legitimacy of the territorial rights of nations, recognizing only the claims of private property as legitimate. Globalists thus assert the moral right of private individuals, including corporations, to buy and sell property, and to move goods, capital, technology and people wherever it is most profitable, without regard for the rights claimed on behalf of citizens by sovereign nations.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Applying the Techniques of the Cartoonist to the Literary Exposition of Political Theory

Here's a blog post by Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip.

Quite apart from the point the author is making, I find this interesting for its method of exposition. It is cartoon-style analysis, using simplification and exaggeration to give a novel perspective to commonplace facts.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Rats, Raccoons and Indians Versus Law and Order

As the Republican Party Convention opens, presumptive GOP Presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has declared himself the candidate for "law and order." It's a compelling idea, but its attainability is not so easy as many people think.

Law and order is a social construct: a regime of laws and law enforcement that ensures a safe, secure, and predictable world, in which people can live in freedom from fear.

But a society under the rule of law is in perpetual conflict with the tendency of things toward greater entropy, and can be maintained only by continual struggle with disruptive forces.

Just how arbitrary and tenuous any regime of law and order really is, is readily evident to anyone who looks about them.

Friday, July 15, 2016

When They Call the Victims of Terrorism "Far-Right," What's Going On?

Yesterday, someone, apparently an Islamic terrorist, deliberately drove a truck through a crowd in Nice, France, killing at least eighty people and severely injuring hundreds more.

How does the French state react to opponents of the Islamization of France? By calling them "the Far Right," or the "extreme right."

Thus, it is reported:
Patrick Calvar, the head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) – France's equivalent of MI5 – said growing tensions between "the extreme right and the Muslim world" were close to breaking point, and that a confrontation between the two appeared inevitable.
Even when a majority of people, as in Austria for example, vote for a Presidential candidate opposed to mass Islamic immigration, they are called "the Far Right".

To be "Far Right" is to be an extremist or even a Nazi, which is to say someone verging on being a terrorist, which is to say a hater, and therefore a person to be targeted with officially sanctioned hatred.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Right-Sizing and Quality Adjusting Human Populations to Economic Requirements

In a previous post, I asserted that automation will make most people economically redundant and that the elite will not for long tolerate the existence of an unproductive population:
They will destroy them, just as the European elites prior to World War II fantasized about killing off the useless eaters, an idea that Hitler and Stalin, and later Mao, applied on an industrial scale.
Some remarks along the same lines that I made over at drew the following comment:
It is remarkable that we can see what’s coming, but we can’t do anything about it. It is like a disease we can’t cure, or a machine too complicated to fix.
Which prompted the following thoughts:

George Dubya Bush's Chief Economist, Morgan O. Reynolds: 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Morgan O. Reynolds was a professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Centre at the National Centre for Policy Analysis headquarters in Dallas, TX. He also holds three U.W-Madison degrees.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What Will Happen to People When Robots Take Their Jobs?

Fred Reed has an excellent article at, which sets out with unflinching realism how nearly everyone will be made permanently redundant by the processes of automation, computerization, and robotization.

By implication, the article makes clear why the New York Times employs Paul Krugman: to ensure that no one understands how rapidly we are approaching economic Armageddon.

But Fred makes the mistake, which no good journalist should, of answering the question he raises; namely, how’s it all gonna end?

Assad Must Go

Image source.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

When Will the Bubbles Burst?

Many young people hoping to buy a home of their own, and older folks with money they hope to save for retirement, have to decide their course of action in a world of debt-driven asset price inflation enabled by central bank interest rate policies that have driven bond and bank deposit yields to near zero or beyond.

House price indices from China to Peru. Source
If that world remains unchanged, the best investment strategy is to assume as much debt as possible and buy real estate or stocks. From China to Peru (see graph), this is what many people are doing.

But that strategy raises the key question: what will cause the asset price bubble to “pop”? And when?

Monday, July 11, 2016

An Unidentified FBI Analyst on the Incredible Corruption Surrounding the Clinton Foundation

Here is a 4chan discussion with  an "FBI analyst" in a photo-image … the comments by the ‘FBI analyst’ are highlighted in peach-orange colored boxes. Click the image to expand it.

The link is from a comment by Brabantian on today's article on The Clinton Foundation by Michael Hudson.

Here's an easier to read transcript of the alleged "FBI Analyst"'s comments.

