Showing posts with label T-cell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label T-cell. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2021

If You've Had Covid You Won't benefit From Covid "Vaccination" (aka, a dose of blood-clot-inducing spike protein)

Assessing the Value of COVID-19 vaccination in Those Recovered From Covid

MedRXiv: Among the 52238 Cleveland Clinic Health System workers in Ohio on Dec 16, 2020, 1359 (53%) out of 2579 previously infected subjects remained unvaccinated. Not one of these Covid recovered but unvaccinated individuals experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection during the course of the study, whereas there was a steady increase in infections among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated.

But despite studies such as the above which prove what any reasonably well informed person would expect, the silly buggers who constitute the public health authorities in Canada and many other countries want to compel injection of an untested so-called vaccine into  Covid recovered individuals who are known to have robust and durable Covid immunity. 

Those who have had Covid cannot benefit from vaccination, although they may suffer harm, up to and including death. 

Why then are governments in Canada and elsewhere seeking to compel those who have had Covid to be "vaccinated"?

And if you have no explanation, why would you vote for the representatives of those governments ever again? 

Hell, the Canadian vaccination regime with mixed vaccine types is not even recognized as a valid vaccination by national border control in many countries. 

And for those who have had Covid and want recognition of the immunity to re-infection thereby gained, why not lobby your Provincial Health Officer, MLA, MP, Premier, whoever, to provide access to a Covid T-cell test such as this, and to grant Covid recovereds status equivalent to (actually in terms of immunity, superior to) those who have had the so-called vaccine. 


Britain's SAGE Doomsters:
And now that viral immune escape has been confirmed (see below), these bozos could be right for once. 

Most COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts outbreak among vaccinated, says CDC

NUREMBERG 2.0: Biden’s corrupt DOJ just declared experimental vaccine mandates LEGAL… forced experimental injections will now commence

CDC's Own Data Shows 15% of In-Hospital CV Deaths in May Were Among Vaccinated Patients, Not 'Under 1%' As Officials Claimed

111,000+ Vaccine Breakthrough Cases Identified in US – More Than **10X** CDC’s Count When They Stopped Tracking in May

GOP Senators Reveal Contents of Redacted Fauci Letter – HHS Hid His Collaboration with Dr. Daszak and Wuhan Lab

You thought the nightmare was ending?


“In All Probability” – Joe Biden When Asked if Americans Should Expect More Covid Restrictions (VIDEO)

Why we don't waste our time on Twatter and FarceBook:
Twitter Suspends Commentator For Criticizing Vaccine Policies

"The War Has Changed" - Leaked CDC Report Claims Delta Spreads As Easily As "Chickenpox"

74% Of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred In Fully Vaccinated People: CDC

Piers Moron of the Daily Moil calls for Gestapo treatment of the unvaccinated

Study: Recovered COVID-19 Patients Possess Robust Immunity To Virus

"Why would people who have recovered from Covid and have active antibodies, and are therefore immune -- they have natural immunity, why would they be forced to take an experimental vaccine?"
'Delta' variant is as infectious as chickenpox or Ebola and infected vaccinated people transmit it as easily as unvaccinated, CDC document claims

FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns

White House Warns More Lockdowns Are Coming: That's why Democrats love unvaxxed illegal immigrants: Biden wants more Covid for the greater oppression of the 85 million foolish people who supposedly voted for him. And having opted for a Turd World existence for Americans, it obviously makes sense to bring in millions of Turd Worlders to show Americans the way forward

China on 'high alert' as delta variant of Covid-19 spreads to 5 provinces: Remember how so many applauded the brilliant way China's totalitarian government eliminated Covid in a matter of only weeks?

Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’
Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake”. Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants,” Prof. Luc Montagnier continued.

The prominent virologist explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”

CDC admits that everything it pushed to “cure” COVID-19 has failed, including “vaccines”

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Covid "Vaccine": The Harm It Can Do, and Why Most People Don't Need It

First, let's be clear what this "vaccine" is. 

