Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Haaretz: Most Israelis Oppose Accepting Refugees

Haaretz: September 20, 2018: WASHINGTON – A clear majority of Israelis oppose accepting refugees from war-torn countries into Israel, according to a new poll released on Wednesday by the Pew Research Institute. The poll included respondents from 18 different countries, and among the Israelis surveyed by it, 57 percent were against accepting refugees – more than in any other country included in the survey.

Nothing unreasonable about Israelis opposing an influx of refugees. Man is a territorial animal. Each nation has a territorial base. If Israelis, Brits, French or Germans move over to make way for people of other nationalities, their own nation is diminished.

When one is talking of a few thousand fleeing for their lives, few are opposed to their own country taking in refugees. But when nations that have a below replacement fertility rate, as is true of all the European nations, are expected (i.e., compelled by their own leadership) to take in "refugees" by the million, people naturally become resistant.

Moreover, when the "refugees" aggressively assert the supremacy of their own culture over that of the natives of the land where they have sought haven, it becomes obvious that the natives have been betrayed by a treasonous, globalist and anti-democratic leadership, and are set for destruction as a racial and cultural entity.

So Israelis are perfectly rational and morally justified in resisting the influx of "refugees" most of whom are likely, in any case, to be economic migrants not victims of war. To do otherwise would be to place their own national survival in jeopardy.

One just wishes that Jews would remember that the same right of refusal applies to other countries. They would then, perhaps, not be so loud in their seemingly endless criticism of the countries such as Canada, the US, Britain that failed to offer safe haven to six million European Jews prior to, and during, WW2.

Howard Kunstler: Christine Blasey Ford Is a Big Fat Liar

“I believe her!”

Really? Why should anyone believe her?

Senator Collins of Maine said she believed that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford experienced something traumatic, just not at the hands of Mr. Kavanaugh. I believe Senator Collins said that to placate the #Metoo mob, not because she actually believed it. I believe Christine Blasey Ford was lying, through and through ...

Read More

Google: Time to End Free Speech

Breitbart News October 9. 2018: An internal company briefing produced by Google and leaked exclusively to Breitbart News argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the “American tradition” of free speech on the internet is no longer viable.

Despite leaked video footage showing top executives declaring their intention to ensure that the rise of Trump and the populist movement is just a “blip” in history, Google has repeatedly denied that the political bias of its employees filter into its products.
But the 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship” in response to unwelcome political events around the world.

New York Post: Break up Amazon before it does any more damage to America

By Maureen Callahan:
New York Post October 9, 2018: When Jeff Bezos announced that Amazon would be raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour last week, the reception was rapturous. The Seattle Times called it “the just thing.” “Good for them,” said President Trump’s chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow. “I’m in favor of higher wages.” Bloomberg called it proof that “an even higher minimum wage is probably safe for big, productive cities.” Senator Bernie Sanders, a chief Bezos antagonist, called it “enormously important.” “Unequivocally good news,” said The Washington Post.
The latter is owned by Jeff Bezos, an all-too-easily forgotten point these days. Because for all the questions to follow this announcement — Why now? What is Amazon eliminating to pay for this? How much praise does Bezos, recently crowned the World’s Richest Man, deserve while paying, as of 2017, a median Amazon income of $28,446? — we are not asking the real one.
When did we become The United States of Amazon?
Author, entrepreneur and NYU business professor Scott Galloway has emerged as one of Amazon’s fiercest critics. At last month’s Recode Code Commerce, Galloway gave a 45-minute talkon the future of retail that savaged Amazon and warned of the threats the company poses not just economically but philosophically and morally.
“I believe our society is effectively going through this very uncomfortable transition that is bad for our youth, bad for America and bad for the planet where we no longer worship at the altar of character and kindness,” he said. “We worship at the altar of innovators and billionaires.”
Galloway calls this “a perversion” that has occurred without our true realization. And Amazon, he says, is more responsible than any other tech giant.
In his best-selling book “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google,” Galloway cites some arresting statistics: Far fewer U.S. households have a gun than Amazon Prime, by 30 to 64 percent. More Americans have Prime than voted in 2016 (55 percent), or earn $50,000 or more a year (55 percent), or go to church (51 percent). He calls Amazon’s ability to woo Prime subscribers at a $119 yearly cost the equivalent of “entering into a monogamous relationship” with its consumers, who as of 2016 spent, on average, $193 per month. (Non-Prime members average $138 per month.)
From 2006 to 2016 Amazon’s stock price growth surged by 1,910 percent, destroying Sears, J.C. Penney, Kmart, Best Buy, Macy’s, Nordstrom, Target and Walmart.
Perhaps most importantly: Since the Great Recession, Amazon has paid just $1.4 billion in corporate taxes compared to Walmart’s $64 billion.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Wall St. Journal to Conservatives: We Are All Deplorables Now

Judge Kavanaugh would have been on any Republican’s short list for the Supreme Court. ...