But is this alleged FBI analyst for real? Almost certainly not, unless he's an agent tasked with a disinformation role.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Freedom versus Bureaucracy: EU Political Morons Think They Can Impose Their Rules on the UK After Brexit: UK Political Morons Agree

I made an investment the other day in the Mainstream Media, and I use the term "investment" advisedly. I bought a day-old copy of the Sunday Telegraph, which the clerk rang up at "ten dollars and 24 cents." Wow, I'd been thinking about two bucks fifty, which tells you how rarely I  buy a newspaper.

But the investment, as it turned out was worth it. First, I got to find out something about Caroline Aherne, a British entertainer of Irish extraction who died last week at the age of 52, and who, to quote the Telegraph, "bestrode Nineties television like a colossus."

Turns out she invented a comedy series for TV-watching morons all about a family of TV-watching morons, the patriarch of which family spoke endlessly of "my arse." Given that Aherne is said to have had an IQ of 176, a level matched by no more than about one person in five million, the level of her accomplishments in the cultural sphere suggests that something has gone seriously wrong with British civilization. Which is not to deny that Caroline Aherne was genuinely funny (the joke in that clip is in the very last line), but her work, compared with that of say Shakespeare, seems disappointingly limited in range.

But what I learned from the Telegraph that was truly amazing was in the Business section, where the lead story was headed: Britain hit by Brexit negotiator crisis. "The Government," the story begins, "may have to look as far afield as India and America to find the legion of negotiators it needs for post-Brexit trade talks ..." Then under the heading "Bank of England hires legion of advisers to prepare for looming economic challenges" the Telegraph reports that the B of E "has hired more than 300 new staff as it beefed up teams including its economic forecasting unit and its bank monitoring squads in the lead up to the Brexit vote," thus raising the bank's staff to almost four thousand.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Liberal-Lefties Direct Furious Hate Speech at "Fat", "Racist", "poorly educated", "old", "White", "Working Class" Brexit Supporters

Liberal-lefties love to dub their opponents "haters." The truth is, though, that no one hates like a liberal-leftie in defeat. And the UK's yes-for-Brexit vote has set of a firestorm of liberal-leftie hate speech against

Brexit supporters.

Naturally, the leaders of the Brexit campaign were branded liars.

Nigel Farage, resigned as UK Independence Party leader, saying he wanted his life back following death threats and threats of rape made against his daughter. Naturally, no charges against those making these threats have been laid by the authorities.

So angry and hate-filled are the anti-Brexiteers that immediately after losing the referendum they held a Fuck Brexit rally.

The reason people voted for Brexit, said rally organizer Billie Porter, was that "people were asked to make a decision they weren’t equipped to make". Presumably only those for the abolition of Britain's sovereign, democratic nation state were qualified to decide, while the rest were, well, fat, white, racist, poorly educated, etc., etc.,

No votes for old white people. We stole the country fair and
square and you're not having it back. Anti-Brexiteers against
democracy. Source
So angry and hate-filled, in fact, are the anti-Brexiteers that they want to deny the vote to old people, who are apparently, by definition stupid racists, especially if fat and white, and who, in any case, are going to die soon, thank God, and so should not be allowed to influence in any way the future of the country. 

I suppose handing over the future of the country to the younger generation wouldn't be so bad if the younger generation were not such pathetically brainwashed, politically correct, poorly educated, ill-mannered, foul-mouthed, bullying, ignoramuses.

As it is, the only hope, really, would be to raise the voting age to about 41, or maybe 51.

There would be nothing undemocratic about that. Although the right to vote would be delayed until the age of maturity, on attaining the vote, a citizen could assert their democratic right in the knowledge that their judgement would not be nullified by the vote of someone with the intellectual authority of a fudge sundae.


John Derbyshire: More Brechoes: Boris Not Good Enough; Exploding Progressive Heads!

This just in from Zero Hedge:

Four Countries Fed Up With EU
Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic issued a joint statement “The genuine concerns of our citizens need to be better reflected. National parliaments have to be heard.“
Poland’s deputy prime minister Mateusz Morawieck said “The British voice was the voice of reason.”

Protest AGAINST democracy? Thousands take to the streets AGAIN in anti-Brexit rally

Friday, July 1, 2016

Revenge of the Little People?

Curiously, folks in Europe seem to be fed-up with PC shysters and vote fixers of the Globalist, liberal left, telling them they must hand over their country, their government and their right to lead life according to their own traditions and religious faith to hoards of insensitive alien settlers who express contempt for the European people and their way of life, and indeed who declare their intention to conquer Europe and eliminate its people altogether "not by the sword, but by the womb."

