Showing posts with label antibodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antibodies. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Covid, Now Just Another Common Cold Virus

The common cold is, well, common. According the American Lung Association, adults in the US have two to four cold per year, children, six to eight.  

There are several hundred distinct viruses that can cause a cold, including Rhinoviruses, Adenoviruses,  Respiratory Cyncytial viruses, parainfluenza viruses, plus Coronaviruses, the latter responsible for perhaps a quarter of all colds. 

Sars-CoV-2, or Covid-19, is a novel Corona virus that is evolving rapidly into increasingly mild forms, which is to say forms better adapted to its human host and thus less likely to kill. In time, quite soon therefore, we can expect Covid-19 to be recognized as simply another common cold virus, to which almost everyone will have some natural immunity due to frequent exposure. 

At that point, vaccination will be entirely pointless, since natural immunity, boosted by frequent reinfection, will provide superior immunity to that induced by the so-called Covid vaccines -- without the risk of vaccine-induced heart damage or death.

Natural immunity is superior to that induced by the mRNA and related new-technology vaccines because it primes the immune system for a rapid response to future infection. This it does by storing fragments of the viral genome in memory T and B cells, which enables early recognition and response to subsequent exposure to the virus. Such virus-induced immune system adaptation is long-lived and probably life-long. 

In contrast, the nucleic acid-based vaccines merely induce antibodies to the Corona virus spike protein. These antibodies are short-lived. Moreover, they are specific to a particular form of the spike protein. If the virus undergoes substantial mutation in the spike protein, as has occurred in the Omicron variant, the vaccine-induced antibodies lose effectiveness. Moreover, the antibodies are themselves short-lived: hence the loss of vaccine effectiveness over just a few months. 

Covid will keep on killing frail elderly people and a small number of particularly susceptible younger people, just as, in smaller numbers, the common cold does now. In the short-term, the addition of SARS-CoV-2 to the common cold menagerie, will raise common cold mortality. Within a few years, however, it will have further evolved and will likely be no more deadly than the Corona viruses that already account for a large proportion of the most severe colds.


Cardinal Warns Elites Ushering In "Total Control Surveillance State" Through COVID

Former UK Vaccine Taskforce Chief: “The vaccines were not designed to end transmission” Which makes nonsense of Vaccine Passes. 

The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated"
That's kind of weak. President Brandon, Joker Johnson and our very own Justin, Black-Face, Trudeau have all been relentlessly demonizing the unvaccinated on the basis of total lies. The British data, for example, clearly shows that in those over the age of 29, the rate of Covid infection has been twice as high in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated. Any national leader unaware of this fact (see Table 2 in linked document) is an idiot. But even Justin Trudeau is not, technically, an idiot. Therefore, these people are all fucking liars.

Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Joe Rogan – Says Medical Elites “Purposely Suppressed Treatments” in Order to Force Mass Vaccinations

... Day after day, the evidence just keeps mounting that some sort of Nuremberg-style accountability must be had here.

If the claims by Dr. McCullough and others are true, and they seem to be providing the evidence and credentials to back their claims, then this pandemic will end up going down as one of the worst atrocities in human history.

Omicron already behind 200,000 'cases a DAY' blares the Daily Mail's top headline, the cases a DAY, for no obvious reason being in quotes. As for the DAY, all caps, I guess that's for the reading impaired, so they don't mistakenly assume its per WEEK or MONTH or FOREVER.

But if adults in Britain have two to four colds a year as is generally believed, that would be around 130,000 cases a day, year round. But since colds are mainly experienced in the late autumn through early spring, that would equate to around 250,000 cases a day at the present time of year. So actually the number of Covid cases a DAY (bolded and in caps for the benefit of the reading impaired) is not really anything to be greatly astonished at.

