Friday, July 10, 2020

Critical Thinking Exposes The ScamDemic

Via: WRH


ZeroHedge: David Stockman: The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded And Dr. Fauci's Is Leading The Parade

“the twin pillars of Fauci’s hare-brained social regimentation scheme assumes ... that healthy Americans must be put under house arrest because they are silent spreaders and killers of their fellow citizens...

As to the silent spreaders trope, here is how the very head of WHO’s COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, recently explained: [It] “seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.””
ZeroHedge: Florida Man Who Died In Motorcycle Wreck Labeled As COVID-19 Death By State
InfoWars: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual RateMedical Express:  Persistent SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in recovered COVID patients
Seattle Times: Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless
Illinois Public Health: If you had Covid when you were hit by a truck, your death is a Covid death
Global Research: The “Corona Hoax”, The Proliferation of Racial Riots. Towards a Military Lockdown?
MedRXiv: Covid immunity fades, like immunity to that other corona virus, the common cold
Conrad Black: Canada's aim of eradicating Covid19 is a fantasy imposing an unsupportable economic burden
Amer. Inst. Econ. Research: When Will the Madness End
Hide Out Now: Scientists from the Wuhan virus lab have 'defected' to the West, reveals senior Trump ally Steve Bannon - as FBI gathers evidence that coronavirus pandemic was caused by an accidental leak
Intellihub: COVID-19 is a criminal hoax, murder — you’ve been duped: Nurse blows the whistle on government-sponsored op
Zero Hedge: Whitney: Looks Like Sweden Was Right After All

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Margaret Wente: It Wasn’t My Cancelation That Bothered Me. It Was the Cowardice of Those Who Let It Happen

Many years ago, when it cost less than a buck, I read the Globe and Mail on a fairly regular basis, which meant reading op ed columns by Margaret Wente. Mostly I found Ms. Wente unduly liberal, although it was clear that she had a good mind and presented many good arguments. Today, however, as Ms. Wente relates below, being a decent, open-minded, liberal intent on examining issues in all their dimensions is unacceptable to campus revolutionaries and hence, apparently to campus administrators of whom, seemingly most, are morally bankrupt whimps who cave on intimidation by Marxist and revolutionary campus radicals.
It doesn’t take much to get cancelled these days. Last month, my turn came around. The experience was unpleasant, but also completely ludicrous. And I learned a lot. I learned how easily an institution will cave to a mob. I learned how quickly the authorities will run for cover, notwithstanding the lip service they may pay to principles of free speech.

After all, they’re terrified. They’re afraid that if they don’t beg forgiveness and promise to do better, they’ll be next at the guillotine.

I was cancelled by one of Canada’s quainter institutions, a University of Toronto graduate residential school called Massey College. Few people outside Canadian academia have heard of it. But the cultural revolution has entered its mass-spectacle Reign of Terror phase, and so my story made news across Canada. I was depicted as a racist, anti-feminist heretic whose mere presence inside Massey’s halls would have presented a threat to students.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Slavery Rampant in Africa, Middle East; The West Wrongly Accuses Itself


The Gatestone Institute, July 5, 2020For the intersectional activists, the US is the world's biggest oppressor -- not China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or Iran.
"What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Twitter, June 9, 2020.

"The new anti-racism is racism disguised as humanism (...) It implies that every white person is bad... and that every black person is a victim". — Abnousse Shalmani, born in Tehran, now living in Paris, to Le Figaro, June 12, 2020.

"America looks different if you grew up, as I did, in Africa and the Middle East". — Ayaan Hirsi Ali, The Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2020.
It is high time for the United States to stop funding the United Nations.... The United Nations is now being used to perpetuate injustice, not stop it.

Real slave traders and racists -- those who believe Western societies and values should not exist at all -- most likely look at the current Western self-flagellation and cheer their approval.

According to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who fled her homeland of Somalia and now live in the US: "What the media do not tell you is that America is the best place on the planet to be black, female, gay, trans or what have you. We have our problems and we need to address those. But our society and our systems are far from racist". (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

The United States abolished slavery 150 years ago, and has affirmative action for minorities. It is the country that elected a Black president, Barack Obama -- twice! Yet, a new movement is toppling one historic monument after another one, as if the US is still enslaving African-Americans. Activists in Washington DC even targeted an Emancipation Memorial, depicting President Abraham Lincoln, who paid with his life for freeing slaves.

