Monday, January 11, 2016


First published 7/25/2013; updated 11/01/2016: 

Over at Carpe Diem, the blog of business school Prof., Mark J. Perry, globalization is GOOD.

Not surprisingly. A business school professor without faith in globalization would be like a priest without faith in God: useless to the powers that be, financial or ecclesiastical as the case may be.

American business has a legal obligation to maximize shareholder value, which for many means shuttering American factories, contracting production to Asian sweatshops, and selling the product back home with computerized efficiency via suburban big-box stores employing minimal staff at minimal wages.

The profitability of replacing American workers with cheap foreign labor in manufacturing, and cheap foreign brains in software, design, and R and D was explained by David Ricardo thus, "Wages plus profits, together, are always the same."

Which is to say, cheap offshore production and service = big profits.

Globalists, naturally, are reluctant to broadcast this particular piece of economic wisdom. But mere silence is not the way at Carpe Diem. There, not only is globalization not bad for the American worker, it's positively beneficial as we discover in the post: Yes, the middle class has been disappearing, but they haven’t fallen into the lower class, they’ve risen into the upper class.

Think about that for a moment.

Is not the concept of the middle class “rising into the upper class” some kind of logical or categorical mistake?

What is the middle class if not the people in the middle? You know, those who come between the upper class and the lower class. I mean, we're talking money here, aren't we?  That's how business school profs. define social class, isn't it? So, then, there'll always be some folks in the middle of the income distribution, won't there? Which means that if some people in the middle rise in relative income, some other people are going to take their place in the middle. Which is to say that the middle class ain't goin' no place, neither up nor down.

But what has actually happened to the incomes of those in the middle?

Well according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, during the 30 years to 2009, the mean income of the middle 60% of the US population rose 26%, which was less than that of the bottom 20% at 35%, and of the 80th to the 99th percentile at 50%, and of the top one percent at 133%. So the evidence is conclusive: the middle-class in American have been financially downward mobile for thirty years or more. That is true both in relative terms and in real, inflation-adjusted money.

And between January 2009 and June 20012, so the Wall Street Journal reports, median US household income adjusted for inflation fell by $4,019 — hardly evidence of the flight of the middle class into the socio-economic empyrean.

But Carpe Diem goes further. Wal-Mart, declares Mark Perry: deserves the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize for improving the lives of millions of low-income consumers globally.

Yeah well, as the greatest purveyor of the products of sweatshop labor, painting Wal-Mart as the savior of America's working poor seems a stretch.

But if the argument is that Wal-Mart has enriched tens or hundreds of millions of Asian sweatshop employees, then, yeah, Mark Perry may have a case.

But nowhere, naturally, do globalists like to acknowledge globalization's dirty secret, which is that its profitability depends largely on global wage arbitrage, which is to say the export of the capital and technology accumulated in the West through the sweat of generations to the low-wage economies of the world, this being greatly to the detriment of the majority of working people in the West.

But, hey, maybe I'm just slow to see a joke.

So yeah, sure, if Barack O'Bomber of Tripoli, Kissinger of Cambodia, and that old terrorist Menachem Begin of the King David Hotel Massacre got the Nobel Piss Prize, why not the biggest bloodsucking American corporation of them all.

Let's see, a one-million -dollar prize means about one thirtieth of a cent per share. Not much, it's true. Still, when you're as tightfisted as the owners of Wal-Mart, every one thirtieth of a cent surely counts.


Jon Rappoport: The State of the Union speech Obama won’t give

Canspeccy: The 2014 Average Income of the 81 Million Lowest Paid Half of American Workers: $12,681

CanSpeccy: How globalization destroys Western prosperity

David Ricardo (1772-1823)
 CanSpeccy: Exporting the economy 
Ricardo was explicit ...that international free trade is beneficial to all parties only if capital is immobile, since exporting capital, one of the factors of production, will inevitably lower the productivity and hence reduce the prosperity of the population.

Consistent with these ideas, enlightened national governments endeavored to restrict capital outflow, promote workforce education and training, and in the Western World, limit mass immigration from the developing World since that diluted the capital stock of the nation on a per capita basis, reduced the per capita availability of land and infrastructure, and lowered average workforce skills and education -- aside from its potential for destroying the nation through population replacement and reproductive competition.
CanSpeccy: Why even balanced trade between the West and Rest threatens your job

CanSpeccy: Why China Booms While America Slumps
So why have the benefits of foreign trade that David Ricardo predicted [under the very different conditions of 200 years ago] not materialize?

First, because an important assumption underlying Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage no longer applies.
Experience... shews, that the fancied or real insecurity of capital, when not under the immediate control of its owner, together with the natural disinclination which every man has to quit the country of his birth and connexions, and intrust himself with all his habits fixed, to a strange government and new laws, checks the emigration of capital. These feelings, which I should be sorry to see weakened, induce most men of property to be satisfied with a low rate of profits in their own country, rather than seek a more advantageous employment for their wealth in foreign nations.
Today, there is no need for the investor or capitalist to "quit the country of his birth and connexions" in order to exploit cheap foreign labor.

The executive jet, the Internet, the enormous size and hence political clout of the multi-national corporate and financial entities and the international acceptance of a single set of rules governing world trade make it a safe and simple matter to invest almost anywhere in the world.

For this reason, if no other, foreign trade need not, as Ricardo believed, necessarily benefit all parties to the transaction.

When capital is exported from a high-wage nation to a low-wage nation, the investment per capita and hence the productivity of labor in the former declines and the investment per capita and hence productivity of labor in the latter increases, with a consequent decrease in wages in the former and an increase in wages in the latter.

