Saturday, February 5, 2022

Truckers versus Trudeau: It's all about the digital ID

“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders… like Trudeau”

Klaus Schwab, at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, 2017
While in seclusion at an unknown location, Justin Trudeau is fully engaged in a dirty propaganda war on the Trucker's assembled in Ottawa to demand an end to Covid vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and other restraints on citizens' freedom justified in the name of combatting Covid-19.

That Trudeau is fighting this war with both energy and ruthless determination while supposedly himself infected by Covid-19, confirms the Truckers' contention that Canada's Covid control measures are out of all proportion to the public health menace they are supposed to mitigate.

But then the conflict is not about the virus. It is about control. In particular, it is about the digital ID, introduced as a Vax Passport, which has less to do with public health, than with absolute social control.

The objective is social control comparable to what has been achieved in China by means of the Social Credit system. It is a system of total control that monitors behavior 24/7 and ranks citizens for social responsibility and political reliability. The system then punishes citizens as judged necessary with throttled internet speeds, flight bans, or denial of access to banking facilities including the means of making payment.

Trudeau is well known for his admiration for China's dictatorship. That is understandable. As an intellectual light-weight, tyranny is Trudeau's default objective: Nobody to question or pushback against the dear leader's authority. Hence Trudeau's ruthless and reckless determination to demonize the Truckers' Freedom Convoy. 

The future of freedom in Canada depends on the defeat of Trudeau and, unless it rejects Trudeau's totalitarianism, the Liberal Party of Canada. 


Why Are Covid Vaccines Not Undergoing Proper Safety Trials Now?

The negligible risk of Death From Covid to under 65's Without Co-morbidities 

Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it

Reality More Absurd Than Anything You Could Invent, Department: Nova Scotia Bans Cheering Truckers Along Highways

(First we're gonna get folks more riled up. We don't want any martyrs created when the shooting starts: just dead racists, mysogynists, and phony truckers in blackface)

Elon Musk slams GoFundMe for bowing to Trudeau and CANCELING Freedom Truckers - while allowing BLM donations

Canada's Governor General Overwhelmed with Calls Demanding Trudeau Be Removed from Office

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Benjamin Dichter: How the Truckers' Protest Will End

Interim Conservative Leader, the Rt. Hon. Candice Bergen:

‘Newest sub-Variant of Omicron is more likely to infect Vaccinated people’… 

That the newest Covid Variant is more likely to infect vaccinated people than unvaccinated people may sound like disinformation, but it is consistent with the fact that all previous variants of Covid-19 have been more likely to infect the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. 

And the reason that the vaxxed are at greater risk of infection than the unvaxxed is easy to understand. It is that the vaxxed feel less vulnerable than the unvaxxed, and therefore they socialize more freely and take less care to avoid infection. As a result, and as the data clearly show, the risk of infection in all but the youngest age classes of the vaxed is several times that of the unvaxxed

On the plus side, the vaxxed generally suffer from a Covid infection less severely than the unvaxxed. But what is not in doubt, is that when Justin Trudeau and the MSM assert or imply that the unvaxxed are a threat to the vaxxed they are either being idiots or they are pushing a BIG LIE. The truth is the other way around.


Saskatchewan Premier Pledges To End All COVID Restrictions As Ottawa Braces For More Protests BC has already caved, promising to end Covid restrictions by February 15, Quebec has dropped its preposterous plan to apply a special tax to the unvaxxed, Britain and Sweden have lifted covid restrictions, but Justin I-admire-China's-dictatorship Trudeau would rather have civil war than accede to the dictates of common sense. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Anti-Covid Hysteria, Or the Pandemic Road to Tyranny

During the plague years of the Seventeenth Century, the penalty in London for appearing in public bearing the marks of the plague was summary execution by hanging. Whether this measure to flatten the curve was effective is open to question since the bubonic plague was transmitted not from human to human but from flea to human, fleas being carried chiefly by the city's vast population of rats. 

Revealing that nothing much has changed in the combination of ruthlessness and futility in the response of public officials to the fear evoked by a poorly understood disease epidemic, the mayor of the German city of Ostfildern has authorized police use of firearms in responding to anti-vaccine protests. Futility, in this case, is evident from the fact — confirmed by the Director of the US Center for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, that the vax prevents neither infection nor transmission of Covid-19.

One difference, though, between the global Covid pandemic and London's 17th Century plague is that the former has thus far resulted in a world-wide mortality of less than zero point one percent, whereas London's 17th Century plague took out about one quarter of the population. It is this vast discrepancy that underlies the widespread public push-back against the Covid tyranny of Justin Trudeau and other Covid Nazi's.


