Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Eight Reasons the EU Will Suffer Far More Than UK in Brexit

By Mike Shedlock

The EU would be wise to make a deal with the UK. It will get clobbered in the event of no deal.
Mishtalk, August 8, 2019:  Conventional wisdom says the UK will get hit harder than the EU in the event of a no deal Brexit. Conventional wisdom is wrong.
Here are eight reasons the EU will suffer more in both the short and long term.

1: Corporate Taxes
The UK can and likely will slash corporate tax rates. A lower corporate tax rate will mitigate much of the profit damage suffered by UK corporations in the event of no deal.
Note that one of the EU's biggest complaints against Ireland now is the "unfair" corporate tax structure of Ireland.

2: Currency Fluctuations
A falling currency is good for exporters and bad for importers. The British Pound has been falling in anticipation of Brexit.

3: Balance of Trade
In the event of no deal, WTO tariffs kick unless the EU offers to work out a trade deal. Under WTO rules, the EU could do that and rules allow a lengthy 10 years to get it done. The EU should agree to do that, but with animosity rising, it probably won't.
In a rising tariff setup, exporters will suffer far more than importers. Germany has an enormous trade surplus with the UK.

Angela Merkel is very concerned about German exports as well she should be.
Throw in the increasing chance of Trump putting tariffs on German cars and the EU will get crucified. A very severe German recession is in the cards and the EU faces a double whammy of Brexit plus Trump.
Note that a falling currency will mitigate some of the Tariff damage on UK exporters while compounding the problems for the EU.

4: Fishing Rights
In Brexit, the UK halts all EU fishing rights. EU fishermen will get clobbered.

5: Trade Deals
The UK will be able to make its own trade deals and set tariffs how it pleases.

6: Rules and Regulations
The UK will finally be free of inane EU rules and regulations on basically everything but especially agriculture.

7: Brexit Fees and Pay to Play Fee
Some dispute this, but the UK can halt the Brexit breakup fee. Boris Johnson has threatened to do that. Regardless, the UK will stop paying into the EU coffers even it does pay the breakup bill. The EU has budgeted for UK payments. When the UK stops paying, the EU will have to raise taxes to cover the difference.

8: Long Term Consequences
Both the EU and UK will suffer in the event of no deal but the long-term consequences strongly favor of the UK.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Dayton Shooting: Attack of the Zombie Gunman?

Vox Day reports:

The government is obviously hiding the true story in Dayton in order to prevent panic. The shooter rose from the grave in order to take his revenge!

Item: Connor Betts named as gunman in body armor who shot dead 9 and injured 26 in Ohio.

Item: Dayton gunman Connor Betts' sister and her boyfriend 'shot dead' in massacre. Megan Betts was killed by her brother Connor who slaughtered eight others before being shot by police.

Item: an obituary published in The Hartford Courant on Feb. 23, 2014:
Connor D. Betts 1992 - 2014
Connor D. Betts, 22, of Suffield passed away suddenly Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Connor was born in Hartford on February 12, 1992, son of Kathleen O'Leary Betts, and was loved by all who knew him. Growing up in Suffield he graduated from Suffield High School in 2010 and then attended Lincoln Tech for Diesel Technology and received his certification in 2012....

Connor was always willing to lend a hand and had the great ability to fix anything. He was known for his heart of gold and will be missed dearly by all. He was a 6'3" teddy bear known as "Baby" by his "Mama." Along with his mother Connor is survived by his four siblings, Colleen Rodriguez and her husband Alfredo; Megan Betts; Brian Betts; and Kathryn Betts all in Suffield.
In other words, it's zombies. That, or the guys writing the scripts are complete hacks who comb through the obituaries to name their characters.

Makes you think dunnit. That's assuming you can think, something of which writers of shooting scripts must think you are incapable.


Howard James Kunstler: This Is Exactly What You Get In A Culture Where Anything Goes & Nothing Matters"

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Fake Piety of the Mega Rich and Famous Gospellers of Global Warming

By Rex Murphy

National Post, August 2, 2019: Today’s text is from the Gospel of Matthew, KJV:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
Every issue has its hypocrites, those who preach the cause but act its opposite.

But there is no issue on this orbiting Earth, nor has there even been, that has the burden and depth, the volume and intensity of the rawest hypocrisy — that burns on the flames of hypocrisy itself — as that of global warming.

The hypocrisy of politicians is as a bead of sand, a pimple in the shadow of Everest compared to the hollow, fake piety of the mega rich and famous gospellers of global warming.

Those howling loudest at people to use public transport — “for the planet’s sake” — should not, per exemplum, own $400-million yachts, travel themselves by private jet, have a dozen vast mansions in a dozen countries, and hold suppers that cost $100,000 in ancient Greek temples. But they do. Check out the Google Summer Camp.

This week the richest of the rich, the famousest of the famous, the most pretentious of the pretentious, convened a three-day summit in a high-luxury resort on the island of Sicily to — discuss? bemoan? illustrate? — the crisis of climate inflammation wrought by fiendish fossil fuels. It was sponsored by the two founders of Google (personal worth, 2017, US$81 billion).

The chosen ones gathered to save us all from a humid world was a rare mix, including Woody Harrelson, Diane von Furstenberg, David Geffen, Chris Martin, Leonardo DiCaprio (discoverer of the Chinook), Sacha Baron Cohen, Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry, Prince Harry and a clutch of egotist billionaires and trendoids too numerous to list.

How do I save thee (Earth). Let me count the ways?

How did this coven of illuminati get to Sicily? Did they walk and row? Come by Greyhound? Hitchhike? Nein. Official count of the private jets wafting into Palermo air for the “great consult” stands at 114. This for a maximum 300 people attending — three persons per jet.

Not all came from the carbon-rich sky. Some came by personal super-yacht.

