Friday, January 7, 2022

Vaccination massively increases risk of Covid infection, yet (or for which reason) our Jackass, low-IQ Prime Minister energetically insults "Anti-Vaxxers"

By "anti-vaxxer," our Premier, Justin Trudeau, God help us, means the unvaccinated. Such citizens Trudeau has labelled with crude hate speech, racists and mysogynists. This from the blackface guy who said of a groping complainant, "people experience things differently."

But the truth is, very few unvaccinated Canadians give a damn whether or not others are vaccinated. Certainly we have no objection to Justin Trudeau being jabbed as often as he likes — the more often the better, in fact. 

But we decline, on our own behalf, an untested, so-called vaccine that has killed thousands merely to protect us from an infection shown to be little if any more deadly than the flu. An infection, moreover, that we, and probably a third or more of the Canadian population, have already had and survived without need of medical intervention.

As for the lie repeatedly asserted by Trudeau, Biden and Bojo, together with their European, Australian and New Zealand Nazi collaborators, namely, that the unvaccinated threaten the health of the vaccinated, it is complete bollocks. As stated last July, by none other than Rochelle Walensky, Director of the US Center for Disease Control, the vaccinated can catch and spread Covid as readily as the unvaccinated. 

What's more, British data show that the vaxxed in all age groups over 29 have a roughly two-fold greater probability of catching Covid than the unvaxxed (UK Health Security Agency, see Table 2).

Which when you think about it is not so strange. With false confidence in the effectiveness of the vax as instilled by liars and wannabe tyants like Trudeau, the vaccinated throw caution to the wind, socialize as if immune to infection, and thus put themselves at high risk of getting Covid — and spreading it. Trudeau's anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, tend to be more careful and thus do more to slow the spread than the vaxxed, or pro-vaxxers, to use the Trudeau's mode of communication. 

And now we have this: Vaccine Effectiveness Plummets to as Low as Minus-151% as Omicron Cancels Out Boost From Third Doses, which confirms that the vax really does increase your risk of Covid infection.

It's time now for Ottawa to terminate the Covid scam before the city begins to look like the riot-torn Kazakh capital of Almaty and hypocritical Justin, Blackface, Trudeau is forced to follow Kazakh tyrant Nursultan Nazarbayev into exile.


Repeat COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots Trigger Regulator Warning About Immune-System Risks

COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s Is 99.9987%; Stanford Epidemiology Prof But Trudeau, Saint Bonnie Henry and every Canadian provincial premier wants every child vaxxed despite the risk of heart and vascular damage the vax entails

Supreme Leader Nic Sturge-on Tells Scots They May Have to Wear Masks For Years

LA Times Columnist Says Mocking Anti-Vaxxers' Deaths Is "Necessary"  So are "anti-vaxxers" to cheer if your child dies from a vaccine side effect? 

Covid is now killing HALF as many Brits per day as does flu in a bad year 

England's ?MI6 Archbishop of Canterbury called in to sell the lie that vaccination stops the spread

Double Vaccinated Have Double the Infection Rate, Data From Iceland Shows Would someone point this out to out dull-witted Prime Minister? 

And for any who may question the claim, please note that British data have shown the same thing for months -- as we pointed out here

But however much data one present, most people are by now too brainwashed by the lies of Trudeau and the rest of the Covid Nazi leadership to grasp that they've been duped in a psychological operation to be a lab rat in a global experiment.

Omicron Could End Up Being Less Deadly Than Seasonal Flu; New US Study Which won't deter the vax Nazis who are setting up concentration camps now for the "anti-vaxxers", which is to say those who claim the freedom to refuse an untested so-called vaccine that is know to promote viral spread.

US Supreme Court Presented With Fake Science to Justify Vax Mandates It will be interesting to see if the Supreme Court justices accept the bullshit. As the US seems intent on self-destruction due to a national psychotic break, it's a reasonable bet that they will. 

When People Are Anxious, Isolated, & Hopeless; They're Less Ready To Think Critically Which is why most Canadians dumbly accept Trudeau's lies and bullying.

Why Don't We Cut Out The Middleman And Just Elect Pfizer & Merck? You mean get rid of dim-bulb dictator wannabe Trudeau and his absurdly ignorant agents, the likes of Teresa Tam, Saint Bonnie Henry and the compliant Provincial Premiers?

In fact, the idea of having the richest people rule the country is one I have long advocated. At least then they`d have to justify their actions instead of evading that unpleasant necessity by having bought political representatives skilled in rhetoric to spew plausible lies on their behalf.

South African Researchers Say Omicron Might Mark The End Of COVID Pandemic It will do that because the infection induces memory T- and B-cell immunity, which means long-lived, probably life time, immunity, which the new-tech vax fails to provide.

'I see it coming': Mandatory vaccinations on the horizon, Minister says So this  slithy Tove intends to have the Canadian Provinces impose the vax tyranny: 
I think discussions need to be had about mandatory vaccinations because we have to get rid of Covid 19.”

A fine example of what used to be called a non sequitur, but is now known as bullshit.  The bullshit being that the vax does not "get rid of Covid19," but rather hastens the spread. And this fornicating humbug is the fornicating Canadian Minister of Health. God help us, indeed. 