DAILY MAIL: Omicron and Delta may strike people at the same time and COMBINE. Just in case you're beginning to relax, even inclined to forget the mask while in bed with your life partner, remember we could be about to see a Jack-the-Ripper Covid variant emerge as a result of viral cohabitation. And if that doesn't worry you, they'll have a new angle next week, since there's $billions still to be made from the jab. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Covid Lies That Pave the Way to Totalitarian Dictatorship

In the video below, the formidably articulate Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, explains why he is convinced that the Covid "pandemic" is a scamdemic designed to bring about global depopulation. 

Whether he is correct in his apocalyptic belief concerning the motivation of those seeking to terrorize the population with fear of a virus less lethal to to the vast majority than the flu remains to be seen. To me, fear, ignorance and stupidity seems an adequate explanation.
But his contention that the "fear-the-virus" Covid narrative that has been relentlessly promoted by governments, news media and social media companies worldwide is based on false premises (lies Yeadon calls them) is compelling.

Also compelling is his explanation of the silence of the scientists in the face of a barrage of publicly proclaimed government and media false information about Covid. 

The reason for the silence of academic scientists who know that Covid represents a minor peril to the vast majority of the population is, he says, simple. It is that there are virtually no independent scientists. Scientists in academia, who might be thought to have an independent voice are, Yeadon points out, almost entirely dependent for research funding on government or corporate donors. And what that means is that future funding depends on not attacking the Covid narrative that those funding sources are vigorously promoting. 

The charge of subservience of academics in the biomedical field to big Pharma, i.e., the vaccine makers is surely no slander. Even in the 1980's, when I was appointed, from outside academia, to a tenure track position at Canada's top research university, it became clear to me, within three days, that my research was to be entirely subservient to the interests one of Canada's great resource industries. 

At that point I did what many in the same situation would not. I quit.

Among the key points that Yeadon's talk drives home are:

Covid is less lethal than the flu to the great majority of those under the age of 70, and much less so for children, the chief exception being the obese, i.e., those who can readily self-identify and take appropriate precautions. 

There are plenty of effective treatments for Covid that could greatly reduce the number of cases that end up in hospital, but which the medical profession has thus far failed to effectively promote. These include vitamin D and zinc supplements, corticosteroid inhalants, and the cheap non-prescription drug ivermectin.

Covid cases and deaths have been greatly exaggerated by use of the grotesquely unreliable PCR test. 

Antibody production induced by Covid "vaccines" provide only short-lived and minimal protection from infection, whereas actual infection induces both durable and robust full-spectrum immunity, which means that requiring "vaccination" of those who have recovered from a Covid infection amounts to medical abuse.

It is also a medical abuse to vaccinate children who are at much greater risk of harm from the "vaccine" than from Covid, but who may be denied the benefit of long-term, quite possibly life-long, full-spectrum Covid immunity through an infection that will almost certainly be asymptomatic. (Actually, Yeadon does not make this point, although I am pretty certain he would not disagree with it.)

For all those millions who have had Covid, the Covid scariant variants are a non-issue: their immune system will recognize and defeat them all. 

The Covid terror campaign is designed to allow implementation of vaccination passports, which will serve as a mechanism for enforcing endless completely untested "vaccine" booster shots with unknown properties and consequences. 

Moreover, vaccination passports will provide a means to create an Orwellian world of surveillance and control, resulting in a permanent end to human freedom.


Pathetic billionaires, No. 79: Google co-founder Larry Page 'has been living off-grid and hiding out on isolated Fijian island for most of the pandemic'

Saturday, February 6, 2021

India Achieves Covid Herd Immunity With Mortality of One in Five Thousand

 India, is reported to have achieved Covid herd immunity, with about half the population, or just under seven hundred million people, having Covid19-specific antibodies. That means India is essentially finished with Covid as a national disaster. 

Covid deaths recorded in India total 155,000, indicating a Covid19 infection fatality rate of around one in 5000.  That is around one tenth of the rates reported in Europe and North America. That difference reflects, at least in part, the steep age-dependence of Covid mortality and a difference in population age profile. India has fewer than 6% of its population aged over 60 versus around 26% in Europe and North America. 