The "vaccines" currently being dispensed do not induce full-spectrum, lifelong immunity. They merely induce the production of antibodies to the SARS2 (aka Covid19) spike protein. This they do by inducing the cells of the vaccinated person to produce the SARS2 spike protein. The foreign protein thus produced, activates the immune system to produce SARS2-specific neutralizing antibodies—neutralizing, in this context, meaning protecting from infection, as opposed to merely resisting the consequences of infection. 

The down side is that the antibodies thus produced soon fade away. Thus the immunity of the "vaccinated" individual is transient, lasting no more than a year. What the vaccine does not do is induce robust and durable (probably, life-long) T-Cell immunity. 

So who needs the untested Covid19, aka SARS2, "vaccine".

No one who has already had the virus, certainly. Such people will already have undergone a full-spectrum immune response including the production of short-lived neutralizing antibodies and long-lived SARS2-recognizing T-Cells. 

And how many people is that? 

In October last year, the WHO estimated that it was one in ten of the World's population, or 767 million people.  So the number today must be well in excess of a billion, maybe two billion, or one person in four. 

And among the uninfected, there is absolutely no justification for "vaccinating" children. SARS2 is less dangerous to children than the seasonal flu and probably much less dangerous than the experimental "vaccines" themselves. 

54 children in the Land of the Free have died from COVID (according to CDC data through April 28).

Given that there have been roughly 4 million confirmed COVID cases among children, this implies a survival rate of 99.999%.

For kids, even the Chicken Pox is more fatal, not to mention a variety of other common illnesses ranging from the flu to strep throat.

Yet the world never closed schools due to the chicken pox.

Curiously, his grace, Lord Protector Anthony Fauci, noted back in 2009 during the Swine Flu epidemic that “we have already 76 children dying from the 2009 H1N1 virus, and it’s only the beginning of October.”

Yet his eminence did not demand schools close. And the CDC specifically recommended NOT closing schools.

(Fauci also stated then, “you can’t isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season. . .”)

Then there’s the Holy See of the World Health Organization, of whom no one is worthy to question. Yet the WHO says that “diarrhea kills around 525,000 children under five” every year.

Yet did anyone ever close the schools to prevent the spread of the diarrhea-causing rotavirus?


If infected, children are rarely symptomatic and, like asymptomatic adults, they do not spread the disease. However, as a result of infection, children get full spectrum SARS2 immunity, including long-lasting T-Cell immunity from infection. 

"Vaccinating" children is thus a very bad idea. Indeed, vaccinating children seems like a criminal enterprise. It denies the child the chance of gaining the most robust and durable possible immunity from future SARS2 infection, instead condemning them to annual if not twice yearly "vaccine" jabs plus the risk of an adverse "vaccine" reaction, including possible death.  

"Vaccination", which is promoted as a means to achieving "herd immunity," is in fact a means of preventing attainment of herd immunity, which condemning billions of people to needless and costly annual or more frequent "vaccinations," which in themselves constitutes a significant risk to health.  

Among adults under the age of 65, SARS2 is rarely fatal. Furthermore, those most at risk are in the great majority of cases clearly identifiable. They include the overweight and the obese. Thus of Americans admitted to hospital with SARS2, 78% were overweight or obese

Other risk factors include diabetes, which is often associated with obesity, and diseases of the heart and lungs, including bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. For most adults, therefore, the case for "vaccination" is weak or non-existent. Infection, often asymptomatic, entails little risk and provides the benefit of long-term future immunity. 

Moreover, according to a British Medical Journal article by associate editor Peter Doshi, it is likely that around one third of adults have pre-existing immunity to SARS2 as the result of previous infection with a corona virus, such as strains causing the common cold.

For the over 65's, the main factor elevating the risk of death from SARS2 is age, or more specifically, a decline in heart and lung capacity. As physical activity declines, heart and lung capacity declines also. As a consequence, the additional strain on heart and lungs due to any infection, including SARS2, that clogs the lungs and airways with mucus is likely to overwhelm the system and result in death. That being the case, one of two things may save an elderly person in the event of exposure to SARS2: one is preexistent T-Cell immunity, which may approach 50% of the population among the old; the other is the experimental "vaccine."  


