Showing posts with label Corona virus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corona virus. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Suuuuure, Covid19 Did Not Come From the Lab

Hear Fauci-funded Peter Daszak, who subcontracted research to China's Wuhan Institute of Virology, on how we create deadly new diseases in the lab:


And supporting the out-of-the-lab thesis on the origin of Covid19, if only unintentionally, this absurdly bad article and mostly fatuous comments from the Unz Review, which claims that the virus was created and released by a bunch of dirty NeoCon Jews plus the horrible Steve Bannon intent on war with China.

Yes, there may be dirty NeoCon Jews intent on war with China, but that is not the relevant question. What's relevant is:

(1) Are there people creating dangerous pathogenic viruses in the lab?

And if so,

(2) Are they creating dangerous pathogenic corona viruses with spike protein genetically engineered to increase infectivity and virulence, i.e., viruses that would look just like Covid19.

To which the answer, in both cases, is yes.

Related questions of interests include:

(3) Was such gain-of-function research on pathogenic viruses being conducted in China?

And if so,

(4) Was such work conducted in collaboration with scientists from the US, the UK and other Western countries with US Funding provided, directly or indirectly, by Fauci's National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases?

To which the answer in both cases is yes.

None of this means that Covid19 came from the lab, but it establishes:

First, that Covid19 could be, and in light of other evidence, almost certain is, a lab construct;

Second, that Covid19 could have been released from the lab into the human population in many possible accidental or deliberate ways, including collusion between US and Chinese agents intent on promoting the New World Ordure.


ZH: CDC To Hold "Emergency Meeting" After 100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines
CanSpeccy: Blaming America for China's Covid lab leak?

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Why Isn't There a Criminal Investigation of Toni Fauci's Role in the Creation of the Covid Pandemic?


....As scientists with relevant expertise, we agree with the WHO director-general (5), the United States and 13 other countries (6), and the European Union (7) that greater clarity about the origins of this pandemic is necessary and feasible to achieve. We must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data. A proper investigation should be transparent, objective, data-driven, inclusive of broad expertise, subject to independent oversight, and responsibly managed to minimize the impact of conflicts of interest. Public health agencies and research laboratories alike need to open their records to the public. Investigators should document the veracity and provenance of data from which analyses are conducted and conclusions drawn, so that analyses are reproducible by independent experts. ....

Saturday, March 6, 2021

How The Fight Over American Freedom Will Probably Escalate

How the future of the world will unfold is always vastly uncertain. Yet there are times when a world-shaking change in the direction of affairs seems inevitable.

The jostling for power among the imperialist states of Europe in the years before World War 1, for example, left few in doubt that something had to give, though few imagined how radical or how bloody would be the transition to a new world order headed not by any of the great imperial powers of that era, Great Britain, Germany, France or Russia, but by a former colony, the upstart United States of America. 

Today, we appear to be on the brink of another global transition driven not only by the rise of other formerly oppressed countries, including the vastly populous nations of China and India, but by the astounding changes in ways of life both economic and social wrought by the last 100 years' advancement of science and technology.

Thus, we hear from many quarters imaginative accounts of the coming Great Reset, of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and even of the colonization of other worlds. Who knows how things will turn out, yet the short-term projection of events within the US entitled: How The Fight Over American Freedom Will Probably Escalate, to which we have linked below, provides what seems a plausible indication of the scope and potential violence of events to come even within the borders of existing states. 

By Brandon Smith

I have to say, I continue to see a divergence in what the elites clearly wanted to happen vs. what has actually happened. If the Event 201 pandemic war game on a coronavirus outbreak, held two months before the actual outbreak occurred in China, is any indication, then the globalists greatly overestimated the fear effect of Covid.

They predicted at least 65 million deaths from a coronavirus outbreak, but over a year has passed since the pandemic went international and the official death count stands at 2.5 million, with over 40% of deaths in the US attributed to nursing home patients that were ALREADY dying from preexisting conditions. Removing suspect nursing home deaths from the equation, the death count is probably closer to 1.5 million, again, if we adhere to official estimates.