In addition, the European and North American infection fatality rates are undoubtedly greatly exaggerated due to underestimation of the infection rate, which is based on reported cases, not population-wide antibody surveys.  

The inference is clear: The Western states have totally mishandled the epidemic. The virus should have been allowed to spread among the young and resilient, while the elderly should have been given every means to isolate themselves — if they so chose. And it should be emphasized that isolation of the elderly should have been entirely voluntary. At the age of 75 plus, why should one not take a 10% risk of dying a year or two prematurely due to Covid, rather than being locked up for much, or perhaps all, of the rest of one's life?

What the response of the Western nations to Covid19 demonstrates is either remarkably poor judgement in government, or a conspiracy to undermine Western economies and crush the spirit of the people. 


Zero Covid is a mirage

How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos” Were Used as Psychological Weapons to Bring America to Her Knees

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Canada's Foolish Government-Sponsored Covid Second Wave Panic

 Here are some numbers on Covid survival rates from the US Center for Disease Control: 

Age  0-19  — 99.997%
Age 20-49 — 99.98%
Age 50-69 — 99.5%
Age 70+    — 94.6%
So if you are under 50, you chances of dying of Covid-19 are between extremely slight to virtually non-existent. If, like me, you are over 70, yes, Covid19 could kill you, though it probably won't, and remember, something's gonna kill you pretty soon anyhow. 

In fact, your chance of even getting Covid19 is slight. While terrorizing the population and wrecking the economy to save us from a small to negligible risk of  death, the Government of Canada has remarkably failed to gather data on the spread of this supposedly deadly virus throughout the nation. The Canadian Blood Services, however, a non-governmental charitable organization reports the following rate of Covid-19 antibody seroprevalence among healthy blood donors:
British Columbia 0.50%
Alberta 0.37%
Saskatchewan 0.46%
Manitoba 0.56%
Ontario 0.96%
New Brunswick 0.26%
Nova Scotia 0.36%
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.29%
Prince Edward Island 0.00%

Overall 0.70% 
But if you do get Covid19 and, like 99% plus of those infected you recover within a couple of weeks, then, um, so what? I mean, I had the Asian flu that killed a million people in 1958 (when world population was only 38% of what it is now), and I was back to school within a few days. For most people, the effect of Covid19 is about the same. 

But, but ... the Second Wave, that's what'll kill us all. Except that despite the lies of the scaremongering media, there is no second wave. As this Google chart shows, the Canadian Covid death toll has fallen from a peak of around 250 per day in May to a current rate of between five and six per day during September, with some days zero. That's less than one percent of the  daily death toll from all causes, which averages about 775 a day.

Covid19 like the flu, can knock you back for a week or two, or if you're old, especially if you are old and in poor health, there is a significant though small risk that it will kill you, just as can the seasonal flu or pneumonia. But that is no reason to give the dim-witted egomaniac, Justin Trudeau, the freedom to wreck the economy and impose a totalitarian regime. 

But take care. Accidents kill more Canadians — about  13,000 each year, than the 9,242 reportedly killed by Covid-19 so far in 2020. And don't be discouraged: last year 25,000 Canadians were hospitalized or killed by self-harm, and more have been driven to thoughts of suicide during the current largely manufactured Covid19 crisis. 

Lord Sumption:
What kind of a country have we become when arrogant bullying is seen as the proper function of Ministers? Ex-Supreme Court judge LORD SUMPTION denounces No10's rule of muddle and authoritarianism
Peter Hitchens:
Boris' great idea? Burn down the house TWICE to get rid of a wasps' nest, then stand in the ruins and blame everyone but himself for this futile catastrophe
Daily Mail:
Nigel Farage threatens to launch anti-lockdown party -- hits Boris Johnson's draconian restrictions
Daily Mail: 
Lockdowns may kill more than Covid19
Summit News:

Aussie Push Back on Destructive Totalitarian Government Response to Covid-19:

CC. Justin Trudeau.

James Corbett:
Off Guardian:
The Covidean Creed

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

T-Cell immunity and Why Covid Lock-downs Were an Unnecessary Disaster

An article in the British Medical Journal entitled Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? by Peter Doshi, an associate editor of the Journal, presents evidence of the existence of widespread pre-existent immunity to Covid-19. 