Most New Yorkers in hospital with Covid, were not admitted to hospital because of Covid — many were no doubt infected in the hospital, most hospitals being rife with the virus.

Study Finds People Wearing Masks are Meaner, More Selfish, Less Moral, and More Violent These are the Covid Nazis, we`ve been warning against.

Thousands Protest Scotch Covid Lockdown Nazi, Nicola Sturgeon  Soon they may want terminate Tony Blair's totally idiotic national devolution scheme and rejoin the United Kingdom.

Doctors warn 'no jab, no job' rule will make NHS staff shortages worseAs this article indicates, Jokester PM, Boris Johnson's Health Minister, Savage Javage, is so ignorant he had to be told by a doctor that getting Covid gives you better immunity that the untested and potentially lethal, new-tech so-called vaccines that are incapable — in principle — of providing full-spectrum and long-lasting immunity.

End Covid Vaccination of Children Because the Risks Outweigh the Benefits, Government Told By MPs and Scientists Oh screw the kids. We gotta protect granny and all the obese members of the school teachers Union.

No need for fourth vax dose, say UK Government Scientific Advisers Most people under the age of 50, could have done without the first three doses.

Winning the War on “Misinformation”

‘We’ll Piss You Off!’ – Massive Protest in France Against Macron Following His Dehumanizing Comments on Unvaxxed So the French people told Macron to piss off when he insulted a large part of the population. Canadians, in contrast, apparently accept Trudeau's insolence without a murmur. Well there was a murmer in Montreal where the People's Party held a rally to oppose mandatory vaccination, Bravo.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Neville Chamberlain, Architect of Appeasement: Hitler's Dupe or Nemesis?

...Chamberlain's inner circle backed his ill-judged 'Z Plan' – a flight to Germany to make a face-to-face appeal to, of all things, Hitler's vanity ... 'The right course", the Prime Minister argued, 'was to open by an appeal to Herr Hitler on the grounds that he had a great chance of obtaining fame for himself by making peace in Europe ..." In truth, this was the kind of fame Chamberlain coveted for himself. 
The War of the World, Niall Ferguson, 2006.

It is a matter on which there is very general agreement that, in the period leading up to Britain's declaration of war on Nazi Germany, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain pursued a disastrous course. 

Chamberlain's catastrophic errors, so it is held, were threefold. 

First, he induced the Government of Czechoslovakia to cede the ethnically German Sudetenland to Hitler's Reich. By this action he claimed to have secured peace by appeasing Germany resentment of the harsh terms of the post-World War I Versailles Treaty. But as a consequence of this transfer of territory, Czechoslovakia sacrificed the border fortifications it had constructed in response to the rising threat of Nazi Germany. It could not, therefore, have surprised many that within six months, Germany invaded Czechoslovakia and annexed much of that country's remaining territory.

Second, Chamberlain declined to create the million-man ground force that some, including Winston Churchill, deemed necessary to contain Germany. Instead, Chamberlain, who served as both Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer, applied the bulk of Britain's defense expenditure to the Air Force and Navy. Thus:

In October 1936, ... Chamberlain had told the Cabinet, "Air power was the most formidable deterrent to war that could be devised".[5] ...The importance of the RAF to Chamberlain can be seen by noting that its budget rose from £16.78 million in 1933 to £105.702 million in 1939, surpassing the British Army's budget in 1937 and the Royal Navy's in 1938.[6] (Source).

Third, following Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain gave Poland an unconditional guarantee of British armed assistance should Hitler resort to force in pursuit of access to, and control of, the formerly German city of Danzig. Thus, when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, Britain was morally committed to war with Germany on behalf of Poland, a country of essentially zero geopolitical significance to Britain, and to which Britain had no means of providing military aid. 

For these reasons, Chamberlain's diplomatic course has been widely viewed as not only foolish but catastrophic. Yet there is a striking contradiction between that judgement of Chamberlain's response to the rise of Nazi Germany, and the actual consequences of his actions. 

And yes, by enabling Germany's occupation of Czechoslovakia, Chamberlain's policy of appeasement substantially enhanced Germany's military might by providing access to Czechoslovakia's substantial inventory of armaments, including the Czechoslovakia-developed Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) tank, which was superior to tanks then in possession of the German army. Furthermore, occupation of Czechoslovakia gave Germany control of that country's substantial armaments industry.

However, a fact this critique fails to address is that, prior to the outbreak of World War II, there was not one, but two brutal expansionist tyrannies in Europe, both arming at breakneck speed. Of these, one was headed by the megalomaniac Adolph Hitler, the other by the cold-blooded mass murderer, Joseph Stalin, who was committed to the goal of world Communist revolution. Not only was Stalin  providing material aid to the ultimately triumphant Communist revolutionaries in China, he was also providing financial aid to Communists in Europe, including crypto-communist members of Britain's Labour Party, British trades union leaders, and Britain's Communist newspaper, the Daily Worker

What then to do? Destroy German power through a preemptive war in a joint operation with France? But that would have left the way clear for Soviet expansion to the West? Or was it better to allow and even assist Germany in matching the Soviet military build-up, the latter achieved at the cost of millions of lives lost due to starvation as grain was exported to pay for strategically vital Western technology. Such imports included 16 oil refineries provided by America's Koch Industries; automotive production lines provided by Henry Ford, which were later converted to the production of tanks; hydro-electric turbines and generators supplied by General Electric; plus steel mills, tank designs and much else sold to the USSR by American, German and British companies.