“We Come from Communist Country.. We Wanted to Live in a Free Country” – Polish Immigrants Offer Food Assistance to Truck Drivers in Ottawa If Trudeau has his way, they will find they came to the wrong country. Me too.

Trudeau Is Playing With Fire

Lockdowns "Imposed Enormous Economic & Social Costs", Had "Little To No Public Health Effects"; New Johns Hopkins Study Finds

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Hypocrisy of Justin Trudeau


WARNING: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Goes Absolutely Insane(VIDEO)

Is Justin Trudeau Clinically Insane?

Justin Trudeau on Dodging ‘Tinfoil Hat’ Truckers: I Talk to Protesters ‘I Agree With,’ Like BLM

Tucker: Trudeau used COVID to short circuit democracy in Canada

Ridiculous Cult-Owned Trudeau ‘Isolating’ At Home in Bid to Dodge Massive Canadian Trucker Caravan He Smeared As ‘Fringe Minority’

Justin Goebbels Trudeau Versus the Defenders of Freedom


The progressive politician pleaded for the protests to cease Monday afternoon, both in his address and on social media

Stealing food from the homeless? Is Trudeau experiencing a psychotic break, or is he resorting to Hitlerian big lies?

Trudeau, 50, held a press conference from an undisclosed location Monday after testing positive for COVID-19 earlier that day. During the address, broadcasted remotely, the politician bashed truckers protesting his recent vaccine mandate

Trudeau, 50, held a press conference from an undisclosed location Monday after testing positive for COVID-19 earlier that day. During the address, broadcasted remotely, the politician bashed truckers protesting his recent vaccine mandate. (ed. note: Our dear leader is triple vaxed and thus truly blessed even though he may at this moment be passing the virus to all around him.)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday that he has tested positive for COVID-19

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday that he has tested positive for COVID-19

For some reason the above video has a multitude of upticks, but all the comments are negative. Our little tyrant getting a helping hand from U-Tube or what?

Brian Peckford, the only remaining living author of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

Peckford for PM. The Tories will soon be looking for a new leader. Who better to trounce Trudeau than this author of Canadian liberty and former premier of Newfoundland?


On Monday shameless Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau smeared the tens of thousands of Canadian truckers and their supporters who were protesting his tyrannical COVID policies.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Trudeau, After Insulting Truckers, Hides From Truckers' Convoy. Meantime the Idiot CBC Blames Putin - LOL

That's convenient! Justin Trudeau says he's in isolation with COVID days after skipping Ottawa for a secret location as 'Freedom Convoy' rolled into Canada's capital city and vow to STAY and 'create chaos' until vaccine mandates are reversed And our dear leader was triple-jabbed. But three jabs were evidently insufficient. More jabs should be administered without delay -- many more. 

Convoy to DC 2022: American Truckers to Form Convoy Protest From California to DC

Prince Harry and Meghan “Express Concerns” to Spotify Over Joe Rogan Vaccine “Misinformation”  They have "Concerns". LOL. Who gives a flying frisbee what "concerns" afflict this fatuous pair of egomaniacal non-entities. 

Lockdowns Do Not Reduce Deaths, Meta-Analysis of Empirical Studies Finds

medical reason not to get the shot.  

On Thursday night, Elon Musk tweeted: 'If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny'

On Thursday night, Elon Musk tweeted: 'If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny'

He also praised the protesters, tweeting on Thursday that 'Canadian truckers rule'

He also praised the protesters, tweeting on Thursday that 'Canadian truckers rule'

Friday, January 28, 2022

Living With Lies: How the Unvaxxed, Despite a Lower Covid Infection Rate, Are Supposed to be a Threat to the Double Vaxxed

Why the double-vaccinated in some places are testing positive for COVID more often than the unvaccinated is the title of a National Post article that perfectly demonstrates the uselessness of the mainstream media. 

The author of that NP article takes what is a well known and indisputable fact, namely that the vaxxed have a higher Covid infection rate than the unvaxxed, and then mulls around attempting to find some rationalization, however feeble, to justify the lies and bullying that drive the mass vaccination campaign. For example,
“experts say the trend probably stems from statistical “biases” — the nature of the people who have been getting tested and who most frequently were exposed to the virus — and definitely not some strange quirk of immunization.”
Nah, nothing quirky. The reason is straight forward and, once you ignore the misdirection, obvious: it is that the vaxxed spread Covid because they believe what is implied by the vax campaign propaganda, namely, that they are protected from Covid. So naturally the vaxxed circulate and socialize more freely than the unvaxxed who know that they are at risk of picking up a potentially lethal illness. 

So  it is not the unvaxxed who are chiefly responsible for the spread of Covid, but stupid or dishonest, people like Justin Trudeau and British Columbia's Saint Bonnie, "be kind, be calm, be safe" Henry, who push the vax by unjustly and mendaciously demonizing the unvaxxed as Covid spreaders.