Today slavery still exists in many parts of Africa and Middle East, but the self-flagellating Western public is obsessively focused only on the Western past of African slavery rather than on real, ongoing slavery, which is alive and well -- and ignored. For today's slaves, there are no demonstrations in the streets, no international political pressure, and virtually no articles in the media.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

COVID Deaths in Canada: A Questionable Statistic

By The Right Honorable John C.A. Manley
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada

Before Canadians surrender anymore of their freedoms to COVID-19 propaganda, can we stop and ask some critical questions?
COVID is unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season,” says Dr. Allison McGeer, an infectious disease specialist at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, in an interview with the CBC.

McGeer cites government statistics (as of June 17) showing a COVID mortality rate of 22 deaths per 100,000 Canadians.

“By comparison, the death rate for influenza in Canada on an annual basis is usually between nine and 13 deaths per 100,000 people…”

Does this one statistic really make COVID “unquestionably” worse than the flu?

Are not questions a fundamental part of the scientific process, whereby a theory is tested over the fires of inquiry?

Is not the act of questioning at the heart of true journalism?

Would you not agree that our ability to question the decisions, motives and actions of our government protects our democracy from descending into tyranny?

I‘m sorry Dr. McGeer, but I do have a few critical questions. Especially considering what is at risk.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier, our seventh Prime Minister, had a vision of Canada as a land of individual liberty and decentralized federalism. “Canada is free and freedom is its nationality,” he most famously said. “Nothing will prevent me from continuing my task of preserving at all cost our civil liberty.”

Today, being the 153rd anniversary of Confederation, I would like to follow Laurier’s example, exercising my freedom to question and my duty to preserve our civil liberties.

Let’s start with…


Friday, July 3, 2020

Trump's Treason?

What is treason?

Technically, it is:

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
So, in a democracy, treason consists in an attempt to destroy the sovereign people, or overthrow the government elected by the people.

How does that relate to Donald Trump?

Well here, before addressing that question directly, is a comment by Yusef, one of our few but highly intelligent readers:

One of the things bugging me is I believe suffering in the USA will be more intense than elsewhere in the West is the USA pretty much dissolved, or drastically reduced, its social safety net, most dramatically starting in the 1980's. I'm not even sure if enough of the remaining administrative infrastructure is sufficiently strong to be revved up in this soon-to-be emergency situation.

As you mentioned above, the politics of both parties, and their policies, have been in the interests of one class, and that's not been the working class. The working class had been sold out by its representatives and "leaders" and the consequences of this were becoming all too apparent even before Covid-19 delivered its coup de grace.

I still think there's a lot to be said for the speculation both Covid-19 and the BLM riots and violence, are ways of deflecting blame and rage away from those sell-out politicians and those for whom they sold out.

Especially the BLM riots.
In response to which we would say that, for ordinary folks, the best welfare program is a job creation program. However, in the US today, the labor of many Americans at the legislated minimum wage is not cost-competitive in a globalized labor market.

 In reaction to that fact there are two common views. There is the NeoCon view as expressed in 2016 by Kevin Williamson writing in the National Review about the white American underclass, i.e., the inhabitants of towns that lost their reason for existence as manufacturing jobs were off-shored to the sweatshops of Asia:

The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul."
That last bit about "they need U-Haul" being added to soften the essential message which is: "Let the useless scum die, and the sooner they kill themselves with opiates or whatever, the better."

The alternative to the "let the scum die," position, is the view that it is the government's job  to create conditions insuring the availability of work at a living wage. 

The latter was precisely the position that Donald Trump adopted during the 2016 Presidential election. And where are we now? Eleven percent unemployed versus 4% when Donald Trump took office in 2017, or about 31% according to John Williams' Shadow Stats report

So is Trump a traitor to the sovereign people of the United States, relying on the Covid pandemic and the BLM rioters and Abraham-Lincoln-statue tossers to provide cover, as Yusef suspects? Or is there nothing the US government could do to alleviate widespread unemployment and poverty?

The answer is clear. US unemployment is an unnecessary evil that can be largely eliminated. 


(1) Restore the tariff wall behind which America rose  to be the world's dominant manufacturing power, a protectionist measure in place from 1816 until the adoption of free trade in 1945. 