Whatever may have been in Neville Chamberlain's mind when he sought to appease Hitler's appetite for territorial expansion, the consequences are indisputable. His actions facilitated Germany's breakneck rearmament, thereby creating a huge impediment to Soviet ambitions for territorial aggrandizement. 

That Chamberlain failed to anticipated this outcome seems hardly credible. There were abundant reasons to expect that, under Hitler's leadership, Germany would not merely block Soviet Westward expansion, but would invade the Soviet Union to fulfill Hitler's long-known objective of gaining living space (Lebensraum) for the German people in Eastern Europe. Confirming that this remained the plan, when Hitler's soon-to-be foreign Minister, Joachim Ribbentrop, visited England in 1937 and met with Winston Churchill at the German embassy, he showed Churchill a map indicating the swath of Russian territory Germany intended to seize. The vast extent of this planned land grab is evident from Churchill's reaction: "We don't like the Russians, but we don't hate them that much."

Thus, to Chamberlain, the alternative to confronting Hitler, would have been obvious: point Germany to the East and let the totalitarian bastards fight one another to exhaustion. Moreover, to assuage Hitler's fear of a two-front war, resist pressure for a build-up of British ground forces. As for Chamberlain's declaration of war on Germany, it was essentially meaningless, resulting, for more than a year, in nothing more than the deployment of heavy bombers to drop leaflets over Germany

But whatever its objective, Chamberlain's policy did much to facilitate war between the tyrannies Russia and Germany, tyrannies that threatened the Western world. Moreover, as that stupendous clash evolved, its outcome was materially influenced by Western intervention. At the outset, as German forces advanced deep into Russian territory, killing and capturing literally millions of Russian troops, both Britain and the United States shipped vast quantities of military equipment to the Russians. But then, as Russia turned the tide and advanced into Western Europe, the Anglo-American invasion force was there, in Berlin, to block Russia's further Westward advance. Four months later, reminding Stalin of what he was up against, the US exploded an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. 

Though despised by all and sundry, it may thus be said that Neville Chamberlain was, more than any other statesman, the architect of victory by the free nations of the West against the threat of totalitarian domination, Nazi or Soviet.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Does This Look Like the Black Death?

This is a chart taken from Noah Carl's post on today's Daily Skeptic

Does it look to you that there has been good reason to wreck the Christmas/New Year Holiday, destroy thousands of small businesses, disrupt the education of an entire generation, run gigantic public spending deficits, while terrorizing the population?

It will, of course, be argued by the Covid Nazis that without terrorizing the population, destroying the livelihood of millions, disrupting the education of a generation, and burdening the population with massive public debt, the excess death rate would have been much higher. Yet Sweden's experience refutes that claim. Moreover, the latest supposedly hyper-infectious Covid variant, Omicron, is virtually indistinguishable from the common cold, both in its effects and its genetic constitution. But panic, everyone, panic, panic, panic -- we gotta keep jabbing weird stuff into arms. 


The Vaccine Is A Dud, But That Won't Stop Push For Digital IDs

Judge Rejects FDA's 75 Year Delay On Vax Data, Cuts To Just 8 Months

Government Confirms Covid ‘Disinformation Unit’ is in “Daily Contact With Online Providers”

Omicron Spreads Faster Than Delta Within Vaccinated Individuals: Danish Study That's because everything spreads faster among the vaccinated who falsely believe themselves to be immune from infection.

They Said They Would Slow The Spread

Dumb Democrats: Most Democrates Wrongly Believe That Vaccines Provide More Protection Than Natural Immunity

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the Covid-19 Experimental ‘Vaccines’

DISCUSS: “Mass Psychosis” Trending on Twitter

Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan


The London Telegraph reported the comments made by Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B), a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) the government’s chief scientific advisory group.

The report quotes a briefing from March 2020, as the first lockdown was decreed, that stated the government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.”

.... another scientist on the subcommittee stated that they have been “stunned by the weaponisation of behavioural psychology” over the past year, and warned that “psychologists didn’t seem to notice when it stopped being altruistic and became manipulative.”

“They have too much power and it intoxicates them”, the scientist further warned. 

... it was also revealed that the Canadian military launched a psychological operations program against their own citizens in the early days of the pandemic order to amplify government messaging and “head off civil disobedience.

Google Manipulates Results As "Mass Formation Psychosis' Searches Explode Due To Collapsing COVID Narrative

Kulldorff & Bhattacharya Respond: The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health

After Drumming Out Unvaxxed Servicemembers, Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Tests Positive for COVID Tee Hee

“Lockdowns Aren’t a Public Health Policy. They Signify a Failure of Public Health Policy,” Says Leading Epidemiologist
There was a distinctive moment, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, that neatly encapsulated the mistakes and confusion of Britain’s early efforts to tackle the disease, says Mark Woolhouse. At a No 10 briefing in March 2020, cabinet minister Michael Gove warned the virus did not discriminate. “Everyone is at risk,” he announced.