In particular, the evidence suggests that something like 60% of the population in many countries have Covid-19 reactive T-cells that facilitate an effective antibody response to the Corona virus. Thus, whereas only a small proportion of the population in most countries test positive for Covid-19 antibodies, a majority may have a T-cell dependent capacity to develop an effective antibody response to Covid-19 such that they remain either asymptomatic after infection or suffer only a mild illness. 

If that is correct, it means that Covid-19 is not a mortal threat to the majority of the population, and therefore, the correct response to the virus would have been to protect only those with a pre-existent condition, particularly old age, obesity, or heart or respiratory disease that makes them vulnerable to serious illness or death due to Covid-19. The rest of the population, which is to say the vast majority, should have been left free to go about their business. Further, it indicates that Sweden's courageous refusal to be bullied the the World Health Organization into shuttering its economy was the correct response and nearly every other Western country got it wrong. 

I posted the above comment at the Unz Review, at the end of a long thread responding to an article by Ron Unz in which he accuses the New York Times and The Atlantic of failing to provide coverage of investigative journalism relating to Covid-19. However, my comment failed to pass the Unz Review censor, indicating that Unz cannot tolerate even mainstream medical journal commentary relating to Covid-19 where it deviates from his conviction that the virus represents an existential risk to all and sundry.

Lockdown Skeptics: 

Quote: Because of the high false positive rate (of the RT PCR test) and the low prevalence (of the Covid-19 virus), almost every positive test, a so-called case, identified by Pillar 2 since May of this year has been a FALSE POSITIVE.

And because the rate of testing has increased the number of reported "cases" has increased. But as most "cases" are in fact false positives, the "second wave" is most likely entirely an artifact due to a combination of increased testing and a high false positive rate, as the figure below illustrates. The upper histogram indicates the real frequency distribution of "cases" in Britain, the lower histogram records the the misleading data published by the UK Government. 

So what the above figure indicates is that the lockdown in the UK was the result not of a pandemic or even a plandemic but of a flamdemic as in flim-flam: i.e., a phony claim about the threat posed by Covid-19 the phoniness of which the British Government can deny only by claiming stupendous idiocy in the face of clear warnings from scientifically competent people who were in communication with the Government at the time the Government was terrorizing the population with vastly inflated Covid case numbers.

And just in case folks aren't sufficiently intimidated, it has been announced that the UK will deploy the army to aid police in enforcing all flamdemic-justified restrictions of freedom of movement and assembly. 

Off Guardian:
Is evidence masks don’t work being purged from the internet?
Zero Hedge:
COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?
Jon Rappoport:
COVID is a data-driven operation, but suppose the data are wrong?

Saturday, April 11, 2020

German Survey Proves Corona Virus Poses No Existential Threat to the Nation

To know how deadly Corvid19 is, one must know how many of those who are infected will die. 

This, governments have thus far failed to determine, which is remarkable since any competent epidemiological research group furnished with a modest research grant could easily find out. The task is simple. The number of deaths due to the disease is known. Thus what remains to be determined is the proportion of the population that has been infected. For this purpose, a small random sample of the population, a thousand or two at most, needs to be tested for current or past infection. For this purpose  there are blood tests that assess the presence of the virus (indicating current infection), the so-call reverse transcriptase PCR tests, and there are blood tests that assess the presence of antibodies to the virus (indicating past infection), namely immunological or serological tests. 