To put this number in perspective, the CDC states that global deaths from the flu virus peak at around 649,000 depending on the year. Deaths from the flu and pneumonia reach as high as 1.4 million globally per year. Studies funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation find annual pneumonia death stats that are comparable to the CDC’s. Yet, we never saw Bill Gates calling for economic lockdowns, mask mandates and medical passports because of the flu or pneumonia. Why is that?

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Year Zero: The Year of the Virus

By C.J. Hopkins:

2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling classes did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them.

In the relatively short span of the last ten months, societies throughout the world have been transformed beyond recognition. Constitutional rights have been suspended. Protest has been banned. Dissent is being censored. Government officials are issuing edicts restricting the most basic aspects of our lives … where we can go, when we can go there, how long we are allowed to spend there, how many friends we are allowed to meet there, whether and when we can spend time with our families, what we are allowed to say to each other, who we can have sex with, where we have to stand, how we are allowed to eat and drink, etc. The list goes on and on.

The authorities have assumed control of the most intimate aspects of our daily lives. We are being managed like inmates in a prison, told when to eat, sleep, exercise, granted privileges for good behavior, punished for the slightest infractions of an ever-changing set of arbitrary rules, forced to wear identical, demeaning uniforms (albeit only on our faces), and otherwise relentlessly bullied, abused, and humiliated to keep us compliant.

None of which is accidental, or has anything to do with any actual virus, or any other type of public health threat. Yes, before some of you go ballistic, I do believe there is an actual virus, which a number of people have actually died from, or which at least has contributed to their deaths … but there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any authentic public health threat that remotely justifies the totalitarian emergency measures we are being subjected to or the damage that is being done to society. Whatever you believe about the so-called “pandemic,” it really is as simple as that. Even if one accepts the official “science,” you do not transform the entire planet into a pathologized-totalitarian nightmare in response to a health threat of this nature.
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Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ²:"The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt..." 

Now, roughly six weeks later, one of the most powerful Catholics in the United States, Cardinal Raymond Burke, has kicked it up a notch - slamming "secular forces" who want to "make us slaves to their godless and murderous agenda"

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Covid Vaccine Push-back

Conservative Tree House: The Usefulness of COVID-19 Fear

Brighteon: Canadian pathologist: Covid19 is a hoax

ZH: Russia Warns Citizens Not To Drink Alcohol For Six Weeks After COVID-19 Vaccine

Liberty Beacon: Survey shows 90+% against Gov’s COVID/Vax hoax

Global Research: Suspension of All SARS CoV-2 Vaccine Studies Sought by Former Pfizer Scientist and German parliamentarian 

... for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – Drs. Wodarg and Yeadon argue that vaccine trials should be halted until a study design is developed to address the significant safety concerns expressed by many eminent scientists.

One objection these doctors make to ongoing vaccine trials is the dodgy PCR test being used to assess vaccine effectiveness. They say that due to the known inaccuracy of the PCR test, any serious study requires the use of so-called Sanger sequencing. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality currently being used in vaccine trials, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Daily Mail: Danish Study: Masks 'DON'T stop you getting Covid'

Off Guardian: Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire

Daily Mail: Warning over UK vaccine rollout as two NHS staff given jab suffer 'anaphylactoid reaction'

Gateway Pundit: Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell’s Palsy – FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot

ZH: UK Warns People With "Severe Allergies" Shouldn't Take COVID Vaccine

Lew Rockwell: Doctors and Scientists Who Won't Be Taking the Covid19 Vaccine — Banned by U-Tube, obviously 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Oxford Professor of Epidemiology Declares UK Lockdown Policy a Costly Blunder

 By Sunetra Gupta

Unherd, October 17, 2020: Yesterday in parliament, Matt Hancock explained to the house why, “on the substance”, the central claim of the Great Barrington Declaration was “emphatically not true”.

“Many diseases never reach herd immunity – including measles, malaria, AIDS and flu…” he said. “Herd immunity is a flawed goal – even if we could get to it, which we can’t.”