And nothing could be further from the truth, argues Professor Woolhouse, an expert on infectious diseases at Edinburgh University. “I am afraid Gove’s statement was simply not true,” he says. “In fact, this is a very discriminatory virus. Some people are much more at risk from it than others. People over 75 are an astonishing 10,000 times more at risk than those who are under 15.”

Low-IQ, Dictator Wannabe, Canadian Premier Calls Unvaxxed Racist, Mysogyenist

Rob Slane: Reflections On Another Year Of Covidian Lies

COVID-19 Explained In 10 Sentences

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: The Numbers Killed by these Vaccines is Much Worse than What We Thought

How the Covid vax drove the spread:

Canadian Cop Exposes Government Vax Tyranny

Since most members make a goodbye email before they leave, I figured I should as well, despite the “special” circumstances around my departure. Anyways, my time here in the RCMP is up. For now. The low T wannabe tyrants in Ottawa have decided that I can no longer serve as a police officer because I refuse to tell them if I have submitted to their “vaccine” edict.

I’ve served in the RCMP for 21 years and one of the first things I said to any person I ever arrested was “you don’t have to say anything to me.”

Unfortunately, our government has told me that I have to tell them what’s in my body, and if the right drug is not inside me, I have to get it as condition of my continuing employment, human rights be damned. Why did I put vaccine in quotations above you ask? More on that later. Buckle up and tighten the straps on your government mandated shame muzzle, this goodbye email will likely ruffle some feathers.

...At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. ...

At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%. ...

Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic. At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent.

... Everyone had to get the vaccine regardless of whether they had natural immunity or not. Wait….. what? No one would ever suggest someone who had measles or polio should get vaccinated against those diseases. Why was natural immunity suddenly not talked about anymore? But if you knew where and how to look, it was talked about, and studied. The largest study was in Israel where the researchers concluded that natural immunity conveyed 27 times more protection than vaccination.

...Data from the UK is showing that vaccinated adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of the unvaccinated. American VAERS data shows these Covid “vaccines” have caused more deaths than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. In Europe, FIFA data has revealed a 500% increase in cardiac events and sudden deaths in soccer players. Very recently, the American Heart Association released a study which demonstrated that Mrna “vaccines” dramatically increase markers related to heart conditions. A recent German study showed that the higher a jurisdictions’ vaccination rate, the higher it’s mortality rate. On November 11th of this year, a Doctor Nagase came forward to report a record 13 still born births, in a 24 hour period, at BC Children’s hospital. They average 1 per month. During a very recent Ontario provincial parliament debate, MP Rick Nicholls confronted the health minister about a sharp rise in still births from vaccinated pregnant women in Ontario. All he got for his efforts was deflection. Despite this new evidence beginning to come light, there has been absolute silence in the media. Instead, they now want to vaccinate our children. Children are at a near zero risk from Covid. Vaccinating children with these experimental drugs, with unknown long term side effects, which are starting to show increasing adverse effects, is absolutely criminal.

Read more

"Low T wannabe tyrants" LOL Great description for Trudeau and the myriad other Canadian Covid Nazi's. 

World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines”

The Vaccine is More Dangerous than COVID-19: Dr. Peter McCullough

Zombification by Vaccination

Major Oxford Study into Vaccine Side-Effects Finds Myocarditis Risk in Younger Males Up to 14 Times Higher After Vaccination Than After Infection

Fauci Goes There: Finally Admits Kids Not Being Hospitalized From COVID
And of course, despite Fauci's admission, he still recommends that parents vaccinate children, telling NewsNations's "Morning in America" that while it's true that "the numbers are very low," parents have to consider that "when it's your child, it's a very high number."

So - an appeal to emotion by 'the science' in order to get kids jabbed.

Bill Gates Laughs At Punishing the Unvaccinated

Australian Abos Burn Old Parliament Building Over Forced Drugging and Camps

Lethal Vax-Induced Auto-Immune Disease

Bojo's Dopey Argument for Getting the Vax: 90% of Those in ICU are Double Vaxed

Top Med Journal Tells Zucks to Go Piss Up a Rope

Yes, We Have No Covid in China, Just Lockdowns for Practice

Fauci Confirms that Long-Term Vax Safety and Effectiveness Is Unknown 

Twitter bans inventor of mRNA vaccine technology Thank God I never wasted time helping to make Zucks a such a rich shit

FarceBook bans Thomas Paine

CDC Admits that the Covid Pandemic Was the Product of an Inappropriate Test

Off Guardian: The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that’s no accident

Take the situation in Canada right now, where the government has enforced a vaccine mandate on healthcare workers, meaning in British Columbia alone over 3000 hospital staff were on unpaid leave by November 1st.

How have local governments responded to staff shortages?

They are asking vaccinated employees who have tested positive for Covid to work.
So they are requesting people allegedly carrying a “deadly virus” work, rather than letting perfectly healthy unvaccinated people simply have their jobs back.

         This is insanity.

 Or maybe, not insane but just dumb and intoxicated with the power to make people`s lives miserable, as technically qualified critics have suggested in the case of Dr. Bonnie Henry, or St. Bonnie as we prefer, British Columbia`s Provincial Health Officer: e.g., 

The Georgia Straight: Dr. Bonnie Henry receives scathing criticism from atmospheric chemistry experts for comment on aerosols

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Omicron Variant of COVID-19 Is Virtually Indistinguishable From the Common Cold, Both Genetically and in the Symptoms Caused. So Why Are the Covid Nazis Still Hounding the Unvaxxed and Disrupting the Economies of the Western Nations?