Eric Smidt, CEO of something called Harbor Freight Tools, came on a 69-metre luxury barge Intrepid (US$150 million); a New Zealand tycoon cleaved the Mediterranean on Andromeda ($US165 million); and David Geffen floated in on Rising Sun ($US400 million).

These are not self-propelling bathtub toys.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Global Warming: No Need to Panic Yet?

US Temperature anomaly 2004 to 2019. Source: U.S. Natioanal Oceanic

The temperature anomaly is the difference between the temperature at a particular time relative to the long-term mean temperature. So currently, and for the last fifteen years, the average temperature recorded across the continental United States has shown essentially zero deviation from the long-term mean temperature. Which is not to say, however, that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide is a good thing. On the contrary, as comments linked below indicate, it is potentially a very bad thing.

Zero Hedge: 
Creator Of Global-Warming's Infamous "Hockey Stick" Chart Loses 'Climate-Science' Lawsuit
CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas
CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part II: Ecosystem Disruption
CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part III: Induced Stupidity and the Decline of the West
CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part IV: Reversing the Trend

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Why Minimum Wage Laws Increase Unemployment

If the discipline of economics has one certain principle it is the law of supply and demand. Briefly, the law states:

The quantity of a good supplied (i.e., the amount owners or producers offer for sale) rises as the market price rises, and falls as the price falls. Conversely, the quantity of a good that the market demands falls as the price rises and rises as the price falls.

Meaning that laws that raises the minimum wage reduce the quantity of labor demanded. Or more simply, minimum wage laws create unemployment among those at the bottom of the heap, i.e.., those workers for whom demand is least, and for whom demand, beyond a certain price, is non-existent.

This obvious fact naturally does nothing to modify the demands of the comfortably off opinionators, Ron Unz, for example, and legislative idiots in the US Congress.

Spelled out in greater detail, here's the case against minimum wage laws.

Yes, abolishing the minimum wage would create many miserably badly paid jobs. But to be employed even at a miserably low wage is better than to be unemployed, on the workforce trash heap. Moreover, working at a low wage provides opportunity to acquire skills that qualify workers for better paid work.

Those who want to help the working poor, should advocate for a reverse income tax, or some other form of taxpayer funded wage subsidy. But don't think legislators can interfere with the market mechanism without creating consequences that hurt people and damage the economy.


Globalist Economics No. 37: Raising the Minimum Wage, or How to Make Water Flow Uphill

Why Thereason May Failed

Guido Fawkes reports:

They’ve only been out of government a week and already Philip Hammond and Gavin Barwell have been spied ramping up the plotting against the new Prime Minister. The pair were spotted out with their wives at the Wolseley last night. Guido’s mole in the room says there was extensive discussion both about thwarting Boris and revoking Article 50.

Hammond has even been alienating committed Remainers with his ultra-hardline approach in recent weeks, purging anti-No Deal Tory WhatsApp groups of Remainers who dared to publicly back Boris. The fact that Theresa May’s most senior Cabinet Minister and Chief of Staff are busy scheming against Boris and Brexit just a week after leaving office speaks volumes about why May failed to deliver…

Fawkes has photos of the Thereason Party plotters plotting here.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Death of Great American Companies, No. 79: Boeing

By Maximus Fabius

Jim McNerney was Boeing’s president and CEO from 2005 to 2015 and Chairman from 2005 to 2016. He is corporate royalty: Yale, Harvard MBA, time at McKinsey and GE, CEO of MMM – then Boeing. Today’s Boeing is his creation, which he was paid over $100 million to build.

Michael Kinsey’s definition of a gaffe “is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” There are few better examples than this during Boeing’s quarterly earnings conference on 24 July 2014. This was the year after problems with 787 cost Boeing tens of billions – caused by McNerney’s aggressive outsourcing of jobs away from Seattle’s skilled unionized workers.

Bloomberg News: “Jim, you have a birthday coming up next month. …Will you be at your desk, and has the Board approved you staying on past age 65?”

Jim McNerney: “Yes, the heart will still be beating. The employees will still be cowering (laughing). I’ll be working hard; there’s no end in sight. We’re continuing to build the succession plan …But there’s no discussion of it yet. So you’ll still be asking questions of me.”

This is the mind of a modern American CEO. He was not kidding. Boeing’s executives worked hard to demoralize its workers (the most recent round earlier in 2014). McNerney exulted in his success.

In this Boeing stands with other corporate leaders such as those of Amazon, Nike, and Walmart in forging a new corporate-worker relationship: plutocrat and peon. It’s natural that their great success creates contempt for their employees. They have weakened or broken their unions. They converted much of their workforce into contingent, low wage, no benefit proles.

These executives are capitalists in the sense of living off America’s accumulated social capital. They are leeches. The greatness of America is shown by the length of time it has taken them to ruin formerly great companies such as GE and IBM, reducing them to shells of their former selves.

Unless we change America’s corporate structures, more companies will decay. It is built on law and custom, and under our control – if we have the will and wit to act.

This decay is part of the slow collapse of America’s institutions described in A new, dark picture of America’s future. These problems seem unrelated and overwhelming, but they have a common cause in our apathy. We have let slip the reins of America.

“A society does not ever die ‘from natural causes’, but always dies from suicide or murder – and nearly always from the former ….”
Arnold Joseph Toynbee: A Study of History.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Racist Hungarians Think Their Country Is For Hungarians

Zero Hedge, reports:

Faced with a declining birth rate and an unwilling to fill population shortfalls with immigrants like some of its European neighbors, Hungary has rolled out a seven-point "Family Protection Action Plan" which showers boatloads of cash, loan assistance and tax breaks to couples who agree to crank out lots of Hungarian children.

Read more

But there's no risk any such ideas catching on here in Canada.

So long as the liberal duo of Trudeau and Scheer are firmly in control, anyone mentioning that reproductively challenged* Canadians are replacing themselves with people from elsewhere will be relentlessly castigated as a racist, fascist, Nazi, anti-Semite to be despised by all and sundry as a no-good hateful person.