Mr. Trump’s nomination of Mr. Kavanaugh is a credit to the process he established to win the election and govern with conservative support. He sought the help of legal elites on the right, led by the Federalist Society, who compiled an impressive list of potential nominees. This isn’t a rogue judicial operation to choose presidential cronies. It is the gold standard for legal talent that believes in the original meaning of the Constitution. It’s hard to see how any GOP President would have done better, and others have done much worse.
Yet this is precisely why Democrats and the left have set out to destroy Judge Kavanaugh—not in legal philosophy or competence, which they knew was a political loser, but as a human being, a spouse and father. They need to destroy him personally with accusations but no corroboration, as they tried with Clarence Thomas, so they can deny the open Supreme Court seat to a judicial conservative. ...
Republicans are well aware of Mr. Trump’s excesses and falsehoods. But they have also come to understand that the resistance to him isn’t rooted in principle or some august call to superior character. They know Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016 despite her history of deceit. Voters know this is about the left’s will to power by any means necessary.
Republicans across America can see, and certainly their Senators voting on Judge Kavanaugh should realize, that the left hates them as much or more than they loathe Mr. Trump. Conservatives understand that, for the American left, they are all deplorables now.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Bezos' Decision To Raise Wages Is Largely A Machiavellian Distraction

For the many low wage Amazon workers - both full time and temporary - set to receive a raise thanks to the just announced boost in minimum pay to $15/hour, the news is certainly a big plus. It should also be noted that had Amazon not been subject to intense scrutiny and criticism from the likes of Bernie Sanders and others, Jeff Bezos never would have responded with such an aggressive move. That said, if you think a little beyond the surface level about why he’s doing this now and what his real motives are, it becomes clear nobody should take this move at face value.
Stacy Mitchell, co-director at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, is someone whose work on Amazon I’ve cited on various occasions. She tweeted out an important thread this morning that helps you take a step back and not miss the forest for the trees.
1. It’s nice to see Amazon workers get a raise today, and not just the regular hires, but the temps too.  What led to this?  Five things...
  • 2. First, it’s a very tight labor market and Amazon needs a bunch of people in its warehouses right now for the 4th quarter.
  • 3. Second, advocacy by @SenSanders & @RoKhanna, & groups like @jwjnational & @ilsr, compelled Amazon to act. Amazon almost never responds to critics. But Sanders and Khanna unnerved Amazon deeply, as I pointed out in an earlier thread:
  • 4. Third, Amazon is run by the world’s richest man  (net worth = $160 billion) and his recent attempt to make this unconscionable disparity seem okay with a $2B charity pledge just didn’t cut it. Bezos is the face of inequality. That’s still true after today.
  • 5. Fourth, Amazon has another way to cut labor costs: automation. It needs fewer workers today to sell & ship $100M worth of stuff than it did just a few years ago. That trend is only accelerating. Some e-commerce warehouses in China have a staff of 4 people. They fix the robots.
  • 6. Finally, and this is the big reason: Amazon fears an antitrust case to break it up. They’re right to be nervous. In the last week: @SenWarren called for it. The EU's @vestager opened an antitrust probe. A former Amazon exec said competition depended on splitting Amazon in two.
7. To keep its grip, Amazon is going to try to buy off constituencies, one by one.
8. Workers getting a raise is a good thing. But what we need is so much bigger. No company should have this much power. Inevitably, it means that Amazon gets to set the rules, economically & politically. And those rules will always privilege Amazon's interest over the public’s.
Bezos is naturally attempting to portray this as a come to Jesus moment, but you shouldn’t buy his spin for a second. Based on what we know of his business practices, the guy’s built the behemoth that is Amazon by operating in a Machiavellian fashion (see my recent post: Amazon is Far More Dangerous and Powerful Than You Want to Admit).

Brett Kavanagh and the Death of Vincent Foster

My Sinister Battle with Brett Kavanaugh 

by Ambrose Evans-Prichard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is International Business Editor of The Daily Telegraph. He has covered world politics and economics for 30 years, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels.
3 OCTOBER 2018 • 11:15 AM BST
Illustration by Kerry Squires
Twenty-three years ago I crossed swords with a younger Brett Kavanaugh in one of the weirdest and most disturbing episodes of my career as a journalist.
What happened leaves me in no doubt that he lacks judicial character and is unfit to serve on the US Supreme Court for the next thirty years or more, whatever his political ideology.
He was not a teenager. It related to his duties in the mid-1990s as Assistant Independent Council for the Starr investigation, then probing Bill and Hillary Clinton in the most sensitive case in the country.

Brett Kavanaugh sits behind Kenneth Starr during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee regarding the possible impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998 Credit: David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images
To my surprise, the incident has suddenly become a second front in his nomination saga on Capitol Hill. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has accused him of violating secrecy laws by revealing the details of a federal grand jury.
“Disclosing grand jury information is against the law,” she told Politico. She said it also showed he had misled the Senate by assuring categorically that he had never leaked grand jury material to journalists.
Sen Feinstein released a ‘smoking gun’ document from the archive files of the Starr investigation. It shows Mr Kavanaugh’s efforts to suppress a news storyabout his wild cross-examination of a witness, including a wayward discussion of “genitalia” that particularly worried him.
This piqued my interest since I am named in the document and the witness – Patrick Knowlton – was in a sense ‘my witness’.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Craig Murray Nails Theresa May's Latest Lies on the Skripal WMD Poisonings

For all the lies, bunk and bullshit with which it is bestrewn, the alt media still provide vastly better information, if you know where to look, than the pathetic lying and fortunately dying, mainstream media. As proof, one needs only to read Ambassador Craig Murray's latest piece on the Skripal Poisonings story. In it, Murray entirely destroys the narrative as announced by Britain's Prime Misformer, Theresa May, and repeated with variations and elaborations by the entire UK and foreign corporate media, and the Western government propaganda agencies the BBC, the Gruniard, the CBC, VOA, etc.