A report from Deseret News quotes Dr. Lisa Barrett, an infectious disease specialist at Dalhousie  University, saying:
"It’s not easy to distinguish symptoms of infection by the omicron variant of COVID-19 from [those of] the common cold."

"The only symptom of COVID-19 that doesn’t show up with a common cold is the loss of smell."
But there is no loss of the sense of smell with the Omicron variant of COVID-19. 

Thus, according to Dr. Barrett:
 "Getting a COVID-19 test is the best way to determine if you’re infected with the omicron variant."
But if the Omicron variant of Covid and the common cold produce virtually identical disease, who cares whether you're infected by one or the other?

More to the point, why the Hell the continued freedom-destroying, Covid-rationalized, government micromanagement of the lives of citizens when the virus has become moderated to the point of being no more than another form of the common cold?

As a matter of technical interest, the article quotes  Reuters to the effect that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is like the common cold because it has acquired a snippet of genetic material that is normally found in the common cold.

Evidence of this contention was published in early December on OSF Preprints


DM Headline: 'It is no longer waves of Covid…it's tidal waves': France sees 208,000 cases in 24 hours Panic, Panic, Panic, Everyone. But remember, while France is seeing a "tidal wave" of 208,000 cold-like Covid infections, there will be something like a million daily cases of the common cold in France, amounting, in Daily Moil terms, to a tidal wave of tidal waves.  

As we said.

Rand Paul: Thousands Dying Every Month Because Of Fauci's Obsession With Pushing Vaccines And the more that die due to lack of early treatment, the easier it is to scare people into taking the jab. Cool, hey!

VA Nurse: Covid treatment guidelines: a prescription for murder We need more Covid deaths to scare the holdouts into getting the vax.

COVID Lockdowns Will Be Remembered As One Of The Greatest Policy Failures Ever
Whether lockdowns are to be considered a failure depends on the reason for imposing them. If destroying much of the small business sector, thus putting us on the "new and more sustainable course"  desired by Prince Charles and Klaus Schwab was the objective, it has been a brilliant success.

RIP, 'Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated'
Biden's bullshit finally exposed

Friday, December 24, 2021

For the Holiday, Two Posts From the Past

    1. An Exclusive Interview With Jesus

From Pandemic to Endemic, Covid is Over: Time to Shut Down the Covid Nazis

With one in twenty mostly vaxxed Londoners having Covid for Christmas, it's simply inane to go on pretending that the vax stops either infection by, or transmission of, SARS-CoV-2, aka Covid-19. 

On the contrary, it is abundantly clear that the vax massively promotes the spread. This it does for the obvious reason that people have been led to believe the lie that the vax confers immunity. Convinced of their invulnerability, the vaxxed thus become the prime agents of viral distribution, while protecting the unvaxxed by treating them as lepers.

At best, the new-tech, so-called Covid vaccines, diminish disease severity. So if you're afraid of Covid, go get the shot. In fact, taking the vax is the prudent thing to do if you are over sixty or in one of the other Covid-vulnerable categories. 

For the rest, the vax is a dubious bet. There is at least a remote chance it will kill you. But if, or more likely when, you get the bug, it will ameliorate the symptoms. 

As for the risk of damage, there are thousands Worldwide who have died from the shot. Millions more have experienced persistent adverse effects, including heart damage, due to vaccine-induced blood clots, while other serious adverse consequences include neurological damage or loss of fertility. That is the reason vaxxing children who are much less risk from Covid than from the flu.

But whether or not you submit to the  bullying of the vax Nazis, BoJo, Trudo, Bideau, or that crazy New Zealand woman, one thing is a near certainty: sooner or later, vaxed or unvaxed, you'll get Covid, which will have joined the motley collection of viruses that pass by the name of the Common Cold. 

In fact, you'll likely get Covid over and over, but never as badly as the first time, when your immune system will take careful note of the entire viral genome and prime your anti-viral defenses against future attacks, whether by an identical virus or one of an endless number of future variants. 


In the future we will provide links to new posts at gab: where you can Like, Comment, Repost, Quote or Share.


Omicron Declining in London
Oh no! How we gonna keep up the fear factor now?

One in Three Covid Patients May Have Caught Virus in Hospital 
That`s good. We need the numbers to keep the panic rolling and Big Pharma profits flowing

Confirmed: The Vax Drives Viral Mutation

NFL's Chief Medical Officer: Asymptomatic Covid Spread Is BS

Stockman: 'Patriotic Duty' My Eye
"The real contagion at loose in the world—especially among the western nations which noisily congratulate themselves as model liberal democracies to be emulated by the more benighted nations inhabiting the purported darker corners of the planet—is a virulent outbreak of statist authoritarianism."
UK Does Not Advise Vaccines For 5-11 Year Olds, While US Starts To Mandate Them
Confirming that "what the science says" about Covid is merely an expression of the delusional thinking of ignoramuses in authority.

Record 1.7MILLION Brits had Covid last week
Which is no big deal. 