No, Canadians are firm in their commitment to the idea that men and women are essentially indistinguishable and that a woman's purpose in life is to do a man's job and show that she can do it better than a man, which it must be admitted is often not difficult, and if any man thinks having babies and raising children is important they can damn well impregnate themselves and raise babies without female intervention.

* In 1984, Canada's fertility rate fell below the replacement rate of 2.12 children per woman for the first time ever, thanks to the Trudeau Government's non-enforcement of anti-abortion laws, its legislation of no-fault divorce and the liberal climate of the times.

Since 1984 Canada's fertility rate has continued to decline, and is now 25% below the replacement rate. Canada's population continues to grow through immigration, which Trudeau the younger intends to accelerate to a yearly rate of almost one percent of the existing population. Canada, is thus, like all Western nations, with the exception of Hungary, in the process of replacing its population with people from elsewhere: mainly people of an alien race, religion and culture. Combined with a commitment to multiculturalism, this is a policy of European racial and cultural self-genocide.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

It's Obvious Who Will Replace Trump After The Controlled Demolition Of The Economy

By Brandon Smith, July25, 2019:
In the months leading up to the 2016 election I had been predicting a Trump win based on a particular theory which I believe still holds true today – namely the theory that the global banking elites in power were allowing so-called “populist” movements in the US and Europe to gain political traction near the very end of the decade long “Everything Bubble”. Once populist groups were entrenched and feeling overconfident, the cabal would then tighten liquidity into existing economic weakness and crash the system on their heads. Populists would get the blame for an economic disaster that the central banks had engineered many years in advance.

Once enough suffering had been dealt to the populace, globalists and extreme leftists would arrive on the scene to offer anti-populism as a solution; meaning the centralization and socialization of everything on a scale never before witnessed except perhaps in the darkest days of the Bolshevik Revolution.

This theory allowed me to predict the success of the Brexit vote in the UK, Trump's entry into the White House, the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes and balance sheet cuts into economic weakness, and now it is looking more and more like my March prediction of a “No Deal” Brexit will turn out to be correct with Boris Johnson rising to the position of Prime Minister. So, I continue to stand by it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Were the Skripal Poisonings a British Intelligence Service Hoax?

In an interview conducted in the Kremlin on June 19, this year, Vladimir Putin answered questions from American film director, Oliver Stone. The discussion turned to the case of Sergei Skripal, the pardoned Russian traitor, resident in Salisbury, England where he and his daughter, Yulia, were reported by British authorities to have been poisoned by Russian security service operatives who painted the deadly nerve agent Novichok on the knob of the front door of Sergei Skripal's house.

Concerning that incident, Stone's conversation with Putin included the following:

Stone: What has happened to Skripal? Where is he?

Vladimir Putin: I have no idea. He is a spy, after all. He is always in hiding.

Oliver Stone: Who poisoned him? They say English secret services did not want Sergei Skripal to come back to Russia?

Vladimir Putin: To be honest, I do not quite believe this.

Oliver Stone: Makes sense. You do not agree with me?

Vladimir Putin: If they had wanted to poison him, they would have done so.

Oliver Stone: Who did then?

Vladimir Putin: After all, this is not a hard thing to do in today’s world. In fact, a fraction of a milligram would have been enough to do the job. And if they had him in their hands, there was nothing complicated about it. No, this does not make sense. Maybe they just wanted to provoke a scandal.

Putin is certainly not acknowledging Russian responsibility for the Skripal poisonings, yet he said the Brits weren't responsible either. So the Russia position seems to be that the poisonings were a hoax to smear Russia, and that no one was actually poisoned with the deadly nerve agent, Novichok.

But if that were the case, why? Why would the British Government engage in such charade? Presumably as part of the UK–US deep state project to to create an obstacle to a US/Russian rapprochement. 

But if so, surely there would have been a pretext. And if there were a pretext, it must have been the visit to Salisbury of the alleged Russian security service operatives, Petrov and Boshirov, immediately prior to the poisoning of the Skripals with the deadly, "developed-in-Russia," nerve agent that proved curiously undeadly, at least in the case of the Skripals. 

According to British authorities, Petrov and Boshirov were in Salisbury to paint Novichok on the knob of Sergei Skripal's front door. But what if they were there for some entirely different clandestine purpose? Then a faked poisoning might have been judged by the UK as a good means of retaliation, since it could be blamed on Russia, by virtue of the presence of the Russian agents. 

But there was also the case of Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, reported by British authorities to have been poisoned with Novichok contained in a perfume bottle that they found in a rubbish bin in Salisbury. 

Apparently Dawn Sturgess died as a consequence of applying the contents of the bottle, which she took to be perfume, which if true is inconsistent with the idea that the Novichok poisonings were simply a piece of theatre intended to sway public opinion. But then perhaps it was precisely to create such an apparent inconsistency that Dawn Sturgess had to "die." 

Is thatDawn Sturgess carrying a red 
bag and accompanied by and Pablo
Miller, Sergei Skripal's MI6 handler? 
Image source.
As far as we know, Dawn Sturgess did die, and if the circumstances of here death are as reported by British authorities, her death was certainly tragic.

But if the incident was part of a propaganda exercise, then Ms. Sturgess may still be alive and living at public expense under another name?

But if Dawn Sturgess is still alive, then she must have been one of the actors in a British operation to discredit Russia, a possibility suggested by the surveillance camera image of a women who might well have been Dawn Stugess accompanied by a man who might well have been Pablo Miller, Segei Skripals MI6 handler.

The CCTV image, taken at around the time of the alleged poisonings, is from a camera in the lane connecting Zizzi's restaurant in Salisbury, where the Skripals had just eaten, with the park where they are supposed to have been poisoned.

The woman in the photograph is carrying a red bag, which is interesting in view of the report of a witness at the scene of the poisoning who said, referring to Yulia Skripal:
She had a red bag at her feet.
So perhaps we need no longer mourn for Dawn Sturgess, who may yet be living comfortably at public expense, albeit under a different name.