Let’s have a look at the diseases he mentions. Measles, if it arrives on ‘virgin soil’, can devastate a population. In Tahiti and Moorea and the South-east and North-west Marquesas, between 20% and 70% of the population was lost to the first epidemic. Natural infection with measles provides lifelong immunity, and we now have a vaccine which provides similar solid, durable protection. We have not been able to eliminate the disease, but those who rather selfishly choose not to vaccinate their children are only able make that choice because the risks of infection are kept low by those who are immune — currently, a combination of those, like me, who caught it and recovered and many others for whom it is vaccine induced. The vaccine does not work in babies, which is why you have to wait till they are a year old before they get it. We can do this because herd immunity keeps the risk of infection down, so they are are unlikely to be infected in their first year of life. Without this herd protection, many under ones would die (as they regularly do in sub-Saharan Africa) despite a vaccine being available.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Biohacking Humans with DNA, Nanotechnology, IoT and 5G

 By Domagoj Nikolić

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the author; they do not reflect the author’s employer or any entity whatsoever with which he has been, is now, or will be affiliated.

Could it be that the “vaccines” they want to push on us, using the corona pandemic as a pretext, are connected to some kind of a deranged transhumanistic scenario? Apparently, Jeffrey Epstein had a maniacal goal to seed the entire human race with his DNA. If I read between the lines correctly, the fulfilment of this “deed” would take injecting his genetic code into the DNA of every human. 

However, spreading his genetic footprint on the whole of humanity by impregnating a bunch of rape victims or prostitutes, as was indicated by his loose talk, did not seem realistic.

It is well known that he used to hang out with prominent scientists from Harvard, MIT, etc. So, why did he so lavishly fund synthetic biology and genetic engineering?

Jeffrey Epstein and biotech research 

Epstein not only donated his own funds, but also served as “an intermediary (with) other wealthy donors, soliciting millions of dollars in donations from individuals and organizations, including the technologist and philanthropist Bill Gates and the investor Leon Black.” By and large, the beneficiaries of his largesse had a deeper fund-raising relationshipwith him than they were willing to admit, and did their best to conceal the extents of their contacts.

Numerous Harvard geneticists, including George Church, have accepted Epstein donations. He has since then, like many others, issued an apology. However, knowing what we know today, we should not take either their judgement or motives as valid. We should also make note of the fact that the same George Church appeared as a member of the anti-corona genetics team

In another example, a Harvard scientist named Charles Lieber took “generous” donations from Epstein. The same Charles Lieber was arrested for the undisclosed Wuhan – Harvard connection, i.e. for setting up a secret biotech lab in China, allegedly to bypass the US regulations on biowarfare research

His funding included more than $15M from donors such as DoD and National Institutes of Health (NIH). He “specialized in the area of nanoscience” and “became a ‘Strategic Scientist’ at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT)” that “awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT”.

An interesting article elaborating those connections was published on Joseph P. Farrell’s website, which reaffirmed that Lieber’s specialized research was nanotechnology aimed “to detect small viral particles in humans”. 

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Off Guardian: 

Int’l Lawyers Bringing Class Action Over “Covid Scandal”

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Angelo Codevila: The Covid Coup

Panicked by fears manufactured by the ruling class, the American people assented to being put essentially under house arrest until further notice, effectively suspending the habits, preferences, and liberties that had defined our way of life. Most Americans have suffered economic damage. Many who do not enjoy protected status have had careers ended and been reduced to penury. Social strains and suicides multiplied. Forcibly deferring all manner of medical care is sure to impose needless suffering and death. In sum, the lockdowns’ medical and economic dysfunctions make for multiples of the deaths and miseries of the COVID-19 virus itself.

Are there any categories of people who benefited from the shutdowns? Government gained. We know of no employee of federal, state or local government who was furloughed or had his or her pay reduced. On the contrary, all got additional power. The federal government created trillions of dollars, the distribution of which is enriching the usual suspects involved in administration. The teachers’ unions gained the power to extort concessions as a price for reopening schools.
Bad judgments and usurpations—the scam, not the germs—define this disaster’s dimensions. The COVID-19’s devastating effect on the U.S. body politic is analogous to what diseases do to persons whom age (senectus ipsa est morbus) and various debilities and corruptions had already placed on death’s slippery slope.