At this time of year something like one million Brits catch a cold every day. If a cold lasts five days on average, that means something five million Brits have a cold right now, or three times as many have Covid. 

Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group
Actually, that's been known for a year or more, and has been admitted by the US Center for Disease Control. It's just that the vax Nazis are such relentless liars that the general public is unaware of the truth.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

I Just Had a Cold, Or Was It Omicron? Either Way, Covid Is Finished. Now Watch For the Recovery Stock Market Boom, Then Bust

 What are the symptoms of the Omicron variant of  Covid-19? 

According to CNBC, they are:

1. Runny nose. Check, had that.

2. Headache. Had that too, but only mildly.

3. Fatigue (either mild or severe). Sure, had a nap yesterday afternoon.

4. Sneezing. Yup, sneezed a coupla times.

5. Sore throat. Definitely, and persistent, though not severe.

Which are pretty much the symptoms of the common cold.

So that's it. The Covid panic is over, or soon will be. Omicron, vastly more infectious than every other Covid variant, has reduced SARS-CoV-2 to the status of just one more common cold virus. The modelers with their tangled computer code and preposterous predictions can now return to the academic obscurity that they so richly deserve. The politicians with their vast and needless budget deficits engineered in the name of Covid, can now start thinking about a return to solvency.

As for the World, the celebrations will shortly begin, these to be marked by a Covid-recovery stock market surge before rationality sets in and the huge cost of Dr. Fauci's foolish funding of Chinese gain-of-function virus research is assessed.

But please note, we're not anti-vax. Want a jab? Go get it, it probably won't kill you. 


* Severity of symptoms may vary. I had Covid early last year, meaning I have long-lived, full spectrum immunity to the novel Corona virus in whatever form it may appear. To those without prior Covid infection, Omicron may be tough, as was the worst childhood cold I remember, which was likely my first Corona virus infection.


70% Of London's COVID Hospitalisations Diagnosed AFTER Being Admitted For Other Ailments. So if you don't want Covid, stay away from hospital.

“Super Immunity”: Pandemic collapses into self-parody

The Covid19 “vaccines” don’t work. They’ve admitted it, and now they’re seriously trying to tell us it’s actually a good thing.

What “working” really means when your pandemic is nothing but wave after wave of meaningless positive tests and weasel-worded changes to the meaning of “cause of death”, is a different discussion for another time.

Indeed, whether they were ever meant to work, what they are actually for and why the establishment needs to push them so hard, are interesting questions for a future article.

For now, let us confine ourselves to Big Pharma’s stated intention: The “vaccines” are allegedly meant to stop the spread of “Covid19”. They don’t do it.

The “vaccines” are not even true vaccines by the traditional definition. People who have been “vaccinated” still get infected, and can still spread the infection to other people.

Such infections are called “breakthrough cases”, and their existence has run a familiar course in the media.

First they didn’t exist, then they did exist but they were rare, then they weren’t that rare but they were mild…and now they’re not just mild, they’re actually a good thing…because of “super immunity”.

That’s right, getting sick after being vaccinated might actually be good for you, according to a recent study, currently getting wall-to-wall coverage in the press

The Left would sacrifice the unvaccinated

Just Say No, Prime Minister

Confirming that Omicron is a dud, UK reports Omicron hospitalizations rise to a grand total of 14 That's hospitalizations not deaths which, in the UK, typically run at a rate around 1600 a day. 

UK: New Covid cases breach 100,000 for first time: Daily infections hit 106,122 - up 35% -- mounting evidence Omicron IS 'milder' Wow! A hundred thousand cases a day sounds terrifying. But remember, at this time of year there are usually something like a million cases a day of the common cold. 

Daily Moil: NHS staffing crisis timebomb: 130,000 workers - nearly ten per cent of the workforce - are STILL not fully jabbed 
Yeah, well, so what? Most of them have already had Covid, most likely acquired in the hospital, so the unjabbed hospital staff have better Covid immunity than the merely jabbed. And what exactly is supposed to happen when this supposed crisis detonates, to pursue the bomb analogy?

And Here's a Good One!
Triple-Vaccinated More Than FOUR Times As Likely to Test Positive For Omicron Than Unvaccinated, Data Shows 
Or as the authors of this piece put it with classic understatement: 
"The data from the ONS Infection Survey, while provisional, adds support to the claim that the Omicron variant has significant vaccine evading ability." LOL

But note, this is further proof that the vaccine hastens viral spread. 


Because folks have accepted the understandable but false assumption that the vax prevents infection and transmission. Thus they act without the caution of people who have not been vaccinated but who take sensible precaution against either catching or spreading the virus. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Denmark Exposes Vaccine Failure

* More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people.

* About 90 percent of Omicron infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people.

* Only 25 of the 561 people currently hospitalized in Denmark for Covid have the Omicron variant.

* People with Omicron are both less likely to be hospitalized than those with other variants and released from the hospital much more quickly - in line with what South African health authorities have reported.
In view of this total vaccine fiasco and the low severity of the latest, fast-spreading Covid variant, it makes perfectly good sense for the Japanese Government to tell citizens: 

"Don't Discriminate Against The Unvaccinated"
“Vaccines will never be administered without the recipient’s consent. We urge the public never to coerce vaccinations at the workplace or upon others around them, and never to treat those who have not received the vaccine in a discriminatory manner"  Website of the Prime Minister of Japan.  