Nuit debout protest, Paris, April 2016. Source
After many years of repression and submission, the people are showing some inclination to push-back, feeble though that effort may as yet seem. Brexit was one manifestation of this, and has succeeded in freeing Britain from domination by the Euro Commies and Kalergists under whom Britain has been inundated by million of immigrants now accounting for the majority of the population in London, Leicester, Luton, Slough and soon, in England's second city, Birmingham.

Now, outrageously, in a blatant expression of racism, xenophobia and religious bigotry, the Swiss have splendidly asserted the need for immigrants to assimilate to the Swiss way of life, rather than demanding the Swiss assimilate to the strange ways of alien life.

As for the Austrians, they seem to be giving the Kalergist vote fixers a hard time having just overturned the result of the corrupt Presidential election. However, it must be noted that despite a court ruling that the result of the election was marked by "serious vote fraud", no one has yet gone to gaol.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cynthia McKinney for Trump's VP

Brexit, writes Israel Shamir at

gave hope to the Americans. If the Brits could defeat powerful coalition of party establishment, media, mercenary intellectuals, bankers, so can the Americans. Now we have learned that Trump can win. Instead of having a new world war, people can have peace. Instead of giving all their money to banks and the Pentagon, the bounty can be shared by the people who produce the wealth of the nation.

The main argument contra Trump that still rules in the social networks is a PC argument. He is a white man and therefore a racist, he is against Muslims, he never goes to gay discos, he does not belong to the approved minorities.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Brexit and Europe's Very Stupid Leaders

"We are led," said Donald Trump, speaking of Americans, "by very stupid people."

As recent events prove, the Europeans likewise.

Addressing the European Parliament following the yes vote for Brexit, a triumphant Nigel Farage, told his fellow Euro parliamentarians:
When I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me – well I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?
And this:
Most of you have never done a proper job ...
No Churchillian magnanimity in victory there.

Is that very stupid, or what?

As for Angela Merkel, she pushes on with the Coudenhove-kalergi plan to make Europe a unitary mixed-race state* with a total contempt for the expressed wishes of the British public and, if the truth were told, all Europeans.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Now Hungary Calls Referendum on Who Rules Hungary, Hungarians or the EU — Elites Rise Up Against Ignorant Masses — Calls Now For German EU Exit — Cameron Blames Merkel — German Paper Calls Merkel EU Gravedigger — EU To Require Adoption of Euro — Merkel Demands Halt to Brexit Contagion — Putin Parallels EU and Collapsing Soviets — Farage Splatters Trudeau — France and Germany Plot Merger — German Car Makers Worry

In the wake of the UK's Brexit vote and the decision to leave the European Union (EU), the Hungarian President, Janos Ader, has ordered a nationwide referendum on October 2.

The Hungarian people will be asked whether they want to accept any future European Union quota system for resettling migrants.
Zero Hedge: Elites' Called To Arms: It's Time To Rise Up Against The Ignorant MassesIt appears the powers that be just are not going to take it anymore. Having mistakenly allowed the people of Britain to exercise their free will ...

Express: MERKEL'S WORST NIGHTMARE: Germany calls for Referendum as 'people want to be free of EU:
Far right figures in Alternative for Germany have promised to call their own vote if they clutch power in country's general election in autumn next year.

A party spokesman branded Brussels a "bureaucracy monster", before adding: "Next year the AfD will enter the German parliament and Dexit will be top on our agenda".

They called the vote a Dexit as it stands for a Deutschland exit from the EU.

David Cameron Blames Brexit On Merkel And EU "Immigration Failure" But why, if the EU was following a failed immigration policy with genocidal consequences for the British nation, did Cameron not support Brexit? Bit late to blame Merkel now.

Die Welt Calls For Merkel's Resignation, Slams "EU's Gravedigger" "Britain Votes Merkel Out Of Office, Too" is the astonishing headline from Germany's 3rd largest newspaper Die Welt. Pinning the blame for The Brits' vote, the op-ed lambasts The EU's political failure, "The British do not leave the EU as narrow-minded snobs that had not meant it to happen that way, but as proud democrats that no longer wanted to put up with the snags and political failures of the EU;" and puts the blame squarely on the sagging shoulders of Angela Merkel (and her solo attempts at refugee policy)... "voters in Britain basically also voted Angela Merkel out of office. Before she becomes the EU's gravedigger for good, she should follow David Cameron's example." ...

The Express: June 28, 2016, Juncker plans to force EU nations to adopt the single currency and complete a monetary union.

According to the Daily Mail:
Angela Merkel has said the EU needs to stop other countries following Britain out of the door ...

The German Chancellor told her conservative party board in a conference call that it was necessary to prevent other European Union members going down the same path as Britain. [Heil Angela]