And as independent businesses were throttled, big ones grew. The biggest, Amazon, was the biggest winner.
Outside of the few who have gained (and are still gaining) power and wealth from the panic, Americans are asking what it will take to end this outrage—not to modify it with any “new normal” decided by who knows whom, on who knows what authority. Since no one in authority is leading those who want to end it, Americans also wonder who may lead that cause. What follows suggests answers.

Prohibitions such as of playing in the park or swimming in the sea are mere devices to train the public to accept unlimited bureaucratic discretion. You may congregate at Costco, but not at church. Failure to obey regulations will land ordinary citizens in jail, while the jails release robbers and child molesters. You may not exceed limits on occupancy or fail to wear a mask. You may not even sing in church. But if you and friends loot and burn the neighborhood store, the police will just stand by. Yet all Democrat governors celebrated and some joined masses of “protests”—forget about masks and social distancing. They did this not for anybody’s health but to to secure another few percentage points of the black vote for their party and to leverage their seizure of power over police forces.
What history will record as the great COVID scam of 2020 is based on 1) a set of untruths and baseless assertions—often outright lies—about the novel coronavirus and its effects; 2) the production and maintenance of physical fear through a near-monopoly of communications to forestall challenges to the U.S.. ruling class, led by the Democratic Party, 3) defaulted opposition on the part of most Republicans, thus confirming their status as the ruling class’s junior partner. No default has been greater than that of America’s Christian churches—supposedly society’s guardians of truth.

We are supposed to believe that all this is dictated by “Science.” In June, 1,200 “health experts” signed a letter approving the BLM protests because, it said, “white supremacy is a lethal public health issue.” But it cautioned that “this should not be confused with a permissive stance on…protests against stay-home orders.” In short, Coronavirus restrictions, like the rest of political correctness’s commandments, are pure political weaponry—nothing short of an inversion of the American people’s priorities, accomplished by nobody’s vote. Ruling class presumption. In short, we are living through a coup d’Ă©tat.
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Barry Norris:
The Biggest Fraud Ever, Part 1: The Hocus "Science" Behind Lockdowns

Dutch Government Won’t Use Mask Mandate; ‘No Proven Effectiveness’

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Headline of the Day: April 29, 2020

The Corona virus response will go down as one of the world’s most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly & irrationally inflated & outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in world history

These are the facts: COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly those with comorbidities, — and does nothing to the vast majority.

Thats it.

That, in a nutshell, is it.

Or, in the words of Dan Erickson and Artin Massih, doctors and co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California: Let’s get the country reopened — and now.

“Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no. Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. … [T]he data is showing it’s time to lift,” Erickson said, in a recent interview.

He’s right. They’re right.

The data to keep America closed and Americans closed in simply doesn’t exist.

If truth be told, it’s questionable it ever did.

The scientists leading the coronavirus shutdown charge predicted in March that in America, between 100,000 and 250,000 would die. They based those estimates on computer modeling.

But at the same time they were basing those estimates on computer modeling, they were acknowledging that computer modeling is inaccurate and errs on the side of hype.

“I’ve never seen a model of the diseases I’ve dealt with where the worst-case actually came out,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of President Donald Trump’s White House coronavirus task force, during a CNN interview in March. “They always overshoot.”

Catch that? Fauci’s message: Computer models are flawed and inaccurate and always overestimate the problem.

But from these faulty overinflated computer figures came all the constitutionally questionable actions by government anyway — from ordering businesses closed to quarantining-slash-house arresting American citizens to doing some quick and pitiful and economically painful income redistribution schemes via stimulus funds’ legislation.

Since, about 56,000 have died in America due to coronavirus — or have they? Again, the facts are flimsy.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Corona Virus and Care Homes That Kill

Of Canada's 5 million plus over 65's, only six or seven percent are in care facilities, yet those in care facilities account for almost half of Canada's Covid19 deaths.

So if you want to be rid of Granny in a hurry, put her in a care home.