(2) Enforce immigration law and restrict immigration, legal and otherwise, whenever unemployment rises above the frictional rate. 

Trump has waffled and fiddled to suggest adherence to a belief in tariffs and immigration control while achieving essentially nothing. Trump is thus, either a useless blatherskite of a traitor. As a long-time employer of thousands of low-wage immigrant hotel chamber maids and desk clerks, you might be able to guess which. 

But whichever is the case, Trump's fiddling while much of America's working class suffer the seering emotional and physical consequences of poverty serves Trump's own class—that is to say the very rich—extremely well, for as the famous British economist David Ricardo noted, 

Wages plus profits, together, are always the same.
meaning the simplest way to raise profits is to lower wages. 

And in America today corporations lower wages by: 

(1) offshoring jobs to more or less unregulated Asian sweat shops with collapsible factories and nets to stop workers killing themselves by jumping off the building; and

(2) sucking in illegal immigrants to work in the black, tax-free, economy where third-world wages prevail.

And it should be remembered that a policy of screwing the workers serves the great bureaucracies of the Western world very well too. Public sector wages are paid by the long-suffering tax payer, and are not therefore subject to the same stringent Ricardian control as those of workers in the goods and useful service producing, private sector. Thus, those in the public sector benefit from the low cost of living to which low wages give rise, while skimming high wages at the expense of rich and poor alike. 

So what do readers think? Is Trump an incompetent fool, or a traitor?

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time to Give Sweden the Nobel Peace Prize: For Self Hatred


Gatestone Institute, June 30, 2020: Sweden has been steeped in political correctness for decades; its failed immigration policies, which have had multiple negative consequences, as reported by Gatestone Institute, have long been taboo.

The idea that free speech is not a fundamental liberty that must be defended at all costs runs deep in Sweden.

Radio personality and NBA announcer Grant Napear was fired from his radio show at KHTK radio and resigned as the Sacramento Kings play-by-play TV announcer after tweeting on June 1, "All Lives Matter... every single one!", in reference to protests by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

A young Democrat data scientist, David Shor, was fired by the research firm for which he was working, Civis Analytics, after tweeting about the electoral effectiveness of peaceful protest as opposed to violent protest.

Read More

Politicalite: Tory MP Hits Out At Black Lives Matter Mob Attempting To ERASE Britain’s culture
(And if you look for how the MSM reported this story, you will find precisely nothing -- proof if any were needed, that the  MainStream PC Press knows when a story cannot be spun into a hate speech attack on those opposed to the destruction of their own people and culture.)
ZH: UMass Nursing Dean Fired For Saying "Everyone's Life Matters"

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mass Colored Immigration to England Ends in Violent Anti-White Racism

By M.A. Richardson

via: the Duran

Twenty-two police officers injured as Brixton party ends in violence

The US and Britain are at their most perilous point in one hundred years. Once stable democratic nation states made great through struggle and suffering to gain comparative freedom at huge sacrifice to their own population are throwing it all away. The speed and ferocity of the attack is frightening, but this has been building for years, spreading from the 60s onwards through the university teaching systems, unquestioned. It emerged into the public arena as political correctness as each generation of students became more radical. Then came the final push to silence opposition with wokism, virtue-signalling, identity politics, and now racial division, an aberration of democracy and freedom of speech.

The Trump presidency has been under a continual coup, even before taking office. Involvement from the top down of Obama and his administration and security services is an inconvenience for the Democrats, and many Republicans feel the same. What it does show, is that at this moment in the history of the United States, the deep state are above the law. We are waiting for Attorney General Barr to prove otherwise, but since he has already stated it is unlikely that Obama or Biden will be called to testify, he has issued a free pass, move along, nothing to see. All is swept aside on a media tide of attacks on democracy and the rule of law by the radical left, as BLM take control and politicians scamper down rabbit holes trying to avoid the buckshot. Those who control the media control the narrative, never more true than it is today, as truth becomes fiction and fiction fact.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Douglas Murray On Anti-White Racism at Cambridge University

What is the opposite of equality? It is inequality, surely. And what does inequality look like? Well that’s any time in which an outcome varied solely due to the nature of a person’s inherited characteristics.

So if two people have precisely the same qualifications and fitness for a role, but one of them has a racial or sexual difference and is either advanced or held back because of it, you could legitimately say that the subjects had been treated unequally.