The Demolition of Robert Mueller: LOL

Monday, July 22, 2019

Democrats Campaign Slogan for 2020: "Americans suck, vote for us"

Kurt Schlichter:

TownHall, July 22, 2019: The Democrats’ 2020 theme is that you are terrible and the party’s slogan will be “Americans suck, vote for us.” The precise candidate who will employ it is not important because they all embrace the notion that punishing the essential moral failure of you and me and every other Normal American is the key goal of the Donkey Party. That goes equally for the Handsey Old Prospector, the Socialist Squaw, Crusty the Commie, Spartacus Sharpton, Starchild, the Furry, Not Ms. Willie Brown, the Unfabulous Gay Guy, and the many Unfabulous Ungay Guys.

They all agree that you are terrible because you don’t know your place, which is behind a rock pushing it endlessly uphill for the benefit of people who hate you.

Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?

Guess what? You’re the horse.

Read more:

Wayne Root: The Definition of a Racist

Bigots of Silicon Valley, No. 79: FaceBook's Hatred of Christian Speech

FaceBook apparently regards quotation of the Christian saints as "hate speech," hence a notice from FaceBook to Dominic Bettinelli informing him that his posting of the following words of Saint Augustine, went against Facebook’s “Community Standards on hate speech:”

Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others. St. Augustine

FaceBook's Kuckerberg and associates are clearly "hopeless creatures" who paying little if any attention to their own sins have become obsessively "interested in the sins of others.... Unable to excuse themselves, [they] accuse others."

Hate this Zucks:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What do IQ Tests Test?

If you think IQ tests test intelligence, you might ask yourself: How do you know?

What is intelligence?

Give us your definition.

Or by intelligence do you just mean IQ, in which case your understanding of intelligence is tautological: intelligence is performance on an IQ test, which is measured by performance on an IQ test.

IQ and wealth at low scale (outside the tail).
Mostly Noise and no strikingly visible effect
above $40K, but huge noise. Psychologists
responding to this piece do not realize that
statistics is about not interpreting noise.
From Zagorsky (2007) via Nassim Taleb.
Fact is, the IQ testers never have defined intelligence. Instead, they came up with a set of puzzlers and declared your score on this test is the measure of your intelligence.

Trouble is, the IQ-ists have never attempted to show how IQ test results relate to what is understood by the term intelligence as manifest by, say, the creative work of a poet, a painter, a composer, an architect, or a scientist, or the more mundane endeavors of a politician, a policeman, a prostitute or a peddler of illicit drugs. Their strongest claim is that IQ tests predict "career success", except as anyone who looks into the matter will find, the correlation is trivial.

The best that IQ tests can do is provide an indication of academic aptitude, but even in that case they don't work well, not even as well as traditional academic exams, which is why Harvard and other such places use a SAT test with a mathematical component and a verbal component, the results of which are by no means closely correlated

Better still, obviously, would be to break things down further, e.g., SAT Physics, SAT Biology, SAT English, SAT music, etc. Except that would be giving up, since it would be an acknowledgement that the whole idea of intelligence as unitary feature of mind measurable on a single linear scale is nonsense.

Nassim Taleb: The psychologists' construct, general intelligence, is based on a statistical error.

Hillary-Supporting Expert: How Google Stole Between 2,4 and 10.6 Million Votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy’s House

By Patrick Buchanan:
Trump is driving a wedge right through the Democratic Party, between its moderate and militant wings. With his attacks over the last 48 hours, Trump has signaled whom he prefers as his opponent in 2020. It is not Biden; it is “the Squad.”
President Donald Trump’s playground taunt Sunday that “the Squad” of four new radical liberal House Democrats, all women of color, should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came,” dominated Monday morning’s headlines.
Yet those headlines smothered the deeper story.
The Democrats are today using language to describe their own leaders that is similar to the language of the 1960s radicals who denounced Democratic segregationist governors like Ross Barnett and George Wallace.
Consider what the four women have been saying.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of attacking “newly elected women of color.” Was she calling Pelosi a “racist”?
“No!” protested AOC. But it sure sounded like it.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Where Are the Environmentalists When We Need Them

The Quake to Make Los Angeles a Radioactive Dead Zone

Nothing significant has been done to improve safety at two coastal reactors upwind of ten million people that are surrounded by earthquake faults in a tsunami zone like the one where the four Fukushima reactors have already exploded ...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Why I prefer DuckDuckGo to Google

Search  DuckDuckGo for: "Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them,"

and you get a straight answer.

Search Google for: "Yes, Tariffs Raise Domestic Prices, That's the Reason for Them,"

and you get this.


Even Bing does better than that. As well as DDGo, in fact. Well done Bing.

How Civilizations Die

The young always believe that what they believe is not only true but morally superior to what their elders believe. Yet in the present age it is clear that the beliefs of the young must generally be false, since what the young believe changes radically from one generation to another, and clearly not every generation of youth can be sole possessors of both truth and virtue. Most likely, none are. On the contrary, it is pretty clear that every generation is sold a load of rubbish by the media and by what Britain's next prime minister has called corduroy-jacketed, snaggletooth, lefty academics.

Peter Hitchens, who's been around for a while since swallowing the Trotskyite Kool Aid that dominated the progessive youth of his day, made clear in an interview about his book, the Abolition of Britain, how radically ideas change from generation to generation. In brief, he says:
People no longer believe in certain things

he says, meaning by reference to "people," grown-up people, not the Troskyite youth of his day.

The change, he says, 

is not a positive thing. ... We've seen a decay of something.

What has decayed, he says, is: 

the Christian belief that used to inform every action and thought in this country (Britain) and now doesn't.