Since viruses are not spontaneously created, we can infer that Covid19 is killing so many in Canada because a small proportion of the nation's old people are incarcerated in care facilities and nursing homes where the staff bring the corona virus to work with them.

Among other things, this suggests that national differences in covid19 deaths likely depend in large part on differences in quality of care home management. Where, as in Canada, many care home workers are part-timers, on minimum wage and without fringe benefits, home inmates are exposed to an unnecessarily large number of employees, some of whom work part-time at more than one care home. Such conditions minimize professionalism among workers while maximizing the risk of infection being introduced to care homes from the outside community and being transmitted from one home to another.

Almost certainly better regulation of care homes and better working conditions for care home workers would have spared Canada a large proportion of virus deaths. Instead of shedding crocodile tears for the elderly dead while imposing lock-downs on the entire community and thereby destroying the economy, government ministers should be acting to bring about reform in the care home industry.

WSJ: Coronavirus Strikes at Least 2,100 Senior Facilities Across U.S., Killing 2,300 People
NBC News: 2,500 Long-term care facilities in 36 US states are battling coronavirus cases
Ryan McMaken: In March, US Deaths From COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2% Of All Deaths
The Spectator: How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear
CBC: As many as 34,000 Ottawans could have COVID-19
Zero Hedge: "No Hope": Canada's Nursing Homes Prepare For Mass Death
Station Gossip: Three major nursing home companies are DENIED tests for residents - despite spate of deaths from suspected outbreaks

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Understanding the Reproduction Number, Lock-downs and Herd Immunity

During a disease epidemic, lock-downs cut the reproduction number -- that is the number of people infected by each infected person -- by reducing opportunities for viral spread. This can be seen in the Canadian data, which show that the number of newly reported cases turned down within two week of the onset of a national lock-down (see figure 2). As the incubation period for the disease is approximately two weeks, that indicates that the lock-down had a more or less immediate effect in reducing the spread of the virus.

Figure 2. New reported COVID-19 cases (n=5,590

Footnote1) in Canada by episode dateFootnote2 as of April 1, 2020, 11 am EDT

When R0 is less than one, the epidemic dies down and is ultimately extinguished. Problem is, if R0 is driven down by means of a lock-down, any remaining cases or new cases from whatever source are likely to re-ignite the epidemic when the lock-down ends. That is the danger China now faces. China is dealing with this risk by testing people entering the country so that imported cases can be quarantined, and so that contacts of new cases of any source, can be tracked down and quarantined.

In time, if the proportion of the population that has been infected rises high enough, R0 will fall below 1 without a lock-down because most people are immune and cannot therefore be (re-)infected. That is why, in Britain, epidemiologists are now conducting surveys to determine how many people have already acquired immunity. If the proportion is high enough, probably over 60%, herd immunity will have been achieved. That means that even without control over human interactions, R0 will be less than 1 and the virus will be unable to spread. At that point, any new outbreak will die out spontaneously and the national lock-down can be ended.

A further consequence of making a reliable estimate of the population-wide infection rate is that it will provide a basis for an accurate estimate of the mortality rate for the disease. At present, mortality rate estimates are hopelessly skewed because the infection rate includes only those with disease symptoms who are known to medical authorities. Those who suffer the illness without reporting to a doctor, or who are infected without experiencing disease symptoms, are currently excluded from mortality rate estimates, thus elevating the apparent death rate, probably many times in excess of the actual rate.

James Corbett: The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus
Spectator USA: No lockdown, please, we’re Swedish
Guido Fawkes: China Faking Corona Virus Stats?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus Quote of the Day

Dr. Richard Schabas, former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario, 
Chief of Staff at York Central Hospital, etc.

Quarantine belongs back in the Middle Ages.
Save your masks for robbing banks.
Stay calm and carry on.
Let’s not make our attempted cures worse than the disease.

SPR: A Swiss Doctor's Diary on Covid19

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Government Response to Covid19 : A Monstrous Boondoggle

Looks like the Corona virus pandemic panic is the result of bad science, social media hyperventilation and corporate media bullshit.

Thus: Coronavirus may have already infected half of UK, study says

... and killing how many?