CanSpeccy: The Globalist Lies of the New York Times: No. 47 — Trashing Trump With Free Trade Bunk

CanSpeccy: Third World Wages Coming to a Factory or Workshop Near You

CanSpeccy: How globalization is destroying the livlihood of Western youth

CanSpeccy: Barbgate: How Western elites opened the gates and what to do about it

CanSpeccy: Ending the Hegemony of Liberal Economic Ideas and Western Economic Stagnation

CanSpeccy: The Second Great Depression and The Cause That None Dare Name

CanSpeccy: USA Boom or Bust: The Next Decade

First published 7/25/2013

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Death of the West, or Why I Hate Dogs

Click to Enlarge. Image source: Deep Resource

Actually, I don't hate dogs. I was raised on a farm where dogs had a function, feared their master and slept in a kennel, not on, or in, the owner's bed.

What I hate is the way that dogs have come, for so many people, to provide the emotional gratification that used to be provided by children now absent from the lives of a majority of urban dwellers.

As a consequence, many people idiotically endow dogs with human rights, and assume that they have human intelligence. Meet an unleashed dog who's owner is saying something like "Now Charlie, we're on our best behavior today, aren't we," and you know your in trouble. Charlie is quite likely about to leap at you and wipe his slobbering jaw on your newly cleaned pants, and when you smack him across the nose with the back of your hand in an instinctive act of self-defense, Charlie's besotted owner will go ballistic.

The fact is, children, although infinitely more trouble, are also infinitely more intelligent than dogs and do actually come to understand the English language and can learn to be thoughtful and civilized creatures, something entirely beyond the capacity of a dog.


NY Times: Germany on the Brink

Saturday, January 9, 2016

To the Brain-dead Mainstream, Right or Left, Opposing White Genocide Is Racism

By Paul Ramsey, January 5, 2016: People on the Alt Right are primarily concerned with identity. This means:
Hungary belongs to the Hungarians
Germany belongs to the Germans
France belongs to the French
Syrians that flood into Germany may become citizens but they will never be Germans. For a nation is based on a common blood, language and culture. Years ago this was known as self-determination and common sense. Now it is known as “WHITE SUPREMACY” by the left and establishment Republicans.

However, curiously, the one exception is Israel. Both the Democrats and the Republicans affirm the Israel has the right to remain a Jewish ethno-state. As such, no Democrat or Republican politician is demanding that Israel accept Syrian refugees. But these same politicians insist that white countries have a moral obligation to accept endless refugees.

It has been something of a pastime for the globalists to excitedly predict when a country will no longer have a white majority. Germany will no longer have a white majority by 2020! The USA will no longer be White by 2030! The destruction of the white majority is always seen as inevitable and a good thing. And to oppose it means you are a “White Supremacist” or a “Nazi.”

But some people no longer want to be dispossessed from their homelands. And, yet, they also don’t want to exploit or harm other races. They just want self-determination for their people as the Jews have self-determination in Israel. These are the ideologically refugees that have migrated to the Alt Right.

Meantime, in Frau Burqal's Germany (from the Unz Review):

In 2012 this German video on what the news would be like in 2018 was satire…

But reality appears to be overtaking satire:
Laws banning incest between brothers and sisters in Germany could be scrapped after a government ethics committee said the they were an unacceptable intrusion into the right to sexual self-determination.

“Criminal law is not the appropriate means to preserve a social taboo,” the German Ethics Council said in a statement. “The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination is to be weighed more heavily than the abstract idea of protection of the family.”*
This is a one up even on the Muslims who at least stop at first cousins. ...

Read more:

And in the US of Abolition (of white people)

Fred Reed asks:

Who is this President? How did we get him? Does he have anything in common with me? Is there anything even American about him? He is an African of Islamo-Indonesian culture, deeply hostile to America and white people and ruling with a dictatorial style more like that of Shaka Zulu than Thomas Jefferson.

Yet I confess to a grudging admiration. He, belonging to one of the virile peoples—blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems–has keenly diagnosed the weakness of American society:

There is no one who will say ”No.”

The Supreme Court? Nine corpses in a wax museum. Congress? If they all poisoned themselves nobody would notice. Though it would still be worth doing.

A President with brass balls—and god knows Hussein Obama has them—can do anything with an executive order. Anything. And we obey. “Yass, Bwana. What you say, Bwana.” Gun control? No problem. The Constitution? Say what? Wars anywhere and everywhere? Congress can read about them in the papers. It is astonishing.

More correctly, the European population–pale, white, feeble things wriggling like fly grubs in the corruption of a putrefying body politic—obey. Blacks and Moslems do not allow themselves to be pushed around. They are, whatever else they are, virile. They look to be history’s winners. Though not civilization’s.

Read More

And the Irish Savant asks:

Why did they do it? (And by "they" he means the Treason Party cucks, from Bliar to Camoron, and from Clintong to  Hillary).

Friday, January 8, 2016

Trump in 2007: US Iraq Invasion Has Caused Spreading Civil War, Now Everyone Hates Us

Is this guy smarter than Bush, Rummy, Cheney, Obama and Hillary, or do they serve a different master?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Nature of Physical Reality, Part II: Space

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Multiple instances of planar space
Space is the absence of anything. It may be one-dimensional, as for example, the space between words in a sentence; two-dimensional, as with a bullet hole in a signboard; or three-dimensional, like a hole in a Swiss cheese. But so far as we know, space cannot be more than three-dimensional, which puts the skids under string theory that demands five, six ... ten, eleven, or is it 25 dimensions of space. Time, moreover, although sometimes referred to as the fourth dimension, is not a spatial dimension but an index of the successive stages in the evolution of events in three-dimensional space.