Even in a country as tolerant and open as Britain, it is undeniable that historically people have been disadvantaged because of their sex, sexuality or skin colour. Roles for which they have been eminently fit and suited have been closed to them because of a characteristic over which they have no say. Not all the bad blood from this has gone away.

Of course the way to dissipate any remaining bad blood would be to visibly and consistently strive to appoint people to positions based on their merit, confident that in the course of time people of ability will rise to the positions which they deserve. But what would be the most divisive way in which to go about trying to address such inequalities? Well, that would be to very visibly and obviously create and institute a mirror version of the old system: to attempt to carve out special privileges for people who look like those who suffered discrimination in the past, and to treat with a special disdain and contempt the people who look like they might have once benefited from discrimination.

Read More


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

US Covid19 Cases Underestimated 80-Fold?

Penn State University reports:

... the number of early COVID-19 cases in the U.S. may have been more than 80 times greater and doubled nearly twice as fast as originally believed.

In a paper published today (June 22) in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers estimated the detection rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s influenza-like illnesses (ILI) surveillance data over a three week period in March 2020.

“We analyzed each state’s ILI cases to estimate the number that could not be attributed to influenza and were in excess of seasonal baseline levels,” said Justin Silverman, assistant professor in Penn State’s College of Information Sciences and Technology and Department of Medicine. “When you subtract these out, you’re left with what we're calling excess ILI – cases that can't be explained by either influenza or the typical seasonal variation of respiratory pathogens.”

The researchers found that the excess ILI showed a nearly perfect correlation with the spread of COVID-19 around the country.

Said Silverman, “This suggests that ILI data is capturing COVID cases, and there appears to be a much greater undiagnosed population than originally thought.”

Remarkably, the size of the observed surge of excess ILI corresponds to more than 8.7 million new cases during the last three weeks of March, compared to the roughly 100,000 cases that were officially reported during the same time period.
The report continues:

...the researchers’ model suggested that [in New York] at least 9% of the state’s entire population was infected by the end of March. After the state conducted antibody testing on 3,000 residents, they found a 13.9% infection rate, or 2.7 million New Yorkers.
The authors of the study, which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine conclude that:

...“Our results suggest that the overwhelming effects of COVID-19 may have less to do with the virus’ lethality and more to do with how quickly it was able to spread through communities initially... A lower fatality rate coupled with a higher prevalence of disease and rapid growth of regional epidemics provides an alternative explanation to the large number of deaths and overcrowding of hospitals we have seen in certain areas of the world.”

ZH: "This Is Not Just Accidental": How One Coronavirus Mutation Helped The Virus Conquer The Globe
YDN: Long periods of lockdown could weaken the immune system and leave people more vulnerable to dangerous viruses, Oxford epidemiologist warns
YDN: Coronavirus genome found in Spain wastewater samples from March 2019, scientists reveal
ZH: Coronavirus Causes Weaponized 'Tentacles' To Sprout From Infected Cells, Directly Inject Virus Into New Ones
ZH: "Disturbing Parallel To HIV": COVID-19 Can Cause Depletion Of Important Immune Cells, NY Times Admits

Of Plagues and Lockdowns Past

In his account of the year 1606 in English history, James Shapiro writes of the resurgence of plague in London in July of that year. With plague deaths in excess of 40 a week, the theatres were closed, including that of Shakespeare's company, the Kings Men, who lowered the flag at the Globe and locked the playhouse doors.

Under the applicable regulations, those in a household with an infected person were compelled to remain at home in quarantine. Those caught escaping from a quarantined house

who did not have the marks of plague on them could be whipped and those with visible plague sores were guilty of a felony and subject to execution.
Which makes the practice in Wuhan of enforcing quarantines by nailing up doors with two-by-fours seem mild in comparison.

Recession Social Distancing: Source
By the fall, the Lord Mayor of London, like Covid-encumbered Donald Trump today, faced accusations of failing to take "meet care in repressing the contagion of the plague."

Among those inadequate measures, the City had ordered that doors of infected households be painted with a red cross. However, it was said that too many were washing the paint off, prompting the Lord Mayor to promise the use of oil-based, not water-based, paint in the future.

