Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How, After One Year, Immunity From Infection Beats the Vax Better Than Ten to One

A Danish study confirms what any immunologist who'd been consulted at the outset of the vaccination campaign would have said, namely: that natural immunity is long-term, possible for life, whereas immunity from vax-induced antibodies fades to nothing in months. 

Which explains the imposition of lockdowns, mask mandates for kiddies, and the destruction of normal social life. They all served to prevent a relatively harmless virus spreading through the population and providing long-term immunity before everyone had been frightened and bullied into being jabbed multiple times. 

This was a crime against their own people imposed by supposedly democratic governments.

Red line = Natural immunity from infection
Yellow line = Immunity from infection plus vaccination
Green line = Immunity from vaccination

Vertical axis: Infection risk reduction
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