End of infinite space ahead
Space, in other words, is everywhere that nothing else is. Thus, before the Big Bang, an observer with a flashlight would have seen that space was not only cold and dark but that, like the lone and level sands of Shelley's poem, it stretched far away, and indeed, if our observer's flashlight had been powerful enough, he would have seen that it stretched, boundless and bare, to the furthest corners of infinity (except that, with nothing to illuminate, the flashlight would have revealed nothing at all, not even the boundaries of infinity unless these were helpfully sign-posted).

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Google, Bing and the Abolition of Whitey

Search Google for 'happy American couple' and see what you get: About 15 white couples out of more than 400, the rest being either colored or of mixed race. I mean, is that representative of America, or what?

Or try searching 'white woman and a man".

But, hey, let's hear it from Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Is this what you're thinkin': we're gotta eliminate whitey from public view?

Source: Irish Savant: Google's War on Whites.

And Bing's doing the same thing. Likewise, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex.

Well, there you are: Pretty well all Americans must be African or mated to an African, except that makes no sense, since almost 80% of Americans are white.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Rot at the Head of the University

In The Intellectual Costs of Diversity, Robert Weissberg explains the devastating harm to academic excellence done by the promotion of diversity  in the American University — a cost that guarantees America`s demise as the world's leading intellectual, scientific and technological power.

In discussing this transformation of academia, the author considers the motivation of the Interim Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Champaigne-Urbana, Barbara Wilson, who has announced diversity, i.e., rigged hiring to insure blacks and women are favored over better qualified white or Asian males, to be central to the university’s mission. His conclusion is this:

... abandoning intellectual excellence is best explained by physical intimidation and what is most remarkable is the inconsequentiality of this threat. What interim Chancellor Barbara Wilson and others face is at most some fleeting verbal abuse …

This, sadly, is complete rubbish, for if it were not, it would be a simple matter to find university leaders with the balls to insist that the university is about scholarship, not the replacement of Christian morality with that of Political Correctness.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Donald Trump Attacked By All the Cucks For Opposing Immigration of Muslims Who May Seek to Overthrow the US Government

According to Britain's state propaganda agency, the BBC, Democuck presidential candidate and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned Mr. Trump for his call, following the Paris and San Bernadino terrorist attacks, for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the US. Such "rhetoric," she claimed, was turning Mr. Trump into the "best recruiter" for the Islamic State militant group.

That's a bit like a British appeaser of Hitler saying that Winston Churchill's rhetoric about the danger posed by the Nazis made Churchill the "best recruiter" for Nazism: a claim, obviously, that did not make Churchill wrong.

The Islamic State is affiliated with people such as Al Quaeda in Somalia who, according to the BBC report cited above, are urging African-Americans to convert to Islam and take part in holy war.

The British political class, which is committed to cuckdom across the board, like Hillary, have dismissed Trump's "rhetoric" with contempt.

Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party's openly Marxist leader, said Trump's call for a temporary US ban on Muslim immigration  was "an attack on democratic values and affront to common humanity". Like who's democratic values, one wonders. The values of Americans who mostly don't wish to see recruiters for holy war entering their country, or the "democratic" values of ISIS and its affiliates?

Nigel Farage, pro-mass immigration leader of the UK so-called Independence Party, said Mr Trump's comments were a "kneejerk reaction" and a "political mistake too far," while Prime Minister Camoron, who bombed Libya into a state of terrorist anarchy, and the leader who raised Britain's immigration rate to an unprecedented and genocidal level, said Trump's call for a complete ban on Muslims entering the United States was "divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong". Yeah, sure: who better than Cammy to judge?

All of which suggests what probably most sensible Americans believe, that Trump has the right idea and that the collaborators for global governance and the destruction of the democratic nation state, in cluding the US, are getting the wind up.

Here are the folks Donald Trump wants out of America. The video, in English, explains the anger Trump's stand has aroused among the Cuck class. ISIS, the video reveals, seeks exactly that the Anglo-US-EU Establishment Treason Party desires: an end to democracy, an end to the nation state, and a mongrelized humanity under a global system of undisputed top-down control.


EXCLUSIVE: Trump Is Correct — Obama Has Been Featured In Terror Recruiting Videos

Breitbarg: European Court Stops Ireland Deporting Islamic State-Linked Man, Even If He Threatens National Security

Meantime: Islamic State Execute ‘Five British Spies’ in Warning to David Cameron

While in Europe: Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture

The Ugly Truth: Bloody Trump Jews gunning for Trump

Friday, January 1, 2016

Who Is the Arch Racist – Trump or Clinton?

By John V. Walsh, December 28, 2015: Who is the arch racist, Hillary or Trump? To answer that, let us ask another question, a simple one. Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? With that in mind, who is the arch racist, Hillary or The Donald?Do the liberals who criticize Trump, but not Hillary, as racist forget the slogan of the anti-Vietnam War movement, “Stop the Racist Bombing.”

James Corbett on Noam Chomsky: Academic Gatekeeper

Corbett is incorrect in suggesting that when the Federal Reserve prints money for the government it pockets the interest paid by the government on the money thus created.

In fact, what happens is this. When the Treasury needs to raise cash other than through taxation, it issues interest bearing bonds to the Federal Reserve, which then deposits the face value in cash in the Government's account. This is so-called "ink money": money conjured out of thin air, not money owned by the Fed.

The bonds thus acquired by the Fed are either then sold on to the public, in which case the cash proceeds are used to wipe the "ink money" off the Fed's books, while interest is paid by the treasury to the holders of its paper; or the bonds are retained by the Fed. In the latter case, interest is paid to the privately owned Federal Reserve, but at the end of each year the Fed refunds to the Treasury the income thus received less its own operating expenses. Thus there is no inappropriate payment to the Federal Reserve for its role in the money printing process.