What Murray demonstrates is that the British Government's "proof" of guilt of the Russians, Petrov and Boshirov, in the Skripal poisonings as announced by Theresa may in the House of Commons,  is a farrago of nonsense, and that while it remains unknown, the real story of the poisonings (if indeed the Skripals were indeed poisoned, a fact for which, as I have argued, there is reason to doubt) has to be something entirely different from May's bollocks delivered to Parliament. In fact, May's Parliamentary statements about the Skripal poisonings are so obviously mendacious that a competent opposition would have by now forced the Prime Minister to resign for lying to Parliament.

Here, I will not endeavor to summarize Murray's article which has the clarity and brevity characteristic of Murray's blog posts. Rather, anyone remotely interested in the mechanics of the anti-Russian propaganda op. involving the Russian traitor, Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, should read Murray's article, The Incredible Case of Boshirov and Petrov’s Visasfor themselves.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Tax Reform Plan for the People's Party of Canada

Maxime Bernier has split with the Conservative Party of Canada on the ground that they are morally corrupt, a mundane fact, applicable almost certainly to every political party in contention for power in the Western world. Still, by creating his own party, the People's Party of Canada, Bernier has an opportunity to add some fresh, and indeed important, ideas to the toxic stew of bad or idiotic policies that constitute the bedrock of mainstream politics in Canada. Tax policy is among the many areas of Canadian national policy in need of re-imagining, and the issue of the carbon tax provides an opportunity to undertake major tax reform.

Economists agree that carbon emissions reductions can be achieved most efficiently by means of a carbon tax. The carbon tax is unpopular, however, because it is seen as just one more government impost upon an already overtaxed populace.  Bernier can, therefore, seize the initiative by committing to an overall revenue-neutral carbon tax achieved by raising the basic personal exemption to Federal income tax from $11,365 to $33,300, the latter amount being the median income from employment in Canada. Thus, at a stroke, the PPC would be committed to relieving 50% of the Canadian workforce of all Federal income tax.

In addition, the PPC should commit to paying every low-income worker an amount equal to 15% (the base Federal tax rate) of the difference between their earned annual income and $33,000. As a result of these measures every one of Canada's 18 million workers, whether they are of high or low income, would receive a benefit, either in cash or reduced Federal income tax, amounting to approximately $3,000.

Some will ask why the poor should pay no tax when they are the beneficiaries of many publicly funded services. But the answer to that is obvious: first, the poor do the shitty jobs while the rich reap the benefit of the labor of the poor, so why would one not expect those who are better off to pay most if not all of the taxes; second, even if they pay no Federal income tax, the poor will still pay a large proportion of their income in tax, including gas tax, provincial income and sales taxes, liquor tax, tobacco tax, and all the taxes imposed across the supply chain that must be reflected in the price of everything that a person buys.

As for the cost to the Federal treasury, it would be quite small. The tax reduction on the wages of low income earners would cost the Treasury approximately $27 billion a year, which would be more than covered by the anticipated carbon tax revenue of $35 billion a year. In addition there would be the cost of the tax reduction on the wages of high income earners, another $27 billion a year, leaving a deficit of $19 billion after factoring in the carbon tax revenue. That deficit could be covered, ideally, by cuts in Federal Government expenditure, or alternatively by a 2% increase in the GST, a consumption tax that is already rebated to those of low income.

As for the overall effect of the carbon tax on the Canadian economy, the potential downside is to expose home industry to unfair carbon-tax-free competition from abroad. That however can be avoided by imposing a countervailing duty on all goods from countries without a carbon tax, a trade barrier that would provide Canadian industry significant protection against the intense competition from the sweat-shop economies of the developing world. Also on the plus side, the cut to personal income tax would increase consumer spending and hence stimulate the economy.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Trudeau Government are Bloody Idiots on NAFTA

The title of this post is not mine but the title given to the above video by its creators Rebel Media when posting it on U-Tube, and I am not sure that that title truly reflects what is going on between Canada and the US on NAFTA.

Given the way negotiations are going, Canada may well fail to get a renewal of NAFTA with the United States. That, however, may be not because of the apparent stupidity of Canada's approach to the negotiations which, as the video shows, involves multiple insults directed at President Trump.

Rather, what we may be seeing is a deliberate trashing by Canada's of its chances of a NAFTA deal, the objective being to generate in Canada an anti-US and, in particular, an anti-Trump sentiment that would provide the basis for Trudeau's 2019 Canadian Federal Election campaign.

Then Trudeau, who has proved a weak prime minister, with a silly agenda, can pose as a strong man standing up to the seeming bully and blackguard Trump, rather than against the very moderate and reasonable seeming Andrew Scheer of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ambassador Craig Murray Probes the Alibi of Petrov and Bashirov, the Alleged (by Theresa May) Skripal/Novichok Poisoners

On reading the interview given by the Russians, Petrov and Bashirov, alleged by the British Government to have poisoned the Russian traitor, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter, Yulia, by painting the, as-developed-in-Russia, WMD, Novichok (allegedly seven times deadlier than Britain's own deadly nerve agent, VX), on the front door-knob of Sergei Skripal's house, I was far from convinced of the innocence of their weekend visit to Britain.

To be unconvinced of their innocence, is not of course, to be convinced of their guilt, but it does mean remaining open to the possibility that their visit at the time of the Skripal nerve agent poisonings was not coincidental (or perhaps we should say alleged Skripal nerve agent poisonings, since the resident in Emergency Medicine at the Salisbury hospital to which the Skripals were taken for treatment denied that anyone had been admitted to the hospital with symptoms of nerve-agent poisoning).

Likewise, Ambassador Craig Murray was, initially, far from convinced by their account of the innocence of Petrov and Bashirov. On reflection, however, he concluded, for reasons set forth in this blog post, that the story offered by the Russians, is in fact, entirely credible, and, in this, I think Murray's arguments are compelling.

