Showing posts with label gender fluidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender fluidity. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Jordan Peterson Has One Thing Right: Identity Politics Is Bullshit Harmful to Children

Idiots, lunatics and revolutionary sons-of-bitches in Justin Trudeau's morally perfect Canadian universe are now waging war on Western civilization while threatening the mental health of small children by telling them that they are neither boys nor girls.

Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto psychologist who we have ridiculed for his absurd IQ-ist claims, is thus to be applauded for his courageous public stand on the reality of human sexual differentiation between male and female, despite the enraged antagonism of University of Toronto crackpots and activists, backed by the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Trudeau government.

Yes, some individuals do not fit neatly into either the male or female category, whether that be for physical or psychological reasons. Yes, those people deserve consideration. But Hell no, those people, or rather the malign SJW's who seek to exploit them, have no business indoctrinating children with the the totally false and indeed insane idea that there are no "real" boys or girls. Such perverse propaganda can do harm and its proponents should be shut up. Jordan Peterson is among the few people with the balls to tell them to shut up.

Writing in the National Post yesterday,  Peterson states:

National Post, June 21, 2019: The continually expanded plethora of “identities” recently constructed and provided with legal status ...  consist of empty terms which (1) do not provide those who claim them with any real social role or direction; (2) confuse all who must deal with the narcissism of the claimant, as the only rule that can exist in the absence of painstakingly, voluntarily and mutually negotiated social role is “it’s morally wrong to say or do anything that hurts my feelings”; (3) risks generating psychological chaos among the vast majority of individuals exposed to the doctrines that insist that identity is essentially fluid and self-generating (and here I’m primarily concerned about children and adolescents whose standard or normative identity has now merely become one personal choice among a near-infinite array of ideologically and legally defined modes of being), and (4) poses a further and unacceptably dangerous threat to the stability of the nuclear family, which consists, at minimum, of a dyad, male and female, coming together primarily for the purposes of raising children in what appears to be the minimal viable social unit (given the vast and incontrovertible body of evidence that fatherlessness, in particular, is associated with heightened risk for criminality, substance abuse, and poorly regulated sexual behaviour among children, adolescents and the adults that they eventually become).

Prompting this return to the subject that first brought Peterson to wide public attention, was a report by journalist, Barbara Kay,

National Post, June 21, 2019: about an application filed before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario by the parents of a six year girl, “N,” who was made subject to the new tenets of gender identity theory by her hypothetically well-meaning elementary school teacher at Devonshire Community Public School (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board). According to Kay’s account, the teacher insisted to the children that “there is no such thing as girls and boys,” and “girls are not real and boys are not real.” In consequence, “N” began to manifest substantial confusion about her identity. She asked her parents why her existence as a girl was not real. She asked to see a doctor for an opinion. She became unsettled about the reality of her biological existence. Her concern persisted over a three-month period — a long time in the life of a young person.
Peterson continues:

National Post, June 21, 2019: I can barely envision a pedagogical strategy less conducive to stable early childhood development, particularly for a thoughtful child, which is exactly what “N” seems to be — much to her detriment, in this situation. Trusting her teacher, as she apparently did, “N” listened to her lessons and tried to think through what the complicated and internally contradictory mess of information she was presented with might actually signify — and failing, as was inevitable, because there is nothing that it signifies that is reasonable, logical, practical, or true. No matter: “gender fluidity” is school board policy, even for six-year-olds, and the distress of a perfectly normal child at the lessons is a price well worth paying to ensure that ideological purity, no matter how counterproductive and absurd, is stringently maintained. Better the child suffers than the teacher thinks. Better the entire educational system reformulates itself around the new dogma (and to hell with the possibility that the experiment might go wrong) than the ideologues governing its structure question their absurd and fundamentally resentful presumptions.

And much more. An article contributing importantly to the preservation of Canadian national sanity. 

Student who told teacher there are only 'two genders' now facing harsh punishment from school