By October, the death rate was averaging over 150 a week and diplomats, including the Venetian Ambassador, were departing. In response to the growing crisis, the Lord Mayor promised to expel beggars from the city, and to post watchmen outside every infected house, thereby "suffering no person to go more out of the said house."

Meantime, those attending on the sick, which is to say the UberEats and GrubHub of the day, were required to carry a yard-long red stick, thereby to prompt other users of the public space to social distance.

CBS: Washington state to require face masks after county runs out of hospital beds

Never Heard of This Guy Until Bezos Banned Him

ZH: Social Credit Scores Are Already Here
ZH: Gab CEO Warns VIsa Is Helping To Bring China's "Social Credit Score" To America

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Covid Conspiracies

Covid 19 may be among the latest in a long line of viruses that have jumped the species barrier from animal to man, in this case from a bat, either directly, or via an intermediate host. There are grounds, however, to suggest that the transition was by way of a virology lab engaged in so-called gain-of-function research, which is to say research aimed at increasing the infectivity or virulence or both of the virus.

If it is the case that Covid19 crossed the species barrier by way of a virology lab, a question that arises is whether the virus was loosed on the world accidentally, as is perfectly possible, or deliberately.

On the assumption that it was released deliberately, a multitude of possibilities arise as to motive. Covid19 is highly infectious, and it kills, yet it lacks the killing power to significantly depopulate either a targeted state or the entire world. What it does effectively, however, when combined with media and political hype, is scare people. Logically, therefore, if the virus was intentionally released from the laboratory, scaring people must have been the reason for its release.

But if the virus was released to scare people, to what end was this done? Several answers have been discussed, including various political and economic theories: for example, to impoverish the workers, by compelling acceptance of an economic shutdown and the resultant sky high unemployment, thereby driving incomes down, while justifying the funneling of trillions of dollars to banksters, speculators and corporate fat cats.
Via Zero  Hedge:
EU Car Sales Crash 57% In May
Another idea is that the Covid Recession is aimed at permanently reducing consumption, in particular energy consumption, thereby moderating human-caused climate change.

Another theory is that the largely innocuous Covid19 was released to better prepare the world to deal with far deadlier viral pathogens to come, the latter arising either spontaneously or lab-created and deployed as warfare agents. To that end, much is being made of the importance of so-called "track and trace" operations to identify and contain outbreaks. Currently, such work depends chiefly on interviews with infected individuals about their past contacts. The future of such operations, however, will be entirely automated and proactive. Tracking software is already available from Apple and Google, and the Government of Canada is offering its own product.

Currently, the use tracking software is voluntary, but one would be naive to assume that it will remain voluntary when there is a virus on the loose with the ability to kill a substantial proportion of those infected. Current voluntary use of the tracking apps will allow their further development. Combined with software capable of handling gigantic quantities of data, the apps will make possible 24/7 monitoring of a person's location and hence their contacts with other persons being tracked. The software will then be able to issue notifications, warnings, and instructions, (e.g., to go into isolation) as the result of contact with those found to be infected. The system would also, presumably, issue notices of penalties for breach of lock-down or quarantine.

In a new and even more frightening epidemic, the use of tracking apps will seem desirable and even necessary to most people. Their use will then be made mandatory. Those without a cell phone will be required to have an implanted tracking chip. Meantime, there will be increased reliance on online payment systems, thus allowing general application of the Chinese method of social control by denial of banking services -- i.e., the means to engage in any financial transaction including the purchase of food, to be imposed for any legal infraction including breaches of lock-down or quarantine.

In due course, the system will be broadened. Contact with, say, known drug dealers, or handlers of stolen goods, or advocates or, depending on which way the political wind is blowing, opponents of Black Lives Matter, will be noted and appropriate police action taken.

Covid19 thus looks like a Trojan horse. Not too dangerous. Something we can experiment with. Until, the real significance of the thing becomes apparent and Western man's brief age of freedom is over.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Covid19 Was Genetically Engineered For Increased Infectivity

From: Tech Start-Up:

Just after we thought the question about the origin of coronavirus has been settled, a new study from Norwegian virologist Birger Sørensen is now reigniting the debate about the possible origin of the deadly coronavirus. In a new peer-reviewed paper published together with Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital at the University of London, Sorensen claimed the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is not natural in origin.

