Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, an Act of Parliament intended to deal with threats to national security, because a bunch of truckers were illegally parked in Ottawa and elsewhere during a peaceful protest against a Covid vaccine mandate.
Why are Covid vaccine mandates so important to Trudeau?
Because they provide a justification for a vaccine passport linked with a digital database that can be readily expanded to record any aspect of your life history, and then used to control your life on the basis of that life history.
So you donated a few dollars in support of the Truckers' Convoy? No Federal Government employment for you. Oh, and for now, you're denied access to your bank account.
You declined the vax on religious grounds? That won't look good when the School Board considers your application for a teaching position.
But Canadians are mostly passive in the face of Trudeau's totalitarian program.
For three reasons:
First, they've been terrorized by media-complicit government propaganda that presented a novel flu-like illness as comparable in virulence to the Black Death, a plague from the East that wiped out a third of Europe's population during the Fourteenth Century.
Second, they've been persuaded by media-propagated propaganda that the untested novel mRNA vaccine will save us all from a horrible death by Covid.
Third, they've swallowed the lie that the unvaxxed are a threat to the health and safety of the vaxxed.
That is Trudeau's big Covid lie, that the unvaxxed threaten the health of the vaxxed.
On the face of it, the idea that unvaxxed threaten the health of the vaxxed is bizarre, for if the vaxxed are endangered by the disease-spreading unvaxxed, then clearly the vax is not doing what a vaccine is supposed to do, which is provide immunity to infection. So why the fuss to have everyone vaxxed?
And with respect to the threat posed to the vaxxed by the unvaxxed, it has been stated by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute for Allergy and Infections Diseases, that the vaxxed, if infected, carry as high a viral load as unvaxxed people who are infected.
But the vax lessens the severity of Covid illness. Thus, whereas an unvaxxed person who is Covid infected will likely feel sufficiently ill to stay home, a vaxxed person with Covid is more likely to carry on with the normal course of their life, spreading the virus as they go.
So who is the greatest hazard to whom?
Well, as it happens, the UK Governments Health Security Agency's weekly Covid Surveillance Report provides conclusive evidence on that point.
Here are the most recent data (for the period March 6 – 27, 2022):
Table 14. Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and death per 100,000 persons vaccinated or unvaccinated, by age class:
Covid Cases/100,000
Triple Vaxxed Unvaxxed
Under 18: 1454 1711
18 - 29: 3119 942
30 - 39: 4325 1086
40 - 49: 3958 955
50 - 59: 3303 780
60 - 69: 2815 573
70 - 79: 2162 532
80 & over: 2024 776
So there you have conclusive evidence: except among children, it is not the unvaxxed, but the vaxxed who are most likely to be infected and, therefore, most likely to pass the virus on to you*.
And if you're not convinced by those numbers, here are data for New Zealand (Source) :

But that the vax increases your risk of Covid is not what every Canadian knows. What Canadians have been repeatedly told by both Provincial authorities and the Government of Canada — from Saint Bonnie Henry of British Columbia to Mother Teresa Tam of Ottawa, plus our genius Prime Minister, Justin Cludeau — is that the unvaxxed are the unclean, a threat to public health. Indeed, they are dangerously deluded crackpots who threaten the welfare of the entire nation.
Which is a lie.
It is Trudeau's big lie.
It's the Trudeau Government's justification for vax mandates and vax passports.
It's the reason that, for the unvaxed, Canada now bears a resemblance to Stalin's Russia. The unvaxxed, like citizens of the Soviet Union, are legally prohibited from leaving the country, whether by air, rail or sea.
Where exactly this is going remains to be seen. But here is former Canadian Foreign Minister, Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada, on the vaccine passport, the implementation of which is absolutely dependent on Trudeau's big lie:
But plans by our governments to implement digital IDs are going much further.
Their goal is to create a single, centralized digital identity with which you will be able to access all governments services.
It could also integrate your financial transactions and all sorts of information about your dealings with private institutions and organizations.
That sounds like very convenient. But it means that anyone accessing your identity will know literally everything about you. And could potentially control every aspect of your life.
Plans by central banks in Canada and around the world to develop digital currencies will make financial control even easier."
You don’t want to get your third booster shot? Or you posted something on Facebook that the government considers hateful? One click on a computer by a bureaucrat and you just lost your driving license.
You produced too much greenhouse gas this month according to the government? They will know about it. Forget about refueling your car, your credit card is frozen.
This totalitarian system already exists—in China. It’s called the social credit system.
If you are a “bad” citizen according to the communist regime, you lose social credit points. And when you lose too many, they block you from accessing services. You become a non-citizen.
Of course, proponents of digital IDs are telling us it will protect our privacy and will not be used as a tracking tool. Don’t be fooled.
Governments will implement more controls, little by little, until the system works just like in China.
Trudeau and Freeland already started a few weeks ago when they froze the bank accounts of Canadians who supported the truckers’ convoy.
The absolute fraudulence of Canada's rationale for vaccine passports is provided by news this week from British Columbia, where eighty percent or more of the population is fully vaccinated, yet at least half the population have been infected by the latest Covid variant, Omicron.
So no, the vax does not stop the spread. It is the vaxxed, believing themselves immune, who are most likely to give you a dose of Corona. Trudeau's policy of demonizing the unvaxed and subjecting them to restrictions on their freedom of movement and association proves him to be stupid in the extreme or utterly corrupt.
It is hard to believe he can be that stupid. He is, after all, able to call on the entire Canadian public service for advice, and the top guys in the Ottawa bureaucracy are not unintelligent people. So the inference is clear: Trudeaus is just another son-of-a-bitch wannabe tyrant.
* The higher infection rate among the vaxxed is not surprising if you think about it. The vaxxed are under the impression that the vax has made them proof against infection, so why not eat out, go to a party, or otherwise socialize freely. The unvaxxed, on the other hand, given the heavy pro-vax propaganda, are mostly more cautious.
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Unmasking Trudeau’s lies and trucker truths
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