What is culpable, on the part of the US Government, not the Federal Reserve, is the resort to inflationary finance on a gigantic scale to fund budget deficits, the burden to be paid by the public — especially the little people with cash saving yielding virtually zero interest — by way of the inflation tax. This, however, Chomsky sees as quite a natural normal thing, which on the present scale, it certainly is not. Rather it is a desperate measure to counteract the unending depression induced by the drive for globalization, which entails off-shoring of a large proportion of American manufacturing and services jobs to cheap labor jurisdictions with minimal environmental protection, workplace health and safety standards and low taxes. But Chomsky is oblivious to all this, apparently. A more intelligent observer of the American political scene, Paul Craig Roberts, explains the ongoing process of American self-destruction that has been concealed by the resort to inflationary finance, and hyper-indebtedness.

As for the Kennedy assassination and 9/11, Corbett correctly draws attention to Chomsky's contempt for those who draw attention to significant evidence and make reasonable arguments that call in question the official accounts of these events: accounts that so well serves the interests of the elite.

Why, one wonders, such passion about issues Chomsky is unprepared to discuss? Very odd.

CanSpeccy: Pursuing Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations

CanSpeccy: George de Mohrenschildt, George H.W. Bush, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK Why Three Kennedys Were Assassinated

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Huge Fire Engulfs 63-Story Dubai Hotel — But It Doesn't Collapse Like the WTC Towers

Unlike the Twin Towers, Dubai's Address Hotel, though engulfed in flames, has not collapsed into its own footprint. They must build better in Dubai than in New York.


CanSpeccy: How the WTC Towers Were Prepped for Demolition?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Winston Churchill's Warning to the West on the Tyrannical Ambition of the Islamists

For some time I have been intending to look up and quote Winston Churchill's prescient comments on the danger posed to European civilization by Islam. However, I have been spared the trouble by Michael Patrick Leahy who, writing for Breitbart, has assembled some if not all of Churchill`s published comments on the subject. Leahy`s article is well worth reading in its entirety, but here, for anyone interested simply in Churchill`s warning to the West, are the key passages:

Writing in The River War, his account of the British retaking of Sudan, published in 1899, Churchill noted the threat to Western Civilization radical Islam poses:
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die: but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.
(emphasis added)
Islam, Churchill wrote, “is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog.”
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedanism law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property–either as a child, a wife, or a concubine — must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Writing earlier in the River War, the conduct of the Mahdi who led this modern caliphate was beneath contempt, in Churchill’s view:
After the fall of Khartoum and the retreat of the British armies the Mahdi became the absolute master of the Soudan. Whatever pleasures he desired he could command, and, following the example of the founder of the Mohammedan faith, he indulged in what would seem to Western minds gross excesses. He established an extensive harem for his own peculiar use, and immured therein the fairest captives of the war.
In his first book, a description of British battles in Afghanistan, The Story of the Malakand Field Force, an Episode of Frontier War, published a year earlier in 1898, Churchill explained how local tribesmen were mesmerized by the call of Islam:
The Mullah will raise his voice and remind them of other days when the sons of the prophet drove the infidel from the plains of India, and ruled at Delhi, as wide an Empire as the Kafir holds to-day: when the true religion strode proudly through the earth and scorned to lie hidden and neglected among the hills: when mighty princes ruled in Bagdad, and all men knew that there was one God, and Mahomet was His prophet. And the young men hearing these things will grip their Martinis, and pray to Allah, that one day He will bring some Sahib (prince) – best prize of all – across their line of sight at seven hundred yards so that, at least, they may strike a blow for insulted and threatened Islam.
Churchill compared Islam unfavorably to Christianity:
Indeed it is evident that Christianity, however degraded and distorted by cruelty and intolerance, must always exert a modifying influence on men’s passions, and protect them from the more violent forms of fanatical fever, as we are protected from smallpox by vaccination. But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness.
In the same book, Churchill also offered this on Islam:
That religion, which above all others was founded and propagated by the sword—the tenets and principles of which are instinct with incentives to slaughter and which in three continents has produced fighting breeds of men—stimulates a wild and merciless fanaticism. The love of plunder, always a characteristic of hill tribes, is fostered by the spectacle of opulence and luxury which, to their eyes, the cities and plains of the south display. A code of honour not less punctilious that that of old Spain is supported by vendettas as implacable as those of Corsica.
Leahy's ends his article with the warning that:
If Western Civilization is to survive, it will only be as a consequence of leadership that demonstrates overwhelming power to defeat the unceasing efforts of the Islamists who seek to enslave us all in the modern caliphate first envisioned by Muhammad Ahmad in Sudan more than a century ago.
And, Leahy continues:
It was the cold steel of Churchill’s charge at Omdurman 117 years ago that brought that first attempt to create a modern caliphate to an end.
Here, in his otherwise excellent article, Leahy makes the minor error of assuming that as a participant in the last cavalry charge in the history of the British Army, Churchill used a sword. In fact, the officers of the 21st Lancers with whom Churchill served, though armed with swords, also carried pistols. Churchill had a Mauser, which he used, rather than his sword, during the charge at the Battle of Omdurman.


CanSpeccy: The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Message to the World From the Christian State in Europe and North America (CSEA)

From the Christian State in Europe and North America (CSEA, pronounced Cee-Sea):

Merry Christmas:

Nana Mouskouri: Stille Nacht

Enrico Caruso: Minuit Chrétien - O Holy Night 1916:

Antal Zalai, Violin: Handel's Largo from Xerxes:

During the Christmas Truce that began at the front line in France on Christmas Eve, 1914 German soldiers sang “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht,” while the British sang “Silent Night, Holy Night.”