See the interview on Hitchens' book: The Abolition of Britain
Thus one sees that what H.L. Mencken call the acids of modernity are able not only to entirely destroy a civilization, as a moral, cultural and intellectual way of thought and life, but to bring about a similar revolution with every generation. Young people need to think about that a bit. Are they really the vanguard of a new enlightenment, or the dupes of snaggletoothed lefty academics, to use a phrase coined by Britain's next Prime Minister, wading into an ever deeper civilizational swamp.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

UK's Ambassador Craig Murray on Britain's Rude Ambassador to the US

Craig Murray, formerly one of the brightest lights of Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), has a simple explanation for the embarrassing leak of comments about Donald Trump and his administration by Britain's ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch. Basically, he argues, Darroch is a jerk, and someone saw an opportunity for pay-back.

Kim Darroch is a rude and aggressive person, who is not pleasant at all to his subordinates. He rose to prominence within the FCO under New Labour at a time when right wing, pro-Israel foreign policy views and support for the Iraq War were important assets to career progress, as was the adoption of a strange “laddish” culture led from No. 10 by Alastair Campbell, involving swearing, football shirts and pretending to be working class (Darroch was privately educated). Macho management was suddenly the thing.

At a time when news management was the be all and end all for the Blair administration, Darroch was in charge of the FCO’s Media Department. I remember being astonished when, down the telephone, he called me “fucking stupid” for disagreeing with him on some minor policy matter. I had simply never come across that kind of aggression in the FCO before. People who worked directly for him had to put up with this kind of thing all the time.

Most senior ambassadors used to have interests like Chinese literature and Shostakovitch. Darroch’s are squash and sailing. He is a bull of a man. In my view, the most likely source of the leaks is a former subordinate taking revenge for years of bullying, or a present one trying to get rid of an unpleasant boss.

Read the entire post
To which Craig Murray subsequently added his reaction to the reaction of those who argue that the resignation of Kim Darroch was the result of an attack on an apolitical civil service:

"Darroch’s rise to the top of the FCO" Murray writes:
... was in fact a startling example of the politicisation of the civil service – there is no doubt that his enthusiastic support for the Iraq War, and for every neo-con war of aggression since, is what endeared him so strongly to the people who make the decisions on the top posts (and do not believe the fiction that ministers have no influence on them). ...

Read the entire post

More About the British Inspired Deep State: Chrystia Freeland a Canadian Operative of the Cecil Rhodes Secret Society for Global Governance

Further to yesterday`s post on Cecil Rhodes' century-old plan for plutocratic global governance, Here`s more on the subject from Matthew Ehret focusing on the NWO operative Chrystia Freeland, Canada's Oxford-trained agent of the NWO.

The Strange Case Of Chrystia Freeland And The Failure Of The “Super Elite”

By Matthew Ehret, 08/07/2019: Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Now, two years into the Trump presidency, and five years into the growth of a new system shaped by the Russia-China alliance, the world has become a very different place from the one which Freeland and her controllers wish it to be.

Having been set up as a counterpart to the steely Hillary Clinton who was supposed to win the 2016 election, Freeland and her ilk have demonstrated their outdated thinking in everything they have set out to achieve since the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Certainly before that, everything seemed to be going smoothly enough for End of History disciples promoting a script that was supposed to culminate in a long-sought for “New World Order”.
The Script up until Now

Things were going especially well since the collapse of the Soviet system in the early 1990s. The collapse ushered in a unipolar world order with the European Union and NAFTA, followed soon thereafter by the World Trade Organization and the 1999 destruction of Glass-Steagall (1). The trans-Atlantic at last was converted into a cage of “post-sovereign nations” that no longer had actual control of their own powers of credit generation. Under NATO, even national militaries were subject to technocratic control. This cage was perfect for the governing elite “scientifically managing” from above while the little people bickered over their diminishing employment and standards of living from below.

Read more

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The British Roots Of The US Deep State: How The Round Table Infiltrated America

By Matthew Ehret, July 6, 2019: With the nearly weekly revelations that the British Foreign Office, MI6, and GCHQ have been behind the long standing agenda to undermine the Presidency of Donald Trump and undo the peaceful alliance between nationalist leaders in America, Russia, China and elsewhere, a new focus on the British hand in undermining the United States has become a serious thought for many citizens. In the first week of the new year, fuel was added to this fire when internal memos were leaked from the British-run Integrity Initiative featuring a startling account of the techniques deployed by the anti-Russian British operation to infiltrate American intelligence institutions, think tanks and media.

For those who may not know, The Integrity Initiative is an anti-Russian propaganda outfit funded to the tune of $140 million by the British Foreign office. Throughout 2019, leaks have been released featuring documents dated to the early period of Trump’s election, demonstrating that this organization, already active across Europe promoting anti-Russian PR and smearing nationalist leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn, was intent on spreading deeply into the State Department and setting up “clusters” of anti-Trump operatives. The documents reveal high level meetings that Integrity Initiative Director Chris Donnelly had with former Trump Advisor Sebastien Gorka, McCain Foundation director Kurt Volker, Pentagon PR guru John Rendon among many others.

The exposure of the British hand behind the scenes affords us a unique glimpse into the real historical forces undermining America’s true constitutional tradition throughout the 20th century, as Mueller/the Five Eyes/Integrity Initiative are not new phenomena but actually follow a modus operandi set down for already more than a century. One of the biggest obstacles to seeing this modus operandi run by the British Empire is located in the belief in a mythology which has become embedded in the global psyche for over half a century and which we should do our best to free ourselves of.

Read more

Matthew Ehret: 
Trump's Relationship To Russia & China: A Revival Of The Henry Wallace Doctrine?

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Did Vladimir Putin Just Admit Russian Responsibility for the Novichok Poisonings in England's Green and Pleasant Land?

As anyone visiting here on a more or less regular basis will know, we have written a number of posts about the Novichok poisonings in England of the Russian traitor, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Julia, and also the British citizens, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess.