Just over 400, for a fatality rate of about zero point three noughts three percent.

Mostly old or very old people. Mostly people with other conditions, probably several other conditions.

Except out of respect for the very small number of fatalities, I would say LOL.

Then there's this:
12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic:

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician specialising in Pulmonology, politician and former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009 he called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic.
"Politicians are being courted by scientists…scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in the mainstream and want their part of it […] And what is missing right now is a rational way of looking at things.

We should be asking questions like “How did you find out this virus was dangerous?”, “How was it before?”, “Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”, “Is it even something new?”

That’s missing."
And here are eleven other medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.
For example, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology who was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history has this to say:
"We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.

[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling.

All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook..."
Yep, the corona virus has been a disaster all right. It's meant massive looting of the treasury of many countries including the US, Britain and Canada, and it has caused huge disruption of medical services without a scrap of decent scientific evidence in justification.

One may say it has been a catastrophic failure by the global elite, medical experts and the ranks of academia always anxious to get in on a new research gravy train.

Or was it more than that? A panic engineered to achieve a massive wealth transfer from an innocent citizenry to the globalist elite via a stock market and economic crash?

The Blaze: Stanford medical professors: COVID-19 death toll estimates may be 'orders of magnitude' too high
Wall St. Journal Editorial (pdf): Estimates of Covid-19 fatality rate too high by orders of magnitude
Gov. UK: COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease in the UK
Brabantian via Medical Professionals Expose Corona Virus Scam
Swiss Propaganda Research: Covid19 In Italy: 90% of the deceased are over 70, mean age of 81
The Scientific Media Centre: Expert reaction to unpublished paper modelling what percentage of the UK population may have been exposed to COVID-19
The Federalist: The Scientist Whose Doomsday Pandemic Model Predicted Armageddon Just Walked Back The Apocalyptic Predictions
Station Gossip: The Coronavirus Death Toll Is Rising At Different Rates In Different Countries. These Charts Help Explain Why
Financial Times: Coronavirus may have infected half of UK population — Oxford study
ZH: Prof Who Predicted 500K UK Deaths Now Says Under 20K Will Die, Peak In Two Weeks
ZH: 15-Minute Coronavirus Home Testing Kits Will Be Available To UK Public "Within Days"

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How China Ended the Corona Virus Epidemic -- If It Has Ended

Infectious diseases cause epidemics when infected individuals infect, on average, more than one other person, causing the total number of infections to grow despite recovery or death of those previously infected. The number of individuals infected by each infected person is call the Reproduction number (R0).

Epidemics end when R0 falls below one. The COVID19 epidemic in China went exponential in January, with an R0 peaking at almost 4.0, and then tailed off throughout late January and February.

Why did it tail off?

Simple: quarantines and sequestrations.

Quarantine means restricting people's movement. This may mean restricting or prohibiting travel from one city to another, often referred to as a "lock-down,"or it may mean closing schools, universities, and places of business, thereby keeping people largely confined to their homes, rather than crowding together in the streets, on trains and buses, and in all places of assembly where those who are infected but asymptomatic can pass on the infection.

Quarantines may extend to ordering people to stay home, or even physically barring them from leaving their homes.

Sequestration means keeping the infected out of contact with the uninfected, including their own family or others with whom they share accommodation. In Wuhan, that was achieved by the creation of many thousands of beds in isolation facilities. These facilities are not primarily treatment facilities, they are simply places where sick people are put together out of contact with healthy members of their family and community.

The effectiveness of sequestration can be greatly enhanced if infected and infectious, but asymptomatic, individuals can be identified. Simple and rapid COVID19 tests have been developed, although control of the epidemic in China seems to have been achieved prior to widespread use of testing.

China's success in controlling COVID19 is proof of the effectiveness of China's authoritarian form of government in handling a crisis of the kind that would be experienced in the event of a biological WMD attack. As the virus spreads around the world, we will learn whether Western governments are can achieve by gentler means, China's remarkable success in containing this novel Corona virus.

But China's success remains to be confirmed. As reported here, some in China say the victory over the bat flu is FAKE.