A German violinist performed Handel’s haunting Largo for the French. and Victor Granier, of the Paris Opera, sang the carol “O Holy Night” in French for the Germans.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Cucks and Interlopers for the Cultural and Racial Genocide of Europe

‘Star Wars’ Posters Are All About the One-Eye Sign:
Mark of the Elite Agenda, According to Vigilant Citizen
As the Iris Savant reports, the latest iteration of Star Wars, whatever that may be, features in the lead role, a heroic, intelligent, and honorable black guy; women — would-be leaders all — who are fearless and capable warriors, and who are solitary and totally independent of any man. People of mixed race and/or untraditional sexual proclivity predominate among the good guys, while the villains are straight, white, Germanic-looking, and brandishing Christian-like symbols.

There is, in fact, nothing new about this kind of gender-bending racial stereotyping designed to undermine the self-confidence and ultimate survival of the European people. The cucks at the British Broadcorping Castration have, as James Delingpole reports in the Telegraph, done to the ancient radio soap, The Archers — the story of rural life in central England, what J.J. Abrams has now been done to Star Wars.

In merry olde Ambridge, so England Calling's Robert Henderson relates, all the white lads are now thieves, queers or dope dealers, and all the white girls are dying to get knocked up by the Pakistani captain of the village cricket team.

Unbelievably fucking white Star Wars Director, J.J. Abrams
Oh, and the squire's daughter, naturally, has married an African.

I guess folks accept it because, well, hey, it's true to life. They see it happening around them: the racial and cultural destruction of their nation.

Clever, innit, how you get an entire, once great, nation to acquiesce in its own genocide.

And, blimey, this is interesting: just searched Google for "Star Wars" +"anti-white" and got seventy-three million hits! Even "Star Wars" +"white genocide" produces 53,000 hits, but Google'll probably soon fix that (Yeah, both numbers down by 10% within 24 hours). Soon they'll probably show anyone looking for "Star Wars" +"white genocide" is a racist. And, yes, here we are over at

Racists threaten to boycott “Star Wars VII” because it promotes “white genocide,” apparently

It's racist to oppose the genocide of your own people, apparently. LOL: The standard liberal-leftie argument: reductio ad odium sermonis (reduction to hate speech). 

The extraordinary hypocrisy of the politically correct cucks is nicely confirmed by a story from the University of Ottawa where a free class on Yoga was cancelled because it represented an exercise in cultural appropriation, whereas depicting citizens of Third World extraction as pioneers of space exploration is just fine, apparently, with the likes of the so fucking unbelievably white and sour-faced J.J. Abrams.

Related: Kasich State Co-Chair Says You Have to Take Trump Out “With a Head Shot”

Breitbart: Britain's Prime Cuck, David Camoron, says Britain, as a Christian country, should commit self-genocide by mass immigration

U-Tube: Andrea Tantaros:  Trump Defends White Male Masculinity

Variety: Vatican Newspaper Pans Latest Iteration of Star Wars

Deep Resource: “White Americans Are Losing Their Country” Paul Krugman applauds

CounterCurrents Trevor Lynch: Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens
The new Star Wars movie is exactly what I deduced it would be from the trailers and the fact that it was directed by J. J. Abrams, a filmmaker so vulgar and artless that he makes Jerry Bruckheimer seem like Ingmar Bergman. ...
Deep Resource: Girls Should be Mothers, Not Jedi Knights

DiversityMachtFrei: Switzerland: Pupils sent home for wearing "racist" traditional Swiss Edelweiss shirts

Monday, December 21, 2015

Why Are We So Smart? Or Perhaps We're Not

Mankind bestrides Planet Earth. Why? How come we, alone, of all creation have eaten of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

The answer, many say, is our large brain. Such, for example, is the implication of a recent Quanta magazine article: How Humans Evolved Supersize Brains.

But are human brains really the largest?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Hell With Scotch Nationalists: Their Goal Is NWO Assimilation, Their Motive is Treason

Advocates of Scotch independence are either idiots or scoundrels.

They demand Scotch independence with membership of the EU and NATO, which is total silly bugger bollocks.

The EU and NATO are among the chief driving forces for global integration and the universal human rights agenda, which trumps the right of national self determination.

The universal human rights agenda grants equal rights to everyone over your local affairs, which is to say, it grants every Syrian refugee or Islamic extremist the right to migrate to the poverty-stricken Scottish Island of Bute without regard for the wishes of the local population. And it grants every Indian, Esquimo, Pakistani and Australian aboriginal the right to migrate to Glasgow or Edinburgh, without regard for the wishes of the local population. Moreover, it grants anyone from anywhere the right to migrate to Glasgow or Edinburgh and agitate for Islamification, cannibalism, genital mutilation, head chopping, head-flattening, neck-stretching, poylygamy, partial birth abortion, infanticide, and the placing of bags over womens' heads in the name of multiculturalism and inclusiveness.

Scotch separatism is a genocidal globalist scam to destroy the Scottish nation as a racial and a cultural entity. It is driven by Soros agents and all the other NWO scum with the object of destroying the UK, a powerful geopolitical entity capable of preserving its own independence, while driving total assimilation of Scotland to the undemocratic European Union of which it would be among the most insignificant, ignored, and ridiculous members.


Irish Savant: Learning from Star Wars

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The US–Saudi Oil Price Manipulation: Winners and Losers

On September 11, 2014, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, met in Riad with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and persuaded him that Saudi Arabia, the swing producer of the OPEC oil cartel, should do the opposite of what a cartel leader is supposed to do, that being to constrain supply and hold the price high. Instead, Abdullah agreed to Kerry's proposal, and Saudi Arabia raised production, thus driving the price of oil from $100 plus per barrel to, currently, $35.