Throughout, we have been skeptical of the British position that the poisonings were perpetrated by the Russian state, roused to seek vengeance against Skripal, despite having formerly pardoned him in connection with a spy swap. Rather, it seemed to us more probable that the poisonings were a charade undertaken by British security services as means to stoke public antipathy toward Russia.

Our assessment has now to be questioned in light of Vladimir Putin's remarks on the case that were addressed to former UK Prime Minister Teresa May during the recent G20 summit.

Specifically, Putin said:

“Treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying the Salisbury incident is the way to do it, but traitors must be punished.”
Sounds pretty much like a confession of Russian responsibility to me, which in itself, makes the statement remarkable. But if it is a confession, it raises the question: for what was Sergei Skripal being punished? Not presumably, for the treasonous acts for which he was formerly convicted, jailed and subsequently pardoned.

The Russian State English Language broadcaster, RT, puts some spin on Putin's comment, stating:

At the same time, [Putin] made it clear that the poisoning of the former double agent Sergei Skirpal and his daughter Yulia, which took place in the British town of Salisbury back in March 2018 and was blamed on Russia by London, is definitely “not the way to do it.”

The president explained that the former Russian intelligence colonel already received his punishment under Russian law as he served his time in prison and was therefore “off the radar.”

He reiterated that this whole affair had little to do with Russia, while maintaining that London has failed to present any sufficient proof of Moscow’s alleged guilt to the public till this day.
Which, does not, it seems to me, settle the matter. Putin has exceptional skill in the diplomatic use of words, and RT's spin does little negate what seems the most plausible interpretation of his comment.

However, it is possible that Putin's statement was, in fact, a taunt, a taunt based on the knowledge, shared with Theresa May to whom his remark was addressed, that Sergei Skripal was a triple agent, who, having moved to England, ostensibly to continue in the service of the British to whom he had betrayed Russia, was in fact, acting in the service of Russia.

It might well then have been that his allegiance to Russia, having been discovered by the Brits, became the justification for a British charade intended to demonize Russia. That would explain the look of disgust, or is it despair, on Theresa May's face, during her interaction with Putin at the G20 Tokyo summit.

One hopes that Rob Slane, former UK Ambassador Craig Murray, and others who have been skeptical of the official British narrative of this peculiar case will offer their perspective on Putin's comment.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Boeing's Deadly Penny-Pinching Stupidity

Boeing corporation has [had, now zero] only one aeronautical engineer on its board of directors, Dennis Muilenburg, who serves as President, Chairman, and Chief Operating Officer. With the exception of a couple of book-keepers, other board members appear to be of little more than decorative value, vanity board members, including such engineering notables as Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK, and just appointed Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the UN.

Apparently Boeing's management, i.e., Mr. Muilenberg, doesn't give a damn about aircraft safety, only about saving a buck, a supposition confirmed by Bloomberg News, which reports that the defective software that brought down two of Boeing's newly introduced 737MAX airliners was written by immigrant subcontractors earning as little as $9 an hour. This at a time when the company was laying off experienced engineers.

Increasingly, according to Bloomberg

... the iconic American planemaker and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace -- notably India.

In offices across from Seattle’s Boeing Field, recent college graduates employed by the Indian software developer HCL Technologies Ltd.occupied several rows of desks, said Mark Rabin, a former Boeing software engineer who worked in a flight-test group that supported the Max.

The coders from HCL were typically designing to specifications set by Boeing. Still, “it was controversial because it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code,” Rabin said. Frequently, he recalled, “it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly.”...

Based on resumes posted on social media, HCL engineers helped develop and test the Max’s flight-display software, while employees from another Indian company, Cyient Ltd., handled software for flight-test equipment.

And there were other benefits to using incompetent Indian contractors.

Boeing’s cultivation of Indian companies appeared to pay other dividends. In recent years, it has won several orders for Indian military and commercial aircraft, such as a $22 billion one in January 2017 to supply SpiceJet Ltd. That order included 100 737-Max 8 jets and represented Boeing’s largest order ever from an Indian airline, a coup in a country dominated by Airbus.

Seemingly, the American drive to corporate monopolism isn't working well. Without competition, terminal stupidity is setting in. What to do? Break up the corrupt and increasingly useless behemoths and recreate the productive competitive free market economy that American capitalists have always said they believed in.

USA Today: Boeing's 'single point failure': Why was there no backup system on 737 Max jet?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Dalai Lama Says What It's Criminal for a White Person to Say: The Europeans are Being Suicided by Mass Replacement Immigration

"The whole of Europe will eventually become a Muslim African country" — unless refugees are sent back.

Phew, saying that would get you labelled a hate speaker, a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi — if you're white, that is.

The fact that what the Dalai Lama said is true is, of course, beside the point. Indeed, it is because what the Dalai Lama said is true that such speech must be suppressed.

Specifically, what must be suppressed is an awareness of the simple arithmetical consequences of importing masses of philoprogenitive people of alien race, religion and culture to nations afflicted by a reproductive dysfunction.

All of the European-majority nations have a below replacement fertility rate, in many cases a fertility rate barely half the replacement rate. Mass immigration to those nations intensifies the reproductive failure of the native populations and speeds the genocidal replacement of the indigenous nation.

Only an  awareness of the fate picked out for them by the globalist Treason Party can save the European peoples. Hence the ruthless suppression of anti-immigrationist speech.

The Europeans are the lobsters in the slowly warming pot: the agents of globalization, Merkel, Micron, May, and their predecessors.

Well said Dalai Lama: Free Tibet!

News Photo of the Week: Vlad Meets Theresa

Some suggested captions from Guido Fawkes readers:

I told you comrade, no pulse.

A true grassroots, family values Conservative meets Theresa May

Duplicitous, dishonest and despised despot meets Vladimir Putin

Vlad's gift of perfume was not well received

Second transfer complete. The body shaking will start within days

And more

And the Runner Up:

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Is Gabbard the only sane candidate for the 2020 Presidential election?