But will the vax Nazis in Canada, Germany, Austria, Britain, etc. listen to reason? 

Certainly there is no sign of any reaction between the ears of our own dear leader, Justin the Blackface. 

And clearly the self-righteous joy of terrorizing the filthy unjabbed is so great that retreat from the stupid policy of punishing the unvaccinated is not soon to be expected.


It's the Testing, Not Omicron, That's ‘Surging’

Denmark Records Highest COVID Cases Despite Inoculating 88% Of Its Population

British Medical Journal demolishes Zuckerberg's FarceBook Covid "fact checking" They should sue the bastards for all they've got, which is a lot in Zucks' case.

OXFORD STUDY: 1 in 100 Vaccinated Individuals Were Admitted to Hospital or Died with Arrhythmia During Study Period

Friday, December 17, 2021

Covid Cases in UK Have Just Reached a New High — Not many dead

According to the Spectator, new Covid cases in the UK have reached a 7-day daily mean of almost 84,000.

Sounds bad, dunnit, as they used to say in my native Devonshire. But is it really such a big number?

It's estimated that adults in Britain get two to four colds every year, and children up to twice as many. That means around two hundred million colds a year in total, which averages out to over half a million a day. But then most colds are caught in the late fall to early spring, so at the present time of year one could expect in Britain about a million cases of the common cold per day.

So, in fact, this new, allegedly highly infectious, Omicron strain of Covid seems to be a bit of a slouch.

Moreover, it has only managed to kill one person in Britain thus far, or rather to have infected one subsequently deceased person whose actual cause of death has not been publicly disclosed, and may well not be known. Indeed, given the untrustworthness of the PRC Covid test still widely used in Britain, one cannot be at all sure whether this unfortunate person really had covid, or perhaps just a bad cold.

So, yes, it looks as though the British Government's main concern is to shill for Pfizer, Inc. and other makers of so-called "vaccines" that prevent neither infection nor transmission of Covid, of whatever the strain.

Time for the Brits to get back to normal life, which seems to be the view of voters in North Shropshire where, in a by-election, a Tory majority of 23,000 at the general election has been entirely washed away by the Lib-Dems, whoever they may be.

Meantime though, Professor Lockdown-for- you-but-not-for-me, Ferguson is driving up the fear factor, predicting 50,000 deaths a day, or hour, or whatever, if people don't shape up and act real scared.

It will be interesting to see what gives first. The public's nerve or the Government's.


C.J. Hopkins: The Year of the New Normal Fascist

Germany going Nazi Again? Health Minister wants mandatory vaccination 
That's mandatory vaccination with a vax that isn't a vax, doesn't stop the spread, but does kill people

 British Covid Modelers Faking Data to Justify Christmas Lockdown

In the UK, chances of going to hospital with Omicron? Just one in 1,000
But don't let that stop your government terrorizing you about this deadly scary variant

UK Minister resigns: 'disillusioned' with the Government's Covid Plan B restrictions, vaccine passports, tax hikes and the cost of Net Zero green agenda

Fentanyl Now the #1 Cause of Death Among Americans 18-45, Surpassing COVID

Pandemic Could Be Solved Quickly If Politics Thrown Out: Dr. Ben Carson

EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies

South Africa: Only 1.7% Hospitalised From Omicron
"Such good news isn’t apparently welcome to governments in the UK, which continue to impose more draconian measures which have served to all but cancel Christmas, despite the fact that just 15 people have been hospitalised with Omicron and just one person has died."

Poll Finds UK Public Opposed to Further Lockdowns
Quick, bring on more variant/scariants, distribute videos of folks collapsing and convulsing in the street -- You know, like those from China that kicked off the Covid scare.

The Pandemic aka psychological warfare to usher in global autocracy
...The Nazis alienated Jews on grounds of public health; made them carry health ID cards and promoted the lie that they were carriers of Typhus.

Now we are witnessing the demonization of unvaccinated individuals and the forcible removal of their kind from acceptable society: in Austria, the unvaccinated face prison sentences; in Germany, they are banned from shops; in Italy, wages are withheld; in Canada, they cannot fly; in California, unvaccinated children will be removed from school; in Greece, pensioners will face steep monthly fines for non-compliance; in Australia, the unvaccinated are hustled into internment camps. ...

Can You Have Too Many Vaccinations?

ANGUS DALGLEISH: I believe a climate of dread around Covid is deliberately being manufactured by scientists and my fellow medics

Fun Fact:

if you rearrange the letters of DELTA and OMICRON you get MEDIA CONTROL.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Covid in the News

The 5 signs you DON’T have “Omicron”Or how the UK government is creating a “new wave” just in time for Christmas, using the same trick they used last time

Boris Johnson Calls For Vaccination of Children to Keep Schools Open – But Why When Almost All of Them Have Had the Virus and Thus Have Superior Natural Immunity?

Because Johnson, in promoting medical malpractice (a Nuremberg offense), is acting as either a deep-state operative or a moron, or both.