Why did Kerry want this? Why did King Abdullah agree?

Acne, Anxiety and Sour Milk: Back to the Future

Below is the abstract of an open access article in the journal Gut Pathology. The paper draws attention to a seventy-year-old hypothesis relating gut flora, mental states and skin disorders. The widespread availability of commercially prepared kefir allows anyone with a skin condition or an anxiety disorder to test this hypothesis. Kefir is milk soured to the consistency of drinkable yoghurt by a dozen or more strains of lacto-fermenting organisms, chiefly species of the genus Lactobacillus. The fermentation converts milk sugar, lactose, to lactic acid. In addition, the live bacterial culture continues, in the acidic environment of the stomache, to convert any other sugars that may be present to lactic acid (plus perhaps a little alcohol) thereby increasing the acidification of the stomache contents. This in turn affects the environment in the further reaches of the gut, thereby controlling the species composition of the gut microflora, the metabolism of which, affects what passes the gut wall into the blood stream and lymphatic system.

Thus, for example, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, usually to be found in commercially prepared Kefir, produces substantial quantities of the mammalian neuroinhibitor, gamma amino butyric acid, or GABA, with reportedly significant psychoactive effects. That chemicals produced by gut microorganisms have a sedative effect is not entirely surprising since emotion is a matter nor only of the head but of the heart, which term should be understood to include the gut where, as acknowledged in common speech, emotion is registered.

Anecdotal reports suggest that Kefir can be effective in the treatment of dermatitis, food allergies and some chronic gut-related disabilities including colitis and Krohn's disease. The cost of experiment by those so afflicted is slight, and the downside seemingly small, since the transformation of the gut flora achieved through the use of probiotics such as kefir seems to depend on continued consumption and is thus easily terminated if no benefit is experienced.

Gut Pathog. 2011; 3: 1
Acne vulgaris, probiotics and the gut-brain-skin axis - back to the future?
Over 70 years have passed since dermatologists John H. Stokes and Donald M. Pillsbury first proposed a gastrointestinal mechanism for the overlap between depression, anxiety and skin conditions such as acne. Stokes and Pillsbury hypothesized that emotional states might alter the normal intestinal microflora, increase intestinal permeability and contribute to systemic inflammation. Among the remedies advocated by Stokes and Pillsbury were Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures. Many aspects of this gut-brain-skin unifying theory have recently been validated. The ability of the gut microbiota and oral probiotics to influence systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, glycemic control, tissue lipid content and even mood itself, may have important implications in acne. The intestinal microflora may also provide a twist to the developing diet and acne research. Here we provide a historical perspective to the contemporary investigations and clinical implications of the gut-brain-skin connection in acne.

Full text


CanSpeccy: Guts and Gaba, Bugs and Brains, Allergies and Anxiety

Monday, December 14, 2015

Climate Science RIP

Climate changes: always has, always will.

And human activity affects the climate:
Deforestation above a latitude of around 45 degrees causes climate cooling, reports a paper in Nature by a Yale University led group. (Phew: that's good news, then, since here in Canada we've already logged most of the boreal forest.)

Airborne soot from forest fires, diesel engine exhaust, and coal burning, may warm the climate almost as much as all of the current human-caused increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a recent study in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Then there's methane from leaking gas pipelines and  flatulent cows, which is about 50 times more potent a so-called greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

And we shouldn't forget the US military that burns through 100 million barrels of oil a year.
But forget it. Al Gore and the other 50,000 or so climate scientists and their political backers and hangers on who recently gathered in Paris at the cost of much emitted carbon have so crassly turned the issue of anthropogenic climate warming/change/cooling/whatever into an instrument of self-advancement or political control that it is impossible now to discuss the subject publicly without becoming the target for vicious insults from proponents of one or other extremist view.

Under those circumstances no scientist other than a charlatan or a dimwit would enter the field. This is unfortunate, because the consequences of changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere should be a matter for careful study by competent persons, not the exclusive preserve of verbal pugilists and the proponents of political correctness.

Doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration may or may not have much effect on the weather, but studies from top labs indicate that it has an extraordinarily severe negative impact on human cognitive capacity. So when Trump says, "we are led by very stupid people" the reason may not be so hard to find.

What is as scary is that raising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration boosts global primary production, particularly in dry zones. Thus, today, the Australian outback is greening up, as is the African Sahel and the Argentinian pampas. The estimate is that global primary production has been boosted by ten billion tons a year, and CO2 is up only 40% so far. Double the pre-industrial concentration and the population carrying capacity of Africa and many other parts of the world will double, which should really exacerbate the European immigration crisis.

But, at least we need no longer worry about that damned hockey-stick temperature chart produced by Professor Michael Mann and associates. The thing was, if not a hoax, the result of a remarkably dumb error, as is very nicely explained in this article in MIT's Technology Review. Nature magazine, a leader in the politicization of science, naturally refused to publish the work of Canadians Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, who discovered this error, on the grounds of insufficient interest. Well, Nature, for sure, had insufficient interest.

And here's what happens to a distinguished scientist who asserts the necessity for open inquiry, skepticism and vigorous debate for the effective pursuit of scientific truth:

Professor Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, giving evidence before 
a Congressional committee:


CanSpeccy: Extreme Weather? Don't Worry. It's Normal

CanSpeccy: How stupid people win debates

CanSpeccy: The State of Climate Science: Have We Passed Peak Civilization?