Of the first Democratic Presidential Candidate's debate, Reason magazine reports
When asked about what she would do about the gender pay gap, the Hawaii representative declined to answer the moderators' lady question, instead choosing to denounce our current interventionist foreign policy.

A good response, although she might have pointed out that it was a bullshit question. The US is an avowedly capitalist country. That means wages are determined by supply and demand. If women take jobs at lower wages than men, that means either that, overall, the market does not value female workers as highly as male workers — which makes sense for all sorts of reason (for instance, men do not generally take maternity leave or quit work early to have children, women do), or women are bad negotiators. Either way, its not something for legislators to legislate about unless they are anti-capitalists, i.e., socialists aka totalitarian communists, like Bernie Sanders.

Later in the debate, when Rep. Tim Ryan (D–Ohio) referenced the recent deaths of two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as a reason to continue our war in the country, Gabbard was having none of it, saying:
"Will you tell the parents of those two soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan that we have to be engaged? That is unacceptable. We have lost so many lives, we have spent so much money..."

It takes a military veteran, apparently, to understand what war is about. 

No surprise, then, that Gabbard was the hands down winner of the debate according to post-debate polls. With Gabbard as the Democrat candidate, Trump's reelection would be in real doubt. Trouble is, the entrenched leaders of the Democrat party probably hate rational anti-war candidates even more than the Republican leadership does.

Pat Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

Monday, June 24, 2019

Google's War on Trump: The Treason of a Globalist Corporation

Corporate interests have long taken care to ensure that the people of the democratic Western nations express their democratic will as the corporate interests require. Hence the corporate control of the media — initially, the most influential, big-city newspapers, then radio, then TV, and in recent years, most of the book publishing industry, and now the Internet.

What's new with the corporate control of the internet is that companies such as Google and Facebook can read your mail, watch your web clicks and links and apply artificial intelligence to tailor what you see of the world in ways that best regulate your thinking and moral judgement, and hence your voting, buying, and breeding behavior to best serve the New World Order, aka, the globalist Money Power.

Uhuh! Didn't take Google long to take down the Project Veritas video revealing Google's approach to election interference. But it's still up on the Project Veritas Web site here. If CanSpeccy goes blank you will likely be able to guess why. As it is, the  number of hits we have had from today is well down on the usual number by around half. Coincidence?

Meantime, as Zero Hedge reportsGoogle's "transparency and ethics" group are:

calling prominent Jewish conservatives Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager "Nazis," along with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, who is not Jewish.

But as as Justin Trudeau could truthfully say, that's what we liberals always do, we call our opponents racists, white supremacists and Nazis. 
Gateway Pundit: GOOGLE EXECS PANIC! Go Into Hiding – Delete Social Media Accounts After James O’Keefe’s Latest Exposé
ZeroHedge: Google Ethics Team Busted Calling Prominent Conservative Jews "Nazis": Veritas
RT: Google pulls videos accusing it of election manipulation from YouTube... which it owns
Project Veritas: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
Zero Hedge: Google Using AI To Meddle In 2020 Election, Prevent 'Next Trump Situation': Veritas
Zero Hedge: Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has Become Spy Software"
Activist Post: “Surveillance Capitalism”: Toronto Urged to Abandon Google’s Smart City

Government Slaves, June 25, 2019: A new document leaked Tuesday appears to show a Google engineer suggesting in an internal email that classifying prominent conservatives as “Nazis” could help the company wipe out far-right content.

“Today it is often 1 or 2 steps to Nazis, if we understand that Prager U, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are Nazis using the dog whistles you mention in step 1,” Liam Hopkins, a machine learning recruiter at Google, said in the email, which was obtained by Project Veritas (PV).

Here in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't bother with intervening steps. He just outright calls the leader of the opposition, Andrew Scheer, a Nazi, which is to be expected now that hate speech is among the chief weapons in the liberal armory.

Government Slaves: Reddit suspends Project Veritas after the release of Google whistleblower report
Government Slaves: Google Execs Suddenly Go Into Hiding After Project Veritas Exposes Trump Destruction Plans

VoxDay: The Silence of the Losers — Or how the media won't talk about Google being busted for interfering illegally in the US presidential election

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Jordan Peterson Has One Thing Right: Identity Politics Is Bullshit Harmful to Children

Idiots, lunatics and revolutionary sons-of-bitches in Justin Trudeau's morally perfect Canadian universe are now waging war on Western civilization while threatening the mental health of small children by telling them that they are neither boys nor girls.

Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto psychologist who we have ridiculed for his absurd IQ-ist claims, is thus to be applauded for his courageous public stand on the reality of human sexual differentiation between male and female, despite the enraged antagonism of University of Toronto crackpots and activists, backed by the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Trudeau government.

Yes, some individuals do not fit neatly into either the male or female category, whether that be for physical or psychological reasons. Yes, those people deserve consideration. But Hell no, those people, or rather the malign SJW's who seek to exploit them, have no business indoctrinating children with the the totally false and indeed insane idea that there are no "real" boys or girls. Such perverse propaganda can do harm and its proponents should be shut up. Jordan Peterson is among the few people with the balls to tell them to shut up.

Writing in the National Post yesterday,  Peterson states:

National Post, June 21, 2019: The continually expanded plethora of “identities” recently constructed and provided with legal status ...  consist of empty terms which (1) do not provide those who claim them with any real social role or direction; (2) confuse all who must deal with the narcissism of the claimant, as the only rule that can exist in the absence of painstakingly, voluntarily and mutually negotiated social role is “it’s morally wrong to say or do anything that hurts my feelings”; (3) risks generating psychological chaos among the vast majority of individuals exposed to the doctrines that insist that identity is essentially fluid and self-generating (and here I’m primarily concerned about children and adolescents whose standard or normative identity has now merely become one personal choice among a near-infinite array of ideologically and legally defined modes of being), and (4) poses a further and unacceptably dangerous threat to the stability of the nuclear family, which consists, at minimum, of a dyad, male and female, coming together primarily for the purposes of raising children in what appears to be the minimal viable social unit (given the vast and incontrovertible body of evidence that fatherlessness, in particular, is associated with heightened risk for criminality, substance abuse, and poorly regulated sexual behaviour among children, adolescents and the adults that they eventually become).

