Friday, October 16, 2020

Oxford Professor of Epidemiology Declares UK Lockdown Policy a Costly Blunder

 By Sunetra Gupta

Unherd, October 17, 2020: Yesterday in parliament, Matt Hancock explained to the house why, “on the substance”, the central claim of the Great Barrington Declaration was “emphatically not true”.

“Many diseases never reach herd immunity – including measles, malaria, AIDS and flu…” he said. “Herd immunity is a flawed goal – even if we could get to it, which we can’t.”

Let’s have a look at the diseases he mentions. Measles, if it arrives on ‘virgin soil’, can devastate a population. In Tahiti and Moorea and the South-east and North-west Marquesas, between 20% and 70% of the population was lost to the first epidemic. Natural infection with measles provides lifelong immunity, and we now have a vaccine which provides similar solid, durable protection. We have not been able to eliminate the disease, but those who rather selfishly choose not to vaccinate their children are only able make that choice because the risks of infection are kept low by those who are immune — currently, a combination of those, like me, who caught it and recovered and many others for whom it is vaccine induced. The vaccine does not work in babies, which is why you have to wait till they are a year old before they get it. We can do this because herd immunity keeps the risk of infection down, so they are are unlikely to be infected in their first year of life. Without this herd protection, many under ones would die (as they regularly do in sub-Saharan Africa) despite a vaccine being available.


  1. Boy I love these people who speak calmly and rationally to both the facts and the uncertainty.

    Dr. Gupta makes a reference to millions of people dying of starvation. This is coming and coming soon.

    David Jory

    Thankyou for your sane and helpful championing of the Great Barrington declaration.
    I sit in ophthalmic clinics and am allowed to see only a third of patients since mid August. Before that it was emergencies only.
    My telephone consultations have been full of very patient people being abused by SAGE advice. People are going blind because they couldn't see an optician for months and have glaucoma. This cannot be fixed. Cataract waiting lists have shot up because almost no surgery was done for 6 months. This is correctable but will take years. In the meantime, some will trip, fall and break bones and their immobility can lead to pneumonia and death. As a last example children with amblyopia are left unscreened and untreated. As a result some could endure almost a century of poor sight in one eye which could have been prevented. This week I spoke to a lady with painful eyes with swollen lids who has been unable to see a specialist in 3 months and current treatment is making her symptoms in worse. She was in tears of fear, anger and frustration.
    Those who have caused this will be dead for many years while the current young are still affected by the health and economic consequences. It is shameful, cowardly and stupid.
    This is my small area, but it must be much worse for oncologists like Karol Sikora and cardiologists who are watching patients die now because of lack of care."
    -- from one of the comments to the article.

    In the name of God, we knew these secondary lethal consequences were a certainty.

    You made a comment some time ago which has haunted me. "Somewhere there has to have been detailed plans for what to do in this kind of situation...Where are those plans?" (Or words to that effect.)

    You have to have been correct. I mean, they play war games in the Pentagon...Somewhere out there scientists and planners had to be participating in virus games. These plans have been deliberately suppressed. What we are witnessing is murder. Murder.

    (How much longer can Gupta hold up the courage to speak this way? She's being defamed in the same way Ioannidis was defamed. Mercilessly.)

    I hope you are well. You've mentioned a few times you are one of the vulnerable.

    1. Thanks for the David Jory quote. It gives clarity to the trade off that is being made between saving a few old geezers a slightly earlier death due to Covid19 and saving many many others from equally life-threatening conditions or life-long health impediments.

      Thanks for your good wishes. I('m actually very fit. Was up a tree yesterday pruning branches overhanging my neighbor's yard.

      My position, relative to age, is that the last thing any sensible person of considerable age should want is to be locked up for months or years to protect them from some increased risk of death, rather than being free to live as fully as possible during whatever time remains to them.

    2. One thing that suprised me about Gupta's article is the diffident tone. Behaps that reflects nervousness on the part of an Indian national holding a prestigious position at England's top university in attacking a minister of the British crown. But whatever Gupta's feelings may be, she focuses the argument on the economy versus Covid suppression, which I suspect is why her views are ruthlessly attacked. Maybe I miss the point, but it seems to me that this is what the "Great Reset" that Prince Charles and Davos friends are so anxious to see is about. It is about smashing the consumer economy and reducing the mass of Western humanity to the level of grinding poverty whith which Sunetra Gupta is so well aware as a native of Calcutta.

  2. The people who are behind this seek to take over the world. They are after world domination. That the lives of millions and millions will be destroyed, mutilated, ended miserably, is no obstacle to them. They are ruthless.

    I do expect they'll start taking people out soon. It is all likely a tactical consideration of how visibly ruthless they can be without people going bonkers, "running amok" and out of control. They want a controlled demolition, not something out of control.

    Otherwise, they can pretty much do as they please. They can murder Jeff Epstein in his cell and the rest of us can debate whether it was suicide, or mutter to ourselves things ain't right. They can take Gupta out and then say she died due to a relapse due to her covid infection(Gupta did mention she had rather severe after effects to her infection) thus not only silencing her but appearing to demonstrate how wrong-headed and naive she had been.

    I'm glad you're doing great, CS. You're an inspiration.

  3. Notice we got the information about the collateral damage via a secondary source, not on page one of the New York Times. The medical doctors out there who have not been able to provide quality medical care as a result of the lock downs have been effectively silenced from telling this side of the story. A David Jory or two will find an outlet and reach a handful of people, about 1 to 1000000 ratio of what they'd reach if there was a free press. It is so, so clear now what's happening, but short a miracle, it is likely too late. We're too deep into the trap and weakening by the day.