PNAS: Exhaled aerosol increases with COVID-19 infection, age, and obesity
Bruno, et al.: SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety

NOW Banned by U -Tube: 
*****Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine? (Answer, to May 4, 2021: 3,722 people, at least. More than have died from all other vaccines over the previous fifteen years. And the real number? Possibly many times higher, i.e., the deadliest mass vaccination event in history. And millions of American may derive no benefit whatsoever from Covid "vaccination".) 

New Report Sheds Light on Vaccine Doomsday Cult
No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why
The Nuremberg Doctors Trial and Modern Medicine’s Panic Promotion of the FDA’s Experimental and Unapproved COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

VACCINE HOLOCAUST now accelerating
Patients Stricken By Vaccine Blood Clots Seek Payout From Government Fund
The Top 10 Absurdities Of The COVID Pandemic... So Far
Why masks are still mandatory

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

T-Cell immunity and Why Covid Lock-downs Were an Unnecessary Disaster

An article in the British Medical Journal entitled Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? by Peter Doshi, an associate editor of the Journal, presents evidence of the existence of widespread pre-existent immunity to Covid-19. 

In particular, the evidence suggests that something like 60% of the population in many countries have Covid-19 reactive T-cells that facilitate an effective antibody response to the Corona virus. Thus, whereas only a small proportion of the population in most countries test positive for Covid-19 antibodies, a majority may have a T-cell dependent capacity to develop an effective antibody response to Covid-19 such that they remain either asymptomatic after infection or suffer only a mild illness. 

If that is correct, it means that Covid-19 is not a mortal threat to the majority of the population, and therefore, the correct response to the virus would have been to protect only those with a pre-existent condition, particularly old age, obesity, or heart or respiratory disease that makes them vulnerable to serious illness or death due to Covid-19. The rest of the population, which is to say the vast majority, should have been left free to go about their business. Further, it indicates that Sweden's courageous refusal to be bullied the the World Health Organization into shuttering its economy was the correct response and nearly every other Western country got it wrong. 

I posted the above comment at the Unz Review, at the end of a long thread responding to an article by Ron Unz in which he accuses the New York Times and The Atlantic of failing to provide coverage of investigative journalism relating to Covid-19. However, my comment failed to pass the Unz Review censor, indicating that Unz cannot tolerate even mainstream medical journal commentary relating to Covid-19 where it deviates from his conviction that the virus represents an existential risk to all and sundry.

Lockdown Skeptics: 

Quote: Because of the high false positive rate (of the RT PCR test) and the low prevalence (of the Covid-19 virus), almost every positive test, a so-called case, identified by Pillar 2 since May of this year has been a FALSE POSITIVE.

And because the rate of testing has increased the number of reported "cases" has increased. But as most "cases" are in fact false positives, the "second wave" is most likely entirely an artifact due to a combination of increased testing and a high false positive rate, as the figure below illustrates. The upper histogram indicates the real frequency distribution of "cases" in Britain, the lower histogram records the the misleading data published by the UK Government. 

So what the above figure indicates is that the lockdown in the UK was the result not of a pandemic or even a plandemic but of a flamdemic as in flim-flam: i.e., a phony claim about the threat posed by Covid-19 the phoniness of which the British Government can deny only by claiming stupendous idiocy in the face of clear warnings from scientifically competent people who were in communication with the Government at the time the Government was terrorizing the population with vastly inflated Covid case numbers.

And just in case folks aren't sufficiently intimidated, it has been announced that the UK will deploy the army to aid police in enforcing all flamdemic-justified restrictions of freedom of movement and assembly. 

Off Guardian:
Is evidence masks don’t work being purged from the internet?
Zero Hedge:
COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?
Jon Rappoport:
COVID is a data-driven operation, but suppose the data are wrong?