The Russians, Murray concludes, could very well have been, as they claim, on a weekend break to see the sights in and around Salisbury, including the city's superb Norman cathedral, and the nearby ancient settlement of Old Sarum, but were prevented from making the two-mile expedition from Salisbury to Old Sarum by the unseasonable snowfall that shut-down public transport that weekend.

Thus, the story of the Skripal poisonings remains what it was at the outset: an allegation against Russia by the British Government unsupported by any convincing evidence made known to the public. Indeed, since the now reportedly recovered victims of the crime have been kept entirely from public view with the exception of one video-taped statement by Yulia Skripal, a statement that, as I have previously explained, could very well be entirely fake, it is open to question whether any crime against the Skripals actually occurred.

More certainly, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess of Amesbury, England were poisoned, with deadly effect in the case of Dawn Sturgess, by what the police report to be Novichok contained in a perfume spray bottle that Charlie Rowley scavenged from a litter bin in Salisbury. But how that connects with Russia, if indeed it does connect with Russia, has never been explained by British authorities.

It seems then, that the case against Russia consists in the following facts:

(1) The alleged victims of an (alleged) attack with the nerve agent, Novichok, were Russian.

(2) One of the alleged victims was a Russian spy turned traitor who, however, had been pardoned by the Russian state and released from Russian gaol some years ago under an international spy swap.

(3) The nerve agent by which the Russian victims were allegedly poisoned was developed in Uzbekistan, then a member of the Soviet Union, and is thus Russia-connected. The connection is essentially meaningless, however, since Novichok can be readily synthesized by any competent organic chemist, and has been synthesized in various countries, including, probably, the U.K.

(4) The Russians, Petrov and Bashirov, happened to be on a weekend visit to Salisbury, as tourists so they say with apparent plausibility (along with probably a number of other Russians), the weekend that the Skripals were poisoned.

(5) In May, two months after the Skripal poisonings (or rather we should say alleged poisonings), the police were reported, this month, (see the George Galloway video included in my earlier blog post, after 9 min and 12 seconds) to have investigated the London hotel room where Petrov and Bashirov apparently shared a bed on the night of March 3rd. There, the police report finding a trace of Novichok, yet despite the deadliness of this nerve agent, the police neither warned the hotel's proprietor of what they had found, nor instigated a chemical WMD clean-up at the hotel, and thus did nothing whatever to save from harm the many people who, since March 4th, have presumably slept in that Novichok-contaminated room.

The implication seems clear, the alleged Novichok contamination of the room of the "flea-pit" (George Galloway's description of the hotel) where the Russians stayed must have been so slight as to be (a) totally harmless, and (b) and to make its supposed identification questionable. Indeed, if Galloway's description of the hotel as a "flea-pit" is appropriate, it could well be that the organo-phosphorus compound found in the hotel room and claimed by the police to be Novichok was, in fact, a regular organo-phosphorus pesticide that is likely used on a regular basis in cheap London hotels catering to poorer people from around the world, many of them likely carrying with them fleas, bed bugs, and lice.

If there is other relevant evidence against Russia, the British Government has not revealed it, which suggests that the case against Russia has been fabricated as a justification for intensified Western economic sanctions against Russia, which provides both a military and, with its revival of Russian ethnic nationalism and Christianity, a cultural threat to the elites that rule the Western nations and seek to force the submission of the European peoples to global governance through the promotion of multi-culturalism and  mass replacement immigration.

Petrov and Bashirev might perhaps seek to reverse their present ill-fortune by suing Theresa May for defamation of character.

In response to the RT interview with the Petrov and Bashirov, Theresa May has stated through a spokesperson that:

[T]he suspects' comments [i.e., the comments of Petrov and Bashirov] were "an insult" and "deeply offensive."

Exactly how they were an insult, and deeply offensive, except inasmuch as that, if true, they implied that Theresa May is a big fat liar, was not explained by the Prime Minister's Spokesperson who went on to say:

"The lies and blatant fabrications in this interview given to a Russian state-sponsored TV station are an insult to the public's intelligence" and "More importantly they are deeply offensive to the victims and loved ones of this horrific attack," but again, no explanation is given as to how the claim of innocence when charged with murder can be considered offensive.

Furthermore, the prime minister's spokesperson told reporters that police had set out "very clearly" the evidence against the two suspects although, oddly enough, the public seems to have no idea what that evidence is, other than the claimed trace of Novichok in the London hotel room where Petrov and Bashirov are said to have stayed the night, a trace so insignificant that the police forgot to tell the hotel owner about it or do anything about a cleanup of the contaminated room. Indeed a trace so slight that the evidence that it actually was Novichok has never been made public.

And while we are dealing with unsubstantiated claims, here's what seems like a hypothesis worthy of consideration that was offered by CalDre at Craig Murray's blog:
... Sergei was a triple agent and these two gents were his handlers, probably sent to pick up something. UK discovered he was a triple agent, and the planned drop, and “attacked” the Skripals, blaming his handlers, to kill two birds with one stone.
Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Owner of hotel where novichok spies stayed for two nights was only told by police about his killer guests YESTERDAY - and he still doesn't know which room they were in

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Theresa May's New Statement on Russia's Nerve Agent Attack in England's Green and Pleasant Land Drives Intelligence Irregulars to Renewed Effort on the Novichok File

Theresa May's latest Parliamentary statement concerning the depraved, hooliganist, gangsterism of Vlad the Poisoner Putin has given Internet sleuths and secret agents a second wind in their investigation of the alleged, bungled, Russian-state-authorized WMD attack on the now missing Russian traitor, Segei Skripal, in carried out in the heart of England's normally peaceful cathedral town of Salisbury.  