Moon of Alabama: Coronavirus - The Hidden Cases - Why We Must Shut Everything Down And Do It Now
Zero Hedge: WHO Declares Covid-19 A Pandemic, Deeply Concerned At "Alarming Level Of Inaction"
WSJ: Italy, With Aging Population, Has World’s Highest Daily Deaths From Virus (Corona virus has killed 5% of known cases in Italy)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Is the Corona Virus Global Pandemic a Hoax?

Ron Unz, over at the Unz Review, is running several articles arguing that the novel corona virus, COVID-19, is a US biowarfare agent most likely launched by the US armed-forces contingent at last December's Military Games in Wuhan, China. The purpose for this dastardly deed? To wreck China's economy and give the US a chance to remain global hegemon for at least another few months.

The idea seems dopey to me. To date, Covid-19 has killed far fewer than the regular late-fall flu. What's more, those said to have died are mostly, like me, over 65, i.e., a burden on the economy, not a productive asset to be preserved.

True, in response to the outbreak of this supposedly deadly virus, China has really hammed it up, barring citizens in their homes, locking down whole cities, building multiple massive hospitals overnight.

Sure makes it look like the virus is a real threat. Yet in America, the reaction to the arrival of COVID-19 is almost somnolent, with fewer tests for the virus having been conducted in the whole of the US than have been conducted in the single Canadian Province of British Columbia.

Meantime, here in test-crazy BC, life continues seemingly unaltered. The streets are filled with vehicles, the stores are filled with shoppers, and although stores are said to have sold out of face masks, no one I've seen is wearing this life-saving device.

But why fake an epidemic? Well, for China, it provides an opportunity to test their biowarfare response systems, while for Donald Trump it allows him to breeze through the crisis exuding optimism and confidence and demonstrating that America is truly so great again that it can just shrug off the non-existent virus while hardly moving a finger to stop it.

Who knows? But for me, as a commentator, it looks to be a win-win situation. If the bug's for real and I join the ranks of the elderly victims of viral voracity, I won't be around for anyone to ridicule me, but if I'm still here by summer, I'll take a bow.

And as the 2019—2020 season flu death toll in the US heads for 20,000, the New York Post reports: Coronavirus death toll reaches six in US. To that, I say — with all due respect for the diseased, LOL.

CanSpeccy: The novel Corona Virus Is Going Global and If You're Old, It May Just Have Been Targeted On You
Jon Rappoport: How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)

Friday, February 14, 2020

Top US Biowarfare Expert, Professor, Lawyer: COVID19 Is a Biological Weapon Escaped from the Wuhan Biowarfare Lab.

Re: The Above Disappeared Video: Google shoves another video down the Memory Hole. Naming the service U-Tube, as in a toilet bowl syphon, was inspired. But here it is via Great Game India:

"All BSL laboratories exist solely for the purpose of developing biological warfare agents."

"You just can't believe anything the Chinese Government, the WHO, the CDC are telling you. They all lie. They know what's going on, so you going to have to figure it out as best you can. It does seem to me ... that this was a DNA genetically engineered biological agent leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties ... I think they are doing something with SARS to make it more lethal and more infectious.

Is this guy on the level, spewing propaganda, or just nuts? Seems odd saying "this was a DNA genetically engineered biological agent," when we know that COVID-19 is an RNA virus.

CanSpeccy: The novel Corona Virus Is Going Global and If You're Old, It May Just Have Been Targeted On You

Global Research: Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview

Re: Francis Boyle:
Interview with Francis Boyle on Biowarfare: U.S. Germ Warfare Program a "Criminal Enterprise"

Anthrax War (documentary):

Weaponizing Biotech – China’s War for Biological Dominance

2019: Gates Foundation, Others, Simulate, Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus

2017: Inside Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens

2015: Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Is China Lying About the Numbers Infected with the Wuhan Coronavirus?

A message written in the snow alongside the Tonghui river reads "Goodbye Li Wenliang!"
On February 1, China's social medium Tencent momentarily reported that there were 154 thousand Novel Corona Virus infections in China and 25 thousand related deaths, or about ten times the official Chinese Government numbers.

