Thursday, June 27, 2019

Is Gabbard the only sane candidate for the 2020 Presidential election?

Of the first Democratic Presidential Candidate's debate, Reason magazine reports
When asked about what she would do about the gender pay gap, the Hawaii representative declined to answer the moderators' lady question, instead choosing to denounce our current interventionist foreign policy.

A good response, although she might have pointed out that it was a bullshit question. The US is an avowedly capitalist country. That means wages are determined by supply and demand. If women take jobs at lower wages than men, that means either that, overall, the market does not value female workers as highly as male workers — which makes sense for all sorts of reason (for instance, men do not generally take maternity leave or quit work early to have children, women do), or women are bad negotiators. Either way, its not something for legislators to legislate about unless they are anti-capitalists, i.e., socialists aka totalitarian communists, like Bernie Sanders.

Later in the debate, when Rep. Tim Ryan (D–Ohio) referenced the recent deaths of two U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as a reason to continue our war in the country, Gabbard was having none of it, saying:
"Will you tell the parents of those two soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan that we have to be engaged? That is unacceptable. We have lost so many lives, we have spent so much money..."

It takes a military veteran, apparently, to understand what war is about. 

No surprise, then, that Gabbard was the hands down winner of the debate according to post-debate polls. With Gabbard as the Democrat candidate, Trump's reelection would be in real doubt. Trouble is, the entrenched leaders of the Democrat party probably hate rational anti-war candidates even more than the Republican leadership does.

Pat Buchanan: Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

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