Recognizing the fertility of imagination and intellectual heft of many among this groups of investigators, not to mention the literally thousands of individuals who have commented on their work, suffice it here to provide links to the state of the investigation as viewed by among the best and brightest of the intelligence irregulars.

George Galloway:

RT: RT editor-in-chief’s exclusive interview with Skripal case suspects Petrov & Boshirov (TRANSCRIPT) 
Sky News: Salisbury novichok poisoning: Russian 'spies' filmed window shopping after attack
CBC: Putin says Russia identified suspects in Novichok poisoning
Strategic Culture Foundation: Britain Should Be in the Dock Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia
Rob Slane: Petrov, Boshirov and the Missing 42 Minutes
Craig Murray: Skripals – The Mystery Deepens
Digital Journal: U.K. authorities name suspects in the Skripal poisoning case
George Galloway: Salisbury is far from a Novichok Slam-Dunk
Moon of Alabama: The Strange Timestamp In The New Novichok 'Evidence' - UPDATED

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Why President Trump Will Never Reopen the 9/11 Investigation

Thierry Meyssan, a French journalist and political activist, founder of the Voltaire Network and author or the book: 9/11 The Big Lie, has issued an open letter to President Trump demanding that he reopen the 9/11 investigation. He writes:

Mister President,

The crimes of 11 September 2001 have never been judged in your country. I am writing to you as a French citizen, the first person to denounce the inconsistencies of the official version and to open the world to the debate and the search for the real perpetrators.

In a criminal court, as the jury, we have to determine whether the suspect presented to us is guilty or not, and eventually, to decide what punishment he should receive. When we suffered the events of 9/11, the Bush Junior administration told us that the guilty party was Al-Qaïda, and the punishment they should receive was the overthrow of those who had helped them – the Afghan Taliban, then the Iraqi régime of Saddam Hussein.

However, there is a weight of evidence which attests to the impossibility of this thesis. If we were members of a jury, we would have to declare objectively that the Taliban and the régime of Saddam Hussein were innocent of this crime. Of course, this alone would not enable us to name the real culprits, and we would thus be frustrated. But we could not conceive of condemning parties innocent of such a crime simply because we have not known how, or not been able, to find the guilty parties.

We all understood that certain senior personalities were lying when the Secretary of State for Justice and Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, revealed the names of the 19 presumed hijackers, because we already had in front of us the lists disclosed by the airline companies of all of the passengers embarked - lists on which none of the suspects were mentioned.

Read more
There is, however, not the slightest possibility that Trump will do anything to uncover the truth about 9/11 for the simple reason that Trump was a party to covering up the truth in the first place. Interviewed by a German TV reporter two days after 9/11, Trump clearly articulated the official cover story:

Why did the buildings come down?

It was the tremendous power, the tremendous heat... the tremendous amounts of fuel that was dumped on the building. Sixteen hundred degrees temperature. I guess that's probably more than anything could take, no matter what.

What could have prevented such a disaster?

People were willing to die and willing to become Kami Kazis. There's very little you can do about it.*

How must the US respond?

 They have to find out who did it and they have to go after those people.

So there you have it. The full official narrative.
(1) Kami Kazis, you can't stop 'em.

(2) Jet fuel fires, bound to bring the buildings down, even though they were designed to withstand precisely that, an airliner strike and jet fuel fire.

(3) We gotta go to war with whoever they say did it. 
Trump is, was, and for decades past has been as much a creature of the so-called deep state as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Bushes. He`s just with a different faction, a faction that has split with the globalist Clinton faction. Trump, a military academy graduate, is the public face of a faction based in the military. It is because of his military backing that Trump has not been assassinated. If the Clinton camp were to murder Trump, the Trump faction would execute a military counter-coup and dispose of their opponents in the traditional military fashion with firing squads, or indefinite incarceration.

The military have put their man Trump in power because they know they cannot defeat or contain rival powers without rebuilding the industrial base upon which the ability to deliver overwhelming military force anywhere any time depends. That`s what Making America Great Again is about: it is about rebuilding both industrial capacity and public morale as the necessary foundations of continued global military domination.
* Especially when the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, acting for the President who on a childrens' story book reading trip, had ordered a NORAD stand down

Friday, August 31, 2018

Google: The Crooked Search Engine

See for yourself:

DuckDuckGo: Image search for "Idiot"

Bing: Image search for "Idiot"

Google: Image search for "Idiot"



Breitbart: Nolte: Google Tape Proves You Cannot Trust CNN, NYT, or Even Fox News

CanSpeccy: How the Shit CEO of Google, the Dirty Search Engine Company, Dicked Himself

Almost needless to say, a search for "CanSpeccy +James Damore" in Duck Duck Go brings up the above CanSpeccy article on the second line of the first page. The same search in Google yields a total two pages of results none of which include the linked article. So if you like wearing blinkers, go on using Google, as directed by a shit CEO.

For myself, I guess that means moving back to WordPress. 

Postscript: We how have moved. See: Why Maxime Bernier Matters to Canadians and Canadian Democracy

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ambassador Craig Murray Examines the British Deep State's Connection with the Skripal Nerve Agent Poisonings

Craig Murray reminds me of Rex Stout's fat detective, Nero Wolf: he is very lazy and very bright, but when he exerts himself one is rewarded by a display of genuine intellectual heft. Murray's recent blog post, which focuses on the poisoning of Russian double-agent, Sergei Skripal (or was he a triple that the Brits had no further use for?) and his Daughter, Yulia, signals a surge of activity that should be worth watching.