Vox Popoli questioned the high mortality on the ground that if the Chinese mortality rate were 16% one would have expected a comparable rate outside of China, which is not the case. This evoked some illuminating reader comments, including the following:

10. The real Chinese death rate is the death rate with no medical care, in unheated buildings, in winter. The Western death rate is what you get with basic life support and central heating. 16% versus 2% might be plausible.

24. The high death toll might be accounted for because it's been designed (nature or otherwise) to kill Asian men.

25. You can see the real infection rate more accurately reflected in the number of infected among evacuees: Belgium, 1/9; Japan, 3/200; South Korea, 11/368. These numbers are statistically impossible with the reported infection rates.

58. They wouldn’t have quarantined 50 million plus people, have crematoriums working 24/7, be spraying the streets, be frantically building “hospitals”, limiting testing kits, etc., if the real numbers of infected and dead were the official figures.
But apparently you would be at less risk of contracting the novel Corona virus in Wuhan, China than on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Thus far, 61 of the 3700 people on board the Diamond Princess have been diagnosed with the virus for an infection rate of 2%* versus a reported rate of only 0.008% in the Wuhan quarantine zone.

Another anomaly in the reported infection rates is the difference between the rate for foreign nationals in China and Chinese nationals. China has reported 19 infections among foreign nationals in China, which out of a population of 50,000 foreign nationals in China, means an infection rate of 0.00038%. Applied to the population of Chinese nationals, that rate of infection would equate to a total of 530,000 infections.

Even if the population of foreign nationals in China is ten times that reported, an equivalent infection rate among Chinese nationals would be over fifty thousand, which is almost twice the rate China is currently reporting.

However, if the number of foreign nationals in China totals a million or so, then the infection rate among foreign nationals would confirm the validity of the numbers reported by the Chinese Government.


* The number infected with the Wuhan bat flu on the Diamond Princess has now doubled to 136, for an infectrion rate of 4%.

Zero Hedge: In Shocking Admission, WHO Advisor Says Coronavirus May Infect Over 5 Billion People
BiorXiv: Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
Metallicman: Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an engineered biological attack on China by America for geopolitical advantage?
Zero Hedge: Sudden Militarization Of Wuhan's P4 Lab Raises New Questions About The Origin Of The Deadly Covid-19 Virus
Harvard to the Big House: Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
James Lyons-Weiler: On the Origins of the 2019-nCoV Virus, Wuhan, China
Vox: How deadly pathogens have escaped the lab — over and over again
Zero Hedge: China Reports Huge Jump In New Coronavirus Infections And Deaths
Zero Hedge: Ward off the Corona Virus: Drink Cow's Pee
If this virus gets to India, the death toll may be higher than in China
Zero Hedge: Corona virus comes to Londonistan
Bloomberg: Corona virus, which may infect half a million in Wuhan, is not very deadly
The Lancet: Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China
Taiwan News: Rise in sulfur dioxide could be sign of mass cremations in Wuhan
Epoch Times: Coronavirus Live Updates: Infected Patients Jumps to 130 on Cruise Ship in Japan
Zero Hedge: "The Death Rate Is Up To 5%": Wuhan Doctor Novel coronavirus: Beijing officially declares lockdown

Event 21, Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, October 2019:

Zero Hedge: Exiled Chinese Billionaire Claims 1.5 Million Infected With Coronavirus, 50,000 Dead
FP: Coronavirus: the cost of China’s public health cover-up
Zero Hedge: Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?
Daily Mail: Eighty-six people die of coronavirus in a DAY in China as Beijing begins mass arrest of sufferers and videos shows hazmat suit-clad goons dragging people from their homes as the death toll hits 724
CBC: What if China fails to contain the coronavirus outbreak?
Zero Hedge: Up To 30% Of Medical Staff Working In Wuhan Hospital Now Infected With nCoV
Zero Hedge: Virus Deaths Jump To 724; 190K Under Observation; New Cases Turn Higher
Washington Times: Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program
ZeroHedge: White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered
Zero Hedge: 400 Million People Are On Lockdown In China As Guangzhou Joins Quarantine