CanSpeccy: MIT Meteorology Prof, Science Magazine and the Pope Concur: The Reality of Human Caused Climate Change Is an Article of Religious Faith

CanSpeccy: Nulius in verba: On the word of no one. Or how the Royal Society betrayed its original purpose and became another quasi governmental organization spewing the scientifically correct official line

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part II: Ecosystem Disruption

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part III: Induced Stupidity and the Decline of the West

CanSpeccy: Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part IV: Reversing the Trend

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump

Donald Trump has a near lock on the Republican nomination for the US Presidency. Most polls show him leading the 15-candidate race "bigly," to use a Trumpism. Moreover, seventy percent of Republican voters, i.e., including many of those supporting a candidate other than Trump, believe Trump will be their nominee.

And in a contest with Hillary Clinton, a former Secretary of State with a criminal indictment threatening, who is a loyal adherent of Democrat President Barack Obama, surely among the worst presidents the United States has had to endure, Trump's chance of gaining the Presidency look distinctly better than even. Time then to consider the consequences of a Trump presidency.

Trump has promised to cut corporation tax and income tax, and to eliminate the estate tax. He's also promised to tackle America's $19-trillion, going on $20- and $21-trillion, burden of debt. How could he square that with reduced taxes?

First, Trump would undoubtedly abolish a few departments of the Federal Government, notably Education, thereby saving at most a drop or two in the bucket of red ink.

Second, he would surely make good on his implied commitment to restructure the debt. Of the total, approximately $2.6 trillion is held by the US Federal Reserve. This is debt that was created by money printing. The cost has already been passed to the public in the form of inflation. This debt can simply be written off. Although the Fed collects interest on that debt, it returns the proceeds to the Treasury less the Fed's own operating costs, so writing off these loans means nothing financially, but it greatly improves the optics: at a stroke, national debt reduced by 14%. As for the remaining debt, a write down of ten, twenty, thirty percent could happen. Going back to the Nineteenth Century, debt default is as American as apple pie.

But there are other options. Trump has promised to bring jobs back from China, Japan, Mexico and the rest of the World. How to do that? Easy, reinstate America's nineteenth century across-the-board import tariff, giving American factories, mines and oil wells a competitive advantage. Soon you have more American jobs, rising wages and an addition of several hundred billion a year — an amount rising with economic recovery to maybe four, five hundred billion a year  — in revenue to the US Treasury.

In addition, if necessary, and perhaps anyway, a special import tariff on oil to insure a minimum of $60 a barrel for domestic production. That would restore the US fracking industry, while keeping energy prices high enough to drive continued improvements in energy-use efficiency. And note that revival in US shale oil would further depress the world oil price. Thus a US oil import tariff could yield the government $20, 30, or even 40 dollars per imported barrel of oil — for a total of up to six or seven hundred billion dollars a year: Government budget deficit RIP. And without driving gas prices anywhere near last year's high.

The only real complication is how such changes would affect the price of the dollar. Tariffs will tend to strengthen the dollar and thus negate their intended effect. Overall, however, Trumponomics would be strongly inflationary, and inflation would likely check any upside to the dollar. As manufacturing and energy industry jobs return to the US (and as the flood of illegal immigrants — who man the below-minimum-wage, no-tax, underground economy — is checked and reversed), wages and prices will rise quickly. Inflation of five, ten, twenty percent will drive interest rates, way, way up and bond prices way, way down, providing the Federal Government an opportunity to buy down the national debt at  a huge discount.

What are the net results? On the negative side, bond investors will be hurt. Investors in global corporations that depend on offshore sweatshop labor will be hurt, savers will be hurt, although as interest rates rise, savers will at least get a significant rate of interest on their money.

Who will gain? Americans for Trump, obviously. That is, most of the 95 million Americans of working age who are not working but would be if they could find a job. Plus tens of million of other Americans who have part-time jobs but want full-time work. And not least, all the Americans with lousy low-paid work (the average yearly earned income of the lowest paid half of the American workforce is less than $13 thousand) who want a pay raise. In addition, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in competition with off-shore sweatshops that will prosper greatly in the shadow of a tariff wall. Plus all those parents with twenty- and even thirty-something-year-old "kids" living at home because they don't have the income to set up a home of their own.

Bring it on.


A prophetic interview on globalization with late Sir James Goldsmith in 1994:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Trump Terrorizes the Cucks Promoting Mass Muslim and Hispanic Immigration

Rolling Stone magazine (Prop. Bill Gates) finds terrifying a new poll from North Carolina that "underscores the popular appeal of Trump's anti-Islamic bigotry among rank-and-file Republican voters."

In particular, what the cucks at Rolling Stone find alarming is the widespread public support for the perpetuation of the United States as a democratic sovereign nation state with effective borders and enforced immigration laws. That's what Rolling Stone calls "bigotry."

By smearing the majority of Trump supporters, and probably most Americans, as bigots, racists and Islamophobes, Rolling Stone aims to serve the interests of the billionaire media owners who for some reason wish to swamp the West with a seething mass of settler immigrants from Africa and the Middle-East intent not on assimilation to Western values, but on imposing an Islamic tyranny.

And more of the same anti-American rhetoric from Fox News (Poop Murdoch, Prop.): Trump ‘Representing the Worst, Darkest Part of All That Is America’

In what is surely an unintentionally revealing article in Britain's wishy-washy, Lib-Left, tiny-circulation newspaper, the Independent, a headline asserts: "The rise of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen shows Ukip has failed in Britain." What they actually mean is: Thank God Britain's only party apparently opposed  to the racial and cultural genocide of the Brits by mass immigration has failed. 