Murray begins his post by reference to a Freedom of Information request submitted to the BBC, the British state's official propaganda outlet:

On 8 July 2018 a lady named Kirsty Eccles asked what, in its enormous ramifications, historians may one day see as the most important Freedom of Information request ever made. The rest of this post requires extremely close and careful reading, and some thought, for you to understand that claim.
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
1: Why did BBC Newsnight correspondent Mark Urban keep secret from the licence payers that he had been having meetings with Sergei Skripal only last summer.
2: When did the BBC know this?
3: Please provide me with copies of all correspondence between yourselves and Mark Urban on the subject of Sergei Skripal.
Yours faithfully,
Kirsty Eccles
The ramifications of this little request ... cut right to the heart of the ramping up of the new Cold War, of the BBC’s propaganda collusion with the security services to that end, and to the concoction of fraudulent evidence in the Steele “dirty dossier”.

A challenge, that is, to the British Government's claim to democratic legitimacy and one that Murray himself has pursued with an unanswered request for information from BBC news editor, Mark Urban.

What next, I have no idea, but Murray ends his piece with the words of the Scottish/American, naval commander, John Paul Jones:

“We have not yet begun to fight.”

And for those unfamiliar with the words of John Paul Jones, here's an outline of the kind of fight Murray is talking about:

At the outbreak of hostilities with the British in 1776, Captain John Paul Jones, in command of the Providence, wrecked the enemy fishing industry in Nova Scotia and captured sixteen prize British vessels. In 1777 and 1778 he captained the Ranger and raided along the English coast, bringing the war home to King George and his subjects. In recognition of his feats, the Continental Navy put him in command of five American and French warships, including his flagship, the Bonhomme Richard. Commodore Jones led his tiny squadron on raids of the Scottish coast, disrupting commerce, capturing numerous merchant ships, and making an aggravating nuisance of himself to the Crown and Royal Navy.

John Paul Jones later engaged in one of the bloodiest naval engagements of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Flamborough Head, off the northern coast of England. At dawn on September 23, 1779, his four-ship squadron spotted what they believed to be a 41-ship convoy, guarded by the 44-gun Royal Navy frigate, Serapis, and the sloop-of-war HMS Countess of Scarborough. One of his squadron, the warship Alliance, captained by a Frenchman, refused to obey Commodore Jones' orders to engage the enemy.

He attacked the Serapis, but two of his heavy 18-pound cannon burst in the opening salvo, seriously damaging the Bonhomme Richard and killing many sailors. John Paul abandoned the use of his heavy cannon, believing them to be too dangerous. The Serapis pounded and raked his ship with her heavy cannon. Severely mauled and outgunned, his ship on fire and sinking, John Paul had few options. The British commander issued a taunting demand for John Paul to surrender. His lieutenant recorded his historic words of defiance,

"I have not yet begun to fight!"

John Paul knew that his only hope was to attack and board his enemy, so he swung his burning vessel around to ram the British warship. They came alongside and bound the ships together with grappling hooks. To John Paul's astonishment, the Alliance showed up two hours after the fight began and poured cannon fire into both ships.

In bloody hand-to-hand combat, his crew fought the British sailors with hand grenades, musket fire and sabers-and overcame them. The British commander was forced to surrender the Serapis to the Americans. Jones' crew tried desperately to save the Bonhomme Richard but the damage was too great and the vessel was lost. John Paul crossed over to the Serapis and took command of one of the greatest naval prizes of the war.

Source: American Thinker

So stay tuned. The fight over the fraudulence of the May government's Russian WMD attack narrative may yet have spectacular consequences.

Craig Murray: Imagine if the BBC Were Honest

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Skripal Poisonings: The Ducks That Didn't Die

Rob Slane continues to dog the lying British state on its phony investigation of the alleged WMD nerve agent poisoning of Russian traitor Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, midst England's green and pleasant land.

In the fifth, and most recent, of ten planned blog posts on holes in the official narrative of the Salisbury poisonings Slane raises the issue of the dead ducks, or rather their absence.

Well, actually, Slane says nothing much of the ducks, but speaks rather of the duck feeders, a bunch of boys who received duck-bread from the nerve-agent contaminated hands of the Skripals:

After parking the car, at 1:40 pm, the two of them [the Skripals] were seen near the Avon Playground, in The Maltings, feeding ducks with some local boys. This was at 1:45pm and has been confirmed to me by one of the boys’ mothers, who was shown the CCTV footage by the police, which she said was really clear. She also confirmed to me that Mr. Skripal was wearing jeans and a leather jacket, and that Yulia Skripal had a red bag.

The Metropolitan Police apparently don’t think the duck feeding incident important enough to include in their timeline, and so after the parking of the car, we are treated to the vague statement that, “at some time after this, they go to the Bishops Mill Pub.”

But it is incredibly important, for the following reason: it totally, completely and comprehensively debunks the idea that Mr Skripal was poisoned at his home, after his hand came into contact with a deadly nerve agent on the handle of his front door. Why?

What's more, none of the ducks died, so far as we know, and we would surely have known of it if there had been a die off of ducks fed by the Skripals, further evidence of Russia's totally evil contempt not only for the British state, but the whole living world.