The vax does not stop the spread, it hastens it, while it kills or injures a substantial, though hidden, number of those who take it. All that can be claimed by the vaxxers is that the vaccinated are less likely to need hospitalization if infected. That's a plus, if true (though see link to UK data highlighted in red below, which show negative vaccine effects on infection and mortality), but hospitals are not overwhelmed by Covid cases and never have been. And if they had been, there were, or should have been, standby beds in temporary hospitals, such as these

Rex Murphy: Should Trudeau Decide What's Acceptable?
The prime minister's scornful dismissal of the truckers convoy makes me wonder: have those who rule us forgotten the basis of their rule? Read more

One of the best Canadian Anthem videos ever created: #TruckersForFreedom2022

As Brigade of Trucks Reaches Canada’s Capitol, Spineless PM Trudeau Hides in “Covid Isolation” Despite 2 Negative Tests and Guidelines Saying Fully Vaxxed “Don’t Need to Isolate”
"Ol’ blackface Trudeau is taking a page straight out of Biden’s playbook.

The tyrannical Canadian PM is currently holed up in his basement as tens of thousands of trucks and countless others begin arriving in the country’s Capitol of Ottawa to protest his autocratic Covid-19 mandates. ..."
So it's not just we Canucks: The World hates our low-IQ, narcissistic, Fascistic, pseudo-liberal, so-called leader. 

Truth or Covid
We’re experiencing an attack on the foundation of ordered liberty, an assault that is already in the process of submerging democracies beneath what the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called a “permanent ‘state of exception.’”

Monday, January 17, 2022

Covid, It's Over: Welcome Back the Common Cold

The symptoms of infection by the latest strain of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus are indistinguishable from those of the common cold: headache, sore throat, and a cough. 

That's why the Omicron strain of Covid-19 is so much more infectious than earlier strains. Those who are infected treat it as they would the common cold: maybe a reason to take a day or two off work or school, but not a reason to remain in isolation for days on end, to see the doctor, or to refrain from shopping, or even attending a party. 

So now, instead of being subject to strict control measures, Covid is out and about like the common cold, infecting millions. In fact, Covid-19 is now just one more common cold virus, along with several others of the corona virus type. And yes, it will go on killing the most vulnerable -- just as does the common cold.

But there are still a few billions in profits to be wrung from the vax, plus countless billions in public funds to be spewed in the name of Covid. So don't expect the government-directed fear campaigns to wind down in a hurry.


Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022: The Longest Truck Convoy Ever at 43 Miles Long

This perfectly demonstrates the uselessness of the MSM. 

The author takes what is a well known and indisputable fact, namely that the vaxxed in most age categories have a much higher Covid infection rate than the unvaxxed, and then mulls around attempting to find some rationalization, however feeble, to justify the lies and bullying that drive the mass vaccination campaign. 

But the reason that it is the vaxxed, not the unvaxxed, who are mainly responsible for spreading Covid is clear. It is that the vaxxed believe what is implied by the vax campaign propaganda, namely, that they are protected from Covid. So naturally they circulate and socialize more freely than the unvaxxed who know that they are at risk of picking up a nasty illness. 

So  it is not the unvaxxed who are chiefly responsible for the spread of Covid, but stupid or dishonest, people like Justin Trudeau and British Columbia's Saint Bonnie, "be kind, be calm, be safe" Henry, who, to push the vaccine, demonize the unvaxxed.

Latest Mortality Figures Suggest That Vaccine Effectiveness Has Been Overestimated

The Left-wing case against vaccine mandates

Triple Vaccinated Trudeau in quarantine… Thus confirming that the vax doesn't prevent infection, that it does not prevent you having the same viral load as an unvaccinated person,  and thus that it does not prevent you from transmitting the virus to others. That's why Trudeau and friends are so determined to severely punish all those dirty-rotten unvaxxed persons who are making it so difficult for the great international pharma corporations to ring the last few billion in profits from the vax. 

Are European Vaccine-caused deaths being attributed to the Unvaccinated? ... in Europe, the status of “vaccinated” first gets assigned 14 days after getting the final jab. Thus any deaths occurring before this ends up being counted as an “unvaccinated death”! So if a patient who got a vaccine dies less than 14 days later, he/she gets counted as an unvaccinated death. This is how vaccine deaths are getting hidden. And there many thousands.

JAMA: The Vax Raises the Incidence of Myocarditis, Especially in Adolescent Males and Young Men Hence the 40% surge in mortality among prime-age Americans. Well done, Justin and the other Vax-everyone-even-babies maniacs

Never before has so much harm been done to so many by so few...

