Thursday, September 24, 2020

Canada's Foolish Government-Sponsored Covid Second Wave Panic

 Here are some numbers on Covid survival rates from the US Center for Disease Control: 

Age  0-19  — 99.997%
Age 20-49 — 99.98%
Age 50-69 — 99.5%
Age 70+    — 94.6%
So if you are under 50, you chances of dying of Covid-19 are between extremely slight to virtually non-existent. If, like me, you are over 70, yes, Covid19 could kill you, though it probably won't, and remember, something's gonna kill you pretty soon anyhow. 

In fact, your chance of even getting Covid19 is slight. While terrorizing the population and wrecking the economy to save us from a small to negligible risk of  death, the Government of Canada has remarkably failed to gather data on the spread of this supposedly deadly virus throughout the nation. The Canadian Blood Services, however, a non-governmental charitable organization reports the following rate of Covid-19 antibody seroprevalence among healthy blood donors:
British Columbia 0.50%
Alberta 0.37%
Saskatchewan 0.46%
Manitoba 0.56%
Ontario 0.96%
New Brunswick 0.26%
Nova Scotia 0.36%
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.29%
Prince Edward Island 0.00%

Overall 0.70% 
But if you do get Covid19 and, like 99% plus of those infected you recover within a couple of weeks, then, um, so what? I mean, I had the Asian flu that killed a million people in 1958 (when world population was only 38% of what it is now), and I was back to school within a few days. For most people, the effect of Covid19 is about the same. 

But, but ... the Second Wave, that's what'll kill us all. Except that despite the lies of the scaremongering media, there is no second wave. As this Google chart shows, the Canadian Covid death toll has fallen from a peak of around 250 per day in May to a current rate of between five and six per day during September, with some days zero. That's less than one percent of the  daily death toll from all causes, which averages about 775 a day.

Covid19 like the flu, can knock you back for a week or two, or if you're old, especially if you are old and in poor health, there is a significant though small risk that it will kill you, just as can the seasonal flu or pneumonia. But that is no reason to give the dim-witted egomaniac, Justin Trudeau, the freedom to wreck the economy and impose a totalitarian regime. 

But take care. Accidents kill more Canadians — about  13,000 each year, than the 9,242 reportedly killed by Covid-19 so far in 2020. And don't be discouraged: last year 25,000 Canadians were hospitalized or killed by self-harm, and more have been driven to thoughts of suicide during the current largely manufactured Covid19 crisis. 

Lord Sumption:
What kind of a country have we become when arrogant bullying is seen as the proper function of Ministers? Ex-Supreme Court judge LORD SUMPTION denounces No10's rule of muddle and authoritarianism
Peter Hitchens:
Boris' great idea? Burn down the house TWICE to get rid of a wasps' nest, then stand in the ruins and blame everyone but himself for this futile catastrophe
Daily Mail:
Nigel Farage threatens to launch anti-lockdown party -- hits Boris Johnson's draconian restrictions
Daily Mail: 
Lockdowns may kill more than Covid19
Summit News:

Aussie Push Back on Destructive Totalitarian Government Response to Covid-19:

CC. Justin Trudeau.

James Corbett:
Off Guardian:
The Covidean Creed


  1. Comments about the state of education made me think of these internet educational resources, available for free, and which I consider excellent:


    I agree with "better explained"-- these explanations are lucid and detailed.


    This is an excellent place to brush up on, or learn, molecular biology, and get back to basics on RT-PCR and a lot more.


    Perhaps a bit too elementary in many subjects, but I have benefited.


    Look at this, man. You can actually "attend" the same MIT courses and lectures as actual MIT students. That means, for merely the cost of your time and attention, you can get top notch technical and scientific training. These are fantastic.

    These are just some which come to mind easily. I think I have a list of others somewhere and maybe I can dredge that up. I would appreciate seeing some you or your other readers have noticed.


    I would say "there's no excuse" for not being able to learn what you need to learn-- you really can these days get your education from the best there are. I have to say, though, there are excuses, and unfortunately, our tax dollars go to providing them for today's youth.

    I have a son in high school who took geometry through an online course last school year. I don't know how they did it, but they took one of the most beautifully clean subjects and made it murky. I hated to force my son to drudge through it. I don't know how they did it, but I do know why. The course was structured in such a way you could not correctly answer the problems at the end of the unit unless you studied the example problems given in the unit in order to see what the authors would consider to be the correct answer-- what they wanted. A hideously immoral design literally blocking the human educational purpose of teaching and learning geometry down through the ages.