Prompting this return to the subject that first brought Peterson to wide public attention, was a report by journalist, Barbara Kay,

National Post, June 21, 2019: about an application filed before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario by the parents of a six year girl, “N,” who was made subject to the new tenets of gender identity theory by her hypothetically well-meaning elementary school teacher at Devonshire Community Public School (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board). According to Kay’s account, the teacher insisted to the children that “there is no such thing as girls and boys,” and “girls are not real and boys are not real.” In consequence, “N” began to manifest substantial confusion about her identity. She asked her parents why her existence as a girl was not real. She asked to see a doctor for an opinion. She became unsettled about the reality of her biological existence. Her concern persisted over a three-month period — a long time in the life of a young person.
Peterson continues:

National Post, June 21, 2019: I can barely envision a pedagogical strategy less conducive to stable early childhood development, particularly for a thoughtful child, which is exactly what “N” seems to be — much to her detriment, in this situation. Trusting her teacher, as she apparently did, “N” listened to her lessons and tried to think through what the complicated and internally contradictory mess of information she was presented with might actually signify — and failing, as was inevitable, because there is nothing that it signifies that is reasonable, logical, practical, or true. No matter: “gender fluidity” is school board policy, even for six-year-olds, and the distress of a perfectly normal child at the lessons is a price well worth paying to ensure that ideological purity, no matter how counterproductive and absurd, is stringently maintained. Better the child suffers than the teacher thinks. Better the entire educational system reformulates itself around the new dogma (and to hell with the possibility that the experiment might go wrong) than the ideologues governing its structure question their absurd and fundamentally resentful presumptions.

And much more. An article contributing importantly to the preservation of Canadian national sanity. 

Student who told teacher there are only 'two genders' now facing harsh punishment from school

Friday, June 21, 2019

How SJW's Oppose Common Sense and Hate Social Justice

Speaking before a Congressional Committee, a young black American stating what a wise black American would want for his fellow black Americans, gets jeered by Democrats and demeaned by the Democrat committee chair.

Nothing odd about that. The SJW movement is a scam. It serves to arouse emotion and cloud judgment, thereby to distract the attention of the populace from the looting of society by the globalist elite, busy offshoring jobs, turning education into a program of victim-funded brain-washing.

And just look at the faces behind the speaker. What a bunch of sour pusses and losers.

James Howard Kunstler: Crazyland

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How Britain Wages War in Yemen

Philip May, husband of failed former UK Prime Minister, Thereason May, is a Senior Executive of Capital Group, a £1.4Tn investment firm which is the largest shareholder in Britain's largest defense contractor BAE Systems. BAE Systems, as it happens, has huge contracts with the Government of Saudi Arabia for the supply of weapons, equipment maintenance and the provision of engineers inside Saudi Arabia.

Thus, according to a Guardian report:

“The Saudi bosses absolutely depend on BAE Systems,” John Deverell, a former MoD mandarin and defence attache to Saudi Arabia and Yemen, told me. “They couldn’t do it without us.” A BAE employee recently put it more plainly to Channel 4’s Dispatches: “If we weren’t there, in seven to 14 days there wouldn’t be a jet in the sky.”

The British bombs that rain down on Yemen are produced in three towns: Glenrothes in Scotland, and Harlow and Stevenage in south-east England. Bombs roll off production lines owned by Raytheon UK and BAE Systems, firms contracted by the government to manufacture Paveway bombs (£22,000 apiece), Brimstone bombs (£105,000 apiece), and Storm Shadow cruise missiles (£790,000 apiece) for the Saudi Royal Air Force. BAE, under government contract, also assembles the jets that drop these bombs in hangars just outside the village of Warton, Lancashire.

Once these weapons arrive in Saudi Arabia, Britain’s involvement is far from over. The Saudi military lacks the expertise to use these weapons to fight a sustained air war – so BAE, under another contract to the UK government, provides what are known as “in-country” services. In practice, this means that around 6,300 British contractors are stationed at forward operating bases in Saudi Arabia. There, they train Saudi pilots and conduct essential maintenance night and day on planes worn out from flying thousands of miles across the Saudi desert to their targets in Yemen. They also supervise Saudi soldiers to load bombs on to planes and set their fuses for their intended targets.

Around 80 serving RAF personnel work inside Saudi Arabia. Sometimes they work for BAE to assist in maintaining and preparing aircraft. At other times they work as auditors to ensure that BAE is fulfilling its Ministry of Defence contracts. Additional RAF “liaison officers” work inside the command-and-control centre, from where targets in Yemen are selected.

America, A Failed State?

Is America a failed, or at least an about to fail, state?

Judge for yourself.

Here's Charles Hugh Smith's evaluation of America's largest institutions:

1. Healthcare: a failed system doomed to bankrupt the nation.

2. Defense: a failed system of cartels and Pentagon fiefdoms that have saddled the nation with enormously costly failed weapons systems like the F-35 and the LCS (you know, those weird ships with hulls that slope in, not out, toward the top).

3. Higher Education: a bloated, failed system that is bankrupting an entire generation while mis-educating them for productive roles in the emerging economy. (I cover this in depth in The Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy and Get a Job, Build a Real Career and Defy a Bewildering Economy.)

4. Foreign policy: Iraq: a disaster. Afghanistan: a disaster. Libya: a disaster. Syria: a disaster. Need I go on?

5. Political governance: a corrupt system of self-serving elites, lobbyists, pay-to-play, corporate puppet-masters*, and sociopaths who see themselves as above the law.
*Cf. Boeing corporation and the 737MAX, a botched aircraft design and an accident that did not wait to happen — twice.