U-Tube Censors Bombshell Joe Rogan Interview With Cardiologist Peter McCullough How surprising is that? Here's the full interview on Rumble:

Twitter  Will Now CENSOR Factual Statements and BAN Users Who Claim The Vaccinated Can Spread the Virus Glad I never wasted time on Twitter or other controlled-speech platforms.

You will NEVER be “fully vaccinated” People need to realize they are being incited to chase an impossible goal that will be pushed back over the horizon, one jab after another, forever — greatly enriching former Epstein-associate, Bill Gates, in the process.

How, After One Year, Immunity From Infection Beats the Vax Better Than Ten to One

A Danish study confirms what any immunologist who'd been consulted at the outset of the vaccination campaign would have said, namely: that natural immunity is long-term, possible for life, whereas immunity from vax-induced antibodies fades to nothing in months. 

Which explains the imposition of lockdowns, mask mandates for kiddies, and the destruction of normal social life. They all served to prevent a relatively harmless virus spreading through the population and providing long-term immunity before everyone had been frightened and bullied into being jabbed multiple times. 

This was a crime against their own people imposed by supposedly democratic governments.

Red line = Natural immunity from infection
Yellow line = Immunity from infection plus vaccination
Green line = Immunity from vaccination

Vertical axis: Infection risk reduction
Image Source

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Covid, Now Just Another Common Cold Virus

The common cold is, well, common. According the American Lung Association, adults in the US have two to four cold per year, children, six to eight.  

There are several hundred distinct viruses that can cause a cold, including Rhinoviruses, Adenoviruses,  Respiratory Cyncytial viruses, parainfluenza viruses, plus Coronaviruses, the latter responsible for perhaps a quarter of all colds. 

Sars-CoV-2, or Covid-19, is a novel Corona virus that is evolving rapidly into increasingly mild forms, which is to say forms better adapted to its human host and thus less likely to kill. In time, quite soon therefore, we can expect Covid-19 to be recognized as simply another common cold virus, to which almost everyone will have some natural immunity due to frequent exposure. 

At that point, vaccination will be entirely pointless, since natural immunity, boosted by frequent reinfection, will provide superior immunity to that induced by the so-called Covid vaccines -- without the risk of vaccine-induced heart damage or death.

Natural immunity is superior to that induced by the mRNA and related new-technology vaccines because it primes the immune system for a rapid response to future infection. This it does by storing fragments of the viral genome in memory T and B cells, which enables early recognition and response to subsequent exposure to the virus. Such virus-induced immune system adaptation is long-lived and probably life-long. 

In contrast, the nucleic acid-based vaccines merely induce antibodies to the Corona virus spike protein. These antibodies are short-lived. Moreover, they are specific to a particular form of the spike protein. If the virus undergoes substantial mutation in the spike protein, as has occurred in the Omicron variant, the vaccine-induced antibodies lose effectiveness. Moreover, the antibodies are themselves short-lived: hence the loss of vaccine effectiveness over just a few months. 

Covid will keep on killing frail elderly people and a small number of particularly susceptible younger people, just as, in smaller numbers, the common cold does now. In the short-term, the addition of SARS-CoV-2 to the common cold menagerie, will raise common cold mortality. Within a few years, however, it will have further evolved and will likely be no more deadly than the Corona viruses that already account for a large proportion of the most severe colds.


Cardinal Warns Elites Ushering In "Total Control Surveillance State" Through COVID

Former UK Vaccine Taskforce Chief: “The vaccines were not designed to end transmission” Which makes nonsense of Vaccine Passes. 

The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated"
That's kind of weak. President Brandon, Joker Johnson and our very own Justin, Black-Face, Trudeau have all been relentlessly demonizing the unvaccinated on the basis of total lies. The British data, for example, clearly shows that in those over the age of 29, the rate of Covid infection has been twice as high in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated. Any national leader unaware of this fact (see Table 2 in linked document) is an idiot. But even Justin Trudeau is not, technically, an idiot. Therefore, these people are all fucking liars.

Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Joe Rogan – Says Medical Elites “Purposely Suppressed Treatments” in Order to Force Mass Vaccinations

... Day after day, the evidence just keeps mounting that some sort of Nuremberg-style accountability must be had here.

If the claims by Dr. McCullough and others are true, and they seem to be providing the evidence and credentials to back their claims, then this pandemic will end up going down as one of the worst atrocities in human history.

Omicron already behind 200,000 'cases a DAY' blares the Daily Mail's top headline, the cases a DAY, for no obvious reason being in quotes. As for the DAY, all caps, I guess that's for the reading impaired, so they don't mistakenly assume its per WEEK or MONTH or FOREVER.

But if adults in Britain have two to four colds a year as is generally believed, that would be around 130,000 cases a day, year round. But since colds are mainly experienced in the late autumn through early spring, that would equate to around 250,000 cases a day at the present time of year. So actually the number of Covid cases a DAY (bolded and in caps for the benefit of the reading impaired) is not really anything to be greatly astonished at.

DAILY MAIL: Omicron and Delta may strike people at the same time and COMBINE. Just in case you're beginning to relax, even inclined to forget the mask while in bed with your life partner, remember we could be about to see a Jack-the-Ripper Covid variant emerge as a result of viral cohabitation. And if that doesn't worry you, they'll have a new angle next week, since there's $billions still to be made from the jab.