According to the study, which was published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics, the authors found that the coronavirus’s spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted. “The inserted sequences should never have been published. Had it been today, it would never have happened. It was a big mistake the Chinese made. The inserted sequences have a functionality that we describe. We explain why they are essential. But the Chinese pointed to them first,” Sørensen told the NRK.
Off Guardian: AUDIO: The Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative
Daniele Pizzati: German Official Leaks Ministry of Interior Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’

Craig Murray, Novichok, British Government Bollocks, and Dog Shit

Craig Murray, the former British diplomat ousted by the Blair Government from his post as UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and indeed from his Foreign Office employment, for obstinate objection to the receipt of intelligence from hideous torture carried out by the then Uzbek regime of Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov, recently updated his evaluation of the Salisbury Novichok poisoning saga:

Pure: Ten Points I Just Can’t Believe About the Official Skripal Narrative

In which connection, it may be helpful to explain that the word "Pure" was a term used in Victorian England by collectors of dog shit. This material was apparently gathered from the streets of London and other cities and sold at a shilling a bucket to tanneries where it was rubbed into leather as part of the tanning process. Presumably it is in that sense that Murray uses the term here. 

Today, the tanning industry has dispensed with Pure, instead relying on salts of chromium and other substances, which in a way seems unfortunate since:
Americans have  83 Million pet dogs,
They, the dogs that is, produce 10.6 million tons of shit every year,
One gram of dog shit contains 23 million bacteria,
Studies have attributed 20-30% of the bacteria in urban watersheds to dog shit,
Air samples in Cleveland and Detroit contain bacteria that are 10-50% from dog shit.
More recent still, is Murray's Skripal Affair blog post:

The Miracle of Salisbury: The BBC Enters 'Propaganda Hall Of Fame' With Skripals Story


Sunday, June 14, 2020

UC Berkeley History Department Confirms It Is Staffed by Anti-White Bigots

Recently, an anonymous letter purporting to be from a colored member of the University of California, Berkeley History faculty began:

I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely, and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field.

In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.

In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.

Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders. Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.

The claim that the difficulties that the black community faces are entirely causally explained by exogenous factors in the form of white systemic racism, white supremacy, and other forms of white discrimination remains a problematic hypothesis that should be vigorously challenged by historians. Instead, it is being treated as an axiomatic and actionable truth without serious consideration of its profound flaws, or its worrying implication of total black impotence. This hypothesis is transforming our institution and our culture, without any space for dissent outside of a tightly policed, narrow discourse.

A counternarrative exists...

Read more

Absurdly, the University of California, Birkerley History Faculty confirmed the letter writer's thesis by issuing the following statement:

An anonymous letter has been circulating, purportedly written by a @UCBHistory professor. We have no evidence that this letter was written by a History faculty member. We condemn this letter: it goes against our values as a department and our commitment to equity and inclusion.

The implication is that to be an American University professor now requires slavish adherence to the PC narrative and hence a complete rejection of the ideals that underlie scholarship. America's academics are, evidently, no more than either dim-witted dupes of PC propaganda, or gutless conformists clinging to the easy life of a professor whatever the intellectual degradation, moral abandonment, and public ridicule such a position entails.

Time for smart young people to abandon the pursuit of so-called Higher Education, which has become mind-warping process of indoctrination in poisonous lies of political correctness.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. (President Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17, 1961)
The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of the corona crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a  justification to triggering a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring. 
Social engineering is being applied. Governments are pressured into extending the lockdown, despite its devastating economic and social consequences.
What is happening is unprecedented in World history. 
Prominent scientists support the lockdown without batting an eyelid, as a “solution” to a global health emergency.
Amply documented, the estimates of the COVID-19 disease including mortality are grossly manipulated. 
In turn, people are obeying their governments. Why? Because they are afraid? 
Causes versus solutions?
The closing down of national economies applied Worldwide will inevitably result in poverty, mass unemployment and an increase in mortality. It’s an act of economic warfare. 
Stage One: Trade War against China
On January  30, 2020 the WHO Director General determined that the coronavirus outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The decision was taken on the basis of 150 confirmed cases outside China, First cases of person to person transmission: 6 cases in the US, 3 cases in Canada, 2 in the UK.
The WHO Director General had the backing of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The decision for the WHO to declare a Global Emergency was taken on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland  (January 21-24).
One day later (January 31) following the launch of the WHO Global Emergency, The Trump administration announced that it will deny entry to foreign nationals “who have traveled in China in the last 14 days”. This immediately triggered a crisis in air transportation, China-US trade as well as the tourism industry. Italy followed suit, cancelling all flights to China on January 31.
The first stage was accompanied by the disruption of trade relations with China as well as a partial closedown of export manufacturing sector.
Swiss Policy Research: Facts about Covid-19