And we say, "apparently opposed" because there seems good reason to believe that, in this year's national election, UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, threw his supporters under the bus, just as did Nick Griffin of the now moribund British National Party during the 2011 national election. Perhaps that will prove to be Trump's role too, although it remains to be seen. 

Meantime, over at Time magazine (the CIA house organ), Angela Merkel has been declared a saint for cucking the Germans with over a million mostly strong, young, Islamic, male draft dodgers with a high propensity to rape, raise the flag of ISIS and demand a European caliphate.

And Now for Some Music: The Trump Campaign Theme Song?


Ilana Mercer: No Wonder the Pols Think Businessman Trump’s Crazy; He Understands Scarcity

Daily Mail: France's Jewish leaders call for a 'civic uprising' against French people who vote against Muslim invasion and subjugation

Meantime in America:

Zero hedge: Mark Zuckerberg welcomes Muslims to America

Breitbart:Poll: 65 Percent Of GOP Likely Primary Voters Support Trump’s Plan To Block Islam

Daily Mail: London police confirm Trump's claim: "we are at war" (with Islam)"

Charles-Hugh Smith: The "American Dream" Is Over... And Voters Know It

Deep Resource: Anti-Trump Media Shit Storm Begins

Breitbart: Why Trump’s Winning: 9 Facts About Islam The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know

YouGov: Almost one third of Americans could support military coup against the Peace Prize Winner

David Swanson: Trump Didn't Vote to Kill 1 Million Muslims in Iraq, Hillary Did

Monday, December 7, 2015

Trumposaurus Rex?

Donald Trump has led the race for the Republican Presidential nomination for months, but has long been stuck with the support of only 30–40% of those inclined to vote Republican. Now his chances appear to be fading fast as Ted Cruz cruises past him in the state of Iowa.

Breitbart: Iowa Poll: Ted Cruz Leading Trump by Five Points

Here is how it currently stacks up:
Ted Cruz 24
Donald Trump 19
Marco Rubio 17
Ben Carson 13
Jeb Bush 6

Not according to the latest CNN poll which shows Trump still comfortably ahead 33 percent to 20. 


Ted Cruz interview with Princeton mentor:

The American Mirror: VIDEO: ‘Stump for Trump’ duo bring down the house at NC rally

Patrick Buchanan: Why Liberal Media Hate Trump

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

New Yorker Smears Defenders of the US Constitution

The week of the San Bernadino massacre,
perpetrated by an Islamic extremist
and his Immigrant ISIS-Linked partner,
The New Yorker portrays white Americans
who defend their constitutional right to bear

arms as maniac gun nuts. A narrative rejected
 by an increasing number of Americans if plunging 
US Magazine sales are an indication.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Putin: Time for Regime Change in Turkey Assad: J'accuse France, Britain, Turkey, the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar of Backing the Terrorist Insurgency in Syria

After 8.00 minutes:

It was in Turkey that terrorists from the North Caucuses used to find safe haven and some of them are still there ...

We have a lot of good friends in Turkey, and they should know that we do not equate [them] with some members of the ruling elite in Turkey who are directly responsible for the deaths of our servicemen [in the downing of an SU-24 bomber and a Russian helicopter in Syria]. We will never [forget] how those[members of the Turkish elite] helped terrorists.

We have always considered betrayal the most ignoble act. Those [in Turkey] who back-stabbed our pilots should remember that. I don't even understand why they did it. Any questions, any problems, any differences... there were other ways to resolve them. ... Why they did it only Allah knows. ... and I suppose Allah stripped the ruling elite of their sanity to punish them.

We will not respond in a nervous or dangerous way. Our reaction will not be aimed to achieve short term political goals, ... they will be based on responsibility before our people, we don't want any sabre-rattling. Bit if someone thinks that by committing this vile crime they can get away with an embargo on the export of tomatoes or some restrictions on construction workers ... they're wrong. We will long remember what they did and they will long regret what they did. 

After 19.00:

I didn't destroy the infra-structure, I didn't give armaments to the terrorists to kill and to destroy. The question who did that: the West, and the Saudis and Qatar.

After 31.55:

When will there be peace in Syria?

When those countries ... France, UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some others stop supporting those killers.


December 7, 2015

Fars News: US Attempting to Infiltrate Syria via Jordan

Fars News: US-Backed (Moderate) Opposition Calls for Extermination of Alawites in Syria

Pravda: Scenarios of real war between Russia and Turkey

RI: The destruction of Syria proceeding according to plan

The Saker: Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Empire Strikes Back

RI: Merkel Joins Turkey/US Alliance of Godless Commies Against Russia 

Daily Telegraph: Let’s deal with the Devil: we should work with Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad in Syria

Daily Mail: London's mayor: Britain should cut a deal with Assad and Putin to defeat ISIS
Funny guy. ISIS head-choppers and liver eaters work for us
RT: Syria slams US-led coalition deadly strike against troops as 'act of aggression'

Syrian government condemns US air strike on army camp

Intifada: Mother's letter to Cameron and Corbyn: You are creating terrorists

Sunday Times Interview: Assad: "Europe, not Syria, has become the incubator for terrorism now threatening the West."

RT: Turks fling 'dung' at President Erdogan, mull life without Russian gas

RT: Why the US, France and Britain are destroying Syria

Yahoo News: Russia Calls US Stinking Liar Over Turkey's Role in ISIS Oil Theft

Politico: Trump aligns with Putin in accusing Turkey of siding with ISIL

Read more:

BBC: Iraq demands Turkish troops withdraw from near Mosul

RI: Too Late for Apologies: Russia Halts Turk Stream Gas Pipeline

Global Research: The Turkish assault the Russian Su-24 bomber was guided by the US Airforce