And if you think it far-fetched to suppose that by handing them duck bread the Skripals could have unintentionally poisoned the boys in the park, think again, for as Rob Slane elaborates:

... Zizzis [the restaurant where the Skripals had lunch] has remained shut since the incident, because it was apparently contaminated, and the table that the Skripals ate their meal at “had to be destroyed” because of the apparently high concentration of nerve agent there. Likewise, The Mill [the pub to which the Skripals repaired for an after-lunch tipple] has been closed ever since. And of course the bench [where the Skripals were found apparently incapacitated by Novichoks] too had to be destroyed, since it was apparently contaminated.

But these were all places visited by the Skripals AFTER the feeding of the ducks.

And so we are asked to believe the following preposterous notion: That Sergei and Yulia Skripal’s hands were contaminated with “military grade nerve agent” at the door of Mr. Skripal’s house, so much so that certain places they visited on that afternoon had to undergo months of decontamination, and certain items they touched had to be destroyed.
But if the Skripals were so contaminated with a deadly nerve agent that giving duck bread to the boys in the park should have poisoned them, what about the ducks that eat the bread that the Skripals gave to the boys in the park. Obviously they would have died. Right? Um, yes, well apparently, not. 

Well done Rob. Keep at it. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Why Both Liberals and Conservatives Hate Trump and How Their Antagonism Hurts Canadians

Everyone hates Trump: Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives. Paul Ryan, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May. They hate Trump because he is the enemy of the elite factions, aka, the Deep States, that rule the Western nations.

The Deep State despises the people, who they see as cattle to be controlled and exploited. The Deep State  rules not in the interests of the people, but to serve as  agents of the global Money Power.

Thus, as Justin Trudeau declared to the New York Times, the Canadian nation is defunct.

 ‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada’... There are shared values* [which are] what make us the first postnational state.’’ Justin Trudeau — New York Times.

*Such values to be dictated by the elite by means of school and media brainwashing, social media and search engine censorship, and by legal enforcement of political correctness through pseudo human rights tribunals, and other mechanisms of fake social justice. 
Trump is a throwback. He is a King and Country ruler. The King protects the People, the People defend the King. Thus were nations long ruled by wise monarchs, Elizabeth I of England, for example, and later by aristocratic elites, as in the early days of Britain's parliamentary democracy.

To the globalist, Treason-Party elites that run the Western nations, nothing more catastrophic that the election of President Donald Trump can be conceived. What use to the International Money Power is a US Congressman if Trump can just slap a 25% tariff on any imported good he chooses, steel, machinery, computers and car parts, shirts and shoes and a thousand other things? Such actions disrupt the profitable employment of trillions invested in a world headed for global governance and the unrestricted international movement of capital, technology, goods and labor. What use are contribution to the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation, or the appointment of former Canadian Prime Ministers to the boards of international companies if the Government of Canada caves to the Trump agenda?

For the Canadian people, however, what is bad for the elite in the Trump agenda is clearly good for them. Were Canada to seek a place within the American trade ring-fence, investment would boom as it is already booming in the US, labor markets would become tight, wages would rise. Inflation would pickup, as would interest rates, and Canada's grotesquely inflated housing market would slump. Houses would then be cheap again, young people would form households earlier, the national fertility rate would, heaven forbid, rise, and the need for mass replacement immigration would subside, as the  globalist-battered Canadian nation revived.


IWB: Schweizer Exposes More Joe Biden Corruption — It’s ‘Going to be a Central Issue’ in 2020. “Corruption is being globalized.”

Sunday, August 26, 2018

People Smell: Get Used to It

Anatoly Karlin, speaking of the trouble with Russians, writes:

Walk into any crowd of decent size in Moscow or (probably) any other Russian city in the summer and you’ll get the distinct impression that most people haven’t yet heard of deodorant.
What he seems unaware of is that if you walked into any crowd of any size in any place prior to around 1950, you’d have got the distinct impression that most people hadn’t heard of deodorant.
And the thing is, that the cleanness that is possible only for very rich Americans and a few others, is really the anomaly. People, like all animals, smell. I distinctly recall the smell of people when I was a child in late 1940′s Britain. Then, nine out of ten houses had no indoor toilet, let alone a bathroom. If people bathed at all, and many did not, they did so in a tin tub before the kitchen stove, usually no more than once a week.
And the thing was, that the smell of people was then just a natural thing, something rarely to be remarked upon, and not necessarily unpleasant either. In fact, the general failure of America marriage, and the failure of white Americans to achieve anywhere near a replacement fertility rate, may well be due chiefly to a combination of deodorants and the pill, which prevent women signalling sexual receptivity by smell. 
On the basis of deodorant use alone, one may expect, therefore, that the Russians may have more luck restoring their fertility to the replacement rate or better, than those so very clean Euro-Americans. 
In fact, the problem for many people today is that they wash so much that their natural skin flora is disrupted, which can result in colonization by particularly odious bacteria, which create an effluvium worse than that of the totally unwashed unless copiously treated with antibiotic deodorants and synthetic aromatics.
In any case, if you live with the unwashed for long enough you will likely get used to the smell a human crowd, which in time will seem as natural as the smell of the cow barn or chicken run.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Fixing the Mental Decline of the Western Nations

The IQ's of the people of the Western nations are falling, and have been for some time. Why exactly that is so remains to be determined. It is a fact, however, that those of low income and thus, in general, of lower intelligence, have more children than those of high income, which suggests that dysgenic breeding has played an important role in the dimming of the Western mind. If, therefore, a reversal in the trend in Western intelligence is to be achieved, many of the necessary means are apparent.