    Oh well. I meant to be positive for a change, and here I go again.

    1. "The course was structured in such a way you could not correctly answer the problems at the end of the unit unless you studied the example problems given in the unit in order to see what the authors would consider to be the correct answer"

      Since I grew up in the immediate post-WW2 era, the world of education has totally changed. Then, many clever and conscientious people, sickened by war and the motivation for war -- greed, ambition, power lust, etc. -- sought to devote themselves to something constructive. Of these people, many became teachers and my generation was the beneficiary.

      However, by the time I graduated from university, the teaching profession seemed the choice mostly of graduates with few other options, and since then the quality of education, despite the work of some no doubt wonderful teachers, seems to have been in continual decline.

      Speaking of geometry, one of my teachers, a brilliant man who, as a pacifist, had served during the war as an ambulance driver in China, asked us to construct a right-angle triangle. Being unaware of the text-approved method, I drew a line around a plastic set square, a response for which I received an approving nod.

      Then the thing was to teach people to think, and so any effort at thought, however slight, was likely to be approved. However, the thing today, it seems, is to teach people to follow the herd. Hence the requirement that your son provide the approved response, not some anti-social display of actual mental function.

  2. FYI, Michael Senger did put his tweets in magazine article form, and got it published in the Tablet:

    I just started reading the article, but I have read the tweets, and the argument is that the Chinese government launched a large propaganda campaign to convince other countries to do lockdowns.

  3. I almost have the idea Bill Gates and Fauci were successful in implanting in the world's mind we would not be safe until the arrival of a vaccine, probably to be available in eighteen months (starting six months ago). Could this possibly be?

    First, I notice some kind of playing around with the arrival date of the vaccine. On the AM radio station I sometimes listen to earlier in September there were announcements there would be a vaccine tested and approved by mid-October, or at the latest by the end of the year.

    Without this being retracted (or at least I didn't hear a retraction) the same AM radio station then began to claim the arrival would be during the summer of 2021.

    In the background there has always been a low rumbling of criticism regarding the impracticality of rushing development and testing of a new vaccine and indeed the potential impracticality of believing there can be an effective and safe corona virus vaccine.

    Then, there is the second wave hysteria.....And if I can still count, and I'm pretty sure I can...what we have now is third wave hysteria. Fewer people are in the "fool me three times" camp, but it appears the majority do camp there.

    There seems to be an effective two pronged propaganda effort:

    (i) dangle a promise of complete safety and salvation through vaccination;

    (ii)threaten with wave after wave of "pandemic".

    1. Re: Covid propaganda

      In my misspent youth I worked for three different governments and had some personal contact with deputy ministers and other top bureaucrats and I can say with confidence that those people, though not perhaps Sir Humphreys, were certainly bright. It is, therefore, inconceivable to me that the public would be snowed with so much BS about Covid, for example, the confusion of "cases" and test positivity on tests with high, but publicly unacknowledged, false positive rates, unless there is a deliberate intention to mislead. The question then is, mislead to what purpose?

      Unknown's link to a Tablet article alleging a massive Chinese propaganda effort to destabilize Western economies through fear of Covid19 suggests collusion between China, the US Government (or factions therein), and the EU. But if that is the case, what is the objective?

      James Corbett argues that Covid19, like 9/11, is a psyop, the former to justify the institution of the security state, the Patiot Act, X-ray screening at airpots, etc., the latter to justify the institution of the biosecurity state, mandatory vaccination, computer chipping and the introduction of Chinese-style social control through a social credit system that controls your freedom to travel, your access to banks, even your ability to buy food.

  4. I also appreciate the link to Tablet-- a beautiful piece of reporting.

    Yes, CS. I think that's exactly the what and the why of what's happening. I believe they aren't going to spend a lot of time closing the net now that it is cast.

  5. Ron Unz's support for the lock downs appears to have been entirely driven by the Chinese propaganda. Early on, I told him to be more cautious about that. I am quite certain he read my comment.

  6. "...and countries unveiled new fleets of surveillance drones; Chinese company DJI donated drones to 22 U.S. states to help enforce social distancing rules."-- Michael Senger, from the Tablet link.

    I knew it. I knew it but I hoped I was just being silly.

  7. Google

    Learn more about the history of racial injustice in America


    That's the message you get when you go to Google search. The link Google provides (and why?) goes to this:

    "The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States. EJI challenges racial and economic injustice and protects basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in America.