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Death of the West: The Four Horsemen of America's Apocalypse

By Dennis Prager

Real Clear Politics, June 2020: 

It takes a lot to build a civilization, and though it is much easier to destroy a civilization, it takes a lot to do that, too.

But now we have four roots of evil that are guaranteed to do so.

No. 1: Victimhood

The first is victimhood. The more people who regard themselves as victims -- as individuals or as a group -- the more likely they are to commit evil. People who think of themselves as victims feel that, having been victimized, they are no longer bound by normal moral conventions -- especially the moral conventions of their alleged or real oppressors.

Everyone knows this is true. But few confront this truth. Every parent, for example, knows that the child who thinks of him or herself as a perpetual victim is the child most likely to cause and get into trouble. And criminologists report that nearly every murderer in prison thinks of himself as a victim.

On a societal scale, the same holds true -- and being on such a larger scale, the chances of real evil ensuing are exponentially increased. One of the most obvious examples is Germany after World War I. Most Germans regarded themselves as victims -- of the Treaty of Versailles; of a "stab in the back" German government; of the British, Americans and French; and, of course, of the Jews. This sense of victimhood was one of the most important factors in the popularity of the Nazis, who promised to restore German dignity.

That millions of black Americans regard themselves as victims -- probably more so today than at any time in the past 50 years -- can only lead to disaster for America generally and for blacks specifically. While victims generally feel free to lash out at others, they also go through life angry and unhappy.

No. 2: Demonization

The second of the four ingredients of this civilization-destroying witches' brew is demonization -- demonizing a group as inherently evil.

That is being done now with regard to the white people of America. All -- again, all -- whites are declared racist. The only difference among them is that some admit it and some deny it. The notion that whites are inherently evil has long been associated with Louis Farrakhan. But it has apparently migrated out from his relatively small following to many blacks, even those who might consider Farrakhan a kook. Former President Barack Obama, hardly a Farrakhan follower, described America as having racism in its DNA. That is as close to inherently and irredeemably evil as it gets; you cannot change your DNA.

In that sense, not only are whites demonized, but America is, too. Unlike traditional liberals, the left regards America as a moral cesspool -- not only racist but, according to The New York Times, founded to be so. The New York Times has created a history of America that declares its founding not in 1776 but in 1619, when the first black slaves arrived. The American Revolution was fought, according to this malign narrative, not merely for American independence but in order to preserve slavery, a practice the British would have interfered with. This "history" will now be taught in thousands of American schools.

The combination of victimhood and demonization alone is dangerous enough. But there are still two more horsemen galloping toward the looming apocalypse.

No. 3: A Cause To Believe In

Most Americans throughout American history found great meaning in being American and in being religious -- usually Christian. Since World War II, we have lived in a post-Christian, post-nationalist age. Until very recently, Americans would have found the expression "for God and country" deeply meaningful; that term today, on the left, is risible and execrable.

But people need something to believe in. The need for meaning is the greatest human need after the need for food. Leftism, with all its offshoots -- feminism, environmentalism, Black Lives Matter, antifa -- has filled that vacuum. In Europe, communism, fascism and Nazism filled the hole left by the demise of nationalism and Christianity. Here it is leftism and its offshoots.

No. 4: Lies

The fourth and most important ingredient necessary for evil is lies. Lies are the root of evil. Ironically, slavery itself was made possible only because of the lie that the black was inferior to the white. Nazism was made possible thanks to the lie that Jews were not fully human. And communism was built on lies. Lenin, the father of Soviet Communism, named the Soviet communist newspaper "Truth" ("Pravda") because truth was what the Communist Party said it was.

The New York Times, CNN and the rest of the mainstream "news" media are becoming our version of Pravda.
Objective truth doesn't exist on the left. The universities have already declared "objective truth" as essentially an expression of "white privilege." See what happens to a student who says in class, for example, that "men cannot give birth."