For example, every child should be DNA-typed at birth and matched to the father who will be required either to provide financial support for the child or make a choice between sterilization or debtors’ jail. To induce compliance, women failing to identify the father should be denied all welfare benefits.

Equally tough measures can be envisaged and would have to be employed to restrain the fertility of indigent women.

At the opposite end of the social spectrum, tax measures could be used to raise fertility. Massive child-related tax rebates on incomes of both parents — delivered in cash to the mother, would provide, in part, the financial security that women with the ability to pursue a successful career need if they are to devote more time to child raising, in a world of no-fault divorce.

Then, of course, there’s the moron culture, political correctness, and crap schools which damage the brains of everyone. How to fix those problems, goodness knows. But perhaps if we can first up the intelligence of the whole population by adopting an intelligent breeding strategy, we’ll be able to figure out a solution for the culture too.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Jordan Peterson: The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech

In warning us of the tyrannical intentions of those who seek to control free speech, Jordan Peterson has contributed to public understanding of the dangerous course on which the likes of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal/PC community seek to drive us.

The Intolerance of a Liberal: Trudeau Meets a Quebec Nationalist:


Katie Hopkins: Do not let this great country of America, becom like the United Kingdom

Friday, August 17, 2018

Destruction of the West: A Guide For Immigrants

Man is a territorial animal. So just because you live in what President Trump might call a shit-house country it does not mean that people in more fortunate places want you to come and join them. On the contrary, they' know you're a high risk for  fleas, lice, drugs and crime, that you likely have a minimal education, a low IQ and if admitted to their midst will soon be a burden on the taxpayer as a recipient of welfare, healthcare, and free schooling for your kids.

How then to proceed? There are basically three ways to invade another country for the purpose of settlement:

First, is the imperial approach as employed by those with the means from the time of Babylon and Ur, to that of the British conquests of Mashonaland and Matabeleland, better known today as Zimbabwe. In concept, the approach is straight forward: just smash your way in with swords drawn or Maxim guns blazing and set up a government. As for the locals, they may be put to death in the Israelite manner:

Joshua Chapter 11:
10: And Joshua turned back at that time, and took Hazor, and smote its king with the sword; for Hazor formerly was the head of all those kingdoms.
11: And they put to the sword all who were in it, utterly destroying them; there was none left that breathed, and he burned Hazor with fire.
12: And all the cities of those kings, and all their kings, Joshua took, and smote them with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them, as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded.
13: But none of the cities that stood on mounds did Israel burn, except Hazor only; that Joshua burned.
14: And all the spoil of these cities and the cattle, the people of Israel took for their booty; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, and they did not leave any that breathed.

Or the natives of the occupied land may be be sold into slavery or otherwise reduced to servitude, as in England following the invasions of, first, the Romans, then the Anglo-Saxons, and last, until the post World War II era, the Normans under the rule of King William I.

Second, is to form an alliance with the Treason Party of the targeted nation: as did, for example, the Vikings who allied with English barons seeking to wrest power from Alfred the Great (868–899), who at one point was driven to take refuge in the swamps of Someset until able to organize a resistance that restored his authority. Alfred then created the English Navy the first task of which was to intercept Viking long ships before they made landfall.

Today the treason party is the globalist Money Power. The Money Power seeks the destruction of the democratic nation state, which is the chief obstacle to its goal of global governance. To this end, the Money Power works with the poor and down-trodden of the world in the name of socialism to smash down the borders of the Western states. Hence the cry of the fascistic Antifa crowd funded by the Jewish war-time Nazi collaborator, George Soros:

"No border, no wall, no USA at all!" The Soros Funded left-wing anarchist group Antifa chanted 'death to America' during another violent protest in Washington, DC, on Sunday.

In shocking video captured by Breitbart journalist Ian Mason, Antifa members along with open borders activists can be seen marching down the streets demanding an end to the United States.

“No border, no wall, no USA at all!” Antifa and open borders activists chanted as they marched in Washington D.C.

Third: is to proceed the legal way, in accordance with the laws of the nation to which you wish to be joined. This, of course takes time, perhaps many years to go through the legal process, and the effort is by no means guaranteed of success. You may be found unsuitable for lack of in-demand professional or technical qualifications, linguistic skills, or perhaps racial requirements, for example, descent from an ex-patriot of the country to which you seek entry.

Should you succeed in achieving legal admission to the country of your choice, and should you then learn the language of the country and respect the customs of the people, you will in time be accepted as a fellow citizen and you, or at least your posterity, will become one with the nation.

But if your attempt at legal migration fails, you could always work to defeat the Treason Party of your own country. In so doing you may hope to make life better there not only for yourself, but for all those of your kith and kin.

Immigration by the third route is, obviously, the only way that sane people in any country will tolerate immigration, which on an large scale has the potential to destroy the welfare of the native group through mass competition for jobs and housing, and by the destruction of the indigenous gene pool and cultural traditions. Indeed, wherever such damage to native groups is evident, as it is currently throughout the Western world, one can be sure that the Treason Party is successfully at work. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

FaceBookZoo: How the Tech Giants Are Destroying the Galaxy

Despite legal threat, new anti-Facebook site launches to claim tech giant is ‘killing the internet’
A new anti-Facebook blog, giving small and mid-sized publishers a place to vent their frustrations over the tech giant's censorship policies and algorithms hiding their content, has gone live despite legal threats.

FacebookZoo, hosted on niche publishing platform Maven, went live on Tuesday. It aims to give disgruntled publishers an avenue to criticize the company's censorship policy, as well as outline how its "ever-changing algorithms" have drastically affected their livelihoods in favor of shareholder profit.

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