    Together with Google, they have produced Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror. It’s an interactive experience revealing the scope of lynchings of African Americans from 1877 to 1950 and the profound effects this era still has today. By bringing this often overlooked history — and the personal stories behind it — online, Lynching in America is meant to inspire conversation and confront the injustice of the past in the name of building a better future.

    We have been a proud supporter of Bryan Stevenson and the Equal Justice Initiative since 2016. In honor of EJI’s 31st anniversary we invite you to explore this interactive experience. Their work using data to uncover racial injustice is crucial to building a more just and inclusive world."

    Learn more about the Equal Justice Initiative and the history of lynching in America

    Learn more about Google's commitment to racial equity


    I support any effort to educate Americans on American history, but do I? Why now and why Google? Blacks are once again to be pawns in a bigger game which is going to be against them just in the way it will be against everyone else-- after they've served their purpose as pawns.

    I am going to take a look at EJI's documentary to see whether it aims to be accurate or propaganda.

    1. Inter-racial conflict has been the essence of human history. Prior to the rise of civilization men lived in small tribal groups that fought one another for territory, for mates, for food -- cannibalizing one another in many cases. Once cities and states emerged the conflict continued on a larger scale. When such clashes were between groups differing in race, race would naturally have been an important feature of the contestants' sense of identity and loyalty. In times past, multi-racial states were all slave-owning states, the slaves being of a different race to the owners.

      Today, we have multi-racial states that as a constitutional requirement treat all races equally. Not everyone agrees that that is a good thing, but it is the law in the US and most, if not all, other Western countries. Harking back to the brutal treatment of slaves seems unlikely to be productive of anything good. The claims that it has generated for reparations will hardly be productive of social harmony, and it will be a cause for endless argument. Many black Americans are themselves descendants of slave owners, e.g., Kamala Harris. Moreover, most white Americans are not the descendants of slave owners but of poor and often exploited Europeans who emigrated to America in the hope of a better, freer life. Why these people and their descendants should be subject to hatred because of the actions white people with whom they have no connection I do not see. Moreover, it should be remembered that all those poor Africans who were enslaved and shipped to the Americas, were enslaved by African slave owners who sold them for a profit to white, including Jewish, slavers.

      I believe that Google and other globalist entities are stirring this kind of shit because they want to destroy the coherence of the Western nation states, the more easily to subjugate them to globalist institutions.

  8. "I believe that Google and other globalist entities are stirring this kind of shit because they want to destroy the coherence of the Western nation states, the more easily to subjugate them to globalist institutions."

    Yes. They certainly do not care deeply about racial injustice or any other form, any more than Bill Gates is deeply committed to the betterment of world health.

    I agree with your speculation about Google's motivation, but what is beyond speculation is that a privately-controlled for profit corporation with enormous and obvious power to influence and manipulate is allowed and probably encouraged to take any side on any such political issue.

    It is likely indicative of how completely uncontroversial is the issue of racism: virtually everyone opposes it in theory. Google can take sides without appearing to take sides. They can appear to "do good" (as their preposterous "founder's letter" said they would) without really doing anything of the sort.

    Meanwhile, if, below the surface they will promote reparations and whatever is below the surface of their calls for reforms of the judicial and executive branches, there will surely be the most massive and divisive controversies to erupt. Yet it will be even more difficult for those taking the opposite side from Google to disentangle themselves from the accusation of racism. What's more, there are going to be laws against racism and incarceration of "racists". There are going to be thought police monitoring us, and some will work directly for Google.

    So we allow Google to take sides in politics and this isn't particularly offensive to us because Google takes the side nearly all of us take. Yet who is to say Google won't later choose to take sides against nearly all of us? For example, Google is now being allowed to subtly define what racism is and is not. Google can then later subtly define what is and is not a "human rights" violation. And, having the power to define that, decide people who don't practice mask wearing and social distancing, quarantine and isolation, violate basic human rights. And be jailed and disappeared for it, (contrary to the previous call for decreases in incarceration rates, but this won't be noticed because Google does control what is or is not noticed).

    Welcome to dystopian science fiction in actuality.

    1. Yes!

      For those who seek liberty, is there any option other than to separate from society entirely, head for the bush and lead the life of a hermit?

      Even my tiny throttled voice here on Google's Blogger is faintly audible only on Google's sufferance.

      Will any nation once again declare:

      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