The public self-debasement demanded of anyone who differs with the left -- like New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees just did when he said not standing for the national anthem desecrated the flag and those who have died for it -- happens almost daily. The only difference between this and what dissidents underwent during Mao's Cultural Revolution is that the self-debasement here is voluntary -- thus far.

Last week, when this Jew saw a store in Santa Monica with a sign reading "black-owned business" so as to avoid being destroyed, it evoked chilling memories.

That's how bad it is in America today.


Washington Times: D.C. mayor sued over 'Black Lives Matter' on street to White House

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Churchill Was a Racist for Good and Obvious Reasons

The man who defeated the Nazis is a Nazi now?
The Western world is tearing itself apart. Hatred for the dominant racial group, the Europeans, is boiling over as settler immigrants, backed by foolish or corrupt white liberal enablers, seize the opportunity created by an anti-racist hysteria, to enhance their own status, wealth and power over that of the indigenous people.

Churchill understood that if allowed to enter Europe in large numbers the alien settler, whether Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Confucian, would seek to establish their race, their culture, their religion in place of the native peoples of Europe, their culture and their religion.

Hence, naturally, the hatred of Churchill by the immigrants that depraved or insane politicians and their demented white supporters have allowed to enter Europe's narrow borders in numbers that cannot possibly be assimilated to the native nations of Europe.

Systemic racism is the basis of every nation state. Try insisting otherwise to the Chinese, the Indians, the South Africans, or the people of any other country you care to name, and see how quickly they invite in the teaming masses from the slums of London or Glasgow, New York or Chicago.

Anti-racism is the ideology of the globalists: smash the nation state and the money power will exercise control through the corrupt global and multi-national institutions such as the UN, the WHO, NATO, the EU, and dozens of others.

In Canada, systemic racism is the very basis of the state. The stability and unity of the Canadian confederation, a creation of the British-born Sir John A. MacDonald, depends on the acquiescence of the four-hundred-year-old French colony of Quebec. Hence, respect the nation, i.e., the institutions, the language and the traditions of the French nation in North America, was  the mantra of Canada's founding fathers.

Likewise, Canada's relations with the indigenous peoples, Indian and Innuit, depends on respect for these so-called first nations, their racial integrity as reflected in their right to control who may live on native land, and their right to their own institutions of government.

Without systemic racism, no nation can stand. Anti-racists are dupes or agents of a globalist conspiracy to destroy the European nations:  a conspiracy for the genocide of the European peoples as both racial and cultural entities.

ZH: Cornell Law Prof Says There's A "Coordinated Effort" To Have Him Fired After He Criticized Black Lives Matter
ZH: Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative
Patrick Buchanan: Will Churchill’s Statue Be Next to Fall?
AmConMag:What Is ‘Systemic Racism,’ Really?

The underlying essence of the narrative is an increasingly brutal and incendiary polemical assault on a demographic segment of the nation–white people. They are guilty, it is said with increasing aggressiveness, for the sins of their forebears, for the racism of the past. And they must confess their guilt and seek absolution through self-abasement.

Read more

Gilad Atzmon: Weimar 2020
Maverick Philosopher: 'Systemic Racism' is a Vicious, Hate-America, Leftist Myth
HideOutNow: Black Lives Matter ‘What We Believe’ Page: ‘Disrupt The Western-Prescribed Nuclear Family,’ ‘Dismantle Cisgender Privilege’
ZH: BLM Protesters Vandalize Abraham Lincoln Statue In London

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Amazing Stupidity of Social Media Censorship

Olga Shirnina, a photo colorist, had her Facebook account suspended for three days — for posting a colorized version of Evgenei Khaldei’s iconic photo of Soviet soldiers raising their flag above the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945.

As Station Gossip reports, "her appeal against the decision was rejected and she was able to use her account with more than 20,000 followers only after waiting three days, then sending a scan of her driver’s license, which Facebook requested to confirm her identity."

But the good news is that none of of the social media companies have yet seen fit to ban this picture of the worst of the Soviet Commie Killers: Josef Stalin, Mikhail Kalinin (wearing glasses), Kliment Voroshilov and Lazar Kaganovich (left to right) responsible for, among other atrocities of the 1940 execution of 22,000 Polish military officers, policemen, and academics (the Katyn massacre).