Omicron Is Mild in Children

Even Pfizer Suggests End To Mask, Vaccine Mandates

Yep, They're Still Riding The "Omicron" Wave... It's so much fun screwing the "anti-vaxxers," those stinking truckers, and other plebs. Ain't it so, Justin.

Government of Wales: Yes, We Have No Evidence that Vaccine Passports Work Ditto Justin Trudeau, Saint Bonnie Henry of British Columbia, and all the other jab-the-children, stop-the-spread Covid ignoramuses and megalomaniacs.

UK Deaths Trending 6% Below Average in Mid-January – Covid, It’s Over

Omicron Transmission is Likely Facilitated by The Vaccines, which  increase risk of more pathogenic variants

New Covid variant spreading like wildfire across UK and Scandinavia: BA.2 ‘stealth’ mutation now half of all new coronavirus cases in Denmark and rapidly pushing Omicron aside

Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects ... a total of 159,561 subjects were included in the analysis: 113,845 (71.3%) regular ivermectin users and 45,716 (23.3%) non-users. Of these, 4,311 ivermectin users were infected, among which 4,197 were from the city of Itajaí (3.7% infection rate), and 3,034 non-users (from Itajaí) were infected (6.6% infection rate), with a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate ... When adjusted for residual variables, reduction in mortality rate was 70% (RR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.19-0.46; p < 0.0001). There was a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate (44 versus 99 hospitalizations among ivermectin users and non-users, respectively; RR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.31-0.63; p < 0.0001). After adjustment for residual variables, reduction in hospitalization rate was 67% (RR, 0.33; 95% CI, 023-0.66; p < 0.0001).

Intriguing findings

Interestingly, the group who self-selected to take ivermectin was older and had more comorbidities than the group who opted for no treatment. These results show that prophylactic ivermectin may be a mitigating factor in groups with higher risk of morbidity.
The results show prophylactic ivermectin may be a mitigating factor for high-risk groups.

The belief that preventative and early treatment therapies would cause people to relax their caution of remaining socially distanced, leading to more COVID-19-related infections, is not supported.

New York Times Mentions ‘Original Antigenic Sin.’ Or Why the Vaxxed May Have a Higher Covid Death Rate Than the Unvaxxed

Latest Health Data From Scotland Mirrors the UK – Unvaccinated Have Lower Covid-19 Case, Hospitalization, AND DEATH RATES Than the ‘Fully Vaxxed’

US Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion.

* Why children should never be given the mRNA vaccine

* Astonishing failure of US and Canadian public health authorities to determine population prevalence
   of life-long natural Covid immunity -- possibly as high as 70%.

* Omicron not a derivative of Covid and not neutralized by the vaccine which may increase risk
   of infection

* Forced universal vaccination will drive viral immune escape, which will destroy the
   effectiveness previously acquired immunity

* Oropharyngeal and nasal sprays radically reduce viral load 

We need to talk about vaccine side-effects

British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data

NHS staff join anti-vaxxers on 'freedom' rallies through London, Newcastle, Leeds and Manchester But the vax was supposed to protect the NHS, so how are they to bully folks into getting the jab now?

Unprecedented Low Hospital Demand: NHS Data Show a Quarter of ICU Beds Unoccupied in Mid-January Gotta get the jab to save the NHS — Not

Triple-Jabbed Over-30s Have Higher Infection Rates Than the Unvaccinated, UKHSA Data Show

Yet more than one in four Canadians support jail time for the unvaccinated, poll finds These are the dummies who fell for Trudeau's lie that the vaxed are a hazard to the unvaxxed, whereas the reality is that it is the vaxxed who are a hazard to the unvaxed. 

Sajid Javid Must Halt Child Covid Vaccination Immediately and Investigate the Cause of the Spike in Child Deaths

BoJo will do anything to save his job, even end the Covid tyranny

COVID Lab-Leak Whitewash Has Been 'The Death Of Science' Says Professor Who Found 'Unique Fingerprints'

SHOCKING: Analysis of CDC Data CONFIRMS MASSIVE 40% Spike in Deaths Among 18-49 Year-Olds Over the Past Year

Attacking every known social determinant of public health in the name of Covid-19

Dr. Peter McCullough: Official COVID "Narrative Has Crumbled"

"That narrative included "false statements regarding asymptomatic spread, reliance on lockdown and masks – which obviously didn't work – the suppression of early treatment, the mass promotion of vaccines that failed."

Politicizing COVID-19 From The Start

"Politicizing the pandemic is a euphemism. In truth, thousands of Americans have died needlessly because of weaponized disinformation about China's culpability, vaccines, useful drugs, lockdowns, racial preferences, and long-care facilities."

The Demolition of a Supercilious Prat