To hear government spokespersons talk about such testing, one might assume it necessary to test every human on the face of the planet to come to any useful conclusion. Thus, for example, President Trump's medical expert on Covid19, Dr. Fauci is reported to have said:

‘Obviously’ I Would Like to Test Whole Country for Coronavirus Antibody...

[But] “We’re not going to have testing for everybody in the country tomorrow. It’s going to be a gradual process. We are starting when the next week or two, we’ll be able to scale-up the kind of antibody testing to give you a good feel for what the penetrance of the infection is.”
Clearly the man is an idiot or someone who thinks that Americans are idiots.
To get "a good feel for what the penetrance of the infection is," if one must talk in such ridiculously stilted language, it’s not necessary to test the whole goddam population, all you need is a random survey of a few hundred people.

And thanks to the fact that Germans, if no one else, are not entirely stupid, we now have the results of one such survey:
A team at the University of Bonn has tested a randomized sample of 1,000 residents of the town of Gangelt in the north-west of the country, one of the epicenters of the outbreak in Germany. The study found that two percent of the population currently had the virus and that 14 percent were carrying antibodies suggesting that they had already been infected — whether or not they experienced any symptoms. Eliminating an overlap between the two groups, the team concluded that 15 percent of the town have been infected with the virus.
This work needs to be replicated on a nationally representative sample population of several thousand people in total, but if the result for the town of Gangelt is indicative of the rate of Covid19 infection nationally, it indicates that around 12 million Germans have already been infected. With 2763 deaths to date, the implied death rate is of 2736 per 12 million infections (i.e., 15% of the national population), or 0.0023%.

No doubt the virus is still spreading in Germany, and the national death toll could mount six or seven times higher if the infection were to spread to the entire population. But that is not possible, since herd immunity would stop the epidemic beyond the 50 to 60% infection rate. Thus total deaths in Germany due to Covid19 are unlikely to exceed 10,000, or about three times the annual motor accident death toll. So yes, the cost of the novel Corona virus is high. But note that most virus deaths will be among the over 65's, many of them at the point of death due to other conditions, whereas car crashes kill mainly the young and healthy.

But the German death toll due to Covid19 will certainly not reach anything like 10,000 if the German Government takes the most simple-minded steps to limit the death toll, most importantly by advising the elderly to stay in quarantine, while the rest of the population goes back to work.

So the proper virus response is simple really. But give the likes of Trump and Trudeau, Merkel and Micron the opportunity to grab totalitarian powers, and they will not give them up unless those powers are torn from their hands by an enraged populace and an effective government opposition.

ZH: COVID-19 and Annual Flu Mortality Compared
NewsPunch: Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
YDN: Coronavirus has been in California since December
ZH: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report
YDN: More than 3,600 elderly people have died from coronavirus in nursing homes across the US - but the government does not count them
ZH: South Korea Says Nearly 100 Recovered COVID-19 Patients Tested Positive Again
Jonathan Geach, MD: Eight Reasons to End the Lockdowns As Soon as Possible
The BL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. answers Bill Gates on the dangers of a mandatory CCP Virus vaccineJohn Vibes: Governments Using Pandemic to Build “Architecture of Oppression”
ZH: China Begins Mass Deletion Of Online Research On Coronavirus Origins
From Harvard to the Big House: The COVID-19 pandemic and serial passage gain-of-function research
WSJ: Coronavirus Strikes at Least 2,100 Senior Facilities Across U.S., Killing 2,300 People
Fort Russ: Vaccine ‘Mark Of The Beast?’: It’s Time To Stop Bill Gates
NewsPunch: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Slams Bill Gates’ ‘God-like Willingness To Experiment With Lives of Lesser Humans’
IW: US Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes on Ventilator
SW: UK hunger crisis: 1.5m people go whole day without food
ZH: British Suicide Rate Soars To Record High
ZH: Whistleblower: How CDC Is Manipulating